statistic to describe heterogeneity and did subgroup analyses
according to seven groupings selected before analysis: countrys
economic wealth according to World Bank classification (gross
national income per capita),
study period, inclusion or
exclusion of multiple pregnancies, inclusion or exclusion of
congenital abnormalities, inclusion or exclusion of women with
secondary hypertension, study design, and study definition of
chronic hypertension. We also stratified studies reporting
incidences of superimposed pre-eclampsia according to the
study definition of superimposed pre-eclampsia. We used forest
plots to assess overall effect. We calculated risk ratios for US
studies relative to separate comparator data obtained from the
Centers for Disease Control and Preventions vital statistics
2006 (US national statistics) for pooled incidences and for
individual study outcomes.
We also did meta-regression using xtmelogit regression to
identify the influence of potential modifiers of outcome
including parity, maternal age, and ethnicity on the relation
between chronic hypertension and subsequent outcome. As
individual level data were unavailable, we used aggregate data
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BMJ 2014;348:g2301 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g2301 (Published 15 April 2014) Page 2 of 20
for each study (mean and standard deviation for age, and
proportions of nulliparous/multiparous and white/non-white
women). We made estimates of mean age if categories of ranges
were presented. We used Stata version 11 for all statistical
analyses, and all tests and confidence intervals were two sided
with a significance level of 0.05.
Figure 1 shows the study selection process. Following
title/abstract screening, 208 papers remained for full text review.
Four abstracts were unavailable for analysis despite repeated
attempts to contact the authors. Fifty five studies, comprising
795 221 pregnancies and 812 772 infants, met inclusion criteria
and are reported in tables 1, 2, 3, and 4.
15 16 22-74
All studies
achieved a total Newcastle-Ottawa grading score of 5 to 7, and
no studies were excluded following grading. Newcastle-Ottawa
gradings are shown in supplementary information 2.
Five studies were randomised controlled trials, including a
primary analysis,
three secondary analyses of studies that did
not have differences between treatment and placebo arms,
15 22 24
and one study that reported a difference in outcomes between
the treatment (L-arginine supplementation) and placebo arm,
so only the placebo arm was included. One study included both
prospective and retrospective data and was categorised as
retrospective as this was the larger group.
Maternal demographics of women with chronic hypertension,
if reported, are shown in online supplementary information 2.
Individual study definitions of chronic hypertension and
categories according to definition are shown in tables 1, 2,
3, and 4 and in more detail in online supplementary
information 3. Study definitions for superimposed pre-eclampsia
are shown in online supplementary information 4. Table 5
shows pooled incidences and prediction intervals of adverse
pregnancy outcomes. Table 6 shows risk ratios of adverse
pregnancy outcomes from US studies compared with US
population data.
The relative risk of superimposed pre-eclampsia in women with
chronic hypertension was on average across study populations
nearly eightfold higher than was pre-eclampsia in the general
pregnancy population, and all adverse neonatal outcomes were
at least twice as likely to occur compared with the general
The meta-analysis summary results and 95% confidence
intervals relate to the average percentage incidence across
studies. However, heterogeneity existed in most analyses, as
seen by
values above zero. Thus genuine variation in
incidences exists across study populations; in other words, in
some populations the true incidence is well above the average,
and in others it is well belowthe average. This is shown by wide
95% prediction intervals for the potential percentage incidence
in a new study population. Only the limits of the prediction
interval for superimposed pre-eclampsia excluded the US
national data incidence of pre-eclampsia, which shows that the
increased rate was evident across the different settings of the
Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 show forest plots for the
pooled incidence of superimposed pre-eclampsia, caesarean
section, preterm delivery before 37 weeks gestation, birth
weight <2500 g, perinatal death, and neonatal unit admission.
Heterogeneity of incidence of superimposed pre-eclampsia
seemed to be lower in randomised controlled trials (
than in population studies (
=0.438) and was greater in
prospective cohort (
=0.83) and retrospective cohort studies
=1.080). Stratification of studies according to study definitions
of superimposed pre-eclampsia did not further reduce
heterogeneity measured by
. The incidence of neonatal unit
admission was lower in one population study (7.1%, 95%
confidence interval 6.0% to 9.2%) compared with randomised
controlled trials (20.1%, 19.5% to 24.3%), but only one
population study was included in this subgroup analysis.
