Customer Support: Release Note

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Release Note: For the latest Customer Support information in your country or

territory, click here, and select Contact.

Customer Support

You should read through the manual and the readme file on the CD before contacting Activision Customer
Support. Additionally, if you have internet access, search our troubleshooting database at:

Please ensure that your computer system meets the minimum system requirements that are listed on the
bottom of the box. Our Customer Support representatives will not be able to help customers whose computers
do not meet the requirements. So that we can better help you, please have the following information ready:

1. 1. Complete product title (include version number)
2. 2. Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem
3. 3. Your computers processor type and speed (e.g. Pentium 4 2.4GHZ, Athlon XP 3000,
4. 4. Amount of RAM
5. 5. Make and model of your video and sound cards (e.g. Radeon 9800 Pro, Creative Sound
Blaster Audigy 2, etc)
6. 6. Make and model of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (e.g. Samsung SC-140)
7. 7. Operating system

NOTE: Please do not contact Customer Support for hints/codes/cheats; only technical issues.

NOTE: Internet/e-mail support is handled in English only.

Our support section of the web has the most up-to-date information available including patches that can be
downloaded free-of-charge. We update the support pages daily so please check here first for solutions. By
going to the Find Answers section and selecting the platform/game you are inquiring about you can view the
top solutions for the game to date. If you dont find your question/solution there try using inputting a keyword
into the search.
World Wide Customer Support:

Australia and Pacific Rim North America
France Spain
Germany UK and Australia
Italy UK and Europe
Latin America Electronic Arts-Brazil

Australia and Pacific Rim


Level 5, 51 Rawson St
Epping NSW 2121

Phone: 1 902 263 555
Calls charged @ $2.48 (inc GST) per minute

In New Zealand for Technical Support, please call 0800 160 110.

NOTE: Multiplayer components of Activision games are handled via online only

Services with Activision Forums, E-mail and File Library Support (available in English only):

World Wide Web:
E-mail: [email protected]

NOTE: E-mail is for technical issues only, no hints or codes will be given.
Please note that online support is available in English only.

E-REG for Australian Customers

Do you want to receive news on new games and special offers for Activision customers?

Register On-line at

Complete the registration form & help us keep you informed about Activision games. You will be
notified of upcoming releases & special offers.

Note: Activision Asia-Pacific is committed to safeguarding the privacy of information entrusted to it. Accordingly, Activision
complies with all relevant legislation concerning the collection, use, security and disclosure of personal information.

[To the Top]

Assistance Technique En France

Support clients


Pour tout savoir sur les produits ACTIVISION, pour connatre les astuces et les solutions qui vous
permettront de progresser dans nos jeux, pour tlcharger des dmos** ou pour participer nos concours et
gagner nos dernires nouveauts...

Contactez le service consommateurs ACTIVISION 24 h / 24 et 7 jours sur 7.

Par minitel : 3615 ACTIVISION*
Par tlphone : 08 92 68 17 71*
Sur notre site web :, si vous avez un accs Internet.

Un testeur-joueur pourra aussi rpondre toutes vos questions et vous guider
dans vos qutes et aventures (rponse personnalise sous 24 h, jours ouvrs).
* Tarif en vigueur au 01/04/00, pour la France mtropolitaine : 0,34 euros/min 2002 CPP.
** Uniquement sur notre site Web.

Hotline Technique
0825 15 00 24* ou par e-mail : [email protected]

* Quelque soit l'origine de l'appel : 0,15 euros/min TTC 2002 CPP RCS B 395 093 172
Horaires : du lundi au vendredi de 16 heures 19 heures.

