(Đề thi gồm 05 trang) : Thời gian thi: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 05 trang) : Thời gian thi: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
(Đề thi gồm 05 trang) : Thời gian thi: 180 phút, không kể thời gian giao đề
( thi gm 05 trang)
%D&'( )(* (+) ,-'( THPT )(./0'1
Thi gian thi: 180 pht, khng k thi gian giao
I3 5*. 6-77 (89: 9' -';8:<-86 6-;( 9 =9:>8;-'? @-:8);*:3
C*=A78;8 ;(8 '*;8, .,-'? NB MB24 TH$N TH244 CB2DS3 5*. 6-77 7-,;8' ;* ;(8 ;9A8, TCIC43
Lecture on (1) _________
Example: Tourism and (2) _________
Common misconception is that marketing indicates (3) _________ in what is eing pro!ided"
#arketing is actuall$ essential in sustaining (%) __________"
Compared to a product& a ser!ice is more (') ________ and customers ha!e di((erent ())________"
*im: o((er ser!ice e$ond hopes o( (+) __________
,mportant to a" keep in(ormed
" (-) _________
.ne wa$ to achie!e this: (/) __________
(10)_________must alwa$s e a!ailale (or an$ 1ueries and prolems"
II3 5*. 6-77 (89: ;(8 -';:*@.);-*' 9D*.; 9 7-D:9:/3
L-,;8' 9'@ ?-<8 ,(*:; 9',68:, ;* ;(8 E*77*6-'? F.8,;-*',3 5*. 6-77 7-,;8' ;* ;(8 ;9A8, TCIC43
1" 2ow man$ printed !olumes does the 3estern 4ank Lirar$ ha!e5
2" 3hat must students ha!e i( the$ want to orrow ooks5
3" 2ow long can a registered student keep ooks5
%" 3here do students read ooks with red lael5
'" 2ow can students keep ooks (or longer5
)" 3hat ser!ice can help students i( the$ want to reser!e the ooks5
+" 3hat should students do e!er$ da$ to !iew the loans and details o( charges5
-" 3hat should students do with o!erdue ooks5
/" 2ow much is the photocop$ o( Color *% sheet5
10" 3hat is the opening time o( the 3estern 4ank Lirar$ at weekend5
P$2T G3 L4HICB-G2$MM$2
I3 C*=A78;8 89)( *E ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,8';8')8, 6-;( ;(8 )*::8); 9',68: %$I GI C *: D13 I@8';-E/ /*.: 9',68:
D/ 6:-;-'? ;(8 )*::8,A*'@-'? 78;;8: $I GI C *: D *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
1" ,6m reall$ sorr$" 3e _____ stop at a ser!ice station and phone $ou& ut we didn6t want to waste an$
more time"
*" were due to 4" were going to C" were to 7" were aout to
2" ,t is not until 7ecemer 2'
_________the exam results will e announced"
*" which 4" what C" that 7" when
3" , saw a ___________ scar( in a shop near m$ house"
*" sweet little green silk 4" little green silk sweet
C" sweet green little silk 7" green little sweet silk
%" There has een a recommendation that 8eter ______ the president o( the countr$"
*" will e elected 4" e elected C" is elected 7" was elected
'" 2e kept his marriage (or $ears& ut e!entuall$ the truth ________"
*" came out 4" went out C" came through 7" (ell out
)" ,t was in this house ______"
*" , was orn in 4" in which , was orn C" where , was orn 7" that , was orn
+" ______o( hal(9 star!ing wol!es were roaming the snow9 co!ered countr$side"
*" 2erds 4" :locks C" 8acks 7" ;warms
-" 3hen ______ to explain his mistake& the new emplo$ee cleared his throat ner!ousl$"
*" asking 4" to e asked C" to e asking 7" eing asked
/" ______& he (elt so unhapp$ and lonel$"
*" ,n spite o( his eing wealth 4" <ich as was he
C" <ich as he was 7" 7espite his wealth$
10" *ccording to the _______o( the contract& tenants must gi!e six months notice i( the$ intend to lea!e"
*" laws 4" rules C" terms 7" details
11" ,t is di((icult (or museums to (ind (unds to protect the nation6s_______"
