Tutorial 8: FIT 1029 - Algorithmic Problem Solving

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Tutorial 8

FIT 1029 Algorithmic Problem Solving

23 April 2014 Prepared by Julian Garca
The objectives of this tutorial are:
To get familiar with recursive sorts.
To be able to trace recursive algorithms.
To be able to write backtracking algorithms
To understand Heaps and Heap sort.
Task 1
For the list of letters [A, L, G, O, R, I, T, H, M]...
Algorithm MergeSort(L[0..n-1])
Input: A list of length n
Output: A list sorted into ascending order
Sorts a list using Merge Sort
if (n > 1)
q ! n/2-1
MergeSort(L[0 .. q])
MergeSort(L[q+1.. n-1])
L ! Merge(L[0 .. q], L[q+1.. n-1])
Apply merge sort to sort the list alphabetically
Apply quick sort to sort the list alphabetically. Use the two parti-
tion methods discussed in Lecture 13.
Discuss advantages and disadvantages of the two different parti-
tion methods.
Algorithm QuickSort(L[0..n-1])
Input: A list of length n
Output: A list sorted into ascending order
Sorts a list using Quick Sort
if (n > 1)
index ! Partition(L[0, n-1])
if (index > 0) {
QuickSort(L[0 .. index-1])
if (index < n-1) {
QuickSort(L[index+1.. n-1])
Algorithm Partition(L[0..n-1])
Input: A list of length n Output: Position of the pivot
Partition the list, so you rst have the items less than the pivot,
then the pivot, then items greater or equal to pivot.
pivot ! L[0]
index ! 0
k ! 1
while (k < n) do
if (L[k] < pivot)
index ! index + 1
//swap L[k] and L[index]
tmp ! L[k]
L[k] ! L[index]
L[index] ! tmp
k ! k+1
//swap pivot and L[index]
tmp ! L[0]
L[0] ! L[index]
L[index] ! tmp
return index
Task 2
Consider the backtracking approach to generating bitstrings. For
N = 3, describe the order that the bit strings will be printed if
possibleItems [1, 0]; instead of possibleItems [0, 1].
Task 3
Modify the module backtrack, given in lectures, so that possibleItems
is a Stack.
Task 4
Describe a representation of partial solutions to solve the torch prob-
using backtracking. Discuss how different representations may
4 people wish to cross a bridge at
night. They need a torch to cross and
only have one torch. They can only
cross at most two at a time, and can
only travel at the speed of the slowest.
The four people can cross in 1 minute,
2 minutes, 5 minutes and 10 minutes,
respectively. Find a way for them to
cross in the minimum amount of time.
affect the design of modules.
tutorial 8. fit 1029 algorithmic problem solving 2
Task 5
For the backtracking approach to solve the knapsack problem (mod-
ule knapSack in the lecture)...
Write an algorithm for the module getPossibleItems.
Write an algorithm for the module processSolution.
Task 6
Draw the binary search tree that results from inserting the letters in
the list [A, L, G, O, R, I, T, H, M], considering their alphabetical order.
Task 7
Apply Heap Sort to sort the list of letters [A, L, G, O, R, I, T, H, M] in
alphabetical order. Show the state of the tree at every step.

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