Chakra One (Earth Survival and Grounding
Chakra One (Earth Survival and Grounding
Chakra One (Earth Survival and Grounding
Question1: How often do you go for a walk in the natural surroundings, park or
otherwise make a contact with the nature? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question2: How often do you exercise consciously? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question3: How would you rate your physical health? (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Question4: How is your relation to money and work? (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Question: !o you consider yourself well grounded? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question": !o you lo#e your $ody? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question%: !o you feel you ha#e a right to $e here? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Chakra Two (Water, Emotions, Sexuality)
Question&: How would you rate your a$ility to feel and express emotions? (Poor, Fair,
Good, Excellent)
Question': How would you rate your sex life? (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Question1(: How much time do you create for simple pleasure in life? (Never,
Seldom, Often, Always)
Question11: How would you rate your physical )exi$ility? (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Question12: How would you rate your emotional )exi$ility? (Poor, Fair, Good,
Question13: *re you a$le to nurture and $e nurtured $y others in $alance? (Never,
Seldom, Often, Always)
Question14: !o you struggle with guilt a$out your feelings or sexuality? (Always,
Often, Seldom, Never)
Chakra Three (Fire, ower, Will)
Question1: How would you rate your general energy le#el? (Poor, Fair, Good,
Question1": How would you rate your meta$olism+ digestion? (Poor, Fair, Good,
Question1%: !o you accomplish what you set out to do? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question1&: !o you feel con,dent? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question1': !o you feel comforta$le $eing di-erent .if need $e/ from those around
you? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question2(: *re you intimidated $y others? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question21: *re you relia$le? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Chakra Four! "ir, #ove, $elationshi%s
Question22: !o you lo#e yourself? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question23: !o you ha#e successful long term relationships? (Never, Seldom, Often,
Question24: *re you a$le to accept others the way they are? (Never, Seldom, Often,
Question2: !o you feel connected to the world with the world around you? (Never,
Seldom, Often, Always)
Question2": !o you carry a lot of grief in your heart? (Always, Often, Seldom, Never)
Question2%: !o you feel passionate for those with faults and trou$les? (Never,
Seldom, Often, Always)
Question2&: *re you a$le to forgi#e past hurt from others? (Never, Seldom, Often,
Chakra Five! Sound, Communi&ation, Creativity
Question 2': *re you a good listener? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question3(: *re you a$le to express your ideas to others so that they are a$le to
understand them? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question31: !o you speak the truth faithfully, speaking up when you need to?
(Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question32: *re you creati#e in life? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question33: !o you engage in art form? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question34: !o you ha#e a resonant #oice? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question3: !o you feel 0in synch1 with life? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Chakra Six! #ight, 'ntuition, Seeing
Question 3": !o you notice su$tle #isual details in your surroundings? (Never,
Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 3%: !o you ha#e #i#id dreams .and remem$er them/? (Never, Seldom, Often,
Question 3&: !o you ha#e psychic experiences? . 2ntuiti#e accuracy, seeing auras,
sensing future e#ents/? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 3': *re you a$le to imagine new possi$ilities as solutions to pro$lems?
(Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 4(: *re you a$le to see the mythic themes .$igger picture/ of your life?
(Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 41: How would you rate your a$ility to #isualise? (Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent)
Question 42: !o you ha#e a personal #ision that guides you in life? (Never, Seldom,
Often, Always)
Chakra Seven! Thought, "wareness, wisdom, 'ntelligen&e
Question 43: !o you meditate? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 44: !o you feel a strong connection with some kind of higher greater
power 3od, 3oddess etc4? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 4: *re you a$le to work through and release attachment easily? (Never,
Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 4": !o you en5oy reading and taking in new information? (Never, Seldom,
Often, Always)
Question 4%: !o you learn 6uickly and easily? (Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 4&: !o your life ha#e signi,cant meaning $eyond personal grati,cation?
(Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Question 4': *re you open minded in regard to other ways of thinking or $eing?
(Never, Seldom, Often, Always)
Chakra One (Earth Survival and Grounding)
Chakra (
Purpose !roundin!
