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Prospectus Dipsar

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Prospectus 2013 1

Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)

Main entrance of DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 3
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Chief Admission Officer : Prof (Dr) D.P Pathak
M. Pharm Course : Dr. S.R.Wakode
Mrs. Manju Vyas
Mrs. Sakshi Bajaj
B. Pharm Course : Prof (Dr) D.K.Majumdar
Mr. Bhagchand
Mrs. Jyoti Das
D. Pharm Course : Dr. Monica Gupta
Mrs. S.Latha
Mr. Sachin Kumar
1. Institutional Profile 5
2. Courses Offered 8
3. Admission Formalities 9
4. Reservations 13
5. How to Apply 15
6. Guidance for the candidates 16
at the time of Admission
7. Fee Structure 17
8. Financial Assistance 21
9. Discipline 22
10. Ragging 22
11. DIPSAR at a Glance 24
12. Research 25
13. Major Acievements 25
14. Annexure : I, II, III 30
15. Annexure : IV, V (Undertaking) 31
Prospectus 2013 4
Directors Message
elhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR) is a premier Institute
with a clear vision and mission of training students in pharmaceutical sciences starting
from Diploma Program where they will be imparted knowledge and training to equip them to
work in hospital, retail pharmacy and pharmaceutical industries. In B. Pharm Program they are
given a broad outline of pharmaceutical sciences in theoretical as well as practical aspects
to equip them to work in drug regulatory agencies, analytical pharmacy and manufacturing
pharmacy and in M. Pharm Program they have eight postgraduate courses to choose from in
subjects like Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Hospital Pharmacy,
Herbal Drug Technology, Clinical Research, Quality Assurance, Pharmaceutical Management
which will equip them to work both in Academic Institutions as well as Pharmaceutical
Industries. The institute has achieved an impressive growth in the last 49 years and is
heading towards its golden jubilee in 2014.
We have a team of dedicated faculty and laboratory staff and supporting administrative
staff who are ever striving to prepare the students to face the challenges of Pharmaceutical
Industry and Academia. DIPSAR boasts of state-of-art infrastructure that includes well
stocked library, indoor and outdoor sports facilities, food court, IT facility etc. In addition
there are six hostels (two for boys and four for girls with mess facility) that provide comfort,
safety and academic and esthetic ambience to out-station students.
The progress made by institute is the collective concerted efforts made by students, faculty
and other stake holders. We hope that we shall continue receiving co-operation from all
concerned in coming years to achieve our predetermined goals. I take the privilege to invite
the aspiring, meritorious students to join the institute and contribute positively in health
care of the nation.
Prof. (Dr) B.P. Srinivasan
Director (Officiating), DIPSAR
& Professor of Pharmacology &
Head Dept of Quality Assurance :
Professor (Dr.) B.P. Srinivasan
Prospectus 2013 5
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
DIPSAR is a premier institution known for its high standards
in teaching and research in Pharmaceutical Sciences. It was
established in 1964 as Department of Pharmacy of the Kashmere
Gate Polytechnic for imparting Diploma in Pharmacy. It moved to
the present campus in 1979 and since then has developed into a well
equipped institute aiming for the highest standards in academic
excellence. It has been constantly churning out top class
pharmaceutical scientists & Pharmacist significantly contributing
towards health care. It is heading for Golden Jubilee in 2014.
To produce high-class Pharmaceutical Scientists by awarding
Ph.D, M. Pharmacy degrees to meet the global requirements
for Drug Discovery and Development, Quality Assurance and
Regulatory Affairs etc.
To produce high class competent Industrial/Community
Pharmacist to serve ailing community.
To impart quality pharmaceutical education by awarding B.
Pharmacy and D. Pharmacy and to project DIPSAR on the
global map of pharmaceutical education.
To conduct research on discovery and delivery of therapeutic
agents in national thrust areas like anti-fertility & infertility,
clinical research, development of drugs for ocular diseases,
anti-cancer, hepato-protective, ant-diabetic drugs in diabetes
& its complication, anti asthmatic drugs, analytical method
development of drugs in dosage form, novel drug delivery,
isolation and characterization of active principle(s) from herbal
sources, herbal drug standardization etc.
To disseminate information regarding pharmacological actions
of various drugs, especially, therapeutic uses, pharmacovigilance,
drug-drug Interaction, drug- food Interactions etc. to the
general public. Also to provide information regarding antidotes
for various poisons to medical & bio-medical personnel &
general public through MAPIC (Medicine and Poison Antidote
Information Centre).
To upgrade skills & qualification of Pharmacy College teachers
across the country (under QIP of AICTE, Govt. of India).
Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR) is
serving with a vision to prepare quality pharmacists at various levels
for the country. Adequate guidance, extensive training with broad
vision is provided to students through multi dimensional programs by
the experienced faculty and industry- institute interaction coupled
with latest tools and techniques in Pharmaceutical Sciences to
make them potential leaders, research scientists and entrepreneurs
with assured placement in the profession of pharmacy.
DIPSAR at a glance
Prospectus 2013 6
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
In addition to the existing departments (Pharmacology,
Pharmaceutics, Herbal Drug technology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry,
Pharmaceutical Management, Hospital Pharmacy, Quality Assurance
and Clinical Research), it has been planned to expand and diversify
the Institute further by opening additional centre to cater the needs
of academia, industry & profession.
The Lt. Governor, GNCT of Delhi has declared the first Pharmacy
University of India, and perhaps Asia by the name of Delhi
Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research University, a state university,
w.e.f. 1
Feb, 2010 was enacted by Govt. legislation on 11

September, 2008.
Director (Officiating), DIPSAR & Professor of Pharmacology & Head
Dept of Quality Assurance :
Professor ( Dr. ) B.P.Srinivasan
Prof. (Dr.) B.P. Srinivasan Director (Officiating), Professor, 1.
Prof. (Dr.) D.P. Pathak Professor, Pharmaceutical Chemistry 2.
Prof. D. K. Majumdar Professor, Pharmaceutics/Hospital 3.
Dr. P. K. Sahoo - Associate Professor, Pharmaceutics (On 4.
Deputation to AICTE w.e.f 1
Feb 2010)
Dr. S. R. Wakode - Associate Professor, Pharmaceutical 5.
Mrs. Ratna Choudhary Associate Professor, Pharmacology 6.
Mrs. Manju Vyas Associate Professor, Pharmacognosy 7.
Dr. (Mrs.) Meenakshi K Chauhan Assistant Professor, 8.
Dr. (Mrs.) Rajani Mathur Assistant Professor, Pharmacology 9.
Mr. Aseem Kumar- Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmaceutics 10.
Mr. Amit Arora- Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmaceutical 11.
Mr. Sachin Kumar- Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmacology 12.
Mr. Satish Manchanda Lecturer (Contractual), Hospital 13.
Mrs. Himangini- Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmaceutical 14.
Mr. Bhagchand - Lecturer Selection Grade, Pharmaceutics 1.
Mr. P. N. Raju Lecturer Selection Grade, Pharmacognosy 2.
