Teori 2
Teori 2
Teori 2
Turbidity Provisions
Source: GLI, undated.
Figure 11-1. Scattered Light at 90
11.1 Introduction
Turbidity is described in the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and
Wastewater Method 2130B (EPA Method 180.1) for turbidity measurement as, an
expression of the optical property that causes light to be scattered and absorbed rather
than transmitted in straight lines through the sample (Standard Methods, 1995). This
chapter includes a detailed summary of the
various types of instruments used to measure
turbidity and includes descriptions of the
physical properties associated with the
measurements of turbidity and design
As shown in Figure 11-1, modern
turbidimeters use the technique of
nephelometry, which measures the amount of
light scattered at right angels to an incident
light beam by particles present in a fluid
sample. In general, all modern turbidimeters
utilize the nephelometric measurement
principals, but instrument manufacturers have
developed several different meter designs
and measurement configurations.
11.2 Turbidimeter Measuring Principles
As light passes through absolutely pure water, the light beams travel along relatively
undisturbed paths. However, some distortion occurs as light is scattered by molecules
present in the pure fluid. As shown in Figure 11-1, when light passes through a fluid
containing suspended solids, the light beam interacts with the particles, and the particles
absorb the light energy and re-radiate light in all directions.
Particle size, configuration, color, and refractive index determine the spatial distribution of
the scattered light intensity around the particle. As shown in Figure 11-2, particles much
smaller than the wavelength of the incident light, which is typically expressed in
nanometers (nm), scatter light of approximately equal intensity in all directions. However,
particles larger than the wavelength of the incident light, form a spectral pattern that
results in greater light scattering in the forward direction (away from the incident light)
than in the other directions. This scattering pattern and intensity of the light beam
transmitted through the sample can also be affected by the particles absorbing certain
wavelengths of the transmitted light (Sadar, 1996).
EPA Guidance Manual 11-2 April 1999
Turbidity Provisions
Source: Sadar, 1996.
Figure 11-2. Angular Patterns of
Scattered Light from Particles of
Different Sizes
Since the light scattered in the
forward direction is variable
depending on particle size, the
measurement of the light
transmitted through the sample
yields variable results. In addition,
the change in transmitted light is
very slight and difficult to
distinguish from electronic noise
when measuring low turbidities.
High turbidity samples are also
difficult to measure using
transmitted light due to multiple
scatter of the light by many
particles in the fluid. To solve
these problems, turbidimeters
primarily measure the scatter of
light at a 90 degree angle to the
incident beam and relate this
reading to turbidity. This angle is considered very sensitive to light scatter by particles in
the sample. As described later in this chapter, additional light sensors are also sometimes
added to detect light scattered at other angles in order to improve the instrument range
and remove errors introduced by natural colors and lamp variability.
11.2.1 Light Source
The basic turbidimeter instrument contains a light source, sample container or cell, and
photodetectors to sense the scattered light. The most common light source used is the
tungsten filament lamp. The spectral output (band of wavelength light produced) of these
lamps is generally characterized by color temperature, which is the temperature that a
black body radiator must be operated to produce a certain color. The tungsten filament
lamps are incandescent lamps and are termed polychromatic, since they have a fairly
wide spectral band that includes many different wavelengths of light, or colors. The
presence of the various wavelengths can cause interference in the turbidity measurements
as natural color and natural organic matter in the sample can absorb some specific
wavelengths of light and reduce the intensity of the scattered light (King, 1991).
The tungsten filament lamp is also highly dependent on the voltage of the lamp power
supply. The voltage applied to the lamp determines the spectral output characteristics
produced, making a stable power supplies a necessity. In addition, as with any
incandescent lamp, the output from the lamp decays with time as the lamp slowly burns
out, making recalibration of the instrument a frequent and necessary requirement.
To overcome some of the incandescent lamp limitations, some turbidimeter designs utilize
monochromatic light sources, such as light emitting diodes (LEDs), lasers, mercury lamps,
and various lamp filter combinations. Monochromatic light has a very narrow band of
light wavelengths (only a few colors). By selecting light wavelengths that are not
normally absorbed by organic matter, the monochromatic light source can be less
April 1999 11-3 EPA Guidance Manual
Turbidity Provisions
susceptible to interference by sample color. However, some of these alternate light
sources respond differently to particle size, and are not as sensitive to small sized particles
as the tungsten filament lamp.
