Os Report On at Hindalco Industries LTD

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As a second semester MBA student in Jai Bharath School of Management
Studies, I Mohammed Shafin cs had to undertake a project work, which I was done at
Hindalco Industries Ltd, Alupuram. he project work conducted !" me was concerned
on the o#erall factors of the compan".
he organi$ational stud", as part of master of !usiness administration programme of
mahatma %andhi uni#ersit", kotta"am aims at creating a practical knowledge,
e&perience and e&posure for the students !" gi#ing the opportunit" to know, o!ser#e,
learn and anal"$e the nature, #ision, o!jecti#es and functioning of an organi$ation and
the acti#ities of #arious departments in the organi$ation.
Hindalco Industries Limited is the metals flagship of Adit"a Birla %roup. he metal
major is a glo!al !ehemoth with footprint in '( countries and a consolidated turno#er
of us )'*.+* !illion. It is the world,s largest aluminium rolling compan" and one of the
!iggest producers of primar" aluminium in Asia. Its copper smelter is the world,s
largest custom smelter at a single location.
herefore it is highl" !eneficial and rele#ant to stud" the operations of such a huge and
successful enterprise
his organi$ational stud" was conducted in -HI./AL01 I./2S3I4S L/, to
ac5uire knowledge a!out the organi$ational structure as well as functions of the firm.
he stud" was carried out during the month of June 67'( as a part of the curriculum for
the MBA programme.
Primary Objectie
o stud" the o#erall functions of Hindalco Industries Limited
Sec!"#ary Objectie
'. o understand the functions performed !" #arious departments in the compan".
6. o stud" the policies and procedures of the compan" helps to achie#e the
organi$ational goals.
(. o stud" the organi$ation structure of the compan" and reporting relationships
e&isting in the organi$ation.
8. o understand how effecti#el" the compan" implementing their plans.
*. o interact with the highl" 5ualified managers and stud" their duties and
9. o find out the future plans and the changes that the organi$ation wants to
:. o identif" the strength and weakness of the compan".
+. o stud" how the theories learned !een practiced in the organi$ation.
;. o know the mission and #ision of the compan".
heoretical aspect can !e compared with actual situation, thus getting in depth
knowledge a!out the structure and functions of the organi$ations.
he sources of data for this organi$ation stud" falls under two categories<
=rimar" data collection > data collection from the officials and staffs through
discussion. Also #isited the plant and o!ser#ed the acti#ities happening in the
#arious sections of the plant.
Secondar" data collection > collected from #arious journals and reports
a#aila!le from the compan".
his is m" first e&perience in an organi$ation stud".
4rror ma" occur due to ha#e no pre#ious e&perience.
/ue to short time period of the project a detailed stud" could not !e conducted.
he 2SA aluminium industr" is the worlds largest annuall" producing a!out
)(;.'7 !illion in products and e&ports. 2S companies are the largest single producer of
primar" aluminium. he 2S 0ompan" operates o#er (77 plants in (* states, producing
more than 6( !illion pounds o metal annuall" and o#er ', 8*, 77 people with an annual
pa"roll of a!out )* !illion.
Aluminium prices ha#e a great !earing on the performance of the aluminium industr".
=rices in the local market closel" follow the prices on the London Metal 4&change
Major demand dri#ing factor for aluminium in the glo!al arena include an
impro#ement in the 2S and Japanese economics and a re#i#al of the South 4ast Asian
econom". he main factors that influence demand for aluminium metal in India
include growth in industrial productionAuser industries, and international aluminium
he manufacture of Aluminium in India dates !ack to ';(+ with the
esta!lishment of Aluminium production compan",s ?earlier I./AL now HI./AL01@
facilit" in technical and financial colla!oration with AL0A., 0anada.
Hi"#a-c! I"#./trie/01
Hindalco is the India,s leading aluminium compan". It is primaril" in#ol#ed in
the manufacture of primar" aluminium as ingotsB !illetsB rolling ingot and redraw rodsB
rolled productsB e&trusion foils. he compan",s manufacturing units are located at
3enukoot and 3enusagar ?2=@ and Sil#assa ?/adra .agar Ha#eli@.
his pu!lic sector undertaking compan", which is #erticall" integrated, ranks
Second in the manufacture of primar" aluminium in India. .alco is one of the lowest
cost =roducers of primar" aluminium world wide and it is one of the larges e&porters of
Balco is now a part of Sterlite industries. Balco owns two manufacturing
plantsCan integrated aluminium comple& located at Dor!a in M= and second in Eest
Bengal. Balco has the distinction o de#eloping and suppl"ing special aluminium allo"s
or application in the nations intermediate range !allistic missile F=rth#iG. he compan"
produces 87,777 tpa of rolled products.
Ji"#a- &-.mi"i.m )t#01
Jindal is one of the leading pla"ers in the pri#ate sector, owns a manufacturing
facilit" in Bangalore cit". he compan" has the distinction of !eing the first e&trusion
compan" in India ha#ing our e&trusion press under one roof. 0urrentl", Jindal
aluminium is the leader in aluminium e&trusion segment in India.




