ME 7th Sem

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Introduction to CAD/CAED/CAE, Elements of CAD, Essential requirements of CAD,
Concepts of integrated CAD/CAM, Necessity & its importance, Engineering Applications
Computer Graphics-I
CAD/CAM systems, Graphics Input devices-cursor control Devices, Digitizers, Keyboard
terminals, Image scanner, Speech control devices and Touch, panels, Graphics display
devices-Cathode Ray Tube, Random & Raster scan display, Colour CRT monitors,
Direct View Storage Tubes, Flat Panel display, Hard copy printers and plotters
Computer Graphics-II
Graphics standards, Graphics Software, Software Configuration, Graphics Functions,
Output primitives- Bresenhams line drawing algorithm and Bresenhams circle
generating algorithm 4
Geometric Transformations:
World/device Coordinate Representation, Windowing and clipping, 2 D Geometric
transformations-Translation, Scaling, Shearing, Rotation & Reflection Matrix
representation, Composite transformation, 3 D transformations, multiple transformation 4
Curves representation, Properties of curve design and representation, Interpolation vs
approximation, Parametric representation of analytic curves, Parametric continuity
conditions, Parametric representation of synthetic curves-Hermite cubic splines-Blending
function formulation and its properties, Bezier curves-Blending function formulation and
its properties, Composite Bezier curves, B-spline curves and its properties, Periodic and
non-periodic B-spline curves
3D Graphics:
Polygon surfaces-Polygon mesh representations, Quadric and Superquadric surfaces
and blobby objects; Solid modeling-Solid entities, Fundamentals of Solid modeling-Set
theory, regularized set operations; Half spaces, Boundary representation, Constructive
solid geometry, Sweep representation, Color models
Application commands for AutoCAD &ProE software
Numerical Methods:
Introduction, Errors in numbers, Binary representation of numbers, Root finding-
Bisection method, Newton Raphson method, Curve fitting-Least square method,
Numerical differentiation-Newtons interpolation, Numerical Integration-Trapezoidal and
Simpson method
Finite Element Method:
Introduction, Principles of Finite elements modeling, Stiffness matrix/displacement
matrix, Stiffness matrix for spring system, bar & beam elements, bar elements in 2D
space (truss element)
Books & References:
1. Computer Graphics Hearn & Baker Prentice Hall of India
2. Computer Aided Engineering Design AnupamSaxena& B.
Anamaya Publishers
3. CAD/CAM HP Groover& EW
Zimmers, Jr.
Prentice Hall India Ltd.
4. CAD/CAM Theory and Practice Ibrahim Zeid& R
McGraw Hill
5. Computer Aided Design RK Srivastava Umesh Publications
6. Mathematical Elements for Computer
DF Rogers & JA Adams McGraw Hill
7. Finite Element Method SS Rao
8. FE Analysis Theory and Programming CS Krishnamoorthy Tata McGraw Hill
9. Numerical Method for Engg Computation MK Jain, SRK Iyenger&
RK Jain
Wiley Eastern Limited
10. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods V Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India
EME -702
Power Unit and Gear Box:
Principles of Design of main components.Valve mechanism. Power and Torque
characteristics. Rolling, air and gradient resistance.Tractive effort. Gear Box. Gear ratio
determination. Design of Gear box. 7
Transmission System:
Requirements.Clutches.Toque converters. Over Drive and free wheel, Universal
joint. Differential Gear Mechanism of Rear Axle. Automatic transmission, Steering and
Front Axle. Castor Angle, wheel camber & Toe-in, Toe-out etc..Steering geometry.
Ackerman mechanism, Understeer and Oversteer. 8
Braking System:
General requirements, Road, tyre adhesion, weight transfer, Braking ratio.
Mechanical brakes, Hydraulic brakes.Vacuum and air brakes.Thermal aspects. 5
Chasis and Suspension System:
Loads on the frame.Strength and stiffness.Various suspension systems. 3
Electrical System :
Types of starting motors, generator & regulators, lighting system, Ignition system,
Horn, Battery etc. 5
Fuel Supply System:
Diesel & Petrol vehicle system such as Fuel Injection Pump, Injector & Fuel
Pump, Carburetor etc.MPFI. 4
Automobile Air Conditioning:
Requirements, Cooling & heating systems. 2
Cooling & Lubrication System:
Different type of cooling system and lubrication system. 2
Maintenance system:
Preventive maintenance, break down maintenance and over hauling. 2
1. Automotive Engineering- Hietner
2. Automobile Engineering - Kripal Singh.
3. Automobile Engineering - Narang.
4. Automotive Mechanics- Crouse
5. Automobile Engineering - Newton and Steeds.

