Product 2014
Product 2014
Product 2014
mission Deadline:
BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design (3D Design) form and f!nction series Protot"pe Prod!ct Design %r &' Term (' ()&* #,c &)t$ -arc$ ()&* Development Deadline: /inal Deadline: Assessment Dates: (*t$ April ()&* 0t$ -a" ()&* 0t$ !ntil ((nd -a" ()&*
Miskin Arts
Design Principles in Art and Design +mall +cale 5or1ing +mall +cale Design
Relevant Departmental 6otes: Assessment throughout this course is essentially formative; designers can re-visit criteria to arrive at their final assessment grades. Your personal blog is regarded as part of your work and will be marked accordingly, alongside your sketchbook Evidence: 7rading criteria: This will be in the form of sketchbook work, final outcomes, research, photographs, blog-books Tumblr! and written proposals. "ass # $erit # %istinction are attainable.
Englis$ and -at$s: This pro&ect will include functional skills in 'nglish and $aths. "lease bear in mind your industry re(uires elo(uent use of 'nglish and accurate use of figures, to which end, the continuing development of these skills are firmly embedded inside all your work. 6ote on cop"rig$t and plagiarism: This process will re(uire independent research. )opying from the internet and additional sources is not appropriate and violates copyright and will be classed as plagiarism unless fully annotated and credited. You must make your work your own. *e need to see that you have an understanding of the areas that you have researched. )opying work directly from A+Y source will not be tolerated. ,f you (uote A+Y e-isting material you must put it in (uotation marks and in brackets, attribute the source # author. .or e-ample: 8Cop"ing is c$eating9 ( -c7ovan' ()&3' -is1in T$eatre) .or a more in depth analysis of what is re(uired refer to the Protot"pe Prod!ct Design Tas1 7rids on the following pages. Brief For this pro !"t #o$ %!!& to r!&!si'% (% !)!r#&(# s*(++ s"(+! ho$s!ho+& o, !"t -%ot .$r%it$r!/ .or th! 0it"h!%, ,(throo* or '(r&!%. You must show clearly how and why your design is &ustified and in what way you intend it to improve on what is already available or develop a solution to a problem. /sing the 1D!si'% C#"+!2; develop and refine your chosen design idea through a series of sketches, renderings, small prototypes and e-perimental pieces, showing clearly at each stage the modification you are making and how these modifications improve the evolving design. Not!: .orm, functionality and aesthetic (ualities of the product. ,n your design remember to consider, where appropriate: form, proportion, scale, weight, strength, durability, materials, te-tures, colour and ultimately fitness for purpose and effectiveness in use. %on0t forget health and safety, environmental, ethical and ergonomic issues if these apply1 .or the final delivery of your design it is recommended that you produce a "ower"oint presentation supported by a minimum of two presentation boards at A2 using layout paper to demonstrate technical drawing orthographic as well as 3 4 5 point perspective! and rendering skills. 6esulting in at least two presentational design-boards that are developed to a standard appropriate for your portfolio A2! and client presentation, these are to be completed in your $ac 7ay sessions with supporting )A% images # modelling if appropriate. Your design must have a title or name suitable for marketing purposes.