Auditorium at DIPSAR, New Delhi
Prospectus 2013 7
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Mrs. Amrita Parle- Lecturer Selection Grade, Pharmaceutical 3.
Dr. R. B. Bodala- Lecturer Senior Scale, Pharmaceutical 4.
Mrs. S. Latha Lecturer, Pharmacology 5.
Dr. (Mrs.) Monica C. Gupta- Lecturer, Pharmaceutical Chemistry 6.
(On Diverted capacity from Meerabai Polytechnic)
Mr. Anil Kumar Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmaceutics 7.
Mrs. Jyoti Das- Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmaceutical 8.
Mrs. Sakshi Bajaj- Lecturer (Contractual), Pharmacognosy 9.
PROFESSOR EMERITUS (Clinical Research)
Professor S K Gupta, PhD, DSC (Hon.), FIPS, FIACS, FISER, FRSM,
Advisor to Pharmacovigilance Program of India (PvPI)
Dr. Sushma Srivastava, DST
Mr S L Nasa, Pharmaceutics 1.
Mr N C Sadhu, Mathematics 2.
Dr Anwar H Sidiqque, Pharmaceutical Chemistry 3.
Dr Chitra Gupta, Pharmaceutical Chemistry 4.
Mr Manoj Sharma, Pharmaceutics 5.
Mr Sachin Manocha, Pharmaceutics 6.
Mr Devesh Gupta, Pharmaceutics 7.
Mr. Sumit Sahani, Pharmaceutical Chemistry 8.
Mrs. B.L Meena (Administrative Officer) 1.
Mr. J.P. Sinha (Office Suprintendant/DDO) 2.
Mr. S.N Gaur (Office suprintendant) 3.
Mrs. Rajalakshmi Francis (AAO) 4.
Mrs. Rita Miglani ( Stenographer, Grade-II) 5.
Mrs. Sudesh Kalia (Stenographer, Grade-II) 6.
Mrs. Kulwant Kaur (Head Clerk) 7.
Mr. Trilok Chand (UDC) 8.
Mr. Sudip Kumar Banerjee (UDC) 9.
Mrs. Sonia Malhotra (UDC) 10.
Mr. Dalbeer (LDC) 11.
Mr. Jaiveer Singh (LDC) 12.
Faculty of DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 8
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Miss Talvinder Kaur (LDC) 13.
Mr. S. Sengupta (Librarian) 1.
Ms. Namrata (Contractual Library Attendant) 2.
Non Teaching Staff
Mr. K. N. Neogi (Glass Blower) 1.
Mr Bhagwati (Laboratory Attendant) 2.
Mr. Dharamveer (Laboratory Attendant) 3.
Mr. RameshwarDayal (Laboratory Assistant) 4.
Mr. Man Singh (Laboratory Assistant) 5.
Mr. Pradeep Kumar (Laboratory Attendant) 6.
Mr. Ram Narayan (Laboratory Attendant) 7.
Mr. Naresh (class IV) 8.
Mr Rajju (class IV) 9.
Mr. Mohd. Asif (Contractual Sr. Lab assistant) 10.
Ms. Bimla Rawat (Contractual Store keeper) 11.
Mr. Denesh (Contractual Laboratory Assistant) 12.
Mr. Mohit (Contractual Laboratory Assistant) 13.
Ms. Deepali (Contractual Laboratory Assistant) 14.
Mr. S. K. Sinha (Contractual Laboratory Assistant) 15.
Ms. Neeta Rathore (Contractual Laboratory Assistant) 16.
Mr. Sujoy Robinson (Contractual Laboratory Assistant) 17.
Mr. Naresh (Contractual Animal Attendant) 18.
Mr. Kaushal (Contractual Driver) 19.
Part Time Non Teaching Staff
Mr. S. C. Lal 1.
Mr. Anand Prakash 2.
Mr Mahender 3.
Mr Giriwar 4.
Mr Sukbhir 5.
All the courses are co-educational. The D.Pharma and B.Pharma
courses conducted by the Institute are recognized by both Pharmacy
Council of India (PCI) and All India Council for Technical Education
(AICTE). M.Pharm courses and PhD programs are also recognized by
Delhi University. All the examination and admissions are conducted
by University of Delhi.
Air-conditioned library facility at DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 9
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Course Duration (years) Maximum Intake
Capacity/ year
B. Pharm. 4 60
M. Pharm
Pharmacology 2 5
Pharmaceutics 2 5
Hospital Pharmacy 2 5
Quality Assurance 2 18
Pharmaceutrical Chemistry 2 8
Clini cal Research 2 8
Pharmaceutical Management* 2 5
Herbal Drug Technology* 2 5
Quality Improvement Program for
teacher candidates
(Two each in the discipline of
pharmacology, Pharmaceutics &
Hospital Pharmacy)
Through registry of foreign
students Delhi University
Foreign students 2
Stipendary category
(Separate advertisement will be placed)
Intake will vary subject to availability of staff
& Infrastructure
2 Years (minimum
registration period)
QIP (For sponsored teachers)
2 Years (minimum
registration period)
Other Govt. Funded Agency (DBT,
2 Years (minimum
registration period)
Depending upon
of fellowships
year Lateral entry) 3 Depending on vacant
seats as per AICTE
guidelines 2013-14
D. Pharm. 2 120
*Approved by DU but not AICTE. No fellowship available
Courses Duration Delhi Category
Non-Delhi Category
F X O Defence
B. Pharm. 1
yr. 4Years 35 7 3 5 1 1 3 1 1 3 60
D. Pharm. 1
yr. 2Years 75 15 7 12 2 1 1 0 1 6 120
B. Pharm. 2
yr. 3Years DEPENDING ON VACANT SEATS (as per AICTE guidelines 2012-13)
G-General Category, SC-Schedule Caste, ST-Scheduled Tribe, F- Foreign Candidates, X- Ministry of External Affairs, O- Other states
Note: OBC category reservation exists based on Govt of NCT guidelines(12 in B.Pharm and 26 in D.Pharm), Sports quota & Reservation
for Kashmiri migrant as per guidelines of Delhi University.
Outside Delhi Region: Students passing from schools/Institutes
located outside the Union Territory of Delhi including NCRs (15%)
Handicapped Students: Reservation of seats for the handicapped
candidates will be done as per the guidelines of University of Delhi.
The Physically Handicapped Students are advised to get themselves
registered with Dean, Students Welfare, North Campus, and
University of Delhi in order to consider their cases for admission to
Degree and Diploma course.
Senior School Certificate Examination of the Central Board of
Secondary Education, New Delhi (12 year Course) or the Indian
School Examination with 60% or above marks in aggregate in
the three Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) from
Recognized Schools in the Union Territory of Delhi.
Any other examination (12 year course ) recognized by Indian
University or Board with minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate of
the compulsory subjects namely, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Intermediate examination in science with 60% and above marks
in aggregate in the three Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and
Candidates who have been awarded grades in the examination which
Prospectus 2013 10
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
make them eligible for admission should also submit conversion
certificate of numerical marks from the concerned authority. The
candidates who have passed 10+2 Examination from Open School
are NOT ELIGIBLE for admission to B. Pharm. 1
Candidates seeking admission to Diploma Course in Pharmacy must
have passed any of the following examinations.
