Secret Societies' Attack Upon The Holy Bible
Secret Societies' Attack Upon The Holy Bible
Secret Societies' Attack Upon The Holy Bible
Unfortunately for the people of the world everything is going according to the New World Order Plan. But what is this New World
Order Plan? In a nutshell the Plan is this. The Dark Agenda of the secret planners of the New World Order is to reduce the world's
population to a "sustainable" level "in perpetual balance with nature" by a ruthless Population Control Agenda via Population
and Reproduction Control. A Mass Culling of the People via Planned Parenthood, toxic adulteration of water and food supplies,
release of weaponised man-made viruses, man-made pandemics, mass vaccination campaigns and a planned Third World War.
Then, the Dark Agenda will impose upon the drastically reduced world population a global feudal-fascist state with a World
Government, World Religion, World Army, World Central Bank, World Currency and a micro-chipped population. In short, to kill
90% of the world's population and to control all aspects of the human condition and thus rule everyone, everywhere from the
cradle to the grave.
"The words of the Lord are pure words, As silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven
times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, Thou shalt preserve them from this generation forever."
Psa. 12:6-7
"Heaven and earth shall pass away, But my words shall not pass away." Matt. 24:35
"For God is not the author of confusion." 1 Cor. 14:33a
"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction
in righteousness" 2 Tim. 3:16
"For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these
things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book; And if any man shall take away from the
words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city,
and from the things which are written in this book" Rev 22:18-19
"God's Word is forever settled in heaven" (Psalm 119:89; Mal. 3:6; Heb. 13:8)
" and thus, God, helping us in all things, we have already caused to be corrected with all possible
care the Books of the Old and New Testaments, degraded through the ignorance of copyists." Part of a
general letter composed by Charlemagne in December 800 AD and sent throughout his empire in
celebration of the great work of collation and redaction of the Bible texts orchestrated by the English
cleric Alcuin. That is, part of the mysterious process called the Providential Preservation of Scripture,
which ensured that the Word of God was conveyed into the modern world.
"There are certain areas of evil in the world today through which these forces of darkness can reach
humanity ... J udaism is old, obsolete and separative and has no true message for the spiritually-minded
which cannot be better given by the newer faiths; the Moslem faith has served its purpose and all true
Moslems await the coming of the Imam Mahdi who will lead them to light and to spiritual victory; the
Christian faith also has served its purpose; its Founder [the New Age Messiah or Antichrist] seeks to bring a
new Gospel and a new message that will enlighten all men everywhere." Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul "The partial
Sealing of the Door where Evil dwells" The Rays a nd the Ini ti ations (1971)
Received history relates that revision of the English Bible, the King James
Authorised Version, begins in the year 1853 when two redactors, Brooke
Foss Westcott (1825-1901) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (1828-92), set
about replacing the Text us Recept us with a more "reliable" New Gr eek
Text . Moreover, that Westcott and Hort were moved by the purest
principles and ideals and that they also acted alone. However, true History
informs us differently. No matter what the apologists, propagandists and
storytellers say on the matter of the editing of the English Bible the Truth
is that the revision of the English Bible began well in advance of 1853 and
that it was an integral part of a grand scheme to destroy Western
Christian Civilisation orchestrated by the Secret Masters of the Secret Societies. This Secret Agenda
is ancient, massive and all-encompassing operating in every sphere of human organisation, and
especially, in that part called Christianity. The dark Empire of Secret Societies - via innumerable fronts
and disparate groups - desire to deny the divinity of Christ and all this entails and have worked
tirelessly for centuries to do this in a variety of ways. And the corruption of Scripture, of Holy Writ, is
an imperative of these wicked and evil people.
The Secret Masters of the Dark Empire of Secret Societies assigned many people the task of
corrupting Christianity and also directed others to concentrate upon corrupting the K i ng J ames Bi bl e
by, especially, interpolating concepts into Bible teachings that hitherto had not existed. The revision of
the English Bible began well in advance of 1853 and at least in the early 1800s where it manifested
as the joint project of the Church of England and American Baptists: a project moreover sponsored
and financed by the House of Rothschild through their innumerable fronts, but especially via Judaeo-
Freemasonry, which they had carefully crafted and financed into being.