Further comparison of
did not identify any significant
influence of multiple pregnancies, congenital abnormalities,
period of delivery, countrys economic wealth, inclusion of
secondary hypertension, maternal age, parity, ethnicity, or study
definition of chronic hypertension on the degree of heterogeneity
>0.2 for all subgroups) or proportion of women with adverse
This meta-analysis of 55 studies from 25 countries, including
795 221 pregnancies and spanning four decades, confirms that
chronic hypertension is associated with adverse pregnancy
outcomes. The pooled average incidence, across study
populations, of superimposed pre-eclampsia, caesarean section,
pretermdelivery before 37 weeks gestation, birth weight <2500
g, perinatal death, and neonatal unit admission were all
significantly higher in US studies than the general US pregnancy
population. Moreover, for superimposed pre-eclampsia, the
limits of the 95% prediction intervals (reference range) for the
US based studies were higher than the rate of pre-eclampsia
reported in the US population. Heterogeneity between studies
existed, and 95% prediction intervals were broad. Incidences
of superimposed pre-eclampsia reported by randomised
controlled trials were less heterogeneous than for other study
designs but similar to the overall pooled incidence of
superimposed pre-eclampsia in women with chronic
hypertension. However, meta-regression did not identify any
other underlying causes of heterogeneity, suggesting that either
populations with chronic hypertension are varied or
determination of chronic hypertension and outcomes may not
be consistent.
Strengths and weaknesses of study
Studies were carefully selected according to a rigorous search
strategy to enable unbiased inclusion of retrospectively or
prospectively studied cohorts, population studies, or randomised
controlled trials. For example, superimposed pre-eclampsia has
been shown to be associated with worse pregnancy
15 75-79
but some reports, initially assessed for the
purpose of this study, excluded women with chronic
hypertension and superimposed pre-eclampsia. This would lead
to an underestimation of other adverse events, so we did not
include these publications in the analysis. In other studies,
women with superimposed pre-eclampsia were frequently
grouped with other women with pre-eclampsia alone, precluding
useful risk assessment for women with chronic hypertension.
These studies were also excluded from meta-analysis.
Despite the selection of relevant and appropriately performed
studies, we observed substantial diversity of reported incidences
of adverse outcome. This is likely to reflect variations in the
selection of women studied and difficulties of measurement but
also true differences within the population of women with
chronic hypertension. We conducted exploration to identify
important confounders, including maternal age, ethnicity,
economic wealth of country, decade of deliveries reported,
parity, inclusion of secondary hypertension, multiple pregnancies
and congenital birth defects, study design, and study definition
of chronic hypertension. Although randomised controlled trials
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were more consistent than other study designs, we found no
systematic differences in mean event rates to explain the
disparity in outcomes. Most papers did not report relevant
baseline demographics defining the population studied, which
limited the assessment of confounders. Coexisting factors
including maternal age and ethnicity, recognised to be associated
with both chronic hypertension and adverse pregnancy outcome,
may contribute to confounding, but their relative effects are
Few studies in the meta-analysis reported control data, so a
direct comparison of outcomes between women with chronic
hypertension and normotensive women was not possible. To
provide clinical context and relevance, we selected US
population data (2006)
as a separate population for comparison
against the US chronic hypertension studies, because these data
provide the most comprehensive national annual statistics.
Although US population data also report outcomes in high risk
women, including those with chronic hypertension, the
proportion of women with chronic hypertension in this dataset
is small and therefore unlikely to influence the overall incidence
of adverse outcomes. We chose the dataset from 2006 as being
sufficiently recent to be clinically relevant but not too
chronologically distant from the years in which most of the
studies were conducted.
