Manual de Perforadoras Jackleg
Manual de Perforadoras Jackleg
Manual de Perforadoras Jackleg
Version 200802
PHQ250JHMAVL Anti-Vibration Jackleg
PHQ250JHML Standard & Muffled Jackleg
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Version 200802
Before beginning the miner will mark up the
face of the drift or tunnel according to size
with a grid that pinpoints the location for
each hole to be drilled in the round. The
line (direction) for the drift round Is usually
predetermined by engineering and sighted in
from line plugs installed by surveyors. A
nine foot high by twelve foot wide heading
will usually have five vertical lines spaced
three feet apart and four horizontal lines
spaced three feet apart. A blasthole is to be
drilled at the intersection of each line of
these lines. Here the driller is indicating the
horizontal line marked for the back holes.
Marking up the round starts from the
centerline painted on the face from the line
provided by surveyors. Here the driller is
indicating the intersection of the line for the
breast holes where it meets the center line.
The star indicates the center of the drift
round. The cut is always drilled between
the horizontal line for the breast holes and
the horizontal line for the knee holes in
either of the two squares having one side as
the center line. It is normal practice to
alternate the area where the cut is to be
drilled each time a new round is drilled to be
on the safe side and avoid any bootleg
holes from the previously blasted round.
The mining act prohibits collaring holes near
bootlegs. The driller indicates where the
burn cut is to be drilled. This area is where
it is easiest to collar and drill holes and near
the center of the round so the blasting
sequence can radiate out from the cut.
The six holes that make up a
standard burn cut are
individually painted on the rock
face in a pattern similar to this.
The large holes are first drilled
with regular bits and then
reamed with a three inch
(76mm) reamer bit. The reamed holes are
not charged with explosives and not blasted.
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The driller is indicates where the center line
meets the horizontal line marked for drilling
of the knee holes. Knee holes are usually
the easiest holes to collar and usually drill
faster than others as the pusher leg is more
in line with the drill and exerts more forward
force on the drill towards the face. The firm
pressure of the bit face against the rock
tends to help it cut the rock faster.
The driller points to where the line marked
for drilling the lifter holes meets the center
line of the drift. You will notice in this picture
that there are dots painted on the rock face
in the center of some of the squares.
The dots indicate four helper holes that are
usually to drilled in the center of each of the
squares around the square containing the
burn cut.
The helper holes have less burden than
the holes drilled on the corners of the
squares and help the round to break better.
When the drill is not in use it should be
leaned against the wall in an upright position
as shown. The drill should not be on the
floor of the drift where water or debris could
possibly enter the air or water connection
tubes, the exhaust ports of the drill or chuck
bushing at the front end. A drill placed in
this position is ready to have the air and
water hoses easily and properly connected
to the appropriate fittings on the drill.
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The driller is showing how the steel retainer
moves up to allow a drill steel to be placed
in the chuck and close over the collar to
prevent the drill steel from escaping the drill.
The retainer should be checked at the
beginning of each shift to be sure that it has
the proper tension to work properly. The
inner side of the retainer is examined to
insure that matching face of the retainer has
not been worn away by the collars of the drill
rods to a state where the device no longer
holds the collar of the steel in the chuck or
could cause damage to drill rods.
The driller is checking that the leg coupling
is tight to the drill body so that there is no air
leakage when the drill is in operation. The
swivel action of the drill on the leg presents
a possible hazard of pinching hands or
fingers between the bottom of the drill and
the leg. The driller needs to remain vigilant
not to place his hands or fingers in harms
way between the drill and leg connection.
The drillers hand is on the throttle control
handle that controls the flow of air entering
the drill to power the hammering of the
piston in the drill. This handle can be pulled
fully back to introduce a full flow of air to the
front end for blowing out drill rods while in
the hole. The throttle handle should be left
in the neutral position and the feed control
handle in the reverse position when the drill
is not in use. Should someone turn on the
air to the drill with the controls in the proper
positions the drill will not begin to operate
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A driller controls all operations of the drill
and the leg from the backhead of the
PHQ250 Jackleg drill. The schematic at the
right shows positions of the operating
controls on the backhead. The throttle
handle controls the flow of air to the hammer
inside the drill. The positions of the handle
in hammer mode are steadied by a ratchet
mechanism in the backhead. When the
handle is turned back to the extreme all the
air flow to the drill is directed to the front end
to flush out the drill hole. The feed control
handle provides the air flow for thrust or
retraction of the feed pusher leg.
The drillers hand grips the feed control hand
with his thumb hovering over the retract
button located on the feed control handle.
When the button is in the position indicated
the leg retract feature is not in use.
When the leg retract button is pushed
compressed air flows to the bottom of the
leg piston forcing it to retract into the leg.
(The drillers hand is shown without gloves
for purpose of clarity. Drillers must wear
gloves as part of their protective clothing.)
