This document provides details for Bid Package No. 1 of the Kandy City Wastewater Management Project in Sri Lanka. It includes sections on general requirements and design requirements for the project. The general requirements section provides an overview of the project location and climate, scope of work, implementation schedule and other contractual obligations. The design requirements section specifies the contractor's responsibilities for design, including engaging qualified design personnel, obtaining operator input, submitting design documents for review, and providing a final design report and specifications.
This document provides details for Bid Package No. 1 of the Kandy City Wastewater Management Project in Sri Lanka. It includes sections on general requirements and design requirements for the project. The general requirements section provides an overview of the project location and climate, scope of work, implementation schedule and other contractual obligations. The design requirements section specifies the contractor's responsibilities for design, including engaging qualified design personnel, obtaining operator input, submitting design documents for review, and providing a final design report and specifications.
This document provides details for Bid Package No. 1 of the Kandy City Wastewater Management Project in Sri Lanka. It includes sections on general requirements and design requirements for the project. The general requirements section provides an overview of the project location and climate, scope of work, implementation schedule and other contractual obligations. The design requirements section specifies the contractor's responsibilities for design, including engaging qualified design personnel, obtaining operator input, submitting design documents for review, and providing a final design report and specifications.
This document provides details for Bid Package No. 1 of the Kandy City Wastewater Management Project in Sri Lanka. It includes sections on general requirements and design requirements for the project. The general requirements section provides an overview of the project location and climate, scope of work, implementation schedule and other contractual obligations. The design requirements section specifies the contractor's responsibilities for design, including engaging qualified design personnel, obtaining operator input, submitting design documents for review, and providing a final design report and specifications.
Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! THE GOVERNMENT OF THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA MINISTRY OF WATER SUPPLY & DRAINAGE NATIONAL WATER SUPPLY & DRAINAGE BOARD KANDY CITY WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT, MAIN PUMP STATION, TREATED EFFLUENT DISPOSAL SYSTEM, SLUDGE DRYING BEDS AND SUPPLY OF OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT PACKAGE NO.1 CONTRACT NO: RSC-CTPJICAKCWMP!"1""1 BIDDING DOCUMENT VOLUME II #EMPLOYER$S REQUIREMENTS% SECTION & ' G()(*+, R(-./*(0()12 SECTION 3 ' G()(*+, T(45)/4+, S6(4/7/4+1/8)2 SECTION 9 ' P+*1/4.,+* T(45)/4+, S6(4/7/4+1/8)2 MARCH !"1! 1 Ta*)e o+ Contents Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! ABBREVIATIONS O*:+)/;+1/8)2 AASHTO American Association Of State Highway And Transportation Officials AISI American Iron And Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute ASHRAE The American Society Of Heating, Refrigeration, And Air- onditioning Engineers AST! American Society "or Testing And !aterials A##A American #ater #or$s Association EA entral En%ironmental Authority E& eylon Electricity &oard 'R eylon 'o%ernment Railways (IN 'erman National Standards (OA (epartment Of Agriculture H)A The Heating, And )entilating ontractor*s Association ITA( Institute "or onstruction, Training And (e%elopment IE International Electro-Technical ommission IEEE Institute Of Electrical And Electronic Engineers +E +apanese Electro-Technical ommittee +IS +apanese Industrial Standard +##A +apan #ater #or$s Association ,#!- ,andy ity #astewater !anagement -ro.ect ,! ,andy !unicipal ouncil /EO /an$a Electric ompany N"-A National "ire -rotection Association 01SA2 -R(A -ro%incial Road (e%elopment Authority R(A Road (e%elopment Authority S/T Sri /an$a Telecom TRR/ Transport And Road Research /a3oratory 01,2 1(A 1r3an (e%elopment Authority E,(41*/4+,C8)1*8, A Alternating urrent A& Air ircuit &rea$er A)R Automatic )oltage Regulator T) losed ircuit Tele%ision OS hange O%er Switch S ontrol Switch (& (istri3ution &oard ( (irect urrent (O/ (irect On /ine !otor Starter '-RS 'eneral -ac$et Radio Ser%ice 1 "**re,iations Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 'S! 'lo3al System "or !o3ile ommunications H-S) High -ressure Sodium )apour /amp IA Instrumentation, ontrol Automation I- Instrumentation -anel /( /i4uid rystal (isplay /E( /ight-Emitting (iode ! !otor ontrol entre !& !oulded ase ircuit &rea$er !(& !ain (istri3ution &oard -5I( -rocess And Instrumentation (iagrams -A&6 -ri%ate Automatic &ranch E7change -&S -ush &utton Switch -5I -rocess and Instrumentation -/ -rogramma3le /ogic ontroller -!' -ermanent !agnetic 'enerator R& Residual urrent ircuit &rea$er SA(A Super%isory ontrol And (ata Ac4uisition TE" Totally Enclosed, "an-ooled )"( )aria3le "re4uency (ri%e )R )aria3le Resistor P*84(22 &O( &iochemical O7ygen (emand O( hemical O7ygen (emand (O (issol%ed O7ygen !/SS !i7ed /i4uid Suspended Solids !-S !ain -ump Station NT1 Nephelometric Tur3idity 1nit O( O7idation (itch RAS Raw Acti%ated Sludge T/) Threshold /imit )alue 1) 1ltra )iolet #AS #aste Acti%ated Sludge 0E7cess2 ##T- #aste #ater Treatment -lant P/6(M+1(*/+,2 (I- (uctile Iron -ipe (N Nominal diameter E-(!8S&R Ethylene -ropylene (iamine !onomer8Styrene &utadiene Ru33er " &ron9e "R- "i3re-Reinforced -lastic -ipe 'R- 'lass Reinforced -lastic -ipe H(-E High-(ensity -olyethylene -ipe HI)- High Impact )inyl -ipe N&R Nitrile Ru33er # "**re,iations Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! -E -olyethylene -ipe -- -olypropylene -) -oly%inyl hloride -ipe R- Reinforced oncrete -ipe S(R Standard (imension Ratio S' Steel 'al%ani9ed Iron -ipe S- Steel -ipe S1S Stainless Steel T-E Thermoplastic Elastomer u-) 1n--lastici9ed -oly%inyl hloride -ipe )- )itrified lay -ipe S(<(* D(2/:) A(#" A%erage dry weather flow E- E4ui%alent -opulation /S /ongitudinal section H'/ Hydraulic grade line I Interceptor cham3er "/S "inished /e%el Surface !H !aintenance Hole N-HS Net -ositi%e Suction Head -(#" -ea$ dry weather flow G()(*+, &- apacity &uilding -lan (!E/ (esign !aster E4uipment /ist EO!5R! E4uipment Operating, !aintenance, And Repair !anual EIA En%ironmental Impact Assessment 'IS 'al%ani9ed Iron H)A Heating, )entilating, And Air onditioning !S/ !ean Sea /e%el O5! Operations And !aintenance R Reinforced oncrete SA-RO" Special Assistance "or -ro.ect "ormation SO- Standard Operating -rocedures C806.1(*GIS A( omputer Aided (esign -1 entral -rocessing 1nit (&" (ata3ase "ormat (6" (rawing E7change "ormat 'IS 'eographic Information System - "**re,iations Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! '-S 'lo3al -ositioning System /AN /ocal Area Networ$ O- Open onnecti%ity -(" -orta3le (ocument "ormat 1-S 1ninterrupti3le -ower Supply System . "**re,iations Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! SECTION & GENERAL REQUIREMENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS P+:( N8. THE GOVERNMENT OF 1 THE DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA 1 MINISTRY OF WATER SUPPLY & DRAINAGE 1 NATIONAL WATER SUPPLY & DRAINAGE BOARD 1 KANDY CITY WASTEWATER MANAGEMENT PROJECT 1 BIDDING DOCUMENT...............................................................................................................................1 VOLUME II...................................................................................................................................................1 ABBREVIATIONS 1 &.1 L84+1/8) +)= S486( 87 W8*>...................................................................................................................1 :;<;< 'eneral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;< :;<;= limate;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;< :;<;> O%er%iew of The -ro.ect;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= :;<;: Intent of ontract (ocuments;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= :;<;? -lanning -hase;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;= :;<;@ Scope of #or$;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;> :;<;A 'eneral O3ligations;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: :;<;B Implementation Schedule;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: :;<;C Interchange-a3ility of Standards;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;? :;<;<D !inimum Standard;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;? :;<;<< Applica3ility of Employer*s Re4uirements;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;? :;<;<= Related ontracts;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;? &.! 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E4uipment &ases;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?? :;A;@ Special Tools and Accessories;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?? :;A;A Shop -ainting;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?? :;A;B -reparation for Shipment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?? :;A;C Storage;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?? :;A;<D Installation and Operation;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?@ :;A;<< Redundant E4uipment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?@ &.F T(068*+*@ W8*>2..................................................................................................................................39 :;B;< 'eneral;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?@ :;B;= ontractors "ield Office;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?A :;B;> Temporary #or$shop and (wellings for Employees;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?A :;B;: Site !aterials /a3oratory;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?A :;B;? Site Office for The Engineer*s Representati%e ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;?B :;B;@ Site Office for the Employer*s -ro.ect !anagement 1nit;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@D :;B;A Assistance to the Engineer Representati%e and Employer;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@= :;B;B Temporary Transport "acilities for the Employer;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@= :;B;C -ota3le #ater ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@= :;B;<D Electricity ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@= :;B;<< Sanitary Arrangements;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@> :;B;<= "irst Aid;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@> :;B;<> &arricades and /ights;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@> :;B;<: "ences;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@: :;B;<? -rotection of -u3lic and -ri%ate -roperty;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@: :;B;<@ Security;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@? :;B;<A Access Roads;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@? :;B;<B -ar$ing;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@? &.E E)B/*8)0()1+,........................................................................................................................................93 :;C;< En%ironmental Impact Assessment Report;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@? :;C;= (ischarge of #ater Into E7isting Streams;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@ :;C;> Temporary (rainage;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@ :;C;: Erosion and Sediment ontrol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@@ :;C;? Ri%er 8 annel &an$ and &ed -rotection;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@A :;C;@ (ust ontrol and !os4uitoes ontrol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@A :;C;A Noise and )i3ration ontrol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@A :;C;B )isual aesthetics;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@B - Ta*)e o+ Contents Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! :;C;C Air -ollution ontrol;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@B :;C;<D Ha9ardous and Solid #aste !anagement;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@B &.1" S+7(1@.....................................................................................................................................................9E :;<D;< Safety Responsi3ility;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@C :;<D;= onstruction Safety Standards ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@C :;<D;> ontractor*s Safety -rocedures;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;@C :;<D;: Open Trench Safety;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AD :;<D;? "ire Ha9ard 0Na$ed /ights2;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AD :;<D;@ #or$ in the )icinity of Electrical E4uipment;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;AD :;<D;A Accident Reporting;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;A< :;<D;B Site to 3e ,ept Tidy;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;A< :;<D;C -ermit to #or$ System;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;A< APPENDIG &.1 RDA SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROAD RESINSTATEMENT D! APPENDIG &.! SYSTEM OPERATING MANUAL DD APPENDIG &.C EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR MANUAL DE APPENDIG &.& ENGINEER$S SITE OFFICE F1 APPENDIG &.3 SAMPLE OF THE REQUIRED INFORMATION F! APPENDIG &.9 FUNCTIONAL SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR PMU STAFF SITE F! . Ta*)e o+ Contents Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! / Ta*)e o+ Contents Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.1 L84+1/8) +)= S486( 87 W8*> &.1.1 G()(*+, The 'o%ernment of the (emocratic Socialist Repu3lic Sri /an$a has recei%ed a loan from ,andy ity #astewater !anagement -ro.ect and intends to apply proceeds of this loan to ontract NoF RS-8T-8+IA8,#!-8=D<D8D< for the design and construction of a wastewater collection and treatment system including supply of speciali9ed maintenance %ehicles, and e4uipment and the implementation of training and capacity de%elopment for operation and maintenance personnel; ,andy is the second largest city of the country; Total population in ,andy district is <;= million; At present a3out @DD,DDD people are accumulated in and around ,andy ity within a radius of @$m; There is a high migration rate to su3ur3s due to ur3ani9ation; There is no pu3lic sewerage system for the city, which is presently an essential need; The purpose of the pro.ect is to impro%e the li%ing en%ironment and water 4uality of !ahaweli Ri%er through 3etter sanitation facilities 3y constructing a proper system for collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater in ,andy ity, including reha3ilitation of sanitation facilities in densely populated areas, and there3y enhance the standard of li%ing, health, and well-3eing of the people in the area; The pro.ect will co%er a ser%ice area of A>> ha and ser%e appro7imately ??,DDD people li%ing in the ,andy la$e drainage catchments and the densely populated ur3an core; The pro.ect implementation of the ,andy ity #astewater !anagement -ro.ect will 3e di%ided into four contract pac$agesF <2 -ac$age < for the (esign and onstruction of #astewater treatment plant, !ain pumping station, treated effluent disposal system, Sludge drying 3eds and supply of O5! e4uipment; =2 -ac$age = for the (esign and onstruction of Trun$ sewers, &ranch sewers and Ser%ice connections, !anhole -ump stations and Supply of O5! e4uipment; >2 -ac$age > for (esign and onstruction of House 0-roperty2 connections; :2 -ac$age : for (esign and onstruction of communal sanitation facilities for low- income areas; &.1.! C,/0+1( The area has an a%erage minimum and ma7imum monthly wind %elocities of D;? m8s 0+anuary2 and B;D m8s 0!ay2; The main pre%ailing wind directions are #esterly from +anuary to !arch, South #esterly from April to Octo3er, and North #esterly from No%em3er to (ecem3er; The ma7imum and minimum a%erage air temperatures are =@ D 0in April2 and => D 0in +anuary2; Humidity %aries in a range of @>G 0in +anuary2 and CDG 0in Septem3er2; The a%erage annual rainfall is =DDD-=?DD mm; The 3arometric pressures in the area ranges from CDD to <DDD m3ar; All items of materials and e4uipment shall 3e in e%ery respect suita3le for storage, installation, use and operation in the conditions of temperature and humidity pertaining to Sri /an$a; .-1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.1.C OB(*B/(< 87 T5( P*8H(41 The Sections of the #or$s descri3ed 3elow shall 3e completed within the Time for ompletion stated in the Appendi7 to Tender of )olume I of this document; The ontract under -ac$age No;< in%ol%es the design and construction of a wastewater treatment plant, a main sewage pumping station, treated effluent disposal system and a sludge drying 3ed facility as well as the procurement and deli%ery of speciali9ed sewer maintenance %ehicles and operating e4uipment; (omestic wastewater will 3e collected 0under ontract -ac$age No;=2 and will arri%e 3y gra%ity at the main pump station in 'etam3e where it will 3e pumped across the ri%er to the inlet of the new treatment wor$s; The treatment plant will ha%e a capacity of <:,DDD m>8day with an ultimate ser%ice population of ??,DDD; The treatment plant will remo%e car3onaceous &O( and Nitrogen using the o7idation ditch process; The treatment plant will also treat wastewater and sludge collected from septic tan$s descri3ed herein as septage; Septage will 3e deli%ered to the plant 3y tan$er truc$; The septage is discharged directly to the influent channel ahead of the grit cham3er; E7cess acti%ated sludge is thic$ened and transferred to the sludge dewatering area 3y pumps, where it is dosed with polymer and fed through dewatering machines to reduce it to sludge with a solid content of 3etween <?G and =DG; The pressed sludge is then transferred off site to a new sludge drying 3ed facility at 'ohagoda where the sludge is dried to appro7imately @DG solids content; The ontract includes the construction of a protecti%e wall along the southeast 3oundary of the #aste #ater Treatment -lant site to guard against floods from the !ahaweli Ri%er during periods of hea%y rain; An air conditioned administration 3uilding and a wor$shop will also 3e 3uilt including a fully e4uipped process la3oratory; Operator training will 3e included during testing and commissioning; Speciali9ed sewer maintenance %ehicles and operating e4uipment will 3e procured and pro%ided under the ontract &.1.& I)1()1 87 C8)1*+41 D84.0()12 The -lanning -hase and -reliminary (esign -hase of -ac$age No;< ha%e already 3een completed 3y the E!-/OHER; The drawings pro%ided with the 3id documents illustrate the layout of each site, the selection and arrangement of unit processes and the limits of the ontract; #here structural or foundation details or dimensions are shown or may 3e inferred from such drawing the E!-/OHER does not warrant and the drawings are indicati%e only; The details of the phases of wor$ completed 3y E!-/OHER are 3riefly outlined 3elow; &.1.3 P,+))/): P5+2( A master plan and feasi3ility study for the pro.ect was prepared in <CCC and re%ised in =DD= with the assistance of +IA; a3inet appro%al for the ,andy ity #astewater !anagement -ro.ect was granted in August =DD=; .-# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! Implementation of the pro.ect was delayed 3y negotiations to o3tain land for the proposed wastewater treatment site; "inally the proposed wastewater treatment site could not 3e o3tained and in =DD? a new site was identified in -ollawata on (OA land; In =DD@ +&I dispatched a SA-RO" 0Special Assistance for -ro.ect "ormation2 study team to assist with re%iewing the feasi3ility of the proposed new site and to prepare a pro.ect identification report to support re4uest for O(A funding; A report was su3mitted in +an =DDA outlining the proposed scope of wor$s, pro.ect cost estimates, construction and procurement schedules +IA funding was recei%ed for the preparation of (esign 5 &uild tender documents for the pro.ect in !arch =DDA and a consultancy contract was awarded in August =DDB; In parallel with the consultancy a ontract was awarded to construct new 4uarters for the relocation of (OA staff li%ing on the proposed wastewater treatment site; &.1.9 S486( 87 W8*> The scope of wor$ for ontract -ac$age No;< comprisesF The design and construction of a wastewater treatment plant, a main sewage pumping station, treated effluent disposal system and a sludge drying 3ed facility as well as the procurement and supply of speciali9ed sewer maintenance %ehicles; The wor$ also includes design and construction of staff 4uarters for wastewater treatment plant operations personnel and the construction of an operations 3uilding for wastewater collection system personnel and e4uipment; Scope of wor$ includes 3ut not limited to the followingF 0<2 -reliminary report of (etail (esign 0=2 Additional geotechnical and topographic sur%eys as re4uired 0>2 The detailed design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of all mechanical and electrical e4uipment and all other items necessary for a complete and functional installation fit for the intended purposes at each site as specified, 0:2 !ass 3alance, -rocess design, hydraulic design for all structures in the treatment plant, -rocess design of mechanical screen, )orte7 grit cham3er and grit classifier, wet well design, pump design, %entilation system etc; 0?2 Structural analysis, detailed design and construction of all 3uildings and structures; 0@2 System automation of the wor$s as specifiedI 0A2 -erforming all ancillary wor$s necessary for the completion of the #or$s including site wor$s, fencing, landscaping, site lighting and signage; 0B2 Site and roadway reinstatement 0C2 The procurement and supply of %ehicles as specified; 0<D2 The procurement and supply of tools and consuma3les for routine operation and maintenance for a period of one year from commissioningI 0<<2 The procurement and supply of spare parts for all items of e4uipment including re4uired accessories and a maintenance management system 0<=2 -ro%ision of a fully e4uipped process control la3oratory and water 4uality management software as specified .-- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0<>2 The testing and commissioning of the #or$s, including pre-commissioning tests, commissioning and trial operationI 0<:2 Esta3lishment of sur%ey control points along pipe routes as specifiedI 0<?2 -ro%ision of as-3uilt drawings in hard copy and in digital format and 'IS data as specified 0<@2 -ro%ision of operating and maintenance manuals including operating procedures and schedulesI for all e4uipment included under the ontract; 0<A2 Training of N#S(& personnel for the operation and maintenance of the pumping stations, transmission lines, treatment plant, effluent monitoring and all associated appurtenances and ancillary e4uipment, with special emphasis on pre%enti%e maintenance to ensure effecti%e and sustaina3le operation and performance of the entire system o%er the planning hori9on of the pro.ect; 0<B2 -ro%ision of an asset management plan including schedules and proposed 3udgets for operation and maintenance, repair and replacement; &.1.D G()(*+, OA,/:+1/8)2 The ontractor shall, for the preparation of his design, carry out and 3e completely responsi3le for all in%estigations, studies and analysis, for interpretation thereof and for all conclusions drawn there from; The ontractor will 3e deemed to ha%e completely satisfied himself with the anticipated 4uality of wastewater and septage to 3e treated and to ha%e accepted all ris$ associated with any %ariation 3etween this and the actual 4uality of wastewater to 3e treated; The ontractor will ascertain all local conditions and regulations rele%ant to the wor$s and associated systems; The ontractor is responsi3le for ensuring that his design complies with all rele%ant standards, codes of practice and 3y-laws and for o3taining all consents and appro%als from rele%ant authorities; -rior to the commencement of wor$ on the #astewater Treatment -lant and -ump Station sites, the ontractor shall o3tain appro%al for his design according to the re4uirements of the ontract, including the e4uipment, plant, and materials to 3e used and the method of wor$ e7ecution; No plant, e4uipment or materials shall 3e used or installed until the ontractor has 3een notified 3y the EN'INEER of his appro%al; ontractor*s documents including drawings, designs and design calculations and the li$e shall 3e su3mitted 3y the ontractor as specified in the E!-/OHER*s Re4uirements; &.1.F I06,(0()1+1/8) S45(=.,( The total time for implementation of the pro.ect shall not e7ceed :? months; The E7pected durations of the -hases are as followsF 0<2 (esign -hase F<D months 0=2 onstruction -hase F>= months - onstruction 5 Installation 0=C months2 - pre-commissioning and commissioning tests 0> months2 0>2 Trial Operation 0performance testing2 F > !onths onstruction shall not 3egin until the detailed design has 3een completed and accepted 3y the E!-/OHER; .-. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.1.E I)1(*45+):(-+A/,/1@ 87 S1+)=+*=2 #hene%er reference standards appear in these specifications, they are intended to 3e the latest a%aila3le; Howe%er, in case of materials meeting other internationally accepted standards, must ensure an e4ual or higher 4uality than the reference standards, the ontractor shall pro%ide and pro%e that the su3stituted materials and standards are 3etter than or e4ual to those specified in the Specification; The EN'INEER has the right to accept or re.ect the ontractorEs proposal; The ontractor shall pro%ide English )ersion of all rele%ant standards to the EN'INEER for reference and appro%al at no additional cost to E!-/OHER; &.1.1" M/)/0.0 S1+)=+*= The specifications and drawings define a minimum standard for materials, manufacture and wor$manship; The &idder shall include and deemed to include any additional wor$ or impro%ements in the 4uality of the wor$ that he may consider necessary to unconditionally guarantee the performance of the completed wor$ in conformity with the ontract; &.1.11 A66,/4+A/,/1@ 87 E06,8@(*$2 R(-./*(0()12 E!-/OHER*s Re4uirements comprise )olume II and )olume III, Standard Specifications shall 3e applica3le to each part of the #or$s; D(24*/61/8) 87 S6(4/7/4+1/8) S(41/8) 87 W8*>2 V8,.0( II E06,8@(*$2 R(-./*(0()12 Section : - 'eneral Re4uirements Section ? - 'eneral Technical Specifications Section @ - -articular Technical Specifications 'eneral for all facilities 'eneral for all facilities Specific for each facility V8,.0( III E06,8@(*$2 R(-./*(0()12 S1+)=+*= T(45)/4+, S6(4/7/4+1/8)2 Section A - i%il Engineering Section B - &uilding #or$s Section C - -iping Section <D - !echanical E4uipment Section << - Electrical E4uipment Applica3le to all facilities &.1.1! R(,+1(= C8)1*+412 The limit of pac$age < contract with that of pac$age = contract at main pumping station is the property 3oundary of main pumping station; The ONTRATOR who complete his part of the contract first shall lea%e the pipeline plugged with end cap or 3lind flange fi7ed on to the pipe; The two contractors should .ointly decide the in%ert le%el of the pipes at the connecting points and also $eep proper relation and coordination with each other until they test the connecting points common to two systems; The yard piping inside main pumping station and connection of yard pipes with the trun$ sewer and main pumping station shall 3e the responsi3ility of the -ac$age-< contractor; The pac$age < ONTRATOR should supply and install all fittings at connection point of the two contracts and should pro%ide construction drawings gi%ing connection details of .-/ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! sewers to the Engineer; The testing arrangement of connection points shall 3e decided 3y the two ONTRATORS and shall 3e informed to the EN'INEER; The pipe material recommended for the trun$ sewers is H(-E -E<DD, -NB and main pump station is (I; The contractors shall ma$e ade4uate pro%isions in the sum 4uoted for rele%ant items gi%en in price schedule for a3o%e coordination wor$ and no %ariation shall 3e paid as cost for the coordination of a3o%e wor$s; The ONTRATOR of -ac$age = shall arrange the se4uence of construction such that at least =?G of the total a%erage daily wastewater flow will 3e a%aila3le for the commission treatment plant start-up period; &.! D(2/:) &.!.1 D(2/:) R(268)2/A/,/1@ The ontractor shall design the #or$s to 3e in accordance with the E!-/OHER*s Re4uirements; The design shall 3e 3ased upon the proposals and preliminary detailed design 0-((2 su3mitted with the ontractor*s &id; The E!-/OHER*s drawings are guidance only and the ultimate responsi3ility for detailed design of the treatment process, pumping station, ci%il wor$s and related structures rests with the ontractor; E4uipment selection, capacities, and si9es shown on the drawings or mentioned in the specifications shall 3e within the responsi3ilities of the ontractor su3.ect to appro%al of the Engineer; The ontractor*s design process shall include preparation of schematics, detailed designs and wor$ing drawings for the #or$s and all other studies, in%estigations, analyses and calculations necessary to achie%e compliance with the Employer*s Re4uirement; (esigns, drawings and documents comprising the ontractor*s design of the #or$s shall 3e su3mitted 3y the ontractor to the EN'INEER in electronic as well as hard copy format for his re%iew; The licensed Engineering software pac$ages used in the design shall also 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER along with the design documents for appro%al; Such licensed software shall 3e installed, handed o%er to the E!-/OHER, updated and maintained 3y the ontractor; Notwithstanding any acceptance 3y the EN'INEER of the ontractor*s documents or any comment or lac$ of comment on matters su3mitted for the EN'INEER*s re%iew, the ontractor shall 3e solely responsi3le for ensuring that the design, construction, performance and operation of the #or$s is in accordance with the Employer*s Re4uirements and fit for the intended purposes; &.!.! D(2/:) P(*28))(, &.!.!.1 C8)1*+418*$2 *(6*(2()1+1/B( The ontractor*s Representati%e, named in the pre-4ualification documents will underta$e the co-ordination and progressing of all aspects of the pro.ect from commencement of design through to final completion and commissioning of the #or$s; He shall 3e responsi3le for ensuring that the #or$s form a well Engineered and integrated pro.ect complying with the re4uirements of this Specification; .-0 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.!.!.! D(2/:) 6(*28))(, The ontractor shall nominate suita3ly 4ualified and e7perienced personnel 0either e7patriate or local2 accepta3le to the EN'INEER to 3e responsi3le for each element of the wor$s in relation to the ontract, as listed 3elowF - #astewater treatment plant process design - -ump station design - Hydraulic design - 'eotechnical8"oundation design - Structural design - i%il Engineering design - !echanical design - Electrical design - Instrumentation and control design - Architectural design - /andscape design - onstruction management - -lant start-up, testing and commissioning - O5! training - Sur%eying - 'IS data3ase management The ontractor shall su3mit the 3io data of the proposed personnel to the appro%al of the EN'INEER; Once the EN'INEER appro%es the personnel nominated 3y the ontractor, no changes to these personnel shall 3e made until appro%al has 3een o3tained in writing from the EN'INEER for the new nominee; Su3stitute personnel must 3e e4ually 4ualified or 3etter; If these re4uirements are not met during the implementation, E!-/OHER may ha%e the right to re4uest for suita3le replacement; It will 3e the responsi3ility of the ontractor that all drawings to 3e certified 3y the professional personnel of the rele%ant authority in Sri /an$a; &.!.C O6(*+18* P+*1/4/6+1/8) =.*/): D(2/:). (uring the design phase, the ontractor shall ma$e pro%isions for in%ol%ement and participation of the wastewater treatment O5! staff; The E!-/OHER, EN'INEER and O5! staff will form a re%iew team; The ma.or function of the team is to pro%ide input or feed3ac$ to the ontractor from re%iew of the design of the facilities; All input and feed3ac$ will 3e coordinated through proper, esta3lished channels; The group shall pro%ide input on the following issues at a minimumF 0<2 -ro.ect definition 0=2 ontractor*s documents 0>2 !onitoring process during construction 0:2 -reparation of O5! manuals for all the e4uipments included under the contact .-1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0?2 Training program 0@2 -lant start-up 0A2 Site plans and ci%il wor$s at manhole pump stations; &.!.& R(B/(< 87 P*(,/0/)+*@ D(2/:) The 3asic data such as the population details, sur%ey details, results of geo-technical in%estigations, and in%entory of underground utilities shall 3e pro%ided 3y the E!-/OHER to assist the design of the ontractor; Howe%er, it shall 3e the responsi3ility of the ontractor to %erify them to carry out all other sur%ey or in%estigation wor$ at his own cost; The E!-/OHER shall assume no responsi3ility for any inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the information pro%ided; The ontractor, prior to the commencement of detailed designs should su3mit a report to the EN'INEER on the preliminary designs; &.!.3 D(1+/,(= D(2/:) The design of the #or$s shall 3e 3ased on the ontractor*s agreed technical proposals including any modifications agreed to prior to ontract award, and outcome of the re%iew of preliminary designs; No %ariations to the details in the agreed technical proposal shall 3e permitted, e7cept with the specific written authority of the EN'INEER; The ontractor shall carry out the detailed designs in consideration of the followingF 0<2 (esigns shall conform to the agreed design criteria; 0=2 (ura3ility of structures, pipes, plant and e4uipment shall 3e as specified; 0>2 E4uipment shall 3e energy efficient 0:2 (esign of the treatment plant, pumping station and 3uilding systems shall conform to engineering 3est practices for energy conser%ation; All anticipated ris$s such as %ariations in soil profiles, sur%eying errors, occurrence of other underground ser%ices, etc; shall 3e further loo$ed into and pro%isions shall 3e made to minimi9e ris$s where possi3le; No e7tra claims shall 3e entertained for %ariation due to the ontractor*s errors in in%estigation, sur%eying errors, su3surface condition; The ontractor shall su3mit the following information for re%iewF 0<2 'eneral (esign Information 0i2 "or the treatment plants, a process design report including a process control narrati%e, mass 3alance calculations, description and si9ing of all process units, loading rates, odour control measures, etc; 0ii2 -rocess flow diagrams for the treatment plants showing capacities, inputs and outputs with attendant mass 8 %olume flow rates, design influent and effluent 4ualities, and e7pected remo%al efficiencies of each unit process as applica3le etc; 0iii2 Hydraulic grade line calculations for flow through the treatment plant and pumping station; .