Saving Account Opening

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Saving account opening

Document Verification
After verifying the form, the CSO needs to check that all the documents are in order as
per the KYC savings account checklist.
He then needs to photocopy the documents and brand them with the Verified With
Original stamp to signify that he has verified all the original documents.
The CSO then needs to ensure that the customer signs the form in his presence. He
should then countersign in the space provided alongside.
He also needs to paste the photo in the block provided for it and should brand the round
stamp on the photo in such a way that part of the stamp comes on the form.

Mandatory Requirements Relationship Form
Please verify each of the following in the Relationship Form.
1 The form filled in BLOCK LETTERS ONLY.
2 The signature of the applicants in Black Ink in appropriate box, witnessed by
Branch Official. (Why only black ink?)
3 Date of Birth of applicant.
4 Date on Account Opening Form.
5 Branch Name with Branch Code.
6 Complete address with pin code. (Remember!)
7 Branch Manager OR OIC's signature with designation, employee number and branch
stamp, authorizing opening of accounts.
8 Documentation completion date stamped on face of Relationship Form, signed by
Branch Official.
9 Photograph of each applicant pasted on the form, round stamp of branch affixed on
right bottom corner with partial impression on the form. (Example)
10 Mother's Maiden Name
Form 60/61 (Wherever applicable)
1 Copy of PAN or duly filled Form 60. (What is PAN? )
2 No column in Form 60 to be left blank.
3 Name and Address in Relationship Form to match with Form 60.

Process for verification of all Relationship Forms
1 All photocopies attached with Relationship Form to be verified with the source
document and certified as true copy. The verification should bear the following
Verified with Original
For ICICI Bank
Authorized Signatory
2 Alterations / Corrections to be authorized by customer by affixing signature next to
the correction.
3 Proof of name / address required for second applicant in case not a blood relative.
(Who is a blood relative? )
4 Name / Address on Relationship Form should match with supporting document.
5 Self-cheque should be payable locally, and should not be not be Post dated / Stale /
Unsigned. Pay in slip signed by applicant / copy of cheque / s to be attached with
Relationship Form.
6 For debit card, joint applicants' mandate also required.
7 PAN Card copy is mandatory (Signed and verified having seen the original) .
1 A Power of Attorney / mandate holders cannot sign and commence a relationship.
2 When a self-cheque drawn by the customer is returned for difference in signature,
the account should be closed
Know Your Customer confirmation
All Relationship Forms should compulsorily bear the stamp shown below. This stamp
should be affixed in the interview details column as:I have met Mr./Ms.
__________________ in person and hereby confirm the identity and address as filled in
the relationship form, which has been filled in my presence.Signature of CAT:
_______________ Empl no: ______________Name _________________

Check-list for Savings Account
ID Proof Related :
Valid ID Proof document . Name on AOF to match with ID proof document.
In case of name variation , certification to be done by SM/BM/BOM required.
Signature on AOF to match with ID proof / Self cheque/ Cash deposit slip .
If signature does not match, Annexure D to be obtained / BM-BOM authorization required.
Date of birth to match with ID proof document.
Address proof Related:
Valid Address proof document .In case Address proof in the name of blood relative Relationship
proof required.
Address on AOF to match with communication address proof. Pin code to be filled.
Introduction to be accepted only from blood relatives with relationship proof document and
address to match with applicant address on AOF / Introduction to be given by BM/ AGM.

PAN of the first applicant / Form 60/61 to be filled .
PAN number mentioned on the AOF to be matching with PAN Card Copy / PAN Site. Name
variation of PAN with PAN Site to be authenticated by BM.
AOF Related:
Recent colored photograph required .
Status code to be mentioned clearly on the form.
Mother's maiden name to be mentioned clearly on the AOF.
If joint account, all mandatory details for joint account to be mentioned on the form.
Customer profile details to be correctly filled in AOF.
Important Customer Declaration details on page 3 of the AOF to be filled.
Nomination details to be filled properly. In case of no nomination, declaration to be obtained from
customer . Account holder / Joint holder cannot be nominee.
Signature of customer to be checked on all relevant pages .
KYC Certification to be done by bank official (including SE).
Documents verification and KYC certification has to be done by bank official in the grade of SO and
above if any KYC document is provided from Other Documents (Table A Cir 7106).
Place of meeting to be mentioned in KYC certification. In case of joint accounts, KYC certification
to be done for joint applicants also.
Tariff guide to be attached.
Self attestation by the applicant to be done on all documents.
Any alteration on AOF to be authenticated by applicant.
Waiver of KYC documents by any business group is not acceptable.
No white ink to be used.
SM/RE sheet to be attached with AOF if sourced by sales.
Initial Deposit :
Maximum initial cash deposit for all products should not be more than Rs.50000/-
KYC stamp on the reverse of original cheque .In case of standalone branches ,copy of cheque to
be with the AOF authorised by BM/BOM.
Checked By_____________________
Employee No. __________________

