The key takeaways are that the Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) model provides a structure to organize security controls and requirements according to security objectives and supporting security actions. It is based on industry best practices and aims to protect the IT infrastructure, assets, and mitigate security incidents using network-based controls.
The Cisco Security Control Framework model defines a structure of security objectives and supporting security actions to organize security controls. It is used to align security requirements and controls into logical groups to facilitate understanding and communication of the control architecture for an organization's IT infrastructure.
The three primary goals of the Cisco SCF model related to security are: to protect the IT infrastructure, to protect IT assets using network-based controls, and to mitigate and respond to security incidents using network-based controls.
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Cisco Systems, Inc., 170 West Tasman Drive, San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model Contents Introduction 1 Terms and Definitions 2 Cisco Security Control Framework 5 Cisco SCF Model 6 Security Objectives 7 Total Visibility 8 Complete Control 8 Security Actions 9 Total Visibility 9 Complete Control 9 Organizing Controls with the Cisco SCF 10 Example Controls, Techniques, and Technologies Mapping 10 Total Visibility 10 Complete Control 11 Introduction The IT infrastructure architecture must be designed and implemented with security at its core in order to enable key business activities, while ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the IT infrastructure and critical business and customer data. An organization's security requirements are derived from many sources, including organization goals and objectives, industry and international standards, and industry and government regulations. The process of designing, implementing, and operating an infrastructure that meets these business and security requirements benefits from the application of a coherent model to view and organize the myriad security control requirements.
2 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Terms and Definitions The Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) model defines a structure of security objectives and supporting security actions to organize security controls. The Cisco SCF model is based on proven industry best practices and security architecture principles, and the vast practical experience of Cisco engineers in designing, implementing, assessing, and managing service provider, enterprise, and small and medium-sized business (SMB) infrastructures. Using the Cisco SCF model, organizations can align security requirements and controls into logical groups to facilitate the understanding and communication of the control architecture for their IT infrastructure. The organization of the Cisco SCF model is designed to increase the focus on three primary goals related to the security of the IT infrastructure and assets. These goals are as follows: Protect the IT infrastructure Protect the IT assets using network-based controls Mitigate and respond to security incidents using network-based controls The design of the Cisco SCF model brings together the regulation- and standards-based requirements with fundamental architectural principles, industry best practices, and a wide breadth of engineering experience from inside and outside of Cisco. The result is a vendor-agnostic model that supports the organization and definition of control sets to meet each organizations specific objectives. Terms and Definitions Table 1 defines the terms relevant to the Cisco SCF model. Table 1 Terms and Definitions Term Definition Architecture Principle Expression of a fundamental, primary, or general law or truth that is expected to be time invariant and direct the fulfillment of a particular mission. Cisco Security Control Framework The combination of the model, methodology, control structure, and control sets that codify Ciscos security knowledge as it applies to vendor-agnostic assessments of IT infrastructure security architectures and implementations. Note This version of the Cisco SCF document only addresses the model portion of the overall framework. Cisco Security Control Framework Model The security objectives and security actions used to organize security controls into a model that supports assessments of security architectures and implementations across multiple aspects within an organizations infrastructure. Control A measurable standard or mechanism that defines a required attribute, capability, or function in an infrastructure that delivers one or more security actions to support a specific security objective. Controls are realized in the infrastructure through the implementation of techniques. A control might require one or more techniques to be fully realized. Control Set A logical grouping of controls aligned across security actions to support one or more infrastructure aspects. The aspects supported by the control set can be aligned by places in the network (PIN), control type, functional block, or a specific organizational (business) concern. Control Type An organizational concept used to describe the type of control and the nature of the techniques associated with its implementation. Typical control types include technical, policy, and procedural.
