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• To understand quick-sort, let’s look at a high-
description of the algorithm
• 1) Divide : If the sequence S has 2 or more
select an element x from S to you pivot. Any
arbitrary element, like the last, will do. Remove
the elements of S and divide them into 3
- L, holds S’s elements less than x
- E, holds S’s elements equal to x
- G, holds S’s elements greater than x
• 2) Recurse: Recursively sort L and G
• 3) Conquer: Finally, to put elements back into
S in
order, first inserts the elements of L, then those
of E,
and those of G.
• Here are some pretty diagrams....
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Quick-Sort Tree
85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50
24 45 17 31 50 85 63 96
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Randomized Quick-Sort
• The main drawback to quick-sort is that it
its worst-case time complexity on data sets that
common in practice: sequences that are already
sorted (or mostly sorted)
• To avoid this, we modify quick-sort so that it
the pivot as a random element of the sequence
• The expected time of a randomized quick-sort
on a
sequence of size n is O(nlog n).
• Justification: we say that an invocation of
on an input sequence of size m is “good” if
neither L
nor G is less than m/4.
- there are m/2 “good” pivots and m/2 “bad”
- The probablility that an invocation is “good” is
- Suppose we choose a good pivot at node v: the
algorithm recurs on sequences with size at most
(3/4)m each
- On average, the height of the tree representing
randomized quick-sort is at most 2log4/3 n
• Total time complexity: O(n log n)
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In-Place Quick-Sort
• Divide step: l scans the sequence from the left,
and r
from the right.
• A swap is performed when l is at an element
than the pivot and r is at one smaller than the
85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50
85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50
31 24 63 45 17 85 96 50
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