External Fire Fighting Guidelines
External Fire Fighting Guidelines
External Fire Fighting Guidelines
Chapter 4
4.1.1 The purpose of this Chapter of the Code is to make provision for
space around buildings to enable effective mounting of rescue
and external fire fighting operations.
4.2.1 Introduction
Accessway shall be provided for accessibility of site to fire fighting
appliances. To permit fire fighting appliances to be deployed, the
accessway shall have a minimum width of 6m through its entire
length. Access openings shall be provided along the external walls
of the walls of buildings fronting the accessway to provide access
into the building for fire fighting and rescue operations.
Diagram 4.2.1
Every commercial development shall be provided with accessibility for fire
fighting appliances. The internal driveways shall be constructed to have the
required width and be able to withstand the operational loading of fire engine
when conducting external fire fighting. Access openings along the external walls
of the buildings facing hardstanding and accessway shall be provided for the
purpose of conducting fire fighting and rescue operations.
(a) (iv) For buildings not under purpose group IV, V and VII not
exceeding the habitable height of 10m, accessway will
not be required. However, provision of fire engine access
road having minimum 4m width for pump appliance will
be required to within a travel distance of 45m of every
point on the projected plan area of the building.
Diagram 4.2.2(a)-1
The measurement of the travel distance shall be the line of travel located outside the
building, and shall not traverse across open sided porches or 1
storey void deck. The travel
distance is the distance that a fire fighter would traverse while carrying a portable ladder or
4.2.2 (b) (i) For buildings under purpose group IV, V and VII
exceeding the habitable height of 10, accessway shall
be located directly below the access openings to
provide direct outreach to the access openings.
Accessway shall be provided based on the gross floor
areas (including toilets, stores, circulation areas etc.) of
the largest floor on the buildings as follows:
perimeter (min. 15m)
to 4000m
to 8000m
to 16000m
island site access
For buildings protected by an automatic sprinkler
system, the floor area shall be doubled as follows:
perimeter (min. 15m)
to 8000m
to 16000m
to 32000m
island site access
Diagram 4.2.2(b)(i)-1
Diagram 4.2.2(b)(i)-2
In the event the service road (Minimum 6m) is accessible by fire fighting
appliances and the building volume exceeds 2000m
but is less than 4000m
A + C ( A + B + C + D )
Diagram 4.2.2(b)(i)-3
a. It is important to note that for purpose groups IV, V and VII buildings, the gross
floor area of the largest floor in the building is used for the calculation of the
extent of accessway required.
b. Sprinklered protected buildings
For buildings protected by an automatic sprinkler system, the gross floor area of
the largest floor in the building can be doubled.
(ii) Fire engine access road shall be provided to within
18m of breeching inlet for buildings that exceed
the habitable height of 10m.
4.2.2 (d) (i) Accessway shall be metalled or paved or laid with
strengthened perforated slabs to withstand the
loading capacity of stationary 30 tonnes fire
engine. Please see Appendix (G) for technical
data on fire engine.
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(i)-1
Accessway needs to be designed to take the operating load of the fire engine.
Diagram A to Appendix G shows the locations of the footplates (jacks).
Where cellular or precast perforated slabs are to be used, they shall be of the
approved type.
(ii) Width Of Accessway
The accesssway shall have a minimum width of 6m
throughout. Such accessway must be able to
accommodate the entry and manoeuvring of fire engine,
extended ladders pumping appliances, turntable and / or
hydraulic platforms.
(No illustration)
(iii) Location
Accessway shall be positioned so that the nearer edge shall
be not less than 2m or more than 10m from the centre
position of the access opening, measured horizontally.
(For illustration, see diagram 4.2.3(e)-1)
(iv) Gradients of accessway
Accessway shall be laid on a level platform or if on an
incline, the gradient shall not exceed 1:15.
(No illustration)
Gradient of 1:8.3 of normal driveway or accessway could be used by
fire engines for moving from one point to another. For hardstanding
the inclined gradient shall not exceeds 1:15 as the fire engine would
not be able to operate.
(v) Turning Facilities
Dead-end accessway and fire engine access road shall not
exceed 46 m in length or if exceeding 46 m, be provided
with turning facilities as shown in Diagram 4.2.2(d)(v).