The retract feature is very useful to a miner
during drilling operations. When the leg
reaches the end of the extension travel with
distance remaining between the front of the
rock drill and the rock face the drill and leg
can be repositioned without moving the drill
set-up. The driller can retract the end of the
feed leg to a position closer to the drill by
slowing the hammer and pushing the retract
button. Once the leg retracts the miner
advances the throttle hammer to continue
drilling the remaining distance to take the
front end of the drill to the collar of the hole.
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Connecting the water hose to the drill is a
straightforward process. The inside of the
water tube swivel and the end of the water
hose should be visually checked to be sure
there is no debris inside. The hose usually
has a water control valve located near the
connection to the drill to enable the driller to
turn the water on an off. The driller needs to
reduce the water flow for slow collaring of
holes and return it to full flow once the bit
and steel have entered the rock and the
hammer is drilling at full force and this valve
needs to be close by.
Connections are standard NPT threaded
hose fittings shown in the picture. The driller
uses his mine wrench to tighten the nut
securely on the NPT thread on the water
stem so that there is no water leakage.
A hose whip is not required for water
connections as the water pressure is low
enough that flow would not whip the hose
around when the hose is disconnected.
Alternate fitting are Sure-Lock quick
connect fittings that allow the driller to
quickly connect or remove the hose.
One must ensure the locking pin is in place
when using sure-lock connections.
Before connecting the air supply hose crack
the valve at the end of the supply hose and
blow the hose to remove any accumulated
condensate water or debris that may have
entered the hose while disconnected. Blow
the main supply hose and connect it to the
short supply hose and blow that hose as
well. Blow hoses until any visible water
vapour coming out of the end of the hose
disappears. Shut off the valve and connect
the lubricator and short hose.
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Pour a half of a cup (100ml) of rock drill oil
or rock drill grease into the end of the short
hose where it connects to the drill. It often
takes up to five minutes for the oil misted in
the lubricator to travel the twelve feet of
hose and reach the drill during normal
operations. This is long enough for the rock
drill to go dry and the lack of lubrication
could cause serious damage to the interior
parts of the rock drill within minutes. The
small amount of rock drill oil will provide
lubrication to the drill until the air misted oil
arrives from the lubricator.
Connect the short air hose to the air bend
swivel connection on the drill. The short
hose must be no longer than twelve feet
(four meters) between the lubricator and the
air connection to the drill. If the miner is
using NPT fittings he must tighten the
threads securely and use a hose whip to
prevent the hose coming free. If the miner is
using quick-connect couplings he must
insert safety pins between the connections.
Should the pressurized air supply hose
come free from the drill during operation the
whipping of the hose caused by high
pressure compressed air exiting the hose
could cause serious injury to the driller.
When drills are assembled in the shop the
air connection nut is secured with a Tab
Washer. When a drill is returned to the work
place from the drill shop the operator should
always check the rock drill to make sure the
Air Connection Nut is tight and that a Tab
Washer is in place to secure the nut.
PHQ recommend the installation of a hose
whip between water and air connections.
The hose whip prevents the air hose from
whipping around should it come loose
during drilling operations.
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Before opening the air supply to the drill the
miner must check the amount of lubricant
remaining in the reservoir of the in-line
lubricator. Insure the air supply to the
lubricator is turned off and bleed off any
remaining air pressure in the line before
opening the lubricator. For this purpose
PHQ recommends that an air valve be
installed near the lubricator to make it
convenient for the miner to shut off the air.
The lubricator should be installed no further
than twelve feet (four meters) from the drill
for most efficient use of the misting of the oil
or grease from the lubricator.
It is critical to prevent dirt or debris from
entering the lubricator whenever it is
opened. The miner should always use a
clean rag to wipe away any dirt or debris on
the outside of the lubricator in the area of
the filler plug before opening the lubricator.
The lubricator is brought to an upright
position with the safety filler cap on top. The
lubricator cap is usually easily unscrewed
with the use of the side of the handle of the
mine wrench. Should the cap be tight the
miner can loosen the cap by hammering
sideways on the square corners of the filler
cap to get the threads started.
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The PHQ lubricator is equipped with a safety
filler plug. The threads on the plug are
straight threads (not tapered) and will hold
the plug until it is fully unscrewed. The plug
has a hole drilled from inside the cap in a
manner that allows air to escape to the
outside before the thread is fully unscrewed.
There will be a loud hiss of escaping air to
warn the driller if the air line is still under
pressure. Should the driller hear the hiss he
must re-tighten the cap and make sure the
air valve is closed, then he needs to drain off
any pressurized air before opening the filler
plug again.
Once open the lubricator is filled from a
suitable portable lubricant container. PHQ
recommends the use of Oil Safe containers
for the transport storage and handling of
lubricants. Oil Safe containers have a
pouring spout with an excellent sealing
closure to keep the oil or grease clean
inside. Fill the lubricator so the level of the
oil reaches the top of the adjustment post
seen just inside the opening in the lubricator.
PHQ recommends the use of EP100 rock
drill oil or Triple Zero (000) rock drill grease
as proper lubricants for operating PHQ250
rock drills.