he Adit"a Birla %roup is. A 2S) (* !illion conglomerate and is in the,
league of Hortune *77, it is anchored !" an e&traordinar" force of o#er '((,777
emplo"ees !elonging to 86 different nationalities. 1#er *7I of its re#enues flow from
its operations across the world. he groups products and ser#ices offer distincti#e
customer solutions world wide. Its +* stateCofCthe >art manufacturing units and sectoral
ser#ices span 67 countriesC India, hailand, Laos, Indonesia, =hilippines, 4g"pt,
0anada, Australia, 0hina 2SA, 2D, %erman", Hungar", !ra$il, Ital", Hrance,
Lu&em!ourg, Swit$erland, Mala"sia, and Dorea.
A premium conglomerate, the Adit"a Birla %roup is a dominant pla"er in all
of the sectors in which it operates. Among these are #iscose staple fi!er, metals,
cement, #iscose filament "arn, !raded apparel, car!on !lack, chemicals, fertili$ers,
insulators, financial ser#ices, telecom, B=1 and I ser#ices. he group has !een
adjudged the !est emplo"er in India and among the top 67 in Asia !" the HewittC
4conomic imes and Eall Street Journal Stud" 677:.
%-!ba--y t2e 3r!.4 i/0
A metal powerhouse, among the world,s most costCefficient aluminium and copper
producers. Hindalco from its fold is a Hortune *77 compan". It is also the largest
aluminium rolling compan" and one of the three !iggest producers of primar"
aluminium in Asia, with the larges single location copper smelter.
.o.' in #iscose staple fi!er
he fourth largest producer of insulators.
he fourth largest producer of car!on !lack
he ele#enth largest cement producer and the second largest in India.
Among the !est energ" efficient fertili$er plants
Among the world,s top '* and India,s top three B=1 companies.
In India, the %roup holds a frontrunner position as<
India,s leading copper producer
A premier !randed garments pla"er
he second largest pla"er in #iscose filament "arn
he second largest in the chlor alkali sector
Among top fi#e mo!ile telephon" pla"ers
A leading pla"er in life insurance and asset management
Hindalco is a flagship compan" of the Adit"a Birla %roup, is structured in to
two strategic !usinesses > aluminium and copper > and is an industr" leader on !oth. A
metal power house with a turno#er of 2S )'8 !illion, Hindalco is the world,s largest
aluminium rolling compan" and one of the !iggest producers of primar" aluminium in
Asia. Its copper smelter is toda" the world,s largest custom smelter at a single location.
4sta!lished in ';*+, Hindalco commissioned its aluminium facilit" at 3enukoot in
eastern 2.= in ';96 with an initial capacit" of 67,777 M=A of aluminium metal. Eith
a strategic intent to achie#e #ertical integration in the copper !usiness, Hindalco
ac5uired two capti#e copper mines in Australia > .ift" and Mt. %ordo through Adit"a
Birla Minerals Limited.
In 6777 Hindalco ac5uired a majorit" stake in Indian Aluminium 0ompan"
Ltd.?I./AL@ from AL0A. of 0anada and the operation of these two companies
su!se5uentl" merged. Manufacturing o Hindalco is #erticall" integrated from the raw
material stage to the finished products. he power re5uirements are also met !" its
capti#e power generation plants. Hindalco,s product range includes primar" aluminium
ingots, !illets, rolling sla!s, redraw rods, allo" wire rods, sheet products, e&truded
profiles, foils and wheels.
Hi"#a-c! I"#./trie/ )t# Pr!5i-e
Hindalco is Asia,s largest aluminium industr". he compan",s integrated
comple& at 3enukoot houses an Aluminium refiner", aluminium smelter and facilities
for production of semi fa!ricated products. =ower sourced from the compan",s capacit"
power plant at 3enusagar, located at a distance of a!out 8* km from 3enukoot. It has a
capacit" of +67.6 ME.

Hindalco,s manufacturing factories are situated at locations across the countr".
Ehile the capti#e Bau&ite mines are locate in western and eastern India the alumina
refineries are located in BelgaumC in south India and Muri > in east India.
Smelters are located at Hirakud, 1rissa, with a capti#e power plant and coal
mines and at Alupuram, Derala. 3olled products manufacturing factories are located at
Belur and haloja and an e&trusion plant at Alupuram, Derala.
Hoil plants are !ased I the union territor" Sil#assa and in Dalwa,
Maharashtra. he foil plant in Dollur, Andra =radesh is the onl" remaining plant with
erstwhile I./AL after the merger of I./AL to Hindalco. he wheel plant is also
situated in Sil#assa.

he Hindalco Alupuram e&trusion started in ';** with a '6*7 press as a
unit of I./AL, which in turn was a part of AL0A. group of 0anada. It was taken o#er
!" Adit"a Birla %roup in the "ear 6777 and the name was changed in to Hindalco In
March 677*. he Hindalco Alupuram e&trusion offers a wide range of allo"s shapes in
India. he compan" constructed on #alue added applications such as !ridges,
automo!iles, all aluminium !od", te&tile spindles, marine and other electrical and
industrial applications. he compan" also speciali$ed in hard allo"s, motor !odies,
allo" rods for tanks, e&trusions for space research applications.