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Your final word-processed evaluation should be of an appropriate length using suitable terms, the content following a similar evaluative pattern to your previous assignment. Professional Practice: "lease be aware that you will be putting professional practice into action within $iskin Arts, which is a professional environment in which you are effectively being given the opportunity to publicly test your skills and gain creditable industrial e-perience. 7lossar" of terms: To aid in the development of your <design0 vocabulary a full glossary of terms will be handed out at the beginning of this assignment. 5$at "o! need to do: (in no partic!lar order) 6:TE: referring to "o!r 3D co!rse $and.oo1' follo# t$e design c"cle' consistentl" appl"ing notation in "o!r jo!rnals' to address t$e follo#ing: &. E3p+(i% th! p$rpos! o. ( ,ri!. .or ( s*(++4s"(+! &!si'% pro !"t; 6ead and analyse the brief highlighting and annotating the key areas, developing a clear ti*!4*(%('!*!%t p+(%. 'vidence your use of a range of i&!( '!%!r(ti%' t!"h%i5$!s to identify a product for development; consistently showing a clear understanding and effective application of the design process. Your focus should be on the identification of improving or adding to the .$%"tio%(+it# of a product as well as enhancing its (!sth!ti"s. This process will involve recording and analysing your thoughts in your &ournal through drawing and use of supporting te-t # (%%ot(tio%. -U%it 6789/ (; D!*o%str(t! (% $%&!rst(%&i%' o. &!si'% r!spo%si,i+iti!s i% th! "o%t!3t o. o:% (%& oth!rs2 :or0; =aving identified your product, problem to solve, you are to research using both primary and secondary sources investigating and acknowledging "o%t!*por(r#, "ross4"$+t$r(+ and histori"(+ factors showing independence and creativity in the safe application of the &!si'% pro"!ss, producing professional outcomes based on highly-focused research (%& "o++(,or(ti)! &!)!+op*!%t o. i&!(s. Not!: ,n this early stage of the design development process you can work with a partner or members on your table. Sho: i%&!p!%&!%"! i% "(rr#i%' o$t p$rpos!.$+ (%& "o%.i&!%t &!si'% &!)!+op*!%t. 'vidence how you plan to use and manage your remaining time in order to reach a successful outcome by the given deadline; this should include a consideration of the materials and techni(ues re(uired to achieve the identified outcome > plan ahead1 -U%it ;8<= U%it 678>/ 3; P$rpos!.$++# r!s!(r"h, &!)!+op, (%(+#s! (%& r!.i%! i&!(s .or !..!"ti)! pr!s!%t(tio% to ($&i!%"!s; '-plore, develop and improve your "o%"!pts, working through and understanding the &!si'% &!)!+op*!%t "#"+!. R!s!(r"h (%& &!)!+op i&!(s .or s*(++ s"(+! :or0i%' (%& pro&$"tio%, by communicating your ideas and intentions clearly using a range of drawing methods; be adventurous in your image making. Thumbnail sketches, r!%&!ri%'s etc using markers, chalks, pastels, paint, "hotoshop, )A% etc! Not!: . All your image work should be fully (%%ot(t!&. These annotations should be evaluative, i.e. they should evidence that you are constantly analysing carefully the unfolding success of your design idea both in terms of its .$%"tio%(+it# and its (!sth!ti"s. Throughout the process and at appropriate stages, test your ideas against the opinions of others > potential customers1 ?eep a record of all the opinions and comments gathered in your &ournal as well as how cultural associations are affecting your work. -U%it 6<8>, 6<8</ *; App+# &!si'% pri%"ip+!s to o:% &!si'% &!)!+op*!%t (%& i&!(s to "r!(t! i%%o)(ti)! &!si'% :or0; As part of your design development you are re(uired to build a series of protot#p!s, applying &!si'% pri%"ip+!s to own design development and ideas to create i%%o)(ti)! &!si'% :or0. 'ach protot#p! should successively demonstrate a <&!si'%i%'4o$t2 of features that are problematic or unattractive; <&!si'%i%'4i%2 those elements re(uired to bring your design to a successful conclusion, whilst constantly acknowledging how