Senior School Certificate Examination of the Central Board of
Secondary Education, New Delhi (12 years course)/ Indian School
Examination With 60% and above marks in aggregate in the three
science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology or Maths ) from
recognized schools in the Union Territory of Delhi.
Any other examination (12 year course ) recognized by Indian
University or Board with minimum of 60% marks in the aggregate
of the compulsory subjects namely, Physics, Chemistry and Biology
or Mathematics.
Intermediate examination in science with 60% and above marks in
aggregate in the Science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology
or Maths). No equivalence or Hr. Sec (Vocational Stream) will be
considered for admission to D. Pharm. 1
year. The candidates
who have passed 10+2 examination from Open School are NOT
ELIGIBLE for admission to D. Pharm course.
No Candidate shall be qualified for admission to the course unless
he/she is seventeen years of age before the first day of October, of
the year he/ she seeks admission.
Candidates born on/or before 30
September, 1996 are eligible
to apply for admission to the course. The Vice-Chancellor may,
however, on the basis of individual merit relax the age limit upto a
maximum period of one year.
B. Pharm. 2
Year (Subject to the availability of seats)
Candidates seeking admission to 2
year B. Pharmacy course having
passed the (i) Senior Certificate Examination of the Central Board
of Secondary Education with Physics, Chemistry, Biology (12 years
course) or an examination recognized equivalent there to and (ii)
Diploma course in Pharmacy (two years) New scheme examination
of University of Delhi will be eligible for admission to 2
year of
Degree Course strictly in order of merit.
The candidate who will be admitted to the B. Pharm. 2
year course
will have to pass the following additional papers viz. Mathematics,
Basic Electronics and Computer Science of B. Pharm 1
Candidates born on or before 30
September, 1994 are eligible for
admission to the course
1. Minimum eligibility for admission to M. Pharm. Course
(Pharmacology, Pharmaceutics, Hospital Pharmacy, Quality
Assurance, Clinical Research, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Herbal
Drug Technology, Pharmaceutical Management)
Candidate seeking admission to the M. Pharm, course must have
Prospectus 2013 11
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
passed the Bachelor of Pharmacy examination with at least 50% in
the aggregate of theory papers of II, III and IV year from University of
Delhi and equivalent there to. GPAT QUALIFIED CANDIDATES SHALL
BE CONSIDERED FOR ADMISSION. In case GPAT candidates are not
available, NON GPAT candidates can be considered for admission,
on the basis of merit.
2. Basis of Selection
First 85% of the total seats will be filled by graduates of University
of Delhi with GPAT in order of preference of disciplines. Remaining
15% seats will be filled by Non-DU Candidates with GPAT passing B.
Pharm examination recognized by University of Delhi as equivalent.
The merit list of candidates for admission to 85% seats from DU
students will be in accordance with the following criteria:
40% weightage for theory marks in B.Pharm II,III,IV year
20% weightage for practical marks in B.Pharm II, III, IV
40% weightage for GPAT score
For remaining 15% seats for non-DU students- 100% GPAT score
will be the criteria. In case of more than one candidate with the
same score, preference will be given to the candidate who is older
in age. In case sufficient number of DU students are not available
against the 85% of seats, the seats will go to non-DU students
with valid GPAT score. After exhaustion of non-DU GPAT qualified
candidates, if seats still remain vacant they will be offered to DU-
NON GPAT applicants. Further, if seats still remain vacant the non
Delhi University, NON GPAT can be considered, if possible. Order of
preference as indicated in the admission form for the various M.
Pharm courses shall not be allowed to be changed, after submission
of the form.
3. Age Requirement
Candidates seeking admission to M. Pharm. (previous) course must
be at least 21 years of age before the 1
day of October, in which he/
she seeks admission. Candidates born on or before 30
1992 are eligible to apply for admission.
4. Duration
The course will commence from 1-8-2013 to 31-7-2015. Scholarship
to the maximum period of 24 months will be paid during the session
as approved by Ministry of Human Resource Development to those
who have qualified GPAT examination. One academic year will be
devoted by each student for research leading to thesis.
5. Grant of Fellowship (To be governed by rules of
The following terms and conditions will govern the grant of
M.Pharm is a full-time course (ie, minimum from 9:00 AM to a.
6:00 PM, for six days a week).
It will be obligatory for every postgraduate student to undertake b.
8-10 hours (per week) of work related to teaching and research
activities as assigned to him/her by the institute. This could
include UG teaching assistance in the form of conducting
tutorials, laboratory classes, development and maintenance of
laboratories, assistance in research and development activities
undertaken by faculty members, maintenance and operation
of computers and other central facilities, assistance in library
etc. The students who actively participate will only be given
Teaching Experience Certificate at the end of the course.
Prospectus 2013 12
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Whenever the Government of India/University Grants Commission/ c.
Council of Scientific and Industrial Research/Industry sponsored
or AICTE funded projects are being undertaken, the services of
the students may be used for providing assistance in these
projects. In that event a portion of scholarship amount i.e. Rs.
1500/- per month for the time being will be charged to the
project funds for the duration the students are engaged on
these projects. The institute will workout specific program and
maintain the record of such students.
During the course of studies, the student shall not receive any d.
emoluments, salary, stipend etc. from any other source.
In no case will the scholarship be allowed for a period of more e.
than 24 months.
No house rent allowance (HRA) is admissible to the student f.
receiving scholarship.
The student shall be eligible for medical facilities as per institute/ g.
college rules.
Foreign students and students admitted under sponsored h.
category will not be eligible for these scholarships.
The student shall be entitled for leave for a maximum period i.
of 30 days per year in addition to general holidays but is not
entitled to vacations i.e. summer, winter, pooja etc.
The students who are admitted to AICTE approved M. Pharm j.
level courses will only be eligible to receive the scholarship.
Provided they are qualified in GPAT.
The students have to provide an undertaking that they shall k.
abide by the abovementioned clauses.
A student shall be required to give an affidavit to the effect l.
that he/she would not leave the course midway or appear in any
competitive examination in order to be eligible to receive this
scholarship. In case the student leaves the course midway, he/
she will have to return the drawn fellowship amount with 18%
The AICTE/Institute/University of Delhi may impose any other m.
conditions as deemed necessary from time to time.
As per Pharmacy Ordinance, the students are required to have n.
minimum 75% of attendance (both in theory and practical) to
be eligible to appear in final examination.
6. Submission of Application and Display of Merit List
The final merit list for all categories of M. Pharm. will be displayed
within 30 days after the declaration of B. Pharm results by
University of Delhi. Admission to various courses will be offered to
the candidates strictly according to the order of merit given in the
merit list.
For this, candidates must sign the arrival register giving the time
and date of their arrival at the Institute and receive the reporting
slip between 10.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. Admission will be offered to a
candidate when he/she produces the reporting slip on the date of
Ph. D. Programme
At present the maximum number of seats for Ph. D in stipendary
category, as funded by Delhi Government is 20. Besides three seats
for AICTE sponsored candidates under QIP scheme for sponsored
teacher candidates, in various discipline of Pharmacy under Delhi
University are available in the Institute.