(i-e/t!"e/ !5 Hi"#a-c! &-.4.ram E7tr./i!"
';8(C Smelter unit esta!lishment !" AL0A.
';**C 4&trusion press of capacit" '6*7 installed
';*:C Hirst long term settlement
';9'C 4&trusion press of capacit" ((77 installed
';;8C 0ertified with IS1;776
';;8C JM launched
';;9C Becoming %lo!all" 0ompetiti#e?B%0@ launched
';;:C Separation of 4&trusion plant from smelter
6777C Management changes from AL0A. %roup to Adit"a Birla %roup
677'C Launch of E0M concept
6776C IS1<;77'<6777 certification
677(C 0ertification of 1HSAS '+77'
677*C 0hange the name Indian Aluminium compan" Ltd. ?I./AL@ to Hindalco.
6779C Addition of SH capacit"
677:C Augmentation of die shopAp6; handling s"stem.
8o !e a premium Metals major, glo!al in si$e and reach, with a passion for
8o relentlessl" pursue the creation of superior shareholder #alue !" e&ceeding
customer e&pectations profita!l", unleashing emplo"ee potential and !eing a
responsi!le corporate citi$en adhering to our #aluesG
I"te3rityC Honest" in e#er" action.
C!mmitme"tC /oing whate#er it takes to deli#er, as promised.
Pa//i!"1 Missionar" $eal arising out of an emotional engagement with work.
Seam-e//"e//C hinking and working together across functional silos, hierarch"
le#els, !usiness and %eographic,s.
S4ee#C 3esponding to stakeholders with a sense of urgenc".
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Hindalco is the largest integrated primar" producer of Aluminium and among
the most costCefficient producers glo!all". In India, it emplo"s a leadership position for
Aluminium and downstream products.
Hrom consumer dura!les to defense, Hindalco 4&trusions find applications in
wide spectrum of industr" including architectural, electrical, industrial, transport,
consumer dura!le goods, defense etc. A leading pla"er in the e&trusions industr" in the
countr", Hindalco offers a wide range of allo"s, including hard allo"s and some special
allo"s for the defense and space sector. Hindalco e&ports e&trusions primaril" to 2SA,
0anada, %erman", 2D, Hrance, .etherlands, South Africa, 2A4, Singapore, Mala"sia,
Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.
T!e #om&%ned #apa#%$6 o/ 5enukoo$ and Alupuram ex$rus%ons %s 277700 Tpa
and Alupuram ex$rus%ons #apa#%$6 %s 147400 Tpa. Manufactured from high 5ualit"
!illets made out of #irgin, inChouse metal, Hindalco 4&trusions come in a wide #ariet"
of shapes and allo"s.
Hindalco 4&trusion products are applica!le in<C
Hindalco architectural products are a package of aesthetic appeal, weather resistance,
eas" fa!rication and high strength to weight ratio. he" are popular with architects,
designers and !uilders.
&44-icati!"/< Eindows, partitions, doors, shop fronts, structural gla$ing, ladders,
grills, rolling shutters, e&hi!ition displa"s, etc.
Hindalco electricals are made from superior 5ualit" !illets with tighter He control,
ensuring guaranteed electrical conducti#it". High degree of dimensional control ena!les
superior contact, which is important for current carr"ing conductors, thus ensuring
longer life.
&44-icati!"/< Bus!ar tu!es A channels A flats, heat sinks, motor !od", Al =ole, etc.
I"#./tria-< A wellCcontrolled homogeni$ing facilit" for !illets ensures superior and
consistent metallurgical 5ualit". he e&truded sections go through artificial ageing A
solution heat treatment which impart superior mechanical properties and therefore
Superior machina!ilit".
&44-icati!"/< Automo!ile components, te&tile spindles and machiner" components,
h"draulic pumps, actuators, #al#es, heat e&changer muff tu!es, etc.
Tra"/4!rt< Being lighter in weight, aluminium e&trusions facilitate lower energ"
consumption, low gas emission and enhanced speed in #ehicles.
&44-icati!"/< Bus structural A !eadings A windows, truck !odies, railwa" wagons A
windows, !ic"cle frames A rims, etc.
C!"/.mer #.rab-e/< =erfect allo"s pro#ide the !est com!ination of strength and
ductilit" with superior finishes.
&44-icati!"/< Dnitting needles, suitcases, tennis rac5uets, airCconditioner grills, solar
panels, furniture, photo frames, etc.
De5e"ce< Special, hard allo"s from Hindalco ha#e applications for hollow and solid
profiles, high strength e&trusions and highl" welda!le e&trusions which are needed in
this segment.
&44-icati!"/< /efence tents, missiles, !ridges, landing mats, tank wheels, aircraft,
space research and marine utilities, etc.
*.1.1 HIND&)CO (&6)O&DER
Ma&loader is one of the !rands of Hindalco. It is an all aluminium truck !od"
made of e&truded profiles from Hindalco Industries Ltd.