-2 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0i%2 Hydraulic calculations for all pumping installation systems including ma7imum and minimum system cur%es 3y calculation of friction and fittings losses and 3y reference to hydraulic analyses and tests etc; All pumping systems should 3e designed for the most economical maintenance and operational scenario with recourse to life-cycle cost analysis; The resulting system cur%e en%elopes shall 3e used to determine pump duty re4uirements for the design flow ranges; Hydraulic calculations should 3e carried out using the latest %ersion of appropriate specialist computer aided design 0prefera3ly Sewer A(2 software a 0= user license2 copy of which should 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER with the design document; 0%2 Surge Analysis Reports - the "orce main should 3e chec$ed for surge pressures using appropriate surge analysis computer software and pro%ide necessary control measures; A copy of the Surge Analysis software 0= user license2 should 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER with the design document; 0%i2 Hydraulic design calculations of the "orce main including hydraulic profile drawings; 0%ii2 A description of the control philosophy for the complete #or$s including details of -lant and -ump control functions in the auto8manual and duty8stand3y modes, failure modes and emergency modes etc; 0%iii2 -rocess and instrumentation diagrams 0-5I(2 for each section of the -lant and Transmission Networ$ together with full supporting schedules; These shall incorporate an augmentation of information pro%ided in the agreed technical proposal as appropriate; 0<2 i%il and &uilding #or$s (rawings 0=2 i%il and &uilding wor$s drawings shall include 3ut not 3e limited toF - Setting out drawings - /ayout drawings and sectional %iews - i%il wor$s and structural drawings - Architectural and 3uilder*s wor$ drawings - &uilding ser%ices drawings - (rainage and other disposal systems drawings - Roads and general site wor$s drawings - o-ordination drawings - Reinforcement drawings and 3ar 3ending schedules - Any other drawings re4uired to co%er wor$ included under ci%il wor$s; The a%erage and ma7imum water le%els shall 3e indicated in sectional %iews of pumping station and treatment plant structures; 0>2 !5E and System ontrol (rawings !5E and system control drawing shall include, 3ut not limited toI 0i2 Single line power and control schematic diagrams including diagrams of connections for each type of electrical e4uipment together with a comprehensi%e wiring diagram showing all connections 3etween the %arious items of the e4uipment and the safety de%ices 0the terminal lettering shall .-3 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! correspond to the terminal mar$ing to 3e used on the e4uipment2; A schematic diagram shall 3e pro%ided for each control cu3icle; One schematic diagram co%ering a num3er of similar circuits is not accepta3le; The diagrams shall include the followingsF- - A schedule of apparatus which includes an e7planation of any sym3ols or a33re%iations; - #ire colours; - Terminal colours; - (etails of the Electrical and IA e4uipment 0:2 -lans of conduits, station pipe wor$, interconnecting pipe wor$ and %al%es indicating manual and remote control de%ices, and diagrams of control systems and circuits; 0?2 Instrument installation drawings showing ca3ling, piping and mounting arrangements for the %arious instruments, with an itemised material list for each arrangement &.!.9 F/)+, D(2/:) R(68*1 +)= C8)21*.41/8) S6(4/7/4+1/8)2 The ONTRATOR shall su3mit a final design report incorporating all su3missions and including all necessary topographic, geotechnical, hydraulic, structural, electrical and mechanical and process design calculations8analysis 3efore starting construction; The ontractor shall su3mit onstruction Specifications for all aspects of the pro.ect descri3ing, standards, materials, and wor$manship, plant, machinery, e4uipment and installation re4uirements; (esign and specifications shall aim to pro%ide low cost, energy efficient operation and maintenance while fulfilling the intended purposes &.!.D P*8:*+00( 87 S.A0/22/8)2 The ontractor will 3e re4uired to su3mit ontractor*s (ocuments including re%iew of preliminary designs to the EN'INEER; No construction wor$ may commence on site until the ontractor*s proposal has 3een appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER; Howe%er it will 3e accepta3le for ontractor*s (ocuments including designs to 3e su3mitted separately to co%er discrete pac$ages of wor$ allowing early acceptance and thus permitting construction wor$ to proceed; Accepta3le pac$ages of wor$ would include site wor$s and foundationsI ci%il wor$sI mechanical and electrical plant and e4uipment for indi%idual ma.or treatment process units, pumping stations, and force mains; The ontractor shall prepare a programme for su3mitting ontractor*s (ocuments including designs to the EN'INEER; This should conform to the o%erall pro.ect implementation programme; The programme shall 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER for appro%al; The programme shall pro%ide for re%iew of the ontractor*s su3missions 3y the EN'INEER to 3e underta$en within the specified periods and in a logical se4uence that will ena3le the de%elopment of the design to 3e re%iewed from initial concepts to wor$ing construction drawings for the #or$s; The -rogramme of Su3missions shall clearly identify the dates of su3mission of the $ey elements of detail design and the final report; No designs, drawings and documents will 3e accepted 3y the EN'INEER for re%iew until the programme for their su3mission has 3een appro%ed 3y him; .-1$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! "ollowing receipt of the ontractor*s programme for su3missions, the EN'INEER will notify the ontractor as to which particular drawings must 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER and classified as JacceptedK prior to the commencement of manufacturing or construction of the sections of the #or$s to which they apply and which, if any, need not 3e su3mitted; As noted in the onditions of ontract, manufacturing, supply or construction must not commence until the rele%ant ontractor*s documents ha%e 3een 3oth classified as JacceptedK 3y the EN'INEER and they ha%e 3een re%iewed 3y him; Any decision 3y the EN'INEER to wai%e the re4uirement for su3mission of any onstruction (ocument for his re%iew shall not e7empt the ontractor from ha%ing to su3mit these ontractor*s documents to the E!-/OHER, if the E!-/OHER wishes to re%iew them; &.!.D.1 P*8:*+00( P(*/8=2 78* R(B/(< A@ E):/)((* The programme shall allow at least =B days for re%iew of a su3mission 3y the EN'INEER and shall include reasona3le pro%ision for re-su3mission of items for re%iew following comment 3y the EN'INEER and for the times for transmission of ontractor*s documents; The programme shall allow for at least <: days for re%iew 3y the EN'INEER of items re- su3mitted 3y the ontractor; &.!.F S.A0/22/8) 87 C8)1*+418*$2 D84.0()12 &.!.F.1 N.0A(* 87 486/(2 The ontractor shall su3mit to the EN'INEER for re%iew four hard copies as well as four electronic copies of all su3missions; 'enerally only one copy will 3e returned to the ontractor; "ollowing acceptance of a drawing 3y all parties the ontractor shall su3mit to the EN'INEER one original print on white paper and four paper print copies of all accepted drawings with the date of the EN'INEER*s acceptance mar$ed on the original; In addition all drawings shall 3e pro%ided on (s as -("; "our copies of accepted designs and documents shall also 3e su3mitted; &.!.F.! D84.0()1 78*0+1 (esigns and documents su3mitted 3y the ontractor for re%iew shall include generallyF - contents list - summary - references including specification re4uirements, design codes of practice, manuals and supporting documents used, num3ers and titles of drawings which are 3ased on the design criteria, parameters and methods used - test procedures, analyses and results - calculations and schedules - 4ualitati%e description and comments on results - any other rele%ant information including detailed in%estigations carried out (esigns and documents shall 3e presented on A: si9e paper with e%ery page num3ered and 3ound in order 3etween a transparent front co%er and stiff 3ac$; The title of the su3mission shall 3e gi%en on the front sheet 3eneath the title of ontract, ontractor*s name, title of .-11 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! wor$s location, author*s reference, date, ontractor*s signature, and any other rele%ant information; (rawings su3mitted as part of the design or document shall 3e presented on A> si9e paper 0unless otherwise re4uested 3y the EN'INEER to su3mit on A< si9e paper2 folded into poc$ets at the 3ac$; The ontractor shall 3ind in as appendices to the designs and documents in English language copies or photocopies of any standard, code of practice, manual or other reference referred to in the designs and documents which ha%e not otherwise 3een su3mitted; &.!.F.C D*+</): 78*0+1 (rawings su3mitted 3y the ontractor for re%iew shall 3e 3ased on pre%iously su3mitted designs or documents; Interrelated drawings shall 3e su3mitted at the same time in a complete and self-sufficient set; opies shall 3e collated into ordered 3undles each with a list of contents; All drawings pro%ided 3y the ontractor shall 3e in the form of good 4uality reproductions and shall conform to the re4uirements of the rele%ant &ritish Standards in respect of drawing si9e, presentation and use of sym3ols; (rawings shall 3e no smaller than A: and no larger than A< and 3e of micro filma3le 4uality; All dimensions used on drawings shall 3e in metric units and all drawings shall 3e to scale and shall include a graphical scale to aid the use of photographic reproductions; -referred scales are <F<, <F=, <F?, <F<D, <F=D, <F?D, <F<DD, <F=DD, <F?DD, <F<DDD, and <F=DDD; In case of longitudinal sections along pipelines, separate hori9ontal and %ertical scales could 3e used for clarity with ma7imum <F=?DD hori9ontal scale and <F=?D %ertical scale; &.!.F.& D*+</): ).0A(*2 +)= 1/1,(2 The ontractor shall use a reference num3ering system for designs, drawings and documents so that each num3er used is uni4ue; The num3ering and title information on designs, drawings and documents shall 3e designed so that management, transmittal and communication of drawings can 3e carried out e7peditiously using computer aided data 3ase system; All drawings shall 3ear the following informationF- - E!-/OHER*s name - ontract Title - ontract Num3er - (rawing Title, including the -ac$age, names of facility and site - (rawing Num3er - Name 5 (esignation of the design EN'INEER - Name and (esignation of the EN'INEER who chec$ed - Re%ision Schedule - Scale - (ate Sample of the re4uired information is shown in Appendi7 :;? .-1# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor shall maintain a drawing register listing all drawings prepared as part of the ontract; The drawing register shall incorporate a re%ision num3er; #here%er a change is made to the drawing the re%ision num3er, the date of the change, full details of the change and person responsi3le for the change shall 3e recorded on the register; The first issue of a re%ised drawing shall clearly indicate with suita3le means, where on the drawing the re%ision has 3een made; The first re%ision of the drawing shall 3e designed as re%ision <; At monthly inter%als until all design is complete the ontractor shall su3mit a copy of the current drawing register to the EN'INEER for his information; A final copy of the register shall 3e supplied to the E!