Besides this, preference in admission to Ph. D. will be given to
candidates who are awarded fellowship from any other recognized
Prospectus 2013 13
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
funding agency like UGC, CSIR, HRD, ICMR, DS&T, AICTE, AYUSH,
DRDO, DBT Ministry of Health, or a private agency etc.
Provision for Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe/Other
Backward Class Candidates
22.5% of the total number of seats (15% for Schedule Castes and
7.5% for Schedule Tribes) of the course are reserved for Schedule
Caste and Schedule Tribe candidates. The reservation of seats for OBC
candidates, if any in this year, will be implemented in accordance
with the reservation policy of the Delhi Government and will be
displayed on the website.
Each Schedule Caste/Schedule Tribe candidate who has passed
the qualifying examination for the course concerned may be given
5% relaxation. If the reserved seat still remains vacant, further
relaxation shall be given to the extent required in order to fill up all
the reserved seats.
A Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe candidate while applying for
registration for any of the course will be required to submit a
verified certificate to the effect the he/ she belongs to Schedule
caste/ Schedule Tribe, from the competent with authority with the
application form. These certificates are duly verified by the Chief
Admission Officer.
District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Deputy i.
Commissioner/Collector/Additional Deputy Commissioner/
Deputy Collector/1
Class Stipendiary Magistrate/Extra
Assistant Commissioner
Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency ii.
Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate
Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. Class iii.
Stipendiary Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner
Sub- Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and / iv.
or his/her family normally resides.
Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development v.
Officer (Lakshwadeep and Minicoy Island).
As per Academic resolution No.23 dated 16.5.2001 and 4.7.2001 of
University of Delhi, no seats shall be reserved for SC/ST in M. Pharm
course where the number of seats is less than 7 in each discipline.
Provision for Children/Widows of the Officers and men of the Armed
forces including paramilitary personnel killed or disabled during
hostilities and also who died on duty (Defence Category).*
the Children/Widows of the officers and men of the Armed i.
Forces including paramilitary personnel killed or disabled
during hostilities and also who died in duty will be given
concession of 5% marks in the minimum eligibility conditions
as per rules of University of Delhi.
Children /Widows of Officers and men of the Armed Forces ii.
including para-military personnel who died while on duty
will be considered for admission against 5% seats for all
the Armed forces including paramilitary personnel, killed or
disabled in action in wars 1947-48 onwards.
In the above 2 categories seats will be offered in the
following order of preference:
Widows/Wards of Defence-paramilitary personnel killed in i.
Wards of serving personnel and Ex-servicemen disabled in ii.
* Reservation subject to circular communicated by Delhi Government.
Prospectus 2013 14
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Widows/Wards of Defence-Paramilitary personnel who died iii.
in peace time with disability attributable to military service.
Wards of Defence-Paramilitary personnel who died in peace iv.
time with disability attributable to military service.
Wards of Ex-servicemen and serving personnel who are in v.
receipt of Gallantry Awards:-
Param Vir Chakra a.
Ashok Chakra b.
Sarvottam Yudh Seva medal c.
MahaVir Chakra d.
Kirti Chakra e.
Uttam Yudh Seva medal f.
Vir Chakra g.
Shaurya Chakra h.
Yudh Seva medal i.
Sena, Nausena, Vayusena medal j.
vi Wards of ex-serving personnel.
vii Wards of serving personnel.
In order to become eligible for the above concession the widows/
children of officers and men of Armed Forces including paramilitary
personnel will be required to produce an entitlement certificate
from any one of the following authorities.
Secretary, Kendriya Sainik Board, Delhi (a)
Secretary, Rajya/Zila Sainik Board (b)
1 (c)
Class Stipendiary Magistrate.
Admissions of students to various courses in academic
session 2013-14 in view of the OBC reservations
The reservation of seats for OBC candidates, if any, will be
implemented in accordance with the reservation policy of the Delhi
Government. In accordance with the above, the following procedure
for admission of the OBC candidates to Under-graduate courses will
be followed. It is re-iterated that the OBC candidates who belong to
the Non-Creamy Layer and whose castes appear in the Delhi List
of the Delhi OBCs as notified by commission for other Backward
Classes of the NCT of Delhi only shall be eligible to be considered
for admission under the OBC Category.
In accordance with the Delhi Cabinet decision No.1869 dtd 1.
27/2/12, the percentage of reservation for OBC students will
be 27% in the academic year 2013-14.
The OBC candidates shall be given a relaxation in the 2.
minimum eligibility in the qualifying examination to the
extent of 10% of the minimum eligibility marks prescribed
for the General Category Candidates.
All those OBC candidates who meet the minimum eligibility 3.
marks in the qualifying examination shall be eligible for
admission in the order of their merit, keeping in view the
availability of seats reserved for them.
If the seats reserved for the OBC remain vacant, the said seats 4.
shall be filled with the OBC students. Only if OBC candidates
possessing the minimum eligibility marks are not available
in the OBC category then the vacant OBC seats shall be
converted into General Category seats in accordance with
the admission schedule notified by the University.
OBC Certificate issued from the office of SDM, Delhi in whose 5.
Jurisdiction the candidate resides will be accepted only.
Prospectus 2013 15
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Candidates belonging to State where there is no Diploma
Course in Pharmacy
Candidate from state where there is no Diploma Course in
Pharmacy will be admitted against two seats reserved for such
States by Ministry of H.R.D., Government of India provided they
fulfill minimum eligibility conditions laid down in this regard.
Direct applications from candidates under this category shall not
be entertained.
Such candidates must have passed the Qualifying Examination
from the State to which they belong and must be nominated by
the State Government concerned on the allocation made by the
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Deptt. of Education,
Government of India, to the Director, Training and Technical
Education, Munimayaram Marg, Pitampura Delhi-34
Last Date for receipts of such application will be 04-07-2013.
Foreign National And Candidates Belonging To The
Countries/States Where There Is No Degree Institute In
Three seats for foreign National and one seat for candidates from
States, where there is no Degree college in Pharmacy will be reserved
provided they fulfill the minimum eligibility conditions laid down
in this behalf.
The foreign nationals must fulfill the eligibility conditions for the
admission to the course. The application must be recommended by
the Deptt. of Education Ministry of Human Resource Development,
Govt. of India and processed through Foreign Students Advisor of
the University of Delhi.
The candidates from the states where there is no Degree College in
Pharmacy must have passed the qualifying examination from the
state to which they belong and must be nominated by the State
Government concerned on the allocation made by the Deptt. of
Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of
India. Their applications through Ministry must reach this office by
Handicapped Students
The physically handicapped students are advised to get themselves
registered with Dean, Student Welfare, North Campus, University
of Delhi in order to consider their cases for admission to Under-
Graduate courses.
How to Apply
In person from the office of Director, Delhi institute of 1.
