Sorsogon Climate Change Assessment
Sorsogon Climate Change Assessment
Sorsogon Climate Change Assessment
HS Number: HS/140/10E
ISBN Number: (Volume) 978-92-1-132255-2
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this report do not imply of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the
Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the
delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development. The analysis conclusions and
recommendations of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme or its
Governing Council.
Principal authors: Adelaida Antonette Mias-Mamonong, Yen Flores
Contributors: Sorsogon City Technical Working Group
Summarised by: Adelaida Antonette Mias-Mamonong, Bernhard Barth
This report is based on the Sorsogon City Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment (2008), prepared within the
framework of
UN-HABITAT’s Cities in Climate Change Initiative.
cities and climate change initiative
1.0 Introduction 3
1.1 Cities And Climate Change 3
1.2 The Cities And Climate Change Initiative 3
1.3 Assessment Methodology 4
2.0 Background 5
2.1 Geographic Background 5
2.2 Urbanization In The Philippines 5
3. 0 Overview of Climate Change Impacts
and Vulnerability 7
3.1 Climate Projections 7
3.2 The Impacts Of Climate Change In The Philippines 8
3.3. Sorsogon’s Sensitivity To Impacts Of Climate Change 8
3.4 Sorsogon’s City Adaptive Capacity To Climate Change 10
3.5 Vulnerability To Climate Change 10
3.5.1 Vulnerable Areas In Sorsogon City 11
3.6 Priority Climate Change Issues In Sorsogon 12
3.6.1 Housing And Basic Infrastructure 12
3.6.2 Livelihoods And Climate Change 14
3.6.3 Environmental Management 15
3.6.4 Climate Change And Health 16
3.6.5 Climate Change And Gender 17
4. 0 Existing Institutional framework 18
4.1 National Policies And Strategies 18
4.2 Sorsogon City Policies And Strategies 20
cities and climate change initiative
1.1 Cities and Climate Change 1.2 UN-HABITAT’s Cities and Climate
Change Initiative
Millions of people around the world are already, or will
be, affected by climate change. Urban areas, which Cities and local authorities have the potential to
typically feature high concentrations of populations and influence the causes of climate change and to find
buildings, are particularly vulnerable. Climate change is how to protect themselves from its effects. The Cities
expected to compound the overall vulnerability of urban and Climate Change Initiative, a key component
areas through rising sea levels, more frequent and of UN-HABITAT’s Sustainable Urban Development
stronger weather events, and inland flooding, among Network (SUD-Net), promotes enhanced climate
other challenges. At the same time, cities are major change mitigation and adaptation in developing-
sources of greenhouse gases, and therefore must stand country cities. More specifically, the Initiative supports
at the forefront of mitigation efforts. Mitigation and the development of pro-poor innovative approaches
adaptation to the effects of climate change must take to climate change policies and strategies. This Initiative
into account the vulnerable natural and human systems builds on UN-HABITAT’s rich experience in sustainable
existing in our urban areas and their surroundings. urban development (through the Environmental
In many countries, cities are located in coastal areas, Planning and Management approach of the Sustainable
beside rivers, on steep slopes or other risk-prone Cities Programme and the Localizing Agenda 21
areas. Infrastructure such as roads, water networks, Programme) as well as on well-recognized capacity-
transmission lines, schools and hospitals providing building tools. The Initiative develops, adapts and
basic services for urban populations, are vulnerable disseminates the methodologies that put city managers
to extreme climatic events such as floods, storms or and practitioners in a better position to cope with
landslides. Cities located in tropical coastal areas are climate change.
particularly vulnerable to cyclones or rising sea levels, The Cities and Climate Change Initiative also promotes
the frequency and intensity of which have been on the collaboration by local authorities and their associations
increase over the past three decades. In addition, salt in global, regional and national networks; the triple
water intrusion restricts the availability of fresh water rationale is (1) to enhance policy dialogue so that
in coastal areas, jeopardizing food security as once- climate change is firmly established on the agenda; (2)
fertile land becomes barren due to high salt content. to support local authorities’ efforts to bring about these
Cities located in the hinterland or along rivers may be changes; and (3) to enhance awareness, education
vulnerable to flooding. Conversely, areas where climate and capacity-building in support of climate change
change is expected to reduce rainfall may be affected strategies. A major outcome of the initiative will be
by drought, shrinking water tables and food scarcity. the development of a set of tools for mitigation and
In urban areas, the poor are the most vulnerable to the adaptation.
effects of climate change, and particularly slum dwellers
This report comes under the Cities and Climate Change
in developing countries.
Initiative. Four pilot cities were selected in 2009,
and one of their first assignments was for each to
assess its vulnerability to climate change. In addition
to Sorsogon, the other three cities are Esmeraldas,
Ecuador, Kampala, Uganda and Maputo, Mozambique.
The aim is to provide insights on climate
change adaptation and mitigation capacity in cities in the most recent climate projections of the Philippine
developing and least developed countries. The rationale Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services
behind this report is to disseminate the early lessons of Administration and the National Urban Development
the Cities and Climate Change Initiative. and Housing Framework (2009-2016) support studies.