We could not elucidate the effect of differing antihypertensive
treatments on the maternal and perinatal outcomes, as
insufficient information was provided to allow subanalysis by
drug group. This problem is made more complex by scenarios
that include changing treatment over the gestationfor example,
when a pregnant woman starts pregnancy while taking one drug,
stops all treatment during the mid-trimester blood pressure nadir,
and then restarts with a different drug when her blood pressure
exceeds a certain threshold. In addition, many population based
registry studies may record prescriptions froma database, rather
than provide data that confirm that treatment has been taken.
Thus assigning an individual woman to any drug treatment is
difficult even within trimesters.
Strengths and weaknesses in relation to other
To our knowledge, fewother detailed meta-analyses of outcomes
of pregnancy in women with chronic hypertension have been
reported. Population studies have reported data from large
numbers of women with chronic hypertension and can be a
useful guide to risks of pregnancy, but their generalisability is
unclear. Population studies are limited by inaccuracies of coding
collected for billing purposes and are susceptible to
under-recognition of hypertension in pregnancy and
misclassification. For example, Roberts and colleagues
compared hospital discharge and birth databases with medical
records and identified significant under-reporting of chronic
Inadequacies of coding are also particularly
relevant to accurate diagnosis of pre-eclampsia.
Women are
more likely to be reported to have chronic hypertension if it had
been recorded in an admission before pregnancy,
that women with more severe or longstanding chronic
hypertension may be more likely to be included in population
No threshold of blood pressure that predicts poor pregnancy
outcomes has been identified, and an association between both
systolic and diastolic blood pressure and adverse events has
been reported.
Similarly, the length of time between diagnosis
of hypertension and pregnancy is associated with more adverse
Chronic hypertension may be undetectable in early
pregnancy owing to systemic vasodilatation and reduced
vascular resistance,
resulting in a fall in blood pressure, so
women with a blood pressure below 140/90 mm Hg before 20
weeks gestation would be excluded from many of the studies
assessed, unless they were already taking antihypertensive drugs
during or before pregnancy. The identification of women with
chronic hypertension is therefore challenging, and the fact that
multiple different definitions of chronic hypertension were given
is unsurprising. This may explain some diversity in incidence
of adverse events between studies; however, categorisation of
studies according to definition of chronic hypertension did not
reduce heterogeneity between outcomes.
In keeping with the challenges of diagnosing chronic
hypertension, identification of superimposed pre-eclampsia
remains difficult, and uncertainties exist. Research definitions
have gone some way towards standardising diagnoses.
In this
meta-analysis, 16 (30%) studies did not report diagnostic criteria,
and the remainder used 18 varying, though valid, definitions of
superimposed pre-eclampsia. Lack of consistency is likely to
affect the heterogeneity of outcomes across studies.
Although women with more severe chronic hypertension,
managed in specialist clinics, may be over-represented in some
cohort studies, pregnancy outcomes did not differ by definition
of inclusion criteria. Lack of blood pressures at first antenatal
visit or use of antihypertensive drugs in early pregnancy
precluded assessment of outcomes by severity of hypertension,
although degree of hypertension clearly affects the decision for
treatment and outcomes may therefore be influenced by severity.
The findings of this study remain applicable to the women with
chronic hypertension most frequently encountered and most in
need of specialist advice.
Meanings of study and implications for
physicians and health providers
The most recent UK Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and
Child Health identified chronic disease as an underlying factor
in preventable maternal deaths.
Consequently, the first
recommendation stated that Pre-pregnancy counselling services,
. . . for women with pre-existing medical illnesses . . . are a key
part of maternity services, supported by the National Institute
for Health and Care Excellences guidelines for the management
of hypertension in pregnancy.
Furthermore, the American
Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recent practice
bulletin recommends that women with chronic hypertension
should be evaluated before conception to ascertain possible
end-organ involvement.
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
can provide data more readily inferable to the individual, but
no large aggregate analysis of pregnancy outcome in women
with chronic hypertension has previously been reported. This
meta-analysis of outcomes can be used before pregnancy and
antenatally by healthcare professionals (including those not
providing direct maternity care) advising women with chronic
hypertension regarding possible adverse pregnancy events.