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The Judaeo-Freemasonic attack on the Engl i s h Bi bl e, on the Anglican Church increased
throughout 19th century when seemingly devout "Christian" men argued novel approaches to
Holy Writ and published corrupted manuscripts purporting to be the final word on
Scripture on an unsuspecting Protestant world. The most overt beginnings were with
the unscholarly theological and philosophical ideas of John Nelson Darby (1800-82),
pioneer of the Plymouth Brethren movement, founder of the Darbyites and the
apocalyptic "any moment now" rapture doctrine and "father of Dispensationalism." And these
corruptions reached their apogee in the supposed writings of Cyrus Ingerson Scofield... an adulterer,
liar, thief, confidence trickster, gaolbird, Zionist and occultist. The Scofield's Reference Bible ( the
source book for thousands of so-called Evangelical and Fundamental Bible ministers) is a bitter fruit of
this dark working of the rewriting the Word of God. That there was a sinister plan to destroy the
Providential Preservation of the Scriptures.
Thus, behind these venal redactors and key Bi bl e revisers like Darby, Hort, Wescott and
Scofield are dark and sinister forces and truth of the matter is this: that careful study of
the men involved reveals the hidden connections to the dark Empire of Secret Societies
nominally controlled by the House of Rothschild, but in reality controlled by the Occult
Hierarchy, the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed who are the true arbiters of the World
Revolutionary Movement to destroy Christendom and the ancient ambition to replace it with their
Novus Ordo Seclorum ... the New World Order. The supposed aim of the Jewish House of Rothschild
via Judaeo-Freemasonry is to transform the Chri sti an Bi bl e into an instrument of Zionism and so to
the eternal glory of World Jewry and the establishment of a One World under Jewry. However, this
may be the aim of wicked and foolish Zionist Jews but it is most definitely not the aim of the Secret
Masters of the Secret Societies who have a wholly different end to this.
For, they plan to use the ancient Jewish rancour for the Gentile and ancient and enduring Jewish
chauvinism and supremacism manifest as political Zionism as a potent weapon to destroy
Christianity, inflame Islam and ignite a long planned Third World War. Then, these Secret Masters of
the Secret Societies plan to come out of the shadows to claim their due as the true Lords of Power
on Earth and, together with the Dark Gods they worship, who, incarnate in flesh and blood as the
Great Dictator and the Antichrist of the New World Order, plan to rule absolutely and forever. That
is, from out of the ashes of the purposefully destroyed Old World Order, out of the corpses of
Christianity, Islam and Judaism, these Evil Powers intend to create their New World Order with a
Satanic One World Government and a Luciferian One World Religion.
The Engl i sh Bi bl e revisions and especially the revision of the Aut hor i sed Ver si on are the direct
result of the desire of the Secret Masters of the Secret Societies to undermine and destroy
Christianity by corrupting the Word of God. Thus, when careful study of the phenomenon is made
an inescapable fact emerges: that of the hidden connections of key Bi bl e revisers to such men as
Rothschild, Rhodes, Rockefeller and prominent Jewish Zionists and hence to Secret Societies
controlled not by the House of Rothschild, but by the Occult Hierarchy, the High Priests of the
Luciferian Creed who are the true arbiters of the World Revolutionary Movement. Standard histories
omit everything leading to proper understanding especially of the great and terrible role of the
Empire of Secret Societies in world events in furtherance of its ancient ambition to create a World
Empire under their direct control. They also omit the role of Secret Societies via their agentur in
their attempts at destroying the Word of God contained in Holy Writ of Scripture and thus
attempting to thwart the Providential Preservation of the Scriptures.
Of particular note was the workings of The American Bible Society founded in 1816 by a group of
"New York philanthropists" to be a:
"donor-supported non-profit ministry with a purpose of presenting the Bible in compelling
ways so that people may experience life in its fullness through faith in Jesus Christ .... The
object of this Society is to distribute the Bible only - and that without notes- amongst such
persons as may not be able to purchase it; and also, as far as may be practicable, to
translate or assist in causing it to be translated into other languages."
Unfortunately, at this time, proponents of the myth of the Christian nature of Judaeo-Freemasonry
were in the ascendancy and that they could boast without fear of contradiction that "a good Mason
is of necessity, truly and emphatically a Christian." Thus, one of the founders of The American Bible
Society was Grand Master of the Freemasonic Lodge of New York. This was its Vice-president, Dewitt
Clinton, the US Senator who introduced the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, who also
professed his Christian faith (albeit through the dark prism of Freemasonry) and his ambition to
place the Word of God in the hands of every American. Joining Clinton and his fellow "New York
philanthropists" in this venture was the British and Foreign Bible Society of London whose:
"sole object is to encourage and promote a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures without
note or comment; and besides the endeavours to provide every person throughout the British
dominions with a Bible, it extends its influence, according to its abilities, to other countries,
whether Christian, Mahometan, or pagan. In the promotion of this great work, immense
efforts have been made, particularly in the translation of the Bible into various languages."