*" inheritance 4" heritage C" possessions 7" legac$
12" * part9time =o gi!es me the (reedom to_______ m$ own interests"
* pursue 4" chase C" seek 7" catch
13" 3hen his alarm went o((& he shut it o(( and slept (or_______1' minutes"
*" other 4" others C" another 7" the others
14. ____ ,6!e told him not to go out with those people& ut he wouldn6t listen" >ust let him (ace the music
*" #an$ a time 4" #an$ the time C" ?uite a time 7" :or a time
1'" _______ in this national park declined (rom a (ew thousand to a (ew hundred in ten $ears"
*" :or a numer o( tigers 4" The numer o( tigers
C" * numer o( tigers 7" That the numer o( tigers
1)" _______ e!er$ industr$ in our modern world re1uires the work o( engineers"
*" 3holl$ 4" 2ardl$ C" #ost 7" @irtuall$
1+" >ane had a prolem with her (inances& so we talked _______ and now itAs (ine"
*" o!er 4" it o!er C" o!er it 7" o!er and o!er
1-" 3hen the electricit$ (ailed& he _______a match to (ind the candles"
*" rued 4" scratched C" struck 7" started
1/" , usuall$ u$ m$ clothes _______" ,t6s cheaper than going to the dressmaker"
*" on the house 4" o(( the peg C" in pulic 7" on the shel(
20" ;he tried to _______"
*" talk out o( me the plan 4" talk me the plan out o(
C" talk me out o( the plan 7" talk out me o( the plan"
II3 I' =*,; 7-'8, *E ;(-, ;8J; ;(8:8 -, *'8 .''8)8,,9:/ 6*:@3 I; -, 8-;(8: -')*::8); ?:9==9;-)977/I *:
@*8, '*; E-; ;(8 ,8',8 *E ;(8 ;8J;3 C:-;8 ;(8 .''8)8,,9:/ 6*:@ -' ;(8 ,A9)8 D8,-@8 ;(8 ;8J;3 T-)> %K1
89)( )*::8); 7-'83 T(8:8 9:8 ;6* 8J9=A78, 9; ;(8 D8?-''-'?3 T:9',E8: /*.: 9',68:, ;* /*.: 9',68:
Talent scouts are looking (or the next generation o( supermodels ha!e realiBed
*(rica6s potential" L$ndse$ #clnt$re& a (ormer model hersel(& recentl$ opened
one agenc$6s (irst *(rican o((ice" C*(rican women are eing grace(ul and
sereneD she sa$s" CThese 1ualities could to make them do !er$ well in this
usiness"D 2owe!er& spotting supermodels is rarel$ eas$& as well #clnt$re
disco!ered when she !isited the .rma trie o( remote north9 eastern Een$a&
whose women are reported to e especiall$ striking" CThe trial leaders were a
it suspicious and , wasn6t allowed to e meet man$ o( their girls&D she
explains" *nother prolem is that the reports aren6t alwa$s reliale" #clnt$re
disco!ered this when one o( !illage6s Cmost eauti(ul girlsD turned out to e its
hea!iest ones" ;he had to explain that 3estern ad!ertisers pre(er (ar slimmer
women" The .rma are not alone in elie!ing (at it is eauti(ul" ,n a recent
*(rica9wide eaut$ contest& all the Fganda contestants were dis1uali(ied (or
eing a little too large around the hips" C, don6t understand the (ashion
industr$6s osession with small hips&D said one =udge (or the contest" C4ut
ecause we want the girls to succeed and to see *(rican models working
internationall$& we gi!e the industr$ what it wantsD
0 GGareG
2 GGG""G
% GG""GG
III3 S.AA7/ ;(8 )*::8); E*:= *E ;(8 6*:@ -' )9A-;97 78;;8:3 C:-;8 /*.: 9',68:, *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
FE companies ha!e recei!ed criticism (rom a usiness (orum (or what their report re(ers to as a
rather narrow9minded attitude towards the dress code (or o((ice workers" This (ollows a case in which a
male %13 4MPLB51 __________working in the post room o( a large %23 B2G$NIS41 __________in the
Fnited Eingdom recei!ed a %33 SLSP4ND1 __________ (or wearing =eans to work" 3hilst the report
