KS Bull 07

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The passage discusses the differences between a priori and a posteriori knowledge, arguing that while a priori knowledge is preferable when considering certainty, a posteriori knowledge is more useful for gaining new information about the world.

The passage argues that while a priori knowledge is certain, a posteriori knowledge is able to provide new information about the world that can aid societal advancement. It also notes that absolute certainty is not needed for everyday tasks. A posteriori knowledge can also be put to practical use, such as in science and social sciences.

Examples given of knowledge that can only be gained through experience include knowledge of the natural sciences like properties of metals and how electricity works, and knowledge in social sciences like the relationship between employee morale and productivity.


ksbll rae 1 2007] RaffLes

"A prollt-driven mas media c more vibrant than atovernment regulated onel'Discuss.
"The puEuit of equalit), of rhe sexes is not only futile but foolishl' Do you aSree?
Wilaye, 07A I 3Al
"The pursuit ofequality ofthe sexes is not only futile but foolishi Do you agree?
"An educaled society s a civiised onel'ls this a wa/s true?
SuatYlnt, 07503 Q]
"covernments should pay attention to what art and anists have to sry.' Discuss.
l'4ing see,07Al3A]
"Social change has diminkhed the importance ofthe famil/ todayl' Discuss.
Chew' 07S03K]
ls frdom always good?
ln your opinion,how important i5 an opposition in
a coLrntry's progressl
ln your oplnlon, how imponant ls an opposition in
to a counlrlt progressl
Chan Tarwei, 07A I 3A]
"Censo6hip k an insult to mant intllitencel' Discuss.
, 07503 H1
"CensoBhip is an insult to man! intelligencel' Discuss.
'Technoloty has made our lives busiei not betterl'How tar do you agree with thi5 stztemntl
chue Xue Li,07s03F]
"Technolosy has made our llves buslei nor betterl'How tar do you atree with this statementi
How far should the media be held responsible for the problems faced by youft people loday?
"Dmocracy ls essentlally about'people powel". Discus.
Zhi Feng, 2A0 I Al
"DemocEcy is e$entially about'people power"'. Dkcus.
WelYuan, 2s03Ml
'The moal man is invariably put ai a disadvantaBeii! h always better to be amorall Dis.uss.
Shu"min ,2A0lA]
'The moral man is invariably put a! a disadvantate; i! is aLways bener to be amorall Discuss
Siek, 2A l 3Al
'Life 15harder,not easirl How far is this rue?
ls it true that rne more w have,the less happy we are?
d/o Shanmutam, 2503 H]
Do you agree thar as technoloSy advances, the arts get more enriched and more inte.estintl
Do you agree that as technology adhnces,the ans gt more enrlched and more interestint?
Shant Zhao,2Al3A]
'S.ience, unlike religion, promises more $an it deliveElTo what extent do
agree with thc statementl
Aditya, 2s03c]
ou!with the l4eat,Turn over to th Leaf
Yanci, 07s0614]
Do you think society is better off with the libeEtion of women from theh $aditlonal rolesl
Consider the view that the studl of mathematics k intellectualb/ satisting, but of little practical use
Kl Essays
k .t r sSuided to hold th{ reasoning i the p'ima'y soJrce of knowledte?
lNlcol. Joh.,
k it mlsgulded to hold that reasonint is the prlmary sour.e of knowledge?
ls it misguided to hold that reasoning
the primary soLrrce of knowledge?
h ir missuided to hold that reasonlns is the prima.y source of knowledtel
ShiQian Rachel,075060]
How mitht doubr be overcome?
Shivaramakrishnan,07A I 34]
How misht doub! be overcomel
sun Zhi jonathan, 07S03Q]
How mirht doubt be overcome?
Compare the roes piayed by reason and experience in at least tlvo academlc disciplines.
lsim Jintwel,07S03Al
"No man's knowldge here can
beyond his experiencel' To what extent do
Bee Neo Melissa, 075031]
"No manl knowledre herc can
beyond his expe.iencel' To what extent do you asreei
lNicole Quah , 07S06R]
A priori knowledse should always be preferred overa poreriori knowledge. Discu$.
lchery Q!ah,07S06R]
A priorl knowledse should always be preferrcd overa posleriori knowledge. Disct,$.
[Lim Jiii,
Ratrles lunior
Co lese ksbulhsre 1 2c0/
Message from the Principal
"l moy be wran| ond you moy be righL and by on effort,we moy get neorer to the truth."
- Sir Korl Roimund Popper
Stuart Mill noted,
"He who knovr's only his own side of the cose knows little of thot" .
ln so succinct a manner, Mill summed up the case for understanding
different viewpoints and the free exchange of ideas.
It is with this view in mind that the KS Bull is produced
to compile a collection of well-reasoned
General Paper (GP) and Knowledge & lnquiry (Kl) essays by RJC students in the hope that these essays
will inspire new arguments and divergent ideas among readers- We hope that the KS Bull will
significant role in spawning many more good arguments and essays among students in Singapore.
ln writing the essays, the studenls have engaged in research to understand an issue in dePth and
exercised critical thinking to consider an issue from different angles. ln presenting their arguments
clearly and coherentl/, their intent is to persuade readers !o aPPreciate their
of view.
For the reader, the benefits of reading a well-crafted essay are evident. Through reading such an essay,
the reader will have to analytically assess the validity of the argument presented, judiciously refine his
insights, creatively think of counter-arguments, and finally, thoughtfully form his own conclusions. This
rigorous mental process is perhaps akin to what AnSlo-Austrian philosopher,Sir Karl Raimund Popper,
had in mind when he said,"l moy be wron g ond you moy be right, ond by on effort, we moy get neorer to
the truth". lndeed, in being cognizant of the varyin8 views, we can hoPe to understand an issue more
completely and craft a better argumen!.
Read and Enioyl
Auspicium lYelioris Aevi
4lcGciiE+|:rfiEffidrmEil ksb! $!c 1 7007 Ratrles
Essav n I
T lle A profir-d ven mass media is more vibranr than a government reguiated onel Discuss.
w I
Name Clowwen Xrn Cl,rr:07S0rB
Both the profit-driven mass media and government-regulated mass media are manifestations of what extremely
parochial molives can do to transform a medium thatshould serve multiple purposes.The profit-driven rnass media is
inextricably bound to the economic context and flnancial imperative ofthe media industry;the governmenr-regulated
mass media is devoted to perpetuating a specific set of beliefs and values.When money or politics serves as the
sole impetus for the production of mass media, it eventuates in the ending of all variety, choice and vibrancy. ln this
essay,l will discuss how these two extremes impinge on the vibrancy of the mass media,and why the true solution
for sustaining life in the media industry lies in the use of the media to disseminate a wide variety of information and
Even in today\ society,we can see the potential harm an economically-driven mass media might impose on broadcasting
qualif/.This is because in most developed countries like the United States ofAmerica, the modus operandi of the
mass media is governed by corporate sponsors.Television shows are produced so thata certain number ofaudiences
will watch the advertisements durinS commercial breaks. Corporate sponsors pay rhe broadcasting firms based on
the number of people they would expect to be watching the showThis has resulted in the trite banality and lack of
innovation we see in today! media, what broadcasters term as "cookie-cutte." programmes.
We do not have to lookfar for evidence ofthe conomy\ role in the declininS tastes and standards of broadcasting.
The wildly successful birth of the "Survivor" series cemented the place of reajityTV in toda/\ culture.ln the pursuit
of profit maximisation, numerous broadcasting firms have churned out reality series,whose formulaic, insipid nature
makes the discerning viewer queas), from lhe monochromatic excesses of cat-fighting, sex and cheap sentiment.
For instance,The Bachelor has spawned
lYillionaire,Who Wants to l'4arry a Millionaire, and Average
invariable formula has attracted millions ofviewers, who desperately want the "stars" in the show to fall in love with
each other, as i{ they could.Thus, reality TV is a potent example of how the blind pursuit of economic benefits can
render the mass media completely bland and utterly unpalatable-
Broadcasting firms have also realised the need to targt the largest group of people in socjety with abundant
purchasinS power, so as to (once aSain) maximise the revenue earned.The role of the mass media has thus evolved
into one which is responsible for catering to the tastes of the majority. Social groups which are deemed unlikely
to purchase the advertisers'products are, unfortunately, marginalised in the production of mdia.These include
th disabled and the elderly, both of whom have gnerally lesser purchasing power and are less overwhelmed b/
consumerist desires.ln co ntrast, teenagrs and young adults are the motivation behind shows produced today;for
instance,firms have been coSnizant long ago of the baffling appeal ofviolence rhis has resulted in the proliferation
ofviolence in the mass media.
Violence is glorified everywhere in sonS lyrics (Eminem talks about how he would brutally kill his mother in "Kill
You"), video
(the most popular video game in the world, Grand TheftAuto, allows players to rape prostitutes
before killing them), and movies (only one out offive violent movies is rated R the restare rated PG-13 to attract
teenage viewers).Thus we see that when the mass media is only concerned with ?ttracting rhe largest group of
viewers to maximise revenue obtained from advertising,the media is reduced to nothing more than a few, painfully
ubiquitous themes.
Not unlike the fanatically buck-chasing money-hungry mass media elucidated above,the government-regulated mass
medja is also dangrously focused on funding the growth ofa particular motive.The onl/ diference is rhat this time
round,th impetus is political instead ofeconomic.ln this instance,the mass media morphs into a powerfulroolto
influence the people's beliefs and values-
Covernment regulation is also known, in a term that sends chills down a liberal\ spine, as censorship.This is the
magic behind many oligarchs',juntas', authoritarians' and emperors' abilities to rally the support ofthe people behind
them. Censorship, in its most horrifying forms, can serve to suppress all other information thar may jeopardise the
Co ege <sb! sae I 2007
in the state or country. As such,the mass media presented is devoid ofall diversity. Only the
government's stand is supported. For instance, Robert Mugabe. a corrupt president in Zimbabwe, forced all news
broadcasting firms to close down,allowing only his governmentjunded news firm to disseminate information in the
country This has undoubtedly severely circumscribed the variety of information provided to the locals
they are
made to believe the government is dedicated to servinS the good of the people, and they continue to be unaware
of Zimbabwe\ atrocious human rights reco rd.Th u s, govern ment regulation is culpable for expunging vibranc/ from
ln both cases,we see that economic and political m otivation s, esp ecially when given free rein,can severely endanger
not only the vibrancy of the mass media involved, but also the society it serves. ln my opinion, vibrancy can also be
and maintained
if the mass media is used as an pladorm not only to entertain, but also to inform and
educate the masses. ln order to achieve this, the mass media must not be excessively fixated with the economic or
political area it must be willing to bear the responsibiliry of bringing good-quatity broadcasting ro all.An example
of commendable broadcasting in the light of possible political adherence is the British Broadcasting Corporation
(BBC). Shows like "Hard Talk" present round-tabie debates and interviews with eminent leaders around the world.
which expose the audience to a wide variety of opinions. ideas and informatio n. Anoth e r example would be
PilSerl film about EastTimoi which attracted 3 million viewers, out of whom an extraordinary half a milJion called
the switchboard afterwards,to registertheir shock and anger at what had happened.This is media at its most efiective
it educates, engages,and transforms the lives of many people.lt is these rypes of broadcasting which would continue
to inject vibranc/ into a mass media inundated by duplicates ofrhe same ilk.
Mass media can only survive ifdivorced from the ludicrously stilted motives of corporate sponsors and the government.
Ultimately,the continuous vibmncy of the mass media will be left in rhe hands of the people whom it serves
the people will have the power to demand a mass media that servesTHEl.4 besr.
Weh Xin, this was like a breath of fresh air! Arguments here were sophisticated, full of insight and
maturity, and written with conviction. Superb work!
knr! I h,ue I 1007 Raffles
The advent of the women's suffrage movment at the beginning of the last century and the subsequent feminist
moveme nt fifty years later has resu{ted in a world todaythat is no longer entirely bound to the traditionalperceptions
ofthe different functions of men and women, be it in the public sphere or in the famil/.The rise of prominent female
figures in contemporary history in societies traditionally dominated by men the present Chancellor of Germany,
Angela l'lerkel,former President oflndonesia lY egawati Su karnop utri and Prime Minister Helen Clarl< of New Zealand
are but a few examples that suggest that the pursuit ofthe equality ofsexes is very much tangible and achievable a
stand that I believe in. However, certain facts of life have resulted in critics arguing about the ultimate impossibilit/
ofthe dream ofSender equality in the world
this I will discuss subsequently.
The intrinsic and biological sexual dimorphism berween the male and the female genders of humanity is compelling
corroboration for the assertion that any flght for gender equaljty will be "futile". lt is a scientifically determined fact
that women are indeed "the fairer sex".Ihe high levels of androgens, among them the widely known testosterone,
injected into the bodies of male fetuses with the stimulation ofthe sex determininggene at the tip oftheY-chromosome
has been proven to result in the many characteristics of males we are familiar with greater aggressive tendencies,
better spatial skills and quick arousal in response to sexual images- lt is interesling to note that an overwhelminS
maiorit/ of serial killers, psychopaths and criminals in maximum security prisons are male, and it has been found
that these people do have higher than normal levels of testosterone. Similarly, the different chemical makeup of
hormones present in females results in women having weaker skills of visualisation as compared to men, but with
better skills of communication, verbalisation and emotional empath/, and it is no wonder that over 50% of the
teaching worl<force is composed ofwomen.lnevitable differences between men and women do make the dream of
equality seem elLrsive.
lntrinsic natural dimorphisms between men and women in turn lead to seemingly logical difterences in the social
functions of each gendenWomen,who sacrifice a lot more ofthe nutrients in their bodies to bear a baby than men
might naturally be inclined to pla/ a greater role in the nurturing ofthe child in the famil/ and in being homemakers
while men, whose levels of male hornones bless them with better spatial skills,
muscle mass and strength,
naturally take on the function of hunting for the meals of the family.This structure of the human family which has
existed since time immemorial
men as hunters and women as
Satherers -
has resulted in men taking on far
more dominant positions in the societies of the world than women do.The very fact that out of possibly tens of
thousands of known human societies in the world. at most t remotely matriarchal, reflects the reality
that there must be something central in the human male, absent in the female, rhat makes them the dominant
people of their societies. Sceptics of the gender equality movement would be
at the l(nowledge that even the
"matriarchal" societies that exis! the l'4inanSkabau of West Sumatra for instance, are not really matriarchal but
rather. matrilineal
wealth and property gets passed down from mother to daughter but men are still expected to
bring in the livelihood.The functions of the different genders do not seem elastic at alL.
Ultimate in the argument against the possibility ofgender equality is the fact that women have a biological clocl< while
men do not.While the human male can father a child no matter how late into his life he is, the female has no such
luxury. reaching menopause a little after 40.This obviously acts as the s;n8le greatest deterrent against any woman
who aspires to clirnb the corporate ladder and have children at the same time,for halfa year of maternity leave can
be enough to disqualit a woman from a promotion.The realities lhat surround the I'ves that a man and a woman
inevitably lead almost make the prospect of gender equality bleak, rendering any pursuit of it"foolish".
With all the above arguments to support the assertion that
equality is an impossible dream, it would be
hard for us to imaSine any country which enjoys full equality of the sexes in the workplace and not suffer the
consequences of falling birth rates, a phenomenon that we would otherwise think inevitable.Yet such countries do
Scandinavian countries such as Sweden, not only have among the largest labour participation ofwomen,they
also have amonS the highest fertility rates in the developed world. Such a scenario would definitely be impossible if
we were to accpt the argument that men and women must fundamentally remain in the workplace and the home
Ra#les lunior
Coll8e ksbr I sle 1 2007
resPectively due to intrinsic differences in rhe biological makeup ofthe different sexes,or else catastrophes such as
falling birth rates will occur. ls the pursuit of gender equality feasibte afcer alt?
The saying "no
in the world now specifically requires a penis or a vagina" applies very much ro a large extenr
in today\ society. While the development of atriculture in the Fertile Crescent thousands of years ago did not
naturally hungr/ men from beint the dominant members of societies, the advent of technology in the recent
past has removed a
deal of the jobs that would traditionally require a man's intrinsic powers of raw strength.
Manufacturing may now be done completely automarically by robots, while cranes may now take over men\ dury
to transport heary things. Menk inrrinsic abilities do not sem to prove very much to be a strong reason for the
malel dominance in society now
lncreasinSly, the modern workplace is in need of the intrinsic abilities of women
the skills of communication,
verbalisation, and empathy. As economies ofthe world! developed countries evolve staggeringly from manufacturing
based secondary economies to more knowledge and service based economies such as banking,finance, Research and
Development,the skills needed in the workplace are also
moving in the direction of abilities not exclusive
to men or women.The modern female, equipped with an equal amounr of education as the modern male, is no
longer the disadvantaSed sex in the worl<place the possibility of a level-pla/int field berween men and women in
the workplace and the public sphere is no longer elusive, and !hus, no longer futile.
With a level-playing field in the workplace there musr come a level playing fleld at home
while rhis may presently
still be a slow progression, it is by no means an impossible one. Recent years have seen the gradual but sure increase
in the numbers of househusbands in colrntries such as the United States, an indication of the growing number of
eSalitarian relationships where the possibility of a wife, the "fairer sex" brinting in $e bacon for the famil/ is no
longer dismissed.
Sweden has shown us that it is possible for men and women to be equal in the workplace and in the public sphere
without disastrous consequences in the family demographics. Key to this success lies in open state support for
Swedish women to both climb the corporate ladder and have children,which come in the form ofgovernmentjunded
childcare centres, economic incentives and more.We thus see here that the pursuir of gender equalitx despite the
intrinsic differences between men and women, is not only possible, but also feasible and far from foolish or futile.
With men and women increasingl/ taking on equal opportunities and functions in many nations of the world, I am
confident that a future is possible.
Excellent work! A comprehensive, balanced, fluent and well,substantiated piece. Do try to make
reference to the terms of the question more often to make it clearer how your paragraphs answer
the question.
k5b!L rsle 1 ,007 RafflesJlnjor ColJege
ffi5li*o^n,[email protected]*.rroro
onlv rltire blt roorishr'Do
Throushou! history, there have been individual banles fought to establish gender equality in different fields.The
battle to establish long term equality of the sexes, howvei still rages on. ln a world where men traditionally are
the breadwinners and women care for the household, drastic changes to the structure of society and olrr lifestyles
are beginning to shift the original balance of gender roles;so much so tha. women are beginning to take up the cry
for equal oppoftunities, respect, recognition and rights as men across the board. lt is essential that at this point we
considerwhether gender equality can indeed be achieved at all,and whether such equality is the only way for society
to progress.The sooner people accept that equality is definitely a possibility, the faster we can come together to
build the new framework for the society oftomorrow, in which men and women will be given the chance to prove
themselves in any manner they deem fit and be respected equally for their choices.
The implication that the quest for equality of the sexes is hopeless is not one that can be simply accepted as the
ruth.Although not many breakthroughs have been made by feminist movements lobbying for equality. there are
many small indicators that show that society is already setting the foundations for bigger change ahead. l'4ore
importantl/, these signs show that the search {or equality is not one that is futile as many recoSnise the nd for
it and are responding.An important example would be the positive discrimination in the workplace today.ln some
instances, when men and women are equally qualified for jobs, the opportunity is given to the woman to make up
for the male domination in the field and to allow the woman to break out of the stereotype societ/ dictates by
proving her capabilities.This is an encouraging example of how male-dominated industries are willing to make small
compromises to accommodate the growing number of women who want to liberate themselves from traditional
roles by providing them equal opportunities to gain respect and recognition.
When measuring the possible success ofa venture, it is necessary to take into account the psycholoSical conditioning
behind it. For this reason, ed ucation
key. Fducation is the toolwith which men and women across the globe can be
empowered with to work towards gender equality. By educating women,they will be able to acquire the knowledge
and skills they require to survive. More
education can be used to influence young minds and help them
understand the need for gender equality and the benefits it will bring. ln a country such as Singapore, education is
a dep and pervasive tool used to spread the message of equality amongs! people of different races and reliSions-
A similar approach can be taken on the subject ofgender equality, to eliminate some sexual stereotypes.As long as
young minds are trained to think of either gender as equal, and society reinforces this viewthe pursuit of equality
is one that has hope for success.
Some may think of the pursuit as futile as the mass media and tradition seem intent on shaclding society to its
current state.The mass media,a powerfulinfluencing tool,repeatedly portrays women as the weaker gender,needing
perpetual support and attention.The marketinS adaSe'tex sells" also becomes a hurdle, as women are portrayed
simply as bodies used to service men only to be discarded afterward.A series of advertisements by beer company
Guinness featuring scantily-clad women only serves to prove this point.Tradition also holds some societies backfrom
enforcing gender equality. For lnstance, in China, newborns are sometimes killed when they are not the preferred
male gender ln Arab societies traditionally, woment education comes only after men\.The message sent by such
actions is cleariSender equaljty doesn't exist. Unless this myth is shattered completely and beyond doubt, it will
be difflcult to establish
equaJity permanently and holistically. Fortunately, there is hope in this area as these
stereotypes can be eliminated by giving women more respect and value.
The statement also implies that it would be foolish to allow gender equality to come into play.This view is very
one-sided.lt can be agreed that allowinS men and women to work at the same time would cause grear upheaval
in the balance of sociely.without definire roles to play, rhere is a chance that there will be no one tending to the
household and the raising of children, ultimately leading to larger problems in society. ln this light, the definition of
gender equality must befirmiy set.ln this case,itis not merely about women beinggiven equalopportunities to enter
the worl<force, but also about men sharing equal responsibility for the household.As author Betty Friedan puts it, a
thousand- fold increase in divorce rates cannot be accounted for simply by marital problems but the "obsolete sex
ColleSe I bL Issle I 100-
roles" society holds. Now more than ever, it is imperative that we undrstand and tal<e heed of her words. Problems
in society such as increasing divorce and crjme rates and such cannot be addressed properly until the issues of the
changing gender roles are realised.As such, the pursuit of equalily can be seen as far from foolish. lndeed, one may
even say that
equality in all senses is the only way for society to progress from ics currenL sLaLe.
Gender eqLrality also provides countries with a wider ralent pool by recognising that women can be as capable as
men,and by giving them equal opportunitis to learn and develop,a counrry can rely on twice the amount ofhuman
resources. SLrch a resource is extremely important in a small country such as Singapore.
To conclude, we can see from all the evidence that gender equality is neither a futile nor a foolish pursuit. Sociery
cannot be expected to chante entirely over a short span of time-There are however indications that the battle for
gender equality is slowly progressing on many different fronts.The evidence also confirms that equality berween the
sexes is somthing that can be achieved in the future if appropriate measures are taken now.The need for gender
equality has also been proven, erasing the possibiliry tha! such a search was meaningless and uncalculated.There
are risks involved, but risks must be taken for progress to occur;not only within societies but for humanit/ as a
This is the stuff that excellent GP essays are made o{! Fluid, lucidly clear and highly skilled writing,
coupled with mature sensibilities and strong argumentation prowess. An invigorating and astute take
on the question at hand. Keep it up!
ksbll $u.1 7007 RafflesJunior Colleg
Titlei"An educated society is a civilised onel' ls this always true?
Name: Lee SuatYing Class:07S03Q
Throughou! h istor/, educatio n has consistendy been heralded as a civilizing influence,and many peoPle have imbibed
and assimilated this notion blindly. However, though education has precipitated many changes for the betterment
of society, and led to a society that is advanced, affluent, and sustainable, that does not constitute civilization in its
enrirety. Being civilised holds many meanings and layers of deflnitions, from mere reflnement and sophistication to
a community with moralfibre and empathy.I feel that a societ/ cannot be deemed as civilised till it has fulfilled the
aforementioned criteria. ln recent years thouth, it has become increasingly more symptomatic that an educated
society is not necessaril/ a civilised one,what with the exponentially increasinS global crime rates and the sometimes
childish discord between even the established political leaders of each nation. Education in this case refers to both
formal and informal modes of learning,through an institution with qualifled mentors or through one's life experience
respectivel/.lt is an imperative to bear in mind the modern context ofeducation as well as the context ofeducation
through the years in order to expound on why a civilised society and an educated one are not one and the same.
Over the years, the multifaceted nature of education has been subsumed by the increasing paper chase and the
emphasis placed on amassing accolades and paper qualiflcations.As a result,many have neSlected the affective aspect
of education. and are intenr only on placing importance on academic results. ln order to catch up with the rat race
and not fall behind.many countries have neglected moral education and channelled both their energy and resources
into formal academic education.This has resulted in students quantifying their own self-worth not by their heart
or their behaviour, but by their academic diplomas. lt is precisely this shor!"siShtedness that resulLs in the very
fundamental aim of education being undermined. ln the moulding of the world! future generation, education has
only succeeded in creating a culture of self"preservation and instant
focus on the end product as
a result of the inevitable competition has rcsulted in students forsaking their value systems in the process because
of their perversely obsessive desire to experience the flurry on the pinnacle of success. Over the years, there has
been an increase in violence,and education and the cold, calculative nature it cultivates deflnitely have a part to play.
lf people are so conditioned by the sysrem to
focus on the end result without considering the repercussions
of their actions during the actual process, this will be manifested in their adult lives when in order to achieve their
goals,they betray their comrades,they kill,and they use underhanded tactics.The knowledSe
from education
allows them to rationalise their decisions to a greater extent and make sense ofor
their wrongdoinss, which
miSht in fact be of detrimenr to others. For instance,rhe recent NKF (National Kidney Foundalion) scandal exposed
T.T Durai for using donations to supplement his lavish lifestyle, and forsakinS patient welfare for "Sold taPs".II
Durai was a brilliant individual who was abie to orsanise fundraising drives of a larSe scale and who was a highly
educated and qualified man. Howevei he used his education to manipulate those under him,to justit his actions,and
dodg the long arm of the law from ripping his lack of transparency to shreds for an extended period oftime, all the
while susrainint his high standard of living at the expense of the donors- ls this what one would term as civilised? I
emphatically disagree,for this is truly a barbaric form of behaviour from a highl/-educated man.
Furthermore, education, thouSh a deflnite means of empowering people,often fails to drum into us the boundaries
and consequences ofthe use or applications ofour knowledSe,hence resultint in a societythat is farfrom civilised.
ln early
tandem during the Meiji Restoration,lapan impiemented a reformative education law that stated that
each family must at least have one member who could read or write and was literate. However, such education only
empowered rhe
government, to coin what was then known as militarianism in a bid to achieve their ideal
of industrialisation.They conquered many nations and tortured the people, often irralionally, into submission. lYore
often than not,they were barbaric, raping the women, bayoneting innocent infants, starving the people, and instilling
nothing but fearThe Rape of Nanking is still spoken oftoday with much trepidation, and the
who exacted
such atrocious treatment on the people of NankinS were all educated enouSh to yearn for greater progress, to
devise and harness their resources and scheme in order to garner more resources to fast-forward their
highiithts how an educated society misht not be aware ofthe limits beyond which they cannot and should
not harness their knowledge,and could very well be a society that is able to justifythe means it employs and employ
their superiority in certain fields to achieve their avaricious desires.Another example would be the United States
ofAmerica. which is easily thought of as an advanced civilisation and one of
Sreat Prowess,
having a hiSh rate of
College tb! *!.12007
literacy and many avenues ofhigher education. However,the United States ofAmerica has exerted this higher status
rhey enjoy and subjugated other nations,lil<e in the war against lr?q- Hence, it can be seen that education often
breeds nroral relativis m, wh ich is dangerous for any society that wishes to remain civilised-The invention ofweaPons
of mass destruction, for instance, riSht from the dropping of the atomic bomb, showed very clearly how cruel and
brutal an educated society can be by using the knowledge amassed throuSh the sPrintboard known has education
to achieve their own ends.
Education also results in the marginalisation of certain people in the communir/. Education and the meritocratic,
qualitative system that ir endorses and advocates, merely serve to result in an exclusive elite, and a non-inclusive
culture,where those who are unable to survive and live up to the standards and expectations ofthe education system
are castigated and relegated into a homoteneous lot of social outcasts.The streaminS and the unforgiving nature
of education have resulted in arrogance and complacency for those who are successful, and for those who are not,
they are looked down upon. lt is a danterous cycle that education has
one that
to those who are able to thrive in the system, and refusing or depriving those who flounder of help or chances for
self improvement, thus wideninS the already present gulf between these two grouPs.Those who are caPable and
rewarded or affirmed by the systern, will then be
in the higher echelons, where they will be able to make
decisions that impact societ/ and thus propelthe sentiments ofrepulsion or the flippant attitLrde towards those that
socieq/ deems useless- Even parents may treattheir children as co mm od ities. often comparinS them with others and
leading to child abuse in certain instances when children often cannot live uP to such sky high exPectations.This
just reveals the utly and barbaric side that education creates. For instance,the show"l Not StuPid" directed by
Neo, highlights how society condemns those who do not thrive in the system, and even those who are educated,
like principals and teachers, still harbour prejudices and blind spots towards these children.This is most definitely
not what characterises a civilised society, which is one that should be inclusive and cohesive, a caring and sharing
community.A socielythat is apathetic towards those oflesser aptitude is hardly one that is sophisticated and civilised,
for snubbing those who are weaker
just shows how shallow circumscribed and uncivilised their paradigms are.As
can be seen,being educated is not equivalentwirh being civilised;in fact, it is this education that miSht lead to further
social fragmentation. lf we cannot even treat our fellow human beings equaliy with respect and care regardless of
their status and level of a{fluence, who are we to claim we are civilised,for we are no more than animals.
However, it is undeniable tha! education is indubitably necessary to
a sense of conformity.The reward and
punishment schemes that are prevalent in most institutions today helP cement a sense of risht and wrong in the
young,and promote an adherence towards rules and a fear ofauthoritr Being more well-informed also allows one to
communicate better, and therefore understand others better as well,thus creating some semblance o{ civilisation.
ln conclus ion, thoLrgh education has its redeeming
it still has a long wa/ to
before it can be said to create
a society that deserves the label"civilised". Furthermore, education,like all systems, requires the
to have
a shift in wodd view before deflnitions can be revised and the direction an educated society moves is flne'tuned.
lndeed, it is hubris to claim that such a statement is always true, because it is a mark of stagnation to believe that
one manifesto,one ideology,and one system is enough to preserve nationhood and the qualities ofa civilised society.