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the .or* of your product relates to its .$%"tio%. %on0t be afraid to e-periment with found material and don0t forget health and safety, environmental, ethical and !r'o%o*i" issues throughout your work1 Throughout this process make sure to record and present all results of i%)!sti'(tio%s and !3p!ri*!%t(+ :or0 as well as identifying who your target consumer# audience might be. -U%it ;89/. =; Sho: (% !..!"ti)! (%& "o%si&!r!& $%&!rst(%&i%' o. (pp+#i%' &!si'% pri%"ip+!s :h!% pro&$"i%' th!ir o:% :or0; *hen you have finally resolved your design and know e-actly how it is going to work and look, produce a set of t!"h%i"(+ &r(:i%'s and protot#p!s to scale with dimensions and any instructions that might be re(uired to understand working parts. :howing an individual, e-citing and perceptive approach 1(%& "riti"(+ $%&!rst(%&i%'2 in creating and presenting .$%"tio%(++# (%& (!sth!ti"(++# (ss$r!& small-scale developmental and final work. ,f your model is not built of the same materials as the commercially manufactured product, through rendering try to show the materials that would be used for the manufactured product. "hotographs of all your protot#p!s including the final model should be placed in your &ournal. -U%it ;8>/ >; D!*o%str(t! (% $%&!rst(%&i%' o. &!si'% r!spo%si,i+iti!s; 7uild a final model either actual si@e or to scale demonstrating an understanding of design responsibilities. R!(+is! s*(++4s"(+! &!si'% o$t"o*!s, by building the final model as accurately, successfully and beautifully as possible. To do this re(uires careful planning so that a sufficient amount of time can be allocated to it. Apply &!si'% pri%"ip+!s to own design development and ideas to create innovative design work. 9ive you design a name for marketing purposes. 6emember to locate this with your target consumer base. $arket research your design with others potential customers! -U%it ;87 = U%it 6787/ ?; "roduce a word-processed final evaluation of appropriate length. )onsistently showing a clear understanding and !..!"ti)! (pp+i"(tio% of your &!si'% pro"!ss. This evaluation must be drafted, checked and re-checked for spelling and grammatical errors then mounted in your &ournal. 0. I%&i)i&$(++# &!*o%str(t! i%%o)(ti)! (%& p!r"!pti)! (ppro("h!s to th! !3p+or(tio% (%& pro&$"tio% o. s*(++4s"(+! &!si'%s, s$pport!& ,# ( "o*pr!h!%si)! r(%'! o. pr!s!%t(tio% *!tho&s; .or the final delivery of your work it is recommended that you produce a "ower"oint presentation supported by a minimum of two A2 design boards, demonstrating final t!"h%i"(+ and r!%&!r!& )i!:s of your product, that are suitable for client presentation and your portfolio. R!"or& (%& pr!s!%t th! r!s$+ts o. i%)!sti'(tio%s (%& !3p!ri*!%t(+ :or0. Your final presentation should clearly reflect elements of your product design; individually demonstrating innovative and p!r"!pti)! (ppro("h!s to the !3p+or(tio% and production of your small-scale design. This is to be supported by a comprehensive range of pr!s!%t(tio% *!tho&s. Sho: (% i%&i)i&$(+, !3"iti%' (%& p!r"!pti)! (ppro("h 1(%& "riti"(+ $%&!rst(%&i%'2 i% "r!(ti%' (%& pr!s!%ti%' .$%"tio%(++# (%& (!sth!ti"(++# (ss$r!& s*(++4s"(+! &!)!+op*!%t(+ (%& .i%(+ :or0. The presentation should convey a sense of the .or*, .$%"tio% and (!sth!ti" of the design as well as e-plain or demonstrate its benefits. ,n all elements of your &ournal and final presentation, verbal and visual, try to tell a story communicating your ideas and intentions clearly using appropriate language and i*('!r#. Think about the materials you use and colours; do not resort to simply using whatever is available in the studio. You may wish to buy materials for their specific colour, te-ture, durability, structural property. -U%it 6<89 = U%it 6<.7 = U%it 678</
9athering 6esearch: "rimary > visiting museums#galleries, (uestionnaires, meeting professionals#designers 4 interviews. :econdary > ,nternet research and library#books#&ournals#forums#blogs. 9enerating an idea: $ind map, mood boards, thumbnail sketches and peer discussion. *orkshops: "resentation techni(ues: Technical drawing, pen rendering, foam board modelling and model making.
