LUCKY Lanka IPO Rating: voting : DO NOT SUBSCRIBE ISSUE PRICE : voting LKR6. Per share with the offer price been at 11.8% discount to the same. However on a relative basis the offer is at 21.4X FY15e earnings and 13.8X FY16e net profit which is at a significant premium to the broad market trading on 13.0x FY15e net profit.
LUCKY Lanka IPO Rating: voting : DO NOT SUBSCRIBE ISSUE PRICE : voting LKR6. Per share with the offer price been at 11.8% discount to the same. However on a relative basis the offer is at 21.4X FY15e earnings and 13.8X FY16e net profit which is at a significant premium to the broad market trading on 13.0x FY15e net profit.
LUCKY Lanka IPO Rating: voting : DO NOT SUBSCRIBE ISSUE PRICE : voting LKR6. Per share with the offer price been at 11.8% discount to the same. However on a relative basis the offer is at 21.4X FY15e earnings and 13.8X FY16e net profit which is at a significant premium to the broad market trading on 13.0x FY15e net profit.
LUCKY Lanka IPO Rating: voting : DO NOT SUBSCRIBE ISSUE PRICE : voting LKR6. Per share with the offer price been at 11.8% discount to the same. However on a relative basis the offer is at 21.4X FY15e earnings and 13.8X FY16e net profit which is at a significant premium to the broad market trading on 13.0x FY15e net profit.
Valuation Voting Share Based on a FCF valuation (WACC of 14.2% and terminal growth of 3%) the share is valued at LKR6.8 per share with the offer price been at 11.8% discount to the same. However on a relative basis the offer is at 21.4X FY15e earnings and 13.8X FY16e net profit which is at a significant premium to the broad market trading on 13.0X FY15e net earnings. Albeit on PBV basis the offer is fairly priced at 1.7X. Therefore given the premium vs the broad market and just a marginal discount to FCF based share value, solely on a fundamental valuation point of view our take is NOT TO SUBSCRIBE. However given the success of this start-up entrepreneurial venture the popularity of the product and company in Southern Sri Lanka and the marketing buzz given for the IPO in the current interest rate environment with limited alternate investment the issue could be fully subscribed with the intention of mainly short term return. Non Voting Share Offered at a 50% discount to boost the voting share, valued at 10.7X FY15e net profit and at 0.8X PBV, the non-voting share is attractive. Also we believe post IPO the voting & non-voting discount would narrow and there would be 60-65% probability of the non-voting share price to better the price performance of its voting counterpart. Hence SUBSCRIBE. Key Strengths In an era where the government is trying to up the local dairy industry we believe Lucky is on the correct path to capture the growth of the local dairy industry. Further with the new expansion they would be able to increase its capacity by c.50% and depicts strong growth prospects mainly in the outstation areas where they have a much stronger presence than most of its peers. Key Risks The valuations are derived based on the assumption that the government would continue to support the local dairy industry using by discouraging imports. Therefore any adverse change in government dairy strategy in future would impact our valuations negatively. Further the FY14 figures are unaudited and if the audited figures change negatively it would impact our valuations. Company Overview Lucky Lanka is engaged in the process of collection (7 extraction centers) of locally produced fresh milk from rural village farmers (more than 5,000) and process yoghurt and other milk products and distribute island wide (50 distribution points and 105 vehicles) under the brand name LUCKY. Company has a daily capacity of 20,000 litres in its production plant in Kamburupitiya (171 Km south of Colombo) whilst currently has 400 direct employees and over 3,000 indirect employees.