At the City Level, the assessment looked into a small
1.3 Assessment Methodology coastal city, Sorsogon City in the Bicol Region. The
assessment used a participatory Vulnerability and
The Philippine assessment was carried out at two levels; Adaptation process looking into the city’s exposure,
the national and the city level. sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of the area vis-a-vis
The national assessment reviewed existing national projected climate scenario, previous climate related
documents, researched on climate change and current disaster events and more importantly people’s account
policies, and utilised focus group discussions with of the past events and observations.
key urban development stakeholders (government
institutions and individual experts). It used as reference
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San Miguel
San Fernando
Quezon City
UNHCR representation
Main town or village
Secondary town or village PHILIPPINES
International boundary
Primary or secondary road
(Above mean sea level)
Puerto Princesa
Cagayan de Oro
South China Sea
Kota Kinabalu
0 100
100 200
kilometres Printed: 11 July 2005
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on thisSemporna
map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Sources: UNHCR, Global Insight digital mapping - © 1998 Europa Technologies Ltd.
cities and climate change initiative
1 National Statistics Office, Census of Population: August 1, 2007 3 Barangay is the smallest political unit into which cities and municipalities in the
2 National Statistical Coordination Board (NSCB) Resolution No.9, Series of 2003 Philippines are divided. It is the basic unit of the Philippine political system.
cities and climate change initiative
Overview of Climate Change
Impacts and Vulnerability
3.1 Climate Projections Using the PRECIS modeling system of the Hadley
Centre, the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical
According to the Fourth Intergovernmental Panel and Astronomical Services Administration issued the
on Climate Change Assessment Report the global following climate change projections for the Philippines
climate change models project an increase in average for 2020 and 2050:
temperatures of 1.4 ºC to 5.8 ºC in the 21st century
leading to further increase in sea level. Also, the • The mean seasonal temperatures are expected to
Fourth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change rise by about 0.9ºC to 1.4ºC by 2020 and 1.7 ºC to
Assessment Report emphasized that in Asia, climate 2.4 ºC by 2050.
change is projected to compound the pressures on • Projection of seasonal temporal rainfall variation
natural resources and the environment associated with is largest (-35 % to +45%) during the six month
rapid urbanization, industrialization and economic period from March to August.
development. The same report specifically stressed that
coastal areas, especially heavily populated megadelta • Projection of seasonal temporal rainfall variation
regions in South, East and South-East Asia, will be at is less (-0.5 % to +25%) during six months from
greatest risk due to increased flooding from the sea September to February.
and, in some megadeltas, flooding from the rivers. • The highest increase in rainfall during the
Based on recent studies in the country, the observed
4 southwest monsoon season, which is from June
anomalies in climate in the Philippines from 1951-2006 to August, is likely in Region 01 (44%), Cordillera
are as follows: Autonomous Region (29%), Region 03 (34%),
Region 04 (24%) and Region 05 (24%) in 2050.
• increase of 0.6104 0C in observed annual mean
temperature; • The model indicated that climate change will
probably lead to an active southwest monsoon in
• increase of 0.3742 0C in observed annual Luzon and Visayas as evident in future increases
maximum temp; in rainfall which is more pronounced in June to
• increase of 0.8940 0C in observed annual minimum August and becoming greater with time.
temp; • The drier seasons of March-April-May will become
• increased number of hot days and warm nights; drier still, while the wetter seasons of June-August
and September-November become wetter.
• decreased number of cold days and cool nights;
The Boxes below present the Philippine Atmospheric,
• increase of annual mean rainfall and rainy days Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration
• increase in inter-annual variability of onset rainfall; PRECIS projected climate change scenarios for the
Province of Sorsogon relative to temperature and
• an average of 20 cyclones cross the Philippine Area rainfall for 2020 and 2050.
of Responsibility with 8-9 reaching land each year
- an increase of 4.2 in frequency for the period of
Projected Change (%) in Rainfall in Sorsogon also increase the level of storm surges, it is predicted to
increase risk of many more people to flooding. Changes
30 in tides as well as salt water intrusion into surface and
ground water may affect the amount and quality of
water supply. In urban centres, the impacts of sea
% Change
level rise are compounded by ground subsidence due
MAM to over-extraction of ground-water for domestic and
industrial use (Rodolfo and Siringan, 2006).
-15 The agriculture sector of the Philippines is projected
to be greatly vulnerable to climate change especially
Box 1: Projected change(%)in Rainfall in Sorsogon due to the increased occurrences of El Nino Southern
Oscillation (ENSO) and La Nina events, bringing drought
and extreme rainfalls respectively. The 1997-1998 El
Projected Change in Temperature in Sorsogon
Nino caused a drop in GDP by 6.6% in agricultural
production and in construction and construction-related
manufacturing by 9.5%. The 2008 Labour Force Survey
estimated 11.8 million workers along with their families
and dependents, in agriculture, forestry and fisheries
cities and climate change initiative
Sorsogon City’s exposure and sensitivity to climate Increase in Rainfall (mean and extreme): Some
change are evidenced by the following: structures occupy hazardous areas (prone to flooding
and landslides) – indicating the sensitivity of the city
Stronger Tropical Cyclones: The impacts of tropical
to impacts of increasing rainfall. Given the projected
cyclones cause massive destruction to the city and its
increase in rainfall, the city is continuously exposed
population as evidenced by previous events especially
to flooding events. In 2009, during the tail end of
the most recent which took place in the last quarter
the summer season, Typhoon Dante which by the
of 2006 when Super Typhoons Milenyo (September
Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical
2006) and Reming (November 2006) struck. Both
Services Administration storm warning was only signal
Typhoons were measured to have sustained maximum
number 1, brought extremely heavy rains to the city.