PHQ lubricators are shipped with the setting
at the full flowrate position. The full flow
position is indicated in this picture. There is
a slot in the top of the adjustment post and
when that slot is in line with air flow through
the lubricator the maximum amount of
lubricant is delivered into the air stream.
With the setting in this position the oil in the
lubricator will usually empty after four hours
drilling in ambient temperatures between 10
to 20 C. The lubricator should be set to full
flow setting when the ambient temperature
is below 5 C.
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The setting post can be turned with the use
of the end of a metal hose clamp or screw
driver. Turning the post to an angle at 45 to
the air stream will reduce the flow of oil by
approximately 50% when drilling in ambient
temperatures between 10 to 20 C. At this
setting the lubricator will usually empty after
six hours of drilling. The lubricator should
be set at this level for drilling in ambient
temperatures above 25 C
The adjustment post can be turned to a
position with the slot at an angle of 90 to
the air stream. In this position the flow of oil
is at the lowest setting (nearly off) and the
lubricator will empty of oil or grease usually
after eight hours of drilling in ambient
temperatures between 10 to 20 C. This
setting should be used when drilling in
ambient temperatures over 35 C.
PHQ recommends the use of Vultrex Triple
Zero EP000 Rock Drill Grease as the
lubricant of choice for PHQ250 Rock Drills.
Vultrex grease was designed to for air
misting in the PHQ football style lubricator
and PHQ F61 Large Capacity Lubricator
PHQ also recommends that the your choice
of rock drill grease or rock drill oil be stored,
carried and dispensed from Oil Safe
containers. The Oil Safe containers are
designed specifically to keep oil clean and
free from contaminants in the most hostile of
environments yet are fabricated from light
weight durable plastic materials.
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The driller prepares to lift and carry the
assembled rock drill complete with hoses.
The drill and leg weigh approximately 100
lbs (45kg) however the hoses add weigh
and drag when the drill is transported. The
correct way to carry an assembled drill in the
work place is to place the drill and leg in a
vertical position and lift the drill with your
shoulder placed under the backhead of the
drill. The driller has his drill in the right
configuration and is indicating the area of
the drill that will be placed on his shoulder.
Make sure the area of travel is free from
obstructions before lifting the drill. The driller
is indicating the shoulder where he will place
the backhead of the drill. A right handed
driller will carry the drill on his right shoulder
as he will be using his right hand to lift and
steady the drill. This leavess his left hand
free to steady the drill while he carries it. He
can also use his left hand to move the hoses
should they get caught or to move anything
that is in the way of placing the drill where it
will be used
The driller is indicating the handle on the leg
which will be used to help carry the drill once
it has been lifted to his shoulder. The driller
is checking the hoses to be sure they are
not caught on anything thing that may hinder
him in carrying the drill and to be sure that
the hoses will follow along behind while he is
carrying the drill.
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The miner prepares to lift the drill standing to
one side of the drill leaning against the wall.
He grips the control handle with his right
hand and places his left hand under the drill
in an area away from the pinch swivel point.
The left hand is placed under the feel pusher
leg cylinder, the right firmly grips the control
handle and pulls downwards to keep the drill
in line with the feed pusher leg. The drill is
lifted into the upright position by stepping
back and away pulling the drill upright in one
motion. Note that the miner keeps both
hands away from the pinch point area
where the leg swivels on the drill while
lifting. Should the drill fall forward for any
reason his hands are out of the way.
The miner crouches slightly and places the
backhead of the drill on his right shoulder
bringing his right hand around to grip the
handle of the feed pusher leg. The left hand
grips the feed cylinder just above the feed
leg handle to keep the drill from rotating in
his grasp. The drill weighs approximately 77
pounds and should it fall to one side it would
throw the miner off balance and may cause
him to fall with the drill. It is important for
him to support the weight of the drill on his
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The miner lifts the drill and leg straight up
using the straightening of his knees to take
the weight. The heavy drill should not be
lifted by using the muscles in ones back.
The hoses for the drill should now drape
straight down from the backhead of the drill.
Care must be taken not to turn the body
while lifting drill from the floor and taking the
weight of the drill onto the shoulder.
Once the drill is lifted into position and
balanced on the right shoulder the miner is
fully upright with his left hand free and can
carry the drill with the right hand gripping the
handle on the feed pusher leg. Only after
the drill has been lifted into position and the
legs are straight will the miner turn with the
weight of the drill on his shoulder to walk to
where the drill will be used.
The miner carries the drill to the drill location
dragging the hoses and lubricator behind
him. It is good practice to examine the work
place to ensure nothing will hinder your
movement while carrying the drill. Notice
the drill ladder placed in advance on the
floor of the drift in the proper location to take
the foot of the pusher leg. The drill ladder
is fabricated by welding light weight tubing
or pipe to form a ladder with rungs one foot
apart. The ladder has several short pieces
of tubing welded at right angles to the tubing
that will grip in the loose rock on the floor of
the drift.