The British and Foreign Bible Society of London was a very influential organisation by virtue of its
associations and especially to its links to the hierarchy of organised Freemasonry via its high level
connections to the "Quatuor Coronati Lodge" founded by the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF). The
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PEF was founded in 1865 by "a group of distinguished academics and clergymen" dedicated to the
"rediscovery" of the Holy Land. The Quatuor Coronati Lodge was established by members of the PEF
as an "archaeology lodge" while the PEF was, in turn, established by the United Grand Lodge of
England. Thus, Freemasons' Hall in London, the home of the United Grand Lodge of England became
a popular venue for many events, amongst which are recorded meetings of the British and Foreign
Bible Society.
The purpose of these Freemasonic projects was to lay the foundations of Christian
Zionism and to make preparations for a Zionist Jewish State in Palestine by rendering
Scri pture as an instrument of Zionism. The ultimate goal being the establishment of a
World Empire under the direct control of Freemasonry, or rather, the under the rule of
the Masonic Christ sitting on his throne in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.
The Secret Societies have deeply infiltrated the Protestant churches, have their placemen and
agentur in positions of power and influence, and have used these traitors to destroy them from
within. Such was and is the situation with the American Baptists (their much-lauded "King
James-Only" defence notwithstanding) who played a leading role in the assault on Scri pture in the
18th century. Leading American Baptists theologians were very instrumental in the conspiracy to do
away with the Word of God. That is, to pervert the Hol y Wri t, change it according to dictates
emanating from the Empire of Secret Societies such that the great future deception planned for the
Christian World would be made far easier and far, far more effective by this meticulously conceived
revision of the Word of God.
For, the Dark Gods, Ahriman (Satan) and Lucifer, who are the Dual Faces of Evil, and their
infernal minions know very well indeed that no one can understand, defend or grow powerful in
Christ without the Word of God. Moreover, the Dark Gods, Ahriman (Satan) and Lucifer, know
very well indeed the living Word of God and the prophecy of the Second Coming of Christ. Thus,
careful study of Revel ati on 12 reveals that the ancient dragon, one of the Two Beasts of the
Apocalypse, was waiting for the birth of the Messiah, knew He was coming and sought to destroy
Him. Later, one of the Beasts even had temerity to quote Scri pture to Christ Himself. Thus, the
Dark Gods the Two Beasts of the Apocalypse - understand the great imperative to steal this Word
from people and so deprive and confuse the people such that they cannot believe and be saved
(vi s--vi s the parable of the sower Matt. 13.3).
The Dark Gods, Ahriman (Satan) and Lucifer know that the Word of God manifest as Hol y Wri t,
as Scri pture, is rock solid truth and so seek every and all ways why to distort and steal if from the
minds and hearts of people. Thus, even as one of the Beasts quoted Scri pture to Christ, Jesus
stood on this rock solid foundation, quoted the written Word of God in its proper context, and
caused the Beast to leave Him.
The Dark Gods, Ahriman (Satan) and Lucifer, the Twin Faces of Evil, and their
minions in the Empire of Secret Societies also know that without the Word of God
no one can understand, defend or grow powerful in Christ. Moreover, this unholy
union know Revel ati on 19:19:
"And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered
together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army."
That is, the Dark Gods, Ahriman (Satan) and Lucifer, the Two Beasts of the
Apocalypse, their Hosts from Hell and their minions in the dark Empire of Secret
Societies know very well indeed that Christ is coming visibly to the Earth again. They know that He,
as the King of Heaven, is coming to wage Righteous War against all who have set their face
against God and, as the Lord of Karma, to judge everyone before the White Throne of Judgement
for their past actions. That is why these Principalities of Evil are desperately seeking not only
secular power for powers sake by establishing a World Empire under their direct control, but also,
they seek all secular and spiritual power so they can stop the descent of the "Apocalypse of the King
of Heaven." An immense undertaking and crucial to it is the great task of perverting the Word of
God. And this is why the Evil Powers have sought for centuries to pervert Hol y Wri t and why they
have plotted to pervert the Word by subtly changing it and, especially, by revising the English Bible.