winds of more than 200 kilometers per hour. Due
Based on local records “Dante” poured more than 300
to “Milenyo” more than 10,000 houses (33%) were
millimeters of rain within a short period of time and
destroyed and an estimated PHP208 million damage
caused major destruction to the city. PHP200 million
to infrastructure was recorded. While still in the state
worth of infrastructure and agricultural land were
of calamity and while reconstruction/rehabilitation had
just started, Typhoon Reming again caused destruction
and further affected the already damaged structures
and disrupted the urban system thus prolonging city
recovery. Vital lifelines such as power and water
services were impaired and the former was only fully
restored after three months. The impacts gravely
affected the poor households in the city because their
structures sustained severe damage as they are built
with materials and technologies that could not sustain
stronger typhoon winds, their livelihood implements
were destroyed, and their sources of income (i.e.
tourism) were halted.
3.4 Sorsogon City’s Adaptive Capacity of climate stresses. In the analysis, each indicator was
To Climate Change provided weighted score based on expert judgment of
the local government unit technical staff with reference
Adaptive capacity is the ability of a system to adjust to to the relevance of each indicator to reconstruction/
actual or expected climate stresses, or to cope with the rehabilitation planning/programming. The nearer the
consequences. Mainly it is characterized as a function score is to 1 the higher the adaptive capacity.
of various factors like wealth, technology, institutions,
information, infrastructure, and social capital5. Such Table 1 shows that Sorsogon City’s adaptive capacity is
factors are used or could be used by a system to rated at lower than the mid-score of 0.5 thus signifying
adjust and expand its coping range under existing low capacity to off-set the negative impacts of climate
climate variability, or future climate conditions6. Higher change in view of their exposure and sensitivity.
adaptive capacity lowers climate risks and offsets the 3.5 Vulnerability To Climate Change
negative effects of climate change to sensitive socio-
economic factors of a given system or area. Climate Change Vulnerability is the degree to which
a system is susceptible to, or unable to cope with, the
To measure Sorsogon City’s Adaptive capacity, socio- adverse effects of climate change, including climate
economic, technology and wealth factors of the city variability and extremes. Vulnerability is a function of
were rated using weighted scores of crucial indicators. the character, magnitude, and rate of climate variation
The indicators used (Table 1) relate to people’s capacity to which a system is exposed, its sensitivity, and its
to withstand negative effects as well as facilitating adaptive capacity7.
factors that allow recovery from the disaster impacts
cities and climate change initiative
3.5.1 Vulnerable Areas In Sorsogon City is urbanizing, and the last three villages are rural in
City climate change vulnerable areas or hotspots were
identified based on exposure and sensitivity and the The urban hotspots on the average are growing
communities’ adaptive capacity. annually at the rate of 1.7%. The barangay of Cabid-
an registers the highest annual growth rate at 3.23%
There are 12 villages which were identified as the city while four more areas are noted to have growth rates
climate change hotspots considering their exposure to higher than the average: Bitan-O Dalipay (2.12%);
multiple climate risks and hazards (i.e. tropical cyclone/ Sirangan (2.02%); Cambulaga (2%); and Sampaloc
storm surge, sea level rise, flooding, landslide). Of (1.74%). Projecting that the growth rate remains the
the hotspots identified, eight are urban villages, one
same for these areas, more people would become 3.6 Priority Climate Change Issues In
vulnerable to impacts of climate change. Risks will Sorsogon
be higher and the costs for relief and rehabilitation
(should climate-induced disaster happen) would also The assessment identified key urban activity sectors
be considerably higher if anticipatory plans for climate which are deemed crucial to support the city’s resilience
adaptive social and physical infrastructures are not put to projected climate change impacts while also looking
in place. into the valuation of possible damages. A multi-sector
city consultation was conducted to further support
The climate change vulnerabilities of the urban the initial participatory analysis activities carried out
hotspots are mainly accounted to the fact that these with various sectors which facilitated identification
villages are home to poor households with limited of vulnerability issues. As a result of these activities,
capacities to cope with projected impacts of climate Issue Working Groups were formed to incorporate the
change; their structures (houses and community assessment findings in planning adaptation response
facilities like health centres) are exposed or at risk to and mainstreaming appropriate strategies into the city
tidal flooding; seawalls are already damaged; there is developments plans and programs. Below are the key
inundation/erosion of coastlines; settlements are not climate change vulnerability issues which are considered
planned in view of climate hazards especially their flood top priority:
drains; livelihoods are sourced from weather sensitive
activities such as fishing/vending and tourism services;
commercial establishments where wage earners source 3.6.1 Housing And Basic Infrastructure
their income are at risk to flooding and Sea Level Rise;
The climate change vulnerability of settlements
public infrastructures (schools, bridges & roads) are not
and basic infrastructure in the urban hotspots of
engineered to withstand extreme events as evidenced
Sorsogon City could be generally attributed to existing
by previous disaster reports; and people in general
social issues, current structural designs and available
have limited knowledge on climate change thus have
technology, and on existing governance policies and
insufficient information on possible adaptation options.
These vulnerabilities were all substantiated by city data
and community accounts as gathered in site validation a. Informal Settlements In Hazardous Areas.
and focus group discussions. Forty five percent of the households in the city
At the governance level, the City Government of have no rights to the land their houses are built on.