KYC Documents
Mandatory Requirements :
Photograph :
Recent colored Photograph of all applicants should be affixed on AOF.
Identity Proof :
All Identity Proof document as on the date of submission & should contain photograph of the
Identity Proof Documents are given in Table A
Date of birth in ID proof document should necessarily match with the AOF.
Address Proof :
The Communication address provided by the applicant on AOF has to be supported with a
documentary proof, which bears the applicant's name and same address. Permanent address is also
mandatory to be furnished by the applicant on AOF however proof of permanent address is optional.
Address Proof Documents are given in Table A
Joint holder who is not a relative/ spouse of the primary applicant or who does not furnish the
relationship document with the primary applicant should submit ID & communication address proof
documents. For joint holder Annexure A to be obtained along with relationship proof, as per Table A.
Address proof in the name of spouse/blood relative of the applicant:
In case proof of address is in the name of parent/children/sibling/spouse/ and the applicant is one of
family member, residing on the same address, such address proof can be accepted with the relationship
documents that establishes the relationship between the applicant and the person in whose name the
address proof is available.
Name of the applicant and the name of father/mother/spouse/blood relative, as stated in the Address
proof should appear in the aforesaid documents.
Relationship Proof Documents are given in Table A
PAN Card OR Form 60/61 :
1 As PAN details are verified by RPC with website of IT department of NSDL, UTITSL,
photocopy of PAN card is not mandatory. Only PAN to be mentioned on AOF. But PAN card
photocopy duly verified with original is required when PAN is provided as identity Proof or if
there is any name variation in PAN card or PAN Site (refer to point B.1.3).
2 Where PAN is not available, form 60/61 is mandatory.
3 Any name variation on website can be accepted with copy of PAN, provided Branch Manager
confirms the same on AOF.
Salary accounts:
If applicant has PAN, the same needs to be mentioned on the AOF (need not submit PAN Card photo-
copy). Otherwise applicant needs to fill up form 60/61. But no proof of address is necessary for Form
Initial Deposit by cheque /cash :
Minimum amount of initial funding of operative account is required by self-cheque or by cash deposit
as per product features. Maximum initial cash deposit limit is Rs. 50,000/- for all products.
Third party cheque is not permitted.
Minimum Initial Deposit:
The minimum amount of initial funding by self-cheque or initial cash deposit for opening of Savings
Account will be - Amount of Quarterly Average Balance required as per Product features plus Rs.
In case of products like HNI/PBG/Privilege accounts, the initial deposit will be as stated in product
Exceptions to above:
a Salary Accounts Initial Deposit /Self-cheque waived.
b No-frills account Rs.50/-
Procedure to accept Initial Cash deposit for new accounts:
1 Applicant/s should visit the branch personally to deposit cash.
2 BOM/BM or a designated Branch Officer should meet the applicant/s and verify the original
documents tendered with AOF and attest the photocopies of the same (This is in addition to
attestation by Sales Executive if the AOF is sourced by Sales Team). Also should check with the
applicant/s the need for account by asking a few questions as under:

a Occupation

b Period of stay in the place

c Applicant's knowledge about Bank and products and so on.
Questions are illustrative and not exhaustive. Bank officer may choose to put in questions depending
on the applicant's profile.
3 BOM/BM or designated Branch official/ Teller should confirm that

Customer/s visited the branch to deposit cash of Rs................, on the 4
page of AOF (where
presently Teller's signature is required) and state his/her name, employee number and branch

