Bajaj Electrical Q1 FY2012
Bajaj Electrical Q1 FY2012
Bajaj Electrical Q1 FY2012
Tushar Das
(91-22) 3028-4714 [email protected] ULJK Financial Services Private Limited Market Data Market Cap. (Rs Mn) Outstanding Shares (Mn) 52 Week High/Low (Rs) NSE Avg. Volume Face Value
Shareholding Promoter MF/ Banks/ Indian FIs FII/ NRIs/ OCB India Public/ Others
Please refer to the important disclosures and analyst certifications at the end of the document
Valuation: We expect the company to post a top-line CAGR of 18% over FY201113E. However, the company has been reporting depressed OPMs mainly on the back of weak E&P segment. Accordingly we have revised our earning for E&P segment going forward. At current price of `204, stock is trading at 13.1x and 9.9x P/E and 7.7x and 6.0x EV/EBITDA multiple for FY12E and FY13E respectively. We recommend to BUY the stock with a target of `248 (12x FY13E EPS). Q1FY2012 Results Analysis
Particulars Net Sales EBITDA EBITDA Margin Interest & Fin. Charges PBDT (Ops) Depreciation PBT (Ops) Other Income PBT (Before Ext. Items) Extraordinary items - Prov. for Irrecoverable portion of Loans PBT Tax Provisions Profit after Tax Exceptional Items: Prior Period adjustment/(profits)/provision for loans given to companies Taxes in respect of earlier years Adj PAT Q1 FY2012 5,441 300 5.5% 107 193 31 162 7 171 Q1 FY2011 4,837 405 8.4% 57 348 24 324 14 340 YoY (%) 12% -26% 88% -44% 31% -50% -52% -50% Q4 FY2011 9,794 1,015 10.4% 65 950 34 916 23 941 50 891 306 585 0.9 9.6 575 QoQ (%) -44% -70% 64% -80% -10% -82% -71% -82% N/A -81% -80% -81% -100% -100% -81%
Particulars Segmental Revenue Lighting Consumer durables Engineering & Projects Others Net Sales / Income from Operation Segment Result (Profit (+)/ Loss (-)) Lighting Consumer durables Engineering & Projects Others Sub-Total Less Interest Other un-allocable expenditure Operating Profit before Tax PBIT Margin Lighting Consumer durables Engineering & Projects
5% 10% -7%
2% 10% 10%
144% 1% -166%
8% 11% 11%
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` in Million
Cash Flow statement FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E FY2013E PBT 1,400 2,006 2,189 2,343 3,103 Operating profit before W.C Change 2,000 2,530 2,662 2,939 3,780 Trade & Other Receivables (1,434) (2,389) (3,417) (2,125) (908) Inventories (155) (317) (852) (335) (720) Loans & Advances (66) (342) Trade Payable 1,644 1,142 3,441 85 393 Increase/(Decrease) in provision 169 15 Cash generated from operations 2,055 966 1,834 668 2,219 Direct Taxes (542) (912) (806) (797) (1,055) Cash flow before Extraordinary items 1,512 54 1,028 (129) 1,164 EXTRA-ORDINARY ITEMS: Prior Period Items (2) (5) (3) Net cash from operating activities 1,510 48 1,025 (129) 1,164 Cash used in investing activities (421) (384) (207) (500) (300) Net Cash used in financing activity (871) 410 (949) 766 (677) Net increase in cash & cash equivalent Cash & Cash equivalents (Op Bal) Closing Cash balance 219 320 538 74 538 612 (131) 612 481 137 481 618 186 618 804
Balance Sheet SOURCE OF FUNDS Equity capital ESOPs Reserves & surplus Shareholder's funds Total debt Deferred tax Total liabilities APPLICATION OF FUNDS Net block Capital WIP Investment Deferred Tax Assets Total current assets Total current liabilities Net current assets Total Assets
Source: Company, ULJK Research
Ratio Leverage Ratios Debt Equity (X) Interest Coverage Ratio Du- Pont Analysis PAT/PBT (Tax Efficiency) PBT/EBIT (Interest Burden) EBIT/Sales (OPM) Sales/Total Assets (Asset Turnover) TA/NW (Financial Leverage) ROE Valuation Parameters P/E P/CEPS P/BV EV/EBITDA EV/SALES
FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012E FY2013E 0.9 4.8 0.3 7.7 0.2 8.8 0.4 6.0 0.3 6.8
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ULJK Financial Services Pvt Ltd: (Time range 12 months) BUY: Returns>20%; ACCUMULATE: 5%<Returns<20% ; HOLD: -5%<Returns<5%, REDUCE -20%<Returns<-5% and SELL: Returns<-20% Analyst(s) holding in the Stock : Nil Analyst Certification The research analysts, with respect to each issuer and its securities covered by them in this research report, certify that: All of the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect his or her or their personal views about all of the issuers and their securities; and no part of his or her or their compensation was, is, or will be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this research report. General Disclaimer This report has been prepared by the research department of ULJK Financial Service Pvt Ltd. is for information purposes only. This report is not construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any security in any jurisdiction where such an offer or solicitation would be illegal. We have exercised due diligence in checking the correctness and authenticity of the information contained herein, so far as it relates to current and historical information, but do not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. The opinions expressed are our current opinions as of the date appearing in the material and may be subject to change from time to time. Prospective investors are cautioned that any forward looking statement are not predictions and are subject to change without prior notice. ULJK Group or any of its affiliates or employees shall not be in any way responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person from any inadvertent error in the information contained in this report. ULJK Group or any of its affiliates or employees do not provide, at any time, any express or implied warranty of any kind, regarding any matter pertaining to this report, including without limitation the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. The recipients of this report should rely on their own investigations. ULJK Group and/or its affiliates and/or employees may have interests/ positions, financial or otherwise in the securities mentioned in this report. Opinions expressed are our current opinions as of the date appearing on this material only. While we endeavor to update on a reasonable basis the information discussed in this material, there may be regulatory, compliance, or other reasons that prevent us from doing so. This report is not directed to or intended for display, downloading, printing, reproducing or for distribution to or use by any person in any locality, state and country or other jurisdiction where such distribution, publication or use would be contrary to the law or regulation or would subject to ULJK Group or any of its affiliates to any registration or licensing requirement within such jurisdiction.
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