Delaware Regulations Governing The Construction and Use of Wells

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SECTION 1 - GENERAL PROVISIONS ......................................1
1.01 Statutory Authority................................................1
1.02 Scope and Applicability............................................1
1.03 Enforcement and Penalties..........................................2

SECTION 2 - DEFINITIONS ................................................3

3.01 Permit Required....................................................9
3.02 Well Repair........................................................9
3.03 License Required...................................................9
3.04 Permit Applicants..................................................9
3.05 Permit Application Procedures......................................9
3.06 Dewatering Well Application Procedures............................10
3.07 Closed Loop Heat Pump Application Procedures......................11
3.08 Monitor and Observation Well Application Procedures...............11
3.09 Application Procedures for Permits to use Existing Wells..........11
3.10 Permit Issuance Procedures........................................12
3.11 Emergency Circumstances...........................................14
3.12 Relocation During Construction....................................14
3.13 Water Well Contractor and Well Driller Responsibilities...........15
3.14 Property Owner's Responsibilities.................................15
3.15 Pump Installer Contractor Responsibilities........................16
3.16 Temporary Wells for Construction Water............................16
3.17 Permit Transfer...................................................16
3.18 Cancellation of Permits...........................................16
3.19 Permit Duration...................................................16
3.20 Approval for Use..................................................17
3.21 Changing Well Classification......................................17
3.22 Water Service Piping..............................................17



SECTION 4 - WELL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS............................18
4.01 Siting Criteria...................................................18
4.02 Sanitary Protection During Well Construction......................20
4.03 Water for Well Construction.......................................21
4.04 Well Casing.......................................................22
4.05 Well Screens......................................................25
4.06 Gravel Packed Wells...............................................26
4.07 Well Grouting.....................................................26
4.08 Well Development..................................................29
4.09 Pitless Well Adapters, Pitless Well Units, and Plumbing Tees
4.10 Well Caps and Upper Terminus of Wells.............................30
4.11 Water Level Access Ports and Tubes................................31
4.12 Meters, Pumping Equipment, and Vents..............................32

5.01 Monitor and Observation Well Construction.........................34
5.02 Coastal Well Construction.........................................34
5.03 Public, Miscellaneous Public and Industrial Well Construction.....35
5.04 Heat Pump Recharge Well Construction..............................35
5.05 Heat Pump Closed Loop Well Construction...........................36

SECTION 6 - WELL DISINFECTION........................................37
6.01 General Requirements..............................................37
6.02 Required Disinfection Procedure...................................37

SECTION 7 - WELL COMPLETION REPORTS.................................40
7.01 General Requirements..............................................40
7.02 Required Information..............................................40

SECTION 8 - WELL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR............................42


SECTION 9 - WELL ABANDONMENT .........................................43
9.01 General Requirements..............................................43
9.02 Sealing and Fill Materials........................................44
9.03 Abandonment Procedures............................................44

SECTION 10 - WELL IDENTIFICATION TAG ...............................46

SECTION 11 - VARIANCES ................................................47
11.01 Applicable Delaware Law..........................................47
11.02 Application Procedures...........................................47

SECTION 12 - PUBLIC HEARINGS AND APPEALS...........................49



1.01 Statutory Authority

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control
establishes and adopts the following Regulations pursuant to the
authority granted by 6010(a) of the Delaware Environmental
Protection Act, 7 Del. C., Chapter 60.

1.02 Scope and Applicability

A. Minimum requirements are hereby prescribed governing the
location, design, installation, use, disinfection,
modification, repair, and abandonment of all wells and
associated pumping equipment as well as certain requirements
for the protection of potable water supply wells. These
Regulations supersede all other well construction

B. No person shall conduct any activity contrary to the
provisions of these Regulations. All such activities which
are contracted for shall be carried out only by those
persons having a valid license pursuant to the provisions of
the "Regulations for Licensing Water Well Contractors, Pump
Installer Contractors, Well Drillers, Well Drivers and Pump

C. These Regulations apply to well construction activities from
the initial penetration or excavation of the ground through
development, equipment installation, disinfection and
abandonment. Set up of construction equipment before actual
penetration or excavation is not considered part of

D. The installation of any well, as defined in Section 2.61 of
these Regulations, including any well installed for the
purpose of obtaining geologic or hydrologic information
shall receive the prior approval of the Department in the
form of a well permit.

E. If any part of these Regulations or the application of any
part thereof is held invalid or unconstitutional, the
application of such part to other persons or circumstances
and the remainder of these Regulations shall not be affected
thereby and shall be deemed valid and effective.

F. The DNREC shall have the right to require that the well
permit and permit conditions be recorded with the Recorder
of Deeds office in the county where the well is located.

G. These Regulations, being necessary for the protection and
conservation of the water resources of the State, shall be
liberally construed in order to preserve the land, surface
water and ground water resources of the State of Delaware.

H. The Department shall have the right to enter at reasonable
times upon any private or public property for the purpose of


inspecting and investigating conditions relative to the
enforcement of these Regulations; upon given verbal notice
and after presenting official identification to the owner,
occupant, custodian, or agent of the property.

1.03 Enforcement and Penalties

The provisions of these Regulations shall be enforced by the
Department as provided in 7 Del. C., Chapter 60. Such enforcement
may include revocation of any permit for cause. The failure of
the Department to enforce any of the provisions of this Regulation
shall not constitute a waiver by the Department of any such



The following words or phrases, when used in these Regulations, shall
have the meaning ascribed to them in this Section unless the text
clearly indicates otherwise:

2.01 Abandoned Well: A well which has been permanently filled or

2.02 Agricultural Well: A well used for the watering of livestock,
poultry, aquaculture uses, or solely for the watering of household
yards and gardens or for other purposes related to farming in
general but not including the irrigation of lands or crops. Water
is not used for human consumption or to service a dwelling.

2.03 Annular Space: The space between two cylindrical objects, one of
which surrounds the other, such as the space between a drill hole
and a casing pipe or between two well casings.

2.04 Applicant: The owner(s) of the property or the legally authorized
agent of the owner(s) as evidenced by sufficient written

2.05 Aquifer: A part of a formation, a formation, or a group of
formations that contains sufficient saturated permeable material
to yield economically useful quantities of water to wells and

2.06 Beneficial Use: Any use of water which is necessary to the
applicant, non-wasteful, reasonably non-damaging to other users,
and in the best interest of the public.

2.07 Community Water System: A public water system which serves at
least fifteen (15) service connections used by year-round
residents or regularly serves at least twenty-five (25) year-round

2.08 Confined Aquifer: An aquifer bounded above and below by
impermeable beds or by beds of distinctly lower permeability than
that of the aquifer itself and containing ground water which is
everywhere at a pressure greater than atmospheric and from which
water in a well will rise to a level above the top of the aquifer.

2.09 Confining Layer: A body of impermeable or distinctly less
permeable material stratigraphically adjacent to one or more

2.10 Consolidated: Geologic material that is firm and rigid due to the
interlocking or cementation of its mineral components or both.

2.11 Contaminant: Any substance, either man-made or natural, which is
concentrated enough to degrade water quality to a degree which
renders such water harmful to public health and safety, or to the

2.12 Contamination: The presence of a contaminant.


2.13 Department: The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental
Control (DNREC).

2.14 Dewatering Well: A well used to remove ground water for con-
struction of footings, sewer lines, building foundations, elevator
shafts, etc.

2.15 Disinfection: The inactivation of pathogenic organisms in water by
chemical oxidants or equivalent agents.

2.16 Disposal Area: The entire area used for underground dispersion of
the liquid portion of sewage.

2.17 Domestic Well: A well primarily used for potable non-public water
supply purposes and which may be used for non-potable purposes,
excluding heat pump supply.

2.18 Drawdown: The extent of lowering of the static water level in a
well and of the water table or potentiometric surface adjacent to
a well, resulting from the discharge of water from a well by
pumping or natural flow.

2.19 Drilled Well: A well that is excavated wholly or in part by means
of a drill such as auger(percussion or rotary) which operates by
cutting, abrasion or by use of air pressure or a water jet.

2.20 Drive Shoe: A device fastened to the bottom of a length of casing
to aid in driving the well casing.

2.21 Driven Well: A well that is constructed by driving a casing, at
the end of which there is a drive point and screen.

2.22 Dug Well: A well that is constructed in an excavation created by
the use of picks, shovels, or other hand tools, or by means of a
power shovel.

2.23 Gravel Pack: Gravel or coarse sand placed opposite a well screen
to limit the entrance of fine particles and improve well yield.

2.24 Ground Water: Any water naturally found under the surface of the

2.25 Grout or Grouting Material: A stable and impervious bonding
material, reasonably free of shrinkage, which is capable of
providing a watertight seal in the annular spaces of a well.