Pour le service clientle dans les pays francophones, veuillez contacter votre revendeur local ou
Activision par les services en ligne.
[To the Top]

Kundendienst in Deutschland
Bevor Sie sich mit dem Kundendienst in Verbindung setzen, sollten Sie die technische Hilfedatei zu Rate
ziehen. Diese enthlt Antworten auf hufig gestellte Fragen und bietet Ihnen mglicherweise eine schnelle
und einfache Lsung Ihres Problems. Wenn Sie auch nach dem Lesen der Hilfedatei noch technische
Probleme haben, knnen Sie sich jederzeit an einen unserer unten aufgefhrten Online-Dienste wenden.
Aufgrund der Komplexitt von Netzwerkspielen bitten wir Sie, die folgenden Informationen
bereitzuhalten, wenn Sie sich an den technischen Kundendienst wenden:
1. Vollstndiger Produkttitel
2. Die genaue Fehlermeldung (falls vorhanden) sowie eine kurze Beschreibung des Problems
3. Eine Kopie des DirectX-Diagnoseberichts. Um diesen zu erhalten, gehen Sie auf Start>Ausfhren,
geben dxdiag c:\dxdiag.txt ein und drcken dann die Eingabetaste. Den Bericht finden Sie dann
direkt auf Laufwerk C.
Sollten Sie Schwierigkeiten mit dem Mehrspieler-Modus oder beim Online-Spiel haben, halten Sie bitte auch
folgende Informationen bereit:
Wenn Sie ein Modem verwenden:
1. Art des Modems an jedem Ende (Marke, Modell, Geschwindigkeit, intern oder extern)
2. Anzahl der Modems
3. Anschluss (Port), auf dem jedes Modem konfiguriert ist
4. Kann Hyperterminal (oder ein beliebiges Terminal-Programm) mit Ihrem Modem verwendet
werden? So knnen Sie auf einfache Weise berprfen, ob Ihr Modem richtig konfiguriert ist.
5. Verbindungsgeschwindigkeit
6. Haben Sie berprft, ob die Datenkomprimierung, Fehlererkennung und Flusskontrolle deaktiviert
sind? Informationen hierzu finden Sie im Handbuch zu Ihrem Modem.

Wenn Sie ein externes Modem verwenden:
1. Typ der verwendeten seriellen Karte
2. Verfgen Sie ber ein 7adriges serielles Kabel?

Wenn Sie in einem LAN spielen:
1. Knnen Sie die anderen Computer im Netzwerk sehen?
2. Art der Netzwerkkonfiguration
3. Marke der Netzwerkkarte
4. Typ der von Ihnen verwendeten Software sowie die Versionsnummer

Kundendienst in Deutschland

Es stehen Ihnen werktags von 14.00 bis 18.00 Uhr und am Wochenende von 16.00 bis 18.00 Uhr (auer an
gesetzlichen Feiertagen) folgende deutsche Hotline-Nummern zur Verfgung:

Technischer Kundendienst: 0 18 05 / 22 51 55 ( 0,12 / Min. aus dem Festnetz der Deutschen Telekom *)
Spielinhaltlicher Kundendienst: 01 90 / 51 00 55 ( 0,62 / Min. aus dem Festnetz der Deutschen Telekom *)

sterreich und deutschsprachige Schweiz:
Technischer Kundendienst: +49 18 05 / 22 51 55 (Auslandstarif *)
Spielinhaltlicher Kundendienst: +49 18 05 / 22 51 00 (Auslandstarif *)

*Die genauen Kosten knnen Sie ber Ihren Telekommunikationsanbieter erhalten.

Email-und Online:
Supportformular unter

Deutsche Website:

Online-Dienste US
Internet: [email protected] oder (nur in englischer Sprache)

[To the Top]

Assistenza Tecnica Clienti in Italia

Prima di contattare il nostro servizio clienti vi preghiamo di cercare la soluzione al vostro problema nel file di
aiuto presente sul CD del gioco; usandolo si possono superare la maggior parte dei problemi che si verificano
pi frequentemente. Se anche dopo averlo consultato continuate a non essere in grado di sistemare la
situazione mettetevi pure in comunicazione con uno qualsiasi dei servizi elencati qui di seguito.