This procedure to be followed for accounts sourced by Sales Team as well as branch walk-ins.
RPCs should check whether BM/BOM/Branch Official's confirmation on Cash deposit is
available on Page 4 of AOF and also attestation on photocopies of documents.
Introduction Formalties :
Introduction by Blood Relatives for address proof
Introduction can be given only by close/ blood relatives (Parents / spouse / siblings / children),
provided address proof in the name of close/ blood relative is being submitted along with the
relationship proof, who have existing account with satisfactory conduct with our bank & residing at the
same address. Relationship document should be collected to establish relationship between applicant
and introducer. Introduction cannot be accepted from customer with Easy pay, Bank at campus, No
frills account (status code NFR1). Only primary Account holder can introduce an Account for address
proof. A separate address proof is not required for the applicant residing at the same address, as the
applicant will be staying with the introducer only. The Account of the introduced Customer should
necessarily have the same address as that of the introducer.
Introduction by staff
Staff Member of Bank providing introduction should to be certain that he/she has sufficient
information about the applicant and that he/she believes that address proof documentation requirement
as per KYC guidelines prescribed in this circular can be waived off for opening the account. The
employee must introduce the account with his employee number & Bank Account number.
a Introduction can be given by Branch Manager (CBM in case of CBM Branch) provided, the
Customer is known to the Branch Manager.
b Introduction can be given by Senior Bank Official in the grade of AGM & above provided, the
Customer is known to the Senior Bank official.
Account opened by an existing account holder with his/her self introduction
The self-introduction by an existing account holder to open another savings / fixed deposit account, in
the same or other branch of the Bank, is acceptable. For self-introduction photo ID proof is mandatory
to prove the identity of the Customer. However, if there is change in communication address while
opening new account, proof of address is mandatory. For self introduction latest photograph needs to
be provided.
a Accounts with self-introduction should be opened only when the conduct in existing account is
satisfactory. Satisfactory relationship implies.
b Account to be minimum 6 months old.
c No levy of non-maintenance of quarterly average balance (OAB) charges (calendar quarter) in
the account during the last quarter.
d Only introduction from customer who has maintained a quarterly average balance as per product
specification in the previous two calendar quarters is acceptable.
e Not more than three cheque return in during the last calendar quarter.
f It is mandatory to put and sign KYC stamp on account opening forms with self-introduction
also. This is to establish that identity/address of the applicant is verified and the conduct in
existing account is satisfactory.
Whenever a customer requests for opening additional accounts in the same name and style, with self-
introduction, these accounts to be opened under existing Cust ID by taking non-kit AOF.
Self introduction by Term Deposit Account Holder
a In case of existing active Term Deposit holder where the deposit exist in the bank for more than
six months as on date of opening of new account, intending to open a Savings account/another
Term Deposit, KYC documentation and initial deposit by Account opening Cheque or cash
deposit can be waived. But the account should be opened under same CUSTID as non-Ikit
b If the term deposit is less than six months old, then the savings account should be opened with a
self-cheque to complete KYC documentation, under the existing CUSTID as Non Ikit account.
c In both the above cases, the amount of FD should be Rs.10,000/- or more.
Specific document Requirement for Certain segments :
Senior Citizen Accounts :
Date of Birth proof: One of the document as per Table A can be obtained otherwise than Affidavit-
cum-indemnity (As per Annexure -C) or Also Voter Id card can be accepted to ascertain the age.
Women accounts :
Woman applicant's having only Identity proof document in her own name can open an account
by providing address proof document of father/mother/spouse/blood relative along with a
Relationship document as stated in Table A.
Married Woman, who is seeking to open an account in her married name, but the proof of
identity is in her maiden name, then the same can be accepted provided it is supported by a
verified true copy of the marriage certificate. Marriage certificate issued only by State/ Central
Govt or any other Govt bodies to be accepted.
2.B. Joint Accounts of Women with Husband/Mother or father or blood relative:

A joint account of woman, who does not have independent KYC documents, can be opened with
her husband, parents (mother or father) or a blood relative. A Relationship Document as stated in
Table A, is required to be obtained along with Annexure -A.
Annexure- A is not necessary if a joint account is opened with a woman who has provided
independent KYC documents and also in case an independent identity is provided and address
proof in her relative/parents name is provided along with a relationship proof.
Young Star Accounts: Ref: RCLG-80/May 05,2006/Cir.No.2460 and 6182
For a minor becoming adult on attaining age of 18 and unable to furnish ID and address proof in own
name can operate the existing Account with SSLC with photo/ any other id proof as mentioned in
Table A.
Table A Core documents

