Syllabus Question
Syllabus Question
Syllabus Question
Human - the right number of people Financial - budgets to operate plant safely
Physical - such as equipment, buildings
1.3 Explain the purpose of organisational learning, the sharing of lessons learnt and sources of
is the process of comparing the performance of your own organization against that of another, using
standard, agreed criteria. Why ? improve upon procedures
➢ External to an Organization
▪ Manufacturers data ▪ National legislation ▪ Applicable European Union Directives
1.4 Explain how ‘change’ should be managed to effectively reduce risks to people and plant
1.5 Outline the benefits, limitations and types of worker participation and engagement
1.6 Outline what is meant by competence and its importance to process safety
Plan - Developing a clear plan of objectives that will move the organization forward (Policy)
Do - Carry out actions to improve health and safety. (operation)
Check - determine whether the steps you have taken are moving to your goals. ( correct)
Act - Take action from output for continuous improvement (Management review)
2.3 Outline asset management and maintenance strategies for process plant
➢ Considered a high priority; ➢ Carried out face-to-face ➢ Carried out using accurate written ➢
Permit-to-work details ➢ Any emergency situations ➢ Maintenance activities planned
3.2 Outline the controls that should be adopted to control the safe start-up and shut- down of process
1- Planned
• Follows pre-determined, controlled sequence • Includes a risk assessment
2- Unplanned
• Partial or complete • Can be dangerous in any event
3- emergency
• Type of unplanned shut-down • Whenever a hazardous situation develops
4- staged
• Usually a type of planned start-up/shut-down that requires staged processes
5- Delayed
• When an issue has been raised, but an assessment is made to control the situation until shut-down is
allowed to proceed
3.3 Outline the necessity for performance standards for safety critical systems and equipment and the
concept of ‘FARSI’
A model for performance standards, which can be described in terms of its functionality, availability,
reliability, survivability and interdependency (usually abbreviated to ‘FARSI’).
The FARSI model for defining performance standards:
3.4 Outline the hazards and controls associated with utilities such as the use of steam and water within the
process industries
steam: • Motive power like turbines. • Move liquid and gas streams in piping. • Cleaning.
Water hazard : • Vacuum formation during draining operations • Cooling towers like water fog
3.5 Analyse the hazards and controls associated with electricity / static electricity within the process
• Fixed objects - provide a permanent connection from the plant, structure, etc to earth.
• Moveable objects (such a filling bins) - ‘flying’ lead attached to the bin which is then clipped onto an
earthing connection at the point of use.
3.7 Categorise the hazards presented by chemical reactions and the protective measures used to mitigate
the consequences of a thermal runaway reaction
2- Pool fires • Spillage of liquid fuel. • Can be on water. • Vapour ignites above pool.
Confined vapour cloud explosion (CVCE) • Flammable vapour builds up • Ignition occurs.
4.2 Outline appropriate control measures to minimise the effects of fire and explosion in the process
Active fire protection: “Equipment, can be used to control, mitigate and extinguish fires.” Example:
Sprinklers, gas extinguishing
Passive fire protection: “coating arrangement will provide thermal protection to avoid heat not transfer
to another area. Example: Spray coatings
4.3 Outline how dusts have the potential to explode and commonly used control measures adopted to
prevent and minimise explosion
Dust explosions are the result of high concentrations of combustible dust particles within an enclosed
4.4 Describe emergency plans and the preparedness for the implementation