Per consentirci di aiutarvi con pi efficacia cercate di chiamarci da vicino al vostro computer, e di avere sotto
mano le seguenti informazioni:

Il titolo completo del prodotto.
Il messaggio derrore che compare (se c) e una breve descrizione del problema.
Il tipo di sistema operativo che state utilizzando (per esempio Windows 98/ME/2K/XP)
Il tipo di processore montato sul vostro computer e la sua velocit (per esempio Intel Pentium4
2.4, etc).
La marca e il modello della scheda video e della scheda sonora (per esempio Radeon 9800Pro video,
Sound Blaster Audigy audio).
State usando un joystick? Di che tipo e modello? A quale porta gioco collegato (es., scheda audio,
porta gioco dedicata)?
Di quanto spazio libero su hard disk disponete?
Di quanta RAM dispone il vostro computer?

Se riscontrate dei problemi con le sezioni multiplayer o on-line del prodotto, vi preghiamo di fornirci le
seguenti informazioni quando chiamate.

Se state usando un modem:
Che tipi di modem state usando (per entrambi i giocatori coinvolti marca, modello, velocit,
interno o esterno)?
Avete pi di un modem?
In quali porte sono configurati?
LHyperterminal (o qualunque altro programma per terminale) funziona con il vostro modem?
Questo un modo molto facile di verificare che il vostro modem sia configurato correttamente.
A quale velocit state effettuando la connessione?
Vi siete assicurati che compressione dati, rilevazione derrore e controllo di flusso siano disattivati?
Fate riferimento al manuale del vostro modem per ottenere maggiori informazioni.
Se state usando un modem esterno:
Che tipo di scheda seriale state usando?
Avete un cavo seriale a sette fili?
Se siete su rete LAN:
Riuscite a vedere gli altri computer in rete?
Qual la vostra configurazione di rete?
Qual la marca della vostra scheda di rete ?
Che software di gestione di rete state usando? Che versione ?

Servizi on-line con forum Activision, e-mail e librerie di supporto
E-mail: [email protected]


Per ottenere assistenza tecnica I assistenza clienti si pu contattare Activision in Gran Bretagna al numero
+44 (0)870 241 2148 negli orari 08.00 - 19.00 (ora locale) da luned a venerd, il sabato dalle 08.00 alle
17.00. Sono esclusi i giorni festivi.


Consulta il manuale per ulteriori informazioni sulla societ responsabile del Servizio Clienti per questo

Servizio di Assistenza Tecnica Leader Distribuzione SpA
Tel: +39 0332 870579 da luned a venerd dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.00 alle 20.00.
Fax: +39 0332 870890
E-Mail: collegarsi al sito e lasciare un messaggio


Servizio Assistenza Tecnica Halifax

Grazie per aver acquistato questo prodotto.

Qualora abbiate riscontrato dei problemi nellutilizzo dello stesso, vi invitiamo a rivolgervi al Servizio
Assistenza Tecnica Halifax che risponde al seguente numero telefonico: 02/4130345.
Un operatore sar a vostra disposizione dal luned al venerd, dalle ore 14 alle ore 19.

inoltre possibile accedere al nostro Servizio Assistenza Tecnica on-line compilando un semplice form:

oppure inviandoci una mail al seguente indirizzo: [email protected]

Per una maggiore efficienza, vi preghiamo di riportare sempre i seguenti dati:

negozio presso il quale stato acquistato il software o la periferica
tipologia dellerrore o del malfunzionamento riscontrato

Si ricorda che questo servizio esclusivamente inerente al supporto tecnico: non potranno quindi essere
forniti trucchi e/o soluzioni, per i quali vi invitiamo a consultare il Forum Halifax al seguente indirizzo:

Per il supporto tecnico e il servizio clienti nei paesi non menzionati fate riferimento al distributore
locale dei prodotti Activision o ai nostri servizi on-line (tenete presente che questi servizi sono
esclusivamente in lingua inglese).