Net Profit LKR mn) 4.9 18.0 20.3 56.2 87.1 YoY growth (%) -32.7% 269.4% 13.1% 176.3% 54.9% EPS (LKR) 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 YoY growth (%) -32.7% 269.4% 13.1% 176.3% 54.9% BVPS (LKR) 1.5 1.6 1.8 3.5 3.9 DPS (LKR) - - - 0.04 0.07 ROE (%) 1.7% 5.8% 5.6% 7.9% 11.1% Voting PER (x) 246.5 66.8 59.0 21.4 13.8 PBV (x) 4.1 3.9 3.3 1.7 1.5 Div yield (%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.7% 1.1% Non Voting PER (x) 123.3 33.4 29.5 10.7 6.9 PBV (x) 2.1 1.9 1.7 0.8 0.8 Div yield (%) 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.4% 2.2% ISSUE DETAILS IPO Proceeds LKR mn 38 mn voting shares @ LKR6.00 228.00 24 mn voting shares @ LKR3.00 72.00 Total 300.00 To be listed on the Diri Savi Board of the CSE
USE OF IPO FUNDS (LKR mn) Settlement of loans 200.00 Improving existing production plant 75.00 New project implementation 25.00
Opening date of the issue 07 July 2014 Closing date of the issue 24 July 2013 Or such other earlier date if the issue is oversubscribed on oversubscription Minimum subscription (voting shares) 1,000 (Non-voting shares) 1,000
BASIS OF ALLOTMENT Investor category % Unit Trusts 10.0 Retail Individual Investors* 45.0 Non Retail Investors 45.0 *subscribe below LKR100,000/- 1,200.00
MAIN SHAREHOLDERS Mr Lal K A Guanwardena 52.90% Ms B A Gunawardena 7.56% Ms D A Gunawardena 7.56% Ms N A Gunawardena 7.56% GOH Family Investment Holdings 2.84% IPO Shares 21.59%
INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING 2 | P a g e July 2014, Sri Lanka Equity Research
COMPANY OVERVIEW The company was established in 1991 by Mr. Lal Keerthi Gunawardhana as a milk processing unit with a capacity of 300 cups per day. Over the past two decades the company has achieved significant growth and has its own production plant in Kamburupitiya (171 Km south of Colombo) with a daily capacity of 20,000 litres.
Today Lucky Lanka is engaged in the process of collection (7 extraction centers) of locally produced fresh milk from rural village farmers (more than 5,000) and process yoghurt and other milk products and distribute island wide (50 distribution points and 105 vehicles) under the brand name LUCKY.
The product range comprises of Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate, Treacle, Fruit Jelly and Fresh Fruit Yoghurts, Curd, Pasteurized Milk, Sterilized Milk, UHT Milk, Flavoured Milk, Fruit Drink Bottles and Drinking Yoghurt. Lucky recently introduced Lucky Milk Toffee also to the market.
Company currently has 400 direct employees and over 3,000 indirect employees. Lucky Yoghurt is the one and only yoghurt manufacturer with SLS certification for the first time in Sri Lanka and also has ISO 22000, HACCP international standards.
FINANCIAL OVERVIEW Lucky Lankas revenue has grown at a 5 year CAGR of 15% FY10-FY14 to stand at LKR896.5 mn by FY14. During the current financial year revenue growth has been rather slow at 6.5% YoY but we believe by using LKR100.0 mn of the IPO proceeds company would be able to grow its revenue by 15.0% YoY and 25.0% YoY in FY15E and FY16E respectively. Over the last 5 years the firm has enjoyed an average gross profit (GP) margin of 42.2% but on a conservative basis we forecast a GP margin of 40.0% for the nest 2 years.
During the last 5 years (FY10-FY14) companys profit has grown at a slower pace (5 year CAGR of 2.5%) largely due to higher operating costs and finance cost. We believe there would be a reduction in EBIT margins in the short term due to higher distribution and promotional costs but lesser debt burden (LKR200.0 mn of IPO proceeds are used to retire debt) would result in higher profitability. We forecast profit to grow c.1.5x in FY15E to LKR53.3 mn (NP margin 5.2%) and further expect 57.9% YoY growth in net profit to LKR84.2 mn (NP margin of 6.5%) in FY16E.
Over the years companys leverage has been rather high at 90% level. However going forward with the retirement of debt we would expect a drastic improvement in its leverage to c.15%. Further the inflow LKR300.0 mn of capital would further strengthen its equity position where its book value per share (BVPS) would increase to LKR3.5 compared to LKR1.8 in FY14.
INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING 3 | P a g e July 2014, Sri Lanka Equity Research
FUTURE STRATEGIES 1 Gedarata Kiri Project
Company began this project in Matara district to promote the habit of drinking fresh milk in Sri Lanka. The second stage of this project would start in Colombo.
Lucky Milk Bar
Company has opened a modern retail outlet to sell all Lucky brand products at the entrance of the Southern Highway. Firm is planning to establish 1,000 outlets of that nature Island-wide to increase its market share.
Retail Three-wheeler network
Lucky has decided to offer its products to the door step of the consumers using retail three-wheel network and the project is implemented through franchising agreements with upcoming entrepreneurs.
National Policy of Standardization of School Canteens
The company intends to increase the availability of high nutrition milk based products in school canteens that will support to boost the sales in this market segment.