11.2.2 Sample Volume
Grab samples are typically introduced into bench top turbidimeter instruments through a
transparent sample cell made of glass. These samples cells, or cuvettes, are usually about
30 milliliters in capacity. Some on-line turbidimeters utilize the glass sample cell, but most
designs use a flow-through chamber with the light source located outside the sample.
Sample chambers in on-line instruments range from 30 milliliters to over two liters.
11.2.3 Photodetector
In turbidimeters, photodetectors detect the light produced from the interaction of the
incident light and the sample volume and produce an electronic signal that is then
converted to a turbidity value. These detectors can be located in a variety of
configurations depending on the design of the instrument. The four types of detectors
commonly used include photomultiplier tubes, vacuum photodiodes, silicon photodiodes,
and cadmium sulfide photoconductors (Sadar, 1992).
Each of the four types of detectors vary in their response to certain wavelengths of light.
Therefore, if a polychromatic light source is used, the spectral output of the light source
has a direct bearing on the type and design of photodetector selected for an instrument.
The specification of the photodector is not nearly as critical when a monochromatic light
source is used. In general, with the polychromatic tungsten filament lamp as a light
source, the photomultiplier tube and the vacuum photodiode are more sensitive to the
shorter wavelength light in the source, making them more sensitive to the detection of
smaller particles. Conversely, the silicon photodiode is more sensitive to longer
wavelengths in the light source, making it more suited for sensing larger particles. The
sensitivity of the cadmium sulfide photoconductor is between the sensitivity of the
photomultiplier tube and the silicon photodiode.
11.3 Turbidimeter Design Configurations
Several instrument design standards have been developed by various organizations to
attempt to standardize instrument designs and achieve test results that are accurate and
repeatable. These standards govern the design of the various turbidimeter configurations
available today, which include the single beam design, modulated four beam design,
surface scatter design, and transmittance design. Only the single beam design, ratio
design, and modulated four beam design are approved by EPA.
11.3.1 Design Standards
The requirements stated in Standard Methods 2130B (see Appendix D) are similar to the
requirements of EPA Method 180.1 (see Appendix C) for turbidity measurement. The
EPA Method 180.1 lists the following design requirements for turbidimeters:
EPA Guidance Manual 11-4 April 1999
Turbidity Provisions
Light Source: Tungsten-filament lamp operated at a color temperature
between 2200 and 3000 degree K.
Distance traversed by incident light and scattered light within the sample tube
not to exceed 10 cm.
Angle of light acceptance by detector: Centered at 90 degrees to the incident
light path and not to exceed +/- 30 degrees from 90 degrees. The detector, and
filter system if used, shall have a spectral property between 400 and 600 nm
(Standard Methods, 1995).
EPA has recognized one additional standard for turbidimeter design called GLI Method 2.
Like EPA Method 180.1, this standard is applicable for turbidities in the 0 to 40 NTU
range, but may be used for higher turbidities by diluting the sample. The GLI Method 2
standard requires that instruments utilize basic nephelometric concepts, but requires the
use of two light sources with a photodetector located at 90-degrees from each source.
This concept, which is often called a modulated four beam design, pulses the two light
sources on and off and utilizes a portion of the scattered light as a reference signal to
arithmetically cancel errors. A full description of the modulated four beam design is
included later in this Chapter.
The specific apparatus requirements listed in the GLI Method 2 standard are as follows:
The wavelength of the incident radiation shall be 860 nanometers.
The spectral bandwidth of the incident radiation shall be less than or equal to
60 nanometers.
There shall be no divergence from parallelism of the incident radiation and any
convergence shall not exceed 1.5 degrees.
There shall be two light sources and two detectors.
The measuring angle between the optical axis of the incident radiation and that
of the diffused radiation for light pulsed through the sample by either light
source shall be 90 +\- 2.5 degrees.
An additional turbidimeter design standard was developed by the International
Organization for Standardization. ISO 7027 defines the requirements for a turbidimeter
light source with stricter requirements attempting to produce instruments that have good
repeatability and compare well with other instruments. The specification reads:
Any apparatus may be used provided that it complies with the following
The wavelength , , of the incident radiation shall be 860 nm;
The spectral bandwidth , , of the incident radiation shall be less than or
equal to 60 nm;
There shall be no divergence from parallelism of the incident radiation and any
convergence shall not exceed 2.5 degrees;
April 1999 11-5 EPA Guidance Manual
Turbidity Provisions
Source: Sadar, 1996.
Figure 11-3. Basic Nephelometer
The measuring angle (tolerance on deviation of the optical axis) shall be o +/-
2.5 degrees
The aperture angle,