[To the Top]

Asistencia Tcnica: America Latina
Funny Life, S.A. de C.V.
Lago Chalco 130
Col. Anahuac
Mxico, 11320, D.F.
En D.F. y Area Metropolitana:
Lada sin costo:

TELEFONE: (011) 5506-0232 - Solicitar suporte tcnico
FAX: (011) 5505-1173 - Enviar A/C suporte tcnico
INTERNET: [email protected]
How to contact us:
Electronic Arts Ltda
Tel ( 011 ) 5506-0232
Fax : (011) 5505-1173 - to customer support
Internet : [email protected]

Tele Opcion
Av. Roque Saenz Pea 811 Piso 4 "E" - Buenos Aires - Argentina
Hot Line (54) 11 - 4326-7752
[email protected]
[To the Top]

North America

Customer Support

You should read through the manual and the readme file on the CD before contacting Activision Customer
Support. Additionally, if you have internet access, search our troubleshooting database at:

Please ensure that your computer system meets the minimum system requirements that are listed on the
bottom of the box. Our Customer Support representatives will not be able to help customers whose computers
do not meet the requirements. So that we can better help you, please have the following information ready:

- - Complete product title (include version number)
- - Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem
- - Your computers processor type and speed (e.g. Pentium 4 2.4, Athlon XP 3000, etc)
- - Amount of RAM
- - Make and model of your video and sound cards (e.g. Radeon 9800 Pro, Creative Sound Blaster
Audigy 2, etc)
- - Make and model of your CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive (e.g. Samsung SC-140)
- - Operating system

NOTE: Please do not contact Customer Support for hints/codes/cheats; only technical issues.


Our support section of the web has the most up-to-date information available, including patches that can be
downloaded free-of-charge. We update the support pages daily so please check here first for solutions. By
going to the Find Answers section and selecting the platform/game you are inquiring about you can view the
top solutions for the game to date. If you dont find your question/solution there try using inputting a keyword
into the search.

If you cannot find an answer to your issue you can email us using the support form. A response may take
anywhere from 24-72 hours depending on the volume of messages we receive and the nature of your problem.
During the first few weeks of a game release and during holiday seasons the response time may take a little

NOTE: Internet/e-mail support is handled in English only.

NOTE: The multiplayer components of Activision games are handled only through

Phone: (310) 255-2050
You can call our 24-hour voice-mail system for answers to our most frequently asked questions at the above
number. Contact a Customer Support Representative at the same number between the hours of 9:00 am and
5:00 pm (Pacific Time), Monday through Friday, except holidays. When calling please make sure you are in
front of your computer with the power on and have all the necessary information as listed above at hand.

Please do not send any game returns directly to Activision without first contacting Customer Support.
It is our policy that game returns/refunds must be dealt with by the retailer or online site where you purchased
the product. Please see the Limited Warranty contained within our Software License Agreement for warranty

Register your product online so we can enter you in our monthly drawing for a fabulous Activision prize.
[To the Top]

Servicio de Atencin al Cliente: Espaa


Antes de ponerte en contacto con nosotros no olvides consultar el archivo de ayuda tcnica, donde encontrars
respuestas a las preguntas ms frecuentes. Si aun as continas teniendo problemas de tipo tcnico intenta
conseguir la siguiente informacin:

1. 1. Ttulo del producto
2. 2. Mensaje de error exacto (si lo hay) y una breve descripcin del problema.
3. 3. Sistema operativo que ests utilizando (Windows 98/ME/2K/XP)
4. 4. Tipo y velocidad del procesador de tu ordenador (Pentium 4 2.4GHZ, Athlon XP 3000, etc.)
5. 5. Fabricante y modelo de las tarjetas de vdeo y sonido de tu ordenador.
6. 6. Memoria RAM y memoria convencional libre.

Servicios en lnea con los Foros de Activision, E-Mail y Biblioteca de archivos

E-mail: [email protected]

Asistencia Tcnica y al Cliente de Activision en el Reino Unido: +44 (0) 870 2412148
Horario de atencin: Lunes a Viernes de 08:00 a 19:00 horas, Sabado de 08:00 a 17:00
Slo se ofrece asistencia en lnea en ingls.

Sus llamadas pueden ser grabadas.


Si experimentas algn problema tcnico con este juego, no dudes en ponerte en contacto con nosotros en:

c/ Hermanos Garca Noblejas 37,
Edificio C 2 planta
28037 Madrid

Atencin al cliente
Tf. 91 406 2940
Fax 91 367 8898

Nuestro horario es de Lunes a Viernes de 10:00 a 14:00 horas y de 16:00 a 18:00 horas.