Education is a double-edged sword that must be wielded correctly in orderto mould a future
that is not
onl), educated but civilised, with not only erudition but empathy, and a keen sense of moral absolutes. I think it still
requires a long while before one can emphatically claim "an educated society is a civilised onel'
You raise some good arguments and relevant
care to always qualify each ofyour claims
so that readers will more readily accePt them.
ksb! $!e 1 2007 RafflesJunior College
ln a world like todayt, many nations are driven by pragmatic goals the emphasis has been very much on economic
competitiveness, boosting national productivily, generating economic welfare and high standards of Iiving and the
list goes on.And in the face of such materialistic pursuits, art is often very much looked upon as something quite
useless, without any measurable value.Yet I believe, it is a mistake for governments to turn a deaf ear to what art
and artists have to tell them
that will be severely underestimating the power of art.
Firstly,what is art?Art is pretty much elusive and hard to pin down exactly;it takes on numerous forms literature,
music. film, plays; basically the list is quite inexhaustible. Oscar Wilde, in his book "The Picture of Dorian Gray",
once said "all art is quite useless"; he was a flrm believer that art exists to offer beauty and aesthetic value only
and nothing else beyond that.l personally would have to disagree
even as Oscarwilde wrote that book, he was,
ironically enough, conveying messages, provoking thought and questions about the nature of art and beauty. Art is
often viewed by many to be a medium of expression and not without reason.Yes, sometimes art is
created for
the sake of entertainment or just to convey some flitting personal sntiment;yet often,artists have something to say
that may well be of tremendous significance. Look at books like Georse Orwells"'1984", and MargaretAtwood! "The
Handmaid's Tale", both a stark portrayal of societies taken to their logical conclusions based on social and political
phenomena that were taking place in their time. And then,look at our own local works of art
RoystonTant "Cut",
a staSe production mocking SinSapore! censorship board. even
Neo! movies (a more mainstream and
form of art), which at times touch subtly on political issues. Art often carries with it a political dimension,and artists
often use their art to challenge the
force them to reflect on their current
and way o{ doing
things- And ifgovernments would pause and listen to all these voices questioning them. bringing forth warning and
advice, and ifthey would take these sorts offeedback positively, they may improve on current
and take more
things into consideration during decision-making.
Yet sometim es,
m ents do pay attention to what artists have to say to them
often for the wronS reasons. h
seems that governments are aware ofthe power of art;not of its power to create positive change though, but rather
its power to sow discord and destabilise the government.When Arthur lYiller wrote "The Crucible", for example,
the government arrested him not long after for his play parallelled the lYccarthy trials ongoing at that time and
they suspected he was trying to undermine the authority of the
Similarly, in China, the government
watches the local aft scene with an unblinkinS eye and would be quick to sniff out any vaSue whiff of
dissent. ln Singapore, Royston Tan! "Cut" was immediately overwhelmed by an onslautht of criticisms from the
Censorship Board. Here are instances where governments do pay attention to what artists have to say to them;only
rhey selectively do so, looking past any constructive value the works of art have to them, iookinS past the obvious
warning signs that the artist tries to convey at times, readinS only messaSes of hatred and danger between the lines
such as "l want to topple
suckers" or"Look, eveD/one.This is the ugly face of your
here are their
dirty stories". Hnce, not only should governments pay attention to what art and artists have to say to them, they
also have to do so with an open mind. and decide if the works ofart do hold critical value instead ofviewins art as
merely a voice of political dissent.
Of course, this also does not hold true all the tim e; govern ments should not be entirely comPlacent and assume
all art is of positive value and purpose.While they should pay attention to the constructive feedback artists convey
in their works of art, and mal<e use of art as a'tool' which can help lhem refine their policies and better their rule,
they should also remain wary of people who abuse art to achieve distorted, dangerous aims. For examPle, should
someone release a book insulting lslam, the government has to be quick to evaluate the possible consequences of
such a publication and adopt the route of cnsorship if necessary.The Prophet Mohammed cartoons published in
a Danish newspaper stirred up much anger and halred among the lYuslims, and in this case, the
possibly have paid more attention and evaluate more sensitively the consequences of such bold art.
Even if art does not carry wirh ir an obvious politicai dimension, it may also reflect social phenornena and thus still
be useful with regard to aiding the government in deciding its policies.Take Dickens' work , for examPle; "Great
Collese [sb! $!e ] l0N7
Expectations" was more than just a fun read: it reflects a lot of social phenomena, for example, the materialistic
nature of society then, and the cold, impersonal, cruel nature of the lawThe poem "The Man in a Bowler Hat", also
conjured a very thought-provol<ing portrayal of the common working man in a fas!"paced, capitalism-driven l9'r'
Century English society.Thus art can serve as a volce on behalf of common popuiace, and give governments an idea
of where society is heading.
And if there are still not enouSh reasons for governments to hear what art and artists have to say, one can find a
pragmatic incentive for doing so- Being more concerned about the local art scene does contribute to economic
progresst however indirectly; studis have shown that governments which attract bohemians into their society give
an image of bein8 open and inclusive and thus attract and encourage more entrepreneurs. Pa/ing aftention to what
artists have to say also sends a strong signalthat their opinions matter,thereby encouraging the emergence ofmore
such creative energy, and the development of a spontaneous and vibrant local ar! scene and culture- ln line with
pragmatic goals,this pushes a nation's development to a truly
wodd-class city'lhe Singapore
for one, has realised this to a certain extent-
AII in all, art can serve as a crucial,genuine and spontaneous voice offeedback for the government, and governments
should never underestimate the power both constructive and destructive of art.
Excellent work, Ming See.A fluent, balanced piece with a number of mature insights. Do watch your
paragraphing, however, and go beyond examples of literary works and film, to include
music perhaps.
ksb! *!il49lLEq!l|]1q correse
Title: "Social change has diminished the importance ofthe family today- Discuss.
Since time immemorial, society has arranged itself into subunits. better known as the family. lt can be concluded
that over the centuries, man has come to believe rhat the famiy arrangement is one that is effective in furthering
personal and societalgoals,servint as a suitable environment for the socialisation and upbringing of children as weli
as a unit of bound relations that supports each individual in society and meets one of man\ most innate needs for
For centuries, the social institution of the family has been a symbol of constancy and stability Yet, in our raPidl/
changing world of the 21"' century, the constancy and previousl/ unshiftinS stabiliq, of the family unit has been
brouSht into question. As society proSresses at breakneck speed, it can be said that even the family has succumbed
to the forces of social change. lndeed, the family and the definition of the family unit have changed. However, these
changes do not undermine the importance ofthe family in society, and this writer believes that the importance of
the family today has not diminished.
This brings us to the question of why some would believe and be alarmed at the diminishing imPortance of the
family.What social changes are believed to have led to this diminishing imPortancel
Those who fret over this alleged "breakdown" ofthe family unit claim that the family is no lonSer the vibrant social
instirution it once was due ro a precipitous fall in the number of couples deciding to tie the knot. ln our fast paced
society,where most individuals are constantly bombarded with an overwhelming worldoad and constantly loominS
deadlines to meet. it is no wonder that more and more people are remaining single.With little time to socialise and
search for a prospective soul mate or life partneq the number of singles is on the rise. and this trend is not likely
to change anytime soon. ln addition, in most developed countries, with a hiShly educated
career often
takes precedence over starting a family. lYany individuals choose to give up starting a family in
of excellence
in the workplace.With the alleged selfishness of our generation, it is unlikely that individuals would be willing to
compromise on the pursuit to start a family.This, coupled with the relatively recent female emancipation, has led
to increas;ng numbers of both men and women striving to climb the corPorate ladder rather than stay at home to
maintain a family and raise the children.With fewer marriages and in turn fewer traditionally defined family units, it
seems like a logical conclusion that the importance of family in modern society has diminished
Apart from the fall in the number of traditionally defined famiy units, the growing proportion of families severed
by divorce has brought into question the stability of this social institution.With three out of five marriags in the
United States and two out offive marriaSes here in Singapore ending in divorce,the trend seems apParent that the
family as a stable unit of relations is slowl/ losing its importance.
On the other hand,despite these trends of a decreasing number of nuclear family units and increasinS divorce rates,
the family is not diminishing in importance,but merely changingand shiftinS in its definition to suitthe values ofthe
new generation and the modern lifestyle. Changing social values has led not to the demise of the famiy unit, but
to its evolution.The family, as a social institution is adaptinS, and we should not mistake these changing definitions
for the undermining of its importance in society.The recent decades has seen the emergence and proliferation of
a whole plethora of familial arrangemenrs ranging from dual income homes to homosexually coupled families. lt is
very apparent that the modern family no longer necessarily connotes a nuclear family, complete with the male head
of household, the stay-at-home mom and 2.4 chiidren. However. despite a shift in the definition of the family, the
new familial arrangements serve the same purpose with
efflcacy and continue to uphold the imPortance of
family in modern society.
The 21" century has seen great economic
and in most develoPed countries, growinS affluence has led to a
rise in the cost of living.This increase in the costofliving now demands that both husband and wife workto supPort
the family. Dual income households have become the norm in modern societies the world over and is accePted
as a necessary arrangement in rhe light of the circumstances. However, desPite the fact that both the husband
College kjb! *!e I 2007
and wife are actively pursuing careers in the workpiace, the importance of the famiiy has not diminished in their
lives. Circumstances simply require both parties to work and even if they borh wish to pursue excellence in their
respective careers, the family still remains an important source of support and serves as a suitable environment for
child-rearing. ln this respect, despite shifting fam;ly structures and definitions, the family still remains of paramount
importance to both the individual and to society as a whole.
With the recent political activism aimed ar the legalisation of same-sex marriages, it can be seen that society has
grown to be more accepting of homosexual partnerships.While some countries, such as the Netherlands in 2000,
have legalised same-sex marriages, most nations support according equal rights to homosexual partnerships and
use the term "civil unions" in recognition that homosexual partnerships can also form the basis of lovinS,lasting
relationships.While many may not yet be comfortable with recognising homosexually coupled homes as "families",
this writer believes these new familial arrangements still can and do serve the purposes of the rraditional family.
While bringing indiv'duals personalsatisfaction and s upport, same-s ex couples are also capable ofloving and bringinS
up a child.Therefore it can be said that homosexually coupled families continue to uphold the family, the values it
embodies and its importance in society.
With increasinS divorce rates, one may begin to question the importance of the stable family unit in society today.
However sintle-parent homes, despite deviating from traditional definitions of the nuclear family, can still form the
basis ofan effective family. Besides,the number of remarriages is also on the rise,further proving that the family unit
is one that is stillvalued and important in modern socier/.
ln conclusion, it may appear that shiftint social values and beliefs have eroded and threatened the family unit and
caused it to be decreasingly important- However, the family as a social institution has not diminished in importance
but has adapted and evolved to suit modem living. While modern familialarrangements ma/ diferfrom the traditional
nuclear familxthese new forms ofthe'family'still serve the purposes ofthe family with great efficacy and continue
to embody all the values that the family constitutes. Despite brave proclamations of independence, man will always
need the family for both practical and personal reasons and thus,the importance of family has not diminished despite
the consrant socralchange that surrounds t.
Very good content that has been brilliantly and eloquently presented.Thanks for such a good read!
ksb! slc I 2007 Rafflesjunior College
E...v rtt
Tit e.ls freedom always
' U
Ndr e wans Ha .hen ctars 07s0orr
"Any society that would give up a little liberty for a little security, would
neither and lose both." Freedom is
touted as one of the most basic and fundamental of human rights,and is intrinsic to our very nature.lt is said that in
many religious texts, such as the Bible, that Mankind was the only creature
the gift of free will Yet,
and Eve were banished from rhe garden because rhey chose to eat the forbidden fruit,freedom is a value that is not
always positive.There are two primary tyPes offreedom, and those are,freedom from malevolence, and freedom of
choice. ln the lalter especially, freedom is not always
simPly because the "right" choice, or the "best" choice,
can be quite hard to make.This is all the more so because all our choices can affect other
First, we begin by understanding freedom.This precious commodity comes in two forms.The fi.st is the lack of
external forces oppressing the individual, and the second is the ability to make independent decisions and act uPon
those. From this dichotomy, we see that the concept of freedom entails three rhinSs or three
u is ites. The
flrst, and most important, is empowerment.whether it be physical or olherwise, the flrst steP towards freedom is
to breakfree from bondage. once you have overcome the oppression,in order to act upon your freedom,to utilize
it, you will then need knowledge and maturity. l'4aturitx as discussed by lmmanuel Kant, is the exercising of onek
mental abilides to arrive at rational and responsible conclusions based on an individual's knowledSe and exPerience.
Cleady, the last two requirements for freedom are interlinked.
ln today! society, there are few who disagree with the idea that the mo$ basic freedom
freedom from oppression
is a good thing, and above that, is a fundamental and indubitable human riSht.The riSht not to be a bondsman, not
to be a slave, not to be a commodity, is one ofthe most sacred values of modern liberal societies.
Having cleared that hurdle,let us look at rhe second form offreedom,the freedom of choice and action.As previously
mentioned, this requires knowledge and maturirx and it is because of these requirements, the inability o{ man to
fulfil them and the inherent selfishness of Man,that we say freedom is not alwa/s good.
Most choices stem from a simple cost-beneflt analysis.The cost of taking a certain action is considered, and the
beneflts are then co nsid ered. These two are then comPared and a decision is made. For examPle, ifJohn had to
choose between a hamburger and a beef steak for lunch, he would compare rhe two, decide if the additional cost
of the steak is worth the pleasure he derives from the taste, and then mal<e the choice.
Howeveithe problem is that not all choices are as simple. Many choices have hidden costs,or have undeterminable
or indefinite benefits.ln this case,the cost-beneflt equation will be skewed, impedinS a rational choice. For example, if
were to be in a dif{erent scenario,this time choosing whether or notto tal(e out a loan on a brand new Ferrari,
he has imperfect knowledge ofthe future,and therefore, is not able to factor in unexpected scenarios such as losing
his job or other misfortunes.This may lead him to make the wrong choice. ln this particular instance, freedom of
choice is not necessarily bad, because there is no reason why
should be deprived of his Bl'4W simply because
he is not clairvoyant. However, if we take for instance the choice of pesticide used in aSriculture, things may look
slightly different. A farmer may choose a pesricide based on its financial cost rather than other factors, such as the
presence of toxins or pollutants. ln this case. an impel-fect knowledge of the harm done to the environment or to
oneself may lead to a choice with potntial,y far-reaching consequences
Marurity,or the tendency to make rational decisions based on knowledte and experience is another factor in making
like a primary-school child would rather play than study, immature choices are often short-si8hted,
and may be harmful.The age of consent of l8 or above in many countries recognizes this fact and therefore, takes
away a person's freedom while he is still a child. However, maturity is not somethinS that is assured wilh aSe and
therefore, reason and rationality are not either
With the point on maturity comes one of the strongest arguments against freedom, ind that is the selfishness of
man.This inherent trait means that all bur the most enliShtened individuals would make choices based
College [5n] sle I 21i07
what is beneficialto thein.lt is argued thatthis selfishness is essentia ythe ultirnate immaturlry because the indlvidua
{ails to account for factors in the bigger picture.
This is sornething thatl S lYill recognised in his thesis on democracy,which led to the evolution ofthe harm principle.
It works on the premise that all individual actjons hav repercussions on other people, and society, freedom and
riShts should be tal<en away when these repercussions are negative.Therefore,
has the right to buy his car
and potentially fall into debt, because rhe effects are pureiy individual, whereas a burglar does not have the right to
walk into sorneone's house and walk out with their belongjngs, because another party is harmed-The whole idea
of rights is the segmentising of freedom into those you can exercise, and those you cannot. Clearly,freedom is not
always good.
This brings me to my final point on freedom.when
decides if he wants to blry his Ferrari, he also has to live
with the consequences of either choice.When Mary, who is on a diet, walks past a cake shop, she has to decide if
she wants to eat that tempting cheesecake on display,and if she decides to go ahead and br.r/ it, she will also have to
bear the consequences. Freedom brings about a choice, and choice leads to responsibilities.This causes stress and
may even become a burden, especially if the freedom were exercised immaturely, or without complete knowledge.
That is why freedorn even over an individual\ choices may not always be good.
Yet,why is freedom such a precious value,so much so that peoplefightand die for it? h is because it is in the hurnan
spirit to desire freedom.
Freedom liberates the soul, by giving individuals the space to explore and be creative.lt creates passion through one\
choices- lt creates diversification and promotes individualism. Nature\ snowflakes are not hammered out by great
big forces in the sky.They are
room to form freely, each becoming a unique and exquisite worl< of art.
ln the same way, regardless of whether {reedom is good or bad, its beneflts can be seen and felt everywhere. lt is
no mere coincidence rhat first-worid countries are mostly liberal democracies. Freedom encourages enterprise and
development.lt is especially potent in the arts scene,where the more liberal the reSulations,the more colourful and
vibrant the culture and the arts. so how do we handle freedom? we segment freedom up into rights to separate
rights and choices that are harmful from those that are beneficial.We recognize that freedom is not always good,
and we exercise our freedom responsibly and maturely. At the end of the day what we finally achieve should be a
system where Hannibal Lecter is behind bars. and Piccasso and Bill Gates are free to fly.
Fantastic essay with absolutely brilliant analysis. Great dissection ofthe question and your points are
eloquently and clearly substantiated by good thought experiments. \ffell done! Do be a little careful
of the language though. Try to vary your choice of words as well. H.L.A. Hart's "The Concept of Law"
is a good example of
philosophical writing that is easy to understand.
irb! sle I tcr07 Raffles
or Co lese
a rcun'lrvt
ln this era of the new millennium,with the widespread propagation of democratic ideals by the country many call the
cradle ofdemocracy,the United States, many a government has evolved into a more inclusive and pluralistic authority
that is voted in'by rhe people' and institutes policies'for the people'. Even communist countries,lil<e Russia and China,
have seen lhe inherent beneflts ofsuch a political system that gives every member ofthe electorate a voice,though
amid many other competinS voices, in the running of a nation. ln a true democracy, the
of an oPPosition
in the government is d sine quo non that is vitalto enable effective governance,for it serves the irreplaceable role of
acring as a voice for the people in the vetoing and checking of policies legalised by the rulinS body. Such is vital for
the progress of a society in this ever-changing world where change in governments is needed for survival.
Firstly, the opposition acts as an essential check and balance on the government. Lee Kuan Yew himself once
mentioned:"There is no guarantee future governments will be as strong and uncorrupt as the current parliament".
While a group of leaders may well have been voted in on lhe mandate of the peoPle,there is no guarantee they will
always serve the people well out oftrue concern for the welfare of a community. A reflection ofthis may be seen in
Fidel Castrot C!rba, where clampdowns and state-sanctioned assassinations of his political dissidents have reduced
his government to an ineffectual governing body, often accused of nePotism, cronyism and the like This has led to
international boycotts and stalled the economy of Cuba for extended
of time. More so can be seen in the
Philippines where previous
had virtualiy no opposition to act as a counter to the blustering movie-
stars-tu rn ed -politician s, leading it to the entrenchment of inflation and budget deficlts over the last 60 years. Hence,
ensurinS that the strength of a government will augment, rather than attenuate, a strong oPPosition is a must.To
quote a well-known phrase 'who guards the guardians?'.Weil, it is the opposition.
AIso, besides exposing inept
and serving as an avenue to correct faulty policies, the oPPosition also
serves as a form of competition- For example, in the US, the opposition of the Democrats against the incumbent
Republicans in Congressional sinings has seryed as a reminder to the Republicans to clean up their act after various
mess-ups concerninS !he lraq War. Not to do so would be to risk losinS their uPPer-hand in Congress during the
next election where the electorate may very well vote against them for
Poor Performane.As
such, with
opponents hot on their heels,always ready to pounce on every mistake and fault, it is no wonder lhat governments
have to be competent in gove rnance, wh ich is vital for society's progress.
While many say stabilit/ is essential for the success of a people,we have to bear in mind that political chanse is more
often than not, a slow and gradual process. Society often needs radicalism and agitation for changes to be
effect. An example ofthis would be theWoment Suffrage l'4ovement,or more recently the civil rights movement in
the l96Os.l.4artin Luther King once said'Wait means never.' lf not for him and his band of activists for the sufrage
of blacks, the dream of blacl<s and whites sittinS together at the table of brotherhood would. in effect, still remain
a dream. Society needs a voice to speak up in government for its sake. Let us not take the tranquilising drug of
gradualism any more, but rather instil a strong, vociferous opposition that is caPable of agitating a government into
a vital ingredient for progress.
Also, not to forget, an opposition may serve as a way to mandate the moral code of a
notion that the
maiority is always right is not only fallacious, but also immeasurabiy detrimental to the progress of a civil society.
Such a motion,though conSruous with the notion of democracy, is utterly, in every sense of the word. wrong One
man thought he could use the mandate of the majority against the minority. One man thought he could carry out
atrocities,Siven the support of the majority.That man wasAdolf Hitler.with the support of a parliament (essentially
weakl;ngs who dared not speal< ou!) and the support ofthe Germans, he carried out massacres and other indescribable
atrocities that will forever tarnish the image of Germany in the annals of history.The lack of an oPPosition, clear-
headed and brave enough to speak up against the majority led to such degeneration of morals that it is indeed
regrettable.To draw lessons from this episode, all governments need an opposition, strong and daring enough to
speak up against authority and ensure that the basic foundations of democracy incorporate a fundamenial moral
code by which a government adheres to-
College i.b.. 5r,.r Lra,!7
However, it is essential to note that an opposition must be who ly and truly dedi.ated to its role of servinS an idea
that aims forthe betaerment ofsociety.ln some instances,it is unfortunare rhat having an opposition in the government
may very well impede the effectiveness ofthe governing body.Take for instance,the presence of opposirion politicians
ln Singapore such as Chee Soon
whose political filibustering and ideological posturing and strongly-worded
accusations serve only as an avenue for him to undermine the integrity ofthe government and .ause an inrernational
uproar in the media.Such would only sel.ve to devalue the Peop etAction Party,an instjtution that has indeed done
much for SinSapore for the good of the people. lt is indeed an impediment to the effectiveness of th governmenr
and directly affects ihe progress of Singapore. ln such a case, Singapore would do well to be rid of such opposition
members.While Singaporet clean and effective government is the exceprion rarher than the norm, we can see thar
it is possible, in unique cases,for a country to be almost devoid ofsrrong opposition to succeed. Perhaps Singapore
could serve as a success storyto showthe possibilityofthe existence ofagovernmentthat is able to stay uncorrupt
and virtuous through good leadership (underthe mandate of Lee KuanYew, Sinppore! patriarch) and a strong morat
code that serves as a framework for the government to move within.lt is possible for a country to progress wirhout
a stronS oPposition, but only in exceptional cass.
To conclude,Ronald Reagan once said"Democracy willultimately be the oniy thingthatwiJllast through generations".
and true democracy that is able to lead a nation well into the 2l" century. lt is the opposition thar truly speaks
out for the people, the underrepresented, rnaintains the moral code and brings into effect changes. Hence, it is the
opposition that enables the building of a strong and successful countr/. lndubitablx a strong opposition is a must.
History serves as an avenue for us to learn from past mistakes. May all countries seel<ing to release themselves from
the confiningsystems ofdictatorships and one-sided governments learn the irnportance ofdissent.Maythefailure of
governments such as Hitler's Germany, Castro's Cuba, Ramos' Philippines, among many others, never occur again-
Very well-answered with strong support and thematic thrusts.
ksb! sle 1 2007 Raffles
Title: ln your opinion, how important k an opposition in govrnment to a countryt progress?
Name: David ChanTarWei Cl,ss: 07,Al:lA
According to Rousseaut Social Contract, the duty of a government is to ensure that the needs of its
constantly me!;and in return, the people subjugate themselves !o the political authority of the state, confident
thar their government will continually seek the progress of their nation.Yet one wonders whether this role of the
government can be fulfilled effectively without havinS a strong and credible voice of dissent from within. Such a
debate inadvertently challenges the fundamental tenets of statecraft and democracy, which this essay attempts to
achieve with regards to the issue at hand.
Perhaps, one ought to comprehend rhe nature of democracy first before ascertaining the relative importance of
having a strong opposition in the government. Democracy originated from the Greek word'demos' meaninS'people'
and such a political system hands the people the prerogative to have a say and decide who should
that is elected by'Vox Populi', has the mandate to govern its citizens;and this mandate is often derived
via a fair electoral process of voting. Political parties contest for a majority in Parliament to form the ruling pari/
which conslitures rhe executive branch of the government, formulatinS policies and charting the overall direction
for the nation. Unequivocally, each government hopes to implement policies and directives that would benefit the
country in general, so as to ensure its continual progress and its own success in the next election-
Yet, in a democracy the role of the opposition cannot and must not be overlooked. For without an opposition
present, such a government would be intrinsically dictatorial and totalitarian, akin to the Machiavellian government,
enjoying a corte blonche within the country due to the absence.of a check-and-balance mechanism in the form of an
alternative voice.The opposition fulfils !his obliSation by presentinga different perspective and opinion, given its duty
to"oppose" the rulinS party when deemed fit,especially during
sittings. Such discourse and dialectics
often improve the nature and quality of debate and hence benefi$ the overall decision-mal<in8 process.
But how much of this opposition voice would truly be beneficial to the overall progress of the nation?Where is a
demarcation goinS to be drawn between having a strong and responsible opposition, seel<ing the progress of the
nation, vis-d-vjs a myopic and bigoted
of people intending to oppose the government at all cost in an effort to
discredit the ruling party? Such represents the inherent conundrum existing today.
First and foremost, it has to be acknowledged that having a 'strong' oppos ition in
is not commensurate
to the number of seats won by the opposition. Rather, it is the quality of the opposition within the government
that is paramount.The provision of the electoral process allows capable opposition into the decision-making of
their country,
them a sa/ in the running of the nation and actinS as a check-and-balance mechanism for the
government; hence, upholding the tenets of democmcy.The presence of a credible opposition forces rulinS
to remain accountable and responsible to its electorate at al, times.This was seen in the recentTom Delay saga in
lhe US where the Democrats forced the rulinS Republicans to pressure Delay to resign as Leader of the House
of Representative d!e to his suspected involvement in a corruption deal. lt !hus can be seen that the effectiveness
of the opposition within the government hinSes on its purpose and duty to uphold their role as a responsible
opposition with the high intentions ofseeking the eventual progress ofthe nation. As mentioned by l"linister Mentor
Lee KuanYew there needs to be a "First Class opposition" that is clear of the demands it is obliSed to fulfil. Only
in such a circumstance would a strong opposition arise and in so doing aid the dec;sion-making process and hence,
the countryl progress.
Un{ortunately,what often emanates is the fact tha! opposition parties do not accept their role as'the opposition' and
would constandy seek to
a vantage point whenever possible,so as to ensure better success in the elections. For
instance,the opposition parties in the UK constantly berate the failure oflony Blair\ Labour Party in addressing the
economic disparjty of the nation and even though Blair had pushed for reforms via the Education Bill, much ofwhat
was proposed was shor down by theTories.This excessive discor.rrse within parliament exacerbated the problems
associated with bureaucratic red tape, which led to a wastage oftime, enerSies and resources which could have been
channelled elsewhere. Likewise, the Arnerican culture of log-rolling serves the same purpose of complicating the
Raffles lunior
College tL,! ile 1 .r!!7
process ofpolicy construction. Before a bill is read in Congress, it has to go through the hands ofevery Congressman
on Capito HllL,andeachsenatoraddsanewclausetotheb ltosuithisaims,thusreducingthechancesofitbeing
passed later on- Such inadequacy and inefficiency resulted in a p ethora of
esPecially during the period
after Hurricane Katrina. And even before the Bill is passed, it still is subjected to the party
ofthe Democrats
and the Republicans who often debate in accordance to rheir party line. ln such a scenario, it certainly is the case
where too many cooks spoilthe broth.
At the end of the day, one needs to ask the question: what really constitutes a countryt
ls it based on
political, economic or social termsl ln Singapore\ case,the People'sAction Party deliberately adopted an emphasis on
economic progress. As such,having too strong an opposition would only seem to hinder the effectiveness ofPolicies
and initiatives. On hindsight, SinSapore's system did in fact benefit the nation in general
and no! having too strong
an opposition is clearly a trade-oflWhile one may argue that a marginalised opposition intrinsically discredits the
democratic and eletoral process, one can likewise assert that in a pragmatic and practical sense, what is mandated
in such a fast-paced society is elficiency and efficacy, which would only remain a chimera if a government were to
have a strong opposition which constantly contends with the ruling party. Bread and butter issues far outweigh the
philosophical imperatives of democracy and in such a context, having a strong oPPosition would seem more of a
hindrance to a country\ overall progress.
Excellent work, David. Cogent, lucid, well-substantiated arguments here. An engaging read' from
start to finish!
ksb! sle 1 200/ Raffles
Col ege
Tltle: 'Censorshjp is an insuk to mans intelligencel'Discuss.
Ci2ssr 07503H Name:samuelwong
There is much truth in the term "global village" coined by l4arshall lYcLuhan, and we can see that the world has
indeed been expanding at an accelerating pace in the new millennium.Along with the massive leaPs in technology,
the increased accessibility of information has resulted in greater exposure of undesirable material to peoPle,thereby
causinS increasing debate over the issue of censorshiP in recent years.
First of all, it can be deduced that "censorship" here refers to the censorshiP of undesirable forms of the media ln
my opinion, to say that censorship is an insult to man! inlelliSence may be a rather one-sided and "self-centred"
statement.The word "insult" strongly suggests a negative connotation and that there are no beneflts of censorshiP
whatsoever. I feel that it is perhaps too much of a
to undermine the imPortance of censorshiP by
deeminS it to be an insult to man's intelliSence, and we must consider both the advantages and disadvantages of
censorship before stating such unjustified claims.
A common argument against the case of censorship is that it challenges the basic premise of a person\ individual
judgement.This argument claims that people should be allowed to decide for themselves what they want to watch,
instead ofletting the state decidefor them whatthey are allowed towatch. ln my opinion, I feel that it is an uniustified
argument,as we must examine what really is mans intelligence before stating such a claim.lf we take the examPle of
Ted Bundy, a man who was obsessed with pornography and went on to sexually assault and murder innocent young
women,we can see that the term "man's intelligence" leaves much to be questioned.ln our newsPaPers, we often
come upon cases of rape arising from the rapist having watched pornographic films before committing the crime.
