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Adv Oral Research CASE REPORT

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Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

Endo periodontal lesion A case report

Bhaumik Nanavati
Neeta V Bhavsar

Jaydeepchandra Mali

MDS, Senior Lecturer, Department of Peridontology, College of Dental Science and
Research Centre, Manipur, Ghuma Road, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.

MDS, Professor &

Head, Department of Peridontology, Government Dental College, Ahmedabad, Gujarat,

MDS, Senior Lecturer, Department Of Periodontology, Vaidik Dental College and

Research Center, Daman, India. Email: [email protected]

The pulp and periodontium have
embryonic, anatomic and functional inter-
relationships. The simultaneous existence of pulpal
problems and inflammatory periodontal disease
can complicate diagnosis and treatment planning.
This case report evaluates the efficacy of
decalcified freeze dried bone allograft along with
bioabsorbable barrier membrane in the
management of furcation defect associated with an
endo-perio lesion in a right mandibular first molar.
A 36-year-old male patient with an endo-perio
lesion in the right mandibular first molar was
initially treated with endodontic therapy.
Following the endodontic treatment, the furcation
defect was treated using decalcified freeze dried
bone allograft (DFDBA) along with guided tissue
regeneration (GTR) membrane. At the end of 9
months, there was a gain in the clinical attachment
level and reduction in probing depth. Radiographic
evidence showed that there was a significant bony
Keywords: DFDBA, GTR membrane, furcation,
endo- perio.

The actual relationship between
periodontal and pulpal disease was first described
by Simring and Goldberg in 1964.
Since then, the
term endo-perio lesion has been used to describe
lesions due to inflammatory products found in
varying degrees in both the periodontium and the
pulpal tissues. The endodontium and periodontium

are closely related and diseases of one tissue may
lead to the involvement of the other. The
differential diagnosis of endodontic and
periodontal diseases can sometimes be difficult but
it is of vital importance to make a correct diagnosis
so that the appropriate treatment can be provided.
Endodontic-periodontal lesions present challenges
to the clinician as far as diagnosis and prognosis of
the involved teeth are concerned. Etiologic factors
such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses as well as
various contributing factors such as trauma, root
resorptions, perforations, and dental malformations
play an important role in the development and
progression of such lesions.
Furcation involvement presents one of the
major challenges in endodontic therapy with
periodontal involvement. Although the role of
pulpal pathology in the etiology of furcation
involvement is still unclear, the high incidence of
molar teeth with accessory canals supports such an
Various treatment modalities
have been
proposed for the treatment of furcation
involvement alone including open flap
debridement, bio-modification of root surface and
various regenerative procedures including GTR
and bone grafts. Bone grafts having a property of
osteogenesis, osteoinduction and osteoconduction
have been used in the past.
A new property of osteostimulation
been reported in some recently available materials.
This case report attempts to utilize a decalcified
freeze dried bone allograft with the property of
osteostimulation as bone replacement graft in the
treatment of a combined endo-perio lesion with
furcation involvement.
Relationship between pulp and periodontium:
Pulpal and periodontal problems are
responsible for more than 50% of tooth mortality.
The periodontium and pulp have embryonic,
anatomic and functional interrelationship. The
Serial Listing: Print-ISSN (2320-2068)
Online-ISSN (2320-2076)
Formerly Known as Journal of Advanced Dental
Bibliographic Listing: Indian National Medical
Library, Index Copernicus, EBSCO Publishing
Database, Proquest, Open J-Gate.

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

relationship between pulpal and periodontal
disease can be traced to embryological
development, since the pulp and the periodontium
are derived from a common mesodermal source.

At the stage of tooth development, the developing
tooth bud pinches off a portion of mesoderm that
becomes pulp, while the remaining mesoderm
develops into the periodontium. Ectomesenchymal
cells proliferate to form the dental papilla and
follicle, which are the precursors of the
periodontium and the pulp, respectively. This
embryonic development may give rise to an
anatomical connection between these two vital
structures throughout the life of a tooth. Three
main pathways
have been implicated in the
development of periodontal-endodontic lesions,
1. Dentinal tubules
2. Lateral and accessory canals
3. Apical foramen
The most commonly used classification was given
by Simon et al.
1. Primary endodontic lesion
2. Primary periodontal lesion
3. Primary endodontic lesion with secondary
periodontal involvement
4. Primary periodontal lesion with secondary
endodontic involvement
5. True combined lesion
Case report:
A 36-year-old patient reported to the
Department of Periodontics, with a complaint of
pain in the lower right back tooth region associated
with pus discharge since 1 month. On intraoral
examination, a periodontal abscesss was found to
be present in relation with 46 (figure 1). A
radiograph was taken and it showed widening of
periodontal ligament space in relation with 46 and
radiolucency in the furcation area (figure 3). The
horizontal probing depth (HPD) with Naber's
probe and vertical probing depth (VPD) with the
UNC-15 probe were measured which were found
to be 4 mm and 8 mm (figure 2), respectively. The
patient was then referred to department of
conservative dentistry to check for tooth vitality.
Electric pulp testing was done to check for tooth
vitality, which confirmed that the tooth was
Treatment planning was done taking into
consideration that the tooth was nonvital with
grade II furcation involvement as well.
Endodontic treatment was taken up first
and the patient was followed up for 3 months. At
the end of third month, IOPA was taken with 46
which showed that the furcation involvement still
prevailed. On clinical examination, it was
observed that there was no change in the soft tissue
measurements. Therefore, periodontal regenerative
surgery using DFDBA alogn with GTR membrane
was planned for treatment of furcation defect
(figure 4).

