Design of FIR Filters: Z N H Z H e e e e Z
Design of FIR Filters: Z N H Z H e e e e Z
Design of FIR Filters: Z N H Z H e e e e Z
Chapter 4
Design of FIR Filters
4.1 Introduction
Digital FIR filters have many favourable properties, which is why they are extremely popular in digital signal
processing. One of these properties is that they may exhibit linear phase, which means that signals in the passband will
suffer no dispersion. Dispersion occurs when different frequency components of a signal have a different delay through
a system.
The simplest design method for FIR filters is impulse response truncation (IRT), but unfortunately it has undesirable
frequency-domain characteristics, owing to the Gibb’s phenomenon. The second design method for a FIR filter that we
shall cover in this Chapter is the windowing technique. The windowing method can be used to mitigate the adverse
effects of impulse response truncation.
z = e sT ≡ e jwT ≡ e jΩ (4.2)
Equation 4.1 can be re-written as Equation 4.3:
H (Ω) = ∑ h[n]⋅ e − jkΩ (4.3)
k = −∞
The inverse Fourier transform of H (Ω) gives an expression for the impulse response of the FIR filter:
1 jnΩ
h[n] =
2π ∫ H (Ω) ⋅ e dΩ (4.4)
Equations (4.3) and (4.4) form a Fourier transform pair. There is a similarity between this pair and the pair for a
periodic signal x(t ) , as shown in equations (4.5):
∞ T
∑ X (k ) ⋅ e j 2πkf t X (kf 0 ) = x (t ) ⋅ e − j 2πkf 0t dt
T ∫0
x (t ) = 0
k = −∞
Both of the functions x(t ) and H (Ω) are periodic. The Fourier transform of x(t ) gives the discrete function of kf 0 ,
– in other words the discrete harmonics of the spectrum. The inverse Fourier transform of H (Ω) gives the discrete
function of n – in other words the discrete samples of the impulse response of the filter.
The impulse response of an ideal low-pass filter hD[n] is found by substituting HD(Ω) = 1 in Equation 4.5 and
integrating between the limits of the cut-off frequencies [-Ωc, Ωc].
Ωc Ωc
1 1 e jnΩ 1 e jnΩ c e − jnΩ c 1 2 j sin( nΩ c )
∫1⋅ e
hD [ n] = dΩ = = − = ⋅
2π −Ωc
2π jn −Ωc
2π jn jn 2π jn
Multiplying both the numerator and denominator by Ωc, the Equation above becomes:
Ω c sin( nΩ c )
h D [ n] = ⋅
π ( nΩ c )
The impulse response of an ideal low-pass filter can also be re-written by replacing Ωc = 2πFc in the Equation above, to
obtain it in terms of the normalised cut-off frequency Fc. This is illustrated in Equation 4.6 below.
sin(nΩ c )
hD [n] = 2 Fc ⋅ (4.6)
( nΩ c )
In Chapter 2, we found that the Fourier transform of a rectangular window is a sinc function, which is same for the
impulse response of a low-pass filter, as illustrated in Figure 4.2 below.
0 n
In general, the more samples we include of h[n] the closer we get to the desired form of HD(Ω), but the less economic
the filter becomes due to the relative number of computations. In practice we must settle for an approximation to the
ideal frequency response. It is usually customary to truncate the impulse response to N = (2M + 1) terms. In Figure 4.3,
the impulse response of the ideal low-pass filter is truncated to M = 9 samples and is delayed by M samples.
M n
Figure 4.3: Truncated impulse response to 2M+1 samples, with a delay of M samples.
The ideal impulse responses for a low-pass, high-pass, band-pass and band-stop filters are depicted in Table 4.1 below.
• Calculate the impulse response of the ideal filter hD[n], using the inverse Fourier transform formula of Equation
Filters designed by the IRT method are considered optimal in the sense of minimising the integral of the squared error.
However, the IRT approach is not considered practical because of the oscillatory nature of the frequency response near
the discontinuity points of the desired response HD(Ω). It is the case that as N increases, the magnitude of the
oscillations remains the same, but they become more localised to the discontinuity, with the result that E(Ω) decreases
with increasing N. This property is known as the Gibb’s phenomenon and is described in detail in Section 4.6.
Figure 4.4: Effects on the frequency response of truncating the ideal impulse response.
In the time-domain truncation is achieved by multiplying the impulse response with a window function w(n).
Conversely, in the frequency-domain truncation is achieved by convolving the frequency response H(Ω) with W(Ω),
where W(Ω) is the Fourier transform of the window function. In this example, the truncation was achieved by
multiplying the impulse response with a rectangular window function. The height of the ripples is not dependent on the
value of M, it only affects the width. The heights of the ripples are however controlled by the type of window function
used for the time-domain multiplication. Table 4.2 illustrates the mathematical definitions, and Figure 4.5 shows the
characteristic shape and amplitude responses of various window functions.
0.6 -15
0 -40
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
n Frequency in Pi units
0.7 -10
0.3 -40
0 -60
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
n Frequency in Pi units
0.3 -40
0 -60
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
n Frequency in Pi units
0.9 0
0.8 -10
0.7 -20
0.6 -30
0.5 -40
0.4 -50
0.3 -60
0.2 -70
0.1 -80
0 -90
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
n Frequency in Pi units
0.9 0
0.8 -10
0.7 -20
0.6 -30
0.5 -40
0.4 -50
0.3 -60
0.2 -70
0.1 -80
0 -90
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
n Frequency in Pi units
Figure 4.5: Window functions and their respective amplitude responses in dB.