As such,we can see that the claiming of"mant intelligence" is not necessarily true for all
Hence. if we look at the above mentioned examples,we can see that they refer to adults who had been directly or
indirectly incited by uncensored undesirable material to commit atrocities.The effect ofviolence and sex in the media
is unsurprisingly even more pronounced in teenagers and children. AccordinS to Bandura's Bobo Doll experiment,
children who were exposed to violent scenes were more likely to hitthe Bobo Doll,suggestinS a certain correlation
between violence in the media and in the lives of children-There are numerous examples of how a lack ofcensorship
has led to tragedies,some ofthe more prominent ones being the Columbine shootings insPired by the video
"Doom" and the case of Nathan Martinez. who shot dead his step-mother and steP-sister after watching the film
"Natural Born Killers" ten times.
As we can see,a lack ofcensorship can have dire consequences with regard to the impressionable minds ofchildren
and teenagers, and it is perhaps vital for the censorship board to impose certain age restrictions on movies, for
example, to ensure that movies with excessive sex and violence do not reach the young and "Pollute" their minds
with undesirable content. I feel that it is probably foolhardy to state that censorship is an insult to mant intelligence
as a whole because it is evident from empirical evidence that children and teenasers are not full/ mature in their
thoughts yet,and even thoLrgh many teenagers may claim that they do notfollow whatthey see in movies,the subtle
influences that these movies exert on young minds may not be revealed until later in life.
Moreover, continual exposure to acts of violence in the media desensitise the young to violence in real life and may
lead them to trivialise criminal ofiences such as assault and rape.
Having examined the importance of censorship to the young, as well as adults, we can see that almost all
are influenced by the media to varying degrees,and as such,the importance ofcensorshiP is evident in reducing the
negative impact of the mass media in terms of sex and violence.
lf we move on to political censorship,we can see that many
censor oPPosing views to their system of
rule. For example, Chairman lYao of China censored any dissenting views criticising his reign, while Adolf Hitler of
Germany took his form of"censorship" one step further by silencing any form of oPPosition. ln the
I feel that there is a certain lvel of truth that the censorship here is "insulting" man\ intelligence of distinguishinS
the commitred political party. However,these cases are perhaps extremist issues which may only be
ro roday's society, as after all,we all know that Hitler practised censorship solely for his own selfish motives to
ln today's society, censorship of political dissent may not be something totally bad. ln relatively unstable countries
such as lndonesia and perhaps Taiwan, a complete lack of political censorshiP allows
to get wind of certain
radical measures proposed and rhis has often resulted in demonstrations, riots, and needless bloodshed. As such,
censorship is beinS compared with freedom of speech, and it is possible that some form of censorshiP is required
to maintain social stability in such countries. ln my view the aPParent "intelligence of man" here is questionable,
and we should look at who the audience is before deciding whether to imPose censorshiP or not, and not say that
censorship blatantly insults the ability of people to think for themselves
Thus,l wou!d perhaps suggest that for a stable country such as Slngapore, there is no real need to imPose excessive
political censorship because the people in SinSapore are generaLly well-educated and informed members of society.
Therefore, it is essential to realise that censorshiP is not a cudgel with which to imPose a
view on
people, but instead a yardstick with which to measure the amount of leeway that can be
to p eop le, depending
on their education level and other environmental factors.
Nevertheless, it must be recosnised that censorshiP alone does not shaPe the behaviour of
ln the case of
censorship of sex and violence in the media,the family, moral values,as well as the surroundinS environment all
part in mouldint the character ofthe individual and what he does.ln terms of political censorship,it is also essential
to recognise that the stability of the countr/ is not only dependent on the level of censorshiP the
imposes bur also man/ other social factors-This may sutgest that excessive censorship may actually be questionjng
or an "insult" to man's intelligence. An examPle of excessive censorshiP may be that of China banninS the imPort
of certain Hollywood movies for fear of negative Western influences.This shows that there are two sides of the
argument, and excessive censorshiP may actually indirectly cause a certain level of oPPressron
As such,l would think that censorship may be referred to as a double-edged sword,and it is imPrudent and
even dangerous to classify it as something that is solely an "insult to men! intelliSence", and consequentlx indirectly
suggesting that allforms ofcensorship should be abolished- Therefore,l conclude that it is importantfor censorship
to exist, as the deceptive term "man\ intelligence" ma/ not hold true, even for mature adults Thus it is
all the more important to impose some form of censorshiP to
the minds of young people (even though
certain movies depicting violence strongly condemn violence) as I feel that the state has a responsibility to reduce
the possible negative influences that may be caused by sexand violence in the media,and in addition, th ose that may
arise from ;ts decision ofwhether to censor certain opposing political ideals. As such,the statement"censorshiP is
an insult to mant intelligence" does not really hold true for all situations,and I strongl/ think there should be some
form of censorship.
A view that is really controversial but you have
together a very strong essay that considers most
antls and sufficint perspectivs.
cb! I $!e 1 2007 Ratrles
I I I Il::^
Name: Amelia Chang Classro7so3Q
ln a society where the concepts of liberalisation and freedom of speech are being increasinSly prized, we are often
faced with the catch twenty two situation of how much freedom is good for us. While it offers us the opportunity
to make personalviews heard,the question always remains ifthe negalive implicarions of such actions outweigh the
benefits they mbrace. Herein lies the rationale for censorship. which involves rhe intentional removal of certain
content deemed contradictory to public welfare. However, one should note, is this action justified? By having a
small panel of individuals
what is suitable for the majorif/, it would ostensibly appear as if censorship makes
a mockery of man's intelliSence, since it belittles the right of choice of the individual. Nevertheless, this perspecdve
is fallacious to some extent, given the fact that human impressionabilily renders us vulnerable to influence, as well
as the sensitivity of certain issues.
Upon closer inspection of the statem ent, one notes a grave assu mptioni that man is on average intelligent, im p lying
that he has the abilit/ to discern right from wrong with respect to a generally acceptable standard. However, it is
precisely this absence ofjudging ability which justifies the concept ofcensorship.There exists among a larSe maiority
of the population a lack of the skill of objective differentiation. an effect especially marl<ed in the youth
Steeped in a media culture which promulgates violence, sexual revelry and a
defamation ofthe family as an
institute, these impressionable adolescents are constantly being bombarded by negative visual footage and verbal
commentary, leadinS to the estab lishm ent of fixed mindsets that are potentially lethal. Take for instance the Columbine
High School shootinS incident, where two youths went on a shootinS spree before committing sulcide, l<illing many
innocent students, iniuring even more and traumatising others {or life-When the videotapes they recorded be{ore
the murders were viewed by authorities, th e re emerged a revelation which chilled many to the core these two
adolescents had taken inspiration from the film "The Matrix", whose two-hour'plus runtime includes more than
an hour of violence and fighting. lt is therefore evident that a certain degree of censorship is necessary, in order to
control the influences our youths are exposed to. As delineated by the Darwinian theory of evolution, we have all
descended from apes. Now it appears that we have retained at least some behavioural semblance to our primate
cousins the "monkey see, monl<ey do" complex which manifests itself most heavily during adolescent years.lt is
therefore not justified to say that censorship is an insu,t to intelligence, as man! ability to discern may sometimes
be clouded by other concepts,for examp{e, immaturity of thought.
Add itionally, censors h ip exists for a purpose, especially where sensitive issues pertaining to race, religion and the like
are concerned. As people have varying opinions on the same issue, it is pertinenr that an authority runs through
any form of content produced in order to minimise clashes when it has been released. On rhe same note, certain
articles in our local newspaper are held back from publication just because they are deemed to be otrensive and
derogatory to a certain race, hence pre-empting possible anger from certain communities. Should the editors of
the print run have anticipated the uproar in the lslamic world over the cartoons satirising Prophet Mohammed,
it is likely that they would never have published them in the flrst place to steer clear of stormy waters.While the
intlligence of viewers remains questionable, the crux of the issues here lies wirhin the facr rhat intelligent people
have their own views,which can be expected to differ based on background, religion, et cetera.What is acceptable ro
one person miShtbe insulting or derogatoryto another Thus,censorship is necessary to introduce some modicum
of regulation, in the hope of diverting potential conflicts, arisint precisely because man thinks for himself and holds
an intelligent however debatable opinion.
Nevertheless, censorship kills off certain aspects ofartistic crearivity through selective choice ofcontent,and hence
might be said to be an insult to the professional judgement
of the producer of that piece. be it a movie or article.
Those with experience in dealing with the rnedia are acutely aware ofthe "shock effect" on the public,created through
and shocking.eclectic perspectives on established issues-To stir up emotions overa humanitarian crisis,
one inevitably uses footage of cadavers, mutilated and burnt, or scenes of violent inhumane torture.To lambaste an
entity or concept, one can choose to adopt an acridly acerbic tone which might be offensive to some.While these
are often subjected to censorship, it is arguable that the intentional cover up of such issues reduces their impact
and the
of response generated, hence affronting the professional integrity of the producer as well as rhe
Rafflesj!nlor Collese
consumer,as itwould seem as ifthey lackd the mental capacity to handle the knowldge ofsuch atrocities carried
out by their fellow homo sapiens. lt is also an institutlon readi y oPen to abuse, as those in
can control what
is shown to the general popLtlace.
Regard ess of rhat, one should note that the negative effe.ts arising from the showcasing of such issues mi8ht very
wet outweiSh the positive effecrs generated.While footage ofJews being tortured by Nazis in the Holocaust moved
many to silent tears of outrage and sorrow. it is saddening to note that on the anniversary ofAdolf Hitler's birthday
every year,groups offaceless mobsters still carry out acts ofanti-Semidc violence mirrorinS scenes broadcasted to a l,
for example the torching of synagogues,the torture of children and mutilation of babies.With insPiration from such
participate in such acts while holding the vivid imagery
bythe media
in mind,which serves to some extent as a visual aid, however repulsive.The existence ofcensorshiP cannotthen be
said to be an insult to inrelligence and therefore be abolished, as society still retains an imPerative need for it
To this end, censorship appears to be a double-edged sword.While it is crucial to prevent the
undesirable ideals and preserve the sanctity ofcertain sensitive issues, it arguably limits the freedom ofthe producer/
consumer,albeit with logical reasons and an end in mind. As such, censorship aids societal well-being through passing
informarion via a more objective fllter to determine if content is suitabie for viewing or readinS. lt is not quite
justified to make a sweeping statement declaring censorship's insulting nature to humans in general,seeing that there
must always be order within a system to avoid the slide into anarchy. Nonetheless, one naSginS question remains.As
the Romans eloquently put ic quis custodiet ipsos custodes?who will guard the guardians? lf censorshiP has been
established as a crucial concept which does not threaten the mental capacity of mankind, then who is to ensure that
is does not degrade into a tool for abuse?
Generally well-considered and argued. will benefit from a discussion of political censorshiP and
whether that is always an insult to one's intelligence.
cr! $!-- I .i001 Ratrles
Co lese
Title: Techno ogy has made our lives busier, not betterl' How far do you agree with this statement?
Name: Cherie Ch!, Xle Li Chss:07S0:lF
The pastfew decades have seen the improvement in technology by Ieaps and bounds and while manywould agree that
rechnology has made our lives better
taking better ro mean benefitinS mankind physically, mentally or motionally
many would be taken aback if told that technology has made our lives busier.There is, after all, an irony in the
statement.Technology, synonymous with simplicity and efficincy. cannot possibly have made us busier, can itl
We must not den/ that improvements in technology have led to increases in efficiency and productivit/, in fact,
increasingly so. Takinga lookat how far technology has brought us in the areas ofcommunication and transportation.
we now have email instead of letters, mobile phones instead of paSers and aeroplanes instead oftrains. ln the past,
it took ages to communicate a piece of information from one end ofthe country to the othe r, especially if you were
in huge countries such as China, not to mention, relaying news across continents. However, technoloS/ has made
it possible, at the click ofthe mouse, to send messages to an overseas spouse instantly, and today, teleconferencing
is all the rage. Firms have become more elflcient because it no longer takes months !o settle a deal wilh their
counterparts from abroad,where most o{the time is spent on travelling rather than discussing the deal.lt is now the
norm for businessmen to fly from Singapore to Thailand, then to China and flnally to the United States ofAmerica,
if that is what it takes to strike a deal. Globalisation would not have been possible without the technology we have
today. ln this regard, technology has indeed made our lives better
However, it is necessary to point out that it is precisely because technolosy has allowed for greater efficiency that
we have become busier, no matter how paradoxical that may sound. An increase in efilciency has paved the way for
Man to do the same amount of worl< in a shorter period of time.lnevitably,we find ourselves taking on more work
so that we ma/ now accomplish more within the same time frame,sa/ 24 hours.Although some may argue that lhe
purpose of technoloSy is to make life simpler, and thLrs less busy, for Man, this does not seem to be the case. As
Leonardo DaVincionce noted,"lron rusts with disuse, stagnant water loses its purity ... even so does inaction sap
the vigour of the mind:' lndeed, the nature of l'{an is suchi if technology is
to enable me to finish my original
set of tasl<s in ten hours, leaving me with six hours of free time, then I should fill up these hours meaningfully with
what else but worl<? The refo re, technology, though unintended, has made our lives busier too.
There are examples we can draw to justiry this,such as how improvements in the technology of household appl;ances
have resulted in more people takinS to multi-tasking.We see this in our own homes all the time: lYother dumps the
dirty laundry into the washing machine while the dishes are left in the dishwasher and then proceeds to mow the
lawn. Allat once,the clothes are washed,th-. dishes are cleaned and the grass is cut.We may marvelat the wonders
oftechnology, bu! we are not aware ofthe fact that all this multi-tasking has made our lives busier
Such busyness can also be seen in hospitals as medical technology continues to advance.There is no longer any
excuse for not being able to save a persons life;the only excuse is that of not havinS enough time because doctors
wer out saving someone elset life.lYedical technology today has advanced to such a level where it is almost always
possible to offer some kind oftreatmentfor all kinds of illnesses.The fact that doctors are more able now than ever
before to treat patients has led to greater busyness on their part.The responsibility they now bear is larSer because
the lack of technology to save someonei life is no longer a valid reason.They must do all they can because with
technoloSy, they can to help their patients, and !his increased responsibility has indeed made the lives of medical
staff busier than ever-
Finally, we would know by now that technology is not without its flaws.While technoloSical advances have made
our lives better and more hassJe-free, they have also sent us into a frenzy when glitches occur. lt is not surprisinS
that we find ourselves busy repairing these technological devices ha f the time and breaking down together with
the machine when we cannot get it to work.There{ore, over-reliance on technoloSy might not necessarily make
our lives betfer but insteid busier
College krbui lssue 1 1007
To conclude, I would say that technology has enriched our lives and benefited l.4an to a large extent, what with
greater efficienc), in communications and transportation as well as advances in the medical wodd. Howevei all these
improvements in technoloSy would have failed in their purpose i{we were to end up busier than before.Technology in
itself should serve to aid us in our work and in doing so,free up our time for leisure or other purposes.lt would be
a sad iron/ if, at the end ofthe day, we find ourselves moaning,"Technology has made our lives busier, not better."
Good, Cherie.This is an excellent piece ofwork. Keep it up!
ksb! lssLe 1 2007 Raffles
Co lese
Title: Technology has made o!r lives busier, not betterl' How far do you agree with this statement?
Nam:ChiaYrn Min C ass:07S03F
The unstoppable charge of new technoloSical developments has been gaining momentum in recent years.These days
it would be accurate to say that change is the only constant in the technological arena, and these developments and
fancy gadgets have permeated our lives to such an extent that increasingly, technology is referred to as a doubled-
edged sword undeniabl/, no modern person would ever be able to do wilhout the convenience it brings,yet it has
without doubt made our lives much busier and more stressful- Thus it is indeed true to a great extent that tech n o logy
perhaps has "bettered" our lives less than most might imagine
in fact, our lives have become less meaninSful and
fLrlfilling as a result of its tireless invasion.
One area oftechnology in which new innovations seem to pop up almost daily is the communications sector. Ever
since the invention of the mob ile phon e in the I 980s, com panies such as Nokia and Sony Ericsson have been co nstantly
churninS ou! new
that are smaller. sleeker and most importantly, enable one to stay contactable 2417, no
macer where one might be. lndeed, the mobile communications device, owned by a large majority in developed
nations, enables all of us to stay connected constantly, a function which would ostensibly be a boon especially to
businessmen and others whose jobs require them to constantly be in touch with those they work with.Yet, this
has undeniably resulted in even more work, as well as
stress, for owners of mobile phones. No lonSer
does the work end when one steps out of the office
instead, one! workinS hours have extended to an almost
infinite extent, and one has no excuse to be uncontactable due to the presence of that handy mobile device.Truly,
this indicates beyond doubt that technology has made our lives busier and not better no matter how much o{ a
workaholic one is, staying on the job practically 2417 and being forced to constantly be on the alert for phone calls
from the boss canno! be considered "better" than being able to leave work when one leaves the office.
Technology has also given manldnd the abilityto accomplish tasks ata much faster rate than ifour non-computerised,
non-robotic brains and limbs were put to use. SuperficiallNthis might appear to be a positive deve lop men ti howeve r,
it has also resulted in a much faster pace of life as technology
especially in the areas of robotics and computer
enables us to work that much fastet resulting in the common perception that faster automatically
equates to better, as more can be accomplished, and leading to the endless pursuit of faster, more efficient gadSets
familiar to everyone who lives in the modern world.Yet it is oftn said,"Even if
win the rat-race, you're still a
ratl'Technology has forced us to do more, yet leaves us with less more things are expected to be accomplished
(seeing as we have the aid of technology), but we lose ourselves in the pursuit of squeezinS more and more tasks
into our schedules.
This is again evident in the manner in which technology has sped up every aspect of modern life. Not only does it
make us busier by speeding up our tasks and indirectly giving us more to do by enabling more to be accomplished,
as previously mentioned, it has also enabled us to get from place to place more rapidly, it has made time zones
irrelevant as people are able to make use of technologies such as the lnternet and video conferencing to keep in
touch despite being separated by continents. Essentially, technology has us all sold on its speed and efflciency and
resulted in a culture where few see the real need to "stop and smell the roses" after all, technologx being the
limitless creature i! is, will probably be able to make every action instantaneous sometime in the near future. ln a
fast-paced world of instant gratificatjon and lightn'ng-speed communication,we will all be too busy, cocooned in our
little technological comfort zones, to wonder if this is really all there is
does the endless pursuit of fastet srnaller
and sleeker truly make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful, in other words,"better"l
Some might claim that technology has in fact made us less busyand beftered our lives in the sense that it has resulted
in greater convenience and
efflciency thatis,the automobiles oftodayare an improvementoverthe house-
carts of yesteryear. Granted, technolog), is not entirel/ evil and has brought a number of important benefts
improvements in hygiene standards with better cleaning and purification technologies essentially, a
better quality of life.who can deny the convenience o{ water flowing into onei home at the turning ofa tap, or the
convenience ofa transport network that extends ro all parts of the country and runs like clockwork?
Raffles.junior Coleg bbul]sue I 2007
Truly then, technology is a double-edged sword. Without doubt, it brings tangible beneflts, and perhaps I would go
as far as to say modern socieries would crumble without it, yet the endless rat race it has created with its speed
and effciency has made all of us busier people and robbed us of more intangible ideals such as dme to slow down
and smell the roses, or even breathing space between the countless tasks technolog/ has enabled us to squeeze
into the course of a day. lt has bettered our lives in all possible malerial aspects but the fact that it has put our
psychological health on the road to ruin more than outweighs this. Thus, it is true to a great extent that technoloSy
has made our lives busiet not better.Though of course, since it is obviousl/ here to stay, perhaps we can only resign
Very well-written,Yan Min! Mature, sensitive and organised. \./ell done!
!5[ lsrle ] 2007 Raffles
Col ege
Tit e: How far should the media be held responsible for the problems faced b/ young people toda/?
-l Name:janice Hens Classr2S03L
The media is one of the most convenient scapeSoats today.lt may be blamed for anythinS from underage alcoholism
!o promiscuous !ifestyles among teenagers,or accused ofacts ranging from perPetuating the myth ofthe ideal body
to promoting moral perversion.While there may be some basis to these allegations, it would be narve to hold the
rnedia fully responsible for the problems {aced by youns people today. Firstly, rhe media's roie is more influential
than direc!{y causal; secondly, responsibility falls on many other
and thirdly, the absence of media-influence
would not necessarily imply the end of all
faced by youth toda/.
It is hard to deny that the media has a role to
in contributing to the
of youth today. lYoral norms
are often threalened by salacious television programmes such as the infamous DesPerate Housewives, or try
sensationalist news reports about the sexual exploits of students. This may mislead some youths into morally
questionable behavioutwith consequences such as teenage preSnanc/,or at the very least,
disaPProval. The
glamorisarion of smoking and alcohol consumption may similarly exert an undesirable influence on impressionable
teenagers, d rawing them into what may become li{etime addictions.Advertisements for slimming advertisements,or
the proliferation of television proSrammes in which
actors are the
may even
contribute to teenage insecurity and self-esteem issues one of the most common
faced by those in
their formative years. Clearly, one cannot absolve the media from all responsibility,as it is indeed capable of having a
profound influence on its consumers, particularly the imPressionable youlh of today, most ofwhom are on a steady
media dret of r'adio. televrsror and
n'agaz ne\.
Yt one must distinguish between correlation and causality.VVhile the media's contribution to problems faced by
6nd it hard to argue that, for example, teenagers engage in sexual activity only because the television
that they watch encourage them to do so. Hormones, not television dramas, are resPonsible for teenage sexual
misdemeanours; peer pressure, not Seventeen, is directly resPonsible for creating the
that one mus!
conform.Although the defence is harder to make when considering the media's role in glamorising vices, it is even
less plausible to assert that all youths who smoke derive no pleasure whatsoever from the act, and only do so
because of the media's influence.
Since the media is unlikely to be the direct cause for the problems faced by young
today (and hence can be
held responsible only to a limited extent), there must necessarily be other factors that play a more important role.
Peer pressure, a subtler and more insidious force than media influence. is one of them. lf onet social circle flnds
smol<int'uncool', for example, then it is unlikely that one will take up smoking
just because the lead singer of a
famous rock band does so. Conversely, if one is brought up on a strict diet of only the most wholesome television
programming and educational publications,yet associates with peers who consider copious alcohol consumPtion the
ultimate rite of passage,then one may well end up heading down the road of teenage aloholism desPite not having
been exposed to corrupting media influence. lt can be arSued that the media itself
a role in shaPing teenage
attitudes,and hence conrributing to peer pressure
but the role of the latter is ultimatel/ more directly causal,and
certainly more influential,than that of the media.
Furthermore, it would be givint young people too little credit to suggest that they are the helPless victims of a
media onslaught, able only to succumb to media influence without any resistance.The consumers of media bear at
least as much responsibility as the suppliers for any ill effects that consumption rnay entail.Today's youth do not have
ro accept the stereotypes reinforced by pop songs or moviesiinstead they are free to challenge the value systems
and morally-suspect rnessages presented to them by the media. Like all other industries,the media industry is ruled
by the forces of supply and demand. lf youths choose to buy magazines that promote materialistic superficiality or
decide to watch reality shows rhat glorit backstabbing and manipulation, then they are at least as responsible for
the ensuing problems that may be created as the suppliers of these media are.
Raffles lun
or Co lege [51! i5re 1 2007
Allthataside,itwould also be too much of a generalisation to saythatthe media should be held {ully responsible for
the problems faced by young people todar"The media" encompasses everything from fhe Asion Wdl/ street
to Teenage Mogozine, and includes both documentaries and mindless sitcoms alike. Only a section of the media
holds any responsibility for the problems of todayt youth, and it is hardly fair to tar the whole media industry wirh
the same brush. lYore importantly, young people today face far more problems than the ones commonly cited by
crirics of the media. Not every teenager faces moral decisions about sex or drugs and although self-esteem iss!es
are indeed widespread, they may not always have to do with physical appearance. lYany youths face
are enrirely unrelated to the rnedia:academic stress, social politics, a dysfunctional {amily situation, or even financial
difficulties that might require them to quit schooi and take up a job. Young people who are already worlang also
face a slew ofwork-related problems but one can hardly blame depraved television programmes {or
conditions or unsympathetic employers.The range of problems {aced by younS
today is vast, and the media
is only implicated in a smali portion of those problems- One should not, therefore, hold the media resPonsible for
problems of the you$ to anymore than a small extent.
From the above. it is clear that removing media\ influence from the equation will not eliminate all the problems
faced by today's youth,simply because the media only contributes to a few ofthose many problems. ln addition,the
removal of undesirable media influence does not necessarily mean that the problems in which it was involved will
cease to exist. BanninS Cosmopoltan ot FHM v,/ill nol lead to a drastic droP in teenaSe
girls will not be cured of anorexia
just because they are no longer exPosed to beauty
Since even the
problems in which the media holds some respo nsibility will persist without the media,the media cannot and should
not be held
responsible for the existence of said problems.
ln conclusion,while the media cannot be absolved ofall responsibility for
faced by today! youth, neither
should it be made to hold all responsibility. Rather,because its ro{e is one of influence rather than causation, because
responsibility is also held by peer pressure and the consumers ofthe media thernselves,and because there are man/
problems faced by the young in which media is truly free from
the media deserves to be held resPonsible
only to a small extent. Besides, putting aside the question of the media! culPability, do we really want to hold it
responsible? lf we hold it fully responsible, against all logic, then we will inevitably attemPt to tackle the
faced by todayt youth by merely censoring and diluting the media-The root causes of the
however, will
remain unacknowledSed. The rnedia remains a convenjent scaPegoati but to
a scaPesoat is ro remain
unaware of the truth.
Good understanding of the issue.
is wll analysed, loStcally argued and fluently written.
Balanced view. Maturity of thought here is impressive
k5b! ss!. 1 1007 Raffles
I 5
-"" ;"i'vni:r't
Democracy as a system of
was developed in the late l8'h century.The cry of"No taxation without
representation,, in the l3 American colonies led to the liberal democratic system, where every citizen who
taxes was entitled to have a say in the running of the nation- Since then, universal suffrage has been established,and
through democracy, people worldwide,with the exceprion of some regimes like cuba and Iran, have the
choos-e their governments- However, democracy might not necessarily be about"PeoPle
which is the ability
ofthe public to influence public oPinion,as
who are elected to rePresent the peoPle may merely
their own interests. on the whole, democracy is essentially about'people power" however,the democratic system
can often be abused to serve the interests of some.
power, in democray is enshrined in the power of the vote. ln representative democracies, adults have the
power to exercise their vote to elect a government thatwil' protect their interests by bringing about law and order,
economic prosperity and socialstabiliry. Governments that are corrupted,inefficient and ineptwill be removed from
power, as the people have the power not to vote for them in the next election.ln ltaly and Germany,the incumbent
politicat leaders, siivio Berlusconi and cerhad Schroeder respectivlrwere ousted as Prime Minister and chancellor
Lecause oftheir inability to deliver on their promise of lifrinS their nations out of the economic doldrums. Therefore
we can see that democfacy is essentially about'people power" as the
can use their votes to choose who they
want to be in government.
Direct democracies, like in switzerland, allow people to influence
Sovernment Policies
even more directly, as
referendums have to be held to pass laws and make amendments to the constitution. Everyone will have a say on
government policies,as the people have to vote before laws can be
Even in represen;:tivedemo.racies
people have a say on important issues through referendums.ln 2005,a deision had to be made on the new EuroPean
bonstitution that gave expanded power to the central European government. Even thouSh French
the move,the Ffench people were able to exercise "people power" throuSh a re{rendum and rejectthe constitution
because they desired to do so. More recently in France,the Prime l'4inister Dominique deVillepin attemPted to
the cPE law, to allow companies ro hire young workers on shorr-term contracts with reduced emPloyee benefits,
withoutconsulting ahe French parliament. H owever, the French people were againstthe cPE and were able to exPress
their opinion through demonstrations and strikes concentrated in Paris.ln a democracy, this action is legitimate
as there is freedom of speech. Politicians cannol use force to crush these protests, as authoritarian reSimes lil<e
North Korea would undoubtedly do.Therefore,we can see that in a democracy, the
can use various means
to express their views on government
and change decisions that are not in the
However, it is questionable if..people power" is an inherent featufe of the democratic systm or simPly a quirl< of
some people,notablythe French and swiss,as seen earlier. Many economists subscribe to Public choice theory,which
states the politicians often protecttheir own interests once elected into power, ratherthan representing the interests
of the people. Politicians adopt policies and measures which beneflt them greatly, but harm each individual only to
a small extent, even though rhe detriment to society as a whole is often far greater Since gains are concentrated
and costs are diffused, rhe politicians have a far greater incentive to continue doinS so, while the people are often
unwilllng to protect their interests, as the costs of doing so does not
justit the small
they might achieve. For
example, many developed nations give agricuhural subsidies to their farmers so as to
their support,for example,
in the Common Agricuhural Policy in Europe,even though this increases the ta"\ burden on its
and increases
rhe prjces ofaSricultural produce for consumers. However,the people are unwilling to use !heir
to overturn
these harmful poticies, as it is not worth their while to do so. An individual would have no reason to hire lawyers
and expend resources ro investigate the economic viability of these agricultural subsidies, so as to save a few cents
when he purchases his carrots from the local supermarl<et. On the other hand,the politicians and large conglomerates
would have vesred interests in hiring economists and lawyers to "prove" that these subsidies are beneficial to the
public. Therefore
power" often does not exisr in democracies, as the peoPle often do not exercise their
power to object to harmful poiicies, allowing
and the wealthy to continue benefrting from these'
Collere til,r ile 1
As renowned academic Noam Chomsky onc said,"Propaganda is to dem ocracy what the bludgeon is to thetotalitarian
statel'This suSgests that just like how toraLitarian regimes use force, violence and oppression to prevent the pople
{rom revolting against harsh and unfair treatment,democracies often use propaganda to convince the people that th
government is doing a
job, hoodwinking the public into believing what the
wants them ro believe.
