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Global Endoscopy Devices Market
Global Industry Size, Market Share,
Trends, Analysis And Forecasts is
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Global Endoscopy Devices Market Global Industry Size, Market
Share, Trends, Analysis And Forecasts is groing at a !AG" o#
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Global Endoscopy
Devices Market
The Global Endoscopy devices market was valued at USD 24.9 billion in 2!" and is e#pected to
$row at a %&G' o( ).*+ (rom 2!" to 2!9, to reach an estimated value o( USD ").9 billion in
Endoscopy procedures are per(ormed by insertin$ rod shaped telescope and speciali-ed
instruments throu$h small incisions in the body. These procedures can be dia$nostic as well as
operative, and are e#plored (or various areas o( sur$ery includin$ $astrointestinal, urolo$ical,
E.T, cardiovascular and /oint sur$eries. &s these are minimally invasive procedures, they provide
various advanta$es over open sur$eries such as reduced blood loss, reduced chances o(
in(ection, shorter hospital stay, and 0uick recovery. Due to these advanta$es, the adoption o(
endoscopy is increasin$ rapidly1 especially in the 2eld o( oncolo$y.
3rowse the (ull Endoscopy Devices 4arket report at
&n endoscopy system comprises o( an endoscope, visuali-ation system 8which includes the
camera, control unit, illumination devices, ima$e processin$ devices, and display9 and various
speciali-ed operative instruments 8which include ener$y systems, internal closure devices,
irri$ation systems, and others9. &n endoscope that is ri$id, 2nds applications in arthroscopy and
laparoscopies and :e#ible endoscopes have application in $astrointestinal, urolo$y and other
systems where ri$id endoscope may not reach. 4odern endoscopes called as videoscopes have a
;chip7on7tip< which deliver better ima$e 0uality and are more durable. =iberoptic endoscopes are
(ra$ile and delicate, hence $et dama$ed easily. This is a ma/or driver (or videoscopes market and
the technolo$y is e#pected to replace 2beroptic and rod7lens systems in the near (uture.
%onsistent technolo$ical advances have added new products to the market and e#panded
boundaries o( the endoscopy devices market. %apsule endoscopes and robot assisted
endoscopes have revolutioni-ed the endoscopy market. The capsule shaped devices possess
built7in camera unit and wireless transmission system which delivers hi$h 0uality ima$es to
e#ternal receiver as they pass throu$h the $astrointestinal tract. The device has made dia$nosis
o( $astrointestinal tract more e>cient as the capsule is able to deliver ima$es (or intestinal areas
where :e#ible endoscope cannot reach. Given ?ma$in$ 8ac0uired by %ovidien9 accounts (or about
*@+ o( the $lobal capsule endoscopy market share. Ather key players in the capsule endoscopy
market include Alympus, ?ntro4edic and Binshan 4edical. ?ntuitive Sur$ical leads the robot
assisted endoscopy market with its :a$ship Da Cinci sur$ical system. Ather companies makin$
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R*P+R, D*SCR-P,-+&
Global Endoscopy
Devices Market
their mark in the robot assisted endoscopy market include Endo %ontrol, ?nc., Alympus, 4eere
%ompany, ?nc., 4&DA Sur$ical and Titan 4edical, ?nc. Cisuali-ation systems have been a
prominent area o( technolo$ical advancements. The development o( chromoendoscopy has
added another dimension to the evolvin$ market o( endoscopy. Three dimensional 8"D9 camera
systems have improved the depth perception and hence reduced errors durin$ sur$ery and
which has (urther reduced the overall sur$ery time. Endoscopic ultrasound devices now allow
doctors to eEectively dia$nose intestinal tract, which mi$ht be di>cult to dia$nose otherwise
with traditional ultrasound devices. &s the ultrasound device is close to the or$an as, the ima$es
obtained are more accurate $ivin$ better e#amination o( the intestinal tract.
&lthou$h various merits are propellin$ the endoscopy devices market, some (actors impede the
acceptance o( several endoscopic devices. Frominent amon$ these (actors is the hi$h cost o(
latest technolo$y devices, which has delayed the penetration o( these products in developin$
countries. Gack o( skilled pro(essionals is also a ma/or concern (or the market to develop.
%onsiderin$ various market dynamics, companies are eyin$ &sian countries which mainly include
?ndia, %hina, and Bapan (or lucrative opportunities in (uture. 'apidly developin$ economic
condition, improvin$ healthcare sector, available disposable income, and lar$e consumer base in
emer$in$ economies such as ?ndia, %hina, 3ra-il and South7East &sia due to hi$h prevalence o(
diseases will drive the endoscopy devices market in these countries.
Dey players in the market are 3oston Scienti2c, %ook 4edical, %ovidien FG%, Ethicon Endo7
Sur$ery, HAI& %orporation, ?ntuitive Sur$ical, ?nc. D&'G STA'J Endoscopy, Alympus %orporation,
and 'ichard Kol( amon$ others.
The $lobal endoscopy devices market has been se$mented as (ollows5
Transparency Market "esearch
Global Endoscopy
Devices Market
Global Endoscopy Devices 4arket, by Device Type
'i$id Endoscope
=le#ible Endoscope
%apsule Endoscope
'obot &ssisted Endoscope
Aperative Devices
Ener$y Systems
Suction6?rri$ation Systems
&ccess Devices
Aperative Hand ?nstruments
Athers 8?nsuLation Devices, Kound Frotectors, Snares9
Cisuali-ation Systems
Ultrasound Devices
Standard De2nition 8SD9 Cisuali-ation Systems
Two Dimensional 82D9 Systems
Three Dimensional 8"D9 Systems
Hi$h De2nition 8HD9 Cisuali-ation Systems
Transparency Market "esearch
Global Endoscopy
Devices Market
Two Dimensional 82D9 Systems
Three Dimensional 8"D9 Systems
Global Endoscopy Devices 4arket, by &pplication
Gastrointestinal Sur$eries
Urolo$y6Gynecolo$y Sur$eries
E.T Sur$eries
%ardiovascular Sur$eries
.euro6Spinal Sur$eries
Gaparoscopy Sur$eries
&rthroscopy Sur$eries
Global Endoscopy Devices 4arket, by Geo$raphy
.orth &merica
'est o( the Korld
3rowse the (ull Endoscopy Devices 4arket report at
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Global Endoscopy
Devices Market
Transparency 4arket 'esearch is a market intelli$ence company providin$ $lobal business in(ormation
reports and services. Aur e#clusive blend o( 0uantitative (orecastin$ and trends analysis provides (orward7
lookin$ insi$ht (or thousands o( decision makers.
Ke are privile$ed with hi$hly e#perienced team o( &nalysts, 'esearchers and %onsultants, who use
proprietary data sources and various tools and techni0ues to $ather, and analy-e in(ormation. Aur
business oEerin$s represent the latest and the most reliable in(ormation indispensable (or businesses to
sustain a competitive ed$e.
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