Miskin Arts
.inal %evelopment .inal model, final "ower"oint presentation, final digital presentation boards 5- "%.s!, final evaluation 4 final Tumblr. 5$en "o! s!ccessf!ll" complete t$is project "o! #ill:
3nit 0: Design Principles in Art and Design 0;& /nderstand how form relates to function in own work 0;( 7e able to use appropriate materials in own work 0;3 /nderstand cross-cultural influences on own work 0;* /nderstand design responsibilities 3nit 43: +mall@scale 5or1ing 43;& /nderstand the properties and characteristics of materials for small-scale working and production 43;( 7e able to use small-scale working and production technology, e(uipment and processes safely 43;3 7e able to research and develop ideas for small-scale working and production 43;* 7e able to record and present the results of investigations and e-perimental work. 3nit 4*: +mall@scale Design 4*;& /nderstand the purpose of a small-scale design pro&ect 4*;( 7e able to develop and propose design ideas 4*;3 7e able to realise small-scale design outcomes. Aideo Presentation: 7etter by %esign: 6ichard :eymour, %ick "owell Television series )hannel four archive improving everyday ob&ect through design. %rawing and rendering techni(ues Essential reading: 7ea@ley $ A The Elements of Design Bctopus "ublishing, 5CC2! %atschefski ' A The Total Beauty of Sustainable Products 6oto8ision,- 5CC3! =embree $ A How to Build Scale odels! Basic Techni"ues and #dvanced $esults ?almbach "ublishing )o, /: 3DDE! =eskett F A %ndustrial Design Thames 4 =udson, 3DGD! =uygen . A British Design! %mage and %dentity Thames 4 =udson, 3DGD! "owell % A Presentation Techni"ues Brbis, 3DGH! :utherland $ A $odelmaking: A 7asic 9uide ** +orton and )o ltd, 3DDD! Trudeau + A "rofessional $odel $aking: A =andbook of $aterials, $ethods and Techni(ues for Architects and %esigners *hitney ;ibrary of %esign, 3DDH! =udson FA"rocess: HC "roduct %esigns from )oncept to $anufacture ;aurence ?ing "ublishing 5CCG! %unn + > Architectural $odelmaking ;aurence ?ing "ublishing 5C3C! 5e.sites: www. 6endering and drawing techni(ues! &ote! Please ta'e advantage of the library within your main teaching area as many of the learning resources are specific to your assignment.
Miskin Arts
Miskin Arts
3nit 0: Design Principles in Art and Design B-P:RTA6T: T$e follo#ing are TA+C+ (9rading and assessment criteria in .old, tasks in plain te-t) TA+C+ To gain a Pass:
P&; EDplain $o# form relates to f!nction in o#n #or1 )reate finished work that meets the design brief. :how an understanding of how form relates to function in your own work.
P(; +$o# $o# materials and tec$nolog" inform ideas development; :how a basic understanding of the (ualities of materials and evaluate design needs in your own pro&ect. $aterials selected need to meet the re(uirements of the brief, alongside creative solutions. P3; EDplain $o# cross@c!lt!ral infl!ences impact on t$e design process; 'valuations will provide a limited range of conclusions, working towards developing insight. Application of knowledge to design solutions will be basic. /nderstanding of purpose in design and application of knowledge.
Miskin Arts
P*; Demonstrate an !nderstanding of design responsi.ilities; /nderstand the responsibilities of designers. 'valuation will provide a basic level of knowledge.