Orientation Self preservation
"esults in stillness# security# sta$ility
Opposite Fear
"ecommended %rainin!s in
"i!&t to &ave and ri!&t to $e
'( Stress )ana!ement
*( Personal E+ectiveness
,( -evelopin! Self esteem
.( Self )assa!e
/( Nutrition and &ealt&
0( Out$ound %rainin!
1( Empowerment
2( 3isit to natural &a$itat
4( Financial awareness5 Acumen
'6(7ealt& and 7y!iene
''(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
Chakra Two (Water, Emotions, Sexuality)
Chakra )
Purpose Sexuality
Orientation Self !rati8cation
"esults in Attraction of opposites
Opposite Guilt
"i!&t to feel
"ecommended %rainin!s in
'( 9or: life $alance
*( Emotional )ana!ement
,( En;oyment and recreation
.( En!a!in! duality
/( %rainin! in diversity
0( Nurturance
1( Empat&y
2( Picnic
4( Sponsors&ip
'6(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
Chakra Three (Fire, ower, Will)
Chakra *
Purpose Power
Orientation Self < direction
Opposite S&ame
"i!&t to Act
"ecommended %rainin!s in
'( )otivation
*( Assertiveness
,( 3alues
.( "esilience
/( =dentity formation
0( Self awareness and Self esteem
1( Overcomin! c&allen!e and di>cult situations
2( Performance mana!ement
4( ?ontinuous improvement
'6(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
Chakra Four! "ir, #ove, $elationshi%s
Chakra +
Purpose @ove
Orientation Social identity
Opposite Grief
"i!&t to love
"ecommended %rainin!s in
'( "elations&ip
*( %eam wor:
,( Emotional intelli!ence
.( -ele!ation
/( ?oac&in! s:ills
0( )ana!in! resistance
1( ?&an!e mana!ement
2( "ole clarity
4( )eetin! s:ill
'6(Gettin! and !ivin! commitment
''(-iversity trainin!
'*(Ne!otiation s:ills
',(=nter team wor:
'.(?onAict mana!ement
'0(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
Chakra Five! Sound, Communi&ation, Creativity
Chakra ,
Purpose self expression
Orientation creatin! identity
Opposite lies
"i!&t to spea: and &eard
"ecommended %rainin!s in
'( ?ommunication s:ills
*( ?reativity
,( @istenin! s:ills
.( Feed$ac: s:ills
/( Presentation s:ills
0( =nnovation and creativity
1( =nAuencin! s:ills
2( Performance appraisal s:ills
4( Buestionin! s:ills
'6(9ritten s:ills
''(=nterviewin! s:ills
'*(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
Chakra Six! #ight, 'ntuition, Seeing
Chakra -
Purpose =ma!ination
Orientation Self "eAection
Opposite =llusion
"i!&t to see
"ecommended %rainin!s in
'( -evelopin! intuition
*( %ime mana!ement
,( Or!anisin! s:ills
.( Plannin! s:ills
/( @earnin! -issociation
0( "ole plannin!
1( %&eory of constraints
2( Pro$lem solvin! and decision ma:in!
4( Action plannin!
'6(-evelopin! or!anisational culture
''(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
Chakra Seven! Thought, "wareness, wisdom, 'ntelligen&e
Chakra .
Purpose Cliss
Orientation Self :nowled!e
Opposite Attac&ment
"i!&t to :now
"ecommended %rainin!s in
'( 3isionin!
*( @eaders&ip
,( Et&ics
.( )entorin!
/( -evelopin! attitude
0( =nnovation and c&an!e
1( Dnowled!e mana!ement
2( %&in:in! s:ills
4( ?ounsellin! s:ills
'6(Speci8c yo!a and meditation
/ire&tions! "nswer ea&h 0uestion to the 1est o2 your a1ility3
4E5E$ and OO$ 6 ( oints
SE#/O7 and F"'$ 6 ) oints
OFTE4 and GOO/ 6 * oints
"#W"8S and E9CE##E4T 6 + oints
"dd u% the %oints 2or ea&h &hakra and %ut in the ta1le 1elow!:
C;"<$" (6
C;"<$" )6
C;"<$" *6
C;"<$" +6
C;"<$" ,6
C;"<$" -6
C;"<$" .6
Signature and /ate!