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
The application form along with prospectus priced at Rs. 1000.00
can be obtained from the office of Director, Delhi Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research on payment by Cash/
Demand Draft to The Director, Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical
Sciences and Research, New Delhi-110017. Separate forms
should be submitted if the candidate wishes to apply for more
than one course.
By post from the office of Director, Delhi institute of 2.
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
Request for supply of application forms by post should be
accompanied with a self-addressed envelope of the size 30cm
x 22 cm duly stamped (Rs. 75.00) by the ordinary speed post)
in addition to the Demand Draft of Rs. 1000.00 for the cost of
Prospectus 2013 16
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
the application form with prospectus. No responsibility will be
accepted for late receipt of the forms due to postal or any other
Direct application from foreign students, students from
other states lacking pharmacy education facilities shall not
be entertained. Their application should be sponsored by the
concerned agencies. The Deptt. of Education, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Govt. of India, is only a reservation
agency and does not by itself nominate any candidate requisite
qualification prescribed for the course. Such applications must
reach the Director, Delhi Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
& Research (DIPSAR), Pushp Vihar, New Delhi 110017 on or
before 04-07-2013. No further extension shall be given and
applications received after the last date of submission shall not
be entertained.
Online Application form 3.
The candidate can submit application form online at http://
dipsar.admissionhelp.com/. The payment an be made through
Credit / Debit Cards, Netbanking or by cash at HDFC Bank &
selected branches of the Post Office across the country for online
submission. All necessary instructions for online application are
available on the website (www.dipsar.in).
Admission will be made strictly according to the merit, i.e.
aggregate marks obtained in the qualifying subject prescribed
for admission to the course subject to the reservations.
The consolidated merit list on the basis of the aggregate in the
qualifying subjects including general and reserved candidates
shall be displayed on the notice board on the date indicated on
the back cover of the prospectus.
Candidate should report at the reception counter on the date
specified by 10.00 A.M. as per the notice put up at the admission
center. If any candidate is unable to report personally, he/she/ may
depute his/her relative with relevant documents, fees etc.
I. List of original testimonials required at the time of
seeking admission (B.Pharm, D.Pharm) are as under:
Marks statement of 10+2/intermediate/12 1.
Date of Birth Certificate 2.
Provisional Certificate from the school last attended 3.
Proof of gap period, if any, after passing the 12 4.
Character Certificate from the school last attended 5.
Medical Certificate from a medical practitioner holding a 6.
degree not below MBBS
Two passport size photographs (unattested, coloured). 7.
Acknowledgment slip 8.
Reporting slip 9.
Caste Certificate, if any issued from competent authority 10.
from Delhi only ( in case of Delhi candidates)
Any other Certificate in respect of the claim made by the 11.
II List of original testimonials required at the time of
seeking admission (M.Pharm) are as under:
GPAT score card 1.
Date of Birth Certificate 2.
Provisional Certificate from the College/Institute last 3.
Prospectus 2013 17
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Proof of gap period, if any. 4.
Character Certificate from the school last attended 5.
Medical Certificate from a medical practitioner holding a 6.
degree not below MBBS
Two passport size photographs (unattested, colored). 7.
III. The admission procedure will start at 10.00 a.m. sharp
However, the time may be extended till all the candidates
are entertained/seats are filled. The Information center and
Reception will center be working from 10.00a.m. to 5.00p.m.
with lunch break from 1.00p.m. to 1.30p.m. No request for
extension of last dates for receipt of application forms or
admission will be entertained under any circumstances.
IV. The reported candidates will be called one by one as per the
merit list and the Admission Officer will then offer admission
to the courses.
V. In cases of candidates having equal marks, the candidate who
is older in age will be given preference.
VI. If the seat offered is acceptable, the documents will be checked
with originals and all relevant submissions.
VII. The Term Fee is to be paid then and there. Admission is complete
only when the fee is paid and the roll number is allotted.
VIII. When a candidate`s name is called for admission and if he or
she does not report immediately to the Admission Officer in
the Admission room, the seat available will be offered to the
candidate next in the merit list. Further, if a candidate does
not pay fees after Admit order is made by the Admission
Officer, the seat offered will be forfeited. No representation
for extension of time for admission will be entertained.
IX. No separate intimation regarding the admission selections
will be given and all the candidates are advised to see the
notice board for display of merit list at the admission center
on the dates mentioned in the prospectus elsewhere.
The seats are filled strictly in order of merit. i.
In case the seats remain vacant under any reserved category ii.
the same shall be filled as per university guidelines in order
of merit.
In case of any students seeking registration/ admission on iii.
wrong information regarding age, subject and percentage of
marks, etc. his/her registration/ admission will be cancelled
any time when it comes to the notice of the institute/
All admissions will be made strictly in order of merit by iv.
Institute on provisional basis. The admission will be confirmed
by the Admission Committee of the University of Delhi.
(due to be revised and implemented soon, in which case students
shall pay at revised rates)
The following caution deposit and fees shall be payable at the time
of admission.
(To be paid by 31
August every year by II, III & IV year students of
B. Pharm. and II year students of D. Pharm.)
Prospectus 2013 18
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
90th Annual Convocation of Delhi University where chief guest was Sh. Pranab Mukerjee, President of India and three DIPSAR students
received their doctorates.
Prospectus 2013 19
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Ph.D awardees with Director, DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 20
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Account Ph. D
M. Pharm
B. Pharm
D. Pharm
Govt. Account
Tuition Fee 1000.00 4100.00 3100.00 1000.00
Institutional Fee 1000.00 6150.00 4650.00 1600.00
2000.00 10,250.00 7750.00 2600.00
Boy/Pupils Fund Account
Caution Deposit 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00
Library Deposit 8000.00 8000.00 5000.00 2000.00
Laboratory Deposit 250.00 250.00 250.00 250.00
Games Fee 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Home Exam Fee 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Hobby/Curricular Activity Fee 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00
Annual Report/Magazine 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
Identity Card Fee 150.00 150.00 150.00 150.00
Printing &Stat. Fee 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00
Boys/Pupils Fund 3500.00 3500.00 3500.00 3500.00
Delhi University Account
Univ. Enrolment Fee 200.00 200.00 200.00 200.00
Univ. Athletics Fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Culture Council Fee 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
Sports & Cultural Activity Fee 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00
University Development Fee 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
Would Univ. Service 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
N.S.S. Fund 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00
Total 14,890.00 23,140.00 17,640.00 9,490.00
Fee refund as per AICTE norms when the student leaves the Institute.
One time
payment to be made by at the time of admission only.
SEMESTER/TERM FEE (To be paid by 31
January every year)
D. Pharm
B. Pharm
M. Pharm
Ph.D (Rs.)
Govt. Account
Tuition Fee 1000.00 3100.00 4100.00 -----------
Institutional Fee 1600.00 4650.00 6150.00
TOTAL 26,00.00 7,750.00 10,250 ---------
EXAMINATION FEE (To be paid in December every year)
Account D. Pharm
B. Pharm
M. Pharm
Ph.D (Rs.)