accepts that there is a need (or people dealing with %3 CLSTBM1 __________to look well dressed& it
1uestions whether emplo$ees who work ehind the scenes necessaril$ need to dress (ormall$" The authors
o( the report made a %M3 CBMP$241 ___________ etween the FE and other European nations where
emplo$ers seem %N3 CBNC42N1___________aout the need (or their workers to wear smart clothes in
the o((ice" Their %O3 $2GL41 ___________is ased on research that claims workers are (ar more %P3
P2BDLCT1 QQQQQQQQQ when the$ ha!e the %R3 S2441 QQQQQQQQQto dress in a wa$ that the$ (eel most
%103 CBMSB2T1 _______in"
IV3 C*=A78;8 ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,8';8')8, 6-;( *'8 A:8A*,-;-*'TA9:;-)78 E*: 89)( D79'>3 C:-;8 /*.:
9',68:, *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
1" Eate (ell _______ with her o$(riend and the$ stopped seeing each other"
2" ,6!e taken this watch _______ pieces& and now , can6t put it together again"
3" ,6m sure m$ rother will ne!er get married ecause he hates the (eeling o( eing tied _____"
%" 7eorah is going to take extra lessons to catch up______ what she missed when she was awa$"
'" , don6t think an$one understood what , was sa$ing at the meeting" , (ailed to get m$ point _______"
P$2T C3 24$DING
I3 289@ ;(8 E*77*6-'? A9,,9?8 9'@ )(**,8 ;(8 *A;-*', 9=*'? $I GI C *: D ;(9; D8,; )*=A78;8 ;(8
D79'>,3 C:-;8 /*.: 9',68:, *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
;tress(ul situations that (1)________ almost e!er$da$ in li(e seem to e una!oidale" 2owe!er& we
can do little sometimes to a!oid a mis(ortune or an unpleasant occurrence which ma$ (2)________ us
unexpectedl$ as onl$ it can" *t such a moment& one ma$ hit the (3)_______& gi!e in to the helplessness o(
the situation or& ideall$& put a ra!e (ace on it tr$ing to (%)_________ the urden"
Can $ou (')_________ in $our mind an hour spent in a tra((ic =am& sa$& this morning5 7o $ou light
one cigarette a(ter another5 7o $ou sound the horn e!er$ (ew seconds like the other neurotics5 .r do $ou
take a di((erent ())________ and make good use o( the time drawing up a schedule (or the da$s to come5
To withstand the stress(ul moment $ou can also do a crossword puBBle& listen to $our (a!orite music or
e!en compose a menu (or $our ;unda$ dinner"
,n (act& whate!er wa$ $ou (+)________ to the anno$ing situation& $ou can exert no impact on it as
the tra((ic =am will onl$ reduce in due (-)_________" Ie!ertheless& $our reaction might consideral$
in(luence $our mood (or the rest o( the da$" The inailit$ to con(ront a stress(ul occurrence like that with a
deal o( composure and sensiilit$ adds much more strain to $our li(e and in this wa$ puts $our well J
eing in (/)_________" ;urprisingl$& it is seemingl$ negligile hardships we stumle on dail$ that run
doule the risk o( de!eloping serious health disorders rather than our isolated tragedies howe!er pain(ul
the$ ma$ e" (10)_______that so man$ o( those wretched stresses and inducing troules a((ect us in a da$&
we should& at est& tr$ to a!oid them or possil$ make radical alterations in the wa$ we lead our dail$
1" *" de!ise 4" create C" originate 7" emerge
2" *" arise 4" happen C" e(all 7" occur
3" *" post 4" roo( C" ottom 7" wall
%" *" susist 4" remain C" cow 7" ear
'" *" en!ision 4" oser!e C" picture 7" image
)" *" manner 4" stance C" practice 7" mode
+" *" strike 4" deal C" respond 7" challenge
-" *" term 4" course C" timing 7" period