Note :
1 Voter id can be accepted as Address proof, if another ID proof from Core document list is
2 Driving license can be accepted as Address proof, if another ID proof from Core document list is

What is Retail Account Opening Tracker (I-Track)
I-Track is a system for routing and tracking of savings account opening Branches can check
the status of the Account Opening Form when there is a query with regard to status of a/c opening
An in-built case tracker will provide the stage at which an account opening form is , at
any given point in time

For I-Kit cases :
On handing over the IKIT to the customer, the branch team enters the details of the
AOF in the Retail Account Opening ITRACK system
For Non IKIT cases :
Details to be entered into the system immediately on submission of the AOF and
required documents to RPC
Access to Retail Account Opening system can be created through Logical Access Management (LAM).
Once the Id is created, then user can login in using his NT Id and password
Process for I-Track updation by Branch
Step 1 Case Entry :
Branch staff needs to click on Branch Case Start and then on Branch Case Start Manual to enter the details of
the AOF in the Retail Account Opening ITRACK system
Following Fields to be filled in Branch Case Start Page :
Field Name Details
Title Mr./Ms./Dr.
Customer First Name: Accepts up to 50 Characters.
Middle Name Accepts up to 50 Characters.
Last Name Accepts up to 50 Characters.
Form No/ Bar Code Enter Bar Code exactly as printed on the AOF including hyphen (-).
Product Type Select product from the drop down
Product Sub Type Select product sub type from the drop down
Transaction ID Should enter ICORE transaction Id in case of cash transaction
Transaction Date Incase tran id is entered, then enter tran date
IKIT A/c no Only for I Kit accounts
KYC Select Yes/No from drop down as per KYC funding received from customer
Mode of Funding Select Cash/Cheque as per funding received from customer
Account Type Single/Joint as per AOF
LDC/SE/EMP Code Enter Emp Code of person sourcing the Account
Bill Pay Yes/No as per customer requirement
Click on Submit after entering all details
Step 2 Case Release:
Once AOF details are entered in the system, the entered case remains in branch tray until it is released to RPC
in the system. Branch needs to release the case in I-Track to RPC within 4 hrs of entering the case in system.
For releasing the entered case to RPC follow the below steps :
A Branch staff needs to click on Queues and then on Case Dispatch-Case Release
B Select status as New Case Started and other filters as per requirement and click on Search
C Select cases you want to dispatch/release by clicking the RADIO button, write comments in Remarks
column and Click on Release. You can also close the case, in case wrong details are entered
RPC will not be able to view/action the case until it is released from Branch tray
In case of Rejection :
If the AOF is not KYC compliant, then DVU officer will reject the AOF and will send AOF and case back to
Branch pending Queue
Branch can check the rejection reason by following below mentioned steps :
A Click on Queues and then on Branch Rectification
B Select Status as DVU Checker Rejected and Click on Search. Result will show all the DVU rejected cases
lying in branches tray
C Click on History and then on Rejected Reason to know the reason of rejection
D After knowing the rejected reason, Branch is expected to rectify the problem and send the physical AOF and
case back to RPC's tray
E Branch to take necessary approvals wherever required as per the case history
Who all can access the Tracker
Case Tracker
Case Tracker will be available to all the contact points like phone banking, branch and sales/ operations to know
the status of an account at any given point of time i.e. - at what stage the AOF is and the further TAT required for
account opening. If the account is opened/activated the A/C details in the tracker will display the 12-digit a/c

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SFA Updation
What is SFA Sales Force Automation
SFA is a lead management system, supporting for almost all products related to branch
It can be accessed using the URL :
User can login in using his NT Id and password