-/OHER on completion of the ontract; &.!.F.3 S.A0/22/8) 87 2.A-C8)1*+418*2$ =*+</):2 78* *(B/(< &efore su3mission, the ontractor shall %erify all drawings and documents prepared 3y su3 ontractors and manufacturers to ensure their compliance with the Specification; Such drawings shall 3e clearly identified as 3eing chec$ed 3y the; All drawings not so chec$ed and noted will 3e re.ected 3y the EN'INEER and returned to the ontractor without further comment; Su3 s* drawings and documents shall 3e num3ered in accordance with the ontractor*s system; &.!.E C5(4>/): All su3missions shall ha%e 3een chec$ed first 3y the ontractor and shall 3e stamped and signed to confirm that the chec$ing has 3een carried out; hec$ing shall 3e carried out 3y a hartered EN'INEER 0or e4ui%alent for other disciplines2 e7perienced in the type of wor$ in%ol%ed; Any su3missions not so mar$ed will 3e returned to the ontractor immediately; &.!.1" R(B/(< 87 S.A0/22/8)2 Items su3mitted for re%iew 3y the ontractor and returned 3y the EN'INEER will 3e categorised as followsF T+A,( &.!.1 R(B/(< 87 S.A0/22/8)2 C+1(:8*@ D(24*/61/8) Accepted - Su3.ect to its compliance with the Specification and conformity with the o%erall design, the EN'INEER has no comment on the su3mission; Accepted with reser%ations as mar$ed - Su3.ect to its compliance with Specification and conformity with the o%erall design, the EN'INEER has some comments on the su3mission, 3ut they are not such as to necessitate formal re- su3mission; #here the ontractor ma$es changes to an item an updated issue shall 3e pro%ided to the EN'INEER for record purposes; Re.ected - The EN'INEER will indicate the grounds for his not accepting the su3missionI the ontractor shall amend or re%ise the su3mission accordingly and re-su3mit the item for re%iew; .-1- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! (esign su3mittal will 3e re%iewed and return to the ontractor within the following periods after its receipt 3y the Engineer; 0a2 No; of (rawings 0N2 032 !a7imum -eriod of #or$ing (ays 0 c2 N < =D 0d2 <: days 0e2 N L =D to ?D 032 0f2 =B days 0g2 0g2 N > ?D :? days Acceptance 3y the EN'INEER of any drawing, structural design, wor$ or any information regarding -lant and !aterials that the ontractor proposes to furnish, shall not relie%e the ontractor of his responsi3ility under the ontract; &.C C8)21*.41/8) &.C.1 M8A/,/;+1/8) The mo3ili9ation period within the construction phase shall 3e for the purpose of attending to the following tas$s and o3taining the re4uired appro%als, and also for ma$ing re4uired preliminary wor$ for the efficient construction programme; 0<2 O3taining appro%al of the detailed design report 0=2 O3taining appro%al for pro.ect organisation structure of the ontractor and super%isory arrangements 0>2 O3taining appro%al for &io data of $ey personnel to 3e deployed 0:2 O3taining appro%al for local or foreign su3-ontractors if any 0?2 Organi9ing re4uired insurance, agreements with local agencies etc; 0@2 onfirmation of wor$ schedules 0A2 Esta3lishing mechanisms for liaison with e7ternal agencies 0,andy !unicipal ouncil2, !ahaweli Authority of Sri /an$a, Roads (e%elopment Authority, Sri /an$a Telecom /td, eylon Electricity &oard, /ocal Authorities and entral En%ironmental Authority, etc;2 0B2 O3taining E!-/OHER*s assurance and commitments for land ac4uisition, power supply, road appro%als, source, en%ironmental clearances, etc; 0C2 -reparation and su3mission of a !o3ili9ation Report including necessary documents, agreements, method statements, etc; for re%iew and appro%al of the EN'INEER 0<D2 onstruction Officers for the Engineer*s Representati%es and Employer*s -ro.ect !anagement 1nit 0<<2 -ro%iding Transportation for -!1 and onsultant*s Staff &.C.! C8)21*.41/8) S1+*1-U6 The construction phase 3egins after the pro.ect design has 3een appro%ed and the construction permits ha%e 3een o3tained; The construction wor$s shall 3e in accordance with the detailed designs carried out 3y the ontractor and appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER, su3.ect to the specifications; No %ariations from the designs and specifications will 3e permitted, e7cept with the specific written authority of the EN'INEER; The preparatory acti%ities during the construction period shall include the followingF .-1. 0A typical method statement only at the 3eginning is sufficient, unless there is a particular necessity;2 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0<2 -reparation and Su3mission of !ethod Statements The ontractor shall prepare method statements for the appro%al of the EN'INEER, for all the important acti%ities planned to 3e carried out during the construction phase; The method statements shall 3e prepared for specific tas$s of the construction acti%ities; !ethod Statements shall 3e su3mitted at least <D wor$ing days prior to commencement of the rele%ant acti%ity; The re4uirement of method statements shall include, 3ut not 3e limited toF 0i2 Temporary e7ca%ationsI 0ii2 "ormwor$ and false wor$I 0iii2 Shoring and dewateringI 0i%2 oncretingI 0%2 E7ca%ation for pipe lines along roadways and laying of pipesI 0%i2 Employment of any Jno-digK methods in pipe layingI 0%ii2 #or$s in%ol%ing or affecting a third partyI 0%iii2 All di%ersions, connections or alterations to e7isting structures, plants and pipe systems; 0i72 Safety measures 072 Traffic di%ersion plan 07i2 -roposed dust and noise control arrangements A method statement shall include, 3ut not 3e limited to, the description of the tas$ or the acti%ity, the resources to 3e utili9ed 0manpower, machinery, e4uipment and materials2, detailed description of proposed method, time frame and wor$ schedule, any wor$ing drawings and shop drawings as rele%ant, any third party in%ol%ed and affected with proposal to minimise effects, en%ironmental considerations, safety measures to 3e ta$en, etc; 0=2 -reparation of #or$ing (rawings #or$ing drawings shall include 3ut not 3e limited toF 0i2 (etailed hydraulic profiles of all components of each system, and within each treatment plant; 0ii2 #or$ing drawings of all hydraulic and chemical systems re4uired within wastewater treatment plant and pumping stations including electrical and8or mechanical connections, showing the units of e4uipment in the proposed position for installation and the details of attachments and connections; 0iii2 #or$ing drawings for %entilation systems, and for drainage, sludge disposal, water supply, and waste water systems; 0i%2 "a3rication drawings for pipes, metalwor$ including platforms, floor plates and frames, hand railings, etc; 0%2 (iagrams and schematics showing flow paths and circuits, descriptions, dimensions and capacities of water treatment process units and pie9ometric le%els corresponding to a%erage and ma7imum flow rates and to different or alternati%e treatment processes, all to 3e accompanied 3y proof of computations; .-1/ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0%i2 omplete and detailed schedules listing all plant and ancillary e4uipment to 3e supplied 3y the ontractor; 0%ii2 E4uipment enclosure drawings shall include the followingF- 0%iii2 O%erall enclosure dimensions; 0i72 The position of all e4uipment mounted on or in the enclosure, the position and connections for incoming power8multicore ca3ling and for instrumentation tu3ing; 072 Indi%idual compartment dimensions within a multi-compartment enclosure; 07i2 "oundation and fi7ing details; 07ii2 /ifting details with eye3olt or lug positions; 07iii2 /ine diagrams of grounding arrangements; 07i%2 +unction 3o7 layout drawings shall show details of indi%idual .unction 3o7 locations, ca3ling connections, terminal details and 3o7 identification; 07%2 &asic sym3olic instrument loop schematics 0&S <@:@F -arts < to : inclusi%e2; 07%i2 Any additional drawings re4uired to co%er all other plant elements not listed a3o%e; 07%ii2 -ump characteristic cur%es 07%iii2-ump test data sheets 0>2 "ull details of all items of electrical e4uipment constituting an operating system and any mechanical units in%ol%ed therein or necessary for the functioning of such system shall 3e su3mitted concurrently and shall include clear diagrams showing circuit functioning and necessary details for field erection; 0:2 -lant wor$ing drawings prepared 3y su3-ontractors and manufacturers employed 3y the ontractor shall 3e chec$ed 3y him for accuracy and compliance with the ontract 3efore 3eing su3mitted for re%iew; A note shall appear on such wor$ing drawings indicating that the ontractor has made this chec$; #or$ing drawings, not so chec$ed and noted, will 3e re.ected and returned to the ontractor without further e7amination for resu3mission; 0?2 Testing Schedules -roposals for testing, which shall include 3ut not 3e limited toF 0i2 Schedule of ompletion Tests; And testing procedures 0ii2 Sampling proposals for Tests on ompletion and Tests after ompletion; Testing schedules shall 3e su3mitted at least B wee$s prior to the commencement of the Ta$e-O%er procedures; &.C.C O6(*+18* I)B8,B(0()1 D.*/): C8)21*.41/8). The ontractor should coordinate site %isits for O5! personnel during construction to allow $ey operations personnel to 3ecome familiar with the location, controls, and operation of the systems and e4uipment; #hen the operations personnel identify concerns or deficiencies, these should 3e referred to the EN'INEER for resolution; &.C.& W8*>0+)25/6 The 4uality of the wor$manship and materials shall 3e compati3le with &S8 &SEN ISO CDDD Series Muality Assurance Standards; .-10 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor shall use trained and 4ualified trades 0electricians, mechanics and pipe fitters2 accepta3le to the EN'INEER; The ontractor shall su3mit details of 4ualifications for all trade foremen for appro%al 3efore engaging them in construction wor$; In case sufficient num3ers of such personnel are not a%aila3le the ontractor shall train and 4ualify suita3le personnel 3efore engaging them on wor$; The course content, course duration, 4ualifications of trainers and criteria for selection of trainees shall 3e su3.ect to prior appro%al of the EN'INEER; &.C.3 S6(4/7/4+1/8)2 18 A( K(61 8) S/1( The ontractor shall ha%e a copy of these specifications and all other standard specifications or parts of specifications referred to herein on the site at all times; All specifications shall 3e produci3le upon demand 3y the EN'INEER; "ailure to ha%e copies of all specifications on site will 3e considered an infraction to the ontract and delays caused to the wor$s as a result will 3e the ontractor*s responsi3ility; &.C.9 P*(-C8)21*.41/8) C8)7(*()4( -rior to the start of #or$ at site, a pre-construction meeting will 3e held at a mutually agreed time and place, attended 3y representati%es of - the ontractor, the EN'INEER the E!-/OHER and8or his representati%es and the onsultant - representati%es of other Agency or Authority as appropriate, and - others as re4uested 3y the ontractor, the E!