Thus.'people power' does not exist in demo.racies, as the people are unable to express their genuine views. ln the
United States, manyAmericans supported GeorgeW Bush in the 2004 Presidential Ejecrions, as they still believed
that he was right in deciding to invade lraq in 2003. However, it has emerged that President Bush, iSnorant of the
truth or otherwise, had painted a false picture of the threat posed by Saddam Hussein and lraq, using rhetoric to
convince the American public that lraq had to be invaded as a pre-ernptive measure-The American public would
not have voted for Bush in the 2004 Presidential Elections if they had known the truth then, as the/ object to the
invasion of lraq.Therefore, we can see that governments often use propaganda to make the people believe what
they want the people to believe, depriving the people of the chance to exercise genuine'people power'.
ln many democracies, a small vocal group is often able to express its opinions best, thus undermining'people power',
asthewill ofthe majority is not respected. ln Thailand,Thaksin Shinawatra was forced to step down asthe Prime
Minister even though he had been re-elected, as the urban population in Bangkok Iaunched huge demonsrrations
that threatened to cause immense disruption. Even though the majority of Thailand! rural population, comprising
the majority of the Thai people, supported Thaksin, they were unable to express their support, as geographical
limitations prevented them from doing so.Therefore, we can see that democracy is not about'people power', but
instead it is about the power of the most vocal and outspoken of the people.
Conversely, democracy has often been termed as rhe tyrann/ of the majority and the intrests of the minority
groups are often neglected.This is because the voting system results in the will ofthe majority being imposed on the
unwillinS and often oppressed minority. For example,in France and many other European nations, African immigrants
who are a minority are often discriminated against and are forced to work long hours with low wages and to live
in appalling conditions.Therefore, democracy is only about power of the majority of the people, wirh many small
groups within the democracy being ostracised.
ln conclusion, there are many problems with democracy being about'people power'- Democracy often serves
the interests of the poJiticians in power and only allows the largest and loudest to be heard. However, in theory,
democracy is supposed to be about people powen lt is only in reality rhat rhe negative aspects of human nature
results in the abuse of the democratic system. Even then, or balance, democracy allows the people to express their
opinions.As Lee Kuan Yew said, "Politics is about your life, your future, and your childrenl
the motivation is stronS enouSh, the people wilJ always seek to protect their interests and more often than not,
democracy allows them to do so.
Knowledgeable discussion with balanced arguments.
GnlL sle I 1007 Rafes
I 5
There exist several political doctrines in the world: communism, democracy, totalitarianism, fascism, monarchy,iust
to name a few Democracy is perhaps the most
form today, and non-democratic governments are all
experiencing a pressure to move in that direction.The word'democracy' has its oriSins in the Greel< lanSuage,from
the root words'demos'and'crdtos',which mean power and peop le. lndeed, dem ocracy is about power to the people.
It seems extremely lempting to suSSest that democracy is essentially a form of government that is "of the peoPle,
for the people, and by the people", truly living uP to its rePutation of'people power', as some notable leaders have
said. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that while the institution ofdemocracy is founded on the
according some powerto the people,it is fallacious and simPlistic to say that democracy is simPI/about
The several examples tha! 1 shall examine will show that perhaps a better way of
things is that democracy
is essentially about exercising good governance and brinSing development, progress and prosperity for the country
via means ofaccording power to the people.
Indeed,a democracy must incorporate the element of
PeoPle Power
in it or else it would not qualit as a democracy
ln this essarthe idea'people power'shall refer to the power accorded to ordinary citizens ofa state.The notion of
people power is immediately seen in the fact that these
are elected ln democracy, common people do
have power,and in this case they are
to vote,and have a sa/ in whom they want to lead the country
This dos go to show that democracy is about'power to the
and is in stark contrast to other
doctrines like communism and monarchy, in which rulers are pre-decided by heredity or otherwise.Also, the idea
of people power suggests that people are a driving force in the decisions and
of a nation, and they have
a power to influence decisions, or even make decisions themselves.A good examPle of this would be Switzerland,
whose citizens can initiate a change or a referendum in the way their country is run,as long as they can gather fifty
thousand signatures in favour of that particular notion.All this
to show that democracy is essentially about
people power. But is ita
The idea of people power entails that people do have a
to sPeak up or express themselves- PeoPle become
more at liberty to voice their opinions. especially those regarding how their country is run.This has led to positive
ef{ects, Iike the development of a kaleidoscopic pop cullure in America, whose freedom of exPression has led to
a diverse multitude of art forms which America is now so clearly dastinSuished by.Yet, if one were to recall, such
freedom of expression has led to negative consequences as weil-That racist comments started aPpearing in web-
logs (affectionately known by the younger generation as 'blogs') of two SingaPorean men and anti-f4uslim cartoons
appared in a Danish newspaper was a result of abusing the freedom of expression.As expected. the cartoons in
the Danish newspaper were greeted by a furore across the
Muslim community and the two young executives
behind the racist comments on their blogs were duly punished by the law for sedition.
True enough,the basic idea of people power exists in democracy, but a couple of questions we must all ask ourselves
are: How far is people power relevant in our society? Do peoPle really have the kind of
that democracy
envisions !hem to haYef
Lord Acton once said that "power corrupts, and absolute power corruPts absolutelyl'While democracy does give
power to the people, it must nevertheless maintain a healthy balance of power between the
and the State,
so as to achieve the most optimistic and progressive equilibrium.
Perhaps few have noticed the fact that democracy only functions well as'PeoPle power' if the
are well-
equipped with the knowledge and ability to make rational, inforrned and wise decisions, and such a situation is rare
lf selfishness or ignorance on the part ofthe people were to cause a
judgmental error and an erroneous decision.
becomes difficult to determine who is at fault,and howwe can distribute the blame equitably between the iSnorance
of the people and the indi{ference of a State for a wrong choicei This is a fundamental reason why democracy is not
entirely about'people power'.To some extent it is about government
government of a democracy has a
role to educate and inform the public about the quality oftheir choices,and to provide advice or rectify problems
that the country faces.
Consider the cases of lndla and lndonesia as compared to China. Both lndonesia and lndia have weaker economies
and a poorer government. lndia practises too much democracy and hence it hinders the decision-makinS process
whereas lndonesia faces problems of corrupt offlcials and in the end, both countries'economy and status have
experiencd a severe blow On the contrary, China has a more Communist government.lndeed,little power is given
to the people in terms of decision makinS but because ofthat, the country experiences less dissent and hence better
and faster progress economically.Also, to further prove this point that'government power'is essential,and to bring
this essay closer to home. one can review the cases of the Singapore economic crises.The government opted for a
pay cur in the working sector to allow the economy to recoverThis was met with much objection from the
lmmediately,one would imagine that ifthe govrnmentwere to allow avote on this issue.most people would reject
rhe idea of a pay cut and consequently the economy would suffer and not recover.The government took no heed of
the people! objections but carried the pay cut, and in a few years, the economy recovered.This incident clearly shows
that government power is a necessity when people are overly selfish or unwilling to sacrifice for a long-term cause,
and the government must exercise its powr responsibly so as to ensure that only the best decisions are made.
lYoreover, democracy, as is the case with any form of governance, is also about promoting the principles of
governance, namely pragmatism, being forward-looking, me ritoc racy, fairness and transParency. Democracy, with its
concept of'people power', is well-equipped and even at an advantage to exercise these values.When the
accorded power, it follows that the policies offairness, cransparency and meritocracy are uPheld. PeoPle are closer
and more in rouch with national issues and as democracy entails the idea of fairness and meritocracy in the fact that
it need not ensure equal conditions, but rather ensure equal opportunities for
can be seen in America
where President Bush launched the "No Child Left Behind" campaign to ensure that all children get equal access to
education and opportunities to attempt for wharever they may choose ro become.This is also a distinguishing mark
ofdemocracyas other political models are more poorly equipped for such principles. Communism and totalitarianism,
for example, denote a rift between leaders and their people, and it is harder to practise
fairness and
transparency under such systems.
Lastly, I must reiterate that democracy is not, in its entirety, about
PeoPle Power.ThouSh
some the idea of
'people power', such power is highly subject to conditions, and in some cases, even subiect to the whims of the
leaders. Examples of this would be the failure of china's "Hundred Flowers camPaiSn", which meant to encourage
voicing of opinions and increased freedom of speech, but was terminated after one year drie to the massiv-^ amounts
of dissent rhe people showed.Also,the failure of the USSR s Glasnost and Perestroika,a twin
that was sPawned
in the l980s,to encourage freedom of speech regarding the way a nation was run, showed that
PeoPle Power
not necessarily effective or democratic. Such people power must be tempered with regulations or restrictions, lest
it gets abused.
I staunchly believe that whatever political model a country might adoPt,as long as it runs its country well, it is a good
model. One must examine the purpose of a political model in the frrs! place.A political model is a method by which
a country is governed, and the aims of political models are generally to give a country good, resPonsible, effective
governance, and to bring about the developmental aims ofthe nation,and different political models exist to suit the
needs of various countries, whatever works best. For example, the communist model exists to govern people who
mayotherwise show dissentto the extent it disrupts the flow of events in the countrxor that the
are simPly
ignoran! and incapable of mal<ing informed, rational decisions,while the democratic model functions as a means of
respect to the people by giving them the oPtion of choice,when the tirne calls for it
Admittedly, a democratic government is distinguished from other political systems by the fact that it constitutes
'peop e power'. However,as shown in this essay,democracy is a baiance between
and the government to rnal<e
rhe best out of a country\ situation, hence in conclusion, I think it is fitting to say that democracy,like any political
model, has its essence in providing
Sood Sovernance
to the
proSress and
development, and that people power' is a rneans to carry this out
A fine piece.
ksbull5nre 1 2007 Raffles
Titlei 'The moral man is invariably plt at a disadvantagei it is always better to be amomll Discuss
Name: Wee Shu-min Class:2A0lA
what should and should not be done.The truth is, the heyday of llalvolio-esque Puritanism is lonS over and the
Everyone has experienced it
the tug of irritation and disgust towards the prissy teachers pet,the stoic prefecr
who records your name for whispering during a school lalk, or the straight-laced discipline master droning on about
strict adherence to that austere brand of morality is frowned upon in society today. People, in creasingly, are mal<ing
heroes out of villains, while the real "heroes" languish beneath the dismissive labels of"boring" and "uncool".Yet, it
would appear hasty to embrace amorality and cast aside morality as disadvantageous.
Certainly,as the world becomes more centred around the hedonistic pleasures of materialwealth,unbending moral
codes are unpopularwhile it ma/ be riShteous to report a friend's misdemeanours to the authorities,it is likely thar
the taftle-tale may be lambasted for snitching.While it may also be prudent to be frugal and task-oriented, often
this behaviour invites snigters of"killjoy" and "loser".A survey of Literature undergraduates in the United States
showed that 72% preferred the character lago, the embodiment of motiveless evil, over Othello,the noble general.
Protagonists in book and films are increasingly shaped not just b/ the forces ofall that is good and l<ind but shades
of immorality as well, with the philandering ways of james Bond and the willingness to sacriflce human life of V
from "V forVendetta".There seems to be a popular shift from stiff upper lip morality to a more flexible, laissez-faire
aftitude bordering on amorality,which would make it seem disadvanlageous for the moral man.
HistorXtoo, shows us that the moral man does not always have the las! laugh, and oiten it is the wiked that triumph.
ofArc,canonised posthumously for her goodness and bravery,failed to escape her fate at the stake. Sir Francis
Drake,on the other hand,cavalier,thieving,violent and amoral in rhe extreme,yet knighted and revered as a hero in
English history.The other conventional image ofthe moral man as the quiet, humble worl<er, pale bur unwavering in
the face ofoppression,versus that ofthe opulent, bejewelled, am o ral fat cat seems to have been reinforced time and
time again- No surprise though one would expect most moral men to lack the cunning and rurhlessness to toss
aside competition,to worm through layers ofcorrupt bureaucracy ro reach affluence, or to deal with oppressors in
the same way they are treated. For Christ himself said, did he noc,"They know nor whar they dol' ln a dog-eat-dog
world,where not everyone is as moral as yourseli perhaps the moral man is put at a d isadvantage, and perhaps it is
better more pragmatic to follow a kind of Machiavellian amorali+
However, all generalisations are false
it could not possibly be fair or incontrovertible to claim that moralit/ is
disadvanLaSeous or Lhar amorrli(y is always berrn Fr.sr of allwfijin6i?li6lnr rhe spiriLJ.rlsausfacLion
that many people derive from the knowledge that they have done the right thing; not everyone has the stomach for
hard-hearted amorality,so it cannot be, by default,always the better option.What is "better', and by which yardsticks
is it measured? Better flnancially, possibl/. Better socially, perhaps. But few would purport that amorality trumps
moralily from a spiritual perspective. Sp irituality aside,there are pragmatic beneflts of morality.An honest and eager
man is more likely to be hired by a firm than a man who gives rhe impression of duplicity and arrogance, though he
may technicall/ be more qualifled.An entirely amoral man will probably find it difficult to l<eep his connections and
friends for long,if he has backstabbed half ofthem and is regarded with wariness by the other half.A moral man may
have a better time of eventually winning the respect and loyalty offriends and clients.
The other side ofthe same coin is that there are clear cases where it is extremely disadvantageous to be absolu!el/
amoral.The entire judiciary
system is tesrimony to rhis. Being an unscrupulous drug-pusher may give you a slim shot
of risinS through the ranks to become a drlrg lord, where the profits lie, but there is a much hither probability of
being gunned down in a gang fight, disowned by your family, or left for the police to capture while the bigger fish
make their escape, whereupon you may be executed or incarcerated for life, depending on where you are caught.
It would take a rather twjsted mind to perceive this series of unfortunate events as good. Ultimately, socieries have
entrenched values and a general morality, which may be more flexible than before, but there are limits to how
acceptably amoral one can be without being rejected by the herd.
Yet moraijty is not an absolute; the very definition of morality is a code ofvalues or elhics embraced by a particular
lEdrffialas*Emr.l 37
society or group of individuals. From utilitarianism to virtue-ethicism, morality is fluid. One form of morality ma/ be
unacceptable or disadvantageous in a ceftain culture, but it may be a strict code by which another people lead their
Iives.The concepts of "disadvantage" and "better" are also in themselves subjective, dependent on the context in
which the judgment is made.While it is inappropriate to make an overt generalisation, it is largely safe to say that in
the society in which you function or among the group to which you belong, it is better to abide by morality rather
than to indulte in
lest we displease our neighbours and face social isolation.
As David Lodge would have said,"Nice work!" An entertaining and enSaging read!
2) langrish
3) hdaisnc
4) l\isse2 - fatro
b) anonised
$ Va1tnvettian
lA) thLortdleriblA
k!b! 5!re 1 20117 Raffles junior
Col ese
Title: The moral man is invariably put at a disadvantageiit k always better to be amoral.' Discuss.
that prevents advancements, a deflnite disadvantage if it encuDlgE some but not others-
OscarWilde was of theopinionthat"Morality,likeart.meansdrawingalinesomeplace".l''lenwho ivebyamoral
code necessarily face these'lines' in the everyday business of livinS: these lines represent boundaries and the
restraining force that morals inevitably entail. Principles such as fairness, honesty, integrity, an aversion to cheating
and an obsession with the 'fair and square', all definitive traits of the mol?l man, represent the limits of his modus
vivendi.The amoral man,literally meaning'without morals', does not face the same constraints:one must easily see
that for the amoral man, only the goal exists, and all paths toward it are open
he faces no limitation by guilt as
conscience, and has no moral obligations to play by the rules-
The disadvantage to the moral man,then,seems obvious and extremel), considerable.The moral man is restrained not
only by his own ability, but also his moral credo whereas the amoral man is limited by the srretch of his imagination
For example, while the amoral man might advance his career by being the cooperative party to some dishonest
practice by a superior or by pretence of admiration. or by taking credit for other people\ work, the moral mar
must rely on the sweat of his brow and the hope that he will be utilised. Morality then must seem to be a weighr
Additionally, the amoral man never has to think about right and wrong;the situations where the course of action
is morally ambiSuous and moral man must agonise and exercise
care in order not to compromise his ideals,
the amoral man sees his quarry and swoops down on it.This is demonstrably a disadvantage where rime is of rhe
Furthermore,morality might deal a double blowas it notonly dictates whar cannot be done butwhat mustbe done
as well. lYorals are not merely passive, but also active restraints.The moral man has obligations to his society and
must fill the needs of others when he sees it as nesessary.This means that while the amoral man can concentrate
his energies entirely on the goal or the mone/ and rhe rask at hand,the moral man donates to !he poor and cannor
iSnore the needy and lonely elderly.l"loral obligation then becomes an encumbrance to the single-minded drive that
the amoral can enjoy.
At the most basic level, it seems thaa moral man is inherently disadvanraged because he plays according to rules rhirr
the amoral man feels no need to subscribe to. However, to suggesr rhat it is 'always' better ro be amoral is a falJacy
that has been proven to be false, and this is so for both personal and social reasons.
On the personal level, man might take comfort in having a credo and knowing what he can and cannot do. Further
than the"Dr Spock",feel-good theology this suggests, it represents a deper,far more significant meaning. Morals exht
as a definitive trait for mankind. For example, if integrity is par! of the credo we subscribe to then we are (at least
partially) defined by the thouSht'l am a person who values integrity.' f4oreover, in this way, can counr roo a roorng
and stabilising force in the identity of a person.Though it may seem insignificant in the short term as compared co
a substantial banl< balance, in the long-term a man might find his morals an anchor rather than a punishing weiSht,
and a considerable advantage to his personal well-being.
Morals can also be seen as a basis for strenSth on the personal lvel.A man who wrestles with'moral force'has
that irreplaceable impetus to power throuSh the way an amoral man does not.The amoral man has no driving for.e
beyond his own gains;he is not motivated by the desire to do evil as the immoral are, or by good,lil(e his mora
counterpart. lYoral man therefore has an additional and quite formidable motivation and impetus for action,
advantaSe that amorai man cannot share-
Lastly, and perhaps most impoftantly, to have morals is a definite advanrage ar the social level._Li!_qlteo,!a!!Llha!
man is a social animal, and this
truth;practically no man in the twenty-fir< .entL'ry .," .l'la
independence from society in our shrinking wor/d.The fact remains that in order to exist in harmony with socier/
one must do 'as the Romans do', when
Rome, and this lies at the heart of the pra.tical need to lie ly a morrl
College t51 $rc I ll0'
code,for society itselfexists by a moral code. f'1ost socletjes today attemPt to nforce some sort of mora ity though
taws. Examples oltaws that were motivated by moral order, wherher correct or incorrect. include the anti-divorce
u*, .f'ut ,ill u"irt in ,ome l'luslim states today and laws against homosexlra acts Furthermore' society frequenlly
punishs the amoral, and amorality is seen as a disgrace in rhe eyes of proprlety On the positive si4ggthilgr
.o.lety utt"lnpts to ,"ward those who Live by dolng what is right l'lotherTeresa
not only received the Nobel Peace
ior her considerabte contribution bur
been awarded immorta ity in the colleccive memorv of soclety for
being a moral person who gave her all to other people
oral men have in societv Amorality is a selfish code where the will of the self mtrst
source of strength and the basis for social behaviou( must bring more advantages th'n rhe ill-earned short-trm
gains of amoralityt decePcive attractiveness and its elegant sirnplicitv
Vi.tor, ou...tt, you have done a good
with this essay'The discussion on society's shunning of the
.-o..t ,.qu;"o
exPlanation, I thinl<.The
is, if society does reward the moral' as you say'
The immoralone certainly is shunned'butyou willneed to accountfor the amoral better'Still'a nice
read overall with sensible points.
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tsb! $!e I 2007 Raffes
T'Lle fe is
eds er''
ls lhs r-el
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\.me Hd Hurqr-P cldss:2s06K
ln the A8e ofTechnology we live in today, the juSSernaut of globalisation has generated a
of wealth and
raised standards of living phenomenally- Life,for many, especially in the deve{oPed nations. is now minus the toil and
the aches one used ro experience-There are three meals on the table,and many even have sufflcient excesses to put
their savings,or spend i! on the latest flashiest carto reward themselves. Life can only be better; life can only be
easier,without chores and manual labourYet mankind has found itself having to struggle with increasingly cornplex
social, po litical and economic disruptions that come as inseparable spectral comparisons of progression.
Can we then still safely say that life for the common man is easier ioday than it was yesterday?
It is easy to understand why people may conclude that life is easier today. First,the advancement of technology has
revolutionised communication.The shift ofthe era ofthe printed book to the television and lnternet was prophesised
by l'4arshall McLuhan in his book,"Understanding Media", published in l964,which spoke with great visionary force.
Clearly,the usuai"paper, envelope, stamp" routine is no longer viable today.The computer, amongst rts many
launched the email,which is now the most efficient and common mode oftransmittinS documents across countries.
Telecommunications too, have improved phenomenally.Today, it is possible for a business man to clinch irrportant
deals over the handphone; or check his email account using his Blackberry PDA.This has without doubt simPlified
the jobs of many, as information can now be transmitted with merely a click of the mouse or the dial of a keypad.
Secondly, there is the mechanisation of labour. ln factories, machines are now used to carry out menial, repetitiv
work.They are able to do so with great accuracy and productivity. No longer is there a need for lYan to tire himself
outwith doing such tasks himself all he has to do istoswitch onthe button ofthemachine.ln homes, machines
have aiso made life easier.With equipment like the electronic cake mixea microwave ovens, food can be prepared
in much less rime and effort than previously imagined.At the forefront of such a technologicai revolution is the
development of robots, which holds the potential of taking over all the household chores. Osim's iScoop robot for
instance, is able to clean surfaces to a sparkle, all with the click of a button being programmed even to navigate
difflcult corners on its own. Such is the wonder oftechnology.lt has made human life less tedious and has removed
the need for humans to tire themselves out.
Surely then, you may say, life is definitely easier today. However,William Bertrand once said, "We love Machines
because they are beautiful, we treasure Machines because they are of
value;yet we hate Machines because they
are hideous, we loathe Machines because they reduce us to no more than slavery." lYachines, in replacing manual
labour have led to escalating unemployment, especially in developinS countries where the workers lack specialised
skills and can only engage in manual labour to earn their keep.To such individuals,life is hardly better it is worse-
Furthermore, our overdependence on such devices has made us even more vulnerable
we are reduced to mere
slaves of technology. One virus can destroy all the flles in a database and vital information can be Jost to a hacker.
All these threaten to take away all that one has painfully built from scratch. Globalisation, on one hand, has led to
greater inter-connectedness and hence efficiency,but has inevitably led to a wideninS divide between the rich and the
poor and even the most capable now face immense pressure at work to perform knowing that if they are proved
unworthy, someone out there is waiting to take their place. No one is indispensable. Gone are the days where the
longer one has stayed in the company,the greater the job security.
Perhaps the one key question we should ask ourselves toady is: are we happyl When one is happy, life becomes
easien Research findings have shown that as the world gets richer, the number of people seeking solace in religion
rises.lndeed,the anxiety that many experience today comes from innumerable sources-This has invariably made life
less pleasurable, and more diffrcult to naviSate.
War and conflict are the looming blacl< clouds at the back of people! minds.while technology has helped us, it has
increased the destructive potential of waffare.The world is poised on the blade of a knife today.With
the terrorist bombings ofSeptember I I stillfresh in our minds,we are forced to l<eep a state of heiShtened vigilance
and fear forthe safety ofour loved ones. North Korea! unwillinSness to conclude six-party talks and stop its nucJear
Rafflesjlnior Co tege ti! .r!c I t01ri lEEfireEf,iEffEreEa&ll4
research has contributed to rising fears that a nuclear showdown is imminent. Furthermore, the United Natlons
as a peacel<eeping
organisation is losing its credibility due to its inability to stoP lhe United States ofAmerica from
invading lraq. How can rhe UN be trlrsted, or handed the mandate of ensuring world
if it cannot even stand uP
to the might of one superpower?What will we do if conflict arises and the UN is unable to intervene? Such worries
permeate the minds of m llions across the globe;it is little surPrise then that so many are seel<ing
solace from a higher power, over things they feel they can no longer control
As technology advances.there also arises the issue of our ethics being unable to l<eep up with the pace ofdevelopment.
Cloning,for example, has begun a furious debate over whether it is morally right to clone a human being.The greatest
worry is whether we are able to utilise technology morally, and in a way that our institutions can cope with. ln the
past, developmenls like the air-conditioning system and vacuum cleaners were all met with majority approval.As
science progresses,we flnd ourselves facing increasingly complex issues concerning ethics.We have to make decisions
that may fill us with guilt for the rest of or.rr lives. Life is deflnitely not simpler and easier to navigate.
lYoreover,even our youths are faced with immense stress nowadays.ln schools,the academic competition has never
been greater.ln Hong Kong.3 out of 5 teens surveyed have had suicidal thoughts,accordinS to a survey conducted by
2005. ln
the trendiest neighbourhoods are fllled with disoriented and disaffected teens, their
ennui relieved by designer drugs. One can only wonder how we have placed our future in such dire circumstances.
Students have parenta{ pressure and peer pressure as main sources ofstress. Parents have impossibly high expectations
oftheir children;a case in pointwould be the escalatinS number ofprimary schoolstudents forced to go for tuition
class,dancing and piano lessons
all this in the hope ofturning their children into"super kids". PerhaPs more
to teenagers would be the pressure to conform and appear hiP to his
marketing and the media
have contributed to the pressure teenagers face to look good and have increased their desire for material
a result,youth today face a large amount of pressure from all areas.Those who cannot tolerate it any longer simply
give up and attempt ro take their own lives.lt hence deserves no argument that life is indeed more difflcult today
than it was for the generation before us,
Detractors may argue that this mainly affects people in developed nations and not those in develoPing nations.
To some extent, this is true because advancements in technology and the flow of investments to poorer nadons
have benefited the people and saved many from $e brink of starvation.To them, life is perhaps easier in that they
can now have enough to fill their stomachs. However, this is hardly the case today. A UN development report in
2002 showed that the global income accruing to the poorest of the world has decreased from 2.3% to 1.4%.This
suggests, contrary to what many believe, that there is a widening
between the rich and the poor: Hence, they
have not really benefited from the advancements we see today. Furthermore,the majority in the world today is able
to maintain a decent standard of living.Threats of disruption to world peace and health threats like the Avian Flu
and SARS affect everyone.Africans too, have to battle with escalating rates o{ those contractingAlDS. ln the light of
this,life is,without doubt. harder toda/.
Ultimately, Edwin Brock's satirical poem "Five ways to ldll a Man" provides some valuable insiSht. ln it, he describes
fair clinical,warlike and historical methods which have been used to dispatch millions throuSh the course of history.
Yet all are cumbersome compared to thisl
Simpler, direct and much neater to see
That he is placed in the middle of the twentie.h century
And leave him there.
lndeed, it is true that life is more difficuJt,with the mounting tension, anxiely and worries. than it has ever been.
Excellent piece. Appears that some points prepared for certain topics have come in handy,l'm guessinS;
cleverly interwoven. ldeas with suitable language, although appearing bombastic initially.
krb! ll5!ue I 2007 RafflesJt]nior Co lere
Tirlei ls it true that the more we have,the less haPPv we are?
Name:Janakl d/o Shanmusam Class:2s03H
more we have, the less happy we are." This is often said by many. but one must realise the sPecific contexts
it is used in. lYore often than not. it perrains ro material wealth and possessions and seems to link one! haPpiness
to the amount of propert/ one owns.lt is built upon a basic, albeit not necessafily true, assumption that man is not
easily satisfied.As he attains more wealth, he is consumed by greed and yearns for even more, resulting in a state of
misery rather than happiness.Although this applies ro such cases,rhere are excePtions whereby the more we have,
the happier we are.
lf one were to argue in favour ofthe statement, one realises the limitations and boundaries within which it remains
true.As mentioned earlien the accumularion of material wealth is the most obvious factor. One can venture to say
thar it all stems from the unhealthy competition among people for status and recognition in society.This has led to
the rise of exclusive clubs for the upper classes in society, otrerinS chem various privileges. securing a membershiP
at such clubs is even considered of utmost importance to some, moTe so than the troubling issues ofterrorism and
global pandemics in the international arena. ComParable to the arms race betwen nations in times of war, such
people race !o accumulat as much wealth as they can. However, th is 'wealth-race' drains them of their haPPiness
Recalling old wives' tales and children! stories, characters often hoard their wealth, becoming miserly as wel{ as
miserable.With increasinS wealth comes increasing resPonsibility to safeguard it.As such, many resort to high-tech
security gadSets and surveillance technology, making them
of their own wealth and greed
Furthermore,rheir actions are spurred on by the constan! cold calculation of critics and analysts,
the wealthy
by Forbes maSazine and the like.ln an attemptto gain recognition and fame,even those content with what they have
are lured to try and enter the upper class.
ln extreme cases, people whose names have already entered such lists,try to outdo their "comPetitors" by business
feuds which may even affect the conomies of nations.There have been many cases and rePorts in lhe news of
people who brutally murder either their partners or associates in order to take control of their shares and assets
in a company for example.All these despicable actions only serve to heighten one's miserx Hence, such real_life
examples seem to support the argument that the more we have, the less haPPy we are
However, one musr not be led into thinl<ing that material wealth is the only wealth that is being mentioned here
Offering a twist to the argumnt,the common sayins"The more we give,the more we have" is worth thinking about
Emotional wealth is one of the factors that may be proposed to counter the argument.
Emotionalwealth can be deflned as the rich social interaction one has with others,the many relationships one has
and more importantly the love and concern gained from this interaction.l4an is a social animal after all.With the
exception of a few who prefer to be alone by choice, society thrives on the basis of relationshiPs; societ/ beinS an
interlinked network of numerous groups of individuals- One can only gain, and as a result, increase one's haPPiness
Considering a family,the car and concern each member shows for the others is incomparable in terms of any other
wealth. Relationships between a parent and a child;siblings: lovers; husband and wife; even colleagues; subordinates
they all bond the parties involved with love or care. lt is this love which characterises emotional wealth
Of course, some may argue that not all relationships are harmonious at all times Some may yet offer that there
can be no hatred wirhout love.
are {requent in households and workplaces. f4arriages may fall aPart and
end in divorce. Employees unhappy with work relations may resign their positions in search of a better alternative
Such cases do occur and lheir existence is much documented.Yet, in the
of humanity and the need
for a companion, one still yearns to believe that many of these
can be resolved lf not, why the need for
counselling sessions involving marital problems? Why do workers' unions exist?
Col ege <nr, :: e l
It becomes quite clear that the under ying concern for one anorher enrches the interaccion one has with others
Reconciliation and rhe desire ro ead p*.au ti'* in rhe face of problems and strains in relationshiPs
Recelving more ove does se:m to conrriblte to leading a haPPier ife
l.1any srLdies have been conducterl on sample groups of diverse populations on the extent to which one is haPPy
and satisfied wich one,s tif. Ln rhe majority ofthese case studies,it has been shown that loving,pea.eful relationshiPs
seem to rank in rhe rop three factors consistently.Although more proof will be needed before a conclusion can be
reached decisively, the Lrnquanrifiable amount of love and care received does seem to mattet Analyses of troubled
teenagers from broken homes who end up with charges of assault, drug abuse and the like often cite the lacl< of
love and attention from their parents or other members of the family as the reason for their undesirable behaviour
and actions.Thes invariable result in misery and hardshiP for both the'victims' and others concerned
At yet another level, children who are more exposed to their surroundings at a young age seem to become more
world-wise when they grow up and inreract wirh their peers and superiors aiike more freely.This allows them vast
opporrunities to upgrade themselves and shine in areas wherethey do bst,and also in wideningtheir socialcircles.
