Hordes of The Things Territories Campaign System
Hordes of The Things Territories Campaign System
Hordes of The Things Territories Campaign System
The majority of these rules are taken fromthe Warhammer Rule Book, 6th edition, produced by Games Workshop. This material has only been
modified by the author and all original copyrights remain in the hands of Games Workshop.
Conquer and Explore
To begin the campaign, each player generates three random territories (Excluding Lost Valley) from the chart shown
below. These represent a mix of settlements, terrain and resources that his army controls. Once the campaign is under
way, new players can join at any time simply by generating the three random territories. Players that have their
territories reduced to below three may also restart in the same way.
Army size
Players select a standard DBA/HOTT army for start of the campaign. This army will start at full strength for the first
battle, but any loses will be carried forwards. However, losses may be made up by recruiting elements from the
territory that is being staked. These then remain with the army. Thus the size and composition of an army will vary
throughout the course of the campaign. At no time may the army exceed 12 element/24 APs except in the case of when
conducting an Invasion or with the addition of an allied contingent.
Allied Contingent.
Allied contingents may be available from certain territories. They arrive in a single one-element frontage column along
the players base edge and over 600 paces from an enemy on a die roll of 6. They use their own separate die to
determine how many elements/groups they can move each turn. An Allied contingent is only available for the battle
that its territory is staked.
Fighting Battles
Players are free to fight each other as they wish, representing skirmishes along their common borders, intrusions into
their rivals' territory and outright invasions. However, players may not fight the same opponent twice in a row and
must play at least one other person before returning to the first enemy. The number of territories held by each
player indicates the size and power of his realm. The more territories a player has, the bigger and better his power base
will be.
When a battle is joined, both players must stake one of their territories. Each player nominates the territory to be staked
before the game begins. In DBA the battles take place in the defenders territory terrain. If in doubt, dice for it. After
the game is over, an additional territory is generated from the table below. The player who wins the game retains his
original territory and selects either of the two remaining territories to add to his own. This will be either his rival's
territory or the newly generated one. The loser takes the territory that is left. If the winner takes his rival's territory, then
the loser is assumed to have been forced back into the newly generated territory. Likewise, if the winner takes the new
territory, then the battle has determined which side will possess this new land.
If a player has at least half as much territory as his opponent, then he can raid his enemy's land. A raid is fought exactly
like any other game, except that both armies are limited to the same maximum points value, set by the raider.
Because the raiding player is making a surprise raid into enemy territory, taking advantage of his small size to penetrate
deeply into his enemy's lands, he can pick which territory his enemy must stake. Furthermore, both armies are limited in
choice as if the staked territories were the only territories either player had. This represents the fact that only local
troops are available to fend off the raid, while the raiders are a nimble and mobile force.
Players stake territories as normal, but the invader selects a second territory from the defender. This represents the
attackers penetration in force. The defender may use the recruitment values of both these territories and the attacker
may double the recruitment value for his staked territory.
If the attacker wins, he gains both territories. If he loses, then his loses are doubled reflecting the ensuing debacle of a
long retreat through hostile territory.
Players may not form alliances with each other.
Winning the Campaign
The campaign is be won by the first player to gain 13 territories. Or if two players both reach 12 territories, then the
winner may be decided by a play-off between them or by playing a group game using Big Battle rules and other players
using their armies as Allies.
DBA & HOTT Territories Campaign A Rules
Starting army DBA
El Ch Kn Cv LH Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax Bw Ps Art WW
To add colour to the game, players are urged to name the territories as they are rolled for.
Territory Name Terrain Recruit Value
& Type
Lost units Status
Fortress Blackguard Hilly 2 elements Kn
DBA & HOTT Territories Campaign A Rules
HOTT Territories Chart (Roll D66) for Territory
Roll 2 D6 for Territory, coloured =tens, white =units. Then where applicable, roll D6 for number of APs
To add colour to the game, players are urged to name the territories as they are rolled for.
11 Wizards Tower For each Wizard's Tower you control, your army may include one additional
Magician. N/A
12 Sacred Grove For each Sacred Grove you control, your army may include one additional
13 Shrine For each Shrine you control, your army may include one additional Hero N/A
14 Temple For each Temple you control, your army may include one additional Cleric N/A
15-16 Trade Route A Trade Routeallows one re-roll when rolling territories after a victory.
