The document discusses alternative energy sources such as solar and geothermal power. It states that these sources are abundant, renewable, and can meet worldwide energy needs. Solar power is harnessed through photovoltaic cells and is used in over 700,000 US homes. Geothermal power uses underground heat to generate electricity and is widely used for heating homes in Iceland. The passage argues that these alternative sources should be more heavily invested in and developed on a global scale.
The document discusses alternative energy sources such as solar and geothermal power. It states that these sources are abundant, renewable, and can meet worldwide energy needs. Solar power is harnessed through photovoltaic cells and is used in over 700,000 US homes. Geothermal power uses underground heat to generate electricity and is widely used for heating homes in Iceland. The passage argues that these alternative sources should be more heavily invested in and developed on a global scale.
The document discusses alternative energy sources such as solar and geothermal power. It states that these sources are abundant, renewable, and can meet worldwide energy needs. Solar power is harnessed through photovoltaic cells and is used in over 700,000 US homes. Geothermal power uses underground heat to generate electricity and is widely used for heating homes in Iceland. The passage argues that these alternative sources should be more heavily invested in and developed on a global scale.
The document discusses alternative energy sources such as solar and geothermal power. It states that these sources are abundant, renewable, and can meet worldwide energy needs. Solar power is harnessed through photovoltaic cells and is used in over 700,000 US homes. Geothermal power uses underground heat to generate electricity and is widely used for heating homes in Iceland. The passage argues that these alternative sources should be more heavily invested in and developed on a global scale.
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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the rest in the position of the main stress in each of the following questions. Question 1: A. criticize B. miserable C. inferior D. questionable Question : A. television B. repetition C. mountaineer D. residential Question !: A. experience B. simplify C. physician D. maternal Question ": A. quality B. satisfy C. sequential D. reference Question #: A. neutralize B. establish C. regional D. maximum Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to complete each unfinished sentence or su$stitute the underlined part. Question %: Itll ta!e you more than " hours ####### you go there by plane or not. A. if B. $hether C. $hen D. A%B Question &: Its important to pro&ect a'n( ####### image during the intervie$. A. upbeat B. cheerful C. optimistic D. positive Question ': ####### that he had no choice but to leave early. A. In such a situation did he find himself B. In such a situation he found himself C. )e found himself in a situation $here D. )e found himself in a so embarrassing situation Question () *he children can stay here ####### they dont ma!e too much noise. A. $hether B. providing C. unless D. until Question 1*: *heres no danger in using this machine as long as you ####### to the safety regulations. A. comply B. abide C. adhere D. observe Question 11: +ports drin!s have caught ####### as consumers have become more health,conscious. A. in B. at C. out D. on Question 1: Its a serious operation for a man as old as my father. )e is very frail. I hope he #######. A. gets a$ay B. comes round C. pulls through D. stands up Question 1!: *he $hole village $as $iped out in the bombing raids. A. changed completely B. cleaned $ell C. destroyed completely D. removed quic!ly Question 1": +ometimes life must be very unpleasant for ####### near the airport. A. those living B. someone to live C. people live D. they $ho live Question 1#: ,-#######.. / -*han! you. 0e are proud of him.. A. 1our child is &ust adorable2 B. Can $e as! your child to ta!e a photo3 C. 1our !id is naughty. D. I can give your !id a lift to school. Question 1%: ,-*he test results $ill be released at 4 am tomorro$2. , -0ill it3 #######.. A. Can I $ait for it3 B. Could it $ait3 C. 1es5 please. D. I cant $ait2 6uestion 78: Ill be !ind to them ####### they decide to leave me. A. lest B. $hereas C. in case D. so as not Question 1': , -#######. , -I love it. Its great5 especially at night.. A. 0hen do you often listen to classical music3 B. )o$ do you li!e classical music3 C. 0hat !ind of music do you li!e3 D. )o$ often do you listen to classical music3 Question 1(: *o $hat extent $ill future scientific discoveries ma!e possible the ####### of the human life span3 A. increase B. prolongation C. expansion D. gro$th Question *: 9eft , hand traffic5 a custom existing in Britain only5 ####### bac! to the days $hen :nglish people $ent to and fro on horsebac!. A. dated B. dating C. dates D. $hich dates Question 1: +he came in covered in mud. +o I bathed her and ####### her