It is a#aila!le in the following forms<
0o#ered !od"
HighCsided A =unja! t"pe !od"
HalfCsided !od"
Insulated A refrigerated !od"
Models a#aila!le<
=lain outside
=lain inside
0o#ered !od" /istri!ution A transporting compan",s A couriers A parcel
ser#ices A retail chains A ?used !" cKf agents, whole salers,
distri!utors etc.@
High CsidedA =unja! t"pe !od" Har!our acti#ities A salt distri!ution and general
Half > sided !od" /istri!ution of milk A meat A ice creams A fish
Insulated A refrigerated !od" ransporting #egeta!les and materials in unpacked form
Some of the !enefits of aluminium truck !odies are listed !elow<
Pay-!a# a#a"ta3e0 he truck with aluminium !od" has a lighter !od" weight
compared to traditional containers and can carr" more loads. Lower weight also
translates into additional sa#ings to the !usiness in terms of increased mileage and less
engine and t"re wear.
)!"3 -i5e0 Ma&loaderL has pro#ed its worth o#er the "ears. Its long life ensures that it
outli#es the life of an" truck. Since aluminium refrigerated and insulated !odies ha#e
high resistance to corrosion and rusting, the" are !est suited for fro$en food and
seafood transport. Aluminium insulated !odies can easil" last for '* "ears or more.
)!9er 5abricati!" time0 he Ma&loaderL kit takes less time to fa!ricate. It is
a#aila!le in a preCfa!ricated mode that can !e fitted on the #ehicle within 68 hours.
Ma&loaderL insulated !odies take far less time for fa!rication than the composite t"pe.
Ea/y t! re4air0 he structure of Ma&loaderL ensures eas" replacement of indi#idual,
=anels which is a cost and time sa#ing factor.
Re#.ce/ 5.e- c!"ce4ti!"0 3eplacing hea#ier !od" material with aluminium has shown
an increase in mileage !ecause of its higher strengthCtoCweight ratio. 2se of Aluminium
in truck !od",s results in less mone" used and less fuel consumed. In India, the use of
aluminium e&trusions for load !odies is limited due to the lack of a sustained campaign
a!out the o#erall !enefits and proper legislation to encourage the shift.
Sae/ 5!rei3" e7c2a"3e0 An aluminium truck !od" decreases the weight of the truck
!" '7 per cent, which is e5ui#alent to a '7 per cent sa#ing in fuel consumption. hus,
trucks with aluminium !odies hold forth a huge potential for additional foreign
e&change sa#ings.
C-ea"er e"ir!"me"t0 A reduction in the consumption of diesel will translate into
cleaner en#ironment making India a !etter place to li#e in. herefore, use of aluminium
!odies in #ehicles will assist in reducing pollution and making en#ironment cleaner.
Hi32 re/a-e a-.e0 Aluminium truck !odies ha#e numerous ad#antages like longer life,
higher #alue and greater !enefits. Mehicles fitted with Ma&loaderL will conse5uentl"
ha#e a higher resale #alue.
Recyc-abi-ity0 Aluminium can !e easil" and endlessl" rec"cled, which makes it
en#ironmentCfriendl" and #alua!le. 3ec"cla!ilit" of aluminium helps to sa#e a lot of
*.2 &)U(IN& CHE(IC&)S
Hindalco,s technological edge, with glo!all" competiti#e 5ualit" and
e&pertise to meet customi$ed needs for specialt" Aluminas and H"drates ha#e helped it
consolidate its position in the world market. his has ena!led the chemical !usiness to
grow significantl" o#er the "ears.
Mining and refining are an integral part of HindalcoNs chemicals !usiness.
he" co#er capti#e !au&ite mines in western and eastern India. Alumina refineries are
at Belgaum in southern India, Muri in eastern India and 3enukoot in central India with
installed capacit" of (*7,777 tpa, '+7,777 tpa and :77,777 tpa respecti#el".
he alumina refineries located at Muri and Belgaum and the mines at western
and eastern India. Specialt" aluminaAh"drate marketed in India and o#er (7 countries in
.orth America, 4urope and Asia. hese find di#erse applications in high grade
refractories, ceramics, polishing, free retardant plastics, alum, $eolite and man" more
di#erse applications.
&-.mi"a 4r!#.ct ra"3e0
Aluminas and !6dra$es
C!ar/e a-.mi"a/
0alcined aluminas are widel" used in refractories and in the ceramic
industr". Specific properties include e&treme hardness, refractoriness, high mechanical
strength and resistance to wear a!rasion, chemical attack and corrosion. hese are used
as feed material for fused alumina, refractor" aggregates, etc.
0oarse alumina grades are white cr"stalline powders which are
predominantl" alpha alumina of high chemical purit" and consistent ph"sical
properties. hese products ha#e e&cellent grinda!ilit" properties.
(e#i.m a"# -!9 /!#a a-.mi"a/
Low and medium soda course alpha aluminas consist of fria!le aggregates
of cr"stallites ha#ing eas" grinda!ilit" and are used in the manufacture of wearC
resistant ceramic liners in addition to industrial ceramics and electrical insulators.