Total TEN Experiments are to carried out. FIVE Experiments each from CAD and
A. CAD Experiments
1. Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and validation of computer
2. Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for translation/rotation/scaling:
Writing and validation of computer program.
3. Design of machine component or other system experiment: Writing and
validation of computer program.
4. Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software commands.
5. Pro/E/Idea etc. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine component
6. Writing a small program for FEM for 2 spring system and validation of program
or using a fem Package
7. Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and validation of computer
8. Numerical differentiation or numerical integration experiment: Writing and
validation of computer program.
B. CAM Experiments
1. To study the characteristic features of CNC machine
2. Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for turning operation
(including operations such as grooving and threading) and running on CNC
3. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for drilling
operation (point to point) and running on CNC machine
4. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for milling
operation (contouring) and running on CNC machine
5. Experiment on Robot and programs
6. Experiment on Transfer line/Material handling
7. Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, study or
8. Experiment on study of system devices such as motors and feed back devices
9. Experiment on Mecatronics and controls
0 0 2
Experiments : Say minimum 10 experiments out of following in depth and details.
1. Performance Analysis of Four stroke S.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and
brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy
2. Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test.
3. Performance Analysis of Four stroke C.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and
brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy
4. Study & experiment on Valve mechanism.
5. Study & experiment on Gear Box.
6. Study & experiment on Differential Gear Mechanism of Rear Axle.
7. Study & experiment on Steering Mechanism.
8. Study & experiment on Automobile Braking System.
9. Study & experiment on Chassis and Suspension System.
10. Study & experiment on Ignition system of I.C. Engine.
11. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of S.I. Engines- Carburetor, Fuel
Injection Pump and MPFI.
12. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of C.I. Engines- Injector & Fuel
13. Study & experiment on Air Conditioning System of an Automobile.
14. Comparative study of technical specifications of common small cars (such as
Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20, CheverletAveo, Tata Indica, Ford Fusion etc.
15. Comparative study & technical features of common scooters & motorcycles
available in India.
16. Visit of an Automobile factory.
17. Visit to a Modern Automobile Workshop.
18. Experiment on Engine Tuning.
19. Experiment on Exhaust Gas Analysis of an I.C. Engine.

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Introduction to CAM; Automated Manufacturing system; Need of automation, Basic
elements of automation, Levels of automation, Automation Strategies, Advantages &
disadvantages of automation, Historical development and future trends. 4
Features of NC Machines-
Fundamental of Numerical Control, elements of NC machine tools, classification of NC
machine tools, Advantages, suitability and limitations of NC machine tools, Application of
NC system, Methods for improving Accuracy considering the factors such as tool
deflection and chatter and Productivity. 3
NC Part Programming-
(a) Manual (word address format) programming. Examples Drilling, Turning and Milling;
Canned cycles, Subroutine, and Macro.5
(b) APT programming. Geometry, Motion and Additional statements, Macro- statement.4
System Devices
Introduction to DC motors, stepping motors, feed back devices such as encoder,
counting devices, digital to analog converter and vice versa. 3
Digital differential Integrator-Principle of operation, exponential decelarion; DDA
Hardware Interpolator- Linear, Circular; DDA Software Interpolator.4
Control of NC Systems
Open and closed loops. Control of point to point systems- Incremental open loop
control, Incremental close loop, Absolute close loop; Control loop in contouring systems;
Adaptive control.3
Computer Integrated Manufacturing system
Group Technology, Flexible Manufacturing System, CIM, CAD/CAM, Computer aided
process planning-Retrieval and Generative, Concept of Mechatronics, Computer aided
Types and generations of Robots, Structure and operation of Robot, Robot applications.
Economics, Robot programming methods.VAL and AML with examples.6
Intelligent Manufacturing
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence for Intelligent manufacturing.2
1. Automation, Production Systems and Computer Integrated Manufacturing by Mikell P.
2. Computer Aided Manufacturing by Kundra and Rao
3. Computer control of Manufacturing systems by Koren
4. NC Machine Tools by S.J. Martin.
5. NC Machines by Koren
6. CAD/CAM by Groover