/" *" risk 4" weakness C" insecurit$ 7" =eopard$
10" *" 8ro!iding 4" Ki!en C" 2ence 7" *s much
II3 289@ ;(8 ;8J; D87*6 9'@ ;(-'> *E ;(8 6*:@ 6(-)( D8,; E-;, 89)( ,A9)83 L,8 *'7/ BN4 6*:@ -' 89)(
,A9)83 C:-;8 /*.: 9',68:, *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
;tudents (re1uentl$ complain (1)___________ stud$ing (or hours on (2)________ and then not
doing well in their (inal exams" #an$ (actors can (3) _________ in poor per(ormances: (%)
_________illness or a personal prolem" Ketting high grades can also put a terrile strain on students (')
_________ don6t want to let their parents down"
Can students6 knowledge e =udged $ a ()) _________exam5 Certainl$ notL ,( we want to e (air&
students ought to e (+) _________on a regular asic" ;o does that mean more exams5 Mes& ut (-)
_________man$ written ones" ,n man$ countries& student do not ha!e to take written exams (/)
_________ the$ don6t want to& the$ are (10) _________to take oral ones instead" This seems to e (airer
wa$ o( assessing understanding& not =ust testing it"
III3 289@ ;(8 A9,,9?8 ;(8' )(**,8 ;(8 D8,; 9',68: ;* 89)( F.8,;-*' ;(9; E*77*6,3 I@8';-E/ /*.: 9',68: D/
6:-;-'? ;(8 )*::8,A*'@-'? 78;;8: $I GI C *: D *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
?uite di((erent (rom storm surges are the giant sea wa!es called tsunamis& which deri!e their name
(rom the >apanese expression (or Chigh water in a haror"D These wa!es are also re(erred to $ the general
pulic as tidal wa!es& although the$ ha!e relati!el$ little to do with tides" ;cientists o(ten re(erred to them
as seismic sea wa!es& (ar more appropriate in that the$ do result (rom undersea seismic acti!it$"
Tsunamis are caused when the sea ottom suddenl$ mo!es& during an underwater earth1uake or
!olcano (or example& and the water ao!e the mo!ing earth is suddenl$ @-,A79)8@" This sudden shi(t o(
water sets o(( a series o( wa!es" These wa!es can tra!el great distances at speeds close to +00 kilometers
per hour" ,n the open ocean& tsunamis ha!e little noticeale amplitude& o(ten no more than one or two
meters" ,t is when the$ hit the ,(977*6 waters near the coast that the$ increase in height& possil$ up to %0
Tsunamis o(ten occur in the 8aci(ic ecause the 8aci(ic is an area o( hea!$ seismic acti!it$"Two
areas o( the 8aci(ic well accustomed to the threat o( tsunamis are >apan and 2awaii" 4ecause the seismic
acti!it$ that causes tsunamis in >apan o(ten occurs on the ocean ottom 1uite close to the islands& the
tsunamis that hit >apan o(ten come with little warning and can& there(ore& pro!e disastrous" #ost o( the
tsunamis that hit the 2awaiian ,slands& howe!er& originate thousands o( miles awa$ near the coast o(
*laska& so these tsunamis ha!e a much greater distance to tra!el and the inhaitants o( 2awaii generall$
ha!e time (or warning o( ;(8-: imminent arri!al"
Tsunamis are certainl$ not limited to >apan and 2awaii" ,n 1+''& Europe experienced a )979=-;*.,
tsunami& when mo!ement along the (ault lines near the *Bores caused a massi!e tsunami to sweep onto the
8ortuguese coast and (lood the hea!il$ populated area around Lison" The greatest tsunami *' :8)*:@
occurred on the other side o( the world in 1--3 when the Erakatoa !olcano underwent a massi!e
explosion& sending wa!es more than 30 meters high onto near$ ,ndonesian islandsN the tsunami (rom this