(e#i.m a"# -!9 /!#a 5i"e a-.mi"a/
Medium and low soda fine aluminas ha#e predominantl" alpha phase, with
controlled particle si$e distri!ution. he" are widel" used in special refractor" !ricks
and shapes, refractor" gunning mi&es, wearCresistant ceramic parts, ceramic liners,
media, HM/0AHMA0 insulators, etc when used for high temperature applications.
hese low soda grades pro#ide e&cellent hot strength to the refractor" !od".
Fi"e a-.mi"a/
hese are predominantl" fine, alpha aluminas of a!out *O si$es with
controlled particle si$e distri!ution. he" are widel" used in high alumina refractories,
concast shapes, grinding media, high tension insulators, ceramic liners, etc.
Reactie a-.mi"a/
Reactie 5i"e a-.mi"a/
hese grades are predominantl" alpha alumina ha#ing wider particle si$e
distri!ution. he" "ield a lowCwater demand with #er" good flow properties when used
in low cement casta!les, 2L00 and selfCflow refractor" mi&es. he" are also
recommended for usage in grinding media, wear resistant ceramic components and
liners owing to their superior packing characteristics.
Reactie a-.mi"a/ : .-tra5i"e
hese reacti#e alumina grades are white cr"stalline alpha alumina powders
de#eloped for specialised ceramic and refractor" applications. hese aluminas are
characteri$ed !" high reacti#it", low water a!sorption and controlled particle si$e
distri!ution. "pical applications include low cement and ultra low cement casta!les,
slide gates and refractor" !ricks, resistor cores, new generation ceramics and wear
resistant ceramic parts.
P!-i/2i"3 a-.mi"a/
hese grades are de#eloped through controlled calcination and processing in
order to o!tain consistent particle hardness, shape and si$e distri!ution. he" pro#ide a
choice of oil a!sorption #alues within the product range. hese are recommended for
use in solid !ars, emulsions and pastes for metal and stone polishing applications.
*.2.1 HYDR&TES
C!ar/e a-.mi"a 2y#rate

Alumina h"drate, which is also termed as aluminium h"dro&ide and alumina
trih"drate, is a cr"stalline white powder and its chemical formula is Al61(.(H61 or
Al?1H@(. hese h"drates are a#aila!le !oth in moist and dr" forms. 0oarse alumina
h"drates are recommended in the manufacture of aluminium sulphate ?alum@, =A0
?=ol" Aluminium 0hloride@, $eolite, aluminium fluoride, glass, etc.
Fi"e a-.mi"a 2y#rate/
hese are fine white powders with a#erage particle si$e ranging from * to '*
microns. he" are used as fillers in paper, SM0A/M0s and also function as flame
retardants in late&, ru!!ers, plastics, etc.
*.2.2 (INER&)S
Ba.7ite is an ore used in the production of alumina. In the mines located in the
eastern region, there are pockets of good 5ualit" !au&ite which can !e used !"
#arious industries like refractories, steel, polishing and for manufacturing water
treatment chemicals. he ore is graded as per segment re5uirements.
)aterite is an ore with a lower percentage of alumina content which occurs just
a!o#e the !au&ite la"ers at the mines in the western region of India. It is used as
a raw material !" cement industries as an additi#eAflu& to increase the alumina
percentage in the cement composition. Laterite can !e supplied in particle si$es
ranging from *7 to '*7 mm. he alumina content in the product is around (9 to
8( per cent.
*.$ PRI(&RY &)U(INIU(
Hindalco is a major pla"er in primar" aluminium, with around 87 per cent
market share. Its product range includes<C
Hindalco produces high purit" ingots through the smelting process. Allo"
ingots of #arious grades are also produced mainl" used for production of castings in
Auto Industr" as well as electrical applications. Both these products are reCmelted and
processed into a large num!er of products for #arious downstream applications.
Hindalco,s metal is a registered !rand at London Metal e&change ?LM4@.
*.$.2 +ire r!#/
Hindalco manufactures wire rods, in a continuous casting and rolling process.
4lectrical 0onductor ?40@ wire rods are used for the production of ca!les, A0S3 and
AA0 conductors. Allo" wire rods are used to produce AAA0 conductors.
HindalcoNs aluminium !illets are produced !" a stateCofCtheCart Eagstaff
casting process using Airslip technolog". hese are top 5ualit" !illets with a smooth
surface finish. Billets are used mainl" for producing e&trusions and forgings.