2.26 Heat Pump Closed Loop Well: A sealed and pressurized loop of pipe
containing a heat exchange solution which is circulated below the
earth's surface and utilizes groundwater for the purpose of heat


2.27 Heat Pump Recharge Well: A well constructed and primarily used for
injecting ground water source heat pump effluent back into an
aquifer, and which may be used for other non-potable water supply
purposes provided prior written approval is obtained from the

2.28 Heat Pump Supply Well: A well constructed primarily to obtain
ground water as a source for heat pump supply purposes and which
may be used for other purposes, including domestic water supply,
provided prior written approval is obtained from the Department.

2.29 Industrial Well: A well which is used in the processing, washing,
packaging, or manufacturing of a product excluding food and

2.30 Injection Well: A well used to inject fluid into the subsurface as
regulated in the "Regulations Governing Underground Injection

2.31 Irrigation Well: A well which is used for the watering of lands or
crops other than household lawns and gardens.

2.32 Miscellaneous Public Well: A well which supplies water for potable
and other beneficial uses to service stations, stores, small
offices, businesses, etc. with less than twenty-five (25)
employees; and from which the water is not used in the manufacture
or preparation of food or beverages for sale to or use by the
public in general.

2.33 Monitor Well: A well installed for the sole purpose of the
determination of subsurface conditions and collecting ground water

2.34 Multiple Screening: The placing (in a single well) of more than
one screen in different or separated water-bearing units, or of a
continuous screen connecting two or more water-bearing units.

2.35 Observation Well: A well used for the sole purpose of determining
ground water levels.

2.36 Person: Any individual, firm, association, organization,
partnership, business trust, corporation, company, contractor,
supplier, installer, user, or owner, or any Federal, State or
local governmental agency or public district or any officer or
employee thereof.

2.37 Piezometer: A small diameter non-pumping well with a short screen
that is used to measure elevation of the water table or
potentiometric surface.


2.38 Pitless Well Adapter: A device designed for attachment to one or
more openings through a well casing, provided with a pitless well
cap, and so constructed as to prevent the entry of contamination
into the well. The adapter is used to conduct water to or from
the well, protect the water from freezing temperatures and provide
access to the well and water system components within the well.

2.39 Pitless Well Unit: A pre-assembled device which extends the upper
end of a well casing to above grade, provided with a pitless well
cap, and so constructed as to prevent the entry of contamination
into the well or potable water. The unit is used to conduct water
to or from the well, protect the water from freezing temperatures
and provide access to the well and to the water system components
within the well.

2.40 Pitless Well Cap: A sanitary device that covers and encloses the
upper termination of the well casing above a pitless well adapter
or unit and provides for connections for electrical power lines
and a screened well vent.

2.41 Potable Water: Any water which is in compliance with all the
primary health related drinking water standards specified in the
Delaware Regulations Governing Public Drinking Water Systems and
the US EPA Safe Drinking Water Act, and is acceptable for human

2.42 Potential Source of Contamination: Anything that may introduce
contaminants so as to cause a violation of applicable water
standards or otherwise interfere with water uses. Examples may
include, but are not limited to, underground storage tanks for
petroleum products, wastewater disposal areas, landfills, and
confined animal feed lot operations.

2.43 Pressure Grouting: The emplacement of grout materials under
positive pressure.

2.44 Public Well: A well which is used to supply water to more than
three dwelling units; twenty-five (25) or more employees; in the
manufacture of ice, foods, or beverages; to the public in food
washing, processing, or preparation in a plant, restaurant, or
other facility.

2.45 Pump Installer: Any person licensed by the State of Delaware to
act in responsible charge of all on-site work in the installation,
modification, and repair of water pumps and related equipment.

2.46 Pump Installer Contractor: Any person licensed by the State of
Delaware to engage in the business of contracting for the
installation, modification, and repair of water well pumps and
related equipment.


2.47 Pump Pit: A hole or depression in the ground in which the well
and external pumping equipment is contained, and which is not
protected from freezing.

2.48 Recovery Well: A well used to withdraw contaminated ground water.

2.49 Secretary: The Secretary of the Department of Natural Resources
and Environmental Control or his duly authorized designee.

2.50 Septic Tank: A watertight receptacle which receives the discharge
of sanitary sewage and is designed and constructed so as to permit
settling of settleable solids from the liquid, digestion of the
organic matter by detention, and discharge of the liquid portion
into a disposal area.

2.51 Service Connection: A water line from a public water supply system
to a dwelling or building.

2.52 Soil Boring: An uncased excavation done for the purpose of
determining the physical or chemical characteristics of soil.

2.53 Source of Contamination: Anything that introduces contaminants so
as to cause a violation of applicable water standards or otherwise
interfere with water uses. Examples may include but are not
limited to underground storage tanks for petroleum products,
wastewater disposal areas, landfills, and confined animal feed lot

2.54 Static Water Level: The elevation of water in a well not under the
influence of pumping.

2.55 Suction Line: A pipe which conveys water from a well to a pump
under vacuum conditions.

2.56 Temporary Well: A well used to supply water for well

2.57 Test Well: A well installed to ascertain the lithology and water
transmission properties of an aquifer or geologic materials and
which may be used to determine water quality; a well which is not
used on a permanent basis.

2.58 Unconfined Aquifer: An aquifer in which no relatively impermeable
layer exists between the water table and the ground surface and an
aquifer in which the water surface is at atmospheric pressure.

2.59 Unconsolidated: Geologic material that is loosely arranged and
whose particles are not cemented together.

2.60 Water Well Contractor: Any person licensed by the State of
Delaware to engage in the business of contracting for the
construction of wells or the installation or repair of pumping
equipment in or for wells, or both.

2.61 Well: Any excavation that is drilled, cored, bored, washed,
driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended
use of such excavation is for the location, testing, acquisition,
use, for extracting water from, or for the artificial recharge of


subsurface fluids, and where the depth is greater than the
diameter or width. For the purpose of this regulation this
definition does not include geotechnical test; soil, telephone,
and construction piling borings; fence posts, test pits, or
horizontal closed loop heat pump circulation systems constructed
within twenty (20) feet of the ground surface.

2.62 Well Casing: The pipe installed in a well to give unobstructed
access to a water-bearing unit, to provide protection during and
after installation, or both.

2.63 Well Driller: Any person licensed by the State of Delaware to act
in responsible charge of all on-site work relating to the
drilling, construction, development, and testing of wells; well
alteration and repair, test boring and coring; and the
installation, modification, and repair of well pumps and related

2.64 Well Driver: Any person licensed by the State of Delaware to act
in responsible charge for all on-site work relating to the
driving, construction, development, and testing of driven wells;
alteration and repair of driven wells; and the installation,
modification and repair of water well pumps and related equipment
ordinarily used in driven wells.

2.65 Well Pit: A hole or depression in the ground surface around a well
casing in which the well head is capped below grade and which does
not contain pumping equipment.

2.66 Well Screen: A structural device which supports the well
excavation, allows entrance of sub-surface fluids into a well or
exit from a recharge well, and which acts as a filter to keep
sediment from entering a well.
2.67 Wick Drain: A prefabricated drainage strip which is driven into
the ground for the removal of pore water from the soil, therefore
consolidating compressible soils. The wick drain design allows
for escaping water to follow gravitational forces and to drain
downwards or upwards into granular drainage layers or to the
ground surface.



3.01 Permit Required

A. A well may not be constructed until the Department has
issued a well permit to the applicant, unless otherwise
authorized under Section 3.11 of these Regulations. A well
permit is not required for the construction of piezometers
with a hand auger or hand operated driver or for the
construction of wick drains in the unconfined aquifer.

B. A permit is required for the use of all wells.

3.02 Well Repair

A well permit is not required if an existing well requires only
repair or rehabilitation (the restoration of a wells original
yield, to the best extent possible) and the location and physical
dimensions of the well are not changed. A change in physical
dimensions, such as deepening, making more shallow, enlarging, or
reducing the length or diameter of either the screen or well
casing shall require an application for a well permit as set forth
in the remainder of this Section. The Department may consider the
approval of additional repair procedures on a case-by-case basis.

3.03 License Required

The construction, repair, modification, or abandonment of wells
and the installation of pumps and pumping equipment in and for
water wells shall be performed by or under the direct on-site
supervision of an individual licensed pursuant to the requirements
of 7 Del. C., 6023 and the requirements of the "Regulations for
Licensing Water Well Contractors, Pump Installer Contractors, Well
Drillers, Well Drivers, and Pump Installers."

3.04 Permit Preparers

All well permit applications shall be prepared by a water well

3.05 Permit Application Procedures

A. Applications for well permits shall be made on forms
provided by the Department.


B. All applications shall be legible and complete. An
illegible or incomplete application shall be returned to the
preparer with a statement of the reason for rejection.

