This document discusses the driving force for solidification. It defines phases and components in a system, and introduces Gibbs free energy. A phase transformation will occur if it decreases the Gibbs free energy. For solidification to begin, the liquid must be undercooled below its freezing point. Nucleation occurs when a small solid nucleus forms in the liquid. Once it reaches a critical size, it is stable and growth can proceed as the latent heat is removed.
This document discusses the driving force for solidification. It defines phases and components in a system, and introduces Gibbs free energy. A phase transformation will occur if it decreases the Gibbs free energy. For solidification to begin, the liquid must be undercooled below its freezing point. Nucleation occurs when a small solid nucleus forms in the liquid. Once it reaches a critical size, it is stable and growth can proceed as the latent heat is removed.
This document discusses the driving force for solidification. It defines phases and components in a system, and introduces Gibbs free energy. A phase transformation will occur if it decreases the Gibbs free energy. For solidification to begin, the liquid must be undercooled below its freezing point. Nucleation occurs when a small solid nucleus forms in the liquid. Once it reaches a critical size, it is stable and growth can proceed as the latent heat is removed.
This document discusses the driving force for solidification. It defines phases and components in a system, and introduces Gibbs free energy. A phase transformation will occur if it decreases the Gibbs free energy. For solidification to begin, the liquid must be undercooled below its freezing point. Nucleation occurs when a small solid nucleus forms in the liquid. Once it reaches a critical size, it is stable and growth can proceed as the latent heat is removed.
In the study of phase transformations we will be dealing
with the changes that can occur within a given system e.g. an alloy that can exist as a mixture of one or more phases
A phase can be dened as a portion of the system whose
properties and composition are homogeneous and which is physically distinct from other parts of the system
The components of a system at the different elements or
chemical compound which make up the system Gibbs Free Energy G = H - T S for condensed phases PV !0 and thus H ! E Enthalpy Temperature Entropy H = E + PV Internal Energy Kinetic + Potential Energy Pressure Volume measure of heat content of the system + = A system is in equilibrium when it is at its most stable state when it has the lowest value of the Gibbs free energy measure of randomness of the system dG = 0 Equilibirum B A Gibbs free energy, G dG = 0 dG = 0 metastable equilibrium stable equilibrium Any transformation that results in a decrease in Gibbs free energy is possible "G = G 2 - G 1 < 0 How fast does a phase transformation occur? Free Energy Relations Specific Heat Cp T(K) 0 Enthalpy H T(K) 298 0 slope = Cp Entropy S T(K) 0
C P = !H !T " # $ % & ' P
H = C P dT 298 T !
C P T = !S !T " # $ % & ' P
S = C P T dT 0 T ! Enthalpy H T(K) 298 0 slope = Cp G TS slope = -S slope = -S H G G = H - T S Driving Force for Solidification Enthalpy H T(K) 298 0 slope = Cp G slope = -S liquid stable H (liquid) G(liquid) Tm H (solid) L G(solid) solid stable G Temperature Stable solid Stable liquid solid Tm Driving Force for Solidification G Temperature Stable solid Stable liquid solid liquid Tm G S !G G L T !T G L = H L -TS L G S = H S -TS S "G
= "H -T"S "H = H L - H S "S = S L - S S At equilibrium "G = 0 "G
= "H -T m "S = 0 entropy of fusion (nearly a constant ! R) for small "T we get = L T m "S f
= "H f T m "G
! L -T L T m "G
! L "T T m ! "S f "T undercooling Solidification Growth: occurs as atoms from the liquid are attached to the tiny solid until no liquid remains To get the solidication process started, the liquid phase must be undercooled, cooled to a temperature below the freezing point. G Temperature Stable solid Stable liquid solid liquid Tm G S !G G L T !T Nucleation: occurs when a small piece of solid forms in the liquid and must attain a minimum critical size before it is stable Controlled by: thermal conductivities relative masses shapes of the melt, the solid, and mold Once a nucleus forms, it can proceed to grow as fast as the latent heat of solidication and specic heat can be carried away.