Accessibility to healthcare professionals and facilitation of early
referral will allow drug treatment to be optimised on an
individual basis (for example, starting aspirin and planning a
change from cardio-renoprotective angiotensin converting
enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor blockers to
alternative non-teratogenic antihypertensive drugs at the first
positive pregnancy test or pre-pregnancy) or enable reassurance
regarding continuation of drugs that are safe in pregnancy, to
reduce the risk of complications including cerebrovascular
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Debate is ongoing as to how antihypertensive treatment
influences outcomes. Although reasonable evidence from a
Cochrane systematic reviewshows that use of antihypertensive
drugs halves the incidence of severe hypertension, it has not
been shown to affect any other outcomes, including risk of
pre-eclampsia, perinatal death, preterm birth, or small for
gestational age babies.
Recent work has found that the risk of
certain malformations such as congenital heart disease is similar
in women taking angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and
those with underlying hypertension taking no treatment, both
having increased risk compared with normotensive controls,
suggesting that the hypertension itself may contribute to
congenital malformations.
Systematic reviews have also
identified that a greater mean difference in mean arterial pressure
with antihypertensive treatment is associated with the birth of
a higher proportion of small for gestational age infants,
providing the basis for the Chronic Hypertension In Pregnancy
Study (CHIPS). This study, which has recently completed
recruitment of more than 1000 women with hypertension in
pregnancy, but is yet to report, was designed to determine
whether tight or less tight blood pressure control influences the
likelihood of pregnancy loss or neonatal intensive care unit
A recent study showing that women with chronic
hypertension taking antihypertensive drugs have worse perinatal
outcomes than do those not on treatment was unable to adjust
for severity of underlying hypertension and indicates the need
for future prospective studies to explore the influence of
pre-existing disease severity.
While the debate on the use and type of antihypertensive drugs
continues, other beneficial management strategies needing
implementation before or in early pregnancy include lifestyle
adjustments (such as weight loss).
Our group has previously
shown that women with chronic hypertension who continue to
smoke in pregnancy are at greater risk of superimposed
pre-eclampsia (compared with non-smokers), so smoking
cessation is also an essential component of counselling.
Future research
Increasing numbers of pregnancies will be complicated by
chronic hypertension as the trend continues for women to delay
conception, together with the global epidemic of obesity. The
consequences of complicated pregnancy outcome are not only
costly in the short term, but the long term health consequence
for the offspring of women with chronic hypertension and the
subsequent financial burden should be acknowledged.
findings of this meta-analysis support the need for improved
understanding of the pathophysiology of chronic hypertension,
to inform the development of predictive and diagnostic tools
and enhance therapeutic interventions to reduce adverse
pregnancy outcomes. The continuing uncertainty about maternal
and perinatal effects of antihypertensive treatment shows the
need for large observational studies (for example, through
population registers) and randomised controlled trials of drug
treatment in women with chronic hypertension, to determine
optimal management for mother and fetus. As severity of
hypertension will always confound need for treatment and
perinatal outcomes, this must be considered for appropriate
conclusions to be drawn.
Chronic hypertension is associated with a high incidence of
adverse pregnancy outcomes compared with a general
population, as exemplified in this report by US data. This finding
should be interpreted within the limitations of the study. Our
results support the importance of increased antenatal surveillance
for women with chronic hypertension to enable early
identification of evolving complications. Women should receive
pre-pregnancy counselling to optimise their health before
pregnancy and to inform them of the increased maternal and
fetal risks associated with their hypertension. Strategies to
predict those at greatest risk, determine optimal drug treatments,
and reduce adverse pregnancy outcomes are needed.
Contributors: KB, BP, and LCC contributed to study conception and
design, analysis and interpretation of the data, and drafting and revising
of the article and were involved in the final approval of the version to
be published. PTS contributed to the analysis and interpretation of the
data and revision of the article. CN-P and LP contributed to the
interpretation of the data, drafting and revising of the article, and approval
of the final paper. LCC is the guarantor.
Funding: This work is produced by KB under the terms of a doctoral
research training fellowship issued by the National Institute for Health
Research. The views expressed in this publication are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the NHS, the National Institute for
Health Research, or the Department of Health. PTSs salary is funded
by Tommys Charity.