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The miner places the foot of the pusher leg
on a rung of the drill ladder approximately
six feet from the face of the drift. This
positioning of the leg may need to be
adjusted to allow the driller to collar holes in
the face with a four foot drill rod.
The driller stands to one side of the drill and
lowers the drill to waist height towards the
face of the drift. His right hand indicates the
direction that he will be drilling.
The driller positions the leg of the drill on the
front of his right thigh by extending his foot
out under the feed pusher leg. He allows
the weight of the drill to come down on his
thigh and controls the position of the front of
the rock drill with his left hand. Again he is
careful not to get his hands near the pinch
point at the joint of the feed pusher leg
swivel and the bottom of the rock drill. He
checks that his hoses are free to move with
the operation of the drill.
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The driller demonstrates how his hands are
free with the drill and feed pusher leg in
position on his right leg just above the knee.
The weight of the leg and a portion of the
weight of the drill rests on the leg on the
floor. A large portion of the weight of the
drill is on the feed pusher leg that rests with
the prongs fixed in the drill ladder.
To insert a drill rod with into the chuck end
of the drill the miner places the bit end of the
drill rod at the floor near the face. He opens
the steel retainer and tilts the drill forward
bringing the chuck over the collared end of
the drill rod. Once the drill rod is in the
chuck he closes the steel retainer holding
the rod into the drill. The driller can now
allow the weight of the drill to rest on the drill
rod and the feed pusher leg.
To re-position the drill to collar a hole on the
lifter line. The driller brings his right leg
forward under the feed pusher leg to take
the weigh of the leg and drill, as he swivels
the drill up lifting the steel and bit from the
floor. He adopts the right stance to collar a
drill hole on the lifter hole line.
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The driller swivels the drill with a four foot
steel and bit in the chuck into position and
adopts the correct stance to collar a drill
hole on the breast hole line. This picture
demonstrates the flexibility of movement
available to the miner when he starts off by
placing his body in the right position to
support and manipulate the drill and feed
pusher leg.
The driller swivels the drill back down to
position the drill steel and bit to demonstrate
how he would collar a drill hole at the knee
hole line height.
The driller brings the drill back to a position
and adopts the right stance to collar a breast
hole. Using the control handle he advances
the feed pusher leg forward until the bit
makes contact with the rock face at the
proper location. The driller carefully controls
the pressure of the feed leg with the drill on
partial throttle to collar the hole. This allows
the bit to slowly cut the irregular surface of
the rock and produce a flat face. Once the
bit has established a flat face the driller
increases leg pressure and throttle hammer
making the bit cut faster. Drillers often start
drilling with a breast height hole as it is one
of the easier holes to drill.
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Once the drill bit has entered the rock a few
inches the hole is properly collared and the
driller gradually increases throttle to the full
hammering of the drill. Once the drill is
hammering at full output the driller gradually
increases the pressure of the leg using the
control handle until the machine achieves
maximum performance and penetration into
the rock face. At this point the driller lets
the leg do the work. The driller can relax
and control the drill simply by adjusting the
feed control handle until the full distance of
the drill rod penetrates the rock.
Just before finishing the first hole drilled in
the drift round the driller checks to be sure
the drill is receiving proper lubrication. He
should observe if the drill collar at the front
end of the drill is wet with oil. Proper
lubrication produces a ring of wet oil where
the collar meets the drill. He can also hold
the end of a miners wrench in the flow of air
exhausting from the drill for a few minutes
(about the time it takes to drill a four foot
The end of the wrench should be wet with a
residue from the rock drill oil that is blowing
through the drill and exiting at the exhaust
port. This test should be repeated several
times during the drilling of the drift round.
When no oil is seen on the wrench it is time
to refill the lubricator. Lack of proper
lubrication is the leading cause of failure of
rock drill parts. A good miner makes sure
the drill is well lubricated or it could cost the
loss of the entire shift if the drill breaks down
and there is no spare drill at hand.
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Once the first breast hole is completed the
driller moves down to collar a knee hole.
Note that he has not moved the position of
the feed pusher leg from his thigh. Drillers
usually drill all the holes (breast, knee, back,
lifter) in order of difficulty on one line before
moving the leg to the next line. This saves a
lot of work moving the drill, leg, drill ladder
and pulling hoses from one location to the
next. Usually when collaring a hole the
driller will reduce the water flow to the bit to
prevent water from spraying back at him.
He needs just enough flow to control any
dust generated from the bit cutting the rock.
The driller has noticed that the rock face is
at an angle to the direction he wishes to
collar the knee hole, so he rests the drill bit
on the face and uses the pusher leg to raise
the drill so that the face of the bit is flat to
the rock face. In this position with the drill
throttle on partial hammer and just the weigh
of the drill resting on the bit he begins to
collar the hole. As the driller increases the
throttle hammer he needs to increase the
flow of water to the drill bit to remove the drill
cuttings from the hole as fast as possible.
Once the drill bit has created a one inch
deep indentation in the rock face the driller
lowers pressure on the pusher leg allowing
the weigh of the drill to drop down more in
line with the direction required for the hole.