-/OHER or the EN'INEER Se%en days 3efore the meeting, the ontractor shall su3mit to the EN'INEER his tentati%e proposals for each of the followingF - Administrati%e and Technical Organi9ation, ,ey -ost and urriculum )itae of the $ey staff to 3e employed for this pro.ect on full time 3asis locally and o%erseas; - O%erall onstruction -rogramme - /ist of ontractor*s e4uipment including category, num3er, type and capacity, - -roposal for location and si9e of the camps, offices, wor$shops and stores etc; - omputer system and software 0as specified in Special onditions of ontract2 to 3e used in producing detail programmes and su3 programmes and for monitoring and updating the progress, and resources throughout the pro.ect, - (etails of nominal hours of wor$ing 0as per the Special onditions of ontract2, - (etails of procurement of imported materials - (etails of procurement of local materials such as Ready !i7 oncrete, Steel, ement, -) -ipes 5 "ittings etc, - ash flow forecast - (raft format of monthly interim statement The purpose of the meeting is to designate responsi3le personnel and esta3lish a wor$ing relationship; !atters re4uiring co-ordination will 3e discussed and procedures for handling such matters will 3e esta3lished; The agenda will includeF .-11 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! - ontractorEs tentati%e o%erall programme and su3 programmes - ontractorEs proposed method of wor$ and site organi9ation - Transmittal, re%iew and distri3ution of ontractorEs su3mittals - -rocessing applications for payment 5 payment procedures - !aintaining record documents - ritical wor$ se4uencing - "ield decisions and %ariations - 1se of office and storage areas, security, and the E!-/OHEREs needs - !a.or procured items, deli%eries and priorities - ontractorEs assignments for safety and first aid - o-ordinate with outside agencies; - Any other rele%ant matters &.C.D P*8:*(22 R(68*12 +)= M((1/):2 The ontractor shall su3mit for appro%al to the EN'INEER during the first wee$ of each month a progress report together with resource inputs deployed in such form that actual progress to the end of the preceding month may 3e compared with the ontractor*s program and planned resource inputs for the #or$s; P*8H(41 M((1/):2 0i2 AttendeesF 1nless otherwise re4uired 3y the Employer, meetings shall 3e attended 3y the Employer, the Engineer and his representati%e, and the ontractor, his Superintendent and his (esign Engineer; Su3contractors may attend when in%ol%ed in the matters to 3e discussed or resol%ed 3ut only when re4uested 3y the Employer or the Engineer; The Engineer*s Representati%e will preside all pro.ect meetings; 0ii2 !eeting RecordsF The Employer or the Engineer will record minutes of each meeting and will furnish copies to the ontractor within ? wor$ing days and at least = days 3efore the ne7t meeting; If the ontractor does not su3mit written o3.ection to the contents of such minutes after presentation to him and 3efore the ne7t meeting, it shall 3e understood and agreed that the ontractor accepts the minutes as a true and complete record of the meeting; 0iii2 !eeting Schedule F The dates, times and locations for the %arious meetings shall 3e agreed upon and recorded at the pre-design and the pre-construction conference; Thereafter, changes to the schedules shall 3e 3y agreement 3etween the Engineer*s Representati%e and the ontractor, with appropriate written notice to all parties in%ol%ed; P*(-D(2/:) M((1/):2 &efore ommencement of the design wor$, a meeting shall 3e held at the earliest as possi3le after the signing of the ontract; The %enue and the date shall 3e mutually agreed 3etween the EN'INEER and the ONTRATOR; In the meeting following agenda shall 3e included 3ut not limited toF 0i2 1nderstanding of the scope of wor$ and design re4uirements; 0ii2 Introduction of design engineers and its responsi3ilities; .-12 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0iii2 (esign -rogram 0i%2 ommunication 3etween the EN'INEER and ONTRATOR 0%2 Muality ontrol -lan of the ONTRATOR 0%i2 Others P*(-C8)21*.41/8) C8)7(*()4( Refer to lause :;>;@ of this Section P*8:*(22 M((1/): The meetings shall 3e held on a regular wee$ly 3asis in accordance with the agreed schedule; All matters 3earing on the progress and performance of the wor$ since the preceding progress meeting shall 3e discussed and resol%ed, including without limitation and pre%iously unresol%ed matters, deficiencies in the wor$ or the methods 3eing employed for the wor$, and pro3lems, difficulties or delays which may 3e encountered; The ontractor is re4uired to present any issues, which may impact the wor$, with a method to resol%e these issues e7peditiously; C88*=/)+1/8) M((1/):2 The ONTRATOR shall organi9e and hold meetings at regular inter%als to coordinate wor$ with %arious .urisdictional authorities resol%e pro3lems and inform any affected sta$eholders; The meetings are intended to 3uild positi%e relationships and help with the smooth implementation of the pro.ect; The ONTRATOR shall pro%ide a suita3le %enue with food and refreshments; The ONTRATOR shall allow for 0<@2 such meetings during the construction phase 0appro7imately < meeting e%ery @ wee$s2; O15(* R(:.,+* M((1/):2 Safety !eeting and M8MA meeting shall 3e held on a regular 3asis no longer than a month inter%al; A=-584 M((1/):2 #here it is necessary, the EN'INEER may call ad-hoc meetings with others including related local authorities; &.C.F S/1( A=0/)/21*+1/8) The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for all areas of the site used 3y him in the performance of the wor$; He will e7ert full control o%er the actions of all his employees and other persons with respect to the use and preser%ation of property and e7isting facilities, e7cept such controls as may 3e specifically reser%ed to the EN'INEER or others; The ontractor has the right to e7clude from the site all persons who ha%e no purpose related to the #or$ or its inspection or to operations related to dominant rights to the site, with the appro%al of the EN'INEER; The ontractor shall pro%ide a sufficient num3er of interpreters at sites to facilitate effecti%e communication, to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER; &.C.E R(-./*(0()12 87 A.158*/1/(2 +)= A:()4/(2 The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for full compliance with the re4uirements of all duly constituted Authorities and Agencies concerned with any or all of the wor$ under this .-13 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! ontract; The ontractor shall gi%e to the EN'INEER copies of all written notices re4uired 3y the authority and the responses gi%en; Specific re4uirements for dealing with the Road Authorities and with Authorities concerned with ri%er and railway crossings are included in this specification 3ut this shall not relie%e the ontractor of his general o3ligations under this clause; The ontractor shall ha%e early discussions with these authorities as regards their re4uirements and procedures and see$ the assistance of the EN'INEER where necessary to arrange such discussions; &.C.1" U)=(*:*8.)= U1/,/1/(2 The E!-/OHER has compiled an in%entory 0in the form of drawings2 of underground utilities in the sewer ser%ice areaF 0i2 -ipe 3orne water supply 07i72 Electricity 0772 Telephone ca3les 077i2 Optical "i3er a3les 077ii2 (rainage -ipes 5 hannels 077iii2Surface (rainage The in%entory shows the location in plan %iew 0i;e; side of the road and road crossings2; This in%entory was prepared from drawings and information o3tained from the authorities responsi3le for their maintenance; Records of underground utilities are incomplete and details such as depth of co%er, conduit, etc;, could not 3e o3tained; The in%entory is pro%ided to the ontractor for guidance only; E7act details and location of underground utilities shall necessarily 3e ascertained 3y the ontractor prior to construction and in some cases during the design stage; &.C.11 T*+77/4 C8)=/1/8)2 &.C.11.1 G()(*+, ,andy ity is the largest town ne7t to olom3o, the commercial capital city of Sri /an$a; It is the capital city of entral -ro%ince of the country and is an important historical, cultural and administrati%e centre in the pro%ince; This ity has resident population of a3out <<?,DDD and a3out <?D,DDD people %isit the city daily for commercial, educational, religious and administrati%e purposes; The ity entre is a commercial hu3 and is surrounded with the go%ernment and pri%ate offices, schools, religious shrines, %ehicle par$s, leisure par$s etc; &.C.11.! R8+= )(1<8*> The road networ$ of ,andy ity #astewater !anagement -ro.ect ser%ice area is maintained and de%elopment acti%ities are carried out mainly 3y three 0>2 authorities as stated 3elowF 0a2 Road (e%elopment Authority 0R(A2 032 -ro%incial Road (e%elopment Authority 0-R(A2 0c2 ,andy !unicipal ouncil 0,!2 .-#$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! In addition to the a3o%e road categories, there are pri%ate roads ser%ing housing schemes and informal de%elopments; A list of -R(A and R(A roads in the pro.ect area is pro%ided for general information; T+A,( &.C.1 R8+= L/21 ' P*8B/)4/+, R8+= D(B(,860()1 A.158*/1@ #PRDA% R8+= N+0( A66*8?. L():15 #0% C,+22 PRDA R8+= N+0( +2 =(2/:)+1(= A@ PRDA Hantana Road CB? Hantana 1duwela Heerassagala Road <:AD Heerassagala &owala 'etam3e Sarasa%i 1yana Road @@D -arana 'alaha Road Ra.apihilla !awatha =:DD Ra.apihilla !awatha !ahamaya !awatha >=? !ahamaya !awatha !apanawathura Road BAD #ariyapola Sri Sumangala !awatha T+A,( &.C.! R8+= L/21 ' R8+= D(B(,860()1 A.158*/1@ #RDA% R8+= )+0( A66*8?. L():15 #0% R8.1( N8. R8+= N+0( +2 =(2/:)+1(= A@ RDA -eradeniya Road <CDA AADD< olom3o-,andy 'alaha Road ??D &B@: -eradeniya-(eltota-Ri$illagas$ada #illiam 'opallawa !awatha >A>? A&D:= 'etam3e-,andy 'etam3e N 'annoruwa Road ==? 'etam3e &ridge 'ohagoda Road =@= &>@? -eradeniya-Haloluwa-,atugastota (alada )eediya A<> AAD=@ ,andy-!ahiyangane--adiyatalawa Round A3out near ity entre loc$ Tower <>= -edestrian Su3-way Sangara.a !awatha <?CD &?<B Sangara.a !awatha ,andy !os4ue Road =C> &?=< !os4ue Road ,andy /u%ie -eris !awatha A@< &??< /u%ie -eris !awatha Hatinuwara )eediya A<> &?<B Hatinuwara )eediya ,andy ,ande )eediya <@= &?=D ,ande )eediya ,andy ( S Senanaya$e )eediya <<?< ADDC ,andy - +affna .-#1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! T+A,( &.C.! R8+= L/21 ' R8+= D(B(,860()1 A.158*/1@ #RDA% R8+= )+0( A66*8?. L():15 #0% R8.1( N8. R8+= N+0( +2 =(2/:)+1(= A@ RDA (harmasena !awatha <=C@ &y-pass road %ia Asgiriya Anagari$a (harmapala !awatha A?> AAD=@ ,andy-!ahiyangane--adiyatalawa Ampitiya Road <DB? &<C? ,andy - ,irimatiya Station Road 0S # R ( &andaranaya$e !awatha2 =:? &D=A Approach Road to Railway Station ,andy &.C.11.C T*+77/4 48.)12 +)= 1*+77/4 *(:.,+1/8)2 It is important for the ontractor to understand traffic conditions in order to properly programme construction acti%ities; A fairly large num3er of %ehicles tra%el through ,andy ity daily; #ith hea%y traffic .ams during pea$s hours, it is necessary to programme construction acti%ities to minimi9e disruptions to the flow of traffic; /atest traffic counts of the ,andy ity and Su3ur3s o3tained from the Road (e%elopment Authority are as followsF T+A,( &.C.C AB(*+:( D+/,@ T*+77/4 48.)12 #ADT% R8.1( N8. R8+= N+0( D/21+)4( #>0% ADT Y(+* AADD< olom3o- ,andy <<= <@CD< =DDC AADD< olom3o- ,andy <<< >ACBC =DDC &<C? ,andy-,irimetiya < B@A> =DDA AADDC ,andy- +affna > =@B:D =DDA AAD=@ ,andy- !ahiyangana- -adiyatalawa : <@>:> =DDC A&D:= 'etam3e ,andy &y -ass = =:DDD =DDC Source R(A 0+une =DDC2 The Traffic conditions gi%en 3elow are 3ased on information gathered from the Traffic -olice of ,andy; The information is gi%en as guidance to construction planning; The ontractor shall study 3y himself and understand the correct conditions of traffic in the city and programme his construction acti%ities ta$ing into consideration for all constraint confronted with sewer construction; The Employer pro%ides the following information as guidance 0<2 One #ay System Roads .-## Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor shall identify one way system roads in the ity entre; Old -eradeniya Road shall 3e in%estigated as to its applica3ility during construction and shall reflect for construction; 0=2 -ea$ Traffic Hours onstruction acti%ities are not permitted during pea$ traffic periods !orning -ea$ HoursF "rom D@;>Dam to C;DDam E%ening -ea$ HoursF "rom D:;DDpm to ?;>Dpm 0>2 Road losures Road closures during construction are possi3le upon su3mission and appro%al the construction programme; The pu3lic should 3e informed of any ma.or road closures 3y radio and newspaper ad%erts at least two wee$s 3efore; At 3oth sides of the closed road, J put up a noticeK with lighting at night showing phone num3ers for emergency call, to the closest police station8s, for am3ulance arrangement, etc; The ontractor shall arrange par$ing places for the closed area, and pro%ide temporary access road or means to the closed area 3y his own cost; The pu3lic should 3e informed of any ma.or road closures 3y radio and newspaper ad%ertisement at least two wee$s 3efore and telecast on tele%ision at night news time two days prior; 0:2 -ermission for Night #or$ Night wor$ can 3e arranged upon su3mission of the construction programme to the re4uired authorities; In most roads in which high traffic is e7perienced appro%al for construction acti%ities during day time may not 3e granted 3y the authorities; 0?2 onstruction along /a$e Road 0Sangara.a !awatha2 #or$ along this road can only 3e carried out at night; This road will 3e a%aila3le for construction from C;DDpm to ?;DDam; 0@2 Temporary remo%al of Street -ar$ing for construction Street par$ing can 3e remo%ed for daytime wor$s; 0A2 Appro%al -rocedure Appro%al for construction in connection with traffic arrangements shall 3e o3tained in writing from the Senior (eputy Inspector 'eneral of -olice 0entral Range2 one wee$ 3efore construction acti%ities with a copy to (irector 0Traffic2, -olice Head Muarters, olom3o <; 0B2 Special "unctions 5 eremonies The ma.or function in the ,andy ity is Esela -erahera which occupies main streets in the city 3oth day and night of during last two wee$s prior to the Ni$ini "ull !oon -oya (ay 0usually, from the last wee$ of +uly to the end of first wee$ of August2; Therefore, construction acti%ities should 3e programmed to a%oid construction along city centre streets during this period; 0C2 Traffic in -eradeniya Road - !ore Traffic in the -eradeniya Road .-#- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! - This road is pea$ on Saturday morning and e%ening - Therefore, construction acti%ities shall 3e programmed accordingly; 0<D2 Hantana Road This road is the main path to the ,andy 'eneral Hospital from the Muarters of hospital staff in addition to local residents; There is no other alternati%e route for the residents along this road; The road is a %ital lin$ and hea%ily used; Therefore, identification of alternati%e paths prior to construction acti%ities are of %ital importance and programming of construction acti%ities 3e done while addressing issues associated; 0<<2 High Security Area -resident*s House and (alada !aligawa areas are high security areas; -ermission and -rogramming of construction acti%ities should 3e arranged in such a manner to a%oid possi3le o3stacles and difficulties associated with this road; 0<=2 -resident*s )isit to ,andy (uring the -resident*s %isit to ,andy, the following places are closed to the general pu3lic and for other usual acti%itiesF - Asgiriya International -lay 'round - Asgiriya -olice -lay 'round - Saranan$ara !awatha - ,ande )eediya - -resident House Road 0(alada Thapowana Road2 - Ra.a )eediya - ( S Senanaya$e )eediya - Sangara.a !awatha 0<>2 OTraffic ontrol Traffic control should 3e carried out under the super%ision and appro%al of the -olice; -olice Officers who will 3e deployed e7clusi%ely for the construction acti%ities shall 3e paid 3y the ontractor at the pre%ailing rates identified in the Inspector 'eneral of -olice ircular No; <B>:8=DD? and "inance ircular No; D>8=DD? dated D?th !ay =DD? for Ser%ice harges 0latest re%ision2 0<:2 -rocedure to inform local residents It is necessary to inform the local residents 3efore starting construction acti%ities; The ontractor should programme his wor$ in such a manner that the residents 3e gi%en at least fourteen 0<:2 days ad%ance notice; /ocal residents should also 3e informed three 0>2 days 3efore construction commences; The ontractor shall arrange to maintain temporary access for all affected local residents at all times; 0<?2 !eetings with the -olice and other rele%ant authorities .-#. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! It is necessary to organi9e meetings with the -olice and other rele%ant organi9ations and authorities and once in two wee$s to ascertain traffic congestion, crowdedness and other important e%ents in the ity in order to programme construction acti%ities; The minutes of meetings with such authorities should 3e sent to the EN'INEER within a wee$ &.C.1! W8*> /) R8+=2 &.C.1!.1 P+B/): +)= R8+=<+@ A66.*1()+)4(2 R(218*+1/8) The ontractor shall pro%ide all la3our, materials and e4uipment to maintain full width of the roads during the construction period including the time 3etween temporary reinstatement and permanent reinstatement; Additionally the contractor shall carryout patching of e7isting potholes on roads prior to commencement of the sewer construction of those particular roads, in order to facilitate traffic flow when e7ecuting the constructions; The ontractor shall restore all areas distur3ed or damaged 3y construction wor$s; These areas shall include 3ut are not limited toF 0<2 oncrete pa%ed areas 0=2 oncrete steps 0>2 &ituminous pa%ed areas 0:2 Asphalt pa%ed areas 0?2 Shoulders 0hard and earth2 0@2 Sidewal$s and wal$ ways 0A2 'ra%el dri%eways 0B2 -ri%ate roads 0C2 ur38 ur3 gutter 0<D2 Road Access to -roperties 0<<2 Road structures 0<=2 &oundary walls, parapet walls 0<>2 Road signs (14) Side drains / Culverts (15) Road access to the properties 0<@2 Others as applica3le &.C.1!.! A.=/8-V/=(8 R8+= C8)=/1/8) S.*B(@ The ontractor shall furnish an audio and colour-%ideo record in digital format for the entire roadway along the alignment of the pro.ect pipelines prior to the start of any construction wor$; The purpose of the sur%ey is to document the e7isting condition of road surfaces and appurtenances to aid in the settlement of any disputes regarding restoration; Recording shall 3e in accordance with standard specifications in Section A of )olume III; &.C.1!.C C8)1*+418*$2 L/+A/,/1@ +)= P*81(41/8) 87 U1/,/1/(2 The ontractor shall protect all e7isting utilities and appurtenances; .-#/ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! (amages caused to pa%ement and road appurtenances shall 3e repaired at the ontractor*s cost and to the satisfaction of the rele%ant authority; The ontractor shall 3e lia3le for all defects relate to trenching acti%ity, %i9; settlement ad.oining to the trench, crac$s 5 damages caused to the road surface and 3rea$ing of other ser%ice lines; ontractor*s lia3ility e7tends to roads that are used to detour traffic and parts of the road where traffic is routed around the e7ca%ation; &.C.1!.& T*+77/4 M+/)1()+)4( The ontractor shall furnish the necessary guards, watchmen, warning lights and similar items necessary to maintain road traffic in accordance with R(A J!anual on Traffic ontrol (e%ices, -art I 5 -art IIK, Second Edition, August =DDA issued 3y !inistry of Highways 5 Road (e%elopment and Road (e%elopment In general, the ontractor will not 3e permitted to interrupt traffic without specific arrangements for detouring traffic in accordance with road authority re4uirements; Such detours shall 3e ade4uately maintained 3y the ontractor until the road is a%aila3le for normal use; #hen traffic cannot 3e detoured, a minimum of <8= the roadway width shall 3e open at all times with traffic control; Road closures re4uire the appro%al of the -olice or other rele%ant authorities; If an alternati%e route is not a%aila3le for the road users then 3y pass or detours arrangements shall 3e made; The ontractor shall arrange for traffic control when construction is underway in a particular road section; Such controls shall 3e as per instructions and assistance of the -olice and ontractor shall coordinate with the authorities on the same; &.C.1!.3 S+7(1@ The ontractor shall always e7ercise ade4uate safety arrangements continuously necessary for safety of 3oth construction and super%ision staff and road users during 3oth wor$ing and non wor$ing hours at each road sites; Special care shall 3e e7ercised during rainy weather conditions; &.C.1!.9 D.21 +)= 68,,.1/8) 48)1*8, The ontractor shall use all means necessary to control dust on and near the #or$ and on and near all off-site 3orrow areas if such dust is caused 3y the ontractorEs operations during performance of the #or$ or is a result of the condition in which the ontractor lea%es the site; The ontractor shall thoroughly moisten all surfaces as re4uired to pre%ent dust from 3eing a nuisance to the pu3lic, neigh3ours, and concurrent performance of other #or$ on the site; The ontractor shall meet rele%ant Sri /an$an regulations as to dust and pollution control during construction The ontractor should refer to section :;<D for details on en%ironmental control; &.C.1!.D Q.+,/7/4+1/8)2 87 <8*>0+)25/6 The ontractor shall pro%ide at least one person who shall 3e thoroughly trained and e7perienced in the s$ills re4uired, who shall 3e completely familiar with the design and application of wor$ descri3ed for this Section, and who shall 3e present at all times during progress of the wor$ of this Section and shall direct all wor$ performed under this Section; .-#0 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! "or actual finishing of asphalt and concrete surfaces and operations of the re4uired e4uipment, use only personnel who are thoroughly trained and e7perienced in the s$ills re4uired; &.C.1!.F G()(*+, 6*84(=.*(2 78* =(+,/): </15 *8+= +.158*/1/(2 -rior to e7ca%ating any road, the ontractor shall get ac4uainted with the re4uirements of the statutory authority responsi3le for road maintenance; The statutory Road Authorities 0RA2 within the -ro.ect area, are as followsF 0<2 Road (e%elopment Authority 0R(A2 0=2 -ro%incial Road (e%elopment Authority 0-R(A2 0>2 ,andy !unicipal ouncil 0,!2 'eneral procedures for dealing with statutory road authorities are set out 3elowF 0i2 The ontractor shall produce his proposed o%erall program and su3-programs for each road section for installation wor$s in roads for discussion with the EN'INEER at the earliest possi3le time after award of ontract to show the date of start and completion of e7ca%ation laying temporary reinstatement, hydraulic pressure testing, 3ac$filling, compaction and in each road for the followingF - -ipelines along roads; - !anholes - Road rossings NoteF -rogrammes for this wor$ shall allow for the time needed for prior appro%als, trial pits, ordering, manufacture and supply and deli%ery of pipes and any special imported fittings; 077i%2 #hen satisfied with the construction program, the EN'INEER will present it to the road authority who may propose changes to the se4uence according to their own road impro%ement program if any; The ontractor shall allow for possi3le disruption to his program and he shall not 3e entitled to specific e7tra cost or e7tension of time that may arise as a result of the RA*s comments; 077%2 The ontractor shall produce a final program for action incorporating any changes re4uested 3y the EN'INEER following discussions with the RA; 077%i2 The RA shall prepare a cost estimate for permanent reinstatement of the roads wor$s programmed 3y the ontractor; The EN'INEER shall re%iew and appro%e the estimate; 077%ii2 The ontractor shall pay from the pro%isional sum the agreed estimated amount to the RA; The ontractor shall apply for permission to enter the defined roads following payment to the RA, 3y the E!