Sorting 32

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sorting 32

• To understand quick-sort, let’s look at a high-
description of the algorithm
• 1) Divide : If the sequence S has 2 or more
select an element x from S to you pivot. Any
arbitrary element, like the last, will do. Remove
the elements of S and divide them into 3
- L, holds S’s elements less than x
- E, holds S’s elements equal to x
- G, holds S’s elements greater than x
• 2) Recurse: Recursively sort L and G
• 3) Conquer: Finally, to put elements back into
S in
order, first inserts the elements of L, then those
of E,
and those of G.
• Here are some pretty diagrams....
sorting 33
Quick-Sort Tree
85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50
24 45 17 31 50 85 63 96
sorting 34

Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

24 45 17 31
50 85 63 96
24 17 31 45
50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

24 17
31 45
50 85 63 96
17 24
31 45
50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

17 24
31 45
50 85 63 96
17 24
31 45
50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

31 45
50 85 63 96
17 24
31 45
50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

17 24
31 45
50 85 63 96
17 24 31 45
50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

17 24 31
50 85 63 96
17 24 31
50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

17 24 31
50 85 63 96
17 24 31 45 50 85 63 96
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Quick-Sort Tree (cont.)

17 24 31 45 50 63 85 96
17 24 31 45 50 63 85 96
sorting 42

Analysis of Running Time

• Consider a quick-sort tree T:
- Let si(n) denote the sum of the input sizes of
nodes at depth i in T.
• We know that s0(n) = n since the root of T is
associated with the entire input set.
• Also, s1(n) = n - 1 since the pivot is not
• Thus: either s2(n) = n - 3, or n - 2 (if one of the
has a zero input size).
• The worst case running time of a quick-sort is
Which reduces to:
• Thus quick-sort runs in time O(n2) in the worst
O si(n)

 
 
 
O ( n–i)

 
 
 
 
 
 
O n2 = = ( )
sorting 43

Analysis of Running Time

• Now to look at the best case running time:
• We can see that quicksort behaves optimally
whenever a sequence S is divided into
L and G, they are of equal size.
• More precisely:
- s0(n) = n
- s1(n) = n - 1
- s2(n) = n - (1 + 2) = n - 3
- s3(n) = n - (1 + 2 + 22) = n - 7
- si(n) = n - (1 + 2 + 22 + ... + 2i-1) = n - 2i + 1
• This implies that T has height O(log n)
• Best Case Time Complexity: O(nlog n)
sorting 44

Randomized Quick-Sort
• The main drawback to quick-sort is that it
its worst-case time complexity on data sets that
common in practice: sequences that are already
sorted (or mostly sorted)
• To avoid this, we modify quick-sort so that it
the pivot as a random element of the sequence
• The expected time of a randomized quick-sort
on a
sequence of size n is O(nlog n).
• Justification: we say that an invocation of
on an input sequence of size m is “good” if
neither L
nor G is less than m/4.
- there are m/2 “good” pivots and m/2 “bad”
- The probablility that an invocation is “good” is
- Suppose we choose a good pivot at node v: the
algorithm recurs on sequences with size at most
(3/4)m each
- On average, the height of the tree representing
randomized quick-sort is at most 2log4/3 n
• Total time complexity: O(n log n)
sorting 45

In-Place Quick-Sort
• Divide step: l scans the sequence from the left,
and r
from the right.
• A swap is performed when l is at an element
than the pivot and r is at one smaller than the
85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50
85 24 63 45 17 31 96 50
31 24 63 45 17 85 96 50
sorting 46

In Place Quick Sort (contd.)

• A final swap with the pivot completes the
divide step
31 24 63 45 17 85 96 50
31 24 17 45 63 85 96 50
31 24 17 45 63 85 96 50
31 24 17 45 50 85 96 63
sorting 47

In Place Quick Sort (contd.)

• pseude-code fragment 8.7
sorting 48

How Fast Can We Sort?

• Proposition: The running time of any
algorithm for sorting an n-element sequence S
is Ω (nlog n).
• Justification:
• The running time of a comparison-based
algorithm must be equal to or greater than the
of the decision tree T associated with this
• Each internal node of T is associated with a
comparison that establishes the ordering of two
elements of S.
• Thus every external node of T represents a
permutation of the elements of S.
• Hence T must have at least n! external nodes
again implies T has a height of at least log(n!)
• Since n! has at least n/2 terms that are greater
than or
equal to n/2, we can see:
• log(n!) log(n/2)n/2 = (n/2)log(n/2)
• Total Time Complexity: Ω (nlog n).
sorting 49

How Fast Can We Sort?

• A graphical representation of a comparison-
algorithm’s decision tree.
s1 s2
s1 s3
s1 sn s1 sn
s1 s3
s1 sn s1 sn
sn-1 sn sn-1 sn sn-1 sn sn-1 sn
yes no
no no
no no no
no no no no
yes yes
yes yes yes yes
yes yes yes yes

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