(vi) The outer radius for turning of accessway and fire engine
access road shall comply with the requirements as shown in
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(vi).
Turning radius requirement of fire engine access road and accessway
Turning Facilities for Aerial Appliances (30 tonnes)
Applicable to buildings exceeding the habitable height of 10m
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(v)
U-Turn Radii of Aerial Appliances (30 tonnes)
Applicable to buildings exceeding the habitable height of 10m
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(vi)
(vii) Overhead Clearance
Overhead clearance of accessway and fire engine
access road shall be at least 4.5 m for passage of fire
fighting appliances.
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(vii)
Overhead obstruction to accessway could be entrance gate, link or bridges
connecting buildings etc.
(viii) Public Road
Public roads can serve as accessway provided the location
of such public roads is in compliance with the requirements
of distance from access openings.
See illustration under sub-clause (ix)
(ix) Obstruction
Accessway and fire engine access road shall be kept
clear of obstructions and other parts of the building, plants,
trees or other fixtures shall not obstruct the path between
the accessway and access openings.
Not Favourable
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(ix)-1
The podium edge is obstructing the reach of the boom of fire engine to 4
Other obstructions could be roadside trees, entrance porch etc. To allow full
extension of aerial ladders at a safe climbing or elevation angle of 60 to 80
degrees, sufficient space is needed to position the fire engine.
Public road may be used as hardstanding by fire engine, provided the edge of
the public road to the facade of the building where access openings are
located should not exceed 10m.
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(ix)-2
Tower block is relocated nearer to the edge of the podium base to avoid
obstruction to the boom of fire engine.
The fire engine shall be located at least 2m, but not more than 10m away from the
external wall or faade (including any overhead obstruction) of the building. If the
fire engine is located within 2m from the building, the aerial ladder when set-up
would fall outside the safe working limit i.e. the inclination of the ladder would be
too steep.
If the fire engine is located more than 10m from the building, the effective reach
of the aerial ladder would be reduced.
Diagram 4.2.2(d)(ix)-3
The security barrier, when lifted up, shall not obstruct the fire engine
Diagram 4.2.3(d)(ix)-4
Eaves of the security post / guard house shall not project into the fire engine
4.2.2 (e) (i) Marking of fire engine accessway
All corners of accessway shall be marked.
(ii) Marking of corners shall be in contrasting colour to the
ground surfaces or finishes.
(iii) Accessway provided on turfed area must be marked
with contrasting object (preferably reflective) that is
visible at night. The markings are to be at an interval not
more than 3 metres apart and shall be provided on both
sides of the accessway.
(iv) Sign post displaying the wordings Fire Engine Access
Keep Clear shall be provided at the entrance of the
accessway. Size of wordings shall not be less than
Diagram 4.2.3(e)-1
Accessway, which is specially designated for operation of the fire fighting
appliance, should be marked with signage to prevent unauthorised
parking of other vehicles. It should be properly highlighted with
contrasting colours to its surrounding for better visibility and easy
identification by the responding fire fighting crew.
Reflective material should also be used to demarcate the accessway
space. This would help the fire fighters to locate it readily when
responding to a fire incident at night. It is also important to note that fire
fighting appliance is set up at the designated accessway, especially so
when it could be located over suspended or cantilevered slabs over
basement etc. to prevent damage to building structures, if otherwise
operated elsewhere.
Diagram 4.2.3(e)-2
The above floor plan shows the elevated base and the footprint of a
stack-up factory/warehouse/office/shop/building.
The accessway is marked at each corner. The fire fighters are required to
pitch the fire fighting appliances only within the designated accessway,
which is harden to take the additional load that would be imposed by
the appliances. Damage to the floor slab would occur if the fire fighting
appliances are pitched outside the designated accessway, which is not
harden to receive the pitching of fire fighting appliances.
(a) Definition
Openings on the external wall for external fire fighting and rescue
operation. Access openings shall include unobstructed external
wall openings, windows, balcony doors, glazed wall panels or
access panels. Windows, doors, wall panels or access panels must
be readily openable from the inside and outside, unless fitted with
breakable glazing. Inside and outside of access openings shall be
unobstructed at all times during the occupancy of the building.