C. All applications shall be signed by the proper applicant or
their duly designated agent.

D. All well applications shall be signed by the permit preparer
as stated in Section 3.04 of these Regulations.

E. All applications shall be accompanied by an application fee
if applicable.

F. Wells shall only be used for their designated use as defined
in Section 2 of these Regulations.

G. The Department shall not consider the issuance of a new well
permit for a potable water supply well on a previously
undeveloped property until after the wastewater disposal
system construction permit for the property has been issued,
or it is demonstrated that central sewer service is
available to the property.

H. All well permit applications shall contain the tax map,
block, and parcel number for the property on which the well
is to be constructed. For wells which will be constructed
in areas where no tax map numbers are assigned, some
evidence to that fact must be submitted with the well permit
application in lieu of the tax map, block and parcel number.

3.06 Dewatering Well Application Procedures

A. Permit applications for dewatering wells shall include:

(1) Duration of project.

(2) Location of water discharge.

(3) Project location including site map and well point
layout noting the estimated number of dewatering
wells/points for the project.

(4) Quantity of water to be pumped.

B. Permits are valid for the duration of the project as
described in the application. The construction authorized
by the permit shall commence prior to the expiration date of
the permit.


C. The Department may require additional information concerning
the operation prior to issuance of any dewatering permit.

D. Withdrawals from dewatering facilities are subject to the
requirements of Section 3.10(K) of these Regulations.

E. Water quality tests may be required as part of the
application, at the discretion of the Department, where the
Department has reason to believe that ground water
contamination may exist in or near the proposed construction

3.07 Closed Loop Heat Pump Application Procedures

A. Permit Applications shall show the total number of vertical
loops for one system on one application form.

B. One application fee shall be assessed for each application
form submitted.

3.08 Monitor and Observation Well Application Procedures

A. Applications for monitor and observation wells shall be
submitted on special forms provided by the Department.

B. Applications for a maximum of ten (10) monitor or
observation wells may be submitted on a single form

(1) all wells are proposed with similar construction, and

(2) are located on the same tax map parcel number and
associated with one project, and

(3) are screened in the same aquifer.

C. Monitor and Observation well applications shall be
accompanied by the appropriate fee if applicable. Monitor
well applications require one fee per project for any number
of wells submitted for review at one time.

D. Completion reports for monitor wells shall adhere to the
requirements of Section 7 of these Regulations.

3.09 Application Procedures for Permits to Use Existing Wells
A. Applications for permits to use existing wells shall contain
information similar to that required in an application for a
well permit.
B. Existing wells for which a use permit application is
submitted must meet the criteria contained in these
C. The Department may impose special use conditions which may
include but are not limited to the conditions contained in
the original well permit.


3.10 Permit Issuance Procedures

A. Advertising Requirements

(1) Any permit application or combination of applications
received for a well(s) located on a tract of land
owned by the same person, where the total estimated
withdrawal is greater than fifty thousand (50,000)
gallons per day shall be advertised in newspapers of
local and statewide circulation with a comment period
of fifteen (15) days before issuance of the well

(2) A second advertisement will not be required if all of
the following conditions are met:

(a) the well was never installed,

(b) the requested usage rate and well construction
details have not changed.

B. The Department, in considering applications and granting
permits, shall take into account the geology, hydrology and
hydraulics of the area of interest, population density and
water use, character of surface and subsurface, water
quality, depletion rate of the water resources, sources of
contamination, and other factors as may be relevant to the
protection of the water resources and water supply.

C. The Department may place special conditions on the well
permit such as, but not limited to, a requirement for double
casing, special grouting requirements, special use
restrictions, depth restrictions, notification of
installation date, and special material requirements to
protect the water resources, water supply, and the public
health, safety and welfare.

D. Where an approved public water supply system is legally and
reasonably available to the site to be served, the
Department shall deny an application for a well permit for a
potable water well. A public water supply system is deemed


available when a Certificate of Public Convenience and
Necessity has been granted to a water utility for the site.
A public water supply system is deemed reasonably available
when a public water distribution line is located within two
hundred (200) feet of the structure or building to be
served. However, a public water supply system shall not be
considered reasonably available by the Department if
topographic or manmade features make connection physically
impractical. The Department shall not deny a well permit
for a non-potable well solely on the basis of the
availability of a public water supply system.

E. When proposed wells, with the exception of monitor,
observation, and recovery wells, are to be located within
the jurisdiction or service area of a municipality serving
public water, the applicant shall submit a written statement
of approval from said municipality with the well permit

F. The Department may require, as a permit condition, that
certain tests be done such as, but not limited to, the
performance of a geophysical log on the well, the
determination of water quality parameters, and the taking of
formation samples.

G. The Department may require aquifer tests as a condition of
any well permit. These tests may require the construction
and use of one or more observation or monitor wells.

H. A well permit number may be given verbally over the
telephone in emergency circumstances in accordance with
Section 3.11 of these Regulations, or when the application
has been approved and is or should be in transit to the

I. An application which is denied shall be returned to the
applicant accompanied by an explanation of the reasons for

J. All water wells constructed for production purposes shall be
put to beneficial use.

K. All wells and dewatering facilities are subject to 7 Del.
C., 6031 and 6037, which set forth responsibilities as it
concerns remedying the depletion, exhaustion, or water
quality degradation of any existing use of water caused as a
result of any operation authorized under the approved


3.11 Emergency Circumstances

A. An emergency circumstance is deemed to exist where a well
will replace an existing well and where the Department
determines that the lack of water or delay in obtaining
water poses an immediate and significant danger to the
health or welfare of persons or their property or where the
Department has determined that other exceptional
circumstances exist.

B. A permit number may be given verbally for the installation
of a well where an emergency circumstance exists.

C. Within seventy-two (72) hours after the verbal issuance of a
permit number under emergency circumstances, the applicant
shall submit to the Department a well permit application and
well completion report, which shall include the permit

D. In instances where an emergency circumstance exists at times
when State offices are closed, a well may be constructed
providing that it replaces an existing well and that the
Department is notified verbally on the first working day
following such action. A well permit application (including
the well permit number), the appropriate application fee,
and a well completion report shall be submitted within
seventy-two (72) hours after notification.

E. All wells constructed under emergency circumstances shall be
constructed in conformance with these Regulations and all
officially established policies.

3.12 Relocation During Construction

If it is necessary to relocate a proposed well or a newly
constructed well in order to obtain sufficient yield, potable
water, overcome a well construction problem, avoid power lines or
underground utilities, to meet a distance requirement; or in the
case of monitor wells, to react to field conditions determined
during geophysical surveys, test pits or prior drilling, the well
driller may relocate the well construction site under authority of
the original permit provided that:

A. Any new site meets the requirements of these Regulations.

B. The new well location is situated on the same tax parcel
number listed on the permit.


C. The unsuccessful well, cased or uncased, shall be abandoned
in accordance with the requirements of Section 9 of these
Regulations before the drilling equipment is removed from
the site.

D. Monitor, observation, or recovery wells shall not be
relocated beyond the limits of the site as described on the
well permit application(s).

3.13 Water Well Contractor and Well Driller Responsibilities

A. The water well contractor and well driller or well driver
are responsible for construction of the well in accordance
with the conditions of the permit and applicable laws and

B. The well driller or well driver is required to have at the
drilling site a copy of the signed well permit or, in the
case of verbal permits, the permit number.

C. A well driller or well driver shall physically be present to
conduct or supervise the actual on-site work of constructing
a water well.

D. Upon completion of the well, the water well contractor shall
submit to the Department a legible well completion report as
set forth in Section 7 of these Regulations.

3.14 Property Owner's Responsibilities

A. The property owner is responsible for maintaining the well
in accordance with these Regulations and in compliance with
all applicable well permit conditions including but not
limited to maintenance of the upper terminus and well tag.

B. The property owner is responsible for having any damage to
the well repaired by a well driller.

C. It is the responsibility of the property owner to have a
failed well properly abandoned and sealed by a well driller
within sixty (60) days of construction of a replacement
well. If the well is not abandoned and sealed at the end of
this period the Department may have the well abandoned and
sealed at the well owners expense, unless specific written
approval for maintaining the replaced well is granted by the


3.15 Pump Installer Contractor Responsibilities

When it is necessary for a pump installer contractor or their
licensed employee to open a well for any reason, the pump
installer contractor is responsible for maintaining the well,
while the well is open, in accordance with these Regulations and
in compliance with all applicable well permit conditions including
but not limited to maintenance of the upper terminus, well tag,
well cap, and disinfection of the well.

3.16 Temporary Wells for Construction Water

A. Upon application, the Department may issue a permit for a
temporary well to supply drilling water for a new well
installation. In acting on the application for a temporary
well, consideration will be given to area geology and ground
water quality. To the extent practicable, the application
for a temporary well should be submitted in conjunction with
the application for the new well or wells.

