Welcome To Windows 7 64bit Preinstallation Environment: Ethernet Wirespeed
Welcome To Windows 7 64bit Preinstallation Environment: Ethernet Wirespeed
Welcome To Windows 7 64bit Preinstallation Environment: Ethernet Wirespeed
With this mini OS you can fix your main OS problems and if the OS has serious problem
and you must format your disk and reinstall the windows you can save all your data to
different partition from your partition which you will install your new copy of windows or in
an external drive.
You can connect to the internet with Ethernet WireSpeed or with WiFi. Open the
PEetwork! "o to Properties then "o to #dvanced and if you want to connect with
Ethernet then the Ethernet$WireSpeed must be Enabled! if your want to connect with
WiFi the Ethernet$WireSpeed must be %isable! click on #pply and then click on WiFi
and #vailable etworks! select one of available connection and click &onnect! insert
your WP# key and click ok! thats it ''
( have install #)( *obility +adeon ,% -./0 driver for the screen and +ealtek ,i"h
%efinition #udio for the sound cart and #theros Wireless etwork #dapter for the WiFi.
If you need Nvidia display driver and Intel graphics adapter go to the start menu and
click to install !!
(f you have different drivers then click on desktop shortcut %river from Win/ ,ost OS
and this will install drivers from your main OS! when installation is done! don1t click''' on
restart your pc but click restart later! and you are ok.
)his system can run almost every portable software! ( have some in the 2ip file.
)he system is almost in 3reek lan"ua"e but the tools are in En"lish! ( have translator
installed for help if you don1t understand 3reek.
(n the 4(P file ( have portable applications! install all to one folder and use all of these
from it. )his (SO it can burned to a %5% or extract all files with /2ip into bootable 6S7.
7ootable 6S7 is better way to use it. (f you dont use it with 6S7! the folder of the
portable apps you must put it into 6S7 or into your local hard drive. (f you use it with
6S7 then put the folder to"ether there ''
(f you use it with the %5%! when you "o to open firefox it will inform you that it will copy
all the pro"ram temporarily to a local hard drive because the dvd is only read! and the
firefox cant write temporary files in there. 7ut dont worry the system makes a virtual
drive called +#*%isk 879: and all files "o there and when close your pc this drive will
When you "et in to windows system! install the adobe flashplayer. ote that it does not
work so "ood with firefox! but with opera works fine and without install adobe flash
player. For downloadin" videos ( have screenshot for this and tell you what add;on to
install to opera. 8%ont for"et to see the screenshots in the folder that ( have:
You can see youtube videos with S*PlayerPortable! you must chan"e first the pro"ram
lan"ua"e into yours! to do that! open the pro"ram! "o to <=>?@ABC then a"ain <=>?@ABC
click on D>E=FGH and you wil see I?JKKF! select your lan"ua"e and click ok. Open
youtube browser! serch your videos and double click to watch them! also you can
download these '
7e careful! with this system you can see all your drivers;partitions in your hard drive!
hided or not! also you can see hided folders and files! !!!Attention!!! all hided
files and folders are blurry, dont delete anything of these !!
You will delete, copy or move files and folders that you are sure !!!
Enjoy your portable windows 7 64bit operation system