This document discusses the basic elements of open-loop and closed-loop control systems. It provides examples of each type of system, including maintaining room temperature with an electric fire, controlling water level in a tank, driving a car by controlling direction and speed, and maintaining liquid level in a container. The key elements that make up a closed-loop control system are identified as the control element, correction element, process, reference value, comparison element, measurement element, error signal, and feedback.
This document discusses the basic elements of open-loop and closed-loop control systems. It provides examples of each type of system, including maintaining room temperature with an electric fire, controlling water level in a tank, driving a car by controlling direction and speed, and maintaining liquid level in a container. The key elements that make up a closed-loop control system are identified as the control element, correction element, process, reference value, comparison element, measurement element, error signal, and feedback.
This document discusses the basic elements of open-loop and closed-loop control systems. It provides examples of each type of system, including maintaining room temperature with an electric fire, controlling water level in a tank, driving a car by controlling direction and speed, and maintaining liquid level in a container. The key elements that make up a closed-loop control system are identified as the control element, correction element, process, reference value, comparison element, measurement element, error signal, and feedback.
This document discusses the basic elements of open-loop and closed-loop control systems. It provides examples of each type of system, including maintaining room temperature with an electric fire, controlling water level in a tank, driving a car by controlling direction and speed, and maintaining liquid level in a container. The key elements that make up a closed-loop control system are identified as the control element, correction element, process, reference value, comparison element, measurement element, error signal, and feedback.
Systems - FREDERICK UNIVERSITY CYPRUS AMEM 326 Lecturer: Dr. Sotiris Omirou Basic Elements of an open-loop system Control element Correction element Process input output controller signal expected to produce required output controlled variable 2 Example (1) of an open-loop system An electric fire used to heat a room Controlled variable: Control element: Correction element: Process: room temperature the operator the switch and the fire the room Identify the subsystems in an open-loop controlled speed motor Controlled variable: Control element: Correction element: Process: motor speed the operator the switch the motor Example (2) of an open-loop system 3 Basic Elements of a closed-loop system Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + - feedback comparison element Comparison element Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + - feedback comparison element Compares the reference value with the measured value and produces an error signal Error = reference measured value 4 Control element Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + - feedback comparison element This element decides what action to take when it receives an error signal Correction element Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + - feedback comparison element This element is used to produce a change in the process to remove the error and is often called an actuator 5 Process element Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + - feedback comparison element The process or plant is the system of which a variable is being controlled Measurement element Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + - feedback comparison element This produces a signal related to the variable being controlled and provides the signal fed back to the comparison element to determine if there is an error 6 Feedback Control element Correction element Process input output controller reference value controlled variable measurement element error signal + _ feedback comparison element The feedback can be either positive or negative: Error signal = reference value + feedback Error signal = reference value - feedback Example (1) of a closed-loop system An electric fire used to heat a room with a thermo- meter indicating the current room temperature 7 Example (1) of a closed-loop system (cont) Controlled variable: Reference value: Comparison element: Error signal: Control element: Correction element: Process: Measuring device: the room temperature the operator the difference between measured and required temperature the operator the required room temperature the hand of the operator the room the thermometer Example (2) of a closed-loop system The automatic control of water level in a tank 8 Example (2) of a closed-loop system (cont) Controlled variable: Reference value: Comparison element: Error signal: Control element: Correction element: Process: Measuring device: Water level in tank the lever the difference between the actual and initial setting of the lever positions the pivoted lever Initial setting of lever position the flap opening or closing the water supply water in the tank the floating ball and lever Example (4) of a closed-loop system Driving a car 9 Example (4) of a closed-loop system (cont) Controlled variable: Reference value: Comparison element: Error signal: Control element: Correction element: Process: Measuring device: direction of the car along the road the driver the difference between the actual and required directions the driver the required direction along the road the hands on the steering wheel the vehicle dynamics visual observation Control of direction Example (4) of a closed-loop system (cont) Controlled variable: Reference value: Comparison element: Error signal: Control element: Correction element: Process: Measuring device: speed of the car along the road the driver the difference between the actual and required speeds the driver the required speed along the road the foot on the pedals the vehicle dynamics visual observation Control of speed 10 Example (5) of a closed-loop system Maintenance of the liquid level in a container Example (5) of a closed-loop system (cont) Controlled variable: Reference value: Comparison element: Error signal: Control element: Correction element: Process: Measuring device: level of liquid in the tank the workman the difference between the actual and required levels the workman the required level the valve the water in the container visual observation of the gauge glass