This document is Luis Javier Rivera Sanchez's final paper for a module on technology in education. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies like blended learning, Web 2.0, and instructional technologies. It then provides details on how Rivera Sanchez would design an online lesson plan using WebQuest, focusing on teaching parts of the body to third graders. It also explains how he would teach topics requiring technology even without access to computers or the internet by using alternatives like PowerPoint, videos, and students' smartphones. Finally, it describes how Rivera Sanchez would use digital resources like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, and WebQuest to improve his personal learning environment and professional learning network.
This document is Luis Javier Rivera Sanchez's final paper for a module on technology in education. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies like blended learning, Web 2.0, and instructional technologies. It then provides details on how Rivera Sanchez would design an online lesson plan using WebQuest, focusing on teaching parts of the body to third graders. It also explains how he would teach topics requiring technology even without access to computers or the internet by using alternatives like PowerPoint, videos, and students' smartphones. Finally, it describes how Rivera Sanchez would use digital resources like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, and WebQuest to improve his personal learning environment and professional learning network.
This document is Luis Javier Rivera Sanchez's final paper for a module on technology in education. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies like blended learning, Web 2.0, and instructional technologies. It then provides details on how Rivera Sanchez would design an online lesson plan using WebQuest, focusing on teaching parts of the body to third graders. It also explains how he would teach topics requiring technology even without access to computers or the internet by using alternatives like PowerPoint, videos, and students' smartphones. Finally, it describes how Rivera Sanchez would use digital resources like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, and WebQuest to improve his personal learning environment and professional learning network.
This document is Luis Javier Rivera Sanchez's final paper for a module on technology in education. It discusses the advantages and disadvantages of various technologies like blended learning, Web 2.0, and instructional technologies. It then provides details on how Rivera Sanchez would design an online lesson plan using WebQuest, focusing on teaching parts of the body to third graders. It also explains how he would teach topics requiring technology even without access to computers or the internet by using alternatives like PowerPoint, videos, and students' smartphones. Finally, it describes how Rivera Sanchez would use digital resources like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, and WebQuest to improve his personal learning environment and professional learning network.
FINAL PAPER. 1- In a chart, describe the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in your professional development taking into account Blended Learning, Education 2.0, Web 2.0 and IT.
Advantages Disadvantages Education. 2.0 Create a large and strong network. More interaction leads to higher exchange of knowledge.
The education has to update in order to the student can learn better than before.
We can use in for long distance students because they do not have the time or money enough to assistant to a course.
Nowadays we can see this kind of technologies in any school, universities also and workplaces. People are highly dependent on internet to network.
High number of frauds and hackers.
Some students just cut and paste the information.
The students lose the motivation, because dont follow the instructions and they dont enjoy the learning. Web2.0 With this kind of technology you can share all the information with your friends and classmates when the teacher left them an assignment.
We can make a classes online, forums, video conferences, etc.
We can create different profiles in many web accounts for example: GMAIL ACCOUNT, BLOGER, LINKIN, SKYPE and so on.
Requires technological device and Internet connection:
The information cannot always be trusted or verified.
If you dont save the information is possible that if the internet or website is going down. Blended learning You can use all the internet material that you can need it you can get all kind of information from reliable pages. Not all schools in our country have the possibility to have a computers and internet connection.
If you have the tools and you can make a good use of the internet you can reduce the cost, time when you are finding the information.
You as a teacher can make a different activities using the technology.
The activities could be videos, images and sounds. This will to the students to improve all their knowledge.
The technology shows us how the tech can make a better education in our country.
Most of the students prefer paper materials because they dont know how to use a computer or they dont have previous knowledge requires.
For some immigrants natives this difficult because have to adapt in a new digital word where if you dont have the ability or capacity to learn the necessary for to be an digital native always be an immigrant native (ignorant). Instruction technologies It is easy to implement in our classroom because we can introduce our lesson plans, activities, rubric of evaluation, etc.
These instructional technologies can improve our learning, our knowledge.
We can determine what kind of learning style the students have
You have access to all kind of information for example: some website which you can use as a tool for your own learning, for designing your classes as a teacher or for your students. Nowadays many teachers dont use the instructional technologies because they dont have the knowledge.
The schools dont have computers and the internet access.
For some teachers the technologies are a waste time because they think that the student use the internet for Facebook, see pornography, etc. but nowadays with the previous knowledge we can help to student show them how Facebook can help them when they have assignments, they can a group a forum where they can share their opinions, interrogates.
2. Explain how you are going to design a lesson plan online by using Web Quest and what are the real propose using this kind of technology in your professional development. Well when a create my lesson plan using WebQuest I had to take into account some details for example, I have to know what is the level or grade of my students if a have students of third grade the topic could be The Body. I will give them a little introduction: in this topic the student are going to learn new vocabulary that relates to the human body, will be able to know the name of each of the parts of the body, through videos, games and activities at the end of the topic they will be able to name every part of your body and that of their colleagues. Also they make an activity where 2 students come to the front of the classroom one pointed a body part and the other should say the name. After the students are understood very well the topic, we will make a task where students must do: Look at the picture and try to put the correct name to each body part; using the words that are inside the box. Look at the video and try to memorize all the parts of the body, repeat after the speaker practice your pronunciation. Make a list of body parts that you can hear in the video.