Competing interests: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform
disclosure form at (available on
request from the corresponding author) and declare: no support from
any organisation for the submitted work; no financial relationships with
any organisations that might have an interest in the submitted work in
the previous three years; no other relationships or activities that could
have influenced the submitted work.
Ethical approval: Not needed
Transparency declaration: LCCaffirms that the manuscript is an honest,
accurate, and transparent account of the study being reported; that no
important aspects of the study have been omitted; and that any
discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if relevant, registered)
have been explained.
Data sharing: The dataset is available to interested academic parties
from the corresponding author.
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BMJ 2014;348:g2301 doi: 10.1136/bmj.g2301 (Published 15 April 2014) Page 5 of 20
What is already known on this topic
Women with chronic hypertension have worse outcomes of pregnancy
The magnitude of pregnancy risk for women with chronic hypertension is uncertain from pre-existing data
What this study adds
This systematic review and meta-analysis shows that women with chronic hypertension have a high pooled incidence of superimposed
pre-eclampsia and all other pregnancy complications
Compared with the US general pregnancy population, the incidence of superimposed pre-eclampsia on average across study populations
was nearly eightfold higher compared with pre-eclampsia
Women with chronic hypertension in US studies have an approximately threefold increased risk of delivery before 37 weeks gestation,
birth weight <2500 g, and neonatal intensive care admission and fourfold increased risk of perinatal death compared with the US general
pregnancy population
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Accepted: 12 March 2014
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Table 1| Overview of randomised controlled trials of pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic hypertension included in meta-analysis
Definition of
Secondary causes of
chronic hypertension
No of
No of
women Country Study years
Author, year
7 3 No Creatinine >1.2 mg/dL
No 110 110 USA 2003 August et al,
7 2 No No No 822 822 UK and
2003-05 Chappell et al,
6 1 Yes Known cardiac or renal
disease excluded
No 40 40 Italy 2006-08 Neri et al, 2010
7 4 No Type 1 diabetes
No 763 763 USA ?-1998 Sibai et al,
6 2 No No evidence of
proteinuria (24 hour
urine protein <100 mg)
No 25 25 USA ?-1986 Weitz et al,
*1=systolic blood pressure >140 or diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of hypertension; 2=diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of
hypertension; 3=history of hypertension before pregnancy or presence of hypertension before 20 weeks with no blood pressure definition; 4=blood pressure
>140/90 mm Hg; 5=history of hypertension only; 6=antihypertensive drug treatment before 20 weeks; 7=other.
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Table 2| Overview of population studies of pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic hypertension included in meta-analysis
Definition of
Secondary causes
of chronic
No of
No of
women Country Study years
Author, year
7 3 Yes No Yes 1258 1242 Canada 1988-2000 Allen et al, 2004
7 5 No Primary and
secondary defined
Yes 750 078 731 694 (649
899 primary,
81 795
USA 1995-2008 Bateman et al,
6 2 Yes Relevant
No 1609 1609 Netherlands 2002-07 Broekhuijsen et
al, 2012
7 4 No Women with renal
disease, cardiac
disease, diabetes
mellitus excluded
No 1116 1116 Norway 1999-2002 Rasmussen et al,
7 2 No No No 2162 2162 Australia 2000-02 Roberts et al,
7 2 No No No 2727 2727 Taiwan 2005 Su et al, 2013
7 1 No No No 4749 4749 Sweden 1992-2004 Zetterstrom et al,
*1=systolic blood pressure >140 or diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of hypertension; 2=diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of
hypertension; 3=history of hypertension before pregnancy or presence of hypertension before 20 weeks with no blood pressure definition; 4=blood pressure
>140/90 mm Hg; 5=history of hypertension only; 6=antihypertensive drug treatment before 20 weeks; 7=other.
