تقرير اتصالات استاذ نبيل
تقرير اتصالات استاذ نبيل
تقرير اتصالات استاذ نبيل
أسماء الطالب:
Dr.Nabial dahdouh
The Fourier representation of signals that we studied in Chapter 3 is important for understanding how
filters work and what a spectrum is, but it is not a practical tool because the DTFT is a continuous
function of frequency and therefore its computation would in general require an infinite number of
operations. The purpose of this chapter is to introduce another representation of discrete-time signals,
the discrete Fourier transform (DFT), which is closely related to the discrete-time Fourier transform, and
can be implemented either in digital hardware or in software. The DFT is of great importance as an
efficient method for computing the discrete-time convolution of two signals, as a tool for filter design,
and for measuring spectra of discrete-time signals. While computing the DFT of a signal is generally easy
(requiring no more than the execution of a simple program) the interpretation of these computations
can be difficult because the DFT only provides a complete representation of finite-duration signals.
Because X(f) is periodic with period 1, X[k] is periodic with period N, which justifies only considering the
values of X[k] over the interval [0, N − 1].
A first method for deriving this formula is to combine (4.4) with the definition of X˜(f) in (4.2)
X˜(f) = ∑ X[k] δ(f − k/N)
∞ ∞
1 1 1
Taking the inverse DTFT, one obtains: x[n] =
x˜[n] =
n ∑ X˜(f) e j 2 πfn df = ∑ − X[k]
n k=−∞
∫ (f − k/N)e j 2 πfn df
[ ] [∑ ]
∞ ∞
hN [n] = h [ n ]∗ ∑ δ [n−rN ] R N [N] = h[n+rN ] R N [N]
r =−∞ r=−∞
If the desired frequency response is smooth enough that h[n] decays to a negligible value for n ≥
N, the frequency response HN (f) of this FIR filter will provide a good approximation to H(f).
On the other hand, if H(f) has abrupt discontinuities, the unit-sample response h[n] will decay
very slowly, and HN (f) will always show ripples regardless of the value of N (Gibbs’
phenomenon). Such ripples are apparent in Figure 4.3, which shows the frequency response of
two lowpass filters designed by frequency sampling with N = 33.
DTFT of the (linear) convolution of two signals x[n] ∗ h[n] is the product of their transforms
One property which requires some discussion is the convolution theorem. We know that the
X(f) H(f). If a similar theorem could be demonstrated for the DFT, it would be of great practical
importance because one could reduce filtering operations to simple multiplications of the DFTs.
We will show that this is indeed possible under certain conditions. For this purpose, we need to
introduce the cyclic convolution modulo N of two periodic signals ˜xN [n] and h˜N [n]
The N-point discrete Fourier transform of a signal is obtained by sampling its DTFT at frequency
intervals of 1/N. If the duration of the signal is no more than N, the N-point DFT provides a 12
complete representation of the signal, and is related to the signal by the finite formulas
X[k] = ∑ X[n] e− j2 πkn/ N
N =0
∑ X[K] e j 2 πkn / N
N =0
These formulas are mathematically the same as the Fourier series for discrete, periodic signals.
This is because sampling at intervals of 1/N in frequency inherently generates an N-periodic
signal ˜x[n], which coincides with the finite-duration signal x[n] over one of its periods. A major
application of the DFT is the efficient implementation of convolution (filtering) operations for
either two signals of finite duration or one FIR filter and one signal of indefinite duration (e.g.
using the overlap-save method). These methods have to be used with caution because the product
of two N-point DFTs is not the transform of linear convolution of the two signals, but the
transform of their cyclic convolution modulo