The increased exposure to rhe outside world prevents the development of the undesirable proverbial frog in ihe
well and sets the path to a brighter future With time, succss is assured and haPPiness too indeed
As with all cases,there are except ons.with respect to material wealth,there may exisl some who are easily content
with what they already possess and shun the "wealth-race".There may be people who have a
of interacting
with others, have problems showing their affection or feel uncomfortable receiving it in turn. ln this respect, it may
perhaps be possibte to say that their level of happiness would not be affected either.They can also become haPPier
or sink deeper into misery. However, in order to deal with an argument, rhe assumptions made at the beSinning
must stay and hence, the argument flows alongside these set boundaries
"The more we have" depends on the objct as well as rhe nature ofthe person in question.lt may cause increased,
decreased oreven no change in one! perception ofones happiness pertainingto eitherone's life or mere suPerficial
targets along the way. ln any case, one is forced to accePt that it cannot be determined by a frxed template or
guideline and is dependent ver/ much on the circumstances involved. Hedonists and pessimists may both have their
own way eventua ly.
Fluid, lucid and mature articulation.
ksb! $!e I 2007 Rafiles
Title:Do you agree $at as technology advances,the arts get more enriched and more interestirg?
N;e: Shirin Nadira Class:2A0lA
The impacr of technological advancement has spared very few aspects of modern life,and the arts are no excePtion.
Taking the arts broadly to be the three symbiotic areas of literatu re, vis ual art, and music,it is evident that technoloSical
wonders like the printing press,the comPuter and its attendant digitalsmPhic software,and musical equiPment such
as synthesisers, haye evolved new forms in these arts which may arguably be deemed as enriching as a whole, by
allowing the arts to expand and stay relevant.
Particularly, increasingly sophisticated multimedia technology has democratised the arts by reducing the need for
formal education in visual art, for example.The
such as Adobe PhotoshoP lies in the
user-friendliness of such software,which allows any bored student with some tree !ime to crate graPhics of decent
quality to be turned into website layouts, or personal user
for use on online forums.Whilst such
programmes, and thejr more advanced counterparts are also used by professional
artists or art students
in their own work, the availability of digital imaging software to the masses has
rise to an incredibly varied
ranSe of artistic output, which may be admired on such websites such as DeviantArt com, where users may disPlay
rhetr frequently amateurish, but at rimes nevertheless interestinS, pieces of digital art. ln this sense, technology has
enriched the arts by making it populist where it used to be a
of an elite ln fact, there are now multiPle
communities within any particular art for example, Singapore's NationalArts Council
out grants every year
to promising young arrists to further their education in their chosen ar! {orm or to assist them in organising a
display of their works.These painters,actors,writers and musicians often achieve some laudable successes, but there
exists too a subculture in most arts, consisting of guerrilla artists who prefer a level of anonymity and do not study
their art formally, choosing instead to hone it or develop it throuSh their own exPeriences, and their
of street zeitgeist.
The majority of these subsrrata of artists is divorced from the technicalities of classical art form. DiSital artists
generating muldmedia biueprints of their intended work, experimental musicians usinS software which transcribes
their playing into musical notations, reflect technology's abilily to enable artists, especiall/ restless ones, to skip the
slog of technical acquisition and go straight to creative expression.This has produced a wider range of art which is
interesting in content but lacking in finesse, or on the other hand, it encourages crass self_indulgence, devoid of any
artistic merit-The debate then might boil down to one's personal preferences regarding the arts Should an artist
always be schooled in the basic techniques and movements of the art of painting? ls this knowledge a fundamental
requirement or merely the tools to realise a work, tools which have been replaced with technological advances by
helpful digital imaSing softwarel
Another perspective from which to study the influence of technological advancement on the arts is to look at it
not in terms of form, but content.We already l(now that computer technology has enabled the diversification of
art forms, but in terms of actually permeating the concerns of artists, technoloSy has also
a key role.This is
exemplified in the proliferation of art dealing with the issue of scientific/technological progress and whether this
bodes well or ill for the future of mankind.Thus we have 'StarWars','Star Trek', Blade Runner', and'1, Robot', films
which were hugely profitable at the box office and demonstrate that the theme of technoloS/ and its impact is an
engaging one for the bulk of today\ audiences.
A final nod to the beneflts of technological advancement on the arts is perhaPs the way technology has helPed
or otherwise physically disenfranchised artists who regain the abilityto express themselves creatively.There
have been artists who have survived road accidents,for example, who lose certain motor functions in their arms or
hands and are unable to produce art in trad itional fo rm s of sculpture or painting.The existence ofsensitive computer
mouses or graphic
pens which work in tandem wirh digital
programmes recover these a.tists'abilities (to
some extent)
them the opporrunity to evolve unique techniques to compensate the skills the/ lost.
Howevei the general
impression of technology's impact. examined from some distance for objectivit/, is not a
particularly heartening
one. Certainly, technology has undeniably democratised the arts, as many youngsters do
CoLlege cb,- ale I 2co/
on rhe lnternet which are aestheticaily decent, but to dub this an'enrichnrent' o{ arl would be
spurious, considering that most of these are of homogenous levels of skill and are not conceived of with any higher
purpose than the immediate adornment of a
website or weblog
Also, as multimedia is so easily avaiiable fof anyone ro pick up and employ at will, it becomes difficult to define the
boundary between an innate artistic ability ma<ing use of modern tools, and doSged fesourcefulness in workinS
software posinS as art. Originality tends to be compromised as everyone using similar software will have similar
tools, and without education in the arts, they hardly ever use the various tools in innovative ways.That would be a
srretch, as most users simply Iearn the tool! function from the help manual and use it as such.The
oil pastel is then superior to the technological wonder of a graphic software as the former dose not come with
prescfibed rools of as specific a nature as the Iatter, thus allowing for
nay, demandinS
both talent and thouSht.
I am furthermore of the opinion rhat technology has not made art more interesting, because it cannot.The ability
of a piece of music, or a novel, or an art installation to stril<e our fancy lies more squarely in its comPosilion and
the message(s) relayed, than simPly its form. Although technoloSy may
new forms of art or music, the
novelty ofwhich may temporarily garner great interest, this type woLrld be unsustainabie without substance \ /hen
synthesisers were flrst produced, th e 'e'ectro nica' genre of music emerged, but it is often derided for its synthetic,
unemotional quality. Likewise, few, if any, digital pieces of artworl( have earned their artists accolades of the sort
that conlinue to be heaped upon such lonS-deceased
as Michelangelo, Monet or Piesso
Technology furthermore submits the arrs to crude commercialism ar rhe hands of advertisers, who are able to
make mass reproductions ofacknowledged masterpieces,which arguably reduces the value of a
to the lowest
common denominator as people purchase such reproducrions to hang in their roorrs purely for aesthetic pleasure,
and disregard the value of the arts as a means for exPressing a mood or idea
ln conclusion, technology has been less enriching for the arts rhan it has been detrimental. lt mainly serves to
reduce the need for the so-called dry basics and accumulation of technique through formrl trr edrr.ation However
the artists who do beneflt from such technology would in all Iikelihood have succeeded even without it, provided
they had the innate gift of artistic, musical, or literary ability anyway-Those who do not merely resort gratefully to
technology as a way out of skill, and contribute to the grear fountain of art a deluge of mediocrity that can hardly
be said to be either enriching or interesring.ln order for technoloSy to
a more positive role in broadening and
elevating the arts, it is artists themselves who must subdue technology and mould it to the form they desire their
ideas to take, and not revel purely in technoloSy as the answer to the question of artisric innovaoon
Brilliant response! cogent arguments with a conscious effort to distinguish between the
aspects of the question.
trb! rle I 2007 Rafflesj'rnior College
Tt e: Do you agree that as technology advances,the arts get niore enriched and more interesrinS?
l..lame: Liew Shang Zhao Class: 2A I 3A
As early as l932,art criiicWaker Benjamin voiced concerns that technological advancement encroached uPon the
artisdc endeavour Ever ahe prophet of doom,walter Benjamin arSued that whatSave art its " mystical au ra", its most
sacred and revered quality, was its sinsularity. Art moved people so because it was unique,"unreProducible".lt was
feared that with rhe lndustrial Revolurion came the technology of mass reproduction,and with mass reProduction of
arrworks came rhe desecration ofart. And yet the 2O'h cenlury bourgeoned with artistic insPiration and achievement;
modernist and futurist experimentarion even incorporated technoloSical advancement in the quest to test the
bou n daries of art- C learly, wo rries that tech no logy obviates the arts are u nfo u n ded, an d tech no logical advancements
often strengthen and enrich the arts.
Let me first clari{y our conception of art and tech no logy: lech nological advancements relevant to the arts include
the dvelopment ofthe printing press,the processes of mass reproduction inherited from the lndustrial Rvolution,
and the 'communications revolution'which
us the lnternet Art, by contrast,is a far more sliPPery concePt'and
any dflnirion ofart immediately encounters exceptions to the rule. Perhaps, as Cubist and concePtual artist Marcel
Duchamp remarked, "anyth ing the artist sPits is artl' For the
ofthis essay,'the arts' refer to the whole of
the creative endeavour, ranging from the visual arts, literature to music.
Let us begin by conceding rhat technology and art are nor always complem entary, an d lhat the two are antaSonistic
to a degree. To be sure,rhe mass reproduction of Edvard l.lunch's " The Scream' has desensitised modern audiences
to much ofthe raw unbridled power of the original.To see the angry reds and oranges
at you every day as you
take the train to work may consign Munch\ masterpiece to the blur ofthe mundane and the routine. Furthermore,
this desensitisation is harmful insofar as it encourages careless and cursory treatment ofartworl<s in
of us today car claim to have looked upon a work of art and immersed ourselves completely in a wholly beautiful
and transcendental experience.With the rise of the lnternet, and the proliferation of flle-sharing services such as
Kazaa. Limewire, and To rrents earc he r, another threat to the artistic endeavour has arisen: more avenues are oPen
for copyright breach,and this removes the incentive for artists to continue the creative effort.lf sales revenue from
the sale of CDs plummet because the public opts for rhe cheaper alternative of free downloads, then the artist is
deprjved of both the will and the resources to make a new album. Mala/sian artists, for examPle, frequently allese
flle-sharing and rampant piracy as reasons why the domestic music industry cannot take off ln these cases,technology
and art are opposing forces.
But these concerns can be moderated: postmodernist RichardAppiguanesi has refutedWalter Benjamin's thesis that
mass reproduction threatens the arts.According to the writer, the appearance ofvincent van GoSh's 'sunflowers'
on bank notes,and in murals in subway stations and art galleries, has in fact heightened the
aPPetite for art.
Perhaps this is why the oriSinal is worth tens of thousands of dollars.ln response to
concerns of coPyriSht
breach. a marrix of intellectual property law has arisen to preserve artists' incentive to create, in tandem with the
recordinS industry ofAmericat crackdown of illeSal flle-sharing services.Technology can be reconciled wi$ art.
lYoreover. it is precisely rechnological advancement that has allowed {or preservation of the classics
the works
of the great masters. Tal<e, for instance, the restoration and reconstruction of damaSed
from the ltalian
Renaissance, currently exhibited inAmerica's Narional Gallery ofArt. This would have been impossible without the
precise tools and substances that technological advances have
us- ln another examPle, the develoPment and
sale of color.tr fixatives have been a godsend for colour-pencil artists. ln the absence of such fixatives, pencil
flakes ofi easily, diminishing the vibrancy of even the most meticulously coloured masterpieces within rnonths. ln
these two instances. technology is crucial to the continued survival of many artworks
ln addition, technology is sometimes instrumental in the birth of new forms of art. Digital art would not have
been possible without the widespread availabilit/ of technological tools such as Adobe Photoshop. Tech n ological
advances also provide fertile ground for artistic inspiration: for example, the Bauhaus movement and the doctrine
of new internationalism in twentieth'century architecture argued for a consideratjon of houses as functional "living
machines", and drew inspiratjon frorn the construction of multl storey flats,carparks, and state buildinss.ln another
exampie, Marcel Duchamp\ masterpiece- the urinal,which embodied a reiection ofthe aesthetic process would
hav been impossible if rechnological advances had not produced that urjnal in the first place.ln these instances,
rechnological advancement is the precondition for the emergence of these artistic movements. From a lvlarxist
perspective, developments in the technological "base" led to the artistic "superstructure"
ever richer and
more interesting-
Finally, the communications revolution and the accessibility of'e-texts' have beneflted the literary tradition- lt has
allowed wrirers access to other wrirers'works and ideas with a click ofthe mouse.lt allows the meeting of millions
of minds, and the literary movement is surely richer for such dense inte raction. After all, if post-sructuralist
Kristeva rnaintains that all literary texts are
of past citation", ailowing authors access to other works is
absolutely essential.To this end, technology flres up the artistic imagination.
ln conclusion, technology has the potential to enhance and enrich art beyond measure, but care must yet be taken
to insulate art from the ravages of unbridld technoloSical advancement.
Knowledgeable discussion, delivered at a good pace.\
co lese
Essay tf
Title. scrence,u.life relAon.p,omises more thm itdelivers.'To what *!ent do you agree with this
Name: 14Adirya C ass:2S03C
The hisrory of mankind and its progress have been marl<ed by both spiritual and material
diferent philosophicalworldviews have emerged as catalysts and products ofsuch progress:the empirical method of
science and the more spiritualone of religion.l'lanyfeelthatthe two are diametrically opposite at!heir deepest leveJs:
science is an objective. empirical interpreration ofthe universe while religion seeks a moral, spiritual understanding
of the world we live in. ln the li8ht of recent and not-so-recent develoPments, to say that science 'Promises more
than it delivers'- thar ess entially, faith in it has been disproportionate to its results
to a
(or lesser) extent
than reliSion, is inaccurate; it is a viewpoint with which I therefore disagree
whar is science? Simply put, it is a natural explanation of our world based on emPirical, observable data from our
enyiron m ent. lt assu mes that rhe world is based on unchanging natural laws thatare notaffected by human concerns-
The world as explained by science is one built on random events.A fundamental goal of science is to reach as deep
an understanding as possible about what makes our universe ticl<.
Many followers of religion would see science as having failed because it is unable to explain some phenomena.Their
scepricism is evident in their arguments against,for examPle, the Big Bang theory of the creation of the universe, and
the theory of evo{utio n. Many ask what happened before the Big Bang,and
to attacl< science for not knowing
the answer. Such a viewpoint is inappropriate. Science does not claim to offer a full or complete understanding of
the universe, bur merely hopes to move closer to the truth.This it has certainly achieved.The annals of man are
scattered with examples of quantifiable p rogress: Galileo and Copernicus' discovery that the Earth revolves around
the sun. rather than the other way round as was previously tho uSht;Alfred Wagn e r's theory of continental drift,for
which we now have much evidence;Alexander Flemingt theory of
which was mercilessly ridiculed but was
proven right and which spawned the growth of microbiology. lndeed, we have moved closer to the truth
A second promise of science
the one that interests more people is that of material proSress, and better control
of our surroundings.This is a natural sequel to the first promise: where the flrst is to help man better understand
his environment,the second is to help him exploit itto solve his problems and increase the quality ofhis life.ln this
too, science has very obviously succeeded. lt has been remarked that one of the best indications of the validity of
any scientific theory is the amount of money it potentially allows one to make. lndeed, many modern develoPments
today resulting from science have revolutionised not just the world economy but the very nature of the life of the
average person.There is ample evidence to show how even small scientiflc developments and the resulting innovations
have led to a berter quality of life.The fairly recent birth of the lnternet, for instance, siSnificantly transformed the
concept of mass communications, increasing the reach and sPeed of information
information that, in turn, solves
more problems. Given such remarlble eyidence,any passionate declaration that science cannot solve our
should be raken with a pinch ofsalt. Of course,science cannot make everything right;there are problems and issues
that science alone would struggle to handle. For examPle,the question ofPoPulation
cannot be answered
purely by better birth control or farming rechniques but must also be addressed from ethical and social premises.
However, the {act that some measurable progress has been made cannot been denied
ln such a situation, it is bad enough to accuse science of failing to live uP to its'Promises', it is worse still to
simultaneously applaud reJigion for its honesty and integrity.The truth is, religion offers or has offered many of the
same benefits as science, but seems not to have fared half as well.
Religion,like science, offers an explanation for creation and existence.Theories of creation range from that of a
primordial cosmic egg to the belief that everythinS about us is the manifestation of a consciousness. I do not clalm
to believe in any ofthese,or indeed not to believe in them.lt is
recotnised that many such exPlanations
symbolic more than scientific (the'cosmic egg', for instance, symbolises vitality and abundance).What I do asserr
that there is no way to confirm any ofthese claims. Religion, unlil<e science,often offers exPlanations ofthe universe
in which any unusual phenomenon can be labelled as a'miracle' or'Paranormal occurrence'.Though it is
b e
that some ofthese may be explained in more mainstream ways in the future,others will linger as evidence that even
reiigjon has lts fai ings:surely not every eerie cloud or unnatural sound is the wor< of spirits or devils, so what are
rhese things? Rellgion stlLl struggles to flnd an answer.
One promise of most major religions is thar of salvation.As no one has yet manaSed to return from the dead to
te I us abolt the 'afterlife' (at least in recent times), this is fine there may be an afterlife. and I cannot disProve it.
However,the existence of so many different religlons throws Lrp exasperating questions.Which God' ls real? Which
afteriife is real? lf two or more religions claim to be rhe only path to salvation from sin, would that not mean that
the followers of each are doomed ro hell, accordlng to th cJaims o{ the othersa
Religion also promises to develop sociery mora ly according to universal principles.It conrinLres to firlfil this to some
exrenr man/ people worldwide cite a religious upbringing as the reason for their morality and sense of risht and
wrongtmany acts of benevolence are performed in the name ofreligion. However,even this is overshadowed attimes
by the many moral dilemmas that religion itself creates. ReliSion has been used as a political tool to subjr.rgate and
discriminate, to l<ill and to maim. For xample, the caste system in lndia, so influenrial and dominant for centuries,
caused much unhappiness especia lyamongthoseofthe ower castes.Though thecaste system can beargued to have
produced socio-economic stabiiity, it was nevertheless used as an excuse for the more
uPPer castes to
practise inexcusable and unjust behaviour in their respective societies- Religion has also led to war and destruction,
especially when two fairhs are unable to coexist peacefu lly. l4any examples ofthis have been chronicled
the Crusades
in Europe;the invasion of the Persjans in North lndia;the ongoing friction between lndia and Pakistan (which is
regularly fuelled by politics). Moral development. lndeed.
Thus, both science and religion have made promises that they have either kept or failed to deliver- lt is not fair to
say that one has failed signiflcantly more than the other, because both have their limitations. lt is perhaPs better to
recognise both as systems that strive to reach their goals, oYercoming setbac<s alonS the way'There is a beauty in
rhe nature of both in that while both will always promise a bit more than they can fulfil at
they are able to
promise more and more as time passes, with ever_Sreater confidence of living uP to them.
A well-considered
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Love us, not eac us:All lives are precious
case for vegetarianism.This is my passionare p ea for merr.vers
stop eating meat. lnstead of appea ing co emorions,I intend to use sound logic to persuade ev"n .t
l4y passionace buc logical appea wi first debunl< myths associated with vegetarianism. Next,l will
as to why we should love animals not eat them, and the benefits of a vegetarian diet. Lastly, I wil
put up by die-hard meat lovers.
First, I need to make a guilty confession. I used to indulge in all sorts of poultry, beef and even the occas
gras.Every time lgo for a buffet,lwould descend on the roast meat section with a vefgeance. Lil(e Saul.rhc pharisee
and persistent persecutor of Early Christians who was on his road to Damascus, a revelation dawned
Unlil<e his celestlal revelation,myrevelatjoncameintheformofaghastlyanri-mearconsumptionvideo-
lleat".Thefnal strawcamewhen my doctor informed me that consuming too mu.h red mearwas.
of my asthma attacl<s. Subsequendy, I embarked on an all- vegerarian diet, shunning all meat and animir products
My personal experiences have shown that even the most recal.itrant meat over can realise rhe benelG ofan all.
vegetab e diet.
Many people have dismissed vegerarianism as a fad. I too was guilty of sLch ignorance.When the doctor sLrggesred
a transition to a vegetarian diet,l dismissed the notion comp etely. However.appropriacely planned vegcrar an diers
are now recognised as being nutritionally adequate and providinS health benejlts in the prevention and rrcrtment
of chronic diseases.Vegetarianism is not a new phenomenon. ln facc, the ancienr Greel( philosopher Pythirtoris was
We all love our pets, be they cute Persian Cats or Cottontails. Hence,there would be howls of protest f rrade dot
meat soup outofthem itselfadelicacyincheGuangxiprovinceofChina.Nonetheless,wouldwethin<rwceabout
tr.rcking nto a rib eye steak? Consider $is shocking fact - rhe average meat eater is responsible for thc dcirrhs ol
some 2,400 animals during his or her lifetimer. Furthermore, animals reared for food endure great suffc ifg in lheir
housing,transport,feeding and slaughter, someching which is noc evidenr in the neatly wrapped paci<ages ofmeat at
grocery counters. I used to consol myseJf that my plate of kebabs died a happy chicl<n. Now after be ng exposed
to these cruel practices,I doubt so.
Brutality ro animals has become routine in todays factory farm. Pigsties are a modei of such crue ty. Th
animals see no sun in their limited lives.with no hay to lie on or mud to roll in.The sows live in tiny cages so n:rrrow
they cannot even turn around.
By adopting a veSetarian diet, we are saying "no" to these horrible and harsh farm praccrces. By encour"S
to follow suit, we are taking the fight to the prpetrators of such practices.Adopting r vegetarian dret rs tlr lirsr
step in saving chese farrn anlmais.
Besides employinS cruel practices, animal farming has devascating environmental consequences. Meal
has also been linl<ed to the severe erosion of billlons of acres of once Droductive {arm and and to the dc trucrrorr
Furthermore, grain fed to cattle represents a huge waste of resources in r world still pla8ued by
malnutrition. Studies have shown that red!cingAmerican meat production by just l0 percent wo! d
grain to feed 60 mil ion peop er.
Growlng evidence suggests char the human digestive sysrem was not designed for meat consumptior'Tirr!
why there is such a h gh incidence of heart disease, hypertersion, and colon and other crncers amorg
This constitutes a compelling health-based case for vegetarianism.
Col ege rrbr *Le I .r(lr.7
Vegetarianisrn is indeed the way to
all-vegetable diet gives us added cancer protection and redu.es the risk of
heart attack, aiong with a host of other health benefits. One study found that lifelong vegetarians had a 24 percent
lower incidence of coronary heart disease compared to meat eaters.
With such overwhelming supportfor the"case for vegetarian is m", it is surprising that some still cortend that a diet
of meat is much more satisfying. f4any friends aell me what I am missing out when we sit down for a meal and they
cuck into their favourite chicken rice. Some "unrepentant" meat lovers use the argument that since homo saptens
have arrived at the
order of Nature, it is natural that we consume the prceding members ofthe lood chain.
Hence, we can deservedly indulge our insatiable hunger for meat.I would lil(e to put it to them that if our food suppty
happens to run out, will we resort to cannibalism?There is a wonderful analogy offered by H.G.Welh'Time t'1achine.
He paints an ominous future ofA.D. 802,701. Homo sapiens have branched out into two species, the lyorlocks and
the Eloi.The cannibalistic llorlocks live underground, tending machinery, supplying the soft and empty-headed Etoi
with food and clorhes. ln fact, these llortocks are rajsing rhe Eloi as cattte and using them for their food supply. F:r-
fetched as it may sound. how c:n we be sure that we would nor resort lo cannibalism, eating another living being
jLrst because it is another species?
lc is not my intention to demonise anyone here.The purpose of this plea is to lay out the bare facts for all ro see.
Take the first step and mal<e that transjtion to vegetarianism! No one said it would be easy, but with the multitude
of vegetarian cuisine, life as a vegetarian would be much easier.you would not want rhe thouSht of squealing pigs
being led to an abattoir to be seared onto your conscience,would you?
"Meet your llear" k a video produced by PETA People for the Erh icat Treatment ofAfimak
Noter (For the
of ml essay l woLrld use $e definition - Vegerarianism is the practice ofnot earing mear, ifctuding
fish, and their by-products, with or wi.hout the use of dairy prod!c.s or eggs.The exclusion may atso extend tJ
prod!cts derived from animal carca$es.)
The Case AS.rnsr l'4ea( by
- l4oova l, h p. w$eemdsJ/rne.,om
for Dummies (2001) by:Susan Havala
Barnard ND, Nicholson A, and Howard
medical cosrs attriburable ro mear consumpdon. Prev t4e d 1995;24:646-55.
Health aspects of vegrarian diets.Am
Clin Nutr t988j48j 7t2-18.
oo Banre.J, o co
Tltle:Do you think society is bttr off w ch lhe liberatioi of women from $eir .raditiona roles?
No longer content with being, in the words of Simone de Beauvoir, the 'Oth er' o. the'Second Sex', many women in rodays
society have commirted themselves to the abolition of Lhe gender stereotypes lhat shackle them to the traditional roJes
patriarchy, and a courageous batrle for freedom.A battle in which the v/omen are often perceived to be th lrnderdoSs,
yet also a banle rhat womanl<ind has clearly been winning. Indeed, over the last century, women have risen from their
traditional roles and done things that were once thought impossible for them; things such as having a successful careen
But has all this success, all this iberation and prosressive ness' really benefited society? Has society really become better
off now that women have shorn off their traditional roles?The unfortunate but honest answer is, no. Or at east,definitely
not the way in which our society has gone abolt doing it.
The famous American novelistAaron Allston once said,'Feminism is sort of like God. l4any people profess to believe in
it, but no one seems to be able to define it to everyone's s:tisfactionl And he is absolutely riSht.Ask any Endom person
on che street if he believes in equal gender rights, and chances are that he v/ill agree. But the prob em lies ln the fact that
niost people never thinl< beyond the high and noble ideais of freedom from social prejudice. Society isn't just the
where people co-existiit is a creature in itselfjalbeit a very clumsy and often confused creature,b!t society has to be able
to function, lest it collapses thus allowing chaos to ensure. lt is all very well to want everyone to be comP etely free, but
ler us not forget that complete freedom cannot co exist with ordenlo create a society of equal
rights, women
have to know exactly what it is that they want, and realise the consequences of s!ch desires.lt is extremely unfortunate
that this is not the case.
Let us take a look at the roots of feminism.While rhe {irst published worl( of a woman appeared in the 1300s, feminisrn
cannot be s:id ro have really taken form untilthe Enlightenmnt period,where thin <ers such as Lady l4aryWortley l'lontagu
and the Marquis de Condorcet began championing womens education. Feminism then developed into something more
scientific,with scientiic
for women being published in l785,aswell as the release of Mary Wollston ecra{tt 'A
finally became an organised movement.This was when feminism became really populaIeven producing male activists such
as the utopian socialist Charles Fourier. However, this was also when women themselves began to recognise the mary
hidden problems that plague feminism.
lnWendy Kaminer\ book'A Fearful Freedom:Women's Flight from Equality', she redefines feminism, splhting it into two
very general forms which she calls'egalitarian'feminism and'p.otectionist' feminism. Egalitarian feminism merely re{ers
toaform offeminism nwhich the focus is to promote equal rights between men and women. Protectionist feminism,
on the orher hand, focuses on legal protections for e/omen, such as employment laws and divorce laws that specifically
benefit women,as wellas the placement of restrictions on men,such as on free speech and more specifically,on the right
to produce and consume pornography.This dichotomy shows th beginning of the fracturing that feminism is about to
suffer.Already, their demands seem to concradict one anotherThey wish to be treated as equals to men,yet specifically
demand special legal protection that only applies to and benefits females. How much ofthis is a genuine desire for freedom
from prejudice, and how much of this is
just the desire for an easier life?
Yet, the reason why feminism has led to such confusinS demands is not becalse feminists are crazy and unreasonable
people.lt is because ofthe fundamenral truth that society is beginning to realiseithat as shoc <ing and outrageous as it may
sound. men and women are NOT equal.This is not to say rhat men are better than women, or vice versa That would be
an equa ly fallacious statement. But one simPly cannot iSnore the fact that men and women are not equal. Physically,
difference is obvious.The make-up of their psyche is also difierent.This is not to say that all gi.ls should wear pink xnd
that boys should play with rrucks, but it is undeniable that the'homemaker' role that women were traditionally
a direct and relevant Linl< to their ability to give birth to children.lt is just the same as how the hunter'or'breadwirnr
role that all men are faced with stems from their naturally more muscular physique and consequent ability when it comes
ro acrivities such as running,jumping or nghtinS.
It k sad to note, then, that the libe.ation of women in society has nor
failed to shed understanding on the gender
issue, but has instead merely confused it further lt would not be wronS (or chauvinistic) to say that at this point in tnie'
rhe co ective identity of women have no idea whar rhey wanr, except that r roughly encomPasses equal rights. Several
sociological studies have shown rhat although women derlde men for not devoring enough time to childcare and domestlc
.asks, these same women also agree lhar rhey find men who do engage in rhese tasks to the detriment of rheir careerc
x ot tess artractive as shown in'The Perception of Sex ual Attract ven ess: Sex Differences inVariability' byJ.M.Townsend.
At the same time, women are dete.mined to have stmilar careers to men, but feel threatened when some men take on
rhe rote ofthe'nurturer',as can be seen from the widesprcad discrimination ofmen who have decided to take on such a
role,as well as rhe sinsle fathers who do not have a choice.Women want equal career oPPortunities as men. so tha! rhey
roo can tal<e on the role of the breadwinner.Yet some also wish to <eep their traditional role of lhe nurturer exclusive
As feminism develops and continues ro flourish, this discrepancy in goals and aims has also begun to become obvious.