The genesis of the Gospel according to the Secret Societies is tortuous but
briefly, it is this. Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) an American missionary to Burma
who was a passionate advocate of "baptism by immersion." In 1830, the American
Bible Society funded Judson's Burman Bi bl e, in which he translated part of the
Gospel s into Burmese, and in which he changed "baptism" to "immersion." That is, Judson
translated those words relating to baptism by words that meant immerse and immersion. This
seemingly innocuous move opened up a great debate not only on principle in relation to the Greek
word "baptizo" but also over the preservation, revision, transmission, translation and circulation of
the Word of God.
In 1835, the American Bible Society rejected any foreign version (translated upon the same principle
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as Judson's Burmese Bi bl e) as any not consistent with the common English version, the vernacular
Bible of the English race, exemplified in the Authori sed Versi on the Authori sed Ki ng James Versi on
(KJV). Thus, a seven-man committee set up by the American Bible Society to "determining of a
principle upon which the American Bible Society will aid in printing and distributing the Bible in
foreign languages" reported that:
" it is expedient to present the following one on the general principle; ' By the
Constitution of the American Bible Society, its Managers are, in the circulation of the Holy
Scriptures, restricted to such copies as are without note or comment, and in the English
language, to the version in common use The Baptist Board of Foreign Missions have not
been under the impression that the American Bible Society was organized upon the central
principle that baptizo and its cognates were never to be translated, but always transferred, in
all versions of the Scriptures patronized by them ..."
However, in 1836, devoted Baptists formed the American & Foreign Bible Society to circulate
foreign language versions that would translate "baptise/baptism" as "immerse/immersion." The
Baptist Board of Foreign Missions anticipated adverse reaction and resolved to hold firm and that it
was to "be the duty of the Baptist denomination in the United states to form a distinct organization
for Bible translation and distribution in foreign tongues." Moreover, "to adopt such measures as
circumstances, in the providence of God may require." To do this they formed a new Bible Society,
the American and Foreign Bible Society "to promote a wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures, in
the most faithful version that can be procured." This to was the year that Amschel Mayer Rothschild
(1773-1855) posing as the first and pre-eminent Jewish Zionist purchased land in Palestine
supposedly at the behest of Talmudic rabbi Zvi Hirsch Kalischer (1795-1874) who appealed to
Rothschild to buy, if not completely, the land of Israel, then, at least, the city of Jerusalem. But, if
not the city then the environs of the Temple in order to "bring about the miraculous redemption from
below." Kalischer, like all Jewish Zionists, asserted that the salvation promised by the Ol d Testament
prophets could come only gradually and by self-help and direct action from the Jews.
Spencer H Cone sought to revise the Engl i sh Scri ptures for fourteen years but his proposition was
continually voted against. However, during the great Bible Convention at the First Baptist Church,
Philadelphia, April 26th, 1837 a constitution was adopted and officers chosen by the Convention
itself and Spencer H Cone elected its President. As President of the American & Foreign Bible
Society, Cone saw to it that in 1838 its constitution was so amended such that: "It shall be the
object of this Society to aid in the wider circulation of the Holy Scriptures in all lands." Although
Cone and others were eager to revise the Engl i sh Bi bl e according to the principles applied to the
Asiatic versions made by the Baptist missionaries such as Judson, they stayed their hand in
deference to the opposition of some who approved of the Society in all other respects but this
revision of the Authori sed Versi on. Thus, at its annual meeting in 1838 it resolved: "That in the
distribution of the Scriptures in the English language, they will use the commonly received version
until otherwise directed by the Society."
However, these differences of opinion on applying the principle of its constitution to the English
version existing amongst the founders of the Society notwithstanding, it was only a matter of time
before this desire to redact was satisfied. And it was, fourteen years later in 1852. In the mean
time, these agitators elsewhere applied the pressure to revise the Engl i sh Scri ptures, to redact the
English Authori sed Versi on. For instance, in 1842 two divines, David Bernard and Samuel Aaron,
published a treatise on the need of "Revising and Amending King James Version of the Holy
Scriptures." They also published at this time a revised version of the Ol d and New Testaments:
"carefully revised and amended by several Biblical scholars [In] accordance with the
advice of many distinguished brethren, the services of a number of professors, some of whom
rank among the first in our country for their knowledge of the original languages and Biblical
interpretation and criticism, have been secured to prepare this work."