Diagram 4.2.3(a)-1
Diagram 4.2.3(a)-2
The purpose of the access opening is to enable fire fighters to gain access from external to
rescue any occupant who is trapped in the building and to allow fire fighting from the outside
of building. Access panels shall be placed at habitable spaces. In situation where the upper
storey of a building is windowless, the FAPs could also be used for smoke and heat venting.
Access opening shall not be located at protected staircases or lobbies. As these spaces are
being protected, there is no need for fire fighters to gain access into them from the outside.
Sunshading to window shall be designed to have openable section in front of the designated
FAP. Qualified Person should consult SCDF(FSSD) for FAPs that are obstructed by the
sunshading and seek acceptance on the method of opening or removal of that section of
sunshading in front of the FAP before building plan submission.
4.2.3 (b) Where an external wall which faces the accessway has
external openings on each storey level that meet the
requirements of sub-clauses 4.2.3(a), 4.2.3(e), and 4.2.3(f),
there is no need to designate any access opening.
(no illustration)
(c) An external wall which faces the accessway and is windowless
or a blank wall shall be provided with access openings at
each storey level.
(no illustration)
(d) Signage
Panels to access openings shall be posted with either a red or
orange triangle of equal sides (minimum 150mm on each
side), which can be upright or inverted, on the external side of
the wall and with wordings, Fire Fighting Access-Do Not
Obstruct of at least 25mm height on the internal side.
Diagram 4.2.3(d)
The signage, either in red or orange triangle would help fire fighters on the
ground to locate the designated access openings. The triangle can be
upright or inverted.
(e) Size
Access openings shall not be less than 850mm wide by
1000mm high with a sill height of not more than 1100mm and
head height not less than 1800mm above inside floor level.
Diagram 4.2.2(e)
Signage shall be provided to indicate the access openings, both inside
and outside habitable rooms to prevent any obstructions at times. High-
level access openings are not acceptable as fire fighters could incur
physical injuries if they fell down from the openings while trying to gain
access into the building. The sill height of not more than 1100mm is to
facilitate the free movement in / out of the building. Higher sill height would
pose problems as fire fighter could incur a fall when entering the building
and restricting movement.
The minimum width of 850m shall not include a mullion usually found in
casement windows. The provision of the mullion would reduce the access
opening. This would cause difficulties to fire fighters when trying to get into
or out of the building, carrying with them equipment of injured occupant.
(f) Number and position of access openings for building other
than residential:
Access openings shall be spaced at not more than 20m
apart measured along the external wall from centre to
centre of the access openings.
Diagram 4.2.3(f)(iii)-1
a. The above diagram shows a 4 storey shopping centre which is sprinkler
protected. The total gross floor area of the largest floor is about
20,000sq. m. Under cl. 4.2.2(b), of the building perimeter would need
to be provided with fire engine accessway.
b. North and west elevations which are provided with glass faade (the
glazing used shall be breakable type) and having access openings
meeting the requirements of cl. 4.2.3(a) and 4.2.3(e) , there is no need
to indicate the FAP or access openings.
c. For South elevation which has solid wall faade, access openings
(windows) or FAPs are required to be provided at intervals of not more
than 20m apart.
d. For glass curtain walling where the glazing used is not easily breakable
eg. laminated glazing, access openings spaced at not more than 20m
apart shall be provided at each upper storey.
The glazing to the designated access openings shall either be
breakable or openable type from the outside.
Compartments not accessible from one another
Diagram 4.2.3(f)(iii)-2
As the compartments are not accessible from one another, each
compartment shall be provided with at least one access opening. For
compartment C, at least 2 access openings are required. Access openings
are provided along the external walls overlooking the fire engine
Diagram 4.2.3(f)(iii)-3
In situation where void or atrium interferes with the siting of FAPs, for
example, FAPs 3 and 4 as shown in the above diagram, the Qualified
Persons should consult SCDF(FSSD) to determine the alternative suitable
location for the affected FAPs and the adequacy of the overall provision
per storey of the building up to 60m habitable height.
(iv) Additional openings
For buildings under purpose group IV, V and VII where
an area or space has a ceiling height greater than 10m,
additional high level access openings for smoke venting
and fire fighting purposes shall be provided and located
in the external walls opening into the area or space.