Introducing dry distribution channel
Due to seasonal fluctuations of chill product range, the Company has identified the requirement of introducing dry product range with separate distribution channel. This product range includes milk toffee, sterilized milk bottles and flavoured milk bottles. Extension of the product range by introducing Lucky bottled water and Biscuit with yoghurt will add high turnover on this channel. This distribution channel is planned to operate by 50 new vehicles.
Almost all the products in the market are priced at the same level and therefore we believe it is the quality and the brand name is the driving force in increasing market share. We are of the view that Lucky has a relatively strong presence in the Southern Province (market share information are not available) and the suburbs but we believe they would face severe competition from other brands like Highland, Kotmale, Ambewela, Richlife and CIC in penetrating the Colombo district.
INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING 4 | P a g e July 2014, Sri Lanka Equity Research
VALUATION We believe the issue is fairly valued at an issue price of LKR6.0 per share. Based on free cash flow valuation (WACC of 14.2% and terminal growth of 3.0%) we have derived a value of LKR6.8 per share which is at 11% premium to the voting share. However with an issue price of LKR3.0, the non-voting share is significantly attractive at a 54% premium to the free cash flow value.
Based on relative valuations, at an issue price of LKR6.0 the voting share is trading 21.4x FY15E earnings and 13.8x FY16E earnings. The non-voting is attractive at 10.7x FY15E earnings and 6.9x FY16E earnings. On book value multiples the voting is trading at 1.7x and the non-voting is trading at 0.8x for FY1515E.
We are of the view that the closest comparable local peer is Kotmale and it also trades at a discount to Lucky of FY15E earnings. We do not believe a higher PER of 21.7x is justifiable given the size of the company and its operations.
We believe the business case for Lucky is sound and has potential to grow. Based on the valuations we believe the non-voting share offers value with a 54% discount to intrinsic value and trading at 10.7x FY15E earnings. Further the gap between the voting and the non-voting share in the market is c.30%, hence non-voting share has more upside. Recommend Subscribe
On the contrary we believe the voting share has limited upside given it is just 11% discount to our intrinsic value and 21.4x 1 year forward earnings multiple is also at a significant premium to the broader market 4 quarter trailing multiple of 14.2x. Hence we believe there would be opportunity to accumulate the voting share at lower levels from the market. Recommend Not Subscribe
KEY RISKS The valuations are derived based on the assumption that the government would continue to support the local dairy industry using by discouraging imports. Further compared to other countries the dairy industry in Sri Lanka is quite small and fragmented. Therefore protectionism is needed to safeguard the local industry from competition. Any adverse change in government dairy strategy in future would impact our valuations negatively.
FY14 figures presented in the prospectus are unaudited and therefore we believe if numbers negatively change subsequent to the audit it would impact our valuations.
Peer comparison Mkt Cap (LKR mn) PER (x) PBV (x) ROE (%) Div yield (%) Broader Market 2,554,134.0 14.2 2.2 11.4% 2.8% Lucky Lanka - V 1,056.2 21.4 1.7 7.9% 0.7% Lucky Lanka -NV 72.0 10.7 0.8 7.9% 1.4% Lanka Milk Foods 4,500.0 175.4 0.5 0.3% 1.3% Kotmale Holdings 1,649.0 16.6 1.6 9.9% N/A * Broader market on 4 qtr trailling basis ** Other on 1 year forward basis Source : Softlogic Equity Research Source : Softlogic Equity Research
INITIAL PUBLIC OFFERING 5 | P a g e July 2014, Sri Lanka Equity Research
INDUSTRY OVERVIEW The agricultural sector contributes c.11% of GDP where the livestock subsector contributes only 0.7% of GDP. Dairy sector is the most important of all livestock sub sectors. This is primarily because of the influence it can make on the rural economy. Sri Lanka imports around 70,000-75,000 MT milk powder spending around LKR40.0 bn. Sri Lanka produces c.300 mn litres domestically which is approximately 40% of the total requirement.
The government attention is most focused on the dairy sub sector; to develop this sector into a 'local industry'. The government policy on dairy development is aimed at producing 50% of country's requirement of milk by the year 2015. In order to achieve this target government plans to import high quality cows and plans to increase the annual average yield in excess of 1,500 litres per cow. To further support the dairy sector a special loan scheme at an interest rate of 8% will be implemented in support of SMEs in the dairy sector to promote dairy farms, collection centers and equipment, the development of animal feed etc and the high CESS will be maintained on the importation of butter, yoghurt and dairy products.
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