Fc = (Fp + 0.5∆F)
Ap = 20log10(1 + δp)
As = - 20log10(δs)
∆F = Fs - Fp
Fp Fc Fs
Pass band Transition band Stop band
The parameter δs is the tolerance of the magnitude response in the stop-band and the desired magnitude response is
always close to zero. The quantity δs is known as the stop-band attenuation and is sometimes expressed in terms of dBs
using Equation 4.9.
The parameter δp is the tolerance of the magnitude response in the pass-band and the desired magnitude response is
close to unity. The quantity δp is called the pass-band ripple and can also be expressed in terms of dBs using Equation
4.10 below.
h[ n] = w[ n] ⋅ hD [n ] (4.12)
Name of Pass-band Stop-band
width ∆F in Ripple Side-lobe level
window ripple Ap in attenuation As
(Hz), δp, δs in (dB)
function w[n] (dB) in (dB)
Rectangular 0.9/N 0.741 0.089 -13 21
Hanning 3.1/N 0.0546 0.063 -31 44
Hamming 3.3/N 0.0194 0.0022 -41 53
Blackman 5.5/N 0.0017 0.000196 -57 74
Kaiser β=4.54 2.93/N 0.0274 50
β=5.65 3.63/N 0.00867 60
β=6.76 4.32/N 0.00275 70
β=8.96 5.71/N 0.000275 90
• Obtain the impulse response hD[n] by evaluating the inverse Fourier transform.
• Select an appropriate window function w[n], that satisfies pass-band and attenuation specifications, and determine
the number of coefficients required from the relationship between N and ∆F.
• Determine the values of the window function and calculate the actual FIR filter coefficients by multiplying the
impulse response with the window function.
where T is the sampling period. If the coefficients h[n] are symmetrical around h=0, this can be written:
( )
H ( jω ) = e − jωTM h(0 ) + ∑ h[n] ⋅ e jωTn + e − jωTn
n =1
= e − jωTM h(0 ) + ∑ h[n] ⋅ 2 cos(ωTn )
n =1
The phase of the filter is given by the argument of the complex function in (4.14). Since the term in the curly brackets
is purely real it therefore contributes nothing to the phase response. The term e − jωTM on the other hand has a phase of
−ωTM rad, which is clearly linear in ω.
We can therefore conclude that filters with symmetrical impulse response (i.e. symmetrical coefficients) have
linear phase; those with asymmetrical impulse response do not.
Fc = (Fp + 0.5∆F)
Ap = 20log10(1 + δp)
As = - 20log10(δs)
Fp Fc Fs
Pass band Transition band Stop band
0 .1
δ p = log 10−1 − 1 = 0.0116
Minimum stop-band attenuation As = - 20log10(δs)
−1 − 50
δ s = log 10 20 = 0.00316
The normalised pass-band edge frequency
2 x10 3
Fp = f p f s = = 0.2
10 x10 3
The normalised transition width
∆F = ∆f f s = = 0.02
10 x10 3
First of all we need to choose an appropriate window function from Table 4.3, which has the narrowest ∆F but meets
the δs specification of 0.00316. With reference to Table 4.3, the closest specification is the Hamming window with a δs
= 0.0022. From the Table, the normalised transition width ∆F = 3.3/N, where N is the number of filter coefficient. By
re-arranging this Equation to make N the subject and inserting the value of the normalised transition width, then the
required number of filter coefficients can be calculated. For FIR filters the number of coefficients must be odd, so don’t
forget to round up to the nearest odd number.
N= = 165
The mathematical definition of the hamming window to achieve the desired filter specification is defined from Table
w[n] = 0.54 − 0.46 cos
From Table 4.1, the ideal impulse response of a low-pass filter is defined by the following equation.
sin(nΩ c ) sin(nΩ c )
hD [n] = 2 Fc ⋅ =
nΩ c nπ
Where the normalised angular cut-off frequency Ωc is defined by the equation below:
Hence, the ideal impulse response of the low-pass filter can be re-written as follows:
E (Ω ) = W (Ω )[H D (Ω ) − H (Ω )] (4.15)
where H D (Ω ) and H (Ω ) are the ideal and actual frequency response functions respectively, and W (Ω ) is a function
to weight different parts of the band differently. One approach is to then determine the h(n) such that the maximum
weighted value of E (Ω ) is minimised. Thus determine:
min max
E (Ω ) over the passbands and stopbands.
h[n ] Ω
For the optimum design filter method it is necessary to first estimate the number of coefficients required. The starting
point is the empirical formula given in Equation (4.16).
2 1 1
Nˆ = log10 (4.16)
3 ∆F 10δ pδ s
Having calculated this estimate, the values of the coefficients are then determined using a suitable DSP simulation
package (e.g. REMEZ in Matlab). Using these coefficient values, the frequency response is compared with that
required; if it is outside the original specification then the value of N is increased, and the design process repeated.
The advantage of this technique over the window-based method is that a smaller value can be specified for δ s than for
δ p , and this can lead to a significant saving in the number of coefficients required, as illustrated in the example below.
The following shows a particular example:
Passband 8-12 kHz
Stopband ripple 0.001
Peak passband ripple 0.01
The filter length of 39 is significantly less than that required for the Kaiser window method.
N.B. In Matlab the functions FIR1 and REMEZ use frequency normalised to fs/2. Hence the frequencies required for
REMEZ in Matlab will be 0, 5/(44.14/2), 8/(44.14/2), etc. However, just to confuse things, the Matlab function FREQZ
returns the frequency vector W as an angular frequency normalised to fs/2. Hence, a value of W=1 corresponds to a
frequency of (fs/2π) Hz.
It is also possible to design the above two filters using the sptool in Matlab. This provides an interactive method of
adjusting the filter characteristics.
addition. A summary of these four sources of noise and their corresponding affects on the filter performance are shown
in Table 4.4 below.