*.' &)U(INIU( FOI)S
Aluminium foil is aluminium produced in thin metal leafs with a small
thickness. As a result of these foil is e&tremel" plia!le and can !e !ent or wrapped
around o!jects with ease. Aluminium foil is produced !" rolling sheet ingots cast from
molten aluminium then reCrolling on sheet and foil rolling mills to the desired
thickness, or !" continuousl" casting and cold rolling. Aluminium !ecomes work
hardened during the cold rolling process and is annealed for most purposes. he rolls of
foil are heated until the degree of softness is reached, which ma" !e up to (87P0 for '6
Hindalco ha#e three foil plants in India, which are located in Dollur, Sil#assa
and Dalwa. HindalcoNs 9,777 tpa, foil plant at Dalwa, near Mum!ai, is e5uipped with
stateCofCtheCart foil rolling and con#erting facilities that allows foil to !e rolled down to
: micron thickness with #er" close toleranceB and highCtech modern con#erting
facilities. he unit is responsi!le for creating appropriate packaging solutions for
di#erse applications in the pharmaceuticals, processed food, cigarettes and dentifrice
HindalcoNs (7,777 tpa foil plant at Sil#assa has taken significant strides towards
increased #alueCaddition with a rolling capacit" of ; to 677 micron thickness. As a
multiCdimensional performer of international standards, the foil plant, operating well
a!o#e its
capacit" is !acked !", fi#e rolling mills, including NHi#e Stand andemN Mill, which can
roll down from 977 microns to 66 microns in a single pass.
he 8,777 tpa Dollur plant of Hindalco produces a wide arra" of high 5ualit"
foils Q from cigarette and !lister foil to lidding foil in *7 micron down to : micron
Pr!#.ct a44-icati!"/
Aluminium foil is used to make long life packs ?aseptic packaging@ for drinks
and dair" products which ena!les storage without refrigeration. Aluminium foil
laminates are also used to package man" other o&"gen or moisture sensiti#e foods, and
to!acco, in the form of pouches, sachets and tu!es, and as tamper e#ident closures.
Aluminium foil is also widel" used for thermal insulation ?!arrier and
reflecti#it"@, heat e&changers ?heat conduction@ and ca!le liners ?!arrier and electrical
conducti#it"@. Hoils in special allo"s are e#en used for structural hone"com!
components for aircraft.
P!-i/2i"3 /tee-0
A simple and ine&pensi#e wa" to remo#e rust from and polish steel surfaces !"
hand is to ru! it with aluminium foil dipped in water. he aluminium foil is softer than
steel, and will not scratch the surface.
&rt a"# #ec!rati!"0
Hea#ier foils made of aluminium are used for art, decoration, and crafts,
especiall" in !right metallic colours. aluminium is used to create an ine&pensi#e gold
foil that actuall" contains no gold, and man" other !right metallic colours. hese foils
are sometimes used in distincti#e packaging.
Hindalco is the worldNs largest aluminium rolling compan" with the ac5uisition
of .o#elis, the glo!al leader in #alueCadded highCend aluminium flat rolled products
and aluminium can rec"cling. he com!ined #olume of sales of flat rolled products in
the world market is a!out ( million tones and the market share is more than 67 per cent.

Hindalco is the largest manufacturer of the entire range of flat rolled products in
India. It enjo"s nearl" 97 per cent of market share and its rolled products are widel"
used in #arious segments such as packaging, transportation, !uilding and construction,
electrical, defence and general engineering applications.
4fficienc" and product 5ualit" are ensured !" using stateCofCtheCart e5uipment
and a strong research and de#elopment setCup, supported !" dedicated and moti#ated
emplo"ees and the 1racle 43= s"stem. Eagstaff Air SlipL sla! casting technolog" is
used to ensure consistent 5ualit" and surface finish of stock feed which in turn ensures
5ualit" finished products.
P-a"t 5aci-itie/0
Hindalco is e5uipped with sophisticated rolling mills and finishing e5uipment in
its plants. he plants are located at Belur near Dolkata, .agpur in Maharashtra
3enukoot in 2ttar =radesh and aloja near Mum!ai.
R!--e# 4r!#.ct a44-icati!"/
B.i-#i"3 /2eet/0
0ladding for roofs and walls
Industrial !uildings, warehouses, aircraft hangers
Insulation and protection o fuel storage tanks, and industrial !oilers
3esidential roofing
Cab-e9ra4 /t!c;0
elecom ca!les
&-1c-a# /2eet/ !r c!i-/0
Automo!ile radiators, inter coolers, air conditioners
F-!!ri"3 /2eet/0
Hlooring for !uses, trucks and rail coaches.
F!i- /t!c;0
=harma A confectionaries A cigarette foils
4#erlast, a Hindalco !rand for aluminium roofing sheets, offers ideal and
economical solutions for all roofing and cladding needs. 0olourCcoated and tiled
roofing profiles are also offered !" Hindalco.
Hindalco launched R4#erlastR aluminium roofing sheets in earl" 677(.
Launched after e&tensi#e research, this product represents one of the strongest e#er
initiati#es to present the Indian consumer with an attracti#e and relia!le solution to his
roofing needs.
A#aila!le in a range of profiles, it can !e used !oth for domestic roofing, as
well as in industrial applications including factor" sheds, godowns and tea estate sheds.
*.< &)U(INIU( &))OY +HEE)S

he launch of as man" as fi#e !randed products within the span of a "ear
marked HindalcoNs entr" into the era of #alueCadded marketing. he launch of RAuraR
Allo" Eheels in earl" 6776, uni5uel" positioned as Rdress code for "our carR. he high
profile launch of RAuraR Allo" Eheels, positioned as Rdress code for "our carR, met
with an enthusiastic response. In its first "ear in the market, *+,*77 Aura allo" wheels
ha#e alread" !een sold.