Sorsogon attributes its general vulnerability to the fact Informal settlements are usually situated in coastal
that the current City Comprehensive Land Use Plan has areas, riverbanks, road-right-of-ways/roadway, and
not taken into account the projected impacts of climate unlawfully dwell on private and government land.
change. The built-up area as planned in the City
Comprehensive Land Use Plan is exposed to seaward
risks that climate change brings (e.g. sea level rise and
storm surges). The spatial planning capacity of the
city is limited by its lack of a Geographic Information
System that could support the local government unit
in sustainable development planning. Further, the
city’s vulnerability tends to be higher as its disaster risk
management framework is more aligned to reactive
or response actions (relief and rescue) rather than to
preparedness to mitigate disasters and anticipatory
planning for climate related risks.
cities and climate change initiative
b. Makeshift Houses And Limited Knowledge Of flow of goods and trade as well as the mobility of
Typhoon Resilient Housing Technology people are at risk should an extreme event occur.
The houses in poor urban communities are either d. Insufficient Water Drains And Absence Of River
made of makeshift materials or light materials Dikes.
which are susceptible to damage that could be
According to the city disaster profile, a total of
brought about by strong tropical winds and heavy
20 barangays are identified as flood prone areas.
rains. House structure reinforcement and new
Previous flooding in those areas was attributed
technology to adapt to stronger winds, heavier
to insufficient drains and absence of river dikes.
rainfall, and the increasing sea level are not yet
Assuming the 50% increase in annual rainfall holds
popular among the general public. The vulnerable
true, and with extreme events like continuous
urban communities, because of insecure tenure,
downpour over three straight days, the existing
are hesitant to build stronger structures, but use
drainage system in the urban areas as well as the
indigenous means to cope with cyclones, like tying
present natural drain from the rivers will not be
their makeshift houses to strong poles, and adding
able to contain and hold the water and could lead
weights (e.g. old tires and stones/rocks) on the
to damaging flash floods and run-offs. Flooding
rooftops. However such rudimentary ways have
could halt economic/livelihood activities and cause
proven to be insufficient protection from damage.
damage to property making disaster recovery more
With about 5,000 housing structures in the city
costly and difficult.
being damaged yearly by typhoons, about PHP150
million is spent for housing reconstruction each year e. Damaged Seawall
(assuming PHP30,000 cost of reconstruction per
The seawall that protects most of the coastal
communities from storm surge was heavily
c. Aging And Damaged Bridges. damaged by the two super typhoons in 2006.
Though repair activities began, only minor sections
Based on Department of Public Works and
have been repaired due to limited budget from
Highways reports, the strong cyclones in 2006
both local and national government. As revealed
(Milenyo and Reming) caused critical damage to
during focus group discussions in the hotspot areas,
Buhatan, Alice, Cawayan, and Abuyog Bridges. The
the present condition of the sea wall in these areas
is a major factor that increases their vulnerability to and civil society needs strengthening to ensure
storm surge and sea level rise. The city government complementarity of actions especially since climate
however lacks consolidated information on change impact scenarios could result in the
the structural gaps of the sea wall, considering displacement of a large number of people in the
that the sea wall infrastructure is managed and city.
maintained by the national government through
i. Weak Local Policy On Construction Of Safe Housing
the Department of Public Works and Highways.
Building and construction of settlements in
f. Land Use Plans Are Not Yet Responsive To Climate
Sorsogon city is guided by the National Building
Change Impact Scenarios
Code and the standards in building socialized8
Development of the city is guided by the approved and economic housing as contained in Batas
city land use plan which is intended to guide city Pambansa 220 (BP 220). Both national policies,
development in the most appropriate and suitable were formulated decades back, and do not
areas. The existing land use plan has not considered provide for guidance on technology that must be
climate change impact scenarios and the underlying applied considering the risks of climate change
development constraints that it would bring to and variability. There is no parallel local policy
most areas. The built-up environment as planned in Sorsogon City that could help enforce these
is highly concentrated in areas near the coast that national laws while also considering the local
could be threatened by storm surge and rising sea context and disaster risks that the city faces.
j. Secondary/Underlying Risks
g. Built-Up Areas Are Threatened By Sea-Level Rise
Solid waste. Since the informal settlements are
During Focus Group Discussions, residents from located in high risk areas, some are inaccessible for
coastal barangays shared their observations on solid waste collection resulting in dumping of waste
inundation in beach areas and coastal shores in the waterways and vacant land. This results in
especially in the Bacon District. Older citizens clogging of waterways leading to flooding and
estimated that about 50 meters of land in Poblacion contamination of the water bodies.
and about 15 meters of land along the shoreline
Sanitation. 25% of total city households do not
in Cambulaga have been inundated by sea waters.
have sanitary toilets. The figure is higher in areas
Residents of Bacon Poblacion recounted that during
where informal settlements are located. Where
the 1950s the current shore line had access roads
the households along the shorelines have septic
and was their play area then.
tanks, these are encroached by the bay during
h. Absence Of City Shelter Plan high tide. Further, the source of potable water is
also insufficient in these areas as only 72% of the
The city is yet to define its shelter plan with
population have access.
