Protocol'S Treatments: 360° TAT (Turn Around Treatment)
Protocol'S Treatments: 360° TAT (Turn Around Treatment)
Protocol'S Treatments: 360° TAT (Turn Around Treatment)
Please be advised that for type of treataments requiring only dropping, whashing, drinking
and for psoriasis or skin cancer the supervision of a doctor is indicated. For other type of
cancer the involvement of a doctor is mandatory.
360 TAT (turn around treatment)
When sodium bicarbonate administered in a cavity
Lay down on the bed
2 pillows under the pelvis
urn around !"# degrees every $% minutes
Positions& supine, left and right side, prone
Eye cancer, coro!d!" me#anoma and con$unct!%e cancer
$ teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in $ glass tepid water
aste with a finger if it's salty
Lay down on the bed
With a dropper put a drop in your eye every ( minutes for $" minute
)nce a day for si* days
( days break
+ake , times the whole cycle
-ide effects& .n case of pain or irritation take $ day break during the treatment
Put in the eye 2 salty water drops twice daily
Ora# cancer
$ teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in $ glass tepid water
aste with a finger if it's salty
Lay down on the bed
/inse your mouth. +eanwhile make 0
wice a day for si* days
( days break
+ake , times the whole cycle
Warning& /inse for a while your mouth after every meal
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
1st side effect& Pain or .rritation. ake $ day break during the treatment.
/inse the mouth with salty water twice daily
2nd and 3rd side effect& hirst and Weakness 4because of sodium bicarbonate
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals.
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Lar!n& cancer
$ and a $82 soupspoon sodium bicarbonate in $82 litre tepid water
aste with a finger if it's salty
Put the $82 litre in a fast inhaler
.nhale the whole solution in $82 an hour
6o it 3 days on si* days off for , cycles
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
-tart the .1 infusions when there is the first inhalation break
-o, the treatments will alternate
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Oe"o'a(u" and Stomac cancer
$ plenty teaspoon sodium bicarbonate in $ and $82 glass tepid water
aste with a finger if it's salty
Lay down on the bed
6rink slowly and make 0
wice a day, 2" minutes before breakfast and dinner, for one month
$ week break
+ake 2 times the whole cycle
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
)"t and *nd side effect& hirst and Weakness 4because of -9 infusions5.
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals.
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Rectum cancer (on#y +en !n te ca%!ty)
, soupspoons sodium bicarbonate in 2 litres tepid water
aste with a finger if it's salty
+ake an enema slowly
+eanwhile make 0
6o it 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
-tart the .1 infusions when there is the first enema break
-o, the treatments will alternate
-ide effects& .rritation and few bleeding.
ake $:2 days break
+ake an enema with $ soupspoon of salt in $ litre water, for two days
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
,a(!na# and -teru" cancer
, soupspoons sodium bicarbonate in ,:% litres tepid water
aste with a finger if it's salty
+ake a wash out slowly
+eanwhile make 0
6o it 2 months long, with a break during the mestruation
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
-ide effects& .rritation and few bleeding
ake $:2 days break
+ake a washing out with $ soupspoon of salt in $ litre water, for two days
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
.#adder cancer
With the help of a nurse, locate a catheter into the bladder
0dminister $%":2"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate in the bladder.
;very day for si* days, then every other day for 2 weeks
, <% days break
hen repeat the whole cycle
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
-ide effects& .rritation and few bleeding
ake $:2 days more break
+ake a washing out with $ soupspoon of salt in $ litre water, for two days
6uring the break administer physiological solution twice daily into the bladder
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
.rea"t cancer
hink of a half circle around the lump of the breast
Look at $$&"" or $&"" o' clock respect to the lump that is the centre
+ake an in=ection in these points with %2 sodium bicarbonate >":$"" ml every day
for si* days
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
Wait at least $:2 months, then repeat the treatment if the lump is not completely
.f some bruise or irritation appears, take $:2 days break in doing in=ections
.f there are palpable lymph nodes in the armpit, they could regress after treatment
.n case of persistence of one of them make an in=ection around it with %2 sodium
>":$"" ml every day for si* days
-ide effects& pain and breast swelling
he pain lasts few minutes, the swelling many days or even $:2 months
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Me#anoma and "/!n cancer
ake >2 .odine incture
0pply the solution with a small brush 2":(" time continuously once a day.