-/OHER; 077%iii2 Road crossings may only 3e carried out at times of low traffic density such as at night, at wee$ends and during pu3lic holidays and ontractor must prepare his programmed accordingly; ontractor must allow in his rates for his e7tra costs in%ol%ed in such wor$ outside normal wor$ing hours; 077i72 -roper illuminations8reflecti%e signs should 3e installed to identify the trenches during the night; E7treme care shall 3e ta$en 3y the ontractor to adopt ade4uate safety re4uirements at these sites; .-#1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 07772 ompaction of the 3ac$ filling to trenches shall reach <DDG on the !odified -roctor Test in carriage ways and e7ceed C?G in shoulder areas; The ontractor shall allow all costs for testing facilities and for ensuring correct moisture content to achie%e the re4uired minimum compaction; ompaction tests of trench 3ac$fill shall 3e carried out whene%er directed and results shall 3e to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER; 0777i2 ontractor is e7pected to use Asphalt utters and -neumatic Tire #heeled E7ca%ators for roadwor$ to minimi9e damages to the road-wearing surface; The ontractor shall ma$e all the arrangements for any temporary wor$, scaffoldings etc;, at his own cost, with the permission of the rele%ant authorities where re4uired; 0777ii2 The ontractor is re4uired to liaise closely with the %arious RA in%ol%ed in the pro.ect; 0777iii2 The ontractor shall pay the road authority from the pro%isional sum an amount e4ui%alent to ?G of the cost estimated for permanent reinstatement 3y the RA for super%ision; 0777i%2 The ontractor shall maintain the permanently reinstated pa%ement for a period of one year following the Ta$e O%er date; In general, depressions in the final pa%ement in e7cess of <? mm 3elow the normal road grade shall 3e corrected; orrections in the pa%ement shall 3e made within fifteen 0A2 days after the ontractor has 3een notified of the need for correcti%e action; In the e%ent of the failure or refusal of the ontractor to ma$e such corrections, the E!-/OHER reser%es the right to ha%e the necessary wor$ performed and to charge the cost to the ontractor under the -erformance &ond; &.C.1!.E RDA R(-./*(0()12 R(A re4uirements for trench reinstatement specific to this ontract as agreed with the E!-/OHER are outlined in Appendi7 :;<; The R(A shall ma$e arrangements to o%erlay the entire road surface after permanent reinstatement of trenches 3y the ontractor; A pro%isional sum carried in the ontract shall 3e used for this purpose; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for coordinating the raising of %al%e 3o7es and8or manhole co%ers 3elonging to other utilities; !anholes pro%ided 3y the ontractor within the scope of wor$ shall meet finished ele%ations including the o%erlay without the use of ad.usting rings; The R(A has ta$en a decision to impro%e the #illiam 'opallawa !awatha to a four lane road and designs in respect of this ha%e 3een completed; The ontractor shall 3ecome aware of these details and plan his acti%ities ta$en this status into consideration; &.C.1!.1"KMC +)= PRDA R(-./*(0()12 Trench reinstatement shall 3e to ,! and -R(A standard technical specifications; The ontractor shall o%erlay all e7isting 3ituminous road surfaces along the full width and length of the road handed o%er to him; The o%erlay shall 3e a ?D mm thic$ 3ituminous wearing course to R(A standard specifications; The e7isting surface shall 3e cleaned of all foreign su3stances and any irregularities remo%ed or filled in; A tac$ coat shall 3e applied 3efore applying the wearing course; The a%erage road width is appro7imately : meters; .-#2 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! #here the o%erlay meets the e7isting pa%ing a neat cut shall 3e made in the e7isting surface as directed 3y the road authority; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for coordinating the raising of %al%e 3o7es and8or manhole co%ers 3elonging to other utilities; !anholes pro%ided within the actual new construction shall meet finished ele%ation without ad.usting rings; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le to see that all such items as mentioned a3o%e are ad.usted to the new manhole ele%ation in such a manner as to pro%ide a smooth, e%en transition from pa%ement to manhole co%er; &.C.1!.11P*/B+1( *8+=2 In case need arises to lay sewer pipes along pri%ate roads, the ontractor shall contact the owner of the pri%ate road during design phase and construction phase and o3tain permission to use the roads; Those roads shall 3e reinstated to the original condition and to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER; &.C.1C R+/,<+@ C*822/):2 /ocations of the crossings are indicated on the preliminary design drawings; They comprise a duct laid using open cut under the railway spanning the right-of-way, through which the ontractor will install the re4uired force main or sewer; The ontractor is e7pected to install the duct across railways wor$ within the right-of-way under the super%ision of Railway Authority; On completion of the construction of duct 3y the ontractor to the satisfaction of S/R, the ontractor shall proceed with the laying of the re4uired main through the duct, including sealing the duct on completion, to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER and S/R; The ontractor shall allow in his rates for ma$ing himself aware of, and fully complying with the regulations and re4uirements of the S/R whilst wor$ing in the %icinity of the railways; The S/R is responsi3le for the remo%al of rails and sleepers and su3se4uent reinstatement of the trac$s after the construction of the duct for which a payment is made to S/R under pro%isional sum; The ontractor is re4uired to liaise closely with the S/R The ontractor may 3e instructed 3y S/R to use the pipe .ac$ing techni4ue, instead of the open trenching method descri3ed a3o%e for deeper installations 0P <;: m2 where open cut would disrupt ser%ice for more than @ hours; The ontractors rate for railway crossings shall include the cost to 3e incurred in any of the two techni4ues without additional cost to the E!-/OHER; &.& S.A0/11+,2 &.&.1 C8)21*.41/8) P*8:*+00( The ontractor shall su3mit si7 0D@2 copies of his o%erall construction programme within twenty-eight 0=B2 days 3efore commencement of construction; The ontractor shall comply with the following in the preparation and presentation of his programmeF 0<2 1se appropriate computer 3ased pro.ect management software appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER as pro%ided in su3 clause B;> of the onditions of ontract; The system used shall clearly show the ontractor*s construction programme, resources, procurement and cash-flow re4uirements, and during the course of the ontract 3e capa3le of clearly showing progress compared to the programme; .-#3 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0=2 The o%erall construction programme su3mitted shall 3e in 3ar chart form and shall show the start and finish dates of the principal preparatory and construction operations, including mo3ilisation, appro%als of materials and e4uipment, procurement and deli%ery of imported materials and e4uipment, construction and installation, testing commissioning and hand-o%er; 0>2 A graph showing the 3uild-up of staff and la3our resources related to the tas$s and wor$ identified in the onstruction -rogramme; 0:2 A schedule of pipe materials and their time on site related to the onstruction -rogramme; 0?2 A ritical -ath Networ$ 0-N2 showing the optimum order of wor$, a%aila3le time for each acti%ity and effects of delays; The -N shall 3e updated during the course of the ontract to show construction se4uence changes that may arise, together with the changes in resources needed to maintain the o%erall schedule for completion of the ontract on time; 0@2 -rogramming shall ta$e into account; - The Notice to ommence #or$ - The periods for appro%al of the programme or su3se4uent re%isions thereto - The periods for appro%als procurement and deli%ery to site of !aterials and e4uipment re4uired for incorporation in the permanent wor$s; Appro%al of the programme, materials and shop drawings shall not relie%e the ontractor of any of his responsi3ilities under the ontract; 0A2 Si7 copies of programme re%isions that 3ecome necessary during the course of the wor$ shall 3e su3mitted together with the details specified in paragraph 0<2 a3o%e to the EN'INEER for appro%al of the details at least se%en days 3efore the proposed re%ision is to 3e implemented; Si7 copies of the re%ised programme as appro%ed together with the details specified in paragraph 0<2 a3o%e shall 3e supplied to the EN'INEER within three 0D>2 days of appro%al 3eing gi%en; 0B2 The o%erall programme shall 3e 3ased on su3-programmes for each su3-pro.ect; The su3-programmes shall include all the principal tas$s en%isaged to 3e re4uired for the proper e7ecution of the su3-pro.ect; In the case of pipe-laying in roads the periods re4uired to o3tain permission from the rele%ant authorities for entry into the roads and for the e7ecution of the wor$ until completion of testing and hand-o%er to the authorities for final reinstatement wor$ shall 3e included; The ontractor will 3e re4uired to discuss the su3-programmes for each section of road with the EN'INEER and the rele%ant roads authorities prior to start wor$, and will 3e e7pected to ma$e such changes to the order of wor$ as the authorities may impose; &.&.! S.A0/11+,2 =.*/): P*8:*(22 87 W8*>2 Throughout the construction period the ontractor shall su3mit three copies of each su3mission as descri3ed here in underF 0<2 ontractors progress reports The ontractor shall su3mit monthly and Muarterly progress reports to the EN'INEER within A days after the last day of the period to which it relates; The contents shall 3e stipulated in the su3-lause :;=< 0-rogress Reports2 of the ondition of ontract; .--$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0=2 -hotographic Record In addition to the -rogress Reports as descri3ed hereina3o%e, the ontractor shall each month su3mit digital data of photographic records as re4uested 3y the EN'INEER; 0>2 (aily Site Report (aily Site Report shall 3e su3mitted in agreed format no later than =: hours after the date of report, and which includes the information of site acti%ities, locations, progress, la3our, e4uipment and materials used; (4) Weekly Progress Report The ontractor shall su3mit wee$ly progress report, which includes information of daily site reports, M records, safety record and three wee$s program including as-3uilt program; (5) Employment Record The ontractor shall su3mit Employment record of all its employees of e7patriate and Sri /an$a personnel; "ull Name, age, address, trades and employment records; 0@2 MA8M Reports The ontractor shall su3mit monthly 3asis; Such report includes all 4uality related results and if any non-conformance arises, counter measure shall 3e included; (7) Safety Reports The ontractor shall su3mit monthly 3asis; Such report includes all safety related results and if any non-conformance to the safety regulation, counter measure shall 3e included; &.&.C S.*B(@ D+1+ All field 3oo$s, notes, and other data de%eloped 3y the ontractor in performing sur%eys re4uired as part of the wor$ shall 3e made a%aila3le to the EN'INEER for e7amination throughout the construction period; All such data shall 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER with the other documentation re4uired for final acceptance of the wor$; #here measurement for preparation of monthly in%oices is re4uired, the sur%ey shall 3e done in the presence of the EN'INEER; ontractor shall esta3lish permanent sur%ey control points along all pipe routes and in ##T- for the use during operation and maintenance; (istance 3etween each set of such control points shall 3e not more than < $ilