Its All About Choices!
Its All About Choices!
Its All About Choices!
My Beloved Child, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. Listen to
Me, My Little One! Just as you hear the clock ticking in your kitchen, the clock is also
ticking for My people. Just as you have heard My voice speaking to you about the wake-
up call that I have given through the Mel Gibson movie, you have also heard Me say
over and over, Time is running out for My people. Just as I have given David Booth the
same warning for ten nights in a row, I have given My people the same kinds of
warnings and messages through you, now into the tenth book. My words to you are, My
Child, that time is running out for My people. The day and the hour of judgement is
approaching for all of humanity.
Father, I know that we are facing grave situations on the Earth. Yellowstone could blow
any day. We are looking at wars and more wars. The whole world is on the verge of an
economic collapse.
And with reason, My Child. For, the world, as you know it, is coming to an end. People
have spent their time getting spiritually prepared and ready for the return of My Son, or
they have flitted away their time and energies on the vanities of the world. There is no
in-between. They are for real with Me and My Son, or they are lost in the world of
illusion. There is no in-between. You are either for Me or against Me. Lukewarm, I
despise! So, where does this leave most of humanity?
Out in the cold.
Tis so.
Father, the Earth is now wobbling severely.
It is. And, next it is turned upside down.
But, Father, still you do not say how long we have.
I do not. When I told Noah to get into the ark, did I tell everyone else?
No, my Father.
So, why should I tell those, who do not love Me and who do not serve Me?
I understand, Father.
But, My Little One, those, who have taken these works seriously will be prepared
spiritually and physically to remain, or to go home. These are the wise ones. But, the
rest will not be prepared; for they are foolish. If they have not prepared by this late hour,
will they take these words seriously and get prepared now? The foolish will be foolish
and the days of the foolish are fast coming to an end. But, My wise I will continue to
guide and it will be on a one-to-one basis. My wise ones will hear Me and they will obey
Me. The foolish will not. I will not continue to cast pearls before the swine, who trample
on them and render them useless. Tis true that My words through you have blessed the
wise and the foolish alike. But, at this late hour, the foolish will go their own way and the
wise theirs. When it is time to go into the ark, the wise will know, but the foolish will
perish. I have much to speak to the wise, but My days of warning the foolish are coming
to an end.
Through these works, My Child, I have blessed many and will continue to bless, even
after the flipping of the Earth. For, the wise will make copies of all of the works, even
and especially the fulfilled prophecies. And, in their time of quiet and rest, they will read
these words again and they will be blessed over and over again. But, the foolish will
perish and into darkness they will go.
Now, My Child, you must wonder why I am going to such great lengths to speak of the
wise and the foolish. Remember that the wise virgins have oil in their lamps and the
foolish do not. In other words, they are spiritually clean, but also physically prepared.
These are the wise ones. The foolish say, I will not prepare. Let tomorrow take care of
itself. But, the wise know that when the Earth is turned upside down and few are left that
there will also be little to eat. There will be no fuel for lamps. No oil. So, they prepare.
They have oil and they have food.
Yes, My Child, I gave David Booth the same warning for ten nights in a row and his
dream/vision is about the return of Niburu and the eruption of Yellowstone and the
flipping of the Earth. He wrote these things into a book to sell to the people and he went
onto the radio and did freely share this warning. Yet, when others criticized him, he
folded up. Why?
Because, Father, he probably felt that people were ungrateful and did not like his putting
these things into book form and selling them!
My Child, he was persecuted for what he was doing and he folded up!
But, Father, in a sense I understand.
I know you do, My Child; for few, very few would go through what you have gone
through and continue on. Most would not continue to stand and to fight when faced with
such persecution. They would give up.
But, Father, when we give up, we do not grow spiritually.
Tis so. Nevertleless, My Child, most would not weather the persecution very long to get
the truth out.
Father, I know, but still I understand how David Booth feels about this persecution. He
believes that most want something for nothing and that most do not appreciate what is
freely given. And, Father, I, too, believe that this is true for most people today. Most, but
definitely not all.
Father, I feel so badly that this world is in this mess and that so many have become
selfish and greedy, not only wanting something for nothing, they expect it. But, Father,
even so, with all that You and our Lord Jesus have given me for the people, it is still up
to each one to do what is right. No one can get spiritual growth from another person.
Each of us must stand on our own two feet and we must do what is right before You.
We cannot cheat our way into a spiritual connection with You and our Lord. This Way is
based upon truth and honor and the rest fall by the way.
So, Father, I do understand how David Booth feels about the criticism, which is directed
toward his warning. We have been sorely criticized by some for selling Books Five and
Six, which You and our Lord told us to sell! Yes, Father, I know that there are many,
many takers in this world. Greed is rampant! But, I also understand, Father, that we
reap what we sow and as You have freely given to us, we have freely given. We do not
expect anything in return, Father. If people help, we are grateful, but if not, we accept it
as well. For, this is a work of love, Father and we do not expect anything from others.
Father, I hope and pray for the salvation of the greatest numbers of souls. And, in my
heart of hearts, I feel that this Book X may very well be the last book for the masses as I
can see the severity of the times!
Yes, My Child, you can see the severity of the times. You can see the feeding frenzy of
evil and it is escalating all the time. It is time for Mine to draw close to me and to get
prepared to enter into the ark; for there is precious little time left for all of humanity. I am
your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
Part Three
Choosing to do Right with what we are given!
My Little One, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. You come to
Me today, My Child, with questions about your conversation with Me on March 01,
2004. And, as you are now going forward with typing what has been previously given,
you have questions about My words regarding one David Booth and his revelations of
his dream/vision.
Yes, I do.
And, I have told you that I have given him this vision.
You did, Father.
Yet, My Child, at the time of My conversation with you, you only knew what I told you
and what you heard from listening to his radio interviews.
This is so, Father and I wondered why so many would give this man coverage from this
dream/vision when so few would have me on their shows, and You have given me
many hundreds if not thousands of visions, plus dreams, and so many have come to
Oh, My Little One, this is the way of the world. When most are given a few dreams or
visions, they begin to usurp power. They begin to usurp authority and while they may
start out on the right track, with only a desire to share what is given and to inform the
world, most get off track. They get bloated with self and ego and they get caught up in
greed. Now, with David Booth, he had a sincere desire to share this experience at first
and he felt an urgency in his heart about what is truly coming to pass. Yet, in his haste,
he began to undermine the truth. In his book, he stole the words of others and used
them as his own. He devised a scheme in his heart to debase Me and My words and
this became his downfall. Nevertheless, I sent him forth and at first his desires were
sincere, that is to share this experience, this warning. But, as he devised mischief
against Me, I allowed him to set himself up for a fall. He got carried away with ego, My
Child, and this was all to his demise. Then, I put him to tests and he failed them all. So,
while he started out with a real warning and a real message, his purposes became
contorted and twisted and he did a lot of harm. He reaped a great deal of criticism upon
himself, some justified and some not justified; for, his purposes became warped and
crooked and he, himself, set up his own demise. Yet, My Child, he always had a choice
as to whether he would take what was given and be truthful and honest, or whether he
would take it and twist it for his own greed and glory. What started out as a blessing
turned into a cursing for him as he chose the crooked way.
My Little One, I would use many, many for My purposes, but whom can I trust to serve Me
without selfish agendas? And, so it is My Child, that this man has fallen because of his own
misuse of truths. Let all be the wiser. I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God.
Chapter Five
Not by Chance, by My Design!
Part I
My Little One, I am your Father in Heaven, yea Jehovah, Most High God. My Child,
remember the night of March 04, 2004; for on this night I opened a very special and
very powerful avenue for My people that has been heretofore closed. You experienced
the violent storm, which was preceded by violent sunspot activity.