However, you must keep the new roll, even if it is the same as the old
21-32 Village For each Village you control, your army may recruit from any of the
following :-
Hordes, Shooters, Spears, Riders, Warband. 1 - 6 on a D6
33-34 Town For each Town you control, your army may recruit from any of the
following :-
Airboats, Artillery, Knights, Riders, Shooters, Blades. 1 - 6 on a D6
35-43 Road For each road you control, your army may include any except :-
Airboats, Artillery, Beasts, Gods, Flyers. 2
If a player stakes a road and wins, increase the value by 2 APs to a
maximum of 6APs.
44-46 River For each river you control, your army may include any except:-
Airboats, Artillery, Beasts, Gods, Flyers.
If a player stakes a river and wins, increase the value by 1 APs to a
maximum of 6APs.
51-52 Bridge For each Bridge you control, your army may include any except :-
Airboats, Artillery, Beasts, Gods, Flyers. 1 - 6 on a D6
53-54 Mine For each Mine you control, your army may include any elements. 1 - 6 on a D6
55 Pass For each Pass you control, your army may include any except:-
Airboats, Artillery, Gods. 1 - 6 on a D6
56 Mountains For each Mountains you control, your army may include:-
Behemoths, Beasts, Dragons, Flyers, Lurkers. 1 - 6 On a D6
Roll again and on a roll of 6 this territory also has a Mine.
61-65 Forest For each Forest you control, your army may include:-
Behemoths, Beasts, Dragons, Sneakers, Lurkers. 1 - 6 On a D6
66 Lost Valley A Lost Valley contains another territory generated from this table. A lost
valley may not contain another lost valley so re-roll a result of 66.
When a territory is generated roll a D6 to fix its value. Then allocate the type of elements for that value. These are the
element types that are available for that territory for the duration of the campaign.
When rolling for a territory after a battle, if the die roll is a double, then a event occurs. Roll 2D and consult the Event
Table to see what the event is. Both players roll a die and the event happens to the lowest die roll. (or each player rolls
a D6 and if a player rolls a 6 then the event happens to the other player)
DBA & HOTT Territories Campaign A Rules
HOTT Events
Roll 2 D6 and consult the table for the relevant event. If at any point a player is left with less than 3 territories, he must
abandon all and start again.
11-13 Plague
Effects all except Undead & Ratmen who must roll for an event instead.
Roll a D6 for each settlement. Villages are destroyed on a roll of 4-6. Towns are reduced to villages on a
roll of 6. In addition you must abandon 1 other territory of your choice. Destroyed villages and abandoned
territories are lost forever.
14-16 Raiders
Brigands, hill tribesmen, or nomad raiders raid your settlements. If you have Towns then roll a D6 for each.
On the score of a 4 or 5 the Town is reduced permanently to Village status.
If you have any Villages then roll a D6 for each. On the roll of a 6 it is destroyed, on the roll of a 4 or more
the territory is plundered and may not be staked or count as reinforcements during the next game.
21-23 Bandits
Harassment by bandits make communications impossible. Roll D6 for each Trade Route, road, bridge or
pass in your territory.
On a roll of 4-6 it is rendered untenable and must be abandoned. Abandoned territories are lost forever.
24-26 Fire
Fire breaks out in one of your Towns reducing it to ashes. If you have no towns then a village. If you have
more than one such settlement randomly determine which is affected. It then contributes nothing to your
army. Retain the territory and attempt to re build it. You cannot stake this territory in a game. On each
subsequent game, roll a D6and add +1 if you won the battle. On a roll of 6+the settlement is rebuilt and
counts as normal.
31-33 Rebellion.
Rebels seize one of your towns, if none then a village. The settlement remains part of your territory but
contributes nothing towards your army. You cannot stake the rebel settlement in a game. To end rebellion
you must win games. If you win a game then the rebellion in one settlement is put down. If you have
several revolting settlements then village revolts are always put down before those of towns. However, if
you lose a game then the revolt spreads to another town, or if no other towns a village. Rebellion may take
over all your settlements! Once all settlements have been restored the insurrection is over, no further
rebellion roll need be made.
34-36 Diplomatic Scandal
A scandalous incident involving a diplomat has reduced your foreign policy to tatters and sent allied
ambassadors scurrying home. Trade is suspended and armies muster on the borders. Whilst this situation
continues you cannot use any of your roads. From now on each time you win a battle roll a D6 - on the score
of a 4 or more relations are back to normal and you may use your roads again.
41-43 Drought
Prolonged drought has spoiled the harvest. You cannot stake any of your Rivers or Villages. After your
next battle roll a D6. On the score of 4-6 the drought has ended and your Villages are restored. On the roll of
a 1-3 the drought continues unabated, and your Rivers and Villages remain useless. Continue to roll after
each battle you fight until the drought is ended.
44-46 Mine Exhausted
One of your mines is exhausted and must be abandoned. if you have several mines randomly determine
which is no longer of any use.
51-53 Earthquake
An earthquake affect your Temple, Wizards tower, Sacred Grove, or Shrine. If you have more than one
such settlement randomly determine which is affected. It is destroyed.
54-56 Corruption
Corruption amongst Officials. Whilst corruption reigns you lose the points bonus of all Roads, Bridges and
Passes. Stamping out corruption takes time. For each battle you fight from now on you recover the bonus of
one of the affected territories - you can choose which. Corruption continues to drain your resources until you
have fought one battle for each Road, Pass, or Bridge territory in your empire.
61-63 Hurricane / Violent Storms
Your territory is devastated by hurricanes. Roll a D6 for each territory that you hold. On roll of 6 the
territory is destroyed. If you do not roll a 6 for any of your territories then the last one rolled for is lost.
(you must lose at least one). Additionally, the next battle you fight, you are unable to use any roads, rivers,
bridges or passes. Any bonuses from these territories are ignored and they may not be staked in battle.
64-66 Treachery.
For each Town roll a D6. On a roll of 6, the settlement randomly switches its allegiance to another player.
DBA & HOTT Territories Campaign A Rules
DBA Territories Chart (Roll D66) for Territory
Roll 2D6 for Territory, coloured =tens, white =units. Roll D6 for Terrain. Roll D6 for Recruitment value.
To add colour to the game, players are urged to name the territories as they are rolled for.
Territory Details
Element Types
11-14 Fortress For each Fortress you control, your may recruit:- 1 1
2-4 2 These are the entourage of the local warlord so will be
available as an allied contingent. 5-6 3
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
15-16 Trade
A Trade Routeallows one re-roll when rolling territories
after a victory. However, you must keep the new roll,
even if it is the same as the old territory.
1-6 0
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
21-32 Village For each Village you control, your army may recruit:- 1-4 1
5-6 2
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
33-34 Town For each Town you control, your army may recruit:- 1 1
2-5 2 1-3 on D6 chance that these will be a mercenary band
available as an allied contingent. 6 3
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
35-43 Road For each road you control, your army may recruit:- 1-6 1
If you stake a road in a game and win, then increase
the value of the road by 1element up to a max of 3.
1-4 on aD6 chance that these will be a mercenary
band available as an allied contingent.
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
44-46 River For each river you control, your army may recruit:- 1-6 1
If you stake a road in a game and win, then increase
the value of the road by 1element up to a max of 2.
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
51-52 Bridge For each Bridge you control, your army may recruit:- 1-3 1
4-6 2
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
53-54 Mine For each Mine you control, your army may recruit:- 1-2 1
3-4 2 1-3 on a D6 chance that these will be a mercenary
band available as an allied contingent. 5-6 3
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
55 Pass For each Pass you control, your army may recruit :- 1-2 1
3-5 2
6 3
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
56 Mountains For each Mountains you control, your army may recruit:- 1-2 1
Roll again and on a roll of 6 this territory also has a
3-6 2
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
61-65 Forest For each Forest you control, your army may recruit:- 1 1
2-4 2
5-6 3
El Ch Kn Cv LH
Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax
Bw Ps Art WW
66 Lost Valley A Lost Valley contains another territory generated from
this table. A lost valley may not contain another lost
valley so re-roll a result of 66.
1-6 0
El Ch Kn Cv LH Cm Sp Pk Bd Ax Bw Ps Art WW
When a territory is generated roll a D6 to fix its value. Then allocate the type of elements for that value. These are the
element types that are available for that territory for the duration of the campaign.
When rolling for a territory after a battle, if the die roll is a double, then a event occurs. Roll 2D and consult the Event
Table to see what the event is. Both players roll a die and the event happens to the lowest die roll. (or each player rolls
a D6 and if a player rolls a 6 then the event happens to the other player)
DBA & HOTT Territories Campaign A Rules
DBA Events
Roll 2 D6 and consult the table for the relevant event. If at any point a player is left with less than 3 territories, he must
abandon all and start again.
11-13 Plague
Roll a D6 for each settlement. Villages are destroyed on a roll of 4-6. Towns are reduced to villages on
a roll of 6. In addition you must abandon 1 other territory of your choice. Destroyed villages and
abandoned territories are lost forever.
14-16 Raiders
Brigands, hill tribesmen, or nomad raiders raid your settlements. If you have Towns then roll a D6 for
each. On the score of a 4 or 5 the Town is reduced permanently to Village status.