Hindalco manufactures worldCclass aluminium allo" wheels at its plant located
at Sil#assa, /adra and .agar Ha#eli, '97 kms from Mum!ai. he wheel plant was set
up with technical assistance from Stahlschmidt K Maiworm, %erman", which is among
the world leaders in allo" wheels. his has helped the compan" to optimi$e capacit"
and enhance the share of #alueCadded semiCfa!ricated products. he (77,777 nos. allo"
wheel plant is progressi#el" increasing production.
he allo" wheel plant has commissioned stateCofCtheCart 0.0 machine lines
from IM, Ital", !esides indigenous drilling and front face machining centers for
meeting the e&acting re5uirements of #arious customers.
Branded as A23A, these high performance allo" wheels are a#aila!le in o#er
'77 st"le options for nearl" all #ehicles running on Indian roads. Hindalco wheels are
appro#ed for suppl" to MarutiCSu$uki, ata Motors, Honda, %M, Hord, H"undai,
Mahindra K Mahindra, Hiat, Hindustan Motors, International 0ars K Motors Ltd. and

Hindalco was awarded the prestigious IS1AS '9;8;<6776 certification !"
3E2M, %erman" for its allo" wheel plant in Ma" 677(, one of the first companies in
the world to achie#e this certification. It had earlier !een conferred the IS1 ;77'<6777
and IS1 '877' certification !" 3E2M for its foil and wheel operations.


Birla 0opper a strategic unit of Hindalco. Has a mega %reenfield copper
smelting and refining comple& at /ahej in the Bharuch district of %ujarat. he copper
plant produces world class copper cathodes, continuous cast copper rods and precious
metals that are marketed under the !rand names Birla copper, Birla %old and Birla
Sil#er. Sulphuric acid phosphoric acid, diCammonium phosphate ?/A=@ and other
phosphoric fertili$ers, and phosphoCg"psem, are also produced at the plant. Birla
copper,s 5ualit" standards are recogni$ed internationall" it has !een listed in the
London Metal 4&change ?LM4@ since (7 Januar" 677(, as a grade A copper producer.
Birla 0opper is an IS1 ;77' compan", and has recei#ed IS1 '877' certification.
0athodes are largel" used in the manufacture of copper rods for the wire and
ca!le industr", and copper tu!es for consumer dura!le goods. he" are also used for
making allo"s such as !rass, !ron$e and allo" steel, and find application in di#erse
areas like defence, mint and construction.
C!"ti".!./ ca/t c!44er r!#/
HindalcoNs continuous cast copper rods meet all the re5uirements of
international 5ualit" standards. heir e&cellent surface finish makes it suita!le for
processing to enameled, coated and plated wires. he" are a#aila!le in +, '', '6.*, '9
and ';mm diameters.
T2e Bir-a C!44er r!# i/ c!"/i#ere# /.itab-e 5!r0
power and communication ca!les
strips for power and distri!ution for transformers
magnet wires
A larger diameter rod Q'', '6.* and '9 mm Q is used for producing profiles
and !us!ars. Birla 0opper is the onl" manufacturer of the '; mm diameter copper rod
in India. his rod is used for groo#e conductors and profiles.
Preci!./ meta-/
=recious metals are e&tracted at our precious metals refiner" located at /ahej.
he metals gold and sil#er ha#e an affinit" to copper ore and are found in certain
5uantities in
the concentrate supplies. Hindalco pa"s for the gold and sil#er content !ased on the
pre#ailing international !ullion market prices and other terms. he precious metals are
e&tracted after copper refining to produce ;;.; per cent pure gold and sil#er, and
selenium. he residue contains traces of platinum and palladium which are sold as
platinum group metal mi&, commonl" known as =%M.

As a #alueCadded product, Hindalco produces /iCAmmonium =hosphate
?/A=@ and nitrogen phosphorous potassium compound ?.=D@ which are used as
fertili$ers. =hosphoric acid is produced at the compan"Ns phosphoric acid plant !" the
chemical reaction of Sulphuric acid from the smelting comple& and rock phosphate,
which is imported. At the /A= plant, phosphoric acid and ammonia are reacted to form
/A=. =lant has a capacit" of 8, 77,777 tpa and went on stream in 1cto!er 6777.
Addition of imported potash in re5uired 5uantities is part of the chemical process to
produce .=D comple&es.
hese comple& phosphate fertili$ers marketed under the !rand name Birla
Balwan and are #er" popular among farmers in states of %ujarat, Maharashtra, Madh"a
=radesh, 3jasthan, =unja! and Hari"ana, ha#e higher water solu!ilit" and pro#ide
!etter nutrition to crops. o the farmers, Birla Balwan is a powerCpacked !asal
?inorganic@ fertili$er used for increasing crop "ield ad is applied at the time of sowing.