strategies and options on how to address its
housing backlog and future needs. Existing
government reports indicate that 43% of the 3.6.2 Livelihoods And Climate Change
households do not have security of tenure and
The poor populace is projected to be further challenged
informal settlements lack basic services. With the
by impacts of climate change which could alter their
population growing at 1.7% annually and with the
livelihoods sources and patterns of productivity. Given
migration of families from nearby municipalities
that the poor in Sorsogon City source their income
- given the city’s role as education, administrative
directly and indirectly from trade, agriculture, and
and trade center of the province - there are no
fisheries related activities (the last two being generally
appropriate strategies defined that address the
climate dependent), poor families would have difficulty
shelter concerns that match the existing resources
in meeting their basic needs such as health, water,
of the local government, the families needing
housing, and other actors such as NGOs which
provide shelter assistance. The coordination 8 Socialized housing in the Philippines is the housing program for the lowest 30%
income group; largely the population active in the informal economy without
amongst national government, local authorities secure tenure. Socialized housing is categorized to be up to PHP400,000 (land
and housing cost).
cities and climate change initiative
sanitation, and food security. Without adaptation, d. Job Losses And Limited Skills
poor families in Sorsogon relying on climate related/
Workers and service providers to businesses
dependent activities will have limited ability to cope
whether micro, small or medium often end up
with a changed global climate.
losing their jobs and income sources when climate
a. Inundation Of The City Center related disasters happen as shops close down or
reduce overhead spending. There are people in the
As the urban center of the province of Sorsogon
city who attribute the loss of their jobs to the two
and the trade and commerce hub, the threat
strong cyclones in 2006.
of climate-induced risks to Sorsogon City
has far-reaching implications. Following the e. Limited Skills And Knowledge And Alternative
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sea Livelihood Sources
level-rise scenarios of 0.5 m, 1.0 m or 2.0 m worst
Considering their limited skills and knowledge,
case scenarios, the downtown area where major
famers and fisher folk in Sorsogon City perceive
commercial establishments are located would be
themselves as having limited income earning
options when disaster strikes. Likewise, those
b. Threatened Tourism Sector engaged in vending and peddling products in the
informal market experience limited opportunities
Given the multiple climate change risks exposure of
to go into other activities once supply becomes
the city, the tourism sector which is highly weather/
climate dependent is facing risks. Climate change
would impact on the revenue of beach resorts and
the parks located in the coastal areas as well as the 3.6.3 Environmental Management
income of small traders and micro-entrepreneurs
Environmental management plays a crucial role in
linked with tourism establishments.
achieving sustainable development. Likewise, it is very
c. Decrease In Farming And Fishing Productivity important in reducing the risks and vulnerabilities
Increased precipitation and warmer temperatures of people to climate change disasters. With
could alter the productivity of farmers in the environmental degradation, the natural and dynamic
city. Rice and coconut farmers, who are about barriers to hazards are weakened thus resulting in
6,000, would have to face the risks of climate disasters that affect social equity and the economic
change. In 2006 the damage of Typhoon Milenyo efficiency of cities. Sorsogon City boasts of diverse
to agriculture and fisheries sector was estimated natural endowments (forest and coastal/marine
to be at PHP234 million. Coconut farms were resources) that support its development and ecological
damaged, with prolonged impacts on families (it balance. These resources however are threatened
takes two to four years to fully recover from such because of human activities and impacts of climate
calamities), thus limiting income sources over the change.
same period. The fisheries sector and the economy a. Degradation Of Coastal And Marine Resources
of the city is highly disturbed and challenged by
Sorsogon Bay and Albay Gulf are the main fish
impacts of warming waters and excessive rains
sources for the City. However, Sorsogon Bay is at
which are reasons perceived to be contributing to
present experiencing a major setback because of
the lingering case of red tide in Sorsogon Bay. The
intense economic activity and waste discharges
red tide is disrupting the employment and incomes
from informal settlements around it resulting in
of at least 245 households that are dependent
red tide and other pollutants which affect the
on “green mussel” culture with an estimated
mortality of marine and coastal species in the area.
production of 141.8 metric tons in 2006 (prior to
The rampant use of illegal fishing methods, over-
Typhoon Milenyo). Farming tools and fishing gear
fishing, inadequate coastal zone management, poor
are also lost or damaged during heavy typhoons
and flooding, thus affecting people’s capacity to go
back to their productive activities right away.
cities and climate change initiative
level although the city is vulnerable to and anticipates burdens especially because they needed to extend
increase in vector-borne disease especially Dengue their roles to cope and recover from the damages in
Fever. Given increased precipitation and flooding of their homes and livelihoods. Women in Sorsogon
areas, urban slums are highly at risk to climate related City during the past two cyclones and in the context
diseases and illnesses. of disaster recovery expanded their roles to generate
additional income to support the family. Immediately
Looking at health service infrastructures, the after the cyclone, the women were in the forefront of
assessment revealed that out of the 69 health centers looking for resources that could be used to restore or
in Sorsogon City, 32 centers were identified to be at augment their limited and damaged livelihoods. They
risk to flooding while 13 are located in areas prone to sought access to financial resources support and small
landslides. business information and training programs from local
micro-finance organizations in the City like PALFSI.