Diagram 4.2.3(iv)
The additional access opening is meant for smoke venting. It is not
necessary to provide firemen access panel, as there is no landing below
the opening. The additional opening shall be labelled as Smoke Vent of
not less 25mm height.
(v) Internal fire fighting provision
In a building with limited external wall and insufficient
provision of accessway or access openings, installation of
internal fire fighting facilities such as rising main, sprinkler
system, shall be required.
Location Plan
Proposal Plan
In long narrow sites, the provision of fire engine accessway would affect the
layout of the building. To compensate for the lack of fire engine accessway, it
would be necessary to provide internal fire fighting facilities such as sprinkler
system, wet or dry rising mains, fire lift. QP shall obtain waiver approvals prior to
making building plan submission.
Buildings fitted with rising mains and automatic sprinkler system shall
have fire engine access road for pumping appliance within 18m of
the breeching inlet. The breeching inlets shall be visible from the fire
engine access road.
Diagram 4.3
Breeching inlets should be visible from fire engine access road to avoid delay in
locating them upon arrival of fire crew. For better control and limit to only one
hose length being used, the breeching inlets shall not be sited more than 18m
away from the fire engine access road.
Private fire hydrant
(a) Every part of a fire engine access road in a private lot shall be
within an unobstructed distance of 50m from a hydrant. Where
a public hydrant conforming to such requirement is not
available, private hydrant(s) shall be provided (see diagram
Diagram 4.4.1(a)
The distance of 50m is measured horizontally along the access road.
(b) In situations where more than one private hydrant are
required, the hydrants shall be located along the fire engine
accessway such that every part of the fire engine accessway
is within an unobstructed distance of 50m from any hydrant
(see diagram 4.4.1(b)).
( c) Siting and types of fire hydrants shall comply with the
requirements stated in SS CP 29: Code of Practice for Fire
Hydrant Systems and Hose reels.
Diagram 4.4.1(b)
Hydrant H1 can be omitted as it would be unlikely that the adjoining
land could be used for other uses, such as storage etc. Sharing of hydants
located in neighbouring lot is not acceptable.
Separation distance between hydrant and low retaining walls/buildings
Diagram 4.4.1(c)-2
The required minimum of 6m clearance between the building or retaining
wall/boundary wall and fire hydrant can be reduced to minimum 1000mm. The
above relaxation is to allow the minimum working space for hose connection.
Please refer to SCDF (FSSD) circular ref: SCDF(FSSD)37/86/SCDF(FSSD)34/86 dated 27
July 99.
Diagram 4.4.1(c)-3
Diagram 4.4.1(c)- 4
Provision of water supply for private hydrant system where required
by this Code shall comply with one of the following requirements:
(a) Private fire hydrants installed at reduced level 125 m and below
can receive direct supply from public water mains provided :
(i) The nominal bore of the hydrant pipe and the bulk water
meter shall not be less than 150mm in diameter; and
(ii) The running pressure/flow at the hydraulically most
unfavourable hydrant of the private hydrant system shall
comply with the following :
Running pressure >= 0.9 x (running pressure of the
nearest public hydrant pressure drop across the
bulk water metre); and
Flow Rate >= 0.9 x water flow of the nearest public
hydrant or >= total flow demand (as required in Table
4.4.2) of the private hydrant system, provided the
running pressure at the remotest private hydrant is
greater than 2 bars.
Note :
(i) In calculating the frictional loss for the private
hydrant system, the design flow rates shown in Table
4.4.2 shall be used.
(ii) Pressure drop across bulk water metre shall not be
more than 1bar.
Diagram 4.4.2(a)
There is a need to differentiate at RL 125m as public mains located at above RL
125m would not be able to provide the required water pressure. It is important
that hydrants annotated in building plan should be given their respective
reduced levels. Similarly, the platform level of the building should also be given
on plan.
4.4.2 (b) (i) Where there is only one private hydrant in the plot that is
located above reduced level 125m; and
(ii) this hydrant is not the sole hydrant within 50m from any
breeching inlet(s) feeding into fixed water based fire
fighting system(s) including automatic sprinkler systems,
dry riser systems, and wet riser systems for the building(s)
standing on this plot of land;
then this hydrant may be in the form of a "dry" hydrant. A "dry"
hydrant shall be connected to a 150mm diameter dry pipe,
which shall be connected at the other end to a four-way
breeching inlet. This breeching inlet shall be within 18m from
any fire engine accessible way and within 50m from any wet
hydrant, private or public.