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Table 3| Overview of prospective studies of pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic hypertension included in meta-analysis
Definition of
Secondary causes
of chronic
No of
No of
women Country Study years
Author, year
7 2 No Cardiac or renal
disease excluded
No 64 64 Benin 1995-96 Attolou et al, 1998
6 1 No No diabetes, cardiac
or renal disease
Yes 72 66 USA 1973-79 Curet et al, 1979
6 1 No No No 55 55 USA 1982-84 Fleischer et al,
6 3 No Essential
hypertension only
No 63 63 USA ?-1977 Gant et al, 1977
7 1 No No No 396 396 Finland 1985-86 Hartikainen et al,
6 1 No Mild chronic
hypertension without
other disease
No 110 110 Mexico 2001-07 Inigo Riesgo et al,
7 1 No No No 2393 2393 Belgium 2001-02 Jacquemyn et al,
6 2 No No Yes 169 156 USA 1980-84 Mabie et al, 1986
6 2 No Free of major
diseases such as
diabetes mellitus,
sickle cell anaemia,
renal failure and heart
No 20 20 Nigeria 1992-94 Onyiriuka and Okolo,
7 1 No No No 459 459 Canada 1986-95 Ray, 2001
7 1 No No Unknown Unknown 298 Canada 1987-91 Rey and Couturier,
7 1 No Renal disease and
diabetes excluded
Yes 208 208 USA 1987-91 Rey, 1997
7 1 Yes Excluded proteinuria
at first visit
No 182 182 Italy 2000-06 Roncaglia et al,
7 5 No No No 66 66 Mexico 1996-97 Ruiz et al, 2001
6 1 No No No 131 131 USA 1995-2001 Segel et al, 2001
6 6 No No No 215 211 USA 1980-82 Sibai et al, 1983
6 6 No No No 44 44 USA 1978-84 Sibai et al, 1986
7 2 No No No 121 121 China 2001-05 Sun et al, 2007
6 3 No No No 26 26 Italy 1993-96 Valsecchi et al,
6 2 No No No 87 87 USA 1999-2002 Zeeman et al, 2004
*1=systolic blood pressure >140 or diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of hypertension; 2=diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of
hypertension; 3=history of hypertension before pregnancy or presence of hypertension before 20 weeks with no blood pressure definition; 4=blood pressure
>140/90 mm Hg; 5=history of hypertension only; 6=antihypertensive drug treatment before 20 weeks; 7=other.
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Table 4| Overview of retrospective studies of pregnancy outcomes in women with chronic hypertension included in meta-analysis
Definition of
Secondary causes
of chronic
No of
No of
women Country Study years
Author, year
6 2 No No Yes 31 30 USA 1981 Ales et al, 1989
6 7 No No No 72 72 India 1995-2004 Bagga et al, 2007
6 2 Yes Secondary
Yes 1627 1579 Hungary 1980-96 Banhidy et al, 2010
5 1 No No No 447 447 Spain 1984 Comino-Delado et al,
7 1 No No Yes 210 210 Croatia 1987-90 Delmis et al, 1993
6 3 No No No 210 210 Italy 1986-95 Ferrazzani et al,
6 1 No No No 52 52 Israel 1990-92 Fields et al, 1996
7 7 Yes No proteinuria at
entry or secondary
No 78 78 Italy 1993-95 Frusca et al, 1998
7 2 No No Yes 29 917 29 842 USA 1991-2001 Gilbert et al, 2007
6 3 No No No 2048 2048 USA 1982-87 Jain, 1997
6 6 Yes Secondary
No 211 211 France 2004-07 Lecarpentier, 2013
5 1 No Diabetes, renal
disease, secondary
forms of
No 213 152 UK 1980-97 Lydakis et al, 1998
6 1 No No Yes 98 97 Portugal 1988-92 Machado et al,
7 1 No Secondary
No 120 120 Japan 2006-09 Ono et al, 2013
7 1 Yes Secondary
No 70 70 USA 1992-95 Parry et al, 1998
6 1 No No No 109 109 USA 1987 Pietrantoni et al,
6 1 No No No 189 189 Brazil 1985-86 Sass et al, 1990
7 2 Yes No No 1032 1032 USA 1990-2008 Tuuli et al, 2011
7 2 No No No 1807 1807 Israel 1988-99 Vanek et al, 2004
7 3 No Not complicated by
cardiac disease,
renal disease,
diabetes mellitus
No 4014 4014 USA ?-1994 Velentgas et al,
6 7 No No Yes 157 154 Panama 1996-2001 Vigi-De-Gracia et al,
6 5 No No No 165 165 USA 2008-10 Wilson et al, 2012
6 2 No No No 117 117 USA ?-2003 Zeeman et al, 2003
*1=systolic blood pressure >140 or diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of hypertension; 2=diastolic blood pressure >90 mm Hg and/or history of
hypertension; 3=history of hypertension before pregnancy or presence of hypertension before 20 weeks with no blood pressure definition; 4=blood pressure
>140/90 mm Hg; 5=history of hypertension only; 6=antihypertensive drug treatment before 20 weeks; 7=other.