Introduction: Basics of Operations Research 1
Linear Programming- 7
Introduction & Scope, Problem formulation, Graphical Method, Simplex methods,
primal& dual problem sensitivity analysis.
Transportation & Assignment problems.4
Deterministic Dynamic Programming- 4
Multistage decision problems & solution, Principle of optimality.
Decision theory- 4
Decision under various conditions.
Game Theory- 2
Two Person Zero sum game, Solution with / without Saddle point, Dominance Rule,
Different Methods like Algebraic, Graphical, Liner Programming
Sequencing- 2
Basic assumption, n Jobs through two / three machines, 2 Jobs on m machines.
Stochastic inventory models- 5
Single & multi period models with continuous & discrete demands, Service level &
reorder policy
Simulations- 3
Use, advantages& limitations, Monte-carlo simulation, Application to queuing,
inventory& other problems.
Queuing models- 3
Characteristics of Queuing Model, M/M/1 & M/M/S system, cost consideration
Project Management: 6
Basic concept, Rules for drawing the network diagram, Applications of CPM and
PERT techniques in Project planning and control; crashing of operations; resource
Text Books
Operations Research by :Wangner
Operations Research by :Taha
Introduction to Management Science by: Hiller & Hiller
Operations Research by : Wayne L. Winston

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Engineering process and System Approach
Basic concepts of systems, Attributes characterizing a system, system types, Application
of system concepts in Engineering, Advantages of system approach, Problems
concerning systems, Concurrent engineering, A case study-Viscous lubrication system
in wire drawing 4
Problem Formulation
Nature of engineering problems, Need statement, hierarchical nature of systems,
hierarchical nature of problem environment, problem scope and constraint, A case study:
heating duct insulation system, high speed belt drive system 4
System Theories
System Analysis, Black box approach, state theory approach, component integration
approach, Decision process approach, A case study- automobile instrumentation panel
system. 4
System modeling
Need of modeling, Model types and purpose, linear systems, mathematical modeling,
concepts, A case study compound bar system 4
Graph Modeling and Analysis
Graph Modeling and analysis process, path problem, Network flow problem, A case
study: Material handling system 4
Optimization Concepts
Optimization processes, Selection of goals and objectives-criteria, methods of
optimization, analytical, combinational, subjective. A case study: aluminium extrusion
system. 3
System Evaluation
Feasibility assessment, planning horizon, time value of money, Financial analysis, A
case study: Manufacture of maize starch system 4
Calculus Method for Optimization
Model with one decision variable, model with two decision variables, model with equality
constraints, model with inequality constraints, A case study: Optimization of an insulation
system. 4
Decision Analysis
Elements of a decision problem, decision making, under certainty, uncertainty risk and
conflict probability, density function, Expected monetary value, Utility value, Bayes
theorem, A case study: Installation of machinery
System Simulation
Simulation concepts, simulation models, computer application in simulation, spread
sheet simulation, Simulation process, problem definition, input model construction and
solution, limitation of simulation approach, A case study: Inventory control in production
1. Design and Planning of Engineering systems-DD Reredith, KV Wong, RW Woodhead,
and RR Worthman, Prentice Hall Inc., Eaglewood Cliffs, New Jerse
2. Design Engineering-JR Dixon, TMH, New Delhi
3. An Introduction to Engineering Design Method-V Gupta and PN Murthy, TMH, New Delhi
4. Engineering Design-Robert Matousck, Blackie and son ltd. Gl

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