University Account
Univ. Exams Fee 525.00 525.00 805.00 ----------
Mark Sheet Fee 10.00 10.00 10.00 ------
TOTAL 535.00 535.00 815.00 ---------
The fees and other charges mentioned in the prospectus may be
revised by the Institute any time without notice. In the event of such
revision, all the enrolled students shall pay at the revised rates.
The institute has well-furnished six hostel accommodation two
for boys and four girls. Presently, it is available for outside Delhi
candidates only. However, in future it is targeted to provide hostel
accommodation to over 50% of the students.
Refund of Fees
The refund of fees paid at the time of admission or during the course
is governed by AICTE norms. Any claim for refund of Caution fee
should be made within three years of completion of course along
with original receipt, else the fee will be forfeited and returned to
Government Account.
Payment of Dues
All dues shall be cleared by the dates mentioned in the prospectus
or as notified by the Director/Dean, from time to time.
Prospectus 2013 21
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Financial Assistance
The detailed rules and regulation on the subject may be obtained
from the office of the Institute. The financial assistance, available
to students of full time courses, in accordance with relevant rules,
are as follows:
Fee Concessions
Scholarship Holders: Scholarship holders shall be exempted from
payment of Tuition fee, on application.
Sister/brother Concession : In case two or more brothers/sisters are
admitted in the institute the brother/sister studying in the lower
class shall pay half the prescribed Tuition fee.
No Tuition fee shall be charged from son or daughter of employees
of Training and Technical Education.
SC and ST students: Students belonging to the Schedule Castes/
Tribes shall be exempted from payment of tuition fee.
The following Scholarship/Stipends are available:
Merit Scholarship for Diploma/ B. Pharm: Student-Merit (a)
scholarship upto 50% of the sanctioned strength of the
students in Diploma 2
year and B. Pharm, 2
, 3
and 4
of B. Pharm courses are awarded at the rate of Rs. 75/-p.m. The
awards are governed by the relevant rules in force from time
to time. Note: The student who is awarded merit/merit-cum-
means scholarship shall have to execute the prescribed bond.
National Loan Scholarship: those students who have (b)
secured more than 60% marks can submit their application
through the Director of the institution, to the Directorate
of Education for the award of National Loan Scholarship.
Late Fee Fine
If the dues (other than those payable at the time of admission) are
not paid by the due date, late payment fine of rupees ten for each
day after the due date (including holidays) shall be realized, subject
to a maximum of Rs.200/- only.
If the fees is not paid within thirty days after the due date
(including holidays) for any reason whatsoever, the name of the
defaulter student shall be struck off the rolls of the institute
without any notice.
Payments of Fines and Dues
Students shall pay on demand any fine imposed on them or the
cost of any damage to or loss of library books, equipment or other
property of the institute.
On failure to do so the same will be recovered from the caution
money which shall be reimbursed by the student within the time
specified by the Dean. If the cost of any damage to be recovered
or loss exceeds the amount of caution money the balances shall
be deposited by the student on demand by the Dean. Failure to
do so, may result in the removal of the name from the rolls of the
The students shall clear all dues to the institute before they are
Prospectus 2013 22
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
permitted to appear in the final examination. If the dues are not
cleared, there admit card/ provisional certificates /Diploma will be
Striking off Rolls
The name of the student may be struck off the rolls on account of:
His own written request, endorsed by his parent/ (i)
Continued absence without obtaining leave for FIVE (ii)
consecutive working days;
Irregular attendance and poor progress in studies; (iii)
If ordered to be EXPELLED or RUSTICATED from the (iv)
Non-payment of tuition fee and other dues for 30 days (v)
after the last date of payment. The Director, Dean,
Students Affairs, however, may grant not more than 30
days of grace period in deserving cases on application
by the parent/guardian.
Eligibility for Appearing in the Annual Examination
Only students Securing 75% attendance or above in both theory
and practical classes taken separately are allowed to appear in the
annual examination.
On payment of re-admission fee of Rs. 500/- along with the dues
and penalty, re-admission can be considered at the discretion of
Director only in deserving cases.
All the students admitted to the Institute will be under the complete
disciplinary control of the Director of the Institute or any other
officer(s) appointed by him for the purpose and must conduct
themselves in accordance with the disciplinary rules of the Institute
as framed and notified by the Director
In accordance with the order of the Honble Supreme Court dated
10.12.2007, in the Special Leave to Appeal (Civil)NOS 24295 and
24296-99 of 2004, if any incident of ragging comes to the notice of
the authority, the concerned student shall be given liberty to explain
and if his explanation is not found satisfactory, the authority would
expel him from the institution. The Anti-Ragging Nodal Officer of
the Institute is Prof.(Dr.) D.P.Pathak, Dean, Students Affairs.
The candidates seeking admission have to give an undertaking that
they will abide by the rules and regulations prescribed and abide by
an action taken in this regard against students by the Director.
Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited within the premises of
Institute as well as on public transport.
Ragging, for the purpose of the Ordinance, means any act, conduct
or practice by which dominant power or status of senior students, is
brought to bear on students freshly enrolled or students who are in
any way considered junior or inferior by other students and includes
individual or collective acts or practices which:
involve physical assault or threat or use of physical force; (a)
violate the status, dignity and honor of women students; (b)
Prospectus 2013 23
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
violate the status, dignity and honor of students belonging (c)
to the scheduled castes and tribes;
expose students to ridicule and contempt and affect their (d)
self esteem;
entrain verbal and aggression, indecent gestures and (e)
obscene behavior.
In accordance with the order of the Honble High Court of Delhi
and in continuation of the University letter No. HC-4170/2010-
LC/256/4689 dtd 29
April,2011, the Institute is a Smoke Free
Zone. The Anti-Smoking Nodal Officer of the Institute is Prof.(Dr.)
D.P.Pathak, Dean , Students Affairs.
B. PHARM. can opt for
Manufacturing chemist
Analytical chemist
Drug inspector
Drug analyst
Lecturer in diploma pharmacy institutes and in pharmacology
department in medical colleges.
M. PHARM. can opt for
Manufacturing Executive
Product development Executive
Analytical Executive
R&D Executive
Lecturer in pharmacy institutes and in pharmacology
department in medical colleges.
Ph.D can opt for
Teaching Profession
Senior Executive in Pharma Companies (In R&D, CQA, QA,
Scientist in Research Laboratories
D. Pharm. can opt for
Pharmacist (Hospital Pharmacy and Medical stores)
Retail Chemist
Sales representatives
Wholesale dealer
Manufacturing chemist for cosmetics
Repacking of drugs and pharmaceuticals
In DIPSAR almost 100 percent students of Bachelors and Masters
in pharmacy are placed in different Multinational and National
Pharmaceutical Companies of repute majority through campus
interviews before completion of their respective degrees. This year
also many reputed companies have conducted campus interviews
in the institute.