Figure.1 preoperative Radiograph

Figure.2 HPD of 4 mm with Naber's Probe

Figure.3 Radiograph showing grade II
furcation involvement

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

Figure.4 Bone grafting with DFDBA along with
barrier membrane (GTR)

Figure.5 Postoperative after 9 months

Figure.6 Radiograph at 9 months showing bone
fill in furcation area.

Surgical procedure:
After taking care of asepsis and
sterilization the surgery was planned. The area
selected for surgery was anesthetized using
xylocaine with adrenaline 1:200,000. A full
thickness flap was raised at the buccal aspect
following intracrevicular incision and vertical
releasing incision. A vertical releasing incision
was placed extending into the alveolar mucosa not
closer than one tooth to the involved area, i.e. 46.
Full thickness flap was raised till the base of
furcation defect followed by split thickness flap
beyond the mucogingival junction. This was done
so as to facilitate the coronal positioning of flap,
there by resulting in complete coverage of the
defect and the material used. After reflection
thorough degranulation and debridement was done
at the defect area using Gracey's curette # 13 and
14. Also thorough scaling and root planning was
carried out on the exposed root surface area of the
Decalcified freeze dried bone allograft
with osteoconductive and osteostimulative
properties was placed and stabilized in the
furcation area with guided tissue regeneration
(GTR - PERIOCOL) membrane (figure 4).
Primary soft tissue closure of the flap was done
with nonresorbable black silk (30) suture using
interrupted suturing technique.
Post-operative instructions:
The patient was advised proper plaque
control and was prescribed 0.12% chlorhexidine
mouthwash for rinsing twice daily. The sutures
were removed 10 days after surgery and the patient
was advised to brush at the surgical site using a
postsurgical brush for 2 weeks. The patient was
also advised to continue mouthwash for another 3
The patient was put on regular recall at 1,
3, 6 and 9 months. A DFDBA with GTR
membrane resulted in a substantial amount of bone
fill in the furcation. After 9 months the probing
depth was found to be reduced by 3 mm. The post-
operative radiograph shows bone fill in the
furcation defect as shown in (figure 6).
When a clinician cannot make a definitive
diagnosis in the case of an endo-perio lesion, it
may be prudent for him or her to initiate either of
the treatment modalities and hope for repair.
However, this could be overcome by proper
history taking and sequential treatment planning.
When the etiology is purely endodontic, calcium
hydroxide can be used as an intracanal
medicament. It is an excellent medicament in
general, because it is bactericidal, anti-
inflammatory and proteolytic; it inhibits resorption
and it favors repair. It is especially effective in
endodontic lesions with extensive periapical
pathology and pseudo pockets, because of its

Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

temporary obturating action which would inhibit
periodontal contamination of the instrumented
canals via patent channels of communication. This
regimen usually will resolve the pseudo pocket
within a few weeks.
However, lesions which are not true
combined lesions, little or no improvement would
be seen with the periodontal perspective after
endodontic treatment, leaving a very poor and
often hopeless prognosis. But with the advent of
new regenerative materials, however, successful
periodontal treatment of such lesions has been
In this report the pulp vitality test which
showed the nonvital nature of the tooth was a
pivoting finding suggesting the primary
endodontic involvement. Generally, in a case of
combined endo-perio lesion, an adequate
endodontic therapy would result in healing of the
endodontic component and the prognosis would
finally depend on the efficacy of periodontal
repair/regeneration initiated by either of the
treatment procedures. In this case, following
endodontic treatment the periodontal lesion did
reduce to an extent on radiographic evaluation
after 3 months but did not subside completely with
no change in the clinical parameters. This
confirmed a secondary periodontal involvement
along with primary endodontic component.
Periodontal regeneration has been
attempted with variety of grafting materials,
among which demineralized freeze dried bone
allografts (DFDBA) apparently facilitated
regeneration in humans.
Schallhorn and
reported on improved clinical
results in intrabony defects and degree II
furcations, following a combination therapy
including barrier membranes plus DFDBA and
citric acid root conditioning. Guillemin et
compared the effect of DFDBA alone
with a combination of barrier materials and
DFDBA in intrabony defects with significant
amount of CAL gains and bone fill at six months,
but no differences was found between the
treatments. Anderreg et al. (1991)
compared the
effect of GTR treatment alone with GTR combined
with DFDBA and found significant improvement
in terms of horizontal probing attachment level in
the group of mandibular degree II furcation treated
with combination therapy. Lekovic et al.(1990)

carried out the same study and found that the
combination therapy resulted in greater extent of
furcation fill, indicating a possible added benefit
from the use of grafting material in combination
with bioabsorbable barrier membranes for the
treatment of mandibular degree II furcation.
The healing of an endodontic lesion is
highly predictable, but the repair or regeneration of
periodontal tissues is questionable if associated
with it. Endodontic therapy mostly should precede
periodontal pocket elimination procedures in the
case of a primary endo and secondary periodontal
involvement; however, endodontic therapy would
result only in resolution of the endodontic
component of involvement and would have a little
effect on the periodontal lesion. Therefore a
thorough diagnostic examination usually will
indicate the primary etiology and, thereby, direct
the proper course of treatment plan as presented in
this case.
The results of this case report suggest that
decalcified freeze dried bone allograft (DFDBA)
along with guided tissue regeneration (GTR)
membrane resulted in a significant amount of bone
fill and reduction in HPD.
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Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

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Journal of Advanced Oral Research, Vol 4; Issue 1: Jan - Apr 2013 www.joaor.org

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