B. All temporary wells shall be abandoned and sealed in
accordance with Section 9 of the Regulations, or converted
to another use in accordance with Section 3.21 of these
Regulations, within thirty (30) days of completion of the
new well(s), unless an extension is granted in writing by
the Department.

3.17 Permit Transfer

A well permit is transferable by the property owner, by providing
a copy of the well permit in its entirety, including the well
permit conditions, to the subsequent property owner.

3.18 Cancellation of Permits

The Department shall have the right to cancel any permit for a
well that has not yet been constructed or is not in the process of
being constructed.

3.19 Permit Duration

A permit shall be valid for a period of one (1) year from the date
of issuance by the Department, except as noted in Section 3.06(B)
of these Regulations.


3.20 Approval for Use

A. Well permits are issued for construction and use, except as
noted in Section 3.20(B) and 3.20(C) of these Regulations.

B. Any well permit or combination of well permits issued for
well(s), with the exception of non-potable wells constructed
and used for fire protection purposes only, located on a
tract of land owned by the same person where the total
estimated yield or use is greater than fifty-thousand
(50,000) gallons per day are authorized for construction and
testing only. Prior to putting the well(s) into service the
owner shall apply for and receive a Water Allocation Permit
as set forth in the "Regulations Governing the Allocation of

C. Approval for use shall be obtained from the Division of
Public Health for all miscellaneous public, industrial, and
public wells prior to their use.

3.21 Changing Well Classification

Upon receipt of a complete application and the appropriate fee,
the Department may consider approving a request to change an
existing well from one classification to another, such as in the
changing of a test well to a public water well.

3.22 Water Service Piping

Water service piping from the well to the structure(s) shall be
installed in accordance with the requirements of the State of
Delaware Regulations Governing a Detailed Plumbing Code,
administered by the Department of Health and Social Services,
Division of Public Health.



4.01 Siting Criteria

A. All wells, except for monitor, recovery, dewatering, and
observation wells shall satisfy the following minimum
horizontal separation distance requirements:

(1) Ten (10) feet from a property line (except as required
in Section 4.01(J) of these Regulations) to allow
access to the well without encroaching on adjoining
properties. Wells may be constructed less than ten
(10) feet from a property line if prior approval is
granted by the Department for the purpose of
maximizing other horizontal separation distances as
required by this Section.

(2) For any parcel, lot, or subdivision created or
recorded within fifty (50) feet of, or within the
boundaries of, an Agricultural Lands Preservation
District (as defined in Title 3, Del. C., Chapter 9);
all wells constructed on such parcels shall be located
a minimum of fifty (50) feet from any boundary of the
Agricultural Lands Preservation District. This
requirement does not apply to parcels recorded prior
to the implementation date of these Regulations.
However, it is recommended that all wells be placed
the maximum distance possible from lands which are or
have been used for the production of crops which have
been subjected to the application of land applied
federally regulated chemicals.

(3) Wells shall not be permitted within any dedicated
State of Delaware right-of-way unless written
permission is obtained from the right-of-way holder
and is submitted for review with the application,
unless otherwise approved by the Department.

(4) One hundred (100) feet from identifiable potential or
existing sources of contamination, except that public
and industrial water wells shall have a minimum
separation of one hundred fifty (150) feet. Heat pump
closed loop and heat pump recharge wells may be as
close as fifty (50) feet to identifiable potential or
existing sources of contamination, as stated in
Sections 5.04(B) and 5.05(A) of these Regulations.
The Department may consider approval of a lesser
isolation distance from agricultural and irrigation
wells on a case-by-case basis.


(5) Fifty (50) feet from approved septic tanks, diversion
valves or boxes, dosing chambers, holding tanks and
grease traps, with the exception of public and
industrial water wells where the minimum separation
distance shall be one hundred fifty (150) feet.

(6) Fifty (50) feet from any underground sewage force
main. The isolation distance may be decreased to no
less than ten (10) feet when the section of the sewer
line within fifty (50) feet of the proposed well is
double cased with watertight joints; or when the well
is constructed into a confined aquifer.

(7) Fifty (50) feet from any gravity sewer line. The
minimum separation distance shall be decreased to ten
(10) feet when the sewer line is constructed of SDR 35
polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe and the joints are
watertight slip joints with rubber gaskets.

(8) Unless otherwise approved by the Department, no
industrial or public water well may be constructed
within one hundred fifty (150) feet of any
identifiable potential or existing source(s) of
contamination as defined by these Regulations.

B. When any well, with the exception of industrial and public
water wells, cannot be physically placed the required
isolation distance from identifiable potential or existing
sources of contamination as specified in this section, the
isolation distance may be decreased to no less than fifty
(50) feet, but kept to a maximum possible distance, provided
the well is screened in a confined aquifer and pressure
grouted, as described in Section 4.07(K)(3) of these
Regulations, from at least ten (10) feet into the confining
layer immediately above the source aquifer. Where the
confining layer is less than ten (10) feet in thickness, the
well shall be pressure grouted entirely through the
confining layer. In areas where a confined aquifer does not
exist within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the natural
ground surface, the depth of the casing shall be at least
one hundred (100) feet and the casing shall be grouted in
accordance with the requirements of Section 4.07(K)(4) of
these Regulations. The final grout height in all cases
shall be in accordance with the requirements of Section
4.07(K)(7) of these Regulations.


C. A well may not be constructed within or under any building
other than a separate structure constructed specifically for
the housing of pumping equipment, unless otherwise approved
in writing by the Department. Such structures shall be
properly marked to indicate the classification of and the
well permit number of the well contained therein.

D. Suction lines from wells shall be at least ten (10) feet
from all identifiable potential or existing sources of
contamination. However, if high water table conditions may
submerge the suction pipe during any portion of the year,
the suction pipe shall be at least fifty (50) feet from all
identifiable potential or existing sources of contamination
unless the suction line is double cased from the well to the

E. Any subsurface pressure water supply line shall be at least
ten (10) feet removed from any subsurface wastewater
disposal area.

F. All wells shall be located so as to be accessible for
cleaning, treatment, repair, testing, inspection, and any
other such work as may be necessary.

G. All wells shall be protected from surface water run-off and
flooding, as stated in Section 4.10 of these Regulations.

H. The Department may require special location and depth
requirements for a proposed water supply well to minimize
its exposure to potential or existing sources of
contamination or interference with other water supply wells.
Such requirements may include, but may not be limited to,
the submission of drawdown data and capture zone analyses.

I. Wells subject to flooding, as defined in Section 5.02(A) of
these Regulations, are subject to the additional siting
requirements contained in Section 5.02(B) of these

J. All public water wells within a housing development,
subdivision, or strip development recorded on or after the
implementation date of these Regulations shall be located at
least one hundred fifty (150) feet within the subdivision or
development's outermost property lines.

4.02 Sanitary Protection During Well Construction

A. During well construction, the well and any water bearing
formation shall be protected against contamination by any
cause, including surface water drainage.


B. Whenever construction stops before the well is grouted and
pumping equipment is installed, the open annular space shall
be covered and protected from surface water drainage, and
the well casing capped in accordance with the requirements
of Section 4.10(D) of these Regulations.

C. In the event that contaminants are encountered during the
drilling process, the well driller shall ensure that
adequate precautions are taken to decontaminate the drilling
and related apparatus to prevent the transfer of
contaminants from the site.

D. Whenever contamination is observed during the drilling
process, and the contamination was not anticipated or
evaluated during the permit application and approval
process, the well driller shall cease work and notify the
Department immediately.

4.03 Water for Well Construction

A. Water used during the construction of any potable well shall
be obtained from sources listed in Section 4.03(C)(1)(2) or
(3) of these Regulations.

B. Water used during construction of any non-potable well shall
be secured from the best and closest source available. For
purposes of this Section, the closest source may be
considered from one (1) to five (5) miles depending on road
conditions and the quality of water required.

C. The best water source for construction purposes in order of
preference shall be:

(1) A public water supply system meeting the requirements
of the "Delaware Regulations Governing Public Drinking
Water Systems." If the water is transported to the
site in a receptacle, it shall be disinfected in
accordance with Section 4.03(F) of these Regulations
prior to use.

(2) Any other potable water supply. If the water is
transported to the site in a receptacle, it shall be
disinfected in accordance with Section 4.03(F) of
these Regulations prior to use.

(3) Other non-potable water supply wells such as wells
used for irrigation, fire fighting, or well
construction. If the water is transported to the site
in a receptacle, it shall be disinfected in accordance
with Section 4.03(F) of these Regulations prior to


D. Water from sources other than those listed in Section
4.03(C) shall not be used for well construction.

E. Construction water used in mixing drilling fluids and grout
need not be disinfected prior to use.

F. Disinfection of water used for well construction shall be
accomplished as follows:

(1) For water from an existing potable drinking water
source, a chlorine compound shall be added to the
water to produce a free residual chlorine of one (1)
milligrams per liter (mg/L).

(2) For water from a non-potable well, disinfection shall
be accomplished by mixing one (1) gallon of sodium
hypochlorite (or an equivalent amount of calcium
hypochlorite) to each one thousand (1000) gallons of
drilling water. At least thirty (30) minutes contact
time shall lapse between addition of the disinfectant
and use of the water as drilling fluid. NOTE: Sodium
hypochlorite in the form of laundry bleach contains
5.25 percent available chlorine. One and seven tenths
(1.7) gallons of laundry bleach is equivalent to one
(1) pound of dry calcium hypochlorite.

4.04 Well Casing

A. All types of casing used for well construction shall be
approved by the National Sanitation Foundation, The American
Society for Testing and Materials, or by the Department for
use as well casing. Well casing shall be strong enough to
resist the forces imposed on it during and after

B. Any well casing materials which cause the delivered water to
be toxic or violate state or federal drinking water
standards are not permitted.

C. Well casing other than thermoplastic or steel shall only be
used with the written approval of the Department.

D. All thermoplastic well casing used in the construction of
wells shall have a strength rating which is equal to or
greater than Schedule 40 in the same diameter, unless
otherwise approved by the Department. For wells with a


diameter greater than six (6) inches it is the
responsibility of the water well contractor to take into
account special conditions that may require heavier weight
well casing (i.e., installation depth, cementation of
sediments, water quality, etc.).

E. Steel well casing shall be used in wells constructed in
crystalline rocks.

F. Steel well casing up to and including a nominal size of six
(6) inches shall be at least Schedule 40. For wells larger
than six (6) inches in diameter the minimum wall thickness
is 0.280 inches unless prior written approval is granted by
the Department.

G. Other sizes of well casing may be approved by the Department
upon receipt of a written request from the water well

H. Well Casing Lengths

(1) Less than twenty (20) feet of casing shall not be used
in any well. Monitor, observation, recovery, wick
drains, dewatering, and large diameter bored wells are
excluded from this requirement. Required casing
heights above ground surface are specified in Section
4.10 of these Regulations.

(2) Wells (except wick drains, monitor, observation and
recovery wells) constructed on parcels less than one-
half acre in size and on which an on-site wastewater
disposal system is or will be utilized, shall be cased
to a minimum depth of forty-two (42) feet.

(3) For wells constructed in unconsolidated sand and
gravel deposits, the casing shall extend to the top of
or into the aquifer used.

(4) For wells constructed in crystalline rock the casing
shall extend through the weathered zone and be seated
at least ten (10) feet into bedrock.

(5) When SDR (standard dimensional ratio) thermoplastic
casing is used, the wall thickness should be at least
equal to or greater than the wall thickness of
schedule 40 thermoplastic casing in the same diameter.
The following table is intended as a guide in the
selection of thermoplastic casing.


Recommended Maximum Depth (Feet)
Inches Sch. 40 Sch. 80 SDR 21 SDR 19 SDR 17 SDR 13.5
2 875 1500 * * * 1325
3 675 1500 * * * 1325
4 450 1050 * 450 625 1325
4.5 375 950 * 450 625 1325
5 300 875 325 450 625 1325
6 225 700 325 450 625 1325

* Not Recommended in diameter indicated

NOTE: SDR (standard dimensional ratio) = casing outside diameter
wall thickness.

I. Other Well Casing Requirements

(1) Joints for all well casing shall be water tight and
joined in accordance with the manufacturer's
recommendations. Joints for steel well casing may be
electrically welded or threaded. Joints for
thermoplastic well casing may be threaded or coupled
with solvent welding. Solvent-weld joints for
thermoplastic well casing shall be allowed to set to
attain sufficient structural strength before the
casing is installed in the bore hole.

(2) Temporary well casing and liners shall be of such
minimum thickness as required to withstand the
structural load imposed by conditions inside and
outside the well.

(3) No well casing shall be cut off or cut below ground

(a) to install a pitless unit or pitless adapter, or

(b) to install a standard plumbing Tee, or


(c) to install an outer casing to terminate just
below a pitless adapter or standard plumbing
Tee connection, which is on the inner casing,

(d) for abandonment purposes.

(4) In crystalline rock where steel well casing is
required, the well casing shall be equipped with a
"drive shoe" which shall be firmly seated by driving
it into the rock prior to continuation of drilling or

4.05 Well Screens

A. All wells which obtain water from unconsolidated aquifers
shall be equipped with a well screen that will limit the
entrance of sediment material into the well following
development and completion.

B. Wells finished in consolidated aquifers where the bottom of
the well casing is at a depth where the formation will not
collapse because of pumping, are not required to be

C. Well screens shall have sufficient structural strength to
accomplish the purpose for which they are installed.

D. The well screen openings (slots) shall provide, so far as is
practicable, the maximum amount of open area, consistent
with the strength of the screen material and sediment grain
size (gradings) of the water-bearing formation to permit
maximum transmission without clogging.

E. Only machine manufactured well screens shall be used in the
construction of a well, unless otherwise approved by the

F. Well screens shall be provided with fittings necessary to
seal the well screen to the well casing. Lead packers and
lead swedges are prohibited.

G. A fitting shall be provided to close the bottom of the well

H. Screening of more than one aquifer shall not be allowed in
any well. The Department may consider an exception to this
requirement in the case of wick drain construction, on a
case-by-case basis.


4.06 Gravel Packed Wells

A. Gravel which is packed in annular spaces shall be washed
with water and free of clay, silt, and organic material.

B. The gravel pack shall not contain iron or manganese in
concentrations that will adversely affect the quality of
water withdrawn from the well.

C. It is recommended that gravel stored at the drilling site be
stored on a clean plastic or other clean surface to prevent
mixing with soil materials.

D. The gravel pack may be emplaced by simply placing gravel
down the annulus, by placing a water-gravel mix down the
annulus or by using a tremie pipe where a water-gravel mix
is emplaced at the bottom of the annulus and by slowly
raising the tremie pipe.

E. Gravel packs may not connect different aquifers.

4.07 Well Grouting

A. All wells having annular spaces shall be grouted unless
specifically exempted in this Section or otherwise approved
by the Department.

B. The annular space of all wells to be grouted shall be a
minimum of one and one half (1.5) inches wide (diameter of
bore hole = outside diameter of casing plus three (3)

C. All wells shall be grouted as soon as possible, but not
later than twenty four (24) hours after the well casing has
been set in place and all construction operations have been

D. All wells having annular spaces (with the exception of
monitor, observation, and dewatering wells with casing
depths of twenty (20) feet or less, and temporary wells for
well construction) shall be pressure grouted.

E. Monitor and observation wells and temporary wells for well
construction may be grouted by pouring grout down the well
annulus, if pressure grouting is impractical.

F. Dewatering wells with casing depths less than twenty (20)
feet which are constructed by either washing or driving the
casing, need not be grouted.

G. The water well contractor may be required to notify the
Department in advance of grouting wells to provide the
Department the opportunity to observe the procedure. Such
condition shall be specified on the well permit. The well
driller is not required to stop work to wait for Department
staff unless the permit states otherwise.

H. After grouting is completed cement grout shall be allowed to
cure in accordance with manufacturers recommendations


before well construction activity, including development,
can be resumed.

I. The Department shall have the right to require special
conditions pertaining to the grouting of any well. These
requirements shall be specified on the well permit.

J. Grouting Materials

(1) Cement - the annular space may be filled with neat
Portland or quick setting (hi-early) cement in a ratio
of not over six (6) gallons of water per ninety-four
(94) pound sack of cement or as otherwise permitted by
the Department following a written request and
justification. A sodium based bentonite clay may be
added to the cement grout in an amount not to exceed
five (5) pounds per ninety-four (94) pound sack of
cement. When adding bentonite clay to portland cement
grout, additional water shall be allowed at a rate of
one (1) to two (2) gallons of water to one (1) pound
of bentonite.

(2) Bentonite Clay - A sodium based bentonite clay may be
used to fill the annular space in both the confined
and unconfined unconsolidated sand and gravel aquifers
in a ratio of not less than one and one-half (1.5)
pounds of bentonite clay per gallon of water, or
according to the manufacturer's specifications. It is
recommended that a ratio of at least two (2) pounds of
bentonite per gallon of water be used. It is also
recommended that bentonite clay not be used where it
comes in contact with ground waters with a pH below
five (5.0) or having a total dissolved solids content
greater than one thousand (1,000) milligrams per liter
(mg/L), or according to the manufacturer's

(3) If rapid loss of grout material occurs during emplace-
ment, clean coarse fill material such as sand, gravel,
crushed stone, or dry cement may be used in the zone
or zones in which the loss is occurring.