3.6.5 Climate Change And Gender The Self-Employment Assistance Kabuhayan (SEA-K)
program of the Department of Social Welfare and
Women in the City account for 49.7% of the Development through the local government unit of
population (2000). Though the latest census does Sorsogon City was also among the available livelihood
not present gender disaggregated data of the actual programmes accessed by affected women. Indeed,
population in the city for 2007, it is assumed that the women in Sorsogon played an important role in
women still account for the same percentage of the the overall livelihood and social recovery after the two
population. super typhoons that devastated the city in the late
Focused Group Discussions with communities revealed 2006.
that in previous disasters women experienced heavy
Women in a low-income neighbourhood in Sorsogon carry out their daily chores @UN-HABITAT/Bernhard Barth
Existing Institutional
4.1 National Policies And Strategies Administrative Order 171 was issued in February
2007 to create a Presidential Task Force on Climate
The creation of the Inter-Agency Committee on Change. The Task Force is headed by the Department
Climate Change via Presidential Administrative Order of Environment and Natural Resources Secretary, with
(EO) 220 in 1991 was among the first climate change members from heads of various government agencies
actions that the government undertook parallel to the and two representatives from the private sector and
formulation of the Philippine Strategy for Sustainable the civil society. Its functions include: conducting
Development. The Inter-Agency Committee on rapid assessments on the impact of climate change,
Climate Change is chaired by the Department of particularly on vulnerable sectors; ensuring compliance
Environment and Natural Resources and is made up of to air emission standards and combating deforestation
13 government agencies and one NGO network, the and environmental degradation; undertaking and
Philippine Network on Climate Change. initiating strategic approaches and measures to prevent
The Inter-Agency Committee on Climate Change or reduce green house gas emissions; conducting
facilitated the development of the 1999 Philippines’ nationwide massive and comprehensive public
Initial National Communication on Climate Change information and awareness campaigns; designing
which was submitted to the United Nations Framework concrete risk reduction and mitigation measures and
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The adaptation responses, collaborating with international
Philippines’ Initial National Communication on Climate partners to stabilize green house gas emissions;
Change established the baseline understanding on and integrating and mainstreaming climate risk
the Philippines’ vulnerability to climatic change and management into government development policies,
its potential for adaptation measures. The sectors plans and programs.
assessed were energy, agriculture, industry, land Republic Act 9729 otherwise known as The Philippine
use change/forestry and wastes. The Inter-Agency Climate Change Act of 2009 was signed in 24 October
Committee on Climate Change is currently undertaking 2009, by the President of the Philippines. This new
an improved national green house gas inventory and law directs the mainstreaming of climate change into
planning for adaptation actions. It will serve as a basis government policy formulations, development of the
for the preparation of the country’s Second National framework strategy and program on climate change,
Communication to be submitted to the Conference of and creation of the climate change commission. The
Parties of the UNFCCC by 2010. Act requires the creation of the Climate Change
The Philippines has conducted the necessary Commission, within 60 days from the effective date
policy initiatives needed for the implementation of the law, as the sole policy-making body of the
of Clean Development Mechanism. It ratified the government tasked to coordinate, monitor and evaluate
Kyoto Protocol in November 2003 and named the the programs and action plans of the government
Department of Environment and Natural Resources relating to climate change. Consequently, the Inter-
in 2005 as the Designated National Authority for the Agency Committee on Climate Change and Presidential
Clean Development Mechanism with the key role of Task Force on Climate Change shall be abolished upon
facilitating and promoting its projects. the organization of the Commission.
The Climate Change Commission will be an
independent and autonomous body with the same
cities and climate change initiative
status as that of a national government agency. It Based on the new law, the Climate Change
will be attached to the Office of the President, with Commission shall develop the National Framework
the President as Chairperson of the Commission. Strategy on Climate Change and subsequently
Three more Commissioners will be appointed, and to formulate the National Climate Change Action Plan
support the Commission will be an Advisory Board within one year after formulation of the Framework.
composed of Secretaries of National Government The Commission will have the following powers and
Agencies9, Director General of National Economic and functions: Mainstreaming and coordinating climate
Development Authority (in his capacity as Chair of change in national, sectoral and local development
the Philippine Council for Sustainable Development), plans and programs; Formulating a Framework
Director General of the National Security Council, Strategy on Climate Change and ensuring policy
Chairperson of the National Commission on the coordination under the framework; Recommending
Role of Filipino Women, Presidents of the Leagues of legislation, policies, strategies, and programs for climate
Provinces, Cities, Municipalities, and Barangays, and change adaptation and mitigation; Recommending
Representatives from the Academe, Business Sector, development investments in climate-sensitive sectors
and Non-governmental Organizations. Further, a Panel such as water; Creating an enabling environment for
of Technical Experts who shall provide technical advice the design of risk-sharing and risk-transfer instruments
to the Commission in climate science, technology, and and to promote broader multi-stakeholder participation;
best practices for risk assessment and enhancement of Coordinating and ensuring partnerships with key
adaptive capacity of vulnerable human settlements to national and local government agencies and other
potential impacts of climate change. stakeholder groups; Facilitating and promoting capacity
building and technical support for local planning
and research in vulnerable areas; and Overseeing
9 Departments of Agriculture, Energy, Environment and Natural Resources,
Education, Foreign Affairs, Interior and Local Government, Public Works and dissemination of information on climate change.
Highways, Science and Technology, Social Welfare and Development, Trade and
Industry, Transportation and Communications
Tricycles are the most common form of motorized transport in Sorsogon City @UN-HABITAT/Bernhard Barth
cities and climate change initiative
Climate Change Adaptation
and Mitigation measures
5.1 National Adaptation And the 2009-2016 National Urban Development and
Mitigation Measures Housing Framework was formulated and launched by the
Housing and Urban Development Coordinating Council.