The Institute has active placement cell and we have been having
close to 100% placements in leading national and multinational
pharmaceutical companies and academic Institutions of repute
at all levels, i.e. undergraduate, postgraduate (all branches), Ph
D and Diploma level. All the Bachelors and Masters students are
Prospectus 2013 24
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
placed in different multinational and national pharmaceutical
companies through campus interviews even before completion
of their respective degree. This year campus interviews have been
conducted in the college by reputed companies viz. Capita, Matrix,
Wipro, Novartis, EVS, Guardian, Jubilant, WNS, APC, Ranbaxy,
Martin-Harris, Viva, Dabur, Indigene, Heron, Religare, Jubilant,
Religare-wellness, Apothecaries etc.
The college is experiencing a fast academic growth to the challenges
of the 21st century. In the highly competitive environment, the
college is capitalizing on its strengths in areas such as academic
innovation, comprehensive training and flexible educational
delivery systems. Widely acknowledged for its innovative and
responsible role, for which it is entrusted, the Delhi Institute of
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research has produced top class
Pharmaceutical Scientists for the technological up -gradation of
the industry and for service to the community in all branches of
pharmaceutical sciences. In keeping with the times, Institute is
a conscientious steward, effectively utilizing human as well as
financial resources. The interaction of administration, faculty, and
students; the efficient use of physical facilities and consistent
updating of the campus contribute to the quality education
During the year 2012, companies like Jubilant, Evalueserve and
Surya Healthcare conducted campus interviews for our B. Pharm
and M. Pharm. students and selected a few of them. A few others
were placed via off-campus placements in Delhi and the NCR.
Existing infrastructure and future development in pipeline
The Library
The Institute has one of the richest Pharmacy Library collections in
India with over 15,000 books, national and international journals
and magazines covering all branches of Pharmaceutical Sciences
like Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacology,
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Pharmacognosy and Pharmaceutical
Technology. It also has a good collection of books of allied fields
like Medicine, Pathology, Biochemistry and Microbiology. The AIR-
CONDITIONED library is conducive for long hours of study and
research by faculty and students.
State of Art Laboratories
In addition to the laboratories meant for UG/PG routine
teaching the institute has got many state of art laboratories.
Antifertility & Infertility
Ocular Pharmacology
Anti-Diabetic Research Lab
Novel Drug Delivery
Clinical Research Department
Indian System Medicine
Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Lab
Sophisticated Pharmacology Instrument Lab
Prospectus 2013 25
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Information Technology ( I & II )
Student Amenities
Completely fully furnished equipped with RO Water system,
Gymnasium swimming pool, Playground.
Gymnasium Facility at DIPSAR
Two boys hostel for undergraduate post graduate & PhD scholar
Four Girls Hostel two of them for under graduate & two for Post
Graduate & PhD.
Seminar Hall at DIPSAR
Lecture theater at DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 26
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
India International Hospitality Centre (IIHC)
DIPSAR has established Indian International Hospitality Centre
(IIHC) on 30- June -2007(Inaugurated by
Hon able Chief Minister Delhi Dr.(Smt.) Shiela Dikshit). The Guest
House has altogether 3 A/c Suites and 5 double-bed rooms with
telephone and TV in each room. VIPs, Institute guests and invited
guests are usually accommodated here.
Animal House Facility
Animal House facility at DIPSAR
The animal house is CPCSEA recognized (registration No. 215/
CPCSEA and Research 115/ CPCSEA) for experimenting and
breeding. The state of art animal house facility is well maintained,
having separate air-conditioned rooms (total 19 rooms) with 24 hr
electricity/ generator backup. Each species like Rats, Mice, Rabbits,
Guinea pigs; are having separate stock, experimentation and
breeding room. It has a minor operation theater, feed and storeroom,
clean and dirty corridor. At present animal house is equipped to
handle Mice, Rabbits and Guinea pigs for research purpose. The
institute has constructed unique rabbit and guinea pig run. Such
facility exists only in this institute in India amongst all the research
/ medical institutes. The animals are kept in a natural ambience in
order to minimize the stress and to facilitate the breeding.
New Information Technology (PG IT Lab)
In addition to the Old IT Lab, a New IT Lab that is equipped with 30
computers with latest technology and, 24-h internet facility.
IT facility at DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 27
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Chief Investigator: Prof. B. P. Srinivasan 1.
UGC Major Research Project (F.No. 34-135/2008 (SR)
Title: Investigation of new Pharmacological interventions for
diabetic nephropathy in experimentally induced NIDDM in
Allocation Amount: Rs. 7, 24,300
Chief Investigator: Prof. B. P. Srinivasan 2.
AICTE Major Research Project (RPS)
Title: Role of Herbal Drugs in Diabetic Retinopathy.
Allocation Amount: Rs.12.20 lacs
Chief Investigators: Dr. Monica Gupta and Prof. B. P. Srinivasan 3.
UGC Major Research Project
Title:Synthesis, Characterization, QSAR and biological
evaluation of some novel pyrrolidine based DPP-4 inhibitors.
Allocation Amount: Rs. 7,97800 /-
Chief Investigators: Dr. S. K. Gupta and Prof. B.P. Srinivasan 4.
Department of Science and Technology (DST)
Title: Development to Drug for the Medical Management of
Diabetic Retinopathy using Ayurvedic Drugs
Allocated amount- Rs 77, 93,200
Chief Investigator: Dr. S. K. Gupta 5.
Department of Science and Technology (DST) PRDSF
Title: Development of drugs for the medical therapy of
diabetic retinopathy using natural products
Allocated amount- Rs 1,74,1200/
6. Chief Investigator: Dr. S. R. Wakode
DST Sponsored Fast Tract Scheme For Young Scientists
Title: Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel
phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE4) inhibitors.
Allocated amount- Rs 25,52,400/
7. DST-UKEIRI PROJECT ENTITLED, Development Of Herbal Drugs
For The Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
and to Elucidate their Mechanism of Action in Experimental
Rat Models (Rs. 18,24,000).
8. Department of Science And Technology (DST), Government
of India Under Utilization of Scientific Expertise of Retired
Scientists (Users) Scheme. Clinical Ocular Pharmacology And
Therapeutics (Rs.9,66,000) (Feb 2012-Till Date)
1. 1
International Conference of Pharmaoeconomics and
Outcomes Research, held on 23rd and 24th November 2012.
2. Workshop on Bioethics & Good Clinical Practices held on
16th March 2013.
3. National Seminar on Outcomes Research And HTA in Asia
by Susan Shiff, Head, Outcomes Research and Epidemiology,
Emerging Markets and Established Products, Pfizer, Inc. USA
Prospectus 2013 28
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
on 4th April 2012.
4. National Seminar on The innovative road to xalkori
(Crizalk): from a kinase inhibitor to a drug by Jean Cui, USA
on 28
Jan, 2013.
5. Guest Lecture on Interactive role of genes and environment
on cardiovascular regulation and inflammatory responses by
Prof KN Pandey, Univ of Tulane, New Orleans, USA on 5th
Feb2013 at DIPSAR
6. Guest Lecture on Oxygen friend or foe in the heart by Prof
Pawan Singal, Director, Boniface Institute of cardiovascular
Sciences, Winnipeg, Canada on 28th Jan 2013 at DIPSAR
Drug Discovery and Clinical Research 1.
Ed. S.K. Gupta, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P)
Ltd, New Delhi. 2011
Department of Pharmaceutics
Capsule Filling Machine i.
