Power Engineering Consulting JSC was established in 2005 as a consulting firm specializing in power projects. It has experienced stable revenue growth from 2008-2011 but saw declines in 2012-2013. While the company has good cash reserves and debt ratios, it faces increasing competition domestically and abroad as the Vietnamese economy changes.
Power Engineering Consulting JSC was established in 2005 as a consulting firm specializing in power projects. It has experienced stable revenue growth from 2008-2011 but saw declines in 2012-2013. While the company has good cash reserves and debt ratios, it faces increasing competition domestically and abroad as the Vietnamese economy changes.
Power Engineering Consulting JSC was established in 2005 as a consulting firm specializing in power projects. It has experienced stable revenue growth from 2008-2011 but saw declines in 2012-2013. While the company has good cash reserves and debt ratios, it faces increasing competition domestically and abroad as the Vietnamese economy changes.
Power Engineering Consulting JSC was established in 2005 as a consulting firm specializing in power projects. It has experienced stable revenue growth from 2008-2011 but saw declines in 2012-2013. While the company has good cash reserves and debt ratios, it faces increasing competition domestically and abroad as the Vietnamese economy changes.
Company 3 Summary Power Engineering Consulting JSC was established in 2005, based on Energy Center. The company form were changed in to Joint Stock Company and listed on Hanoi Stock Exchange on 26th January, 2007. TV3 is a small cap firm with the main activities are survey consultancy, projects design in the power sector. EVN is the largest shareholder of TV3, so the company has always received a lot of supports from EVN. A stable growing firm. In the period 2008-2013, though the crisis affected all aspects of the economy, the companys revenue still increased from 2008 to 2011. In 2012 and 2013, its revenue decreased but still maintained at a high level. Potential. Doing business activity in an essential area, with a quite big amount of cash and stable debt ratio, TV3 has good growth potential in the future when the Vietnam economy has many good signs of change.
Key financial ratios: in VND million
Key ratios 2010 2011 2012 2013 Revenue
179,735 212,096 192,567
178,105 EBITDA 19,614 17,499 13,920 12.808 Net income 16,889 18,818
12,141 10,929 EPS (VND) 4,993 4,383 3,437 3,236 ROE (%) 30% 25% 19% 16% ROA (%) 10% 9% 6% 6% PER (x) 2.9 2.3 2.4 4.2 PBR (x) 0.9 0.6 0.5 0.7 OFFERINGS Current price: 16,500 Target price: Overview: TV3 is one of four consulting units of the Vietnam Electricity Group. The development trend of company in the future is maintaining and enhancing strengths in the field of surveying, designing power network project and electricity development plan. Stock code TV3 Exchange HNX No of shares 3,381,000 Price (VND) 16,500 Market capital (VND bil) 55.8 52-week low 8,500 52-week high 18,500
Main shareholders: EVN 48.8% Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation 12.5% Others 38.7% Stock performance
Source: HVS Research
-40% -20% 0% 20% 40% 60% A p r - 1 3 M a y - 1 3 J u n - 1 3 J u l - 1 3 A u g - 1 3 S e p - 1 3 O c t - 1 3 N o v - 1 3 D e c - 1 3 J a n - 1 4 F e b - 1 4 M a r - 1 4 A p r - 1 4 M a y - 1 4 TV3 HNX
FOR CLIENTS PROSPERITIES Power Engineering Consulting JSC Analysis 16 May 2014
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 3 Company description Business operation Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 3 is one of four consulting companies under Electricity of Vietnam, specialized in implementation of construction consultancy for power source and network projects such as: thermal power plants, hydro power plants, power transmission lines, etc. They have two branches in Ho Chi Minh and Nha Trang City and a representative office in Hanoi. They have been implementing many big projects about investigation and consultancy in the electric field across the country. Revenue of company came mainly from investigation and design consultancy activities, which contribute more than 96% revenue and 97% profit in average. These activities have been the traditional business areas of the company so far. Particularly in 2013, the profit proportion of these ones decreased because the company had an unusual income, which led to the increase of Other revenues. Cost The proportion of COGS was quite stable over years, accounted for approximately 77% of revenue, while General and administrative expenses accounted has tended to increase, indicating the weak costs management. Shareholders structure The main shareholders of TV3 are Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation and Viet Nam Electricity (EVN). These are large state-owned companies and have a big influence in this sector. EVN is the leading corporations in the energy sector not only in Vietnam, but also the whole region, playing an important role in the mission of ensuring the national energy security. The amounts of cash has been big and increasing over the years, which helped company ensure the Current liabilities, purchasing commodities and creating revenue from the deposit interest. But it could be the evidence which showed that the company lacked of investment, using money inefficiently. Risk The competition with both domestic and foreign companies is increasing. Besides, due to the difficult economic situation, the basic projects were also difficult to meet the capital.
Summary financial statements of TV3 Sales breakdown
Source: TV3 annual report 2013
Sales & profit growth (VND million)
Source: TV3
Key shareholders
Source: TV3
23% 70% 7% Survey consultancy , designing Others 179,735 212,096 192,567 178,105 16,881 14,818 12,144 10,938 - 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 2010 2011 2012 2013 Revenue Net income 48.8% 12.5% 38.7% EVN Ho Chi Minh City Power Corporation Others
Power Engineering Consulting Joint Stock Company 3 Balance sheet Income statement
ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard Country Reports and Assessments 2015: Joint Initiative of the ASEAN Capital Markets Forum and the Asian Development Bank