Furthermore, these two divines who produced a revised version of the Hol y Bi bl e, David Bernard
and Samuel Aaron, denied the divine preservation of Scri pture.
"The vast majority of those who read the English Bible are entirely ignorant of the Greek; of
the non-translation of baptizo ... and its signification ... As to our being ' left without a
standard' , through the multiplicity and variety of translations, we have only to say that there
can, in the nature of things, be no perfect standard but the Hebrew and Greek originals;
these, being written by inspired men, are infallible, while all translations by men uninspired
must be more or less imperfect. The number of translations cannot affect the original." The
Faithful Translation (1842)
In 1849, the American and Foreign Bible Society held its annual meeting in New York and after
considerable discussion passed the motion Isaac Davis and resolved:
"That the restriction laid by the Society upon the Board of Managers in 1838, ' to use only the
commonly received version in the distribution of the Scriptures in the English language,' be
Thus, the American and Foreign Bible Society removed restriction to use only the English
common version of Hol y Wri t ... the Ki ng James Authori sed Versi on.Thus, the American and
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Foreign Bible Society removed restriction to use common version the Authori sed Versi on.
Subsequently, a committee of five was created to consider the question of revision and after long
consideration presented, in January 1850, three reports with the main report unanimously
recommending the measure:
"Resolved, That, in the opinion of this board, the sacred Scriptures of the Old and New
Testament ought to be faithfully and accurately translated into every living language.
' Resolved, That wherever, in versions now in use, known and obvious errors exist, and
wherever the meaning of the original is concealed or obscured, suitable measures ought to be
prosecuted to correct those versions, so as to render the truth clear and intelligible to the
ordinary reader. 'Resolved, That in regard to the expediency of this board undertaking the
correction of the English version, a decided difference of opinion exists, and, therefore, that
it be judged most prudent to await the instruction of the Society."
This provoked great debate between the advocates of revision and those who adhered to the belief
that the Word of God needed no improvement. Some of these opponents identified this revision
tendency as a "metropolitan power" that needed to be crushed so that the Word be preserved for
The opponents of this revision tendency prevailed. In 1850, the American & Foreign Bible
Society met for its thirteenth anniversary and voted against revision of the English Scriptures
concretised as the Ki ng James Authori sed Versi on (AV) causing Dr Cone to resign as its president.
The Rev Isaac Westcott had moved: "That this Society, in the issues and circulation of the English
Scriptures, be restricted to the commonly received version, without note or comment." The
revisionists had countered by submitted the following: "Resolved, That it is the duty of the Society
to circulate the sacred Scriptures in the most faithful versions that can be procured." But, this was
rejected by the Society causing great division who resolved upon the policy offered by Rev Dr
Turnbull: "That it is not the province and duty of the American and Foreign Bible Society to attempt,
on their own part, or procure from others, a revision of the commonly received English version of
the Scriptures." The subsequent election of the officers and the board by ballot saw Dr Cone
re-elected President, however, his fellow revisionist such as the Secretary, William H Wyckoff and
Deacon Colgate and ten of the old managers were vetoed,
This precipitated Crone's resignation from the Baptist body with the words: "Brethren, I believe my
work in this Society is done. Allow me to tender you my resignation." Immediately after this, Crone
and 23 other revisionists including Thomas Armitage, E S Whitney, met in the parlour of Deacon
Colgate's house to plan a new Bi bl e revision society. Why did these men meet? Because, according
to the resolution worded by Armitage, it is:
" our duty to form a voluntary association for the purpose of procuring and circulating the
most faithful version of the sacred Scriptures in all languages. That in such an association
we will welcome all persons to co-operate with us, who embrace the principles upon which we
propose to organize, without regard to their denominational principles in other respects.' "
Why had they resolved to do this?
"The word and will of God, as conveyed in the inspired originals of the Old and New
Testaments, are the only infallible standards of faith and practice, and therefore it is of
unspeakable importance that the sacred Scriptures should be faithfully and accurately
translated into every living language A Bible Society is bound by imperative duty to employ
all the means in its power to insure that the books which it circulates as the revealed will of
God to man, should be as free from error and obscurity as possible There is not now any
general Bible Society in the country which has not more or less restricted itself by its own
enactments from the discharge of this duty."