The following are considered as the major national Operationally, under this planning function, the Housing
sectors in climate change, include, (1) housing and and Land Use Regulatory Board is mandated to oversee
urban development, (2) energy, (3) air, (4) waste, (5) the formulation of Comprehensive Land Use Plan, City
environment and natural resources, and (6) agriculture Development Plan and other city plans. The key themes
and marine. The national assessment for Cities and of the new National Urban Development and Housing
Climate Change Initiative revealed the fact that some Framework structure are: (a) Urban Competitiveness, (b)
overarching national policies on climate change are Poverty Reduction (c) Housing affordability and delivery
anchored in sectoral agencies. Thus far, the most active (d) Sustainable Communities, and (e) Performance-
in developing policies on adaptation and mitigation oriented governance. Of these five themes, the
approaches is the Environment and Natural Resources framework document only discusses climate change in
sector. At the Department of Education, climate change the sustainable communities’ theme.
advocacy is gaining ground with integration of climate
change matters in school curriculums. On the other hand, Presidential Executive Order 841
the Department of the Interior and Local Government
has designated a bureau to lead on the climate change After severe losses and destruction brought by extreme
issue. Thus agencies that are not “traditionally” identified weather events (Typhoon Ondoy and Pepeng) affecting
as climate change champions have integrated adaptation Mega-Manila and other highly urbanized areas, the
actions. Philippine President issued Executive Order 841 in
October 26, 2009 “ordering all local governments
Housing and urban development to revisit, reformulate, update and assess the
implementation and manner of execution of their existing
The formulation of the national policy on housing comprehensive land-use plans, particularly identifying
and urban development is with the Housing and government lands suitable for socialized housing
Urban Development Coordinating Council. As the resettlement and relocation.”
title suggests, the Council is expected to lead the The Executive Order requires all local governments to
government in addressing the housing and urban create a task force chaired by the local chief executive
development functions, but for undefined reasons, the and composed of all members of local development
urban development function receives less attention than councils. The task force will update, formulate or
housing in the Council while urban policy development reformulate the City Land Use Plan to ensure its
relating to climate change impacts has also been weak. completion within six months, or by April 2010. Further,
The urban data situation as observed reflects the absence the taskforce will facilitate the identification and
of persistent advocacy or championing of the urban inventory of public lands that have been idle for 10 years
cause in national agencies, institutions and organizations. from the effective date of RA 7279, and initiate their
The Housing and Urban Development Coordinating transfer to the National Housing Authority for socialized
Council works directly with communities and the Local housing and resettlement or relocation areas. The task
Government Unit in the implementation and monitoring force will also draw the mechanics for the relocation
of the Urban Development and Housing Act. Recently and resettlement of persons living in so-called danger
cities and climate change initiative
6.1 Challenges At The National Level homes are vulnerable to the impacts of climate
change, having structures with roofs and/or walls
Given its physiographic and socio-economic that are either make- shift or made of sub-standard
conditions, the Philippines is highly vulnerable to the materials, and are non-engineered. This underscores
impacts of climate change. The country’s vulnerability the fact that poverty and limited knowledge highly
to climate change is attributed to observed trends in contributes to climate change vulnerability and the
increasing mean annual and maximum temperature, condition of the poor could be exacerbated by climate
increase in mean rainfall, occurrence of extreme events change.
and observations on sea level rise. The Philippine
urban system, hosting 64% of the total population, The recent developments in advancing national
would be confronted with greater pressures given policies and governance frameworks related to
projected impacts to settlements, livelihood patterns climate change through the Philippine Climate Change
especially in the agriculture sector, food security, Act of 2009 signifies the promising and dynamic policy
health, access to ground water, and land inundation. environment in the country. The issue of constraints in
coordination and direction is now being addressed by
National estimates show that 82.5% of the entire the new law as it mandates the establishment of the
population of the Philippines is exposed to tropical Climate Change Commission. The Philippine Climate
cyclones, flooding and storm surge. 14.9 million Change Act not only demonstrates the country’s
commitment to global agreements on climate change 1. With regard to the implementation of the
but also its commitment to sustainable development. Philippine Climate Change Act of 2009:
It promotes synchronization of vertical and horizontal a. The Housing and Urban Development
government functions and puts at the heart of the Coordinating Council as the agency
action local government units – who are expected to responsible for urban development and
develop, implement, monitor and actualize adaptation housing services should be represented in
and mitigation actions. the Advisory Board of the Climate Change
Despite the dynamism at the national front, a big Commission along with those already
challenge now is on building local government unit mentioned in the signed law. This is in
capacities to act as the front runner for climate change consideration of the significant impacts of
adaptation and mitigation planning as embodied climate change on human settlements and
in the Climate Change Act. Local government units the urban system in general and the strategic
would need great support from national government role of urban centers in responding to
in terms of their capacity development in the areas climate change.
of vulnerability assessments, and adaptation & b. Strengthened coordination between the
mitigation planning. Knowledge management and national government and local government
information sharing across local government units, units to facilitate information sharing,
sectors, and disciplines are highly crucial to ensure technical support, and better knowledge
sustainable adaptation and development. Innovations management. Specifically, inventory
and applicable new technologies that are affordable of environmental policies and technical
need to be considered given the limitations of financial guidance notes (especially those relating
resources not only of local government units, but most to climate change) must be made available
importantly of the vulnerable poor who would be the and accessible to local government units
end users of the adaptation technologies. and urban development planners and
There is a big opportunity to mainstream climate stakeholders to inform policy development
change planning elements in the newly launched and decision-making;
National Urban Development and Housing Framework c. Capacity development for local government
(2009-2016) put forward by the Housing and Urban units should be responsive to their needs
Development Coordinating Council. Mainstreaming and translate into the development of Local
climate change parameters in the National Urban Climate Change Action Plans. Initiatives on
Development and Housing Framework could facilitate capacity development should be directed
local government units’ better understanding of not only at the local technical staff but also
the relation between climate change and urban at the local decision makers and leaders (i.e.