3nit 43: +mall@scale 5or1ing B-P:RTA6T: T$e follo#ing are TA+C+ (9rading and assessment criteria in .old, tasks in plain te-t)
TA+C+ To gain a Pass: P&; EDamine t$e properties and c$aracteristics of materials for small@scale #or1ing and prod!ction; '-amine the properties of materials and the resulting characteristics and their relationship with small-scale working practice. TA+C+ To gain a -erit: -&; EDplore t$e properties and c$aracteristics of diverse prod!ction tec$nolog"' eE!ipment and processes t$ro!g$ eDperimental approac$es effectivel" and creativel"; %emonstrate your ability to employ your knowledge and understanding of material properties creatively to achieve effective outcomes. %emonstrate purposeful engagement and independence as well as effective skills in using tools and e(uipment. TA+C+ To gain a Distinction: D&; Bndivid!all" demonstrate innovative and perceptive approac$es to t$e eDploration and prod!ction of small@scale designs' s!pported ." a compre$ensive range of presentation met$ods; %emonstrate independence and individuality in all areas and produce sophisticated and creative work. 'vidence informed awareness of others0 ideas and working methods while making perceptive &udgements in response to reviewing your own research and development. '-ploit material (ualities and techni(ues through independent endeavour to produce innovative and e-citing small-scale work. P(; 3se small@scale #or1ing and prod!ction tec$nolog"' eE!ipment and processes safel"; /se relevant tools and safety e(uipment. Assessment evidence could come from annotated sketchbooks, written records such as a technical file, physical evidence such as samples, te-t pieces 4 photographs. -(; P!rposef!ll" researc$' develop' anal"se and refine ideas for effective presentation to a!diences; "roduce coherent and accurate documentation and to demonstrate clear links between research and analysis and working practice. 'vidence for presentations might include different audience reactions and learner analysis of
Miskin Arts
P3; Researc$ and develop ideas for small@scale #or1ing and prod!ction; 6esearch into both historical and contemporary practitioners and to use that research to aid own design ideas. %emonstrate clear links between research and practice. P*; Record and present t$e res!lts of investigations and eDperimental #or1; 6ecord, evaluate and present e-perimental and e-ploratory work. 'vidence for presentations might also include annotated worksheets, bullet points, notes, print-outs, ma(uettes, models and ,)T.
3nit 4*: +mall@scale Design B-P:RTA6T: T$e follo#ing are TA+C+ (9rading and assessment criteria in .old, tasks in plain te-t) TA+C+ To gain a Pass: P&; EDplain t$e p!rpose of a .rief for a
small@scale design project; /se a range of analytical, research and making skills safely and effectively, and to be able to communicate and present those ideas clearly and effectively. Analysis and research should be clearly recorded and should represent a wide ranging approach.
Miskin Arts
analyse and research a design brief in a purposeful and confident manner. demonstrate independence in their work, showing a progression of ideas leading to a final outcome. e-periment with and develop ideas independently using their understanding of design and the relevant materials and processes safely
Miskin Arts
Qualification: &evel . Diploma in rt and Design (.D) Project: Protot"pe Prod!ct Design Name: Unit Title: /: Design Principles in rt and Design
Aim and Purpose: This unit aims to develop learners, understanding and s"ills in applying design principles+ 0n this unit, learners will e!perience the same constraints and situations designers face+ They will be taught to consider how form relates to function in their own wor", and how to evaluate and consider their choice of materials+ Criteria: 1 2 3 4
To achieve a Pass, the evidence must show that the Designer is able to:
To achieve a Merit, the evidence must show that the Designer is able to:
#inal $rade:
Mid Point ssessment
To achieve a Distinction, the evidence must show that the Designer is able to:
Evidence (in some cases, you need to specify where P, M and D criteria is separately)
P1 e!plain how form relates to function in own wor" #$T, %&, T', EP, (M)
M1 demonstrate s"ills and understanding in applying aesthetic considerations to functional re*uirements in their finished design wor" M2 show an effective and considered understanding of applying design principles when producing their own wor"
D1 apply design principles to own design development and ideas to create innovative design wor"+
M3 demonstrate an understanding of design responsibilities in the conte!t of own and others, wor"+
Miskin Arts
Miskin Arts
Miskin Arts