3 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Terms and Definitions Functional Block A common infrastructure aspect used to subdivide the infrastructure primarily along functional boundaries. Examples of functional blocks include the following: Data center Interior Perimeter Physical security Infrastructure Aspect A logical, physical, functional, or organizational portion, section, area, place or view of network devices, applications, servers, or other network-attached endpoints of an infrastructure that facilitates discussions, analysis, or scoping of control sets, assessments, architectures, or designs. Common infrastructure aspects used in related documents include PINs, functional blocks, or control type. IT Infrastructure The collection of traditional network devices, network services, network-attached devices, and the associated infrastructure to protect the network and devices. Examples of IT infrastructure elements include the following: Routing and switching devices Security Firewalls Intrusion detection and prevention systems Anomaly, analysis, correlation and response systems Web application firewalls Host intrusion detection software Data center Application server farms Storage area networks Web server farms Load balancers Unified Communication devices Wireless controllers and access points Physical security devices Network Service An application or capability made available by the infrastructure, application servers, or other network attached devices. Organizational Objectives Key drivers or mission for the organization. In the context of the Cisco SCF, these are the key objectives that must be supported and enabled by the security infrastructure. Table 1 Terms and Definitions (continued) Term Definition
4 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Terms and Definitions Place in the Network (PIN) A common infrastructure aspect used to view the infrastructure in physical, logical, and functional groupings that map to common industry vocabulary. Examples of PINs include the following: Branch Campus Core Data center E-Commerce Internet edge WAN edge Policy A definite course of action, put in place and adopted by an organization, considered to be expedient, prudent or advantageous in guiding and influencing decisions, actions, and other matters. Process A systematic series of actions or steps designed to consistently accomplish a specific end result. Risk The exposure to or chance of harmful consequences that might negatively impact the value of an asset. A typical expression of risk is the product of the probability of an incident occurring and the potential impact of the incident. Security Action An organizational grouping of related attributes, capabilities , and functionality required in a security architecture to support a security objective. Security Architecture Assessment The assessment of an infrastructures topology, design, architecture, device configurations, hosts and endpoints, and physical and logical characteristics compared to a standard set of controls, industry best practices, and organization objectives to identify security gaps. Security Objective Targets defined to direct the efforts or actions of an organization to realize a desired security state. Security objectives are supported through security actions and associated controls. Security Posture A point in time measure of the security state of an IT infrastructure. Service The performance of a set of lifecycle tasks for a customer primarily driven by engineering or professional service efforts. Solution The combination of products and services. Technique A method or procedure implemented in the infrastructure or related operations used to deliver all or part of an attribute, capability, or function required by a control. Threat A real or potential circumstance, capability, action, or event that can potentially exploit a systems vulnerabilities to negatively affect the value of an asset. Vulnerability A flaw or weakness in an asset or systems architecture, design, implementation, or operation and management that is capable or susceptible to being exploited to negatively affect the value of the asset. Table 1 Terms and Definitions (continued) Term Definition
5 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Cisco Security Control Framework Cisco Security Control Framework The Cisco SCF is composed of a model, methodology, control structure, and control sets designed to support the assessment of technical risk in an infrastructure architecture. The Cisco SCF integrates into an ongoing process of continuous improvement to incrementally improve the security posture of the infrastructure architecture to address current key threats and to identify, track, and defend against new and evolving threats. The Cisco SCFs ability to do this is its base of sound architectural principles rather than a focus on specific individual threats, technologies, vendor products, or implementation configurations. The Cisco SCF is composed of the following three sections: Model (addressed in this document) The model defines the security objectives and their supporting security actions as a mechanism to organize individual controls and address the underlying architectural principles. Control Structure (not addressed in this document) The control structure defines the organization of individual controls and control sets and how they relate to the Cisco SCF model and methodology. Methodology (Not addressed in this document) The methodology defines the primary steps required to conduct a security architecture assessment using the Cisco SCF. The structure of controls, the scoring process, and the mechanism for aggregating these scores into meaningful results are also defined in the methodology. The model and methodology sections provide the overall architecture for the Cisco SCF, including the various components, the interactions between the components, and the way in which components should be used to achieve the specific security objectives of an infrastructure security architecture assessment. As such, the Cisco SCF is not a design or implementation, but consist of guidelinesa set of rules or a playbook used to assess architectures in an orderly manner. Well-defined security infrastructure architectures, based on key foundational principles, have proven to be more robust and tolerant, surviving changes in technology, organizational boundaries, and external influences. The Cisco SCF is designed to be configurable and extensible through the definition and use of the appropriate control sets for a specific assessments objectives and business environment. Figure 1 summarizes the components of the Cisco SCF and the major sources of influence on its design.
6 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Cisco SCF Model Figure 1 Cisco Security Control Framework Cisco SCF Model The Cisco SCF model is the application of foundational security principles to define the guidelines and rules for achieving a secure infrastructure. The security architecture does not define how to build or implement a secure infrastructure, but instead defines the properties, capabilities, processes, and controls that a secure infrastructure must possess to protect against a range of threats. The Cisco SCF model provides a useful organizational structure to capture the architectural aspects that the foundational principles require. The definition of the Cisco SCF model starts with the fundamental security principles as summarized in Table 2. These fundamental principles are factored into the security objectives and security actions that define the Cisco SCF model. Industry Standards I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t a n d a r d s S e c u r i t y
A r c h i t e c t u r e P r i n c i p l e s I n d u s t r y
B e s t P r a c t i c e s C i s c o
K n o w l e d g e a n d
E x p e r i e n c e Regulations Cisco Security Control Framework Control Structure Methodology Model 2 2 6 7 5 2 Table 2 Underlying Security Architectural Principles Security Architectural Principle Description Defense-in-Depth Never assume that a single control can provide sufficient risk mitigation for a specific threat. Deploy multiple layers of controls to prevent, identify, and delay attacks in order to contain and minimize damage while an organization responds. Service Availability and Resiliency Ensure service availability through device hardening and by strengthening the resiliency of the network to adjust to and recover from abnormal circumstances. Segregation and Modularity Infrastructure is organized in functional blocks with distinct roles facilitating management, deployment, and securing of the devices and business assets within each block. Regulatory Compliance and Industry Standards Follow industry standards and best practices to facilitate the achievement of regulatory compliance.