development planning processes. However, it is Local Chief Executives and other elected
noted that climate change is only considered as an officials);
element of the sustainable communities theme, which
is just one of the five themes of the framework. It d. Apart from local funds, linkages to financing
could be advocated that given the complexities of its facilities for adaptation and mitigation
impacts, climate change should be an overarching actions should be made available with
consideration in urban development programming. terms/conditions that are sensitive to local
government units’ capacities;
cities and climate change initiative
3. In pursuit of the Urban Development 2. The trade, agriculture, and fisheries sector is
Stakeholders’ Agenda on Climate Change: highly vulnerable to impacts of climate change
a. The Housing and Urban Development in the city. Given that the poor in Sorsogon City
Coordinating Council with other urban source their income directly and indirectly from
development stakeholders must actively be these activities, their livelihoods lifeline and other
part of the national discourse and planning basic needs such as health, water, sanitation,
for climate change action through the and food security will be greatly challenged.
Climate Change Commission; This is foreseen to put more pressure on the
cycle of poverty in the city and therefore hamper
b. The Housing and Urban Development
the achievement of the city MDG targets.
Coordinating Council with other urban
development stakeholders are encouraged
to strengthen partnerships with international Recommendations:
development partners in support of the
implementation of climate change actions a. Develop a livelihoods baseline for the City
that considers climate change and disaster
risk typologies per livelihood activity
cities and climate change initiative
b. Align the poverty alleviation program of the 4. Based on assessments conducted at the
city with the city’s vulnerability to climate community (village) level, the people are aware
change of the hazards as a result of extreme climate
events as they have experienced extreme
typhoons and storm surges over the last few
c. Develop alternative livelihood programs that
decades. However, the communities need to
take into account the vulnerability of the
be provided with the right information and be
communities in the identified hotspots to
encouraged to increase their involvement in
increase peoples resilience to the impacts of
planning and decision making processes vis-à-vis
climate change
the possible changes (positive and negative) in
their natural and social landscape due to impacts
3. Numerous non-public institutions could be of climate change. It has been noted that
tapped by the City Government for climate communities’ current adaptation practices are
change risks management. For instance, still weak in terms of considering secondary risks
the Bicol University and the Sorsogon State (e.g. health risks due to flood waters) in their
University could extend technical expertise on current autonomous adaptation practices
information and education campaigns, livelihood
adaptation development (fishing & agriculture),
research and development on building materials
and design, and technical assistance for GIS a. Pursuing Disaster Risk Reduction as an
operation and maintenance. Likewise, the NGOs entry point to promote climate change
are also committed to be involved in community risk management will complement and
organizing and mobilization, information and enhance existing community knowledge and
education campaigns and livelihood support. draw their interest to working with other
Recommendations: b. Develop social/community mobilization
plans and engage hotspot Barangays in city
a. Involve non-public institutions in continuing consultations and action planning. This
dialogue on climate change especially during would prove to be an efficient way to get
city consultations them involved in actions and in increasing
b. Broaden/establish partnerships among the their ownership of actions.
private, public, academe, civil society, and c. Develop Community Actions Plans and
neighbourhood associations to converge identify possible demonstration projects
efforts in climate change mitigation and that would generate high impact towards
adaptation. developing climate change resilient
c. Business sector participation should be communities. The demonstration projects
elevated from the conventional disaster relief could feed into the national Housing and
and emergency assistance and community Urban Development Coordinating Council
Corporate Social Responsibility projects initiatives on building climate-resilient human
to more strategic and focused programs settlements especially in low-lying urban
contributing to climate change. In particular, coastal areas
the business sector could play a vital role
in providing technology development in 5. Sorsogon City’s green house gas emission profile
green building and in promoting risk resilient reveals that the city has a miniscule contribution
communities through the use of appropriate relative to the world’s green house gas
and innovative technologies in housing and emissions. However, the city could contribute
infrastructure development. to climate change mitigation by showcasing
responsible actions that further decrease their
Un-hABitAt’s Cities and Climate Change initiative promotes enhanced climate change mitigation and
adaptation in developing country cities. sorsogon is a pilot city of the initiative, and this document is an
initial output of sorsogon’s Cities and Climate Change initiative activities. this summary is based on the
report titled “sorsogon City Climate Change vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment”.
the sorsogon City Assessment examines the climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation
capacity of a small coastal city in the Philippines - sorsogon City in the Bicol Region. the assessment
uses a participatory vulnerability and Adaptation process that looks into the city’s exposure, sensitivity,
and adaptive capacity vis-à-vis projected climate scenarios, previous climate related disaster events
and people’s account of the past events and observations. it examines how the existing institutional
framework at national and city level addresses climate change and also identifies gaps in the framework.
measures taken by the city to adapt to and mitigate against climate change are highlighted. in
conclusion, the summary recommends actions to be taken to ensure that issues of climate change are
adequately addressed and the adverse consequences are minimized.
hs number: hs/140/10e
isBn number: (volume) 978-92-1-132255-2