!olcano actuall$ tra!eled around the world and was witnessed as (ar awa$ as the English Channel"
1" The paragraph preceding this passage most proal$ discusses _______"
*" underwater earth1uakes 4" storm surges C" tides 7" tidal wa!es
2" *ccording to the passage& all o( the (ollowing are true aout tidal wa!es EOCE8T that _______"
*" the$ are caused $ sudden changes in high and low tides
4" this terminolog$ is not used $ the scienti(ic communit$
C" the$ are the same as tsunamis
7" the$ re(er to the same phenomenon as seismic sea wa!es
3" The word U@-,A79)8@V is closest in meaning to _______"
*" mo!ed 4" (iltered C" located 7" not pleased
%" ,t can e in(erred (rom the passage that tsunamis _______"
*" cause se!ere damage in the middle o( the ocean
4" generall$ reach heights greater than %0 meters
C" are (ar more dangerous on the coast than in the open ocean
7are o(ten identi(ied $ ships on the ocean
'" 3ater that is C,(977*6V is I.T _____________"
*" deep 4" clear C" coastal 7" tidal
)" * main di((erence etween tsunamis in >apan and in 2awaii is that tsunamis in >apan are more likel$ to
*" come (rom greater distances 4" originate in *laska
C" arri!e without warning 7" e less o( a prolem
+" The possessi!e U;(8-:V re(ers to ____________"
*" the 2awaiian ,slands 4" thousands o( miles
C" these tsunamis 7" the inhaitants o( 2awaii
-" * C)979=-;*.,V tsunami is one that is _____________"
*" at (ault 4" disastrous C" extremel$ calm 7" expected
/" :rom the expression U*' :8)*:@VI it can e in(erred that the tsunami that accompanied the Erakatoa
!olcano ____________"
*" was not as strong as the tsunami in Lison 4" might not e the greatest tsunami e!er
C" was (ilmed as it was happening 7" occurred e(ore e((icient records were kept
10" The passage suggests that the tsunami resulting (rom the Erakatoa !olcano ___________"
*" was (ar more destructi!e close to the source than (ar awa$
4" resulted in little damage
C" was unoser!ed outside o( the ,ndonesian islands
7" caused !olcanic explosions in the English Channel
I3 286:-;8 ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,8';8')8, 6-;(*.; )(9'?-'? ;(8-: =89'-'?I .,-'? ;(8 6*:@, ?-<8'3 T(8,8
6*:@, =.,; '*; D8 )(9'?8@ -' 9'/ 69/3 C:-;8 /*.: 9',68:, *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3
1" The reduction in the price o( the magaBines led to a growth in sales" (24SLLT)
;ales o( the magaBines __________________________________________"
2" Keorgia hasn6t written to me recentl$" (H4$2D)
, ___________________________________________________________"
3" 7inner will e ser!ed immediatel$ upon our arri!al at the hotel" %SBBN1
7inner will e ser!ed ___________________________________________"
%" 4arara couldn6t sing or dance" %LN$GL41
4esides ______________________________________________________"
'" ,t was careless o( $ou to lea!e without locking the door" %BLGHT1
Mou _________________________________________________________"
II3 C:-;8 9' 8,,9/ ;* 8JA:8,, /*.: *A-'-*' *' ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,;9;8=8';3 L,8 ,A8)-E-) :89,*', 9'@
@8;9-7, ;* ,.AA*:; /*.: -@893
US9)8-;*-E9)8 )*==.'-)9;-*' -, D8;;8: ;(9' *;(8: ;/A8, *E )*==.'-)9;-*'I ,.)( 9, 78;;8:,I 8=9-7I *:
;878A(*'8 )977,V3
999999999999T2E EI79999999999999
Th sinh khng c s dng ti i!"# $%n &' coi thi khng gi(i thch g) th*+#
2P !Q tRn thS sinh:GGGGGGGG"GGG""G G"G"G"N ;T Uo danhGGGGGG
(HD chm gm 02 trang)
%D&'( )(* (+) ,-'( THPT )(./0'1