F:ced with the question of what exactly it is that they wanr, most women would not be able to
the sPecifcs of
rheir desires.To be the bredwinner is to forego your role as rhe nurturer, or ro di ute both of these roles and be a little
of each. So
what do women wantlWe are still walting for the r answer
Meanwhite,women, being the creative people that they are, have found many ways of dea ingwith the problem. Unfortunately,
none ofthem are acceptable. Some women realise the problem they are faced wilh, and either remain confused or sPend
their time tryingto and failing to convince their peers ofthe opinion that they have arrved at.Still others have lool<ed the
question in the eye and decided to pretend ir isn'r there, ignoring it and blaming all problems on male chauvinism. Finally,
there are those who go to the other extreme, promoting misandry and even male inferio rity. Th ese are women who,
faced with the relative success of fem nlsm, have decided that the final goa shou d not actually be equa ity, but a society
\yhere femates are superior to males.why s.op at equality when women can be the suPer or ones?These women do not
want equat rights, but wish to shove men tnto rhe role of the'Se.ond Sex'. lt has been demonstrated that rePlacing
rhe words.male, and.female' in some feminist writings with black' and 'white' resPectively would make these text seern
more racist to people than lhe corresPonding feminist wrltings would seem sexist
As feminists find themsetves and boycott rhe traditional roles placed upon them, society suffers, with children being
the main victims.Women, unhappy with cheir roles, divorce and brlng up their children in single-Parent famiiies Other
chitdren find themsetves with two working parents, both ofwhom have little time to sPare for them, and so the former
end up being brouSht up by maids, nannies, e der siblings, or not ar all.At the s:me time, td the extent that the ro e of
$e.homemaker' and
is abandoned, so are there fewer homes and less nurturins.Young women nowadays are
opting to stay singte or to not have children in order ro cope wlth their careers.This has resulted in falling birthrates and
aging populations in developlng countries all over the world-
Things have certain ty changed since the advenroffeminism.There is no roorn for doubtthere.But has society really become
better off? tn terms of lessons.we have definite y learnt sevemL important ones.That to believe that males and females can
ever be compterety equa is natveithat freedom is one word for many desires and that these desires have to b defined,
and then evatuated: that one cannot completely assume both the male and female roles- But has the situation in society
become better off?The answer, sadly, is no.we have only become more con{used.When one of the two
roles is
successfutiy cast ofi,the basic unit ofall societies
the family ceases to function.Two breadwinners or a childless family
may be much more conductve in building careers and making money, but it does little for the uPbrinsing of children and
rhe continuity of soctety. No, with rhe liberation ofwomen from their tradicional roles, males and females are now faced
with an identity crisis, and the creature that is society sems to be ceasing to function
What is the sotution to this problemi The answer is srrprisingly sirnple.Women hav to realise that their enemy is not
mate chauvinism anymore.lndeed, once upon a time,thar was a problem in dire need of a solution. But now, an even more
Lethatone has become evident.Women have to realise thattheir biggest problem now is disuniry amo ngst themse lves.They
have ro decide what tt srheywanr.Whoitisthatrhey,asthecollectivefemaleidentity,reallywanttobe?lthascometo
want to be myself is no lonSer accePtable and isjust
nalve.To truly
a society where both mates and females can be satisfied with thelr .oles, women have to combat the schizoPhrenia that
now chara.ter ses that once-great rnovement that is feminism.
The ctarity ofwriting and thought here i5 highly commendable.Your claims are largely well-suPPorted and
your arguments engaSing.You do wind uP addressing the question, and in th
of doing so'
displayed an excellent breadth of ideas. well done.
r0 Rifle.
1",. co|",Jr.r
t'tr.,trylrrq!:'' ry{"!!!4!'{rvins'
bu! or ittre
l'4athematics is always a key component in the education syllabus of any system, be it simple arithmetic, or calculus
and trigonometry at the more advanced stages. One of the key purposes of education in general, is for intellectua
stimulation, satisfaction, and hence. growth.To a large extent, studying mathematics helps to achieve this.
l,larhematics is considered to tap the Jeft brain, which focuses on logical thinl<ing, reasoning, and problem solving.
Here, people thinl< actively using numbers, syrnbols and formulae to express things, instead of being restricted to
basic emotions as a less educated, more primitive version of man miSht be.The active harnessinS of the human
mind !o solve mathematical problems can be a source of satisfaction. lt takes on rhe form of a challenge, which one
has to tackle using his intellect and thinkinS skills.When the solution is flnally found,$ere is a sense ofsuccess and
fulflllment, as most mathematics students would have felt at some point or other.This helps explain why some try
solving problems like Sudoku, the rubic cube, or discuss well-l(nown mathematical'conundrums' like the Postman
problem. Solving the challenge a mathematical problem holds can be intensely satisfying to people.
Other than the challenging aspect of the individual problems one encounters in studyinS mathematics, another
form of satisfaction miSht be derived from intelleclual
Since mathematics is usually studied through a long
period of schooling years, it mal<es it more possible to compare a student! level o{ growth at a nascent stage with
the more mature phase by the time graduation nears- Previously a student might have had difficulty grasping basic
concepts like multiplication.Yet by a later stage,when these operations have become second nature,the problem at
han d 'evolves' into applying itto the higher demands that algebraic,trigonometric,or calculus problems might pose.
There is a sense of satisfaction acquired from observing this growth, not just as an increase in the total volume of
mathematical knowledge, but a deepeninS in thinking sl<ills lil(e deduction and reasoning.
Beyond the temporal comparison of abilities or the satisfaction of solving a mathematical problem, being able to
apply mathematics to the real world is something whjch can potentially be the source of much satisfaction.This is
t/pically only achieved in the later stages of study, because the school curriculum usually focuses on the answers to
constructed questions on paper rather than the real world.Th;s transcendence from the paper world of Cartesian
planes and random triangles to the actual application ofconcepts is al{the more satisting because of its elusiveness
to many students. For example, the
ratio, a mathematical concept considred the'formula'for aesthetic
beauty, has been used in many worl<s of art, from the Egyptian pyramids to paintings like DaVinci! Mona Lisa.
How some even tried to link the structure of the Petrarchan sonnet, a popular poetic form, to the golden ratio, is
testimony to the extent to which mathematics is used to explain beauty. Beyond the arts. mechanical applications
of mathematics abound. Logic gates, the crux ofthe operations of many modern inventions like computers, were a
product of mathematical study. Scientists like physicists use mathematics as the main tool in unlocking the secrets of
the universe. Einstein! famous'E=mc1' formula which sums up the relationship between energy, mass and the speed
of light into a single mathematical formula, is one such example.'Softer' sciences have also increasingly started to taP
mathematicalmethods to helpfurthertheirdevelopment,when scholarsfind links bewveen their own disciplines and
mathematics- Econometrics, the study of economics using concrete mathematical figures in preference to baseless
hypothesisinS, is such an attempt. Not only does linking mathemadcs with the wodd provide new possibilities and
avenues for progress,there is also an inherent satisfaction in the personal discovery that intersection points between
two apparentiy dissimilar fields do exist.
Howevei despite the many applications of mathematics in manywidely different areas of human life,the thouShtthat
mathematics is ofJittle practical use always lurl<s in the background.This is especially true among students who simPly
cannot understand how the many graphs, equations and various geometrical fiSures they encounter could possibl/
help them in their lives. lndeed, the most immediate part of life which even involves mathematics is in counting mofey
and spending it,which is not only hardly satisrying, but also
to be classified as a'study',seein8 how it is
possible to use money without ever having formal education at even the most rudimentary level, such as SingaPore
in the colonialera.Trade could bustle even though education of an).thjng, including mathematics,was argely ignored
by the profit-oriented British incumbents.
The mathematical applicarions for the solutions of dai y problerns are oftentimes not observed.This is true because
the average person lives and behaves by instincts and approximations. lf running late for an aPPointment, a
woutd not calculate the distance from his home to offlce. find the arnount of dme he has, and then decide the
speed he needs to drive, contrary to what a problem sum rright slrggest. k is more likely that he would just drive.
l4athematical observations,whilst interesring in their own right, are also sometimes limited in
solutions, as
is especiallytrue in sports,wheregame senseaccounts forsub ime play much more than calculations.whie itcan be
understood mathematica y how David Beckham positions his foot to meet the ball, how Carly Patterson times her
fa whilst somersaulting in mid-airor how MichaelJordan scores athree-pointer,athletes
themselves aPProach these
instincrively. A'study' in mathemadcs implies having to spend a great deal of time calcu lating, wh ic h is imPractical in
the process of the actual physical motions, as clearly illustrated by countless athletes
Although I acknowledge the study of mathematics might have little practical use except for scholars and
wort(in; in specific sectors,l feel it is un{air to conclude that mathematics is useless as far as life is concerned whilst
mathematics as a study might appear immediately to have liltle apparen! relevance. in truth, the accusation of'little
practical use' could be ievelled at nearly every discipline of study ever undertaken.Advanced mathematics miSht
not be necessary in daily life, but neither is an in-depth knowledge of science. one does not need to know about
acid and bases to be qualified to use toothpaste, neirher is intricate knowledge about procreation a
doing the act itself.The arts disciplines are similarly useless.The average person has better things to do on a rainy
day t-han attempttng to understand rhe water cycle. People usually buy things on a whim, instead of leaving it to the
economists assume they need in order to calculate the value of what to
nobody, ifanybody
ever did, converses in iambic pentameter in real life today. Not
the study of mathematics, but the study of just
about anythinS, is immediately irrelevant in today\ context.This miSht helP explain what MarkTwain meant when
he said,l nevei tet my schooting get in the way of my education'. One recalls how some of his characters, like Tom
Sawyer, ger on quite flne ln life without having studied much mathematics, or anythinS else. before'
Therefore, to jusrify rhe study of mathematics or any other fieid, one has to realise that ihere is more to life than
simplyfutfi ingrhe demands that mundane and 'p ractical' life gives us. Life is more than
and monetary
calcuiations, but more abstractly,a
journey towards discussing and understanding, not
ofthe self, but ofthe world
around us.naturalor human.While ir is truerhatone does noturgently need mathematics to dothis.itshould also be
recognised that mathematics does aid in both these aspects.lt helps to develop the self,via the
and s-atisfying the human intellect, and hence helps it to
and mature. lt helPs us rrn.ierstand the world around
us, microscopic or non-mic roscopic, living or non-livin8, terrestrial or cosmic. Even if we
and our exposure
to mathema;ics tends towards zero, scholars from diverse flelds of specialisation would still be LrsinS mathematics,
whether in a bid to further human progress, or to solve the mysteries of the natural world.They do this not onl)/
because of some noble motivation to advance the torch of human knowledge, but also for the
that is felt when the problem is finally solved
ln conctusion, I do acknowledge studying mathemarics has little practical use and is fairl/ irrelevant in the affairs
of everyday life.Yet there is much more to life than
just the
Practical Parts.whilst
it would be sPurious to term
marhematics as the path ao understanding life and the universe, it could at least be agreed that it does helP in the
endeavour and is also, if nothing else. intellectually satisting
Superior discussion on an acknowledgedly'dry'
topic; lucid language and aPt examples;
l r r r 0|l Riffes u.ror Co,6--
Name: Nico a
to ho d that reasonlnS is the primary sour.e of <nowledge?
C ass:07A0lB
"Cogito. ergo sum."
"Here is one handl'
From the very origins of phiLosophy as a discipline, scholars have struggled with the concePt of knowledge and, by
extenslon,the different methods of acquiring knowledge.ln pursuit ofthis aim are two notable
of philosophers
apparently at odds with each other: rationalists, who see logic and reason as the source of all l<now edge, and
empiricists, who believe that l<nowledge rnust be derived from one! exPerience of the world. Both schools of
thought accept the idea oflustified true beliefs as a worl<ing definition of knowledge- lt is about the steps required
ro satisfactorily prove a belief both true and
justified that rationalists lik R6ne Descartes disagree with empiricists
Locl<e. Rationalism holds that all knowledge can and should be uncovered through the use of loglc and
reasoning, beSinning with clear and distinct ideas that need not be proven further and building uP through Layers of
more complex reasoning a view o{ the world that is both true and logically justified.
Reasoning is a very powerfultool in rhe acquisition ofknowled8e,offering philosophers a method of extending their
l(nowledge of the world beyond their own exprience. By comparison, empiricisrn\ reliance on sensory
and conract with the physical world appears somewhat limited.Th subjectivity of the senses and our perceptions
of the world we inhabit aiso cast doubt on the extent to which empirical know edge can be conclusively
rrue or justified.This is less of a challenge in rationa ism, where one does not have to rely on sensations to derive
l<now edgeiinstead, one can derive l<nowledSe through a series of logical arguments that is,through the
reasonjng alone.ln the case of Descartes, rationalism also transcends the challenges posed by scepticism to some
degree by asserting that proof of a consciousness is a sufficient proof of existence. By adopting a structure that
is apparently more objective than emplricism, reasoning offers us a chan.e to acquire theorerical knowledge even
beyond our personal experience.
This does not mean however that rationalism is without its flaws, and that reasoning can be seen t]nquestionab y as
the only source of knowledge necessary. One of the strenSths of reasoning as a method of acquirlirg l(nowledge its
capacity to provide theoretical knowledge is also one of its weal<nesses.The fact is that one cannot exist purely in
rhe theoretical realm, so an application of l<now edge acquired through reasoning requires at least some degree of
experience as well.This is because rationalism without reference to the real world can face the problem of internal
logic, a system of reasoning true only within itsellAs Godelt thought xperiment with the Ultimate Truth l"lachine
illustrates, such systems cannot be exhaustive because they fail to consider self-reflexive statements and cannot be
extended beyond rheir own limits. Because of this, it is possible to argue that reasonlng alone cannot be the source
of all <nowledge because of the limitations of reason applied in the detection of closed belief systems.
Another probiem with reasoning is the concepc of infinite regress, the idea that logic can devolye into an endless
stream of questions waiting to be answered.The argument is that for every conclusion justifled by various premises,
each premise musr also be
by premises which must in turn be justifled.As
is impossible co see the end of
such questioning, some believe reasoning cannot be said to prove any knowledge conclusively true.
There are also other ways ofacquiring knowledge that do not depend on reasoning. Gnosticism purports that humans
are born with innate ldeas, true
beliefs they need not arrive at through either reasoning or experience.The
existerce of God is often regarded as a good example ofan innate idea as neither reasoninS nor sensory perception
offer any conclusive evidence to prove or dispr_ove it.There are,therefore,some undeniable limitations to reasoning
that suggest it is lnsufficient as a sole source of knowledge.
It is very possible,however.to argue that reasoning can remain the primary sor.Lrce ofl<nowledge even when combined
with various other sources ofrrue
justified belief.ln this case, reasoning is the main source of knowldge to the exteni
that it is crLcial in che justification of a true blief acquired by other means. Empirically
sensory data may
ly in
l"jl{,..9ejl"s" 9
be acquired, for example, bur it is the cognitive faculties that f:cilitate the formarion of an image to be recognised.
and rherefore for the acquisirion of the l(nowledge that the object being v ewed is what lt is.
A number of rationalists also believe that reasoninS is used to uncover or reveal truths.This is consistent with the
idea of innate ideas, but uses reasoning as a ly process in proving that the idea is both true and justified.
The reliabilist position also relies heavily on both empiricism and reasoning- By arSuinS that a belief is considered
l<nowledge as Jong as it has a relatively high success rate, reliabilists utiise both empiricism in their observation of
the phenomena in question and rationalism in their formulation of the argument that if things have been a certain
way for a long time (premise l) and thinSs will continue to be this way (premise 2) then things will be this way
tomorrow (conclusion). ln this example, inductive reasoning is used to overcome Hume's emPirical
asserts that any belief about the future can only be seen as anticipation and never as l<nowledge in the form of a
true justifled beliet
Because reasoning cannot be used to explain every aspect of life and our conception ofthe world,l would suggest that
it is misguided to hold that reasoning is the only source of l<nowledge one needs in the world-The large number o{
phenomena necessarily excluded from this position as well as its own limitations, make it a difficult one to defend.ln
view of reasoning's strengths, however,l am inclined to see it as a very powedultool in the acquisition ofl<nowledge.
ln overcominS scepticism.at least to some degree,and in offering a veriflable method of arriving at knowledge through
a series of apparently objective steps, reasoning must not be seen as insignificant.ln fact, particularly because ofthe
large extent to which reasoning can be coupled with other sources of l<nowledge, I would agree that reasoning is
a very crucial source of knowledge.To this extent I believe it is misguided to hold that reasoning is the only source
of knowledSe but not that it can be the primary source of such justified true beliefs.
This paper digrsses from the essay question in that it seems to discuss reasoning as"the
qI[X source"
more than it does reasoninS as th
source." Howver, it very tortunately remains relevant
to the question insofar as you've been able to
your reiection ofreasoning as the only source
against your views on reasoning as the primary source. Nonetheless' please take care to address the
question more explicitly and more directly. To do so,try to show why reasoning is the
experience is the secondary source of knowledge. This will strenSthen your final conclusion.
Apart from this, your essay is well-xpressed, and fluent in epistemological terms in the areas of
Rationalism and Empiricism. The observations you make are by and large supPorted, though if you
could illustrate them more often (as you have done with G6del's UltimateTruth Machine),they would
become even more persuasive.
t00./ RafflesJunLoi Cot eg
T(le: !i, i.B.ided o oa,hotre'so1,r8rs(nepr-a,,rou.Fofl.owledSe?
r.r." c"olswrn\ns c ,s:0/s0oo
I believe thar it is misguided to hoJd that reasoning is the primary source of knowledge. I do acl(nowledge that reasof
is required to make sense of our sense experiences and that there are some fields of knowledge such as mathemadcs,
which require non-empiricalframeworks. However,having said this.istillbelievethat experience is the prirnary source
of knowledge. Not discounting the role reason plays in the construction of knowledge,I believe that experience is
the primary source of knowledge for it is the foundation and first means by which knowledge is constructed, and I
will proceed to show here how experience comes before reason in the construction of l(nowledge.
As Aristotle once said,"there is nothing in the mind except what was flrst in the senses." t believe that we need to
experience something first in order to have knowledge of it. One example that might illustrate this is colour- lt is
plausible to claim that we canno! imaSine a colour we have never seen;it would probably not be inaccurate to say
that blind men cannor imagine colours like seeinS men can;blind men could arguably know about certain colours,
but they may never know specific colours in the same way seeing men do. lt would then be possible to claim that
without first having the visual experience of colours, one cannot as successfully construct l<nowledge of colours.
Rarionalists might counter my point by using the example of mathematical o priori knowledge.The rationalists' claim
is that mathematical co n cepts, s u ch as addition and subtraction,are gained o priort and can be arrived at through pure
reasoning,that is to say, a person locl<ed in a room and thus isolated from experience would be able to conceive of
a concept of addition if he or she thouSht very hard and applied reasoning alone. Rationalists claim that they have
found knowledge which requires onl/ reason as its source and not experience.While the above situation may be
possible,itis notaforgone conclusion thatalloLr mathematicalconcepts were formed in such afashion.llis possible
to concede that observations, such as seeing two and two pebbles put together to make four pebbles, wre used
to form the mathematical concept of addition, or that counting physical objects allowed us to derive numbers. ln
this way, while mathematical concepts may be arrived ac through reason alone, the mathematical knowledSe that we
know now can be seen to have its roots in experience as weil, in which case, experience cannot be ruled out as a
primary source of knowledge, even in the case of what are seemingly o priori fields.
Rationalists can and will counterthis point-They might say that if it is the case that some mathematical concepts have
their roots in experience, the case may also be that reasoning could play more important a role than experience
in the construction of scientific concepts such as
Mechanics, StringTheory and theTheory of Relativity.
Rationalists may claim that the scientists who came up with these theories had no experiments or experience to
inform them o{ these theories, and that they conceived these theories through reason alone. I question this claim
because the scientists who came up with these theories cannot be said to have had no experience
they were not
locked in a room and isolared from experience since birth.While the scientists may no! have had any directexperience
of rhe rheories,the scientists could have combined or abstracted this from what they already l<new from experience.
as the concept of a unicorn (a concept which seems to be formed without any experience) is formed from the
combinarion of a horse and a horn (concepts which have their roots in experience), lil(ewise, the scientists could
haveconceivedofthesescientifictheoriesbycombiningthesepiecesofknowledgetheyalreadypossessed. ltcannot
be said that just because direct experience was not responsible for the scientists' conception of these theories,
that therefore reason rnust account for the formation of these theories. lt is also possible that these theories were
formed as a combination of or abstraction from previous knowledge gained from experience.
One argument rationalists use to show that reasoning is the prirnary source of knowledge is to assert that wichout
reason, our sense experiences are nothinS more than "white noise". Reason is required to mal<e sense of our sense
data, categorising them and inferring {rom them to form knowledge. However this argument alone is insufficient to
show thar reason is the prjmary source of knowledge.All it does is to show us the relationship between experience
and reason, that one cannot function withoLrt the other to form knowledge. I fuly :cl<nowledge this point but still
put forth the point that experience has to come first before reason in the onstrLrction of knowledge for three
L Experience of something is required for us to form knowledge abou. it (we cannot imagine a
colour we have never before seen.)
2. Even d priori knowledge can be seen to have their roots in experience, for example the concePt
of addition.
3. Concepts of things we have not experienced are simPly combinatlons or abstract ons from things
we have experienced, an example, being a unicorn or other such mythical beings
Rationalists may question the credibility ofexperience as the primary source ofl<nowledge as our senses are limited
in what they can perceive and have been l<nown to deceive or mislead us at times.This is where reason comes in.As
in the first example, reason is used to generalise from all our experiences of colour to form concePts of different
colours, heiping us sieve through our sense experiences to orSanise and make sense of the "white noise".As in the
second example, reason is used to generalise from dail/ experiences of addition to form the mathematical concePt.
Lastly. as in the third example, reason is used to combine knowledge we already know to form concePts we may be
unable to experience and to extend beyond the limitations of our senses to explore the what-ifs in our world which
we cannot experience. Reason is clearly needed to mal<e sense ofour sense experiences and to extend beyond these
sense dala to form concepts about our world.While reason and experience are both irnportant, exPerience is what
musr act as a stimulus, upon which reason will act.Without experience,our reasoning ability will be wasted for it has
no stimulus to engage it. Babies do not immediately use their reasoning ability to derive mathematical knowledge or
other such d priori knowledge. lnstead. the human mind and our reasoning ability is wired such that we first think
about what we experience (what is stimulated) before even considering any su.h o priort l(nowledge. Babies seem
more concerned with building knowledge around what they exPerience, and likewise
adults too construct
knowledge about what they experience, as what they exPerience stirnulates their reasoning ability
As I believe that without the initial input of sense experiences,there can be no processing o{our sense data by reason,
I believe that experience is the primary source of l<nowledge as it is the foundational and first means by which we
construct l<nowledge.Thus it is misguided to hold that reasoning is the
source of l<nowledge
Fluent,directed and batanced, You take a definite
and make a concerted attemPt at defnding
it, refuting opposing claims as you go.
Here are som suggestions for improvement:
l)The argument you number as' I' needs to be qualified. By'somethinS', do you mean'all' knowledge?
lf so, you'll need to account for the rationalists' claim of transcendental claims (eA.The Cogito)' or
of synthetic a priori knowledge. lf not' you should explain clearly what kinds of knowledge require
2)You may also want to address the rationalists' claims of innate idas (e.g. language concePts) and
Descartes' clear and distinct ideas.
3)You should attempt to define uPfront what you mean by'primary'. \
other interPrtations of
possible, and might they lend diversity to your views?
,:1,! r!. 1 lllt RafflesJlnior Coleqe
fiar reasonins is the primary so!rce of <nowledge?
"There can be no o priori truths of reality. For...the truths of reason, the propositions that we deem to be valid
independently of experience, are so only by virtue oftheir Lack of factual content... Longuagc,Truth ond Lagtc
At llrsr glance, we may find the aboye statemnt too extreme. How car there be no d priori truths of reality?Yet, as
we scrutinize it closely and ponder over it, we may find that it actua y makes sense. Reasoning here does not refer
to rhe rationalists' point of view lt is merely a loglcaL process, an ability all human beings a legedly
lt does
not contan within itselfthe presence ofinnate ideas,knowledge or concepts.Thus, I would say thatsay thatanyview
which holds that reasoning is the prlmary source of knowledge is iideed mlsguided.
Firstiy, by primary source of knowledg, I define it not as the first sour.e-That is, lhe
source of knowledge
does need to be one that is foremost in sequential or chronological order. Rather, it is the main source, the source
that gives the widest scop and is the rnost instrumental in our construction of knowledge. By l(nowledge. I a so
mean the knowledge of the phenomenal world, since Kant had claimed that our mental temPlates de.ide the way
we think and structure o!r perceptions.Therefore, according to him, it would be unlikeLy that we have knowledge
of ch noumnal world, through reasoning or perception (though Kant had tried to find synthetic d priori truths to
prove that l<nowledge of the noumena world ls possible).
Having defined these terms, I can now show why ic is wrong to thinl< that reasoning is che primary source of
l<nowledge. First and foremost, J will look at it frorn the rationalists' point of view, since rhey are the advocates of
the reasoning process. But even so, the rationalists adopt three theses, namely, the lntuition/Deduction Thesis, the
lnnare Knowledge Thesis, and the lnnate ConceptThesis. Reasonjng belongs to rhe first thesis, and Descartes seems
to be the main advocate of it. His search for knowledge through intuition and reason ng, however, has not given him
many clear and distinct' ideas that are self-justifying in rature, ex.ept for ".ogtto ergo sum".Yet that alon does not
provid us with any l<nowledge of the phenomenal world.A{ter all, what is the se f in the first placel Furthermore,
through pure reasoning,what knowledge can we gain ofthe phenomenal world? True, the ]<nowledge that l+l=2
might corne in handy when we are doing arithmetic. But what of the concept of complex/ imaginary numbersl Do
they help in understanding this world in any way?Thus it is obvious that the Cartesian approach to gaining knowledge
is fawed and severely limited in scope,and therefore does not provide Lrs with much l(nowledge.
Some rarionalists other than Descartes also support rhe firstThesis. However, if we come to think of it, reasoning
alone can only tell us analytical truths. One example is that "all bachelors ar-e unmarried men". Surely by ooking
at the word 'bache or' we already know that he is unmarried, and is a man.Therefore, the ana ytical scatemen$ are
taltological in nature.They provide us with no new l(nowledge of the world, especially of the phenomenal wor d.
We cannot l<now, through pure reasoning, that bachelors are happy, or that foxes lil<e
are synthetic
statements, l<nown through empiri.al evidence, and are l<nowiedge of the phenomenal world.
Flrrthermore. advocates of the othr two theses seem to have a more solid claim. Plato sa d that we have innate
1<now edge of the wodd.Those ideas are present in another intelligible realm that we can access, perhaps through
experience According to Plato,the"timeless and eternal" concepts of colour,jusrice and beauty (and perhaps ianguage.
as proposed by Chomsl<y) are certainly more practicaland give us more ]<nowledge ofthe world than
Through rhose concepts we can then mal<e propositions such as that place is beautiful" or"that is a mol.ally wrong
acrion".These are propositions lhat surely give us knowldge.Though these arguments are flawed too, because the
concepts can vary among different people, I shall not discuss them here since they are not very relevant.lnstead.
what I can conclude is that the whole ratlonalist schoo of foundationalism, reasoning included, cannot provide us
with enough knowledge of the world, and cerrain y is not the primary source of <nowledge.
junior Colese
Ler us them lool< at the empiricists'point ofview.They will ofcourse clairn that since those innate ideas proPosed
by Plato are subjective, they cannot act as a basis for the building uP of our beliefs. Hume has s!88ested that since
moruliry cannot be traced back to any sensation. it arises out of our emotions and is thus subjective as well- lf so,
then surely the lnnate Knowledge and innate ConceptThesis do not hoLd. Furthermore, Locke himself has claimed
the mind to be a tobu/a roso.
As for reasoning, which gives us only analytical and perhaps mathematical truths, it cannot tell us ofthe real world.
for basing our superstructural beliefs upon the few basic beliefs formed from reasoninS requires
experience. Taking a highly abstract scientific hypothesis, E=mcl, for examPle: many would claim that reasoninS
contributes greatly to its formation. However, reason ing can only provide Einstein with the means ofusing mathematical
rules to determine the equation-The fundamental beliefs that all objects have certaln masses and certain amounts of
energy are known empiricalilTherefore, without experience as a basis for the
justification of the equation E=mc"
it will nor even exist in rhe first place. so empiricism, not reasoning, not even rationalism, is the
source of
Let us then look ar a hypothetical situation, a thought experiment. suppose that there exists a machine, with all
togicat processes input into it (much lil<e Condillacl statue, but this time it is the reasoning
However, it
has no innate i<nowledge or sense dara_The machine is then like a hishly sophisticated comPuter, able to
data, play chess, perform advanced calculus, or even generate inferences Surely, as some will argue, they know how
to do these things. But is lhat really knowledSe as we know it? Reasoning only provides it with the means to deduce
and ro make calcularions based on data fed to it.l cannot deny that it l<nows how to generate an answer, but does it
rea y know what it is doinS? Does it
any new knowledge of the world? lt simply rnal<es use of the axioms and
algorithms preinstalled in it to give us answers, without l<nowing so. Even if it can defeat chess masters, does it even
know that it has won? Through reasoninS alone, it cannot even know the concept of winninS, unless we allow it to
experience thai concept for itself.Thus this machine cannot be said to know much, if tr
Therefore,the hypothedcal situation proves my point. of course,I cannot deny that reasoning
us with some
l<nowledge. some transcendental arguments, derived from pure reasoninS,Sive us knowledge of how to defeat the
sl<eptics, since we cannot say that we know nothing. anymore- However, other than that, we cannot l<now much
more.Thus reasoning is severely limited in scope. lt cannot even give us information about lhe noumenal world, as
proposed by Kant,since it is restrained by our mental templates. No matter how hard we think,we are still conflned
by our mentaltemplates. Reasoning is only comPlementary to exPerience in
ln conclusion, reasoning cannot be the primary source of knowledge. Firstly, it cannot
us with any knowledge
of the noumenat world (though experience cannot either). ln terms o{ understandinS the
world around us. reasoning gives us norhing more than analytical truths, which are repetitive in nature and cannot
provide us with knowledge of the phenomenal world.The limited amounr of basic belle{s (that are self-justifying)
are severety timited in scope, and do not help us much in understanding this world. other
of knowledSe
based upon those pfovided by reasoning require
justification throuSh experience.Those that do not, such as hiSher
levets of mathematics, still do not give us much knowledge of che phenomenal world- lf exPelience is required for
justificarion, such as in scientific experiments, then experience, though not necessarily the foundation, is certainly
the primary source ofour l(nowledge. lnnate ideas,which may provide us with useful knowledse ofthe phenomenal
world through reasoning, are however subjective in nature and as such, cannot be innate.Therefore, reasoning alone
cannot be rhe prjmary source of l<nowledge, especially ofthe phenomenalworld.lt is misguided to hold a view that
reason is the primary source- However. if reason is not, then is experience really ouf foundation of knowledgel
Perhaps that is another question to think about
Gbf lec 1 2007 Ra les
Co tege
Title: ls it nisguided ro hold tha! reasoning is the primary source of knowledgei
Name:Ns Shi Qian
Rachel Classi07506O
Marker's comments
We live in a wodd where our pool of knowledge originates from a plethora of sources.
