Rendering: Engineering

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CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan

Computer generation of visual media
Printing, video, workstations; compression
Provide visual cues for applications
Perspective, shading, shadows, ...
Why? - Discriminate and comprehend
Models of appearance
Perceptual, physical, mathematical, computational
Why? - Realism
Visualization and Illustration
Transformation of abstract data to images
CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Visual Cues
Perspective and foreshortening
Aerial perspective: desaturation, blurring
Motion parallax
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CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
60-70s : Geometric Aspects
Evans and Sutherland display pipeline
Hidden line and surface algorithms
Sutherland, Sproull, Shumacker sort taxonomy
Object vs. Image space
Simple shading and texturing
Gouraud: interpolating colors
Phong: interpolating normals
Blinn, Catmull, Williams texturing
CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
80-90s : Optical Aspects
Reflection models = Shading
Cook and Torrance BRDF
Cook, Perlin Procedural textures
Illumination algorithms = Lighting
Whitted Ray tracing
Cohen, Goral, Wallace, Greenberg, Torrance
Nishita, Nakamae Radiosity
Kajiya Rendering equation
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CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Rendering Engines
1st generation (1985), e.g. SGI 3000, DN 570
Transformation and rasterization of lines
2nd generation (1988), e.g. SGI GT, HP VRX
Lighting, smooth-shading
Efficient polygon rasterization
Z-buffered hidden surface engine
3rd generation (1992), e.g. SGI RE
Texture mapping
4th generation (1995?)
Flexible lighting, shading, texturing
Higher-level (e.g. curved) geometric primitives
5th generation (2000?)
Global illumination: shadows, radiosity
CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Physically-based Rendering
Basic optics
Physics of light and color
Geometrical optics
Ray metaphor
Reflection and transmission
Radiative transfer
Radiometry and photometry; measurement
Transport theory and integral equations
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CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
1. How is light measured?
2. How is the spatial distribution of light energy
3. How is reflection from a surface characterized?
4. What are the conditions for equilibrium flow of light
in an environment?
What do the numbers 0-255s mean?
CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Why Physically-based Rendering?
Interesting scientific challenge
Necessary to simulate/augment reality
Applications: design, entertainment
Use real-world data
Acquire geometric models
Acquire reflection models
Example of high complexity simulation
Grand Challenge type problem
Procedural modeling and data amplification
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CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Non-photorealistic Rendering
Visual eigenfunctions
Diffuse -> basic 3d shape
Specular -> curvature
Edge highlighting
Artistic convention
Cross-hatching, axial lines, etc.
Color coding
Cutaways, cross-sections, exploded views
CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Classic HSR algorithms
Ray tracing
Spectral representations
Camera simulation
Reflection models (materials)
Texture mapping
Rendering equation
Illumination algorithms (radiosity and MC RT)
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CS348B Lecture 1 Pat Hanrahan
Ray Tracing Topics
Ray-Surface intersection algorithms
Polygons and parametric surfaces
Algebraic and implicit surfaces
Procedural models; CSG
Acceleration techniques: Efficient ray queries
Find the closest intersection?
Is there any intersection?
Sampling strategies
Writing a ray tracer

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