If you have any Villages then roll a D6 for each. On the roll of a 6 it is destroyed, on the roll of a 4 or
more the territory is plundered and may not be staked or count as reinforcements during the next game.
21-23 Bandits
Harassment by bandits make communications impossible
Roll D6 for each Trade Route, road, bridge or pass in your territory.
On a roll of 4-6 it is rendered untenable and must be abandoned. Abandoned territories are lost forever.
24-26 Fire
Fire breaks out in one of your Towns reducing it to ashes. If you have no towns then a village. If you
have more than one such settlement randomly determine which is affected. It then contributes nothing to
your army. Retain the territory and attempt to re build it. You cannot stake this territory in a game. On
each subsequent game, roll a D6and add +1 if you won the battle. On a roll of 6+the settlement is
rebuilt and counts as normal.
31-33 Rebellion.
Rebels seize one of your towns, if none then a village. The settlement remains part of your territory but
contributes nothing towards your army. You cannot stake the rebel settlement in a game. To end
rebellion you must win games. If you win a game then the rebellion in one settlement is put down. If
you have several revolting settlements then village revolts are always put down before those of towns.
However, if you lose a game then the revolt spreads to another town, or if no other towns a village.
Rebellion may take over all your settlements! Once all settlements have been restored the insurrection is
over, no further rebellion roll need be made.
34-36 Diplomatic Scandal
A scandalous incident involving a diplomat has reduced your foreign policy to tatters and sent allied
ambassadors scurrying home. Trade is suspended and armies muster on the borders. Whilst this situation
continues you cannot use any of your roads. From now on each time you win a battle roll a D6 - on the
score of a 4 or more relations are back to normal and you may use your roads again.
41-43 Drought
Prolonged drought has spoiled the harvest. You cannot stake any of your Villages. After your next
battle roll a D6. On the score of 4-6 the drought has ended and your Villages are restored. On the roll of
a 1-3 the drought continues unabated, and your Villages remain useless. Continue to roll after each battle
you fight until the drought is ended.
44-46 Mine Exhausted
One of your mines is exhausted and must be abandoned. if you have several mines randomly determine
which is no longer of any use.
51-53 Earthquake
An earthquake affects a Fortress. If you have more than one such settlement randomly determine which
is affected. It is destroyed.
54-56 Corruption
Corruption amongst Officials. Whilst corruption reigns you lose the points bonus of all Roads, Bridges
and Passes. Stamping out corruption takes time. For each battle you fight from now on you recover the
bonus of one of the affected territories - you can choose which. Corruption continues to drain your
resources until you have fought one battle for each Road, Pass, or Bridge territory in your empire.
61-63 Hurricane
Your territory is devastated by hurricanes. Roll a D6 for each territory that you hold. On roll of 6 the
territory is destroyed. If you do not roll a 6 for any of your territories then the last one rolled for is lost.
(you must lose at least one). Additionally, in the next battle you fight, you are unable to use any roads,
bridges or passes. Any bonuses from these territories are ignored and they may not be staked in battle.
64-66 Treachery.
For each Fortress/Town roll a D6. On a roll of 6, the settlement randomly switches its allegiance to
another player.
DBA & HOTT Territories Campaign A Rules
Optional Alternatives
Volcanic Eruption
Volcano erupts and destroys one of your towns, then one of your other territories is destroyed
Troops bogged down and supplies ruined.
Next battle you fight, you are unable to use any roads, bridges or passes. Any bonuses from these
territories are ignored and they may not be staked in battle.
Roll a D6 for each Fortress in your territory. On a roll of 4-6 the Fortress is looted and destroyed. Any
destroyed territory is lost forever.
Other Campaign Rules
Other campaign rules may apply during the course of the campaign.
Players choose a DBA/HOTT army for the campaign. This army will start at full strength for each battle, 12 elements /
24 APs. However, it may be increased (up to 15 elements/30 Aps) by the values that the staked territory confers.
Should the value be 3 elements/ 6APs then they may be used as an allied force and receive their own die in the battle.
To determine victory conditions in a campaign battle when an army may have more or less than 12 elements?
The breakpoint in a regular DBA game equals 33% losses (4/12). In a campaign game, you can apply that same
percentage to determine the number of lost elements which equals the breakpoint.
DBA 33% HOTT 33%
3 elements 1 element 6 APs 2AP
6 elements 2 elements. 12 APs 4AP
9 elements 3 elements. 18 APs 6AP
12 elements 4 elements. 24 APs 8AP
15 elements 5 elements. 30 APs 10AP