in ne$ clothes. A. $earing B. dressed C. put D. $ore Question : *he brochure stated the hotel $as situated ####### beside the sea. A. direct B. precise C. right D. exact Question !: ####### he $as !idnapped by the Iraqi guerrillas yesterday has been confirmed. A. If B. 0hat C. *hat D. ; Question ": *he optic fiber $as a ma&or ####### in the field of telecommunications. A. brea! do$n B. brea!through C. revolution D. technique Question #: *he police ####### a good deal of criticism over their handling of the demonstration. A. brought about B. opened up C. $ent do$n $ith D. came in for Question %: +he has &ust bought #######. A. a <rench old interesting painting B. an old interesting painting <rench C. an interesting old <rench painting D. a <rench interesting old paint Question &: Aspirin $as used as a medicine as far ####### as the =th century BC. A. bac! B. behind C. beyond D. before 6uestion ">: )e drives me to the edge because he never stops tal!ing. A. irritates me B. steers me C. moves me D. frightens me Question (: :mployers are not allo$ed to discriminate against an applicant because of their social or financial #######. A. bac!ground B. history C. precedent D. past Question !*: )e $as tried for forgery in a la$ court but $as luc!y enough to #######. A. get by B. get to C. get through D. get off Question !1: ?ohn: -Could you tell me ho$ to get to the nearest post office3. @eter: -#######.. A. +orry for this inconvenience B. Aot at all C. +orry5 Im a ne$ comer here D. I have no clue Question !: Anna $as so ####### in her $or! that she didnt notice $hen I came in. A. absent,minded B. $rapped up C. busy D. concentrating Question !!: *his man is so arrogant that he is completely ####### to all criticism. A. impervious B. una$are C. regardless D. unconscious Question !": , -0ould you li!e some more to eat3. , -Ao5 than! you. Ive had more than enough already.. A. amount B. race C. pour D. plenty Question !#) Bnly CD E of =,year,olds have ####### to pre,school children. A. denial B. access C. recognition D. approach Fead the follo$ing passage and mar! the letter A5 B5 C5 or D on your ans$er sheet to indicate the correct ans$er to each of the questions. In this era of increased global $arming and diminishing fossil fuel supplies5 $e must begin to put a greater priority on harnessing alternative energy sources. <ortunately5 there are a number of readily available5 rene$able resources that are both cost, effective and earth / friendly. *$o such resources are solar po$er and geothermal po$er. +olar energy5 $hich reaches the earth through sunlight5 is so abundant that it could meet the needs of $orld$ide energy consumption G5DDD times over. And solar energy is easily harnessed through the use of photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight to electricity. In the H+ alone5 more than 7DD5 DDD homes are equipped $ith solar electric systems in the form of solar panels or solar roof tiles. And in other parts of the $orld5 including many developing countries5 the use of solar system is gro$ing steadily. Another alternative energy source5 $hich is abundant in specific geographical areas5 is geothermal po$er5 $hich creates energy by tapping heat from belo$ the surface of the earth. )ot $ater and steam that are trapped in underground pools are pumped to the surface and used to run a generator5 $hich produces electricity. Ieothermal energy is =D5DDD times more abundant than the entire !no$n supply of fossil fuel resources and as $ith solar po$er5 the technology needed to utilize geothermal energy is fairly simple. A prime example of effective geothermal use in Iceland5 a region of high geothermal activity $here there are over >D percent of private homes5 are heated by geothermal po$er. +olar and geothermal energy are &ust t$o of promising rene$able alternatives to conventional energy sources. *he time is long overdue to invest in the development and use of alternative energy on global scale. Question !%: 0hat is the main topic of this passage3 A. *he benefits of solar and $ind po$er over conventional energy sources. B. *$o types of alternative energy sources that should be further utilized. C. )o$ energy resources are tapped from nature. D. :xamples of the use of energy sources $orld$ide. Question !&: According to the passage5 $hy should $e consider using alternative energy sources3 A. Because fossil fuels are no longer available. B. Because global $arming has increased the amount of sunlight that reaches the earth. C. Because they are free and available $orld$ide. D. Because conventional energy resources are being depleted5 and they cause environmental damage. Question !': 0hich of the follo$ing $ords could best replace the $ord -harnessing.3 A. Capturing B. )arassing C. Depleting D. :xporting Question !