The society they founded to do this great undertaking purpose of revising the Engl i sh Bi bl e was the
American Bible Union established and its constitution adopted on the 10th of June 1850 at the
Baptist Tabernacle in Mulberry Street, New York, with Cone as its president. Joining Crone was
William H Wyckoff as the Union's Corresponding Secretary; Deacon Colgate, as Treasurer, E S
Whitney as Recording Secretary and Sylvester Pier as Auditor, together with a board of twenty-four
managers. Adopted as part of its articles of the constitution was the second article that defined the
object of the Union was: " to procure and circulate the most faithful versions of the sacred
Scriptures in all languages throughout the world."
Thus, many scholars on both sides of the Atlantic began their endeavours to revise the Engl i sh
Bi bl e, the vernacular Bible of the English race. Preliminary work on the revision of the Engl i sh Bi bl e
was led by 2 groups of revisers one European and the other American. Amongst the former group
were the divines Joseph Angus, T Boys; Francis Clowes, F.W. Gotch, T J Gray, William Peechey, J
Patterson and A S Thelwall. Those in the latter included. E. Adkins, Alexander Campbell, E S Gallup,
John Forsyth, J L Dagg, OB Judd, John Lillie, E. Lord, Edward Maturin, Joseph Muenscher, M.K.
Pendleton, Philip Schaff, James Shannon, S.E. Shepherd, W P Strickland and N.N. Whiting.
The three general rules of the American Bible Union were:
"1. The exact meaning of the inspired text, as that text expressed it to those who
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understood the original Scriptures at the time they were first written, must be translated by
corresponding words and phrases, so far as they can be found in the vernacular tongue of
those for whom the version is designed, with the least possible obscurity or indefiniteness. '
2. Wherever there is a version in common use it shall be made the basis of revision, and all
unnecessary interference with the established phraseology shall be avoided, and only such
alteration shall be made as the exact meaning of the inspired text and the existing state of
the language may require.
3. Translations or revisions of the New Testament shall be made from the received Greek
text, critically edited with known errors corrected. "The following common English version
must be the basis of the revision; the Greek text, Bagster & Son' s octavo edition of 1851.""
Thus, the North American revisers of Engl i sh Bi bl e of the English New Testament
contained in the KJV were charged to use Bagsters' Greek New Testament contained in
the "Bi bl i a Sacra Pol ygl otta" (6 vols., London, 1831): that is, they were limited to
translating from the Text us Recept us (the central text of the body of texts called the
Antiochian manuscripts or Byzantine Manuscripts) the Greek text used by the
Protestant martyr, William Tyndale (1494-1536) in 1525 for his translation of the Bi bl e
into English: the Engl i sh Bi bl e used as the inspiration for the Ki ng James of 1611.
First amongst these American redactors was Thomas Jefferson Conant (1802-91) the
foremost Hebrew scholar of his time in America who, since 1857, had devoted himself almost
exclusively to the great work of his life, the translation and revision of the common English version
of the Scriptures. Thus, in the period 1857-75, Conant was employed by the American Bible Union
on the revision of the New Testament together with some books of the Ol d, namely: Genesi s,
Joshua, Judges, Samuel , Ki ngs, Job, Psal ms, Proverbs and parts of Isai ah. Conant began with Ol d
Testament aided in the Hebrew text by the Germany divine Dr Rodiger. In 1865, under direction of
divines Conant, Hackett, Schaff and Kendrick, the American Bible Union completed and printed its
final revision of the Engl i sh Bi bl e using Bagsters' Greek New Testament as its primary source: This
included the complete New Testament and Ol d Testament books, Genesi s, Joshua, Judges, Ruth,
Job, Psal ms and Proverbs; I & II Samuel , I & II Ki ngs, I & II Chroni cl es and a portion of Isai ah.
The newly revised versions of the Engl i sh Bi bl e were a success and appeared to revolutionise
public opinion on the subject of revision such that a new literature was created on the subject, both
in Britain and North America. This propaganda resulted in a general demand for revision of the
Engl i sh Bi bl e that culminated in the recommendation by the Convocation of Canterbury in 1870 to
pursue a thorough revision of the Engl i sh Bi bl e. Significantly, although the Revision Committee
was appointed by the southern half of the Church of England under the Archbishop of Canterbury,
the northern half of England under the Archbishop of York, refused to be a party to the project.
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Secret Societies' Attack upon the Holy Bible
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