He gradually increases the throttle hammer
accelerating the drilling and carefully
controls the feed pressure to allow the drill
to continue to align in the right position.
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Once the drill has reached alignment with
the direction of the drill hole the driller
increases the throttle hammer to full on and
the feed pressure of the pusher leg to
achieve maximum penetration of the bit into
the rock. With the bit approximately one foot
into the hole the driller can relax and allow
the feed pusher leg to do the work. He
stands close to the drill and watches the
rotating drill rod carefully to insure proper
rotation and continually adjusts the feed leg
pressure to insure the drill does not stall.
When the drill is hammering and rotating at
optimum performance the driller can stand
back and watch the steel and bit penetrate
the rock face. Drills have a reciprocating
hammer and generate harmful vibrations to
operators hands. The driller should keep
his hands off the drill whenever possible and
only touch the drill when adjustment to the
controls is required to optimize performance.
Though relaxed the miner must continuously
remain vigilant and monitor drill performance
to make adjustments to the feed.
The driller collars the first hole in the burn
cut after aligning the drill bit exactly on the
top spot painted on the rock face. It is very
important to collar and drill the holes in the
burn cut exactly as measured out on the
face. Note the two plastic loading sticks
protruding from the breast hole and knee
hole next to the cut. The driller uses these
two loading stick to gauge the direction of
the holes and to be sure the holes drilled in
the burn cut do not approach or intersect
the holes already drilled.
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Once the hole is collared and the rock drill is
up to full throttle with proper feed pressure
the miner concentrates on keeping the drill
aligned with the drill rod so that the hole
drills as straight as possible. Usually the
first two feet of drilling with the four foot steel
employs less feed pressure to ensure the bit
and drill rod are not forcing out of alignment.
The holes in the burn cut are very close
together and it is important not to break one
hole into another.
When the drill has reached two feet into the
rock face the driller opens up to full throttle
and maximum feed pressure on the thrust
leg to drill the hole at the best penetration
rate possible. The bit will not wander
significantly once two feed of drill rod is in
the hole.
Once the hole is finished the miner prepares
to retract the drill rod from the hole. The
miner shuts down the air to the throttle for
the hammer and the air powering the thrust
of the feed leg. With the drill hanging on the
drill rod the miner moves back and lifts the
end of the leg out of the drill ladder rung and
rotates the feed control handle pushing the
thrust leg out to full extension length. The
end of the leg is dropped back onto a rung
on the drill ladder.
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The miner opens the throttle valve with his
right hand to provide low hammer to the drill.
He drops his right hand to grip the feed
control handle and pushes in the retract
button. With his left hand pulling on the
under side of the front end of the drill he
pulls the drill out of the rock face aided by
the retract action of the leg and low vibration
of the drill. The miner may need to lift on
the drill or wiggle the drill around to help the
retraction of the drill rod and bit from the
hole in the drift face.
As the bit exits from the hole the miner is
already planning to collar the second hole in
the burn cut. The leg has retracted to
provide the proper distance from the face to
enable the driller to collar the second hole in
the cut.
The miner supports the weight of the drill
with his thigh under the feed pusher leg and
holding the drill in two hands. He allows the
bit to drop down the face until it rests on the
second mark in the cut below and slightly to
the left of the hole just finished. He follows
the same routine of collaring the second
hole very carefully while staying on the
mark. The miner will drill a few inches into
the rock face to be sure the drill steel is well
supported before stopping the drill.
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The miner slides a plastic loading stick into
the first hole drilled in the cut just above the
present hole location. He will use this stick
to provide a sight measurement to gauge
the direction of the second hole. The driller
again drills the first few feet with slightly
lower feed pressure to be sure the drill hole
starts perfectly in line with the first hole. He
carefully watches alignment with the plastic
loading stick to be sure the second hole is
parallel to the first. He continues on low
throttle until the drill has penetrated at least
two feet into the rock face.
Once the drill has penetrated the first two
feed of the rock face the hole will not deviate
significantly from this point so the driller
opens up the throttle and feed pressure to
drill at maximum penetration. A good miner
will leave the plastic loading stick in place
check alignment as the hole deepens. The
process is repeated until all six holes have
been drilled to a depth of four feet in the cut.
With the assurance that the crucial holes in
the cut are in good alignment the miner then
goes back and deepens all the holes to eight
feet. It is relatively simple to move the drill
bit and rod from hole to hole.
Once all six holes are drilled to depth in the
proper location in the burn cut it is time to
ream three of the holes to a larger diameter
to provide the space for the rock to swell
when the burn cut is blasted. The driller
examines the face of his button reamer bit to
be sure all the carbides are intact before
beginning. Note that he has left the drill
hanging on the drill rod in one of the cut
holes, instead of dropping it to the floor or
leaning it against the wall. He does this to
minimize the amount of lifting and moving
done during the work shift.