Out ofall ofthem,reasoning is the primary source of knowledge. Beingthe primary source.
it implies that reasoning precedes other sources of l<nowledge and contributes the most
signiflcant amount of useful knowledge to the collective knowledge already in existence.
Hence, it is not misguided to hold that reasoning is the primary source of knowledge,
due to th following reasons.
Firstand foremost,reasoning can provide knowledSe in two ways a prioriand a posteriori-
A priori knowledee is derived purely through logic and reason, and does not require
experience to result in l<nowledge being created. For example,there is "l thinl< therefore I
am", a quotation from Descarles whjch attests to the fact that th ouShts exist. Oth e rwise.
he would not have been able to come to that conclusion as it is a thoughc in itsell
This method ofSenerating l<nowledge is ssential and important, especially to society,as
rruths derived through reasoning are eternal and unchanging,and are things which we can
anchor ourselves to when our phenomenal world is changing all the time.This makes ir
much more valuable than empirical knowledge, as it forms an unshakeable bedrock on
which knowledSe can be built,and even as time passes, it will still hold true.,An illustration
would be language
for if it does not exist, thoughts can't be formed and ideas can't be
communicated.This is certain,unlil(e empirical l<nowledge which miSht change over time
and prove not to be l<nowledge anymore. For example,"the world is flat" used to be
common knowledge to everyone,until itwas later discovered that the Earth was actually
round. Hence, reasoning is a primary source of knowledge as it (a priori l<nowledge) is
eternal and unchanging, which is essential to an ever changing world, as it still remains
relevant and va,id, all lhe time. One example would be basic mathematical axioms, such
as I
2,whereby more complex mathematicaltruisms can be built upon it,such as
indices, calculus and so on.
Explain phenomenal
how this
piece of proposition
ma/ be derived in an
The second way logic provides knowledge is through processinS empirical data.You might
say that much more knowledge is obtained from everyday exPeriences, as comPared
to knowledge derived by pure reasoning, but ultimately without logical reasoninS,
empirical data would be just white noise perceived by our senses, and nothing else.
Ihrefore,since reasoning precedes empirical data, it is the primary source of l<nowledge.
As an active
of expe rience, reasoninS provides the platform bywhich
data can be synthesized to form useful and coherent data to rnal<e sense with the rest
of the wodd.
How is this the
casel Please support
your claims,
illustrating them with
Raffles Junior
CoileSe kit! 1! I 2001
According to lmmanuel Kant, our minds come preloaded with mental templates,not unlike
a computer loaded with software, to aid us in processing the empirical data which our
and construct knowledge. Forexample,when we see coffee and smellits
aroma, we are able to make the inl( that co{fee looks brown and has thatunique smell
The next tirne we are exposed co coffee again, we are able to recognize lhe color and
the specific smell, and identi{y it as .offee. Otherwise, we wjil just mrely see the brown
liquid and smell the aroma. not knowing anything else. lmaSes miSht flash through our
minds and we miSht sense things, bLrt we will not be able co acknowledSe nor identify
them. Hence,as empirical data proves to be useless without the
of reasoning,
reasoning can be said to be the primary source of t<nowledge.
However, this does not mean to say that the importance of empirical data should be
undermined,as it is an integral aspect of the construction of knowledge, esPecially in that
ofthe knowledge reievant to our daily lives. Undeniably,without the presence of empirical
data, we would not be able to construct l<nowledge about our phenomenal world. For
example,we are not unable to imagine a color which we have not seen before, nor are we
able to imagine !he taste ofsomething which has not been ingested before. Nevertheless,
rhough the importance ofempirical data should not be undermined,the fact that reasoning
precedes sensory data indicates that reasoning is the primary source.lf empirical data
were the primary source,wouldnt all animals in the world possess knowledge then, since
rhey too experience they world as we do, but
the power of reasoning?
Reasoning also allows us to construct knowledge based on existing knowledge.Without
having to experience it,we are able to come to a conclusion through lo8ic. For examPle,
it is not necessary for you to inSes! larSe amounts of poison to l<now that you will dre
when you do so.6qonyelsely, you are able to imagine a shade o{ red which is darker than
the one which you are seeing.
Knowledge derived by empirical data is also limited, as the information about the
phenomenal world which we human beings can gather is limited by our senses. For
example. we are not able to hear a sound hiSher than our frequency range. Also, our
senses are not infallible, as we do make human errors when we use our
we might have varying perceptions of the same object, differlng from
to person.
For example, sometimes people might see the tennis ball as lime green, and some might
view it as
data is only as useful as when aPPlied to our daily lives
Hence. in view o{ all the following points brought up above, it is not misguided to hold
that reasoning is the primary source of knowledge, as it is indisPensable in the
of construction of knowledge. both a posteriori and a priori.
Safer to say their
reasoning faculties
are probably different
{orm ours.We cant
say that for certain
at this time that all
animals can't reason,
How does this con-
clusion follow from
kibl $!e 1 2007 Raffles
Co ese R
Title:How misht doubr be ove.come?
Name: Aditi Shivaramakrishnan Class:07Al3A
Doubt, often referred to as scepticism by philosoPhers. questions the manner in which human beings constru.t
rheir l<nowledge and beliefs, by asking how they can be absolutely sure about a certain
there are certain
benefits to be derived from this,doubt can also pose challenges to the construction of a systm of beliefs,and hence
it is worth studying how it can be overcome.ln this essay I shall exPlore different ways in which doubt miSht be
overcome and evaluate their effectiveness.
Firstly. how did doubt even originate? One reason is the idea of infinite regression. Knowledge is justified true belief
that can be acquired, among other means, through deduction or inference from other pieces of l<nowledge Let Lrs
take che theoretical example ofA being derived from B. ln this case, it is necessary to asl( what B is based uPon. lf it
is based upon C, C in turn would have to be based uPon some further
of l<nowledge,and so on and so forth
The chaLtenge faced in attempting to find one fundamental justified true belief upon which all other knowledge can
be based leads us to question whether our own beliefs are sound, hence
rise to scePticism or doubt
Another reason for doubt is the "brain-in-a-vat" $eory
forward by Putnam, which is derived from Descartes'
"evi1 demon" theory.This theory suSSests that our brains may have been removed from our bodies and submerged
in a vat of life-sustaining liquid. Our brains are then fed with electrical impulses that bring about certain
and sensations. ln such a situation we might well not be in control of our faculties at all, but are simply living in a
sort of simulated reality,
rise to doubt about whether what we exPerience and know are really true.Though
this scenario may sound somewhat far-fetched,the fact that we have no way of knowinS for sure that it is not true
suggests that it
a logical possibility.
The problem with doubt,then,is that when taken to the extreme it would lead us to conclude that we cannot know
anything for certain. such a situation can effectively render it virtually impossible {or one to go about his daily U{e.
For instance, if one starts doubting gravity, or that the sun will rise tomorrow, or that water is not
ia is
easy to imagine that one would not be able to lead a'normal', or at least functional,life This is why attemPts to
overcome doubr are worth mal<in8.
There is evidence to suggest that doubt can indeed be overcome,as transcendental arSuments will reveal. By showing
that some ofthe conditions for doubt cannot be present during the very process of doubting som eth ing, sceptic isnr
can to some exten! be mitigated.There are several ways to
about this- First of all, the existence of language can
be used to discredit doubt.One could doubtthe existence oflanguage,yet in so doing one would be mal<ing use of
language itself to express this idea. Hence, theoretically, language must exist Secondly, in exPressing my belief thar
we cannot hold any beliefs to be enlirely true because they are all susceptible to doubt,I am contradicting myself in
that I am stating a beiief I hold to be true myself.ln other words
it is not logically
to doubt doubt.
Now that it has been established that scepticism can indeed by overcome transcen dentally, we move on to exPlore
other approaches that can be tal<en to achieve this. Firstly, we can utilise Mooret aPpeal to common sense f4oore
states that inasmuch as knowledge that a society holds to be true is based uPon widely-accePted conventions and
betiefs, there is no need to doubt this knowledge for there is not much to be gained from doinS so,
speaking. For instance,we can accept rhar it is morally wrong to steal from someone as !his is the
held by a society,which is able to
sufficient justiflcation for such a beiief for example, because stealing involves
intruding on someone's privacy and taldng what does not belong to you. Moore considers such beliefs so basic thnl
we do nLt need to question how we know them. To qLrestion them would be to rely on philosoPhical claims.which.
when compared againstthe co mmon-sensica I claim, are less obviouslytrue. Hence the need for doubt;s eradjcated
in this sense.
while this may be a fairly acceptable approach to take when deriving rnoral and aesthetic beliefs, when aPPlied
factual knowledge it could impede scientific progress. For example, the belief once commonly held by
that the Earth was flat. However this was later scientiflcally
to be untrue and today one holdinS this belief
College ab! sre I 2001 @6s
would be considered wrong.Another example of this is the fact that the different planets revolve around the sun,
as opposed to the tradirionally-held belief rhar the Earth was at the centre of the solar system. lt is djfflcult to
imagine what our lives would be like loday ifthese new discoveries had not corne to be accepted as true knowledge.
Hence while l'1oore! appeal !o common sense can indeed helP in overcominS doubt, it could bring about negative
repercussions if applied to all domains of knowledge without discretion.
An effective rnethod of overcominS doub! is by curbing the inflnile regress that emerges when we seek to find
the source of knowledge.To do this,we must find certain beliefs that are self"juslifying, hence forming a sound
foundation for further beliefs. Such foundational beliefs can be obtained rationally
through reason, or emPiricaily
through experience. Rationalists like Descartes argue that there exists innate ideas in all human beings, including
some marhemalical concepts such as that of geometrical shapes, and that the mind can derive'clear and distinct'
ideas without reliance on experience. and that need no further justification. Empiricists, too, put forth that notion
that there are foundational beliefs that need no further
they explain this using the argument from the
incorriSibility of the senses.
These foundational means of overcoming doubt are no! entirely flawless For examPle, it can be argued that our
senses can deceive us, as they do in perceivinS optical illusions. The rationalists' claim that there are innate ideas is
also arguable in fact, it has been argued aSainst by the empiricists using arguments, such as, mathematical concePts
cannot be innate if children have to learn them in order to l<now them.
Ultimately, then, the question is whether doubt can be entirely overcome.This is unlil<ely to be the case, given that
foundational beliefs too could be flawed.This is not necessarily a bad thing;doubt indeed has its benefits. esPecially
when used as a methodological tool by questioning our beliefs we
an oPPortunity to check {or fallacies,
assumptions and prejudices in our world viewWhat emerges as a result of exposing our beliefs to such rigour is a
more sound and objective system of beliefs.To this end,foundationalism aids in overcoming doubt to the extent that
we are able to carry on wirh our daily lives even as we continue to examine cognitivly and
we are justifled in having these beliefs.
Good worl(. I particularly appreciate your attemPts to evaluate some of the rePlies to scepticism.
\ /ork on elaborating your arguments fully and supporting them with examPles of knowledge from
various fields.
,- I
Lr Raffles
Co le8e
Title:How misht doubt be overcome?
Name: Poh Sun Zhi
Doubr,orscepticism,ls a double-edged sword.On the one hand,itis a usefultoolto test the soundness and cogency
of argurnents by exposing them to questioninS, while on the other hand, unbrid ed sceptjcism
the doubter
inro the pit ofinfinite regress,where nothing in his argument can be ascertained,and where the doubter can be left
'paralyzed'from having to question all the claims and every course of action.
Unbridled doubt or
doubt could be overcome in many ways, the first of which. by appealinS to certain
self-justifying beliefs, cannot be doubted. ln order to ascertain the validity of his knowledge, Descartes began by
doubting all that he knew, seeklnS to find certain truths that could not be doubted, upon which he could buid all
other knowledge- He finally arrived ac the rruth that the existence of his se f could not be doubted, simply because
he himself was able to think,and even ifail he has thought about may not exist,the fact that there is such a thinking
entity is indubitable, ha{ting, as it seems. the regress of doubt.
There exist also certain contradicrions in global doubt, arising from the fact that beliefs are either true or false and
cannot be both at the same time. For example, it is impossible to doubt m/ ability to doubt all things,{or how can I
not be doubting if I am already doubting?The same also goes for reason, for if it is necessary for reason to be used
to doubt, how can I doubt my reasoning ability, for if I could not reason,l could not doubt? The same ogic can be
applied in manydifferentcircumstances,notablyin certain inductive arguments that scepcics might pose. For example,
a skepric might propose rhe possibility that all paintings are forgeries sjnce their oriSinality cannot be ascertained
beyond doubtihowever it also remains that in order for there to be forgeries, originals must first exist.
Thus unbridled doubt or global doubt can be overcome. for it is impossible for sceptics to apply doubt to all things
simultaneously without having to contradict themselves, finding themselves greatly wanting in their own argument.
However,even though it is possible for doubt to be halted by provingthatitis not applicable to allthings,doubtcould
stjll be applied ro most things and as such, halting it at some distant point might prove insufficient in overcoming
doubt completely.
Thus, it would perhaps be wiser to avert doubt by appealing to ordinary language and to comrnon sense.APPealing
to ordinary language (asWittSenstein does) involves having people tal<e a word as it is used in its ordinary context
and not remove it to a totaily foreign philosophical context, for language only works because people have a mltual
understanding of what the word means in a particular contextual environment, outside of which the meaning
changes. lt is then unfair to understand the word in a context to which it did not originally apply.ln its ordinary
usage, the word'doubt' would refer to a lack of absolute certainty with regard to a certain issue, but the focus is
usually on the implication that there is a {air amount of certainty, although this may not be strictly the case.Take for
example a sentence which goes"l doubt itwould rain today".The author is almostcertain that itwould not rain but
he is not entirely sure and he does not exclude the possibility of it raining. However, the word doubt is taken to a
whole new ievel when placed ln the context of philosophical doubt, as doubt is now taken to mean an entire lack of
certainty;lr is no longer abouc being half-sure of something, but rather it is being entirely Lrnsure of something.Thus
the employment of doubt in its philosophical sense can be averted and doubt as a result overcome, if we attemPt
to abide by the ordinary meaning of words. However it remains that since a word is in part derived from social
asreemenls overthe meaning ofa word, philosophers may persist in using doubt in its philosophicalsens ifthey all
agree to employ it with its new meaning.
Another method of overcoming doubt would be to appeal to common sense (according to G.E. Moore), where the
people in question are persuaded to simply abandon philosophical doubt and accePt things as they are for, so that
they are not beinS paralysed by the infinite regress of justification which doubt can inflict. Such a persuasion could
be grounded in the fact that as much as doubt could be applied to things regardinS the senses, the sensation itself
cannot be doubted.This is the incorrigibility of the senses,the foundation on which empiricists base their knowledge.
Thus to prevent paralysis, practical solutions, such as acceptingth sensations forwhat they are,would be neces$ry
for sceptics to actually be able to continue with llfe for it acts on a concrete base on which it is possible to construct
Raffl es
junior College cbuL l!su. 1 2007
other pieces of information,without which one would be enrirely paralysed by the lack of certaintyWhile emPiricists
appeal to the senses, rationalists appeal to reason, which (as we have discussed earlier) is necessar/ for doubt.This
same reasoning ability can also be used for subjects such as math,Seometry etc
ln conclusion.it is necessaryto overcome aSlobal,philosophicaldoubtwhich
is caPable ofParalysins both arsument
and arguer by plunging both into doubrand regression where nothing can be tal<en to be.ert in and real.Thus doubt
can be overcorne by finding counter-examples thar hold true or by averting it totally; this is necessary for
considerations in life.
Well-considered; you bring up key replies to scePticism and are able to explain some of them well
(eg. the appeal to ordinary language). Some suggestions:
l) Your penultimate paragraph
to more than
just Moore's aPpeal to common sense' ln
talking about the empiricists' claim ot incorrigible sensations, as well as the rationalists' claim of
innate ideas or'clear and distinct ideas' (if this is what you are referrihg to)i you have moved on
to discussing foundationalism as a means ofovefcoming doubt. That should be distinguished from
Moore's defence of common sense.
2) Consider also other theories of
apart from foundationalism, e,8. coherentism or
reliabilism. These can be seen as alternative rePlis to doubt as well.
k5b!L $!e 1 2007 Rafilesjun or Co ese
Tltle: How might doubt be
As mentioned, before proceeding to debunk the sceptic! arguments, we first need to
examine them in detail.The most common one would be the infinite regress ofjustification,
which arSues that any claim to l<nowledge is only as
as the evidence supporting ir
and must therefore be supported by evidence, that is, further beliefs.Yet these beliefs
must in turn themselves appeal to further beliefs and so on, ad inflnitum.Thus any claim
to knowledge leads to an inflnite regress and ultimateix the whole of our belief systern
rests on nothing.Therefore, we cannot claim to know anythinS.
Another well-known sceptical argument is as follows: Our only access to the physical
world (assuming it exists) is through the senses,and our only access to these perceptions
in turn solely through the mind,so how do we ensure that our perceptions reflect the
physical wodd when we are confined to the boundaries of our minds? We cannot very
wellstep out ofourselves to seek the objective, in dependent realit/. l'4 oreover. our senses
often deceive,as in the case ofhow straight straws appear bent in water and parallel railway
tracks appear to converge in the distance.Thus, our only means ofacquiring knowledge
about the world is unreliable. For all we knowwe could be part of a closed belief system,
where our set of beliefs is as false as it is self-sustaining, trappd in an eternal dream, or
simply brains in a vat, wired up to a computer which maintains the illusion that we have
complete physical bodies. All these lead to the conclusion that perhaps all we can be
certain of is that only we ourselves have minds (solipsism), or at least that we cannot
know there is a wodd external to our minds (scepticism about the external world).
Yet another sceptical argument is scepticism about the future, as pointed out by David
Hume:a basic assumption in our everyday lives is that the future resembles the past.
But the fact that the future has resembled the past in the past does not establish that it
will continue to do so in the future.To think it does is to use evidence from the past to
establish a claim bout the future, and this is the very action being questioned.Thus we
cannot know anythinS about the future as any appeal to past experience inevitably beSs
the question.
Essay Marker! comments
"Our treasure iies in the beehive of our knowledge.We are perpetually on the way
thither, being by nature winged insects and honey gatherers of the mindl' Friedrich
lndisputably, humans are knowledSe-seeking beingsi in fact, this could very well be the
essence ofour sentience.Yet the rise of philosophical doubt and scepticism,which attemPts
to doubt our knowledSe claims,threatens to overturn the structure of knowledge that we
have painstal<ingly constructed over the centuries. Nevertheless, before we all succumb
to the view of the sceptics, it may be wise to examine their various arSuments in detail
for the purpose of uncovering possible ways to overcome them, as will be discussed in
this essay-
College cbll islc I 2007
The three arguments of the sceptic as presented above may appar formidable; however,
upon .loser analysis, one would find that it is not impossible to defeat the sceptic. One
speciai form of arSuments that does so is known as transcendental arguments, which
first establish the conditions of possibility for something being the case, before
show that the sceptic presupposes what is being denied,thereby contradicting hersellA
classic example of such an argument would be Descartes' Cogito, which defeats doubt
abou! onet existence by showinS that it would be impossible for one to doubt if he did
not exist.Transcendental arguments thus defeat
scePticism (that is,the consistent
doubting of all beliefs) by showing that to doubt all knowledge claims would include
doubting the
claim of
scepticism itsell
Of course, not all sceptics doubt everythinS;the/ may doubt selectively, in
cornmon-sense belie{s Iike the claim that a
world exists. Howevel according
to Hume, scepticism should be moderated by what we cannot helP believing We have
natural inclinations towards certain beliefs that might be termed common-sense belie{s;we
cannot help but act in accordance with those beliefs, namely in the complete conviction
that others have minds, and that the future resembles the
As suPPorted byThomas
Reid, although it is theoretically possible to doubt these beliefs, they are no! in
do u bt-worthy, for to doubt them would leave us
with no
basis for action,
disabled from carryinS out even the most mundane day_to_day business. For examPle,
how could I be sure that what is food roday would not be toxic tomorrowi Since even
the most persistent sceptic has no problem conducting everyday affairs, one can infer
thatscepticism ofcommon-sense beliefs must be left aside as soon as life demands action.
The merest possibility of being mistaken about common-sense beliefs gives us no
reason to doubt them;they have as
a claim to our assent as any other beliefs (more
so than any weird beliefs we might be led to by doing too much
anywar' for
they are so fundamental to our way ofthinl<ing as to be imPossible to reject-
This brings us to another strong argument to overcome scepticism name y,the aPPeal
to ordinary language.The sceptic claims thatwe cannot knowanything because we cannot
be certain ofan)thing. However,in our ordinary lives we claim to know all sorts ofthings
abou! which it is at least conceivable that we could be wrong By equating l<nowledge
with beliefs of absolute certainty, the sceptic is making a radical deParture from the way
the word "l(nowledge" is typically used, fabricating a
Peculiar PhilosoPhical
deflnition in
place o{ the original. But the scePtic has
us no
reason to accePt the change.
After all, words are meaningful because of social aSreement on their definitions;they
derive their meanings from usage in everyday contexts.We cannotjust usewords to mean
anyrhing we pleasel lf I were to substitute the word "the" with "biscuit", for examPle,
others would hardly understand me. Similarly, by trading on the mere
of being
mistaken,philosophical doubt has altered the original. proPer meaning ofthe term "doubt".
By rejecting the sceptict self-constructed definitions of"knowledge" and "doubt",we can
overcome her arguments.
Do you mean
Give examples.
6iJ! $!e I 2001 Raffles jln orCo
ln fact, rhe most wide y-accepted definition of knowledge is the
Belief (JfB)
account.Th s proposes that a subject S knows
P if and on y if:
l) S believes that P
2) P is true.
3) S has adequate evidence {or P
By the
l] certainty is not
2l a condition for knowledge.
lnsread, what is needed is strong
justification, and this can come about in different ways
Foundationalism advocates the search for in co rrigible, fou ndatio nal beliefs uPon which a
superstructure of more complex beliefs may be constructed.These foundational beliefs
are self-justifying and need no further evidence, thereby also haltinS the infinite regress
justifrcation. Such beliefs may come from either experience or reason, dePending on
whether it is the empiricist or rationalist stand thatone ad o pts. M eanwh ile, cohe rentism
for l<nowledge as a matter of the relations between beliefs- In other
words, for a belief to be
justified, it must cohere with the rest of ones beliefs. Finally,
reliabilism evaluates justification according to the mechanism that produces it.The more
reliable the mechanism, the better
justi6ed th beliel Such justification may be external
to the mind, as in the case of a sea captain who uses a compass for naviSation (thereby
l<nowingthe correct route to take) withoutactual l<nowledge ofhow the compass works.
Thus,theJTB account ofknowledge defeats philosophical doubtand scepticism bygiving
up certainty for justiflcation as a condjtion for l<nowledge.
on a final note,it has been proven
this essay that doubt can be overcome, by means of
transcendental arguments, the appeal to common sense,the appeal to ordinary language,
as well as the
account of knowJedge. However. it rnust be noted that phiosophical
scepticism is not without purposeion the contrary, it is a theoretical exercise that serves
to investigate rhe strenSth of our knowledte claims, thereby clarifying what we can or
cannot know,as well as establishing the nature of knowledge and justificatlon.lt is thus a
useful rool thatfosters a spirit of critical enquiry in us. Hence, in not subscribing completely
to philosophical scepticism, we should nonetheless recoSnise its value and contribution
towards a better-established body and theory of knowledge.
Noc necessarily. Some
philosophers require
more certainty within
this is especially che
case after the Gettier
kb! srle I 2007
Background on scepticism can be shortened. Spend more time givint xamPles.You haYe been quite
thorough.Tie togetherThe Cogito and foundationalism; coherentism & Reliabilism can also be sen
as responses to doubt in ways differnt from foundationalism.
!! Lt I ./Lr I Raff es un,.r a. r"^-
fr *y
3 4
prce4!la:::0T;;;p".-* in a.least lwo academic disciplnes.
The academic disciplines o{ mathernati.s, the experimental sciences and psychology are three interdependent, yer
distinct, branches of know edge. Since historical times, they have been used significantly to understand the physica
world and human condition. Such forms of knowledge are furthered by two means: experience the sensory
observation ofsound or visible changes,for instanceiand reason an internal reflective process that draws meaning
{rom pre-existjng ideas. Both reason and experience are used to differing extents in each discipline. Only by
appreciating this fact can we discern the limitations of our knowledge and apply it reaiistica ly.
We first need to recognize that not all these disciplines involve rhe external world to che same degree. The goal of
mathematics is to build up coherent principles like calculus from foundationaloperators and numbers. This system
can exist detached from externalreality. ltexemplifies the rationalists'claim:sensarion,which deals with appearances
rather than logic, cannot disprove what ls proven true by mathematical reasoning. On the other hand, scientific
inquiry generally invoives external phenomena, and psychology, studying human and animal behaviour As science
and psychology aim to explain events usually existing independent ofthe knower,we cannot merely depend on our
own reasoning to mal<e informed judgments.
With the nature ofthe discipjjnes established,the significance of reasoning di{fers in each. ReasoninS is the primary
process of mathematics. ln setting up mathe rn atics, math ematic ian s initialiy had to elininate contradictory principles
and devise rules ofthejrown,all through reasoning. Furthermore, the system o{ mathematlcs can be used even if
one reasons within a sensory "vacuum", as longas he has been educated in mathemarical principles. For instance,
a chiid would deem 2 +
5 correct if he had been taught ro define the symbols 2, 3,5 and rhe addition operator
as such. Reasoning, however, plays a more secondary roie in the scientific rnethod:when framing a hypothesis,one's
reasoning is influenced by theories and experience. To design an experiment to discover photochernjcai reactions in
planrs,for example, we would have read up on botany or recalled experimental observations. When physically testlng
a premise, reasoning enables us to avoid sources of error and evaluate the resulting data. Similarly, a psychologist
must draw links between a subjectt deeds. words and thoughts. While it is technicaliy possjble for him to "know"
his own rnental processes by reasoning, this alone cannot give psychology credibility as an academic discipline. A
psychojogist thus needs to venture into the external world. making observations about others' behaviour before
interpreting them.
For all its significance, knowledge gained throuSh reason has lts own constraints. Analytic l(nowledge (definitional,
self-justifying;as opposed to synthetic propositions that result in new information) is usually involved in mathematics.
Although 100% universal and objective, the resLrlting information is of limited use individual equations cannot
jLrstify themselves when not in context of a mathematicalsystemithey just are. Furthermore,the complex reasoning
processes involved in science and psychology are nor conclusive. The/ arc only as ac.urare as their supporring
empirical facts are reliable. ReasoninS itself cannot be completely free frorn social biases, especi:lly in psy.hology
where behaviour is subjective and dependent on other factors (c.t how
PiaSet's studies on psychosocial
development in children or how Freud! theories have been disputed endlessly). Neither can the process ofinductive
reasoning escape doubt- For instance, a skeptic would reject the conclusion that all metals conducr electrlcity",
since it was derived from premises applying only to some metals, some forms of electrical current and under some
envjronmental conditions those tested. The role of reason in science and psychology might thus be to offer as
many comprehensive explanations for phenomena as possible, and to throw up more areas of academic research,
rather than to give definite conclusions. lYathematics, in contrast, demands elegant, precise proofs.
Experience is only secondary in mathematics, but instrumental to science and moderately-imporrant in psychology.
Empiricists say that mathematicians first'discovered' analyti. truths by experience, observinS recurring numerical
patterns or using objects as variables in equations. Education makes use ofthevalue ofexperience,harnessingvisual
examp es to simplify concepts,such as using"three
oftwo apples give six apples" to illustrate muitiplication.
Howeveithe theoretical understanding of mathematical principles isstill its focus. ln science,sensory data triggers
rhe reasoning process recall how Newton's observation ofan apple falling led to his discovery of gravitational
College lisb! sle 1 2007
force. Even ifd prioriscientific knowledge existed,sensory experience wor.rld be required to uncover it. When senses
cannot sulllce, reasonins fills the gap, but this is done wirh less effecriveness or credibility. For examPle, models of
atomic srructure feplace each other as and when ideas are generated or more 'conclusive' evidence is found, yet it
is beyond human means or rhoughr ro verify whether the latest model actually corresponds to fact. On the other
hand, mathematical axioms, once proven, are not prone to being 'replaced'. sensory exPerience ls quite crucial in
psycholoty, and comes in the form of listening to subjects or watching subiects' movements. even before drawing
conclusions about thern.
Due to rhe unreliabitity of our senses, ir is ph/sically impossible to avoid experiment,l error in fields that involve
empirical methods. This is not applicable to mathematics, but to rhe sciences, it is. ln science,the veracity of our
knowledge would be dependent on the state oftechnology or resources available that enable our sensory exPerience.