(: According to the passage5 $hat can be inferred about solar roof tiles3 A. *hey are being used in many undeveloped countries. B. *hey can convert geothermal energy to electricity. C. *hey are more expensive than solar panels. D. *hey contain photovoltaic cells. Question "*: According to the passage5 ho$ is solar energy production similar to geothermal energy production3 A. *hey both require the use of a generator. B. *hey both use heat from the earths surface. C. *hey both require fairly simple technology. D. *hey are both conventional and costly. Question "1: 0here is the best place in the passage to insert the follo$ing sentence3 -Although the H+ is not utilizing geothermal resources to this extent5 the 0estern H+ has a similar capacity to generate geothermal po$er. A. after the phrase -earth,friendly. B. after the phrase -gro$ing steadily. C. after the phrase -geothermal po$er. D. after the phrase -global scale. Question ": According to the passage5 $hich of the follo$ing is true about solar po$er3 A. *here is very little of it available in Iceland. B. It is being used in 7DD5 DDD private homes $orld$ide. C. It is G5DDD times more po$erful than energy from fossil fuels. D. *here is enough of it to far exceed the energy needs of the $orld. Question "!: 0hat can be inferred about the use of geothermal energy in Iceland3 A. It is $idely used form of energy for heating homes. B. *$enty percent of the geothermal energy created is used to heat businesses. C. It is not effective for use in private homes. D. It is >D times more effective than traditional forms of energy. Question "": 0hat does the author imply about alternative energy sources3 A. Jany different types of alternative energy sources exist. B. Jost alternative energy sources are too impractical for private use. C. Alternative energy is too expensive for developing countries to produce. D. +olar and geothermal energy are the effective forms of alternative po$er. Question "#: 0hat best describes the authors purpose in $riting the passage3 A. *o $arn people about the hazards of fossil fuel use. B. *o convince people of the benefits of developing alternative energy sources. C. *o describe the advantages and disadvantages of alternative energy use. D. *o outline the problems and solutions connected $ith global $arming. Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the $est way to make the sentence from the cues. Question "%: )o$K ungratefulK youK notK greetK formerK teacherK meetK him. A. )o$ ungrateful of you not to greet your former teacher $hen you met him. B. )o$ ungrateful you are not to greet your former teacher $hen you met him. C. )o$ ungrateful of you not to greet your former teacher to met him. D. )o$ ungrateful to you not to greet your former teacher $hen you met him. Question "&) If K heK comeK stationK earlierK not missK train. A. If he had came to the station earlier he $ould not have missed the train. B. If he had come to the station earlier he $ould have not missed the train. C. If he has come to the station earlier he $ould not have missed the train. D. If he had come to the station earlier he $ould not have missed the train. Question "') *heK boo!K boringK IK itK readingK soK stoppedK thatK $asK. A. *he boo! $as so boring that I stopped reading it. B. *he boo! $as boring so that I stopped reading it. C. *he reading boo! $as so boring that I stopped it. D. *he boring boo! stopped reading so that I $as it. Question "() be sureK good seatK your tic!ets K shouldK boughtK advance. A. *o be sure of a good seat5 your tic!ets should be bought in advance. B. *o be sure of a good seat5 your tic!ets should be bought advance. C. Im sure about a good seat for your tic!ets should be bought in advance. D. *o be sure of a good seat for your tic!ets should be bought in advance. Question #*) factK her sonK outK dangerK bringK herK some relief. A. *he fact that her son is out of danger brought her some relief. B. *he fact that her son $as out of danger $hich brought her some relief. C. *he fact that her son is out of danger has brought her some relief. D. *he fact that her son $as out of danger brought her some relief. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to show the underlined part that needs correction. Question #1: 'A( @roviding relief after the disaster necessitated the mobilization of vast 'B( amounts of food5 'C( medical supply5 and 'D( people. Question #) :xcavations in several mounds and villages 'A( on the east ban! of the :uphrates Fiver 'B( have revealed the city of Aebuchadnezzar5 an ancient community that 'C( had been laying under 'D( later reconstructions of the city of Babylon. Question #!: Assessment instruments in nursery schools 'A( they feature items and 'B( other materials different 'C( from those on elementary 'D( school tests. Question #": Mr. Cucku 'A( admitted to having 'B( lied the 'C( online class $hile he $as teaching 'D( them. Question ##: <or thousands of years5 'A( man has created 'B( s$eet,smelling substances from $ood5 herbs5 and flo$ers and 'C( using them for perfume 'D( or medicine. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions or indicate the correct answer to each of them. Question #%) Mr. Cucku asked +imdong$ang,,-ill you go to school tomorrow., A. Mr. Cucku asked Kimdongbang if she $ill go to school tomorro$. B. Mr. Cucku asked Kimdongbang $hether she $ould go to school tomorro$. C. Mr. Cucku asked Kimdongbang $hether or not she $ill go to school the next day. D. Mr. Cucku asked Kimdongbang if or not she $ould go to school the next day. Question #&) /heir dog was so fierce that no$ody would 0isit them. A. *hey had a such fierce dog that nobody $ould visit them. B. *hey had so fierce a dog that nobody $ould visit them. C. *heir dog $as too fierce to visit. D. *hey had a so fierce dog that nobody $ould visit them. Question #') 1f you want to $e kept informed a$out current affairs, you should listen to the radio. A. Bnly by listening to the radio5 you can !eep yourself informed about current affairs. B. 9istening to the radio and you $ill be !ept informed about current affairs. C. A good $ay of !eeping yourself informed about current affairs is listen to the radio. D. 9istening to the radio is a good $ay of !eeping yourself informed about current affairs. Question #() 1 tra0el $y $us only when 1 ha0e no alternati0e. A. *ravelling by bus is my only alternative. B. Its my only alternative to travel by bus. C. I resort to travelling by bus only $hen I have no alternative. D. I travel by bus only as a last resort. Question %*) -hat the politician was saying fell on deaf ears last night. A. Ao one listened to $hat the politician $as saying last night because they had deaf ears. B. Ao one listened to $hat the politician $as saying last night. C. 0hat the politician $as saying deafened the listeners last night. D. *he politician fell deaf $hen he $as spea!ing last night. 2ead the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word for each of the num$ered $lanks. :verybody has heard about the Internet5 do you !no$ $hat an -intranet. is3 It is this: &ust as the Internet connects people around the $orld5 intranets connect people $ithin a 'G7( ####### company. In fact5 intranets ma!e use of the same soft$are programs as the Internet to 'G"( ####### computers and people. *his 'GL( ####### that you do not have to buy a lot of additional programs to set up an intranet service. If your intranet is $or!ing properly5 it can lin! together a huge amount of 'GC( ####### $hich is stored in different places in the company. In this $ay5 people can get the information they need5 regardless 'G=( ####### $here it comes from. A company intranet can5 of course5 be used for unimportant information li!e office memos or canteen menus. But an intranet should 'GG( ####### important information $hich people need to ma!e decision about ne$ products5 costs and so on. *he intranet is 'G8( ####### to share their information $ith other people. 'G>( #######5 many departments dont $ant to share their specialist !no$ledge $ith others. Another problem $hich often occurs is 'G4( ####### top managers li!e to use the intranet to -communicate do$n. rather than to -communicate across.. *hat is5 they use the intranet to give orders5 not to '8D( ####### information bet$een themselves and others $or!ing in the same organization. 6uestion G7: A. branch B. &ointed C. single D. large 6uestion G": A. contact B. compare C. distinguish D. introduce 6uestion GL: A. indicates B. is C. means D. is said 6uestion GC: A. information B. properties C. elements D. parts 6uestion G=: A. to B. on C. $ith D. of 6uestion GG: A. provide B. ta!e C. give D. bring 6uestion G8: A. going B. $illing C. li!ely D. happened 6uestion G>: A. )o$ever B. 9uc!ily C. Hnfortunately D. Consequently 6uestion G4: A. $hich B. it C. $hat D. that 6uestion 8D: A. en&oy B. provide C. share D. divide Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the others. Question &1) A. houses B. chooses C. rises D. horses 6uestion 8": A. name B. $ay C. rain D. friend Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to complete each unfinished sentence. Question &!) Rotation refers to the turning of the Earth _______to the movement around the Sun A. and revolution B. besides revolution C. revolution refering D. $hile revolution refer Question &") Mr. Cucku has devoted most his life__________ his students. A. to teaching B. to teach C. teaching D. teach 6uestion 8=: All of us should try our best to contribute to ########### A. building of B. build C. the building D. the building of Question &%) ######### Jr Cuc!u loves his students5 he cant let them tal! $hile learning. A. Juch as B. 0hatever C. 0hether D. Despite 6uestion 88: Jr Cuc!u: )ello5 everyone. Im sorry Im late today. Class: 0e thought you said that you ######## begin to teach early today. A. $ill B. are going to C. $ere going to D. going to Question &') Jr Cuc!us finally announced that the exam is ######### on 7" ?uly. A. due B. to ta!e place C. happening D. probably Question &() ####### minhvuong7"L was brought up. A. It is 6uang *ri $here B. It $as 6uang *ri5 $here C. It is in 6uang *ri5 $hich D. It is in 6uang *ri that Question '*) Jy leg hurt so much that I felt sure I ######## it. A. should have bro!en B. must have bro!en C. $as brea!ing D. have bro!en
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