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The driller has checked the button reaming
bit and is ready to start. Note the tapered
body of the bit fits the special reaming steel
designed to take this bit. A portion of the
reaming rod protrudes through the face of
the reamer bit. The protrusion of the drill rod
will be placed in the small hole already
drilled and provides a guide to ensure that
the larger bit perfectly follows the center line
of the previously drilled hole. The pilot
prevents the reamed holes from breaking
in to the smaller holes. The smaller
diameter holes parallel to the reamed holes
will be charged with explosives.
When reaming holes the rock drill can be
operated at maximum feed pressure and full
throttle from the beginning of the hole to the
bottom as the reaming steel pilot is following
the previously drilled hole with no chance of
wandering. Note the small holes to the right
and left of the hole being reamed in this
picture. These smaller diamter holes will be
charged with explosives.
The driller gets a chance to relax while he is
reaming holes as the larger drill bit tends to
penetrate a bit slower. It is not necessary to
touch the drill during reaming operations as
it is usually set on full feed and full throttle
(hammer) drilling the full length of the hole.
The driller must remain vigilant and watch
the flow of water carrying the cuttings from
the hole. Should the water flow stop for any
reason the drill is shut down until the water
flow can be recovered otherwise the bit can
mud (become blocked by cuttings) and jam
in the face.
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Once the cut has been drilled and reamed
the driller moves on to drill the lifter holes.
Here he is using the same method already
described to place a drill rod in the chuck of
the drill. Note that he once again resumes
the proper stance with his thigh under the
leg of the drill and the drill balanced in front
of his body.
Immediately after inserting the drill steel and
bit in the chuck of the drill a lifter hole is
collared at a down angle using the weight of
the drill without feed pressure to the leg.
The hole is drilled right on the line marked
for lifter holes and where the vertical line
intersects the lifter line.
When the bit reaches one inch into the rock
the driller shuts the supply of air to the
hammer and air supply to the feed pusher
leg. Holding the drill control handle with his
left hand he raises the end of the feed leg
out of the drill ladder. He turns the feed
control to extend the end of the feed leg a
few feet down the ladder and exerts enough
pressure to take the weigh of the drill again.
The drill remains at the same angle as when
the hole was collared.
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The miner re-opens the throttle control valve
to start up the hammer and adjusts the feed
pressure to allow the drill to descend to the
proper position to align with the direction of
the lifter hole. While lowering the drill he
watches to be sure the hoses are not
pinched under the drill in the process.
Once the drill reaches proper alignment the
driller opens up the throttle to full on and
feed pressure to maximize the penetration
rate of the drill bit. Note that the drill and
feed are now lying right on the drill ladder.
Once the drill is running full force the miner
can release the controls and stand erect.
He will often hold the air supply hose to
prevent the drill from rotating around the drill
steel as can often happen if the bit meets
with some resistance in the hole. Note that
the pusher leg is directly in line with the
direction of drilling. The in-line leg allows for
full pressure and hammer and will produce
the fastest penetration of the bit into the rock
that will be observed in drilling the round.
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The miner should be vigilant to be sure there
is a continuous flow of water clearing rock
cuttings from the drilling bit. It is often
difficult to retract the drill rod from lifter
holes as they are at floor level where water
and debris can enter the hole. Once the
hole is competed and the front end of the
drill has reached the rock face the miner will
usually stop the drill, place one foot over the
drill rod at the collar and blow the hole using
the throttle control handle in full reverse
position sending full force blowing air to the
front end of the drill and the bit in the hole.
The final series of holes to drill in a drift
round are the back holes and they are the
most difficult as they are usually over seven
feet above the floor level. The travel of the
piston in the pusher leg is not long enough
to provide a flat angle to the drill for proper
thrusting. To extend the length of the leg
PHQ provides a simple leg extension. The
leg extension is thirty inches long with the
same two prongs used on the feed pusher
leg at the down end and a receptacle at
the upper end that accepts the stinger
point on the bottom of the feed pusher leg.
The leg extension is only used when drilling
holes above seven feet from the floor level.
The miner indicates that he will be using this
leg extension to drill the five back holes
across the top of the drift round and is
pointing at the back hole line painted on
the rock face of the drift.
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The driller retracts the pusher leg full in to
the base of the drill and moves the foot of
the pusher leg on the drill ladder to within
four feet of the drift rock face. With the drill
well balanced on his thigh he follows the
same method as before to place a four foot
steel in the chuck of the drill in preparation
to collaring the first back hole. He swivels
the drill with the drill rod facing directly
upward. With the drill still on his thigh he
turns the control handle for the thrust leg so
that the drill advances the bit end to the rock
The driller uses the leg to advance the drill
up the face until it reaches the intersection
of a vertical line with the horizontal line for
the back holes. He starts collaring the hole
on low hammer with the feed in the neutral
position until the bit has cut an indentation in
the rock face.
Once the bit has cut a slight indentation in
the rock face the driller increases the throttle
feed to the hammer and using the feed leg
control handle advances the leg to lift the
drill up to an upright position bringing the
drill steel to drill in line with the proper
direction for holes drilled in the drift round.