For instance. the structure of antibodies could not be observed before the advent of electron microscoPy. Whilst
experimental science involves increasingly hiSh-precision knowledSe,
on qualitative
dara. The problems associared with empirical observadon affect the sciences to a
exteni than they affect
Knowtedge in a three flelds will have to be
judged by differingyardsticl<s,since the roles that reason and experience
ptay in eaih of them have determined by far how credible or useful each o{them are. while mathematics is a self-
and thus accurate in irself (extended only by reasonjng from foundational concePts), science is
dependent on sensory processes and synthetic content, developing propositions about things only
(or not at
all) accessible by the human mind. Besides coming to conclusions about his own mental
Processes,the PsycholoSist
has the difflcult tasl< of observinS orhers' behaviour and second-Suessing their thouShts, usinS his own reasoning
skills. PsycholoSy sraddles the middle ground of pseudo-science- when validatinS l(nowledge in these fields, we
need to realize how limited our senses and reasoning abilities are in each context'
the concepts well to the three fields you've identified. This is a substantial comparison ofthe roles of
reason and exPerience, with very aPPropriate examples. Perhaps you could:
spend a little more time discussing the relative roles of (and nature o0 induction and deduction
in science and math;
2) qualify some of the statements in this paPer for which l've indicated I hold some
I !! !L I
Col efe
3 s
encq ro wha! ex'!n'i do
Emplricism, a branch offoundationalism, asserts that experience as prescribed by our five senses siSht,srnell,hearing.
touch and tasle is the ultimate bedrock of l<nowledge. On the other end ofthe spectrum, rationalism posits that
each man possesses a set of innate ideas which will be rediscovered through reasoninS as he grows wiset These two
schools of thoughr have been in long-standing opposition since their emerSence in the epistemological debate.To a
considerable extent,I feel that lYant knowledSe here can
beyond his experience to encompass knowledSe gained
through reasoning.This is evident in the way rationalism is used to acquire knowledSe in the areas of f4athematics
and ethics- Furthermore, empiricism has other flaws, such as the doubts cast over the incorrigibility of empirical
knowledge and the inability of knowledge acquired throuSh empirical means to account for abstract concepls that
cannot be derived through sense experiences alone. Yeq despite these criticisms, many of our daily tasks still make
use of'empirical truths'. This essay acl<nowledges that while some l<nowledge can be derived experientially, others
cannot and thLrs a middle ground ought to be strucl< between the use of reason and experience in the formation of
different kinds of knowledge.
The empiricists claim that through our sensory experiences, our minds have the ability to form concepts about
stimuli which allow us to recognize and take on belie{s about it on subsequent encounters (Cardinal et a|,2005).
Lockean empiricism would labelthe sensory experiences a man has as sensotions and the concepts or'internal sense'
as reflect;ors. For example,when eatinga hamburger,a man would be using his senses o{siSht,taste,smelland touch
to perceive the hamburger he believes he is in possession of. As he encounters these sensations, his mind is retaining
a mental copy of this so that he can therea{ter reflect upon this concept of'hamburgers'anytime, even when he is
not actually perceiving a hamburger.
The empiricists argue that knowledge acquired through our first-hand experiences are "immune from sceptical
doubts" (Cardinal et. a|,2005) because the immediate presentation of sensory experiences to the mind (which
is characreristic of human consciousness) permits no room for doubt and con{ers upon it self-justification and
incorrigibility. lt is only when we form inferences on our primary sensory observations (superstructural knowledge
thatevents and objects exist) thatwe create the possibility oferror.This perspective contends that knowledge cannot
go beyond that of sensory expe riences i with out them in spheres of Chemistry and Biology,there would be no need
to draw'tpatialand temporal connection among data" to form new l<nowledge (DiSanto et.al, 1990). For instance,
taxonomic classifications of all organisms would be impossible without empirical data; knowledge acquired through
observarjon also forms the foundation of ecology and biodiversity. For these reasons, empiricist foundationalism
claims to be "the heart and soul of knowledge" (DiSanto et. al, 1990).
While the conclusion above may appear to be reasonable, it cannot account for the existence of knowledSe which
is not dependent on sensory observations. Such knowledge tends to assume the form where innate ideas or reason
plays a primary role- The rationalists would argue that in Mathematics, for example, sensory experiences should
concur with the rruths of mathematical reasons but they are not necessary requirements for the acquisition of
marhemarical knowledgeia mathematician is still capable of producing mathematical theories without actually havint
to encounter these truths using his senses. Other considerations include the innate capacity for humans to grasp
languages and that of an inborn moral sense which are unlikely to have oriSins that can be perceived directly-
Similarly, empiricism does not fully account for abstract ideas which we can understand but are unable to experience
usingoursenses. For instance,complex ideas lil<e 'justice' are not objects which we can directly perceive.yetwe can
srill acquire the concept by observing
acts. lt remains unclear as to how the observation of just acts alone can
lead to the formation of the concept of justice, hence leading us to question whether sense dala alone is sufficient
for us to obtain know edge.
Empiricism does not convincingly account for concept formation either (Cardinal et ai,2005). To follow up on
the previous example of the hamburger, it seems that the consumption of that one hamburger will allow me to
conceptualise hamburgers. lf lwere to travelto a different part ofthe world where hamburSers were oblong and not
Co lege .b! 51e 1 2007
circular in shape, my current visual experience may tell me to reject my
mental concePt of the hamburser
and yet I am uole to.".ogni"e the similarities and modify my own concept ofthe hamburger This suggests that
p"oitu tn diff"r"n. pu.,s ofthe world may have a dissimilar concept of hamburgers from me- lfour concePts of
things are not universaltrurhs,one man\ knowledge o{a particular thing would never be the same as another man\,
so it is unlikely that his individual exPerience is the sole foundation of l<nowledge.
Other shortcomings in empiric'sm include the lack of credibiliry in the'translation' process ofour sensory exPeriences
when humans express their sensory experiences through languaSe,wewil inevitably be catego rizinS these exPeriences
in relation to our previous experiences. This 'translation' of sensory
may be oPen to human error (e.g.
overlool<ing important details) or mis-description. As a resuk. the value of our knowledge becomes subject to the
ac.uracy of rhe,translation'
process and not the sense data alone. undersuch circumstances, f{an! exPerience is
iil<ely to
beyond his sensual
along with his'translated' sensations
It has also been put forth that empirical trurhs may nor be complelely incorrisible. Humans may be influenced by
their background assumprions that originate from rheir expeclations and exPeriences, so desPite being exPosed to
the same stimuli, they could respond differently-
consider the foliowing example:a girl who had her first encounter with a fierce dog goes away thinking that all
dogs are unfriendly and dangerous. Her apprehension will affect all her future encounters with dogs as she distrusts
th;animal and betieves that it will harrn her.This girl is unlil<ely to try to befriend another do8 on her own initiative
because of her first experience even if the dog she encounters later could be smaller or more docile However
another child,a boy, who has several pleasant encounters with dogs,will show great enthusiasm in befriending another
dog because he expects dogs to be friendly. When both children are introduced to the same dog,their
noiions about dogs wilt influence the'transtation' of their senso.y perceptions more significantly than what their
senses may tell them. This will in turn affect their behaviour towards the animal
ln conclusion, it can thus be seen that the l<nowledge derived through experiences alone will be insufficient to
satisfy all forms of knowledge we have in the world. There needs to be a comProrrise struck between rationalist
and empiricist ideas so as io allow us ro function normally with indubitable basic truths. We must understand
that ..u"on will always be more prevalent in mathematical, logical, geometrical and moral sPheres of l<nowledge
where absolute certainty can be attained. However, in other fields of knowledge lil<e Science,the same
knowledge cannot be achieved by reasoning alone as empirical data is also essential.The immutability ofmathematical
knowledle is also not common to every area of scientific knowledge. Nonetheless, it is undeniable though that the
further e-xpansions of many scientiflc theories o{ten rely heavily on the use of reasoning and exPeriments are then
performei ro prove the hypotheses made. In view of these examples given, I believe that Man's knowledge can go
beyond his experience.
cardinal, D., Hayward.J. and
G. (2005)
ql-klerdcdge. London: Hodder l'4urray'
DiSanto, Ronald L.and steele andThomasl. (1990). Guidebool<to zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance. New
YorkWilliam lYorrow and Company, pg l63
You bring up good counter-arguments
against emPiricism and you show a very good grasp of the
issues raised by the empiricists and rationalists.
Some suggestions:
l) Work on writing topic sentnces for each of your main arguments' Make sure these sentences
the question.
2) Account
for the mpiriists' criticism ofa priori knowledge
that it can be circular and not really
3b! ;!1e Llo{l/ Raffles
Co lete
T'r e:
mi \ I nowledgp here .a
bF/o d
e.Der ence. 'o w\rr e're-L do
Quah Class:07S06R
ln the great debate between rationalism and empiricism,time and again people will find themselves wedged in the mlre
between arglring for either of these two great pill:rs of foundationalism.What is reason ifthere is no data about which
we can reason, and what is the quality or use of data if it has yet to be processed?The argument seems to spring back
and forth with no clear resolution in sight. lndeed,while thjs is the case for most accepted bodies of knowldge, it fails
to be applicable to the specific set of knowledge we term theoretical knowledge. Now empiricists rnay argue against
this fact based on several grounds, either that this theoreti.al knowledge is not independently usefuJ (meaningless,
basically) until it has been shown to have practical application,which would require the collection of sensory data, or
that despite its classification as "theoretical", this knowledge still essentialiy requires concepts that cannot simply be
derived ifonet slate ofexperience is completely blank.lt would seem then that experience is the ultimate limit ofour
l<nowledge, and it is tempting to arSue so given that existence without experience seems both pointless and counter-
intuitive, what more the concept of"thinkinS" or "knowing".Yet careful consideration reveals the loopholes rhat can
in fact be expjoited to demonstrate that while our intuition may dictate otherwise, it is indeed possible to establish
knowledge beyond onet expedence.
To startthe ball rolling,consider the analysis ofthe forms of knowledge as cursorily inrroduced. Functional l(nowledge
can be described as all the pieces of practical information we need in order to go about our dajly lives with some
form of purpose. For example,the proposition that my i<eyboard lies in front of me,and that typing on it will result in
the production of my essay, is a piece of knowledge I involuntarily accept in order to per{orm daily activities, wheth er
or not I be a proponent of scepticism- ln this regard, fu nctio nal knowledge essentiaJly concerns itself with the physical
world around us,and is thus inextricably tied to experience.The formation of concepts such as "pushinS an object will
cause it to move forward" are essential ideas we form during our infancy as we interact with the world. However, it
is possible for a person\ functional knowledge to extend beyond his own, direct experiences.This set of knowledge
main ly encom passes common*ense related advice passed on {rom generatjon to generation, such as a mother! remarks
that"if you go out and play in the rain you'll likely end up with a cold".These pieces of knowledge were formed based
on some peoples experiences, and hence are bound by "experience" in general, but are not necessarily limited by
the individualt experiences as a person need not have actually tried playing in the rain to know that he should not
do so. ln this sense, a person! functional knowledge can extend beyond his own experiene by instead reJying on the
experjences of others. Of course, some may take issue with this stand by claiming that what I have not experienced
myselfto be true should not be called knowledge, or that trusting the words of others requires a sense ofconfldence
in the relationship that is only built up through experience. ln this sense, if one had to b especially picl<y about the
scope of"experience", I would have to agree that functional knowledge is inherently about experiential knowledge
and hence is always limited by experience.
Howevel the issues are significantly different when it comes to the matter of theoretical knowledge. Th eoretical
knowledge can be seen to encompass mathematical knowledge and other related fields ofl<nowledge such as theoretical
physics, which
themselves form only one tiny portion of the great ser of truths governing our world, that we may
term the"holos".What is the true nature oftheoretical knowledge, then?Would it be justified
to consider mathematics
simply a tautoiogical expedition into the realm ofthe abstract,that really bears little sisnificance given how mathematical
axioms seem to be based on fundamental principles that are, by the definition we have ascribed to them, truei The
clear counter-examples to this claim would be the usefulness of mathemacics in describing physical phenomena, such
as Balmert discovery ofthe sjmple mathematical rule m'1/mr-n'zbehind the lines he observed in the hydrogen spectrum
giving him the power to predict other lines that had not yet been observed.Yet in that case, could one not argue rhat
such knowledge only becomes relevart when applid to the physical wor d and so its usefulness is inherently defined,
or Jimlted by sensory experiencel
ln answer to this, what one must tal<e note o{ here is that we are considering whether or not one! l(nowledge is
permanently limited by one's experjence-And in the case of theoretical l(nowledge, then, we see that marhematical
descriptions ofphysicalphenomena yield much greater power and insight into their nature,and thatthis understanding
far surp:sses the boundaries and limitations of the sensory observations available to us currently. For example, Diracs
solution co an equation allowed him to postulate the existence of the positron many years bfore it was observed by
Rafflesjln or ColleSe ksbr $!e I .10N7
Carl Anderson. Even more dramaticaity, perhaps, we can see how the equations regarding the energy sq?te etc. of an
atom essentialiy
all the informat'on we mighc need to know regarding the forces within it and its interactions
with other
Mu.h of thjs informarjon is derived through further mathematical
from certain
established facts, and often are based iittle on the results of experimentalists beforehand.As a further exampte. take
ofthe theory of relativjty.The tools he used to derive his theory were basica y conceptual thouSht
exPeriments, mathematics, and the intuirive understandinS rhat l',1axwell's equations should be preserved.What
hence see {rom this is that it is, in fact, possible for one to derive greater insEht into and about physjcar phenomena
with sjmPly
Pen, PaPer
and quite a large dose of brilliant thinking- others might cta;m that these conctusions should
not be considered knowledge untilthey have received experime ntal validation, b ur
trLrth $ese validations onJv serve
the faint-hearted.Those
who have faith in the power of mathemarics, its obliSarory rnan,t"t.r. on ,n .it purt,
of the
world, and the soundness of their argLrment know that it is onty a matter of time and technologicat
advancement before the necessary physicar proof arises. and that Ehe abstract proof was with thern ar aJong.
who has not yt had exPerience,and therefore that experience will, by default,always be that insurmountable barrjer
between ourselves and our quest for knowledge? This argument is actually irrelevant because the issue at hand is
whether or not one can have knowledSe that surpasses what one has experienced, and so we find that while most
forms of knowledge and generar understanding of the worrd are arSuabry built upon our sensory rnput resarding the
worid. this does not mean that one cannot know things his experience does not a ow him to fu|lv undersiand.
Fundamental concepts,for example, such as djmensionarity (specifica y in r dimensions), rhar we colnpr"i"na u"."rr"
ofthe nature ofthe sensory instruments we have been provided with, are easily cha enged by notions such as 4,5,6- or
even I 2-dimensionality Even though we do not have the capacity to fuly grasp or imaSin how such concepts wourd
manifest themselves, this does not mean we do not know Eheir (mathematicar, perhaps) descriptrons, effecis and the
phenomena they cause-we possess worr<ing r(nowredSe of these concepts that does, clearry, exceed rhe confines of
our experientjal understanding.
on a final note. we find that the debate hetween rationalism and empiricisrn is actualJy not quite applicabte to this
question as we are really concerned with whether experience is a I'mir to one's knowledge,and not whether someone's
knowledge has to ultimately stem from experience.With regard to this, carefut anatysis oftheoretjcat knowjedSe does
in tact
the statement untrue, and it is on these grounds thar I larSely disagree with it. Nevertheless, if one were
co take issue with the lexical interpretation of the quesrion, it is possible too to view knowledge as outlined above
from another an8le, namely that if one accepts that certain mathematical axioms can be derived regardless of what
environment one is
in (tal<e for example the concept ofzero given our world,or the concept ofintegrs/discrete
objects given a hypothetical continuous wortd), those pieces of knowledge do nor arise from expertenc-e, but rather
frorn the minds
into a different realm entirely
from the physicat world. tn this case, experience is
not the uJtimate source of such knowledge, as one does not need certain physical experiences to derive foundational
mathematical con.epts and thence greater networks of such knowledge- Once this has been established,we can see all
the more that man does in fact have knowledge that far surpasses his experience.As mentioned before, man, through
reasonins,can have access (albeit just a little) to that wodd which governs our world,and the knowtedge ofthe existence
ofsuch a realm in itself, and the limitations ofthe physicat wortd compared to that reajm yjetds him much power: Kant
distinguished between the noumenal world and the phenomenal world, and save for his inclusion of morat values. the
idea proposed by the character PySonopolis in A Mathematical Mystery Tour (A. K. Dewdney) is somewhat simirar
He states simPly "Holos the source. Cosrnos the manifestation." But unlil<e Kant, we do have away of describinS that
other world and through that, of understanding our experiential (or phenomenaj,
if you wish) wortd better.And this
greater level of knowledge has ciearly gone beyond, both in terms of source and not, oner possibte experiences.
A well-focussed and directed piece that mar(es a convincing argument for the viabirity of knowredge
derived beyond experienc. I particularty
appreciated the examples (Einstin, Dirac, Balmer) you raisid
to illustrate how knowledge ofphysical phenomena
could in {act be derived with less dependence on
experience than one woutd intuitively expect.
in your references to how mathematics can
help us to construct theoretical l<nowledge, we can find some room for the discussion ofthe nature
of mathematics itself: I'm not sure that it is a forgone conclusion that math is,,entirely independent
from the physical world", and that it therefore
does not arise out of human xperience at a[.
cb! $!e I 2007 Raffleslunior ColleFe
Tidei A priori knowledse should always be preferred over a posteriori know edge. D scuss
Name: Chery
When searching for a suitable bedrock of knowledge, knowledge of a form that is indubitable and incorrigible and
that would thus allow us to afflrm the certajnty of resuhant beliefs, two different foundational systems become
apparent. One idenlifles certain, fundamental knowledge as knowledge in the form of innate ideas, l<nowledge that
we arrive at or rediscover purely through faculties of reason.The other regards this as the knowledge that we gain
from sensory experiences. Locked in debate for centuriaes, these two systems of knowledge appear quite at odds
with each other, and as such beg the prtinent question as to which of the tvvo is to be preferred-The former, d
pr,o/i knowledge, seems to oft be more desired due to the absolute certainty it presents. peffectly {ulfiJJing the very
conditions of the search for it.Yet desirability is not dictated on sin8le terms; rather it can be couched either in
terms of the certainty of the knowledge or its usefulness. lt is then possible to see that d priori l<nowledge and o
postertort knowledge really share equal
where one prefers certajnty, o priori knowledge reigns,yet where
one prefers usefulness in
knowledge about the physical world in which we conduct our lives, it is d posteriori
l(nowledge that is more adequate.At the end of the day one finds that both systems complement each other and
should be used together for constructive development of all that we know.
A pr,ori knowledge stems from the rationalistic enterprise and has its roots in mathematics. Su.h knowledge is an
extension of the axioms in mathematics that are tal<en to be self-evident and true, and thus which render true all
succeeding knowledge o{ increasinS complexity that is built upon them.lt is a form of knowledge lhat requires only
our mind and faculties of reason. removing any reliance and dependence upon the senses.A postertort knowledge on
the other hand refers to knowledge first gained through observation and experience. Such sensory data and input
form the basis from which further knowledge may be derived, and clearly give us access to our world and physical
environment.A comparison of the two reveals that each proves the more preferable in different aspects-
Compared on the
of the certainty of the foundational as well as superstructural beliefs, it can be seen that
o pr,ori l<nowledge proves the stronSer. Firstly,d prioli foundational knowledge is by nature and definition completely
self-evident and true.Whether considering the axioms of mathematics, Descartes' cogito ergo sum, or such anal/tic
statements (statements true by deflnitjon) that constitute d prtori l<nowledge (e.g. all men are mortal), one finds
that each and every piece must be exactly as it is, and the truth-value of all sLrch knowledge cannot be questioned.
Subsequent superstructural knowledge, which similarly requires no experiential input, such as in the realm of
mathematics, also holds to be indubitable. A posteriori
knowledge, by contrasr. is only ever contingently true, or in
otherwords such l<nowledge can conceivably be otherwise.The properties and characteristics of our physicalworld
which we deem to be true based on sensory experience may quite possibly be imagined to take on vastly different
forms in other locations or under different circumstances,without ever running into contradictions.These properties
are sirnply as we ascribe them according to our observation, and are not otherwise self-evident or inherent in the
nature ofwhat we describe.We therefore cannot arrive at a concept of contradiction,given how it is possible for us
to ascribe any property in our descriptions and as such it is clear that we may currently very well be quite wrong
about such descriptive matters-The contingent nature of o posferiort knowiedge thus becomes grounds enough to
justit regarding it with diminished certainty.
Furthermore, it is worth notingthat an influence on the rationalistic enterprise and the search for o priori knowledge
has verily been the notion ofthe fallibility or deception ofour senses.The most common example ofthis would be
illusions, whre what is presented to our senses does not match up with what should actually be. Even so,supporters
of o pastetiari <nowledge in the form of the empiricist approach to knowledge may claim that the'true' nature of
whatoneobserves aside,one cannoc possiblydoubtthe nature ofoursensory experinces.This sensory data simply
'is', and as an aspect of our very consciousness, presents itself as incorrigible.Yet a second criticism remajns that
sensory data may only be treated as incorrigible if it has undergone absolutely no processing or categorization, and
remains in its original form as simply'given'. lf one were to construct l(nowledSe from an undifferentiated group of
sensations however, it would necessitate a conceptual organization of these sensations, entailing comparisons and
relations belween past and present experjences and therefore in the process introducing room for doubt and error.
ln this examination and comparison again, o priori l<nowledge emergs unscarhed, for knowledge gained before or
Col ege lrrr !. ,e I 7|(1,'
without experience and feliance on the senses is not subjecr to such room for doubr.
Yet apart from the certainty of the knowledge presented to us, one can imagine that another factor that might
iead some to a preference of one form of knowledge over the orher would be the usefulness of rhis l(now edge in
providing us with information about the physical world around us.When j!dging d priori and d posteriori kfowledge
on these terms,the tables are turned and now d posteriori l<nowledge appears the rnore desirable. ll one is entitled
to make the assumption that we do have access ro the nature of the .onstituents of our physical world, bypassing
the challenge of Berkeley that this would never be possible, ir is eviden. that the l(nowledge gained through our
senses is the one that allows us usefui <nowledge about rhe world, the only access we have ro this world being
our senses.,4 posteriori knowledSe forms the basis of many flelds of science and inquiry, enabling us to advance our
understandlng of the mechanics of our physical wor d, and allowing us to make changes .o the rnanner in whi.h we
conduct our I ves.
A prtori l<nowledge, on the other hand. becomes limited by the very conditions that determine ts ceriainty.Ana ytic
statements are viewed as tautological, useless at providing us with new information about the world; know edge
apParent to !s and
strictly through reason alone forever remains only in the mental realm. Mathematics,
while iirfinitely useful in fields outside itself, cannor escape the realm of abstract concepts withour the invocation
of observation and experimenr. which form the basis of the sclentifc enterprise-Though it may be cited for irs use
in physics and other fields that do construct new knowledge about our world, mathematics still needs to draw on
experientiai knowledge in the process. lt thus becomes clear that in the context of useful, pracrical l<nowledge, d
posteriori knowledSe is to be
preferred to o pr,ori <nowledge.
As we each proceed in our discourse concerning che classification and justification of our knowledge. it is crucial
to note that it would not be prudent of us to subscribe to soLely o priori or o posteriori know edge. Both systems of
knowiedge have evident strengths as well as flaws,and each can satis{y our-need for certainty and utility of knowledge
in turn- lt becomes apparent then that tal(en together, the two forms of knowledge, inasmuch as they appear to be
at odds with rhe other, do actually serve to complemnt each other, allowing us to strjl< a balance berween reaping
the beneflts of certitude and functionality.Thus it is imperative that we learn to recognize the value of o priori and
d posteriori i<nowledge in contexts relevant to each, that we may understand the worth of both, and that we may
be more successful as we strive to develop and collect a more comprehensive and inclusive store of l<nowledge for
You make some very good qualifications here and manaSe to weigh the relative merits ofthe two types
ofknowledge successfully and convincingly.Your language use is precise and you handle epistemological
concepts and terms with ease. This essay will benefit from the use of specific examples to illustrate
a priori and a posteriori knowledge, so that your readers can see more .learly what you mean when
you say there are benefits to balancing comprehensiveness and accuracy in knowledge.
A posteriori knowledge, know edge whose truth is determined by emPirical investiSation
such as sensation and reflection, is seen by rationalists as inferior to a
which is obtained solely based on reasoning, and which ls necessarily true They argue
that since our senses sometimes deceive us,they therefore should not be trusted, as the
information we gain through our senses can never be comPletely certain,and willalways be
subject to change. However, only a limited body o{ knowledge can be
is not possible to gain any new knowledge about the
Therefore,this essay argues that in terms of ce rtainty, a
knowledge may be
as it is eternal and necessary- However,when evaluatinS the two tyPs of l<nowledge based
on which gives us new information about the world. a posteriori knowledge is
to a priori knowledge.Although a posteriorl l<nowledge may be dubitable it
us our
l(nowledge o{the natural and social sciencesithis is vital to our understanding of the world
around us and our ability to function within it.
Rationalists have preferred a prjoritruths over a
truths due to their certainty.They
are self-justifying. and therefore do not succumb to the infinite regress of
justification. For
example, mathematical knowledge, such as that 2
I = 3, is se lf-evident; further informatio n
wlll not prove it false. Knowledge that is true by dfinition is also a
To take Kantt
example:"a bachelor is an unmarried male" is certain knowledge as a bachelor is define'l
as an unmarried male, and they are hence essentially the same thing
On the other hand, when it comes to a
truths, it is di{ficult to ensure that one
has obtained allthe relevant empirical data required to come to a reliable conclusion For
example, based on one! experience of only having seen white swans in Europe, one may
conclude that all swans are white. However.the discovery of black swans inAustralia proves
this conclusion wrong.
Furthermore, while sense data themselves have been argued to be
and indubitable,
this is in fact not true. Empiricists argue that it is imPossible to doubt that one is having a
certain experience at the
moment. For examPle, it is not
for someone to
doubtthat she is really having the sensation ofwarmth when she is currently exPeriencing
this sensation. However, knowledge of one's sense exPerience
to categorisation is
but knowled8e by acquaintance. Such
of l<nowledge sim
'are'i they cannot be
into propositional form and $erefore cannot be either true or {alse. lt is only through
interpretation ofthe sense data that knowledse claims about the sense data can be made,
and factual l<nowledge about the physical world external to the mind obtained. Howevei
this very categorisation of sense data involves an inference that may be wron8, as the
categorisation involves linkingthe
exPerience with many other dubitable exPeriences
in the past.The simple fact that these other exPeriences are retrieved from memory,which
is sometimes inaccurate, makes them oPen to doubt
rsb! L L!3!e I 2007 Ratrles
Title: A priori l(nowledge should always be prefe.rd o'er i poscerorl
Name: Lim jiin Class:07S07A
Fffe.tive introduction
Give an example of a
dubitable experience
l'4arker's comments
Collese t5b! I $L,e 1 2110/
Therefore, it can be sen that the only indubitable l(nowledge that can be gaind through
experience is that experiences of sense data exist at the present moment; all factual
know edge gained a posteriori about the world external to our minds is indeed subject to
doubt. Hence, with regards to their certainty,a priori l<nowledge shoLrld indeed be preferred
over a
However, the body of indubitable a priori knowledge is llmited, and is not very useful in
givlng us new information aboutthe world around us.Analytic a prioripieces ofknowledge,
such as knowledge that is true by definition, as well as the basic claims of mathematics,
simply express what is already conttrined within the concept, and therefore do not tell us
anything new Hence, although mathematics may be applicabl to the external world, new
mathematical l(nowledge, which is gained a priori, can at most involve the establishment of
new mathematical relationships.
Additionally, as Descartes argued, even thouSh one can do thought experiments without
the use of sense data, and derive'clear and distinct ideas'such as that"all mountains have
valleys", it does not foljow thatthere are mountains in the worJd.Thercfore, it can be seen
that l(nowledge gained a priori may not correspond with what actually is the case in the
Meanwhile, although synthetic a priori trurhs such as "every event has a cause" do join
two different concepts together they in fact determine the way the mind is structured
to make sense ofthe world, rather than tell us anything new abour the world external to
As can be seen,the body of a priori l<nowledge
limited,and it is not able to give us new
information about the world around us that have the potential to aid in the advancement
of society.
On the other hand,although a posteriori knowledge is dubitable, absolute certainty is not
necessary in the carrying out of everyday tasks,or the running of a society.Taking this inro
accou nt, knowledge gained a posteriori is constantly ableto give us new information about
the world. For example, knowledge of the naturaj sciences has been and will continue
to expand, with new species of animals and plants being discovered, and new chemical
Mention that such
application will
require experience
Perhaps talk about
functioning on a daily
cD! sre I 1007 Raffles
Additionally,this new inforrnation gained about the external world and how it works can
often be put to practical use, sr.rch as knowledge of the natural sciences. For example,the
way electricity worl<s is a piece of l<nowledge without which many of the conveniences
of modern life would be impossible. Experience also gives knowledge of the social
sciences, such as an understanding of the relationshiP between emPloyee morale and
productivity, knowledge that is necessary to ensure the maximisation of
the workplace.
Knowledge from the two fields mentioned above can only be
example,it is not possible to arrive at the generalisation that"all metals conduct electricity"
before first knowing whatthe properties ofa metalare.These
of a metal cannot
simply be deduced a priori, but require emPirical gathering of data through scientifl.
experimentation.Similarly for the relationship between employee morale and
ir is not possible to predict without experience that employee productivity will increase
with improved morale. lnstead, observations will have to be made, and studies done on
this relationship before arriying at this piece of knowledge.
In conclLrsion, when using certainty as a criterion, a priori knowledge is
to a
posteriori knowldge. Factual l<nowledge gained a
eternal and necessary,while
factual l<nowledge gained a posteriori,with the exception that exPeriences of sense data
exist at the present moment,are all are subject to doubt due to the very inference involved
in interpreting sense data into a proPositional form. However, when the ability of the
l<nowledge to tell us information about the external world is instead used as a criterion,
a posteriori knowledge is preterable to a
l(nowledge as it is able to give us new
information about various aspects ofthe world around us,while a
knowledge can,
at most,include the establishmentofnew relationshiPs between already existing concePts.
some ofwhich,lil<e maths and geometry, are applicable to the external world
This is a work ofexcellent quality.lt shows good understanding ofePistemological concePts, is very well
structured, and successfully mal(s a case against the statement raised by the question. Well done'
I've made some suggestions within the paper, but will add here that you should always strive to
illustrate your paper with wll-chosen examples ofknowledge You've done this well in this paPer, but
can afford to give even more sophisticated examples. E.g. StringTheory,Theory of Relativity.Through
these examples, you may yet find further arguments for the a prior way of knowledge construction.
Also try to elaborate on the examples instead of only citing / listinS them.This helps to convince
Finally,tie your conclusion back to the question directly:for instancel'One cannot then say conclusively
as the statemnt in the question does, that a
knowledge should always be preferred over a
posteriori knowledge, for as this essay has attempted to show, there are instances in which.'.", etc.
RafflesJunior College ksbullssue I 2007
We would like to thank everyone who has contributed to this issue in one way or anothen

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