=roducts are sold through pri#ate trade channels as well as institutions like coC
operati#es and Agro Industr" 0orp.

Sulphuric acid, copper slag, phosphoCg"psum and h"drofluosilicic acid, which
are !"Cproducts of HindalcoNs production processes, are also sold. he compan" is in
the process of setting up an aluminium fluoride manufacturing facilit" using its !"C
product h"drofluosilicic acid.
S.-42.ric aci#
Birla 0opper produces Sulphuric acid ?also known as oil of #itriol,
dipping acid@ of IS 699C';;( technical grade. It has great affinit" for water, making it
strong deh"drating agent, it is a #alua!le electrol"te and a strong o&idi$ing agent.



De4artme"t Str.ct.re
H3 policies of Alupuram /i#ision
3etain and de#elop good emplo"ees.
4mpower emplo"ees to accept responsi!ilit" and take calculated risk.
Share information among emplo"ees.
Hair and firm approach in industrial relation and discipline.
High standards of safet" and occupational health.
Be a good corporate social citi$en.
F."cti!"/ !5 H.ma" Re/!.rce De4artme"t
he functions of the H3M can !e di#ided in to three<
&#mi"i/tratie 5."cti!"/
H5 ana(er
26.ana(er H5 3xe#u$%-e 3xe#u$%-e 3xe#u$%-e
8un#$%ons o/ H5 2ep$.
Adm%n%s$ra$%-e <e(al H52
Maintaining the securit" s"stem of the compan"
Handling the personnel affairs such as Eelfare, =H, %ratuit", Scholarships,
Insurance, Issue of Salar" and residence certificate, =romotion, confirmation
3eception of telephone calls and transferring it to the concerned department
2p keeping of the compan" guest house
4ntering and updating the gate pass such as #isitors pass, #ehicle pass and
material pass
3egulating the contract workforce
3egulation and maintenance of certain coupon
H.1 correspondence
4mplo"ee strength
Holida"s, M3S, House construction
0ontractor,s workmen
LI0 =ension claim
ransport su!sid"
Mehicle loan
)e3a- F."cti!"/
Liaisoning with e&ternal %o#ernment agencies like =ro#ident Hund, La!our
/epartment, 4SI, emplo"ment e&change, pollution control !oards, legal
authorities, factor" inspectorate, 4loor pancha"ath, court attachment, accident
reports, su!sistence allowances, apprentice act
Maintaining a harmonious relation with the trade unions
Hiling of statutor" returns like Horm 43I?emplo"ment e&change@
La" off
Long erm Settlement?LS@
H3/ Hunctions
Arranging training to all emplo"ees such as I=, and 4=,s.
/e#eloping career plans
0harting the skill matrices
=ro#iding opportunities for the educational institutions for research and sur#e"s.
Monitoring the safet" of personnel
Merit rating
Medical and 1HS
=erformance appraisals
4n#ironment management s"stems?4MS@
Ty4e/ !5 -eae/
0asual lea#es < ; da"s A "ear
4arned lea#es < rate of 6 da"s for e#er" '+ da"s or more worked.
Sick lea#e < : da"s A "ear
Sa-ary matter/
Date of disbursement of salary
0onfirmed emplo"ees< Last or first of the month
rainees last or first of the month
Staff 3oll period ?'
to month end@
Annual !onus will !e aid !efore 1nam
Medical, School ad#ance will !e paid through cash timings.
he recruitment polic" of Hindalco
3ecruitment at Hindalco is need !ased.
3ecruitment shall !e !ased o merit and su!ject to the candidates fulfilling the
necessar" re5uirements for the jo! concerned.
Son or daughter of permanent workmen who died in ser#ice will !e gi#en '7I
weightage for the purpose.
3ecruitment criteria shall !e following<
4ducational 5ualification
Eritten test, practical test and inter#iew
=h"sical standards
Medical fitness including mental fitness
All new recruits are gi#en e&hausti#e induction program through the 4mplo"ee
Integration =rogram ?4I=@. Hor the shop floor emplo"ees, training are designed through
the positional training s"stem. I4BA has identified the skills needed for each jo!, which
is consolidated in a skill in#entor". Base don the skill in#entor", Skill Matri& is
de#eloped for each person department wise. 4mplo"ees who scores a!o#e ;* and a!o#e
in the skill matri& are identified as Internal rainers and can train there colleagues.
=erformance re#iew is carried out in a group appraisal process. 3e#iews are
conducted in a half "earl" !asis. Half "earl" performance re#iew is carried out to assess
each indi#idual,s performance against the o!jecti#es set at the !eginning of the "ear.
he H3 representati#es ensures that the performance re#iew process is carried out
across the organi$ation in the same fashion. he appraisal is that of a self appraisal
s"stem. he appraise e#aluates himAherself on the gi#en guideline and is finall"
appraised !" the assessment panel.
All promotions to higher grades shall !e made from the lower grades. he !asis
of the promotions will !e merit rating scores and completed "ears of ser#ice.
Hactors considered for selection to the e&trusion press shall !eB
Safet" records
Merit rating
4ducational 5ualification
Eritten test

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