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Once the bit has penetrated six inches or so
into the rock face the driller shuts down the
throttle feed to the hammer and the air flow
to the thrust leg so that the drill and feed
hang on the drill rod protruding from the
hole. He is preparing to re-position the leg
and add the leg extension.
With the drill shut down the driller lifts the
end of the feed pusher leg and inserts the
leg extension. The upper end of the leg
extension with the receptacle slides over the
stinger point at the bottom of the feed
pusher leg on the drill and the device forms
a rigid thirty inch extension to the overall
length of the feed pusher leg.
The driller now resumes drilling the back
hole bringing the drill up level so that the
hole will be in proper alignment with the rest
of the holes in the drift round. Back holes
are always drilled looking slightly upward
from horizontal as out of necessity they are
collared about six inches below the actual
back of the drift. The upward angle brings
the bottom of the hole high enough to
maintains the size of the drift at the proper
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It is very difficult for an operator to hold on to
the drill with his two arms fully extended.
The driller will usually drop his arms and
hands to hold on to the piston of the feed leg
to provide guidance to the drill and prevent if
from moving from side to side in the early
stages of drilling a back hole.
The miner must remain vigilant at all times
keeping an eye on the rotation of the drill rod
and watching the flow of water clearing
cuttings from the bit. With long experience
operators become familiar with the sound of
a rock drill that is operating at full efficiency.
A good operator will hear a change in the
sound of the drill during operation and he
can often head off any trouble by grabbing
the controls when the sound changes. Most
of the time the driller can exert the proper
control over the drill by adjusting the feed
Once the hole is drilled to full depth the
driller shuts down the throttle air supply to
the hammer and the feed to the pusher leg
to allow the drill to hang on the drill rod
protruding from the rock face. He lifts the
end of the pusher leg and removes the leg
extension and sets it to one side.
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The miner positions himself to one side
under the drill facing away from the rock
face. With the drill hanging on the drill rod
protruding from the face he is able to push
the drill away from the rock face moving the
drill rod out of the hole. If he meets a lot of
resistance retracting the drill rod he will turn
the throttle on low hammer to use vibration
of the drill to help him move it from the face.
Working with the rock drill at high heights
makes it difficult to drill back holes and to
retract the drill rod and bit from the holes
once finished. The miner must stand erect
and remain alert when handling a drill above
his head.
The miner will often open the steel retainer
and pull the rock drill off of the drill steel. He
can then slip the hex hole in the end of his
miners wrench over the drill rod and pull it
out of the hole. If he meets resistance he
can turn the drill rod using the wrench.
A combination of turning the drill rod and
pulling will extract drill steel most of the time.
Drilling near the wall can sometimes be
difficult for a driller as it may put him on the
wrong side of the drill where he is not used
to operating. Good drillers will often collar
all the holes near the wall from the same
stance and same side of the drill where they
normally drill the second line of holes with
the end of the leg on the drill ladder where it
was set to drill the second line of holes three
feet away from the wall.
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Once all the holes are collared the driller will
move the drill ladder close to the wall in line
with the holes to be drilled at the side of the
The driller pushes the drill ladder as tight to
the wall as he can. He is now ready to finish
drilling the holes along the wall.
The end of the pusher leg is placed in a rung
on the drill ladder and the bit introduced to
one of the pre-collared holes. The driller
stands on his wrong side of the drill and
leg and uses the control handle to adjust the
pressure of the pusher leg on the drill as he
accelerates the air flow to the hammer with
the throttle control.
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One advantage of drilling near the wall is
that the drill can not fall over and away from
the driller. The driller can often complete the
holes with the minimum use of his hands to
hold the drill. Again he must keep attention
to the rotation of the drill rod and the flow of
flushing water coming from the drill hole
while listening to the rythym of the sound of
the properly running drill. All the while he
continually adjusts the controls to maximize
the penetration rate of the drill bit.
A typical drift heading design layout is shown. The miner will adjust the number of holes required to
affectively break the round to the bottom of the holes every time. Ground conditions often dictate
that more or less holes will be more effective however the pattern is basically the same every time.
14 holes of small diameter around the
outside edges of the round. Outside holes
may need to be collared inside the lines and
are angled slightly outwards to compensate.
6 holes of small diameter drilled at the
intersections of the lines inside the round
11 holes of small diameter in the center of
he squares formed by intersecting lines.
6 holes of small diameter in the burn cut
3 holes reamed from smaller to larger
diameter in the burn cut. The large holes
are not charged with explosives or blasted.
A total of 400 feet (120 meters) of drilling in
an 10 foot (3 meter) drift round.
Blasting the holes in the right sequence is important to breaking the round properly. The miner usually uses
electric timed caps to detonate holes in sequence radiating out from the burn cut. The three small cut holes
are blasted first followed by the square of holes around the cut. It may be necessary to drill extra helper holes
inside the square close to the cut holes if fragmentation of the rock is unsatisfactory and rounds fail to break.
It is wise to start with too many holes rather than not enough holes to establish a proper drilling design.