I3 5*. 6-77 (89: 9' -';8:<-86 6-;( 9 =9:>8;-'? @-:8);*:3
C*=A78;8 ;(8 '*;8, .,-'? NB MB24 TH$N TH244 CB2DS3 %10A;,1
1" ser!ices marketing )" expectations
2" legal ad!ice +" clients
3" weakness -" constantl$ impro!e
%" customer numers /" conduct sur!e$s
'" intangile 10" * representati!e
II3 5*. 6-77 (89: ;(8 -';:*@.);-*' 9D*.; 9 7-D:9:/3
L-,;8' 9'@ ?-<8 ,(*:; 9',68: ;* ;(8 E*77*6-'? F.8,;-*',3 %10A;,1
1" o!er V more than 1&300&000 )" <eser!ation ;$stem ;er!ice
2" Fni!erisit$ Lirar$ FCard +" check lirar$ account
3" (our weeks -" pa$ (ine
%" closed <eser!ed <oom /" '0 pounds
'" renewing 10" / a"m J ) p"m
I3 C*=A78;8 89)( *E ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,8';8')8, 6-;( ;(8 )*::8); 9',68: %$I GI C *: D13 %10A;,1
1" 4 2" C 3" * %" 4 '" * )" 7 +" C -" 7 /" C 10" C
11" 4 12" * 13" C 1%" * 1'" 4 1)" 7 1+" 4 1-" C 1/" 4 20" C
II3 I' =*,; 7-'8, *E ;(-, ;8J; ;(8:8 -, *'8 .''8)8,,9:/ 6*:@3 I; -, 8-;(8: -')*::8); ?:9==9;-)977/I *:
@*8, '*; E-; ;(8 ,8',8 *E ;(8 ;8J;3 C:-;8 ;(8 .''8)8,,9:/ 6*:@ -' ;(8 ,A9)8 D8,-@8 ;(8 ;8J;3 T-)> %K1
89)( )*::8); 7-'83 %MA;,1
1" eing 2" to 3" well %" H '" H
)" e +" the -" o( /" H 10" it
III3 S.AA7/ ;(8 )*::8); E*:= *E ;(8 6*:@ -' )9A-;97 78;;8:3 %10A;,1
1"emplo$ee 2" organiBationV organisation 3" suspension %" customers '" comparison
)" unconcerned +" argument -" producti!e /" (reedom 10" com(ortale
IV3 C*=A78;8 ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,8';8')8, 6-;( *'8 A:8A*,-;-*'TA9:;-)78 E*: 89)( D79'>3 %MA;,1
1" out 2" to 3" down %" on '" across
P$2T C3 24$DING
I3 289@ ;(8 E*77*6-'? A9,,9?8 9'@ )(**,8 ;(8 *A;-*', 9=*'? $I GI C *: D ;(9; D8,; )*=A78;8 ;(8
D79'>,3 %10A;,1
1" 7 2" C 3" 4 %" 7 '" *
)" 4 +" C -" 4 /" 7 10" 4
II3 289@ ;(8 ;8J; D87*6 9'@ ;(-'> *E ;(8 6*:@ 6(-)( D8,; E-;, 89)( ,A9)83 L,8 *'7/ BN4 6*:@ -' 89)(
,A9)83 %10A;,1
1" aout 2" end 3" result %" an '" whoVthat
)" single +" tested -" not /" i( 10" allowed
III3 289@ ;(8 A9,,9?8 ;(8' )(**,8 ;(8 D8,; 9',68: ;* 89)( F.8,;-*' ;(9; E*77*6,3 I@8';-E/ /*.: 9',68: D/
6:-;-'? ;(8 )*::8,A*'@-'? 78;;8: $I GI C *: D *' /*.: 9',68: ,(88;3 %10A;,1
1" 4 2" * 3" * %" C '" *
)" C +" C -" 4 /" 4 10" *
I3 286:-;8 ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,8';8')8, 6-;(*.; )(9'?-'? ;(8-: =89'-'?I .,-'? ;(8 6*:@, ?-<8'3 T(8,8
6*:@, =.,; '*; D8 )(9'?8@ -' 9'/ 69/3 %MA;,1
1" ;ales o( the magaBines grew/increased/went up as a result of the reduction in the price"
2" , haen!t heard /hae heard nothing from "eorgia for/in a while"
3" 7inner will e ser!ed as soon as we arri!e at the hotel"
%" 4esides eing unale to sing& 4arara couldn6t dance either"
'" Mou ought not to ha!e le(t without locking the door"
II3 C:-;8 9' 8,,9/ ;* 8JA:8,, /*.: *A-'-*' *' ;(8 E*77*6-'? ,;9;8=8';3 L,8 ,A8)-E-) :89,*', 9'@
@8;9-7, ;* ,.AA*:; /*.: -@893 %1MA;,1
US9)8-;*-E9)8 )*==.'-)9;-*' -, D8;;8: ;(9' *;(8: ;/A8, *E )*==.'-)9;-*'I ,.)( 9, 78;;8:,I 8=9-7I *:
;878A(*'8 )977,V3
M9:>-'? ,)(8=8
The impression mark gi!en is ased on the (ollowing scheme:
1" $ont,nt: M0Z o( total mark: a pro!ision o( all main ideas and details as appropriate
2" -ang"ag,: 30Z o( total mark: a !ariet$ o( !ocaular$ and structures appropriate to the le!el o(
English language gi(ted upper9secondar$ school students
3" ./,s,ntation: 20Z o( total mark: coherence& cohesion& and st$le appropriate to the le!el o( English
language gi(ted upper9secondar$ school students"
999999999999999999T2E EI799999999999999999