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Table 5| Estimated incidence and prediction intervals of adverse pregnancy outcomes for women with chronic hypertension
Prediction intervals (95%) Estimated incidence (%) (95% CI) No of studies Outcome
0.766 5.5 to 67.2 25.9 (21.0 to 31.5) 38 Superimposed pre-eclampsia
0.413 15.5 to 73.2 41.4 (35.5 to 47.7) 27 Caesarean section
0.286 6.8 to 67.6 28.1 (22.6 to 34.4) 30 Pre-term delivery (<37 weeks)
0.286 5.7 to 40.6 16.9 (13.1 to 21.5) 14 Birth weight <2500 g
0.403 5.9 to 51.3 20.5 (15.7 to 26.4) 16 Neonatal intensive care
0.544 0.9 to 16.4 4.0 (2.9 to 5.4) 27 Perinatal death
95%prediction intervals show uncertainty of range of possible incidence percentages for new study population, whereas 95%confidence intervals show uncertainty
about estimate of average percentage incidence across study populations.
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Table 6| Estimated incidence and prediction intervals of adverse pregnancy outcomes for women with chronic hypertension: studies
conducted in United States compared with US general population data
Risk ratio (95% CI)
US general
incidence (%)
Prediction interval
Estimated incidence (%)
(95% CI) No of studies Outcome
0.623 7.7 (5.7 to 10.1) 3.8 6.6 to 70.3 29.2 (21.6 to 38.2) 38 Superimposed
0.258 1.3 (1.1 to 1.5) 32.9 18.4 to 70.7 42.4 (35.0 to 50.1) 27 Caesarean section
0.526 2.7 (1.9 to 3.6) 12.2 7.8 to 74.1 33.0 (23.7 to 44.0) 30 Pre-term delivery (<37
0.225 2.7 (1.9 to 3.8) 8.2 5.1 to 60.5 22.2 (15.4 to 30.9) 14 Birth weight <2500 g
0.246 3.2 (2.2 to 4.4) 6.1 5.0 to 51.9 19.3 (13.4 to 27.0) 16 Neonatal intensive care
0.429 4.2 (2.7 to 6.5) 1.1 1.0 to 18.9 4.6 (3.0 to 7.1) 27 Perinatal death
95%prediction intervals show uncertainty of range of possible incidence percentages for new study population, whereas 95%confidence intervals show uncertainty
about estimate of average percentage incidence across study populations.
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Fig 1 Flow chart of study selection process
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Fig 2 Forest plot of studies of superimposed pre-eclampsia in women with chronic hypertension stratified according to study
design. MELR=mixed effects logistic regression
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Fig 3 Forest plot of studies of caesarean section in women with chronic hypertension stratified according to study design.
MELR=mixed effects logistic regression
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Fig 4 Forest plot of studies of preterm delivery before 37 weeks gestation in women with chronic hypertension stratified
according to study design. MELR=mixed effects logistic regression
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Fig 5 Forest plot of studies of birth weight <2500 g in women with chronic hypertension stratified according to study design.
MELR=mixed effects logistic regression
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Fig 6 Forest plot of studies of neonatal unit admission in women with chronic hypertension stratified according to study
design. MELR=mixed effects logistic regression
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Fig 7 Forest plot of studies of perinatal death in women with chronic hypertension stratified according to study design.
MELR=mixed effects logistic regression
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