It comprises of below 3 stages :
Stage in which Branch/PB/BSM can enter leads in SFA
Stage in which Branch/PB/BSM can update the Leads
Stage in which Branch/PB/BSM can close the lead after fulfilment
Process for Lead Entry in SFA
Steps for entering leads in SFA by branch:
Click on transaction
Click on lead then on entry
Select Vertical
Name as :
Retail Liabilities Group, Product name as : Branch, Source as: Branch
Walk in
Click on next
Select PREFERRED User as the route on option
Click on Go
Put the NT ID of the user to route the Lead
Select the correct user to whom the lead is to be routed
Fill in the details of the Lead. Fields highlighted in Red and Blue are mandatory
Select Product customer is interested in
Click on Save on entering all the required the mandatory fields
Note the SFA lead Id
Check the lead owners login name
Lead Stage should be Lead updation after entry
Click on continue & Save

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E Search Welcome Kit updation
What is E-search
E Search is a system for deliverable management i.e. record of consignment details
under dispatch tracker, Gold coins stock management and I Kit management
The Welcome Kit Module in E-Search is designed to track the status of the Welcome Kits
from indent to activation/destruction stage
Welcome kit has 3 roles. Branch Operations Manager (BOM), Branch front officer(FO),
Branch sales manager(BSM)
It can be accessed using the URL :
Id for e-search can be created using LAM URL
Process for I-Kit Movement at branches
BOM to issue the I kits to SM/FO using issue to SM/FO option under Issue menu
SM/FO has to acknowledge the I kits issued by BOM using Acknowledge under issue
Mark Return option is used for returning the I kits to BOM. Return acknowledge is
done by the BOM for accepting the returned I Kits
While issuing I kits to the customer the same is updated as issue to customer
Details of Activated & Rejected accounts is uploaded in Upload A/c Status by RPC
In case of resubmission of form, branch to update E-search using Re-submission option
In case of physical destruction, DESTROY option to be used in E-search
Reports option can be referred in E-search for tallying the physical stock in hand with E-
Security measures for handling of I-Kits at branches
Branch stock to be kept under Dual Custody
Stock with CSO/ CSM to kept under lock & key
Daily balancing of the I-kits issued to the branch staff
Fortnightly tallying of I-Kits to be done by BOM
Ensure to take acknowledgment of I-Kits when handed over to customer
I-Kits issued to customer to be updated in E-Search

What about nomination?

The following points need to be kept in
The CSO also needs to check if the
customer has opted for nomination. If
the account is in a single name then the
CSO needs to recommend
He should ensure that the nomination
is in a single name unless the nominee
is a minor in which case a major
individual would need to be appointed
as guardian.
In case its a joint account, all the
account holders need to sign the
nomination instructions.
If there is no witness, the CSO needs
to witness the same with his name,
signature and employee number.

Account Opening by Cheque
Once the form has been scrutinized and all the verifications done, the CSO then needs to check if the account
is being opened by depositing a cheque or cash.
In case of account opening through cheque, the CSO needs to check the following details:
The cheque should be a self-drawn crossed cheque favoring ICICI Bank a/c <Customers name>.

The signature on the cheque should be the same as the one on the form.

The self-cheque should be payable locally, and should not be Post dated / Stale / Unsigned.

Pay in slip signed by the applicant / copy of cheque / s to be should be attached with Relationship

The CSO should then brand the clearing stamp on the counterfoil and hands over the same to the


Account Opening by Cash
Cash can be accepted as Initial deposit in lieu of cheque at the time of account opening. However, the
following points need to be noted :
Cash can be accepted as Initial deposit ONLY if the customer himself has visited the branch to open the
Customer needs to sign the pay in slip & personally deposit the cash at the cash counter.
Cashier to accept, count cash & hand over acknowledgement to customer.
Cashier to certify on the AOF that customer has personally deposited the cash (or) a copy of the pay in
slip to be attached to the form.
Note: Maximum limit for initial cash deposit while opening of new SB account is Rs. 50,000.

Welcome Kit
Once the cash or cheque has been deposited for account opening, the
CSO at the account-opening desk should then hand over the welcome
kit to the customer.

The CSO should also educate the customer about all the utilities
and deliverables that are enclosed within the kit.
He should then obtain the customers acknowledgement on the
sticker provided for deliverables handed over and paste it on the
relevant section in the form.
The CSO should then thank the customer at the end of the
process. Using appropriate closing remarks like Thank you for
choosing ICICI Bank Sir! or We appreciate your business Mr.

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