Declaration of Authorship
Declaration of Authorship
Declaration of Authorship
Approved: ________________________________
Industry Advisor,
Technical Advisor,
Faculty Advisor,
This DEGREE PROJECT entitled "Preliminary Report of the Detroit-
Windsor Border Crossing Stormwater System” has been prepared by
the undersigned and all sources of assistance and information have
been acknowledged and referenced.
Canada and the United States. More than 16 million cars, trucks and
per cent of Canada-United States truck trade. In 2001 alone, this two-
Canadian and American trade and tourism increase through the years,
for an additional border crossing which will have the capacity to handle
Ambassador Bridge spans across the Detroit River and links up Detroit
means that before a driver can reach the border crossing they need to
cross several street lights within the city core. This causes large traffic
jams and impede on the overall traffic ease of the city. This is why the
stages such that the traffic flow matches the facility capacity. Once the
Water Quality:
is also connected two major highways. This means that chemical spills
of a later generation and they are made with toxic chemicals such as
asbestos, lead and PCB’s. During a rainfall, theses chemicals can make
their way into the leachate and contaminate the water system i.e: the
Sediment Control:
Water is a highly abrasive medium and with enough time, water will
earth under the roads can compromise the structural integrity of any
and landslides. For the safety of drivers these large driving surfaces
North and the East sides of the site may contain large amounts of
the river.
Road Safety:
drive on. In addition to that, we want to make sure that during a heavy
100 year rainfall, water is properly diverted from driving surfaces and
water quality and flood flow control. For this project, Level 1 protection
100-year design flow and be controlled for all storm events up to and
4) Economics; and
Figure 3-1).
conceptual system
i) Groundwater recharge
v) Thermal reduction
i) Sediment removal
system, mass flows can be identified which might have been unknown,
during a 100 year storm. A 100 year storm has a 216 mm thickness
which falls for only 20 minutes. The output of the system will consider
that the pond inflow and outflow will be designed with this equation.
separator at each entry point of the pond. The oil/grit separator will
the bottom of all the drainage channels to carry out some preliminary
We will also place water flow control structures which will regulate the
inflow and outflow of the pond and other sites around the project. To
address the sediment control problem, we will place large rocks and
the UDSST.
located about 2 to 3 metres below ground surface in the clayey silt and
silty clay materials. The silty clay, clayey silt, sand and gravel and
sands are considered to be slightly erodible and the silty sands are
enters from the east, with the roadway to the new bridge extending to
the north. The stormwater management for the Plaza will require
quality, quantity and erosion controls for the peak flows from the Plaza,
as increase in impervious area will increase the overall peak flows from
the site, as well as the overall pollutant loading. This would lead to
Alternative 1
and backyard swales and shallow storm sewers with sump pumps. The
on-site flood control and possibly off-site flood control if the major
system is retained on the street and catch basins are equipped with
can also provide some thermal impact reduction. The oil and grit
pollutants. O&Gs can provide some quality control. The only real site
constraint in using O&Gs is with the depth of the drainage outlet which
can be considered for drainage areas of at least 5.0 ha. When properly
control benefits, and possibly some offsite flood control. Based on the
score as per SWM priorities is 16.91. The total estimated cost of this
Alternative 2
per SWM priorities is 16.36. The total estimated cost of this system is
lower than alternative 1, but the cost over the overall score of the
Pond Size:
The first challenge is determining the amount of water the site will
storm thickness of a 100 year storm is 216 mm.(Reid, 2003) The site
the pond volume can be calculated. Given the site can accommodate
One of the most important aspects of this project will be the design of
the drainage channels to divert the storm water efficiently into the
site pond. The first part of this methodology will be to use gravity to
our advantage and design the flow system to coincide with the way
the site there are 4 major sides covering the site. The East and North
side of the border crossing are the Entry-Exit point of Windsor and
Detroit respectively. The West side of the crossing is the Detroit River.
discussion with the project engineer, the North and East slopes will
point towards the plaza after final grading, this means that when it
rains, the water from surrounding area will flow towards the plaza. It
From drawing we see the pond is taking-in water from the East and
North sides of the site by means of channeling and gravity. The pond
will be taking in all the water mostly from the large rock swale and
Channel design:
on site location. Since the Asphalt area is quite large. Standard catch
basins will be too small to handle the inflow of a 100 year storm.
Placing curb on this site will also work inefficiently to divert the
22cm to hold the rainfall, it would make the roads dangerous to drive
will be the channel design of asphalted surfaces the other will be the
that, the rock at the bottom of the channel will be used to treat the
The next diagram will show the cross section of a storm water
Before storm water is introduced into the pond oil grit separators will
be placed, which will carry out the bulk of the grit and oil removal
work. An oil and grit separator will help the pond be environmentally
discharged into the Detroit River. The Oil/ Grit separators will be
design to handle the maximum flow arising from a 100 year storm.
The following diagram will illustrate how the oil grit separator works.
(Mississippi U, 2004)
The next diagram is a conceptual outline of water diversion process for the
entire project.
Assessement of Alternatives
Alternative 2 addresses the water quality and Sediment control aspect of the
border crossing site satisfactorily. The oil grit chamber will success fully
remove most oil contaminants during a 100 year storm, assuming that the
Oil/Grit chamber is designed to sustain the flow of a 100 year storm. Ideally a
small water treatment plant would be Ideal to remove all the contaminants;
however a treatment plant would be too expensive to build and operate so it
is unfeasible. So in terms of treating storm water this is the most feasible
alternative. In addition to that, when storm water is ponded, some of the
toxins are captivated by the pond life. So less contaminants can reach the
Detroit River.
As mentioned above in the alternative development section of
alternative 2, a lot of the grit removal is carried out by the rocks at the
bottom of the drainage channels. In addition to that toxins will be captivated
by the cells that will eventually grow on the channel’s rocks. These
organisms will remove some toxins and BOD’s from the storm water.
Alternative 2 also mitigates the drainage because all drainage channels are
highly permeable, erosion proof and large enough to handle a high capacity
of water. By mitigating the drainage problems of the site, roads are safe to
drive on during even a 100 year storm.
J.F. Sabourin and Associates Inc., 1997, Evaluation of Roadside Ditches and
Other Related Stormwater Management Practices – Final Report, April