Also the students must do another activity where they put in practice all their skills. Activity 1 After listening and watching the video the students will make a short description of your body pointing with his fingers each body part.
Activity 2
Students will make a list of all the body parts that are not mentioned in the video.
at the end of the class will do a small evaluation in which will put to test the knowledge that students obtained in this topic the evaluation will consist in an oral description also I will include a rubric which all the aspect that I will evaluate This evaluation is going to be an oral presentation in which you have to describe your body.
The students will have to make a description about your body using different vocabulary they learned in class.
In the following Rubric you can see which aspects are going to be evaluated in your oral presentation.
The purpose of using this kind of technology called WebQuest is to make the work of teachers easier or better way than the traditional one where teachers are based on books brochures etc. therefore it is necessary for us future teachers we must update daily in the area of technology for to use all these tools that make being a teacher is a challenge which we must overcome day by day.
3. Explain how you are going to deal if you want to use technology in a school or place of work but there is not Tech in the classroom. What are you going to do? How are you going to solve the problem? Provide resources that you will use and the procedures If I want to use the technology in my classroom well I have to investigate what kind of resources have in the classroom and what kind of students I have what level they have according to that I going to use the necessary tool in this case internet, computer, videos, sounds, etc. but if I my school or workplace dont have this possibilities or necessary tools I have to think of other ways I can make my classes so that students do not lose interest in the class, for example if the class is how to create a page on the Internet or how to make good use of social networks. we have to find a way to teach these topics although no internet found, the first step would be to show them a PowerPoint presentation which you will explain the steps to follow when creating a page also showing them a video related to these issues and Finally if we do not have these resources can make use of smart phones and that today most students possess one. 4. Choose digital resources you will include and describe how those digital resources you are going to improve you PLE and PLN.
PLE (Personal Learning Environment)
Describes the tools, skills, and services that constitute the individual personal learning environment and how this can help us with our own learning and acquire our educational goals. PLE puts the individual learner at the center, connecting him or her to both information and to communities to: "... provide personal spaces, which belong to and are controlled by the user, [and also provide] a social context by offering means to connect with other personal spaces for effective knowledge sharing and collaborative knowledge creation Facebook: I use this awesome social network to practice the writing the classes online, also with this interesting tool the educators have the opportunity to use haw a good way to tech in this new age of technology also we can learn how we can use it in the correct form; another to used it is because you can hit like to other interesting pages for you. Twitter: I use twitter to follow important and interesting pages and persons also I can see the news in others countries, follow pages where I can learn more about English and follow person to see what they think about any topic.
Youtube This is good for improving your listening you can use to watch videos, TV shows, movies, videos with instructions that show me how to do something or how can I understand some topics. Also I can search videos of how can I use the technology in the classroom and show to students how they can use the different social network.
Blogger As a student you can share your homework with your classmate and also you can comment it, this site is useful for our learning because we can create own our learning style and we can show to other person some interesting news or articles about the ingles, technology or some topic in common. Zunal WedQuest This site is an important educational proposes because with this page we can create a lesson plans online where you can share with the students the instruction of the activities and show then some videos and link where they could find the information that they need it. Also you can create a rubric with all the aspect that you can evaluate at the end of the class. Gmail This important tool because contains many utilities I use this mail service to send and receive message from my friend
PLN (Personal Learning Network) This tool involves the entire social network where you can share and find it any kind of information, usually online. Also is an informal learning network that consists of the people a learner interacts with and derives knowledge from in a personal learning environment In a PLN, a person makes a connection with another person with the specific intent that some type of learning will occur because of that connection Blogger I use blogger to share information, knowledge, with my classmates also my teachers my teacher to guide me in some activities giving me directions.
Facebook I use Facebook to click on fan page which can help me to my professional learning, also there can found friends, family. For me it is important this pages because is a important tool to communicate.
Linked In. This is an important tool because in this kind of social network we can find a professional person whose have different jobs like, Teachers, Bachelors, Scientifics, etc.
Twitter I can follow different pages in order to improve my English learning because here I can follow pages that can help me in some assignments for example pages of news in other countries. Also I can follow me classmate and teacher.
Youtube This tool can be useful for me because I can find videos about English, and with this site I can research videos with information related to any topic, and you can subscribe to channels where you can ask to professional what you need to know. Scribd is a digital library, featuring a subscription service with premier books including new york times bestsellers and classics. Scribd is a document sharing website that allows users to post documents of various formats and embed them into a web page using the original format. Slideshare This an interesting Web site because you can upload files privately or publicly in the following file formats: PowerPoint, PDF, or presentations. Slideshare can then be viewed on the site itself, on hand held devices or embedded on other sites like blogs.