CO ii.
Coating and Polishing Machine iii.
Cooling Centrifuge iv.
DLS v.
Digital Balance vi.
Disintegration Apparatus vii.
Dissolution Apparatus viii.
Distillation Unit ix.
Friability Test Apparatus x.
Homogenizer xi.
Laboratory Centrifuge xii.
Laminar Flow Hood xiii.
Mechanical Sieving Machine xiv.
Rheometer xv.
Rotary Tablet Punching Machine xvi.
Rotavapour xvii.
Serological Water Bath xviii.
Single punch tablet machine xix.
Ultrasonic Bath xx.
Ultrasonicator xxi.
UV Spectrophotometer xxii.
Vacuum Filtration assembly xxiii.
Zetasizer xxiv.
Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Binocular Microscope i.
Inverted Microscope ii.
Boiling Point Apparatus iii.
Calorimeter iv.
Prospectus 2013 29
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
US delegate of Nurses with Director, DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 30
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Column Chromatography v.
Cork Borer vi.
Glass Joint Assembly vii.
Digital Balance viii.
Differential Scanning Calorimeter ix.
Flame Photometer x.
Fluorimeter xi.
Fourier Transform Infra-Red Spectrometer xii.
Gas Chromatography xiii.
Ground Glass Assembly xiv.
HPLC xv.
Karl Fischer Apparatus xvi.
Mechanical Shaker xvii.
Microburette xviii.
Microwave Synthesizer xix.
Millipore water purificationassembly xx.
Refractometer xxi.
Rotavapour xxii.
Single Pan Balance xxiii.
Sodium Press xxiv.
Turbovap Concentrator xxv.
UV Spectrophotometer xxvi.
Vacuum Distillation Assembly xxvii.
Vclife QSAR Software xxviii.
Visual Melting Point Range Apparatus xxix.
Department of Pharmacognosy
Binocular Microscope i.
Column Chromatography ii.
Digital Balance iii.
Digital Melting Point Apparatus iv.
Flash Chromatograph v.
Muffle Furnace vii.
Rotavapor viii.
Soxhlet Apparatus ix.
Stage Microscope x.
UV Detection Chamber xi.
Vacuum Filter xii.
High Performance Liquid Chromatography i.
Ultra-Fast Liquid Chromatography ii.
Ultra deep fridge (-80C) iii.
Attenuated Total Reflectance-FTIR Spectrometer iv.
UV-Visual spectrophotometer v.
Stability Chamber vi.
Lyophillizer. vii.
Vaccum Oven viii.
Fourier-Transform Infra-Red Spectometer ix.
Supercritical Fluid Extractor x.
Prospectus 2013 31
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
High Performance Counter Chromatography xi.
Chiller xii.
Rotavapour xiii.
Millipore water purification assembly xiv.
Ice Flaking Machine xv.
Single Pan Digital Balance xvi.
Elemental Analyser xvii.
Rota rod apparatus xviii.
Electroconvulsiometer xix.
Radiant Heat Analgesiometer xx.
Hot Plate Analgesiometer xxi.
DIPSAR Faculty with NBA team
International Guest House at DIPSAR
Prospectus 2013 32
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Sh.S.L.Nasa planting sapling during the DAF meet LG Trophy Winner Ms. Ratika Sehgal
Prospectus 2013 33
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
DIPSAR students performing on DAF-12 meet DIPSAR students performing on DAF-12 meet
Dignitaries Lighting the Lamp during the inauguration of
DAF-2012 meet
Dignitaries lighting the lamp on Annual Day
Prospectus 2013 34
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
(To be signed by Registered Medical Practitioner holding a medical
degree not below M.B.B.S)
To be submitted at Time of Admission
I certify that I have carefully examined Shri/Smt./Kumari..
Son/Daughter/Wife of Shri
Whose signature is given below. He/She is fit for admission to a
course a technical institution under the Govt. of Delhi has been
found. I have to further report that
His/Her eyes a appear to be (1)
His/Her heart & Lungs are clear (2)
His/Her chest measurement is (3)
(a) Normal (b) Expansion
His/Her weight is .Kg (4)
His/Her height in.Cm (5)
He/She wears glasses does not wear glasses /Vision. (6)
(7) He/She has no disease, mental and bodily infirmity which
makes him/her unfit in the near future for an active life
and studies.
Marks of Identification (i)...........................
Signature of Candidate Signature of Medical Officer
(With seal)
The following certificate is issued in respect of
Shri/Kumari/Smt. ........................
Son/daughter/wife of Shri....
Certified that his/her caste/tribe is which is declared as scheduled
Seal of Office Signature
Dy. Commissioner/
Competent Board,
It is certified that Sri.....
is serving/has served in the Armed Forces of India and holding/
held the rank of ..............................
Son/Daughter of above military personnel is sponsored for Technical
courses in DIPSAR.
Seal of Office Signature
District Soldiers/Sailor/Airmen
Armed Board, Delhi
Prospectus 2013 35
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
Certificate for physically handicapped
It is certified that Shri/Kumari.Smt
son/daughter/wife of Shri.........
is physically handicapped due to ....................................
(with % of disability)......and he/she is fit for undergoing
the course..........at DIPSAR.
Seal of the Office Signature Office In charge
Vocational Rehabilitation Centre For
Physically Handicapped Pusa,
New Delhi-12.
To be Submitted at the Time of Admission
I Shri/Smt./ Kumari....................
Son/Daughter/Wife of Shri.............
resident of ....
undertake that, I will attend every lecture and practical classes.
However, I agree that to account for late joining or other such
contigencies the requirements for appearing in annual examination
shall be minimum of 75% of the classes (theory and practical
separately) actually held.
Signature of the Candidate Signature of Parent/Gaurdian
Date :
Place :
Prospectus 2013 36
Delhi Institue of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (DIPSAR)
This brochure is for purpose of information & guidance of candidates
seeking admission. Information contained herein is subject to change
at any time by administrative decision. This does not constitute to
be a legal document.
B. Pharm/D. Pharm
Photocopy of class X certificate
Photocopy of class XII mark sheet
If seeking reservation, attested photocopy of certificate of the
appropriate category
Medical certificate (As per Annexure I)
Undertaking with regard to attendance (As per Annexure V)
Fee receipt
Undertaking to return the following amounts if discontinued
B. Pharm
D. Pharm
M. Pharm
B. Pharm
Last date of receipt of
Display of merit A.
list of general
candidates and
reporting for
Date of B.
Within 30
days from
the date of
declaration of
B. Pharm 4

year result of
University of
Within 30
days from
the date of
of D.
result of
of Delhi
A. Display of merit
list of reserved
category and
reporting for
B. Date of Admission
Reporting Time : 10:00 am to 5:00 pm on the day of display of
merit list , which is essential to finalize the merit list of actually
interested candidates for admission . Anybody not reporting will
forfeit the claim for admission. No representation in this regard
will be entertained. ALL THE MARKS SHEETS OF 10 +2 ARE SUBJECT
commence from 16
July 2013

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