S Pcet M.tech CAD CAM 3rd Sem
S Pcet M.tech CAD CAM 3rd Sem
S Pcet M.tech CAD CAM 3rd Sem
Recommended Books:
1. Manuals of CAD/CAM software package on CAM module and CNC machines.
2. Yoram Koren, Computer Control of Manufacturing systems, McGraw Hill, Singapore.
3. T. K. Kundra, P. N. Rao, N. K. Tewari, Numerical Control and Computer Aided Manufacture, Tata McGraw Hills, New Delhi.
4. S. Pabla, M. Adithan, CNC Machines, Willey Eastern, New Delhi.
5. Y. Koren and J. Benuri, Numerical Control of Machine Tools, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi
ME-518 L T P
3 1 -
COMPUTER HARDWARE: Introduction to architecture of graphics workstation. Graphic input Devices-Pointing and positioning devices,
Graphic Display Devices, Line and point plotting systems; Display processors, Character Generators, Hard copy output devices.
DISPLAY DESCRIPTION: Screen coordinates, user coordinates; Graphical data structures, Display code generation; Graphical functions. Two-
and three- dimensional transformations, mapping and projections.
INTERACTIVE GRAPHICAL TECHNIQUES AND TOOLS: Geometric modifiers, dragging, rubber-banding, names, Layers, Colours, Grids,
Groups. Interactive computer programming. Graphic User Interface features, design and use.
GRAPHIC MANIPULATIONS AND EDITING: Object selection methods, manipulation and editing operations.
GRAPHICS SOFTWARE PACKAGE DESIGN : Primitive (constants, actions, operators, variables), plotting and geometric transformations.
viewing, windowing and clipping algorithms.
3-D GRAPHICS: Hidden line and Surface elimination, Transparent solids, shading, colouring.
COMPUTER ANIMATION: Conventional and computer animation, Animation systems, types, and techniques.
MECHANICAL ASSEMBLY: Assembly modeling, Representation schemes, Assembly sequences, Assembly analysis.
Recommended Books:
1. Ibrahim Zeid, CAD/CAM, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. P.Radhakrishnan & C.P.Kothandaraman, Computer Graphics & Design(CADD), Dhanpat Rai Pub, New Delhi.
3. Giloi, W.K., Interactive Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall, New Delhi.
4. Harrington, S., Computer Graphics. A Programming approach, Tata McGraw- Hill, New York.
5. Newman. W.& Sproul R.F., Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill, Auckland.
6. Roy. A. Plastock and Gordvan Kally, Computer graphics (Scheme Series), McGraw Hills, New Delhi.
7. C.S.Krishnamoorathy, J.S.Rajeev. Computer Aided Design (Software and Analysis Tools), Narosa Pub House, New Delhi.
8. Rogers, D. F., Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics, McGraw Hill, New York.
9. Foley. J.D. & Van Dam. A., Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics, Addision-Wesley.
10. Hearn. D. & Baker P.H., Computer Graphics, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
11. Tosijasu, L.K., Computer Graphics, Springer-Velag, Berlin.
12. Adan and Rogers, Mathematical Element for Comptuer Graphics, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
13. Daniel L. Ryan, Computer Aided Graphics and Design, Marcel Dekker, New York.
14. R.G.S. Asthana and N.K. Sinha, Computer Graphics, New Age Internatinoal Publishers, New Delhi.
3 1 -
Introduction and overview, concept of system, system environment, element of system, system modeling, types of models, Monte Car method, system simulation, simulation-
management laboratory, advantages limitations of system, simulation, continuous and discrete systems.
Simulation of continuous systems: characteristics of a continuous system, comparison of numerical integration with continuous simulation system, Simulation of an integration
Simulation of discrete system: Time flow mechanism, discrete and continuous probability
Density function, Generation of random numbers. Testing of random numbers for randomness and for auto correlation, generation of random variates for continuous probability
distributions-binomial, normal, exponential and beta distributions, combination of discrete event and continuous models.
Simulation of queuing systems: Concept of queuing theory, characteristics of queues, stationary and time dependent queues, queue discipline, time series analysis, measure of
system performance, Kendalls notation, auto covariance and auto correlation function and effects in queuing systems, simulation of single server queues, multi server queues,
queues involving complex arrivals and service times with blanking reneging.
Simulation of inventory systems: Rudiments of inventory theory, MRP, in process inventory, Necessity of simulation in inventory problems, forecasting and regression analysis,
forecasting through simulation, generation of Poisson and Erlang variates, simulation of complex inventory situations.
Design of simulation experiments: Length of run, elimination of initial bias. Variance reduction techniques, stratified sampling, antipathetic sampling, common random numbers,
time series analysis, spectral analysis, model validation, optimization procedures, search methods, single variable deterministic case search, single variable non-deterministic case
search, regenerative techniques.