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Many of the troubles which arise from faulty operation can be eliminated or minimized if certain practices are
followed in the care, handling and use of rock drills.
NEVER ride the leg or hang on the drill control handle when drilling. Skilled drillers learn the
pusher leg does the work. Minor adjustment to the feed control optimizes drilling speed in the hole.
NEVER retract the steel from the drilled hole at full throttle. The piston inside the drill is meant to
hammer under full load pressure from the pusher leg. Hammering without pressure damages parts.
NEVER strike the drill body with hard tools. A dent in the body of the drill will cause damage to the
inside surface of the drill cylinder where tolerances are very close with the piston and cause scoring.
NEVER try to free a drill by manually turning the drill when locked on a stuck drill rod in the hole.
The pawls can be broken when the drill is turned in the opposite direction to normal operating rotation.
NEVER open up the drill underground to attempt major repairs. The environment underground is
usually wet and dirty and you may do more damage than good. Send the drill to the repair shop.
NEVER drag a drill along the ground as the exhaust ports, open end of the muffler, or other openings
will scoop up broken rock or dirty water which will cause malfunction of the drill and usually failure.
ALWAYS wear all personal protective equipment when working with rock drills. A miner must wear
a suitable hard hat with ear muffs, safety glasses, double ribbed hard toe boots, and suitable gloves.
PHQ recommends the use of ear plugs as well as ear muffs to minimize the harmful effects of the noise
generated by rock drills. Rock drills have been measured to emit as much as 110 decibels of noise.
ALWAYS blow any disconnected hoses before connecting to the lubricator or drill. Blowing the hoses
removes any condensate water or debris in the hose. Flush the water hose just to be on the safe side.
ALWAYS be sure the drill is getting adequate lubrication. Check the line oiler at the beginning of
every shift to be sure it is full. Check the exhaust is misting oil and that the drill shank is wetted by oil.
ALWAYS keep the side rods at an equal tension and tightened over 90 ft lbs. Check the air connection
nut and the water connection nut occasionally while drilling to be sure they have not vibrated loose.
ALWAYS keep the drill aligned to the drill rod in the center of the hole. Collar the hole with a four
foot steel to be close to the face and more in control of the drill. Collaring with long steel is difficult.
ALWAYS remove the drill to a safe distance from the holes to be blasted. If you disconnect the air
and water hoses from the drill it is good practice to connect the air bend hose to the water bend hose.
ALWAYS store unused drills in an upright position out of the water and with all holes blocked with
proper covers. Oily rags stuffed in the chuck and exhaust ports provide protection from airborne dust.
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Reliable performance of a rock drill depends to a large extent on the condition, care, handling and use of rock
drill bits. The driller should know the best practices to follow in the use of these tools.
NEVER pound on drill steel that is stuck in the hole. Nothing is accomplished and you may damage
the chuck insert, the chuck or the drill steel itself. A nick in a drill rod will cause a failure later on.
ALWAYS examine the collared end of a drill rod every time it is placed into the chuck of the drill.
Drill steel should be stored shank end up against the wall. The striking face must be clean and free
from damage when used in the drill. A steel shank can be blown clean by placing it in a drill exhaust.
NEVER approach the rock face with the drill running at full throttle. Always position the drill bit
carefully on the rock face and collar the hole at partial throttle to keep control of the drill. Start holes
with the bit face flat to the rock surface and adjust the position of the drill once a collar is established.
ALWAYS maintain maximum thrust of the pusher leg. Collaring at low pressure is usually maximum
that can be used without losing control. When drilling in the hole maximum thrust is at a level just
below stalling of the drill. Maximum pressure on a bit yields the best bit life and drilling performance.
ALWAYS run the rock drill in alignment with the drill rod to minimize side pressure on the steel and
wearing of the drill shank and chuck insert. Chuck inserts worn from side pressure produce a marked
coke bottle shape on a drill shank, resulting in broken collars, chipped striking faces and lower life.
ALWAYS maintain a robust flow of water to the drill bit. A good driller keeps his eyes riveted on the
water coming out of the face as it tells him how the drill is performing. Stop the drill and blow the
hole at the end of each drill steel run to facilitate retracting the drill rod and bit from the hole.
NEVER force a larger bit following a smaller bit in a hole. Even button bits that have been sharpened
can vary in diameter. An experienced driller makes sure to always follow larger bits with a smaller bit.
Never over-drill a bit to the extent the carbide inserts are flat and no other bit can follow it in the hole.
NEVER handle drill rods roughly or allow drill steel to drop to the floor. A small nick in the case
hardened surface of a drill rod can lead to breakage of the rod while drilling. A break outside the hole
will cause the drill to suddenly push forward and fall. This could be dangerous for the miner.
ALWAYS put aside any damaged drill rods for return to the shop. One drill rod with a damaged
striking face will damage the face of the piston in the drill. The damaged piston will in turn quickly
damage any new drill rods placed in the drill and can eventually cause all the drill rods to be ruined.