7 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Cisco SCF Model The Cisco SCF model defines the two fundamental security objectives of total visibility and complete control. The success of a security architecture and infrastructure implementation ultimately depends on the degree to which they enhance visibility and control. Without visibility there is no control and without control there is no security. Therefore, the Cisco SCFs main focus is on security actions and the underlying controls that enhance the fundamental principles of visibility and control. In practice, the Cisco SCF is used to drive the selection and deployment of platforms and capabilities to achieve a desirable degree of visibility and control. The definitions of visibility and control are elaborated in the following section. Security Objectives The Cisco SCF defines six security actions that support security objectives by improving visibility and control. The actions, three each for visibility and control, define logical groupings for organizing the more detailed security controls. Figure 2 depicts the six security actions and their relationships with the visibility and control objectives. Operational Efficiency Simple and efficient configuration, deployment, and management of the infrastructure, throughout its entire lifecycle, increase control and visibility allowing for faster auditing, troubleshooting, problem isolation, and incident response. Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Security controls work to provide acceptable levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data. Auditable and Measurable Controls Security controls must be auditable and measurable to be effective. System-wide Collaboration and Correlation Infrastructure security is not a set of independent point solutions. Effective security requires sharing, analysis, and correlation of information from all system-wide sources. Table 2 Underlying Security Architectural Principles (continued) Security Architectural Principle Description
8 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Cisco SCF Model Figure 2 Cisco Security Control Framework Model The following descriptions outline key considerations for total visibility and complete control. Total Visibility Total visibility consists of the following elements: identity, trust, compliance, event monitoring, and performance monitoring. Key considerations for total visibility include the following: Identifying and classifying users, traffic, applications, protocols, and usage behavior Monitoring and recording activity and patterns Collecting and correlating data from multiple sources to identify trends, and system-wide events Detecting and identifying anomalous traffic and threats Complete Control Complete control consists of hardening individual devices, increasing the resiliency of the network, isolating users, systems and services, security policy enforcement, and event mitigation. Key considerations for complete control include the following: Hardening IT infrastructure, including individual devices and increasing network resiliency Limiting access and usage per user, protocol, service, and application Isolating users, services, and applications Protecting against known threats and exploits Dynamically reacting in response to anomalous events Cisco Security Control Framework Model Identify Identify, Classify and Assign Trust- Levels to Subscribers, Services and Traffic Total Visibility Identify, Monitor, Collect, Detect and Classify Users, Traffic, Applications and Protocols Complete Control Monitor Monitor, Performance, Behaviours, Events and Compliance, with Policies Identify Anomalous Traffic Correlate Collect, Correlate and Analyze System-Wide Events Identify, Notify and Report on Significant Related Events Harden Harden Devices, Transport, Services and Applications Strengthen Infrastructure Resiliency, Redundancy and Fault Tolerance Harden, Strengthen Resiliency, Limit Access, and Isolate Devices, Users, Traffic, Applications and Protocols Isolate Isolate Subscribers, Systems and Services Contain and Protect Enforce Enforce Security Policies Migrate Security Events Dynamically Respond to Anomalous Envent 2 2 6 6 5 8
9 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Cisco SCF Model Security Actions Security actions provide organizational groupings of related attributes, capabilities, and functionality required in a security architecture to support a security objective. These security actions are described in the following subsections. Total Visibility The total visibility security objective is supported by the identify, monitor, and correlate security actions described in the following subsections. Identify The identify controls deliver the capabilities for a system to identify and classify entities accessing a given resource and to then determine a trust level or state of trust for that entity. Usually, trust is established through mechanisms other than inspection of an IP address, including inspection of credentials. Identifying an entity applies to traffic from within the network and possibly external traffic entering a network. Monitor The monitor controls address the fundamental capabilities and instrumentation to facilitate security visibility, combined with the ability to monitor the behavior and usage of the infrastructure components, including resources, connected systems, users, applications, and IP traffic. Correlate The correlate controls focus on the ability of the system to derive and present intelligence related to the state of the infrastructure based on correlation and management of visibility data. Correlation is the interpretation, dissemination, analysis, and classification of visibility data into meaningful operational information through the contextualization of seemingly unrelated events or changes. From a security operations perspective, it provides the foundation to apply policy enforcement and isolation controls. Management is the ability to represent visually, in near real-time, the intelligence derived from various network elements including audit logs, event monitoring, fault knowledge, and health/status information. Complete Control The complete control security objective is supported by the harden, isolate, and enforce security actions described in the following subsections. Harden The harden controls address the ability of an infrastructure to withstand, adjust to and/or recover from adverse uncontrolled circumstances. Hardening includes both securing individual devices and the infrastructure as a whole through increased resilience, fault tolerance, route duplication and other means.