Diagram 4.4.2(b)
Dry hydrant is equivalent to the provision of dry rising main. Care should be
taken to prevent accidental damage by vehicle etc to the horizontal run of the
pipe aboveground.
The dry pipe should be differently identified on site. The provision of dry hydrant is
a relaxation as all hydrants are required to be fed with water at all times. This is
allowed as the fire fighters could use other hydrants located at or below RL 125
which are within 50m from the breeching inlets.
4.4.2 (c) Where more than one private hydrants are located above
reduced level 125m within the same plot, storage and
pumping arrangements of water supply to these specified
hydrants shall comply with those for wet rising mains
stipulated in SS CP 29 and Table 4.4.2 Water Supply &
Storage Requirements For Private Hydrant. The water supply
for hydrants shall be as follows:
Table 4.4.2 Water Supply & Storage requirements For Private Hydrant
Purpose Group/Requirement Purpose Group (*)
Minimum running pressure 2 bars
Minimum flow rate <1000m - 38L/s
<5000m - 57L/s
<10000m - 76L/s
(57L/s if sprinkler protected)
Additional 19L/s for subsequence
5000 m
Minimum duration 45 mins
* Based on the floor area of the largest compartment in the building.
Diagram 4.2.2(c)
The private hydrants are required to be charged with water at all times so that fire
fighters could use them for feeding the breeching inlets to fix water based fire
fighting systems and for fire fighting purposes.
4.4.3 Protection of hydrant mains in a building
All hydrant mains which pass through a building shall have its full
length within the building protected with fire resistance construction
complying with cl.3.8.7 (c) of at least the same fire resistance as the
element of structure, provided the following requirements are
complied with :
(a) The hydrant mains shall be located in common circulation
areas, such as carparking spaces and driveways; ie they shall
not pass through private or confined spaces;
(b) No services (except sprinkler pipes) shall be located above or
crossing over the hydrant mains;
(c) The hydrant mains shall be located away from explosion risk
areas; and
(d) The protective enclosure to the hydrant mains shall be
labelled with the words HYDRANT MAIN of minimum 50mm
height at suitable intervals.
Diagram 4.4.3
Hydrant main supplying water to hydrant shall be appropriately protected to
prevent any damage arising from or the carrying out of addition/alteration works
within the building. Watermain, which is damaged, would affect the water supply
to the hydrant. This would in turn affect the fire fighting operation in an
Hydrant main traversing the basement car parking areas can be protected in the
following manner,
a hydrant mains can be laid in a concrete trench forming part of the concrete
floor over basement; or
b hydrant mains can be boxed up with fire rated board or protected with spray-
on fire rated material, if the mains are exposed under the concrete slab over
the basement.
Appendix G
Structural Loading of Fire Engine on Accessway
The following information will assist structural engineers in the
design of accessway.
(i) Accessway sizes
In general, the minimum width of the accessway shall
be 6m wide and the minimum length shall be 15m long.
Diagram A shows the relationship between the
accessway and parked fire engine with its front and rear
jacks extended
(ii) Accessway
Accessway shall be on
(a) suspended slabs, or
(b) on metalled or paved ground, or
(c) ground laid with strengthened perforated slabs
(d) approved materials
to withstand the loading requirements of fire engine.
(iii) The accessway required to serve building shall be
constructed to sustain the load of a 30 tonnes fire
engine. The wheel load shall be considered separately
with the jack loads for both global and local effects.
(iv) Axles load
Axles load for accessway shall be as follows :
Front Axle
7500kg 2 wheels
Rear Axle
21,000kg 8 wheels
The jack load shall be assumed to be uniformly
distributed over a rectangular contact area of 923 cm
for both local and global analysis.
(v) The maximum pressure on one jack, even in the worst
case, will not exceed 80N/cm.
(vi) In the absence of more exact calculations, live load
surcharge for accessway on suitable material properly
consolidated may be assumed to be at least 10KN/m.
Diagram A
Wheel Spacing