K. Standards for Grouting

(1) Well grouting shall be performed to provide a water
tight seal through the annular spaces of a well to
prevent fluid migration through the annulus.

(2) The annular spaces of all wells, except for the wells
exempted in Section 4.07(D) of these Regulations,
shall be pressure grouted to a depth of at least
eighteen (18) feet. Monitor, observation, recovery,
and large diameter bored wells may be grouted to a
lesser depth depending on the length of the casing.
The Department may require grouting to a greater
depth. All wells constructed on a parcel less than
one-half acre in size and which is or will utilize an
on-site wastewater disposal system shall be grouted to
a minimum depth of forty (40) feet.

(3) For wells penetrating confined, unconsolidated sand
and gravel aquifers, the annular space shall be
pressure grouted from at least ten (10) feet into the
confining layer, immediately above the source aquifer.
Where the confining layer is less than ten (10) feet
in thickness, the well shall be pressure grouted
entirely through the confining layer. The final grout
height shall be in accordance with the requirements of
Section 4.07(K)(7) of these Regulations.

(4) Wells installed with a minimum casing depth of one
hundred (100) feet, as provided for in Section 4.01(B)
of these Regulations, shall be grouted from a minimum
of five (5) feet above the screen to a point on the
casing in accordance with the requirements of Section
4.07(K)(7) of these Regulations.

(5) If the annular space cannot be grouted in accordance
with these Regulations, the well shall be abandoned in
accordance with Section 9 of these Regulations.

(6) Deviation from the grouting standards may be approved
by the Department for unusual conditions which prevent
conformance to these standards. This permission shall
be in writing from the Department and secured prior to


(7) The final grout height shall be between ground surface
and a point on the casing corresponding to the base of
the pitless adapter, pitless unit, or plumbing "Tee".
The grout may be extended at the time of grouting to
ground surface and allowed to settle to, but not
below, the base of the pitless adapter, pitless unit,
or plumbing "Tee", or grout may be placed to the base
of the pitless adapter, pitless unit, or plumbing
"Tee", and more grout added to maintain the required
minimum height until settling ceases.

(8) Monitor and observation wells shall be grouted in
accordance with Section 5.01 of these Regulations or
according to special permit conditions as stipulated
on the permit.

4.08 Well Development

A. Well development shall consist of cyclic or intermittent
pumping, surging, or both, either mechanically or by using
water or air under pressure. Development shall continue
until formation cuttings, mud, drilling fluids and additives
are removed from the well. All wells shall be developed to
remove the fine sands, silts, clays and rock particles from
the aquifer surrounding the well screen or intake interval
such that the water pumped from the well meets the following

(1) Contains less than five (5) milligrams of sand or
larger particles per liter of water. Particles with a
diameter between 0.0625 and 2.0 millimeters shall be
considered sands.

(2) Have a turbidity of less than ten (10) NTU
(Nephelometric Turbidity Units), except that when the
turbidity is due to the oxidation of dissolved iron or
manganese naturally occurring in the water. The well
may be put into service if it is not reasonably pos-
sible to produce water from another aquifer and treat-
ment is not legally or technically possible.

B. Monitor and observation wells shall be developed as
specified in Section 4.08(A) of these Regulations, unless
otherwise approved by the Department.

4.09 Pitless Well Adapters, Pitless Well Units, and Plumbing "Tees"

A. Pitless well adapters or pitless well units shall be
installed on all wells having a submersible or deep well
ejector pump which utilizes an underground discharge.


B. For suction lift systems where the well casing is used as a
suction line and for heat pump recharge wells, a standard
plumbing "Tee" connector and extension pipe with cap may be
used in place of a pitless well adapter or pitless well
unit, providing the extension meets the requirements of
Section 4.10 of these Regulations.

C. All pitless well adapters or pitless well units shall be of
a type approved by the National Sanitation Foundation, the
Water Systems Council, or the Department.

D. Connections of the pitless well adapter, pitless well unit,
or plumbing "Tee" to the well casing and lateral connections
of piping shall be watertight. To assure a watertight
connection between the well casing and the pitless well
adapter or pitless well unit, care shall be exercised in
cutting the hole in the well casing. It is recommended that
a metal cutting hole saw and template be used. After the
use of a metal cutting hole saw, all burrs resulting from
the cutting operation shall be removed. If an acetylene
torch is used in the cutting operation, all slag shall be
removed, and both inside and outside surfaces of that
portion of casing surrounding the hole shall be smooth.

E. A pitless well adapter, pitless well unit or plumbing "Tee"
shall be installed in conformance with depth of water
service piping requirements referenced in Section 3.22 of
these Regulations.

4.10 Well Caps and Upper Terminus of Wells

A. The well casing, pitless well adapter or pitless well unit
may not terminate less than eight (8) inches above the
finished ground surface or pump house floor for domestic,
miscellaneous public, and agricultural wells unless
otherwise approved by the Department.

B. All other wells, with the exception of monitor, observation
and closed loop heat pump wells and piping systems, shall
terminate not less than twelve (12) inches above the
finished ground surface. Monitor and observation wells may
be excluded from this requirement with the written approval
of the Department. Wells constructed in coastal or flood
prone areas as defined in Section 5.02(A), shall be
completed in accordance with Section 5.02(C) of these
Regulations. Alternative construction methods may be
approved by the Department.


C. Closed loop heat pump well piping systems shall be connected
to the dwelling in accordance with manufacturers
recommendations and all local building and plumbing codes.
Closed loop heat pump well systems are not required to
terminate above the finished ground surface.

D. All wells shall be covered with a secure well cap. Vented
capping devices shall be screened so as to be insect and
vermin proof. The well cap shall be locked or incapable of
being removed without the use of tools. The Department may
consider approval of alternative methods for capping
irrigation and agricultural wells while mobile pumping
equipment is in use. When the mobile pumping equipment is
removed, the well shall conform to the requirements of these

E. Use of buried well seals, well pits, or other devices,
including buried "sanitary well seals" to cap wells below
ground surface and provide access for electrical cable and
water pipe are prohibited unless prior written approval has
been granted by the Department.

F. Pump pits, as defined in Section 2.47 of these Regulations,
are prohibited.

G. Any time an existing well which does not meet the
requirements of this Section is accessed for any reason, the
upper terminus shall be brought into compliance with the
requirements of this Section, unless otherwise approved by
the Department.

4.11 Water Level Access Ports and Tubes

A. All wells with a pumping capacity greater than fifty
thousand (50,000) gallons per day shall be constructed with
a port and access tube. Irrigation wells are not required
to be equipped with an access tube.

B. All public wells which supply a community water system and
are completed in a confined aquifer, and all industrial
wells completed in a confined aquifer shall have an access
port equipped with a removable cap or plug and tube through
which a water level measurement can be made.

C. If the pump motor is not installed directly over the well,
the access port shall be located directly on top of the


D. If the pump motor is installed directly over the well, an
access port pipe shall be installed through the pump base or
outside the well casing at some accessible point below the
base of the pump.

E. The access port and tube shall have a minimum inside
diameter of one half (0.5) inch, so that the position of the
water level may be determined by measurement with a steel or
electric tape. The access port and tube shall be equipped
with a removable cap or plug.

F. The access port shall be installed and plugged in a manner
which prevents the entrance of water, dust, insects, or
other foreign material, and permits ready access for water
level measurements.

G. Air line gauges are not acceptable water level measurement

4.12 Meters, Pumping Equipment, and Vents

A. All wells with a design capacity greater than fifty thousand
(50,000) gallons per day shall be permanently equipped with
a meter(s) capable of acquiring instantaneous flow rate and
totalized flow measurements accurate to within plus/minus
five percent (+/- 5%) of actual flow rate, unless otherwise
approved by the Department. Flow rate indicators may
consist of any combination of test dials and direct reading
indicators. Elapsed timers are not acceptable flow metering
devices except as noted in Section 4.12(B) of these

B. Irrigation wells, agricultural wells, and non-potable wells
constructed and used for fire protection purposes only and
which have a design capacity greater than fifty thousand
(50,000) gallons per day shall be equipped with an elapsed
time meter, readable in hours or minutes, equipped on the
well's drive engine or motor to measure actual hours of

C. A backflow protection device shall be installed in a pumping
system where the pumping equipment is used to apply
wastewater, fertilizers, or chemicals, and where the pumping
equipment is also connected to a water well.

D. The pump capacity shall be consistent with the intended use
and yield characteristics of the well.

E. Installation of the pump shall be in accordance with
manufacturers instructions.


F. Well vents shall be screened and positioned to prevent the
entrance of surface water, dust, insects, or other foreign

G. Upon completion of installation, the person installing the
pump shall disinfect the well and pump in accordance with
Section 6 of these Regulations.