10 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Organizing Controls with the Cisco SCF Isolate The isolate controls focus on the ability of a system to limit the scope and minimize the impact upon users, services, and systems from known and unknown disturbances. Implementation of the isolate controls provides the ability to isolate logical and physical functional blocks of an infrastructure into security zones to control or to prevent access between the functional blocks in the infrastructure and to limit the scope of security breech exploitation. Enforce The enforce controls deliver the capabilities required to enforce the allowed behavior of connected systems, users, applications, and IP traffic. Policy enforcement may either be static (a control is applied on a permanent basis) or dynamic (a control is applied to specifically mitigate some discrete event or security incident). Organizing Controls with the Cisco SCF This section provides examples of the types of control techniques and technologies that are mapped to each of the security actions. This list is provided as an example to help describe the scope and intent of each of the security actions and to help define different specific controls that address the required attributes, capabilities, or functions of the security actions. Example Controls, Techniques, and Technologies Mapping Total Visibility Identify Identity-based network solutions (802.1x, NAC, and so on) Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA)Authentication Biometric recognition Routing authentication (MD5) Secure messaging (encrypted E-mail) VPN authentication Digital certificates Pre-shared keys User authentication Monitor AAAAccounting Anomaly Detection System Intrusion Detection System (IDS) and Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) Network flow data collection
11 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Organizing Controls with the Cisco SCF Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)/Remote Monitoring (RMON)/Management Information Base (MIB) CPU, memory threshold Syslog Topologies: Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP); routing protocols; multiprotocol label switching (MPLS) Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) Sinkholes Correlate Analysis of network flow data (Arbor, Cisco Security Monitoring, Analysis, and Response System (CS-MARS), and so on) Host intrusion protection event correlation Security incident management system Event analysis and correlation Syslog SNMP AAA Antivirus Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronization Complete Control Harden Control plane policing Device hardening Disable unused services Latest patch level Restrict device accessibility Component redundancy Power supply Link and interface Device redundancy Topology redundancy Isolate Firewall access control policies Network and segment isolation Out of band management VPN encryption
12 Cisco Security Control Framework (SCF) Model OL-19432-01 Organizing Controls with the Cisco SCF Management traffic encryptionSecure Shell (SSH), SNMP, and so on Virtual LAN (VLAN) Enforce Content filtering Distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) protection Host intrusion prevention Port security Quality-of-Service (QoS) enforcement Network access control Access control lists (ACL), filters Unicast reverse path forwarding (uRFP) Anti-spoofing Policy-based routing AAA authorization CCDE, CCSI, CCENT, Cisco Eos, Cisco HealthPresence, the Cisco logo, Cisco Lumin, Cisco Nexus, Cisco Nurse Connect, Cisco Stackpower, Cisco StadiumVision, Cisco TelePresence, Cisco WebEx, DCE, and Welcome to the Human Network are trademarks; Changing the Way We Work, Live, Play, and Learn and Cisco Store are service marks; and Access Registrar, Aironet, AsyncOS, Bringing the Meeting To You, Catalyst, CCDA, CCDP, CCIE, CCIP, CCNA, CCNP, CCSP, CCVP, Cisco, the Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert logo, Cisco IOS, Cisco Press, Cisco Systems, Cisco Systems Capital, the Cisco Systems logo, Cisco Unity, Collaboration Without Limitation, EtherFast, EtherSwitch, Event Center, Fast Step, Follow Me Browsing, FormShare, GigaDrive, HomeLink, Internet Quotient, IOS, iPhone, iQuick Study, IronPort, the IronPort logo, LightStream, Linksys, MediaTone, MeetingPlace, MeetingPlace Chime Sound, MGX, Networkers, Networking Academy, Network Registrar, PCNow, PIX, PowerPanels, ProConnect, ScriptShare, SenderBase, SMARTnet, Spectrum Expert, StackWise, The Fastest Way to Increase Your Internet Quotient, TransPath, WebEx, and the WebEx logo are registered trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the United States and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document or website are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company. (0903R)