Tambin puedes contactar con nosotros a travs de correo electrnico en: [email protected]

Y no dejes de visitar nuestro sitio web:

Para ponerse en contacto con la Asistencia tcnica y Servicio al cliente en las reas que no se muestran
en la lista, llama a tu distribuidor local o ponte en contacto con el servicio en lnea de Activision. (Slo
se ofrece asistencia en lnea en ingls.)

[To the Top]

UK and Australia

For Technical Support:

In Australia, please call 1 902 263 555. Calls are charged at $2.48 (inc GST) per minute.
In New Zealand for Technical Support, please call 0800 160110.

In the U.K., please call + 44 (0) 870 2412148, between 8:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (UK time).

For Technical Support and Customer Service in areas not listed, please contact your local distributor or
Activision online.

(Please note that online support is available in English only.)

E-REG for Australian Customers

Do you want to receive news on new games and special offers for Activision customers?

Register On-line at

Complete the registration form & help us keep you informed about Activision games. You will be
notified of upcoming releases & special offers.

Note: Activision Asia-Pacific is committed to safeguarding the privacy of information entrusted to it. Accordingly, Activision
complies with all relevant legislation concerning the collection, use, security and disclosure of personal information.

[To the Top]

UK and Europe

Customer Support
Before contacting customer support, please consult the technical help file. It contains the answers to some of
our most frequently asked questions and may quickly and easily
provide a solution to your difficulty. If after reviewing the technical help file you are still experiencing
problems, please feel free to contact us through any of the online
services listed.
In order to assist us when dealing with your difficulty, please have the following information ready when you
call or attach it to your email to [email protected].

1. 1. Complete product title.
2. 2. Exact error message reported (if any) and a brief description of the problem.
3. 3. A copy of your DirectX Diagnostics report. To access this go to Start > Run and type
dxdiag c:\dxdiag.txt and press ENTER. The report will be found in your My Computer C: drive.

If you are experiencing difficulty with the multiplayer or online portion of the product, please assist us by
having the following additional information ready when you call.

If you are using a modem:
1. 1. What kind of modem is on each end (brand, model, speed, internal or external)?
2. 2. Do you have more than one modem?
3. 3. On which port is each configured?
4. 4. Does Hyperterminal (or any other terminal program) work with your modem? This is an easy way to
test whether or not your modem is configured correctly.
5. 5. At what speed are you connecting?
6. 6. Have you made sure data compression, error detection, and flow control is turned OFF? Refer to your
modems manual to do this.
If using an external modem:
1. 1. What kind of serial card is being used?
2. 2. Do you have a seven-wire serial cable?
If you are on a LAN:
1. 1. Can you see other computers on the network?
2. 2. What is your network configuration?
3. 3. What brand of network card do you have?
4. 4. What network software are you running? What version number?

Online Services with Activision Forums, E-Mail and File Library Support

For support via the web please visit or e-mail [email protected]


For Customer & Technical Support you can contact Activision in the UK on +44 (0) 8702 412148 between
the hours of 8.00am and 7.00pm (UK time) Monday to Friday with the exception of holidays.

Your calls may be monitored

For Technical Support and Customer Service in areas not listed, please contact your local distributor
or Activision via online. (Please note the online support is available in English only).

E-REG for Australian Customers

Do you want to receive news on new games and special offers for Activision customers?

Register On-line at

Complete the registration form & help us keep you informed about Activision games. You will be
notified of upcoming releases & special offers.

Note: Activision Asia-Pacific is committed to safeguarding the privacy of information entrusted to it. Accordingly, Activision
complies with all relevant legislation concerning the collection, use, security and disclosure of personal information.

[To the Top]

Electronic Arts Brazil
Como contatar-nos:

TELEFONE: (011) 5506-0232 - Solicitar suporte tcnico
FAX: (011) 5505-1173 - Enviar A/C suporte tcnico
INTERNET: [email protected]
How to contact us:

Electronic Arts Ltda
Tel ( 011 ) 5506-0232
Fax : (011) 5505-1173 - to customer support
Internet : [email protected]
[To the Top]

Release Note: For the latest Customer Support information in your country or
territory, click here, and select Contact.

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