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Transparency Market Research: USD 4595 USD 7595 USD 10595
Transparency Market Research: USD 4595 USD 7595 USD 10595
Global Ethylene Oxide Market And
Ethylene Glycol Market Global
Industry Analysis, Raw Material And
Consumption Trends, i!e, hare
And "orecast is #rowin# at a CAGR
o$ %&'( $rom )*+, to )*+-& .y
Transparency Market Research&
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USD 4595
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USD 7595
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USD 10595
Global Ethylene Oxide Market And Ethylene Glycol Market Global
Industry Analysis, Raw Material And Consumption Trends, i!e,
hare And "orecast is #rowin# at a CAGR o$ %&'( $rom )*+, to
)*+-& .y Transparency Market Research&
105 Page Report
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Global Ethylene Oxide
Market And Ethylene
Glycol Market
Transparency Market Research
tate Tower,
-*, tate treet, uite '**&
Albany, /0 +))*'
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Global Ethylene Oxide Market And Ethylene Glycol Market Global Industry Analysis, Raw Material
And Consumption Trends, i!e, hare And "orecast #lobal market, Asia $aci%c dominates the
ethylene oxide market, accountin# &or o'er ()* o& the total demand in +,--. /orth America and
0estern Europe, bein# mature markets, are expected to #row at a slu##ish rate.
The Asia $aci%c, Central Europe, Middle East and outh American markets will dri'e ethylene
oxide demand in the years to come. The #lobal market &or ethylene #lycol, on the other hand,
was estimated to be worth 12 +,,3)3.) million in +,-- and is expected to reach 12 ),,4-3.+
million by +,-4, #rowin# at a CAGR o& (.-* &rom +,-) to +,-4. Monoethylene #lycol 5MEG6 is the
most important ethylene #lycol which accounts &or o'er 7,* o& the o'erall ethylene #lycol
production. Asia $aci%c is the bi##est market &or ethylene #lycol.
#ro&se the )ull report at:
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Global Ethylene Oxide
Market And Ethylene
Glycol Market
The #lobal ethylene oxide 8 ethylene #lycol market is dri'en by #rowin# demand &rom $ET bottle
manu&acturers and the textiles industry, and a #rowin# #lobal demand &or anti&ree!e in the auto
industry. Globally, ma9or use o& ethylene oxide is &or the production o& ethylene #lycol 5:(*6 and
ethoxylates 5-3*6. "urthermore, about 3;* o& the ethylene #lycol is used &or the production o&
$ET bottles.
O'er the last decade, demand o& ethylene oxide and ethylene #lycol has increased considerably
due to #rowin# demand &or $ET bottles &or storin# water and carbonated drinks, mainly due to
the increase in the disposable income o& people #lobally. Ethylene oxide is also used to produce
ethoxylates, which are &urther used to manu&acture sur&actants 5deter#ents6 so #rowin# demand
&or household deter#ents is also helpin# the ethylene oxide market to #row. The market &or
$ETwas estimated to be worth 12 4,3-,.+ million in +,-- and it is expected to reach 12
-),,3+.7 million in +,-4.
The ma9or #eo#raphic market &or ethylene oxide is Asia $aci%c, accountin# &or about (3* o& the
#lobal demand in +,--. Asia $aci%c is also the bi##est market &or ethylene #lycol. O'erall, Asia
$aci%c, owin# to hu#e domestic demands, is the lar#est market &or both ethylene oxide and
ethylene #lycol and is expected to be the &astest #rowin# market in the next %'e years, #rowin#
at a CAGR o& 3.7*
This research is specially desi#ned to estimate and analy!e the production, consumption and raw
material trends o& ethylene oxide and ethylene #lycol in the #lobal scene. This research pro'ides
in<depth analysis o& ethylene oxide and ethylene #lycol producers, production, trend analysis by
se#ments and demand by #eo#raphy. The report co'ers all the ma9or product se#ments o& the
#lobal ethylene oxide and ethylene #lycol market and pro'ides in<depth analysis, historical data
and statistically re%ned &orecast &or the se#ments co'ered. The study presents a comprehensi'e
assessment o& the stakeholder strate#ies and winnin# imperati'es &or them by se#mentin#
the#lobal ethylene oxide and ethylene #lycol market by applications as below=
Ethylene Oxide Applications
Ethylene Glycol
Transparency Market Research
Global Ethylene Oxide
Market And Ethylene
Glycol Market
Ethanol amines
Ethylene Glycol Applications
$olyester "ibers
$ET Resins
Automoti'e Anti&ree!e
$olyester "ilms
In addition the report pro'ides a cross<sectional analysis o& all the abo'e se#ments with respect
to &ollowin# #eo#raphical markets=
/orth America
Asia $aci%c
Rest o& the 0orld 5RO06
Transparency Market Research
Global Ethylene Oxide
Market And Ethylene
Glycol Market
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data sources and 'arious tools and techni>ues to #ather, and analy!e in&ormation.
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