5.01 Monitor and Observation Well Construction

A. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, monitor and
observation wells shall conform to standard well
construction requirements and other general requirements as
specified in these Regulations.

B. In circumstances where special monitor and observation well
construction specifications are necessary to protect the
public health, safety, or environment, the Department may
require additional specifications for monitor and
observation well construction.

C. Monitor wells shall be constructed by a method which allows
for the determination of characteristics of the geologic
materials under the site unless otherwise approved by the

D. Unless otherwise approved by the Department, the annular
spaces of monitor and observation wells with casing depths
exceeding twenty (20) feet below ground surface shall be
pressure grouted from the top of the gravel pack to the
ground surface. Other grouting methods capable of
completely sealing the annular space are acceptable for
wells with casing depths less than or equal to twenty (20)
feet below the ground surface.

E. The Department has prepared monitor well construction
guidelines, which are available upon request, to assist in
planning monitor wells and completing the monitor well
permit application.

5.02 Coastal Well Construction

A. Special construction standards as set forth in this section
are for wells in areas prone to wave action or flooding.
These coastal areas are shown on Flood Insurance Rate Maps
published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and are
designated as "A" or "V" zones.

B. Wells described in 5.02(A) above and constructed on
waterfront properties shall be constructed on the landward
side of the property, if possible.

C. Wells shall be finished at least two (2) feet above ground


5.03 Public, Miscellaneous Public and Industrial Well Construction

A. All miscellaneous public, industrial, and public water wells
as defined in Section 2 of these Regulations, shall be
installed by such a method that will allow proper
construction and grouting of the well according to
applicable Regulations contained herein.

B. Test wells may be converted for public, miscellaneous public
or industrial production well purposes, in accordance with
Section 3.21 of these Regulations. The Department reserves
the right to add additional requirements to the permit if it
is converted to permanent status.

C. Department personnel shall be notified at least twenty-four
(24) hours prior to the construction of any public,
miscellaneous public or industrial well. The well driller
is not required to stop work or to wait for Department staff
prior to commencing work unless the permit states otherwise.
Failure to notify the Department may result in the issuance
of an order to abandon the well and/or other action by the

D. The outside of all structures that house a public or
industrial well, such as a pump house, shall be marked in
such a manner so as to indicate that a public or industrial
well is contained within the structure.

5.04 Heat Pump Recharge Well Construction

A. All water obtained from wells for the operation of a heat
pump system shall be injected into the aquifer from which it
came. Exemptions from this requirement may be considered
where the requirements of Sections 5.04(D) and (E) of these
Regulations have been met and:

(1) the seasonal high static water level in the aquifer
from which the withdrawal occurs is within five (5)
feet of the land surface, or

(2) the confined aquifer will not accept the water from
the supply well

B. No heat pump recharge well may be constructed within fifty
(50) feet of any identifiable potential or existing source
of contamination, including but not limited to septic tanks,
tile fields, and manure piles.


C. No corrosion inhibitors, water softening, or other additives
shall be added to the water that will eventually be returned
into the ground.

D. The diameter and screen length of all heat pump recharge
wells shall be equal to or greater than the diameter and
screen length of the heat pump supply well, unless otherwise
approved by the Department.

E. Where a heat pump recharge well meets the requirements of
5.04(D) and all other requirements of these Regulations, and
the receiving aquifer will not readily accept the return
flow, another well will be required of the owner. In such
cases it is the well owner's responsibility to provide for
the additional well. An exception to the requirement of
another well may be considered upon written request.

F. Heat pump recharge wells shall be capped in accordance with
the requirements of Section 4.10(B) of these Regulations.

5.05 Heat Pump Closed Loop Well Construction

A. No heat pump closed loop well shall be constructed within
fifty (50) feet of any identifiable potential or existing
source of contamination, including but not limited to septic
tanks, tile fields, and manure piles.

B. The solution contained in the heat pump closed loop well
piping system shall not contain any toxic substances.

C. The heat pump closed loop well piping system shall comply
with the requirements of Section 4.10(C) of these

D. All buried pipe shall be marked with underground warning
tape at a depth of twenty-four (24) inches.

E. All closed loop heat pump system piping shall be capped and
protected until the manifold piping is ready to be

F. Pressure testing of the closed loop heat pump system network
shall be conducted prior to putting the system into



6.01 General Requirements

A. Disinfection of all wells in accordance with Section 6.02 is
required, except as noted in Section 6.01(D) and (E) of
these Regulations. Bacteriological sampling and testing of
the well is recommended as the final act of well
construction or repair.

B. After any repair or maintenance operation to the well,
pumping equipment or piping, or other system components,
those system components shall be disinfected. For domestic
wells, the entire system shall be disinfected.

C. Calcium hypochlorite shall be used for disinfection of the
well and appurtenances, such as the pump, piping and
distribution system, unless otherwise approved by the

D. No monitor well shall be disinfected without prior written
approval of the Department.

E. No dewatering wells need be disinfected unless specifically
required as a condition of the well permit.

F. The Department shall have the right to require special
disinfection procedures.

6.02 Required Disinfection Procedure

A. The following procedures shall be followed when disinfecting
wells, unless otherwise approved by the Department. Other
methods may be considered provided it can be demonstrated
that they will yield comparable results.

B. Calcium hypochlorite tablets sufficient for a dosage of at
least one hundred (100) 100 milligrams per liter (mg/L) free
available chlorine shall be dropped into the well before any
pump or pumping equipment are installed. As a general
guideline, it is recommended that the dosage calculation be
based on two hundred (200) milligrams per liter (mg/L) free
available chlorine to account for chlorine demand.

C. After the pump or pumping equipment has been installed, the
pump shall be started and water pumped to waste through a
discharge line until chlorine is detected. If the
concentration is less than one hundred (100) milligrams per


liter (mg/L), more calcium hypochlorite shall be added until
the concentration is at least one hundred (100) milligrams
per liter (mg/L).

D. The internal surface of the well casing above the static
water level shall be rinsed with the chlorine solution from
the discharge line in a manner sufficient to thoroughly
rinse the well casing, or for fifteen (15) minutes,
whichever is less.

E. If it is not practicable to discharge the pumped water back
into the well (as described above), fractured calcium
hypochlorite tablets (tablets broken into varying sizes
ranging from half tablets to a granular size) shall be added
to the well. The entire surface of the well casing shall
then be rinsed with at least ten (10) gallons of a one
hundred (100) milligrams per liter (mg/L) chlorine solution
made by dissolving calcium hypochlorite (pulverized tablets
or granular) in water.

F. If the well is connected to a distribution system, the
chlorinated water shall be drawn through the entire system
until a strong odor of chlorine is detected at each tap,
unless otherwise approved by the Department.

G. The well and distribution system shall be allowed to stand
for at least twelve (12) hours, twenty-four (24) hours is

H. If the free chlorine residual is less than five (5)
milligrams per liter (mg/L) after twelve (12) hours (using a
DPD test kit), the above procedure shall be repeated. When
the free chlorine residual is at least five (5) milligrams
per liter (mg/L) after twelve (12) hours, the well and
distribution system shall be pumped to waste.

I. Should the well fail to be acceptably disinfected as
determined by the Department; the Department may require
other measures such as re-disinfection, repair, or
abandonment; to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

J. The amount of calcium hypochlorite needed to produce a
dosage of one hundred (100) milligrams per liter (mg/L) free
available chlorine per one hundred (100) feet of water
column is given in the following table:


Calcium Hypochlorite Needed
to Dose 100 Feet of Water at 100 mg/L

Casing Diameter
Volume 100 Feet
* Calcium

2 16.3 1/2 oz.
4 65.3 2 oz.
6 146.9 4 oz.
8 261.1 6 oz.
10 408.0 8 oz.
12 587.5 12 oz.
16 1,044.5 20 oz.
20 1,632.0 2 lb.
24 2,350.1 3 lb.

*65 percent available chlorine

K. Notes


(2) Prior to closing the well, the interior metal surfaces
of the well casing above the static water level should
be inspected for fragments of calcium hypochlorite.
Any fragments should be removed, as they may corrode
the steel well casing and other metal surfaces in the



7.01 General Requirements

A. A well completion report shall be submitted to the
Department on forms provided by the Department, not later
than thirty (30) days after the construction of any well,
except as required in Section 3.11(C) of these Regulations.

B. Each completion report shall be signed by the well driller
or well driver in direct on-site supervision of the well
construction, unless otherwise approved by the Department,
certifying that all information contained on the report is
true and correct.

C. A separate well completion report shall not be required
providing all pertinent information is supplied on a well
abandonment report for the same well.