Simulation of PERT: Simulation of- maintenance and replacement problems, capacity planning production system, reliability problems, computer time sharing problem, the
elevator system,
Simulation languages: continuous and discrete simulation languages, block structured continuous languages, special purpose simulation languages, SIMSCRIPT, GPSS, SIMULA,
importance and limitations of special purpose languages.
Reference Books:
1. Simulation and modeling Loffick Tata McGraw Hill
2. System Simulation with Digital computer Deo Narsingh Prentice Hall of India
3. System Simulation Dr. D. S. Hira S.Chand & Co.
4. Computer Simulation and Modeling Meelamkavil John Willey
5. System Simulation Gordon Prentice Hall of India
ME-520 L T P
3 1 -
Introduction: Traditional process planning; process planning elements; product design evaluation; selection of tooling and process parameters;
operation sequence evaluation.
Group Technology: Introduction; advantages; part families; classification and coding systems; production flow analysis; design of machine cells.
Production Systems at Operation Level: Manufacturing support systems and concepts at the level of production processes; computer generated
time standards; machinability data system; cutting condition optimization.
Production Systems at Plant Level: Communication oriented production information and control system (COPICS); material requirements
planning; capacity planning; shop floor control and operation scheduling.
Automated Process Planning: Advantages of automated process planning; standardization of manufacturing process plans; variant process
planning; its features; and different stages; different variant systems; advantages and limitations of varient process planning; generative process
planning; its features; design strategies; planning modeling and coding scheme; decision mechanism for software; decision trees for process;
process information; artificial intelligence; overview & application; search strategies for AI production systems; resolution and reduction systems;
knowledge acquisition; machine selection, cutting tool selection; software; various generative process planning systems; advantages of generative
process planning systems; case studies.
Strategy of experimentation, Some typical applications of experimental design, Basic principles, Guidelines for designing experiments, A brief
history of statistical design, Using statistical design in experimentation.
Introduction, Basic statistical concepts, Sampling and sampling Distribution, Inferences about the Differences in means, randomized designs,
Inferences about the Differences in means, Paired comparison Designs, Inferences about the Variances of Normal Distributions.
Randomized complete block design, Latin square design, Balanced incomplete block design.
Basic definition and principles, Advantages of factorials, The two factor factorial design, General factorial design, Fitting response curves and
surfaces, Blocking in a factorial design.
Introduction, Linear regression models, Estimate of parameters in linear regression models, Hypothesis testing in multiple regression, Confidence
intervals in multiple regression, Prediction of new response observations, Regression model diagnostics, Testing for lack of fit
Concept design, Parameter design, Tolerance design, Quality loss function, Signal-to- Noise ratio, Orthogonal array experiments, Analysis of
Mean(ANOM), Quality characteristics, Selection and testing of noise factors, Selection of control factors, Parameter optimization experiment,
Parameter design case study.
Introduction, Example of ANOVA process, Degrees of freedom, Error variance and pooling, Error variance and application, Error variance and
utilizing empty columns, the F-test.
Books Recommended
1. Design and Analysis of Experiments, Douglas C Montgomery, John Wiley
2. Statistical Design and Analysis of Experiments, John P.W.M., Macmillan,
3. Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis, Montgomery D.C., Runger G. C.,
4. Response Surface Methodology: Process Ang Product Optimisation Using Designed Experiments, Myres R.H., Montgomery D. C., Wiley,
New York
5. Introduction to Quality Engineering, Taguchi , G., Asian Productivity Organisation, UNIPUB, White Plains, New York
6. System of Experimental Design: Engineering Methods to Optimize Quality and Minimize Cost, Taguchi, G. UNIPUB, White Plains, New
7. Statistical Analysis for Engineers And Scientists, J. Wesley Barnes, McGraw Hill Inc.
ME-523 L T P
3 1 -
1. Fundamentals of CAD: Introduction: Design Process: Application of computers in design: Creating manufacturing database: benefits of
CAD. Computer Hardware; Graphic input devices; display devices; Graphics output devices; Central processing unit (CPU)
2. CAD software and Database: Software configuration of a graphics system: functions of a graphics package: geometric modeling: Database
structure and control;
3. Geometric Transformations: Mathematics preliminaries, matrix representation of 2 and 3 dimensional transformation: Concatenation of
transformation matrices. Application of geometric transformations.
4. Computer aided design of Transmission Belts (Flat & V) using C++/VC.
5. Computer aided design of Journal Bearing.
6. Application programs for selection of Ball and roller bearings using C++/VC
7. Computer aided design of Knuckle joint using C++/VC.
8. Computer aided design & drafting of spur gear using C++/VC.
9. Introduction to Design and Engineering Applications- geometry and mass property formulations, design projects with CAE focus
Books Recommended
In addition to above a visit to some facility where any of the above is actually used and to prepare rep[ort of that.
Practical to be conducted covering various aspects of Computer control in M/C tools and robotics including:
In addition to above a visit to some facility where any of the above is actually used and to prepare rep[ort of that.