Yes, Father, this was a very violent and fast-moving thunderstorm with high winds.
When the winds were at their height, I walked the length of this little house praying in
tongues. And by the time that I got to the end of the house, I looked up to see the most
awesome angel, who must have been 100 feet tall. A great radiance of pure, white light
shone upon this angel and bathed this angel and the moment I saw this angel, the wind
stopped and all became very still. Father, this was so amazing and absolutely beautiful
and I will always be thankful for this beautiful angel and for Your power, which came
through this angel. And, Father, I felt such a power come upon me, so that when I sat
down in my usual prayer chair, I saw a whirl of fire. Oh, this was a beautiful, rainbow fire
with many colors and this fire was so powerful! Then, when I went to bed, this fire
followed me and came to rest above my body and after a while I was in the fire and the
fire was in me. And, it seemed that I was engulfed in this fire and even consumed in it,
but it was the most beautiful experience! At times, this fire was absolutely white, while at
other times, it was the most beautiful kaleidoscope of colors. Even today, I feel the
power from this fire and Father, this is a beautiful thing; but even so, Father, I do not
understand what I have seen or experienced, only that this has been a beautiful thing,
Father and that I love You so!
My Little One, you know that 6+6=12.
Yes, my Father.
And, you know, My Child, that My creation is orderly. The universes are orderly. The
makeup of all things is orderly and according to My holy design.
Yes, my Father.
And, My Child, you know that this is a system of mathematics, that all is based on
mathematics and by My own design I have created things this way.
Yes, my Father, I know these things.
And, you know, My Child, that what has happened to you is not by chance, but by My
Yes, my Father.
And, I have told you, My Child, that there would come a time and soon when I would put
My fire on you and that others would also see this fire.
Yes, my Father, You have said it; but I do not believe that anyone, but me would have
seen this fire last night.
Tis true; for no one would have, but in due season others will and they will be afraid
when they see this fire and some will fall down from fright. And, others will be healed,
delivered and set free. Understand?
Yes, my Father, You have told me these things and I accept what You say, but as I
have never experienced this, it is hard for me to imagine it.
But, even so, I have told you these things and I am telling you again that on the night of
March 04, 2004, an interdimensional shift took place, which will affect many. This
interdimensional shift will particularly affect those, who really love Me and My Son and
who honor Me through obedience to My laws. This interdimensional shift is going to
affect many people the world over; for not only have I given you this very special gift,
but I will begin to bestow My power and gifts upon many all over the world. Yes, My
Child, you see it in the Spirit. And, to you it is as if something cracked or broke and in a
sense this is so, but not altogether accurate. It would be better described as turning a
key to a different position on a mantle. By inserting and turning this key, the vibratory
rate has been altered. It has been elevated somewhat.
Father, this is what they wanted to do in the pyramid with the crystal. They wanted to
raise the vibratory rate and to alter the course or timing of the coming of Planet X, or
Yes, My Child, this is so; but this has not been done by them, but by Me. And, I have
done this that the greatest numbers of souls may be saved, as you have prayed so
often, that there will be a mass turning back to what is true and right before huge
numbers of souls exit this planet. Now, My Child, admittedly, there is not much time; but
this shift will allow for a shift in the consciousness that is needed for this change, for this
transition in the human race.
But, Father, did this have anything to do with this storm?
Yes, and for reasons that I will not go into right now.
What more should people know, Father?
My Child, they should know that I love them very much and I do not delight in
destruction of this planet. But, societies the world over have become so wicked that I
must judge this evil. However, because of My love for humanity, I have caused this
thing and I have also begun to pour out My fire in you as I have promised.
My Child, dire times are at hand for the whole Earth. The warnings have gone out for
many years but few take them seriously anymore. Yet, the righteous will take them
seriously and they will do as I have commanded. I am your Father in Heaven, yea
Jehovah, Most High God.