0 crust will appear in few days
When she raises on the border, don't touch or remove her.
?ust let the .odine tincture flow down slightly@ she will help the crust to fall down
7eep on treating the area until the third crust will fall down
0t that moment most probably the skin will be healed
-ide effect& few pain
.ra!n cancer
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
hen Aat -can or +/.
$, days break then repeat the whole cycle
Later on, .1 administration can be delayed respect to the health conditions
-ide effects& thirst, tiredness, sleepiness or headache
-9 administration and $:2:( days break must be adapted to the single case
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Lun( cancer
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
hen Aat -can
$, days break then repeat
.n case of bronchial adenocarcinoma, put $ soupspoon sodium bicarbonate in B litre
water and inhale it with a fast inhaler in half an hour. -i* days on si* days off when
in .1 break.
-ide effects& -ide effects& thirst and tiredness.
-9 administration and $:2:( days break must be adapted to the single case
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
P#eura# cancer
Locate a catheter in the pleura
Put $(":$C" ml sodium bicarbonate in
;very day for % days then every other day for 2 weeks.
% days break then repeat the whole cycle
-ide effects. Pain, fever and infection. .n these cases take a few days break and an
When in the day break, put $":2" ml in the catheter
Cer%!ca# cancer
hink of a half circle around the lump
Look at $$&"" or $&"" o' clock respect to the lump that is the centre.
+ake an in=ection in these points with %2 sodium bicarbonate
(":%" ml every day for si* days
.1 %"" ml sodium bicarbonate %2 3 days on 3 days off for , cycles
Wait at least( weeks, then repeat the treatment if the lump is not completely
.f some bruise or irritation appears, take $:2 days break in doing in=ections
-ide effects& pain and swelling
he pain lasts few minutes, the swelling some days
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
L!%er cancer
Locate a port cath in the a*illary cavity from where a catheter reaches the liver artery
0dminister ,"":%"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate every day, 3 days on 3 days off for ,
hen Aat -can or +/.
en days break then repeat the cycle, 3 days on $" days off
-ide effects& bruise and infection in the arm@ fever, tiredness, thirst
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Pancrea" cancer
Locate a port cath in the a*illary cavity from where a catheter reaches the =e=une:
pancreatic artery
0dminister ,"":%"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate every day, 3 days on 3 days off for ,
hen Aat -can
en days break then repeat the cycle, 3 days on $" days off
-ide effects& bruise and infection in the arm@ fever, tiredness, thirst, pain
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Per!toneum cancer
Locate a trans abdominal intra:peritoneal catheter
0dminister ("":,"":%"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate every day for ,:% days, then
every other day for 2 weeks
ake % days break then repeat the whole cycle
hen Aat -can
When in the day break, put $":2" ml in the catheter
-ide effects& pain, tiredness, fever, thirst
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Pro"tate cancer
Locate a port cath in the a*illary cavity from where a catheter reaches the prostate
0dminister ,"":%"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate every day, 3 days on 3 days off for ,
hen Aat -can or +/.
en days break then repeat the cycle, 3 days on $" days off
-ide effects& bruise and infection in the arm@ tiredness, thirst
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
L!m0" cancer
Locate a port cath in the a*illary cavity from where a catheter reaches the artery.of the
sick limb
0dminister ,"":%"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate every day, 3 days on 3 days off for ,
hen Aat -can
en days break then repeat the cycle, 3 days on $" days off
-ide effects& bruise and infection in the arm@ tiredness, thirst
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
.one cancer
+ake radiotherapy in the bone spot.
+eanwhile, administer ,"":%"" ml %2 sodium bicarbonate every day, 3 days on 3
days off for , cycles
hen Aat -can or +/.
-ide effects& thirst, tiredness
+any drinks, lot of sugar and lot of salt in the meals
6ietary supplements 47, +g, etc.5
Ped!atr!c onco#o(y
his therapy is also applicable in paediatric oncology, provided the dosage is ad=usted
and revised according to the weight and age of the infant, as well as the type of
neoplastic formation. Dier below the ad=usted dosage&
$" 7g 8$"" cc sodium bicarbonate
2" kg 8$%" cc sodium bicarbonate
(" 7g 8 2%" cc sodium bicarbonate
," 7g 8 (%" cc sodium bicarbonate
%" 7g 8 ,"" cc sodium bicarbonate
%"kg and above %""cc sodium bicarbonate