D. Failure to submit well completion reports as required by
this Section shall result in the denial of additional well
permits, following written notification to the responsible
water well contractor.

7.02 Required Information

A. All items on the well completion report shall be completed,
making sure to note if a particular item is not applicable

B. If the actual well site is at all different than that
proposed on the well permit, a new site plan shall be
included on the well completion report. If a site
adjustment is made after permit issuance, the well driller
or well driver is required to see that the well complies
with these Regulations.

C. For wells constructed in unconsolidated sand and gravel
aquifers, the well description log shall include notation of
the sediments grain size (such as gravel, coarse, medium and
fine sand, silt, clay, etc.), color, thickness, and depth of
individual layers or lenses, and any characteristics of the
sediments that appear different or outstanding.


D. For wells constructed in crystalline rock, the well
description log shall include the predominant color of the
rock, whether or not it breaks easily, whether the rock is
veined with stringers of different material or color and any
characteristics of the rock that appear different or
outstanding. Depth, interval and estimation of flow rate of
all water-bearing zones as encountered during drilling shall
be specified.



A. All materials used in the maintenance, replacement,
modification, or repair of any well shall meet the
requirements for new installation. Broken, punctured or
otherwise defective or unserviceable well casing, well
screen, fixtures, seals, or any part of the well head shall
be repaired and replaced, or the well shall be properly
abandoned and sealed as specified in Section 9 of these

B. Repair of any well having a well head terminating below
ground shall include the extending of the well casing above
the finished ground surface as specified in Section 4.10 of
these Regulations, unless otherwise approved by the

C. The repair of any industrial or public water supply well
shall include the installation of a water level access port
and tube as required in Section 4.11 of these Regulations,
if applicable.


9.01 General Requirements

A. The objective of the requirements described in this Section
is to seal the well to limit its potential as a pathway for
vertical migration of fluids between different aquifers.

B. All wells to be abandoned shall be sealed only by a well

C. Within thirty (30) days of abandonment of a well the water
well contractor shall submit a well abandonment report to
the Department, on a form provided by the Department. The
report shall be completely filled out and signed by the well
driller or well driver in charge of on-site supervision.

D. The Department may require any well owner to have a well
abandoned if the Department determines that any of the
following conditions apply:

(1) the well has no beneficial use,

(2) the well is causing or is a potential source of
contamination to waters of the state,

(3) the well is producing water that is contaminated,

(4) the operation of the well causes diminishment in the
quantity or quality of any neighboring wells or
surface waters,

(5) the well is deemed a potential safety hazard to the
lives and welfare of humans or animals,

(6) the well is not constructed in accordance with the
permit conditions or these Regulations.

E. A well penetrating several aquifers or formations shall be
filled and sealed in such a way as to prevent the vertical
movement of water from one aquifer to another within the

F. The Department shall have the right to require special
abandonment procedures be followed to avoid or mitigate
water quality or water quantity problems.


G. All wells for which a replacement well permit has been
issued and which are accessible shall be abandoned within
sixty (60) days of completion of the replacement well. The
well(s) shall be abandoned as set forth in these Regulations
unless specific written approval for maintaining the
replaced well is granted by the Department.

H. Wells that are unsuitable for their intended use shall be
abandoned or converted to another classification in
accordance with Section 3.21 of these Regulations.

9.02 Sealing and Fill Materials

A. Concrete, Portland cement grout, sodium-based bentonite clay
grout, or combinations of these materials or other materials
approved by the Department are considered sealing material
and shall be used to abandon a well in accordance with
Section 9.03 of these Regulations.

B. Drill cuttings, clay, silt, sand, gravel, and crusher run
are herein considered fill material and may only be used in
the abandonment of a well in accordance with Section 9.03 of
these Regulations.

C. Portland cement grout and sodium-based bentonite clay grout
shall meet the requirements of Section 4.07(J)(1) and (2) of
these Regulations.

9.03 Abandonment Procedures

A. Prior to abandonment, all wells shall be investigated to
determine their condition, the details of construction, and
whether or not any obstructions exist that will interfere
with the filling and sealing process. Any obstructions
shall, if possible, be removed by cleaning out the hole or

B. Where the annular space may provide a significant avenue for
ground-water contamination or otherwise endanger public
health or safety, the Department may require that the well
casing be ripped, perforated, or removed entirely to assure
that the well casing and annular space or voids are filled
with sealing or fill materials. Alternate abandonment
procedures may also be approved by the Department.

C. All wells shall be filled with the appropriate sealing or
fill materials starting from the bottom of the well upward
to the ground surface, except as noted in Sections 9.03 (F),
(G), and (H), or unless otherwise approved by the


D. When Portland cement grout or concrete is used as a sealing
material, it shall be placed in one continuous operation.

E. Sealing material shall be placed in the interval or
intervals to be sealed by methods that prevent free fall,
dilution, or separation of aggregates from cementing

F. A dug well larger than twenty-four (24) inches in diameter
shall be filled and sealed by placing fill material in the
well to a level approximately five (5) feet below land
surface, and placing a three (3) foot plug of sealing
material above the fill. The sealing material for the upper
portion of the well shall be allowed to spill over into the
excavation to form a cap. The remainder of the well shall
be backfilled with native soil.

G. For wells penetrating fractured or cavernous rock, coarse
fill materials may be used opposite the cavernous or
creviced rock portions of the well. Sealing material shall
extend to the surface from the bottom of the casing or from
a depth of twenty (20) feet, whichever is greater.

H. Dewatering wells less than twenty four (24) feet deep and
two (2) inches or less in diameter shall have the entire
casing removed unless otherwise approved by the Department.
After removal of the casing, the wells may be abandoned with
natural fill materials.



A. Upon completion of the well and before leaving the site, the
well driller, well driver, or pump installer shall be
responsible for the attachment of the well identification
tag issued by the Department. In cases where the well
driller will be returning at a later date to hook-up the
well, the tag may be secured with a temporary piece of wire
or clamping device until after the hook-up has been
completed. The tag shall be permanently fastened to the
well casing above finished grade by means of a one half
(1/2) or three-eighths (3/8) inch stainless steel band or
other device or method approved by the Department. Tags for
flush mount installations should be mounted to the sides of
the road boxes or by any method which will permanently
display the well permit number.

B. Tags for well permits issued via fax or under emergency
circumstances shall be affixed to the well casing within
five (5) working days of the well driller's receipt of the

C. Well tags shall be returned to the Department within thirty
(30) days of cancellation or expiration of an unused permit,
or the abandonment of a tagged well.



Applications for variances to any section of these Regulations
except those which concern a source of water for three or fewer
families shall be advertised in newspapers of local and statewide
circulation with a comment period of fifteen (15) days. A public
hearing will be held if a meritorious request is received within
the fifteen (15) day period. A public hearing request shall be
deemed meritorious if it exhibits a familiarity with the
application and a reasonable statement of the variance's probable

11.01 Applicable Delaware Law

No variance may be granted unless the Secretary, hearing officer
or the Environmental Appeals Board finds that the following have
been satisfied pursuant to the requirements of 7 Del. C., 6011.

A. Good faith efforts have been made to comply with the
requirements of 7 Del. C., Chapter 60.

B. The applicant is unable to comply with the requirements of 7
Del. C., Chapter 60 and these Regulations because the
necessary technology or other alternative methods are not or
have not been available for a sufficient period of time or
the financial cost of compliance by using available
technology is disproportionally high with respect to the
benefits which continued operation would bestow on the
lives, health, safety and welfare of the occupants of this
State and the effects of the variance would not
substantially and adversely affect the policy and purposes
of this chapter;

C. Any available alternative is being or will be used to reduce
the impact of the granting of the subject variance on the
lives, safety, or welfare of the occupants of this State;

D. The continuing operation of the proposed well is necessary
to national security or to the lives, health, safety or
welfare of the occupants of this State.

11.02 Application Procedures

A separate application shall be made to the Department for each
individual well permit desired. Each variance application shall
consist of:

A. A complete well permit application;


B. A separate scaled plot plan of the area depicting distances
from all potential or existing sources of contamination as
defined in Section 2.42 and 2.53 of these Regulations,
within a one hundred fifty (150) foot radius of all proposed
public and industrial wells, and within a one hundred (100)
foot radius of all other proposed wells. The plot plan
shall also include all buildings and property lines, and all
other physically limiting barriers such as overhead power

C. The appropriate fee, if applicable;

D. Written documentation showing compliance with Section 11.01
of these Regulations.

E. The property owner's signature on a written request which
specifies the Section(s) of these Regulations for which the
variance is requested.



A. Public hearings shall be held in conformance with the
requirements of 7 Del. C., 6006.

B. Decisions of the Secretary may be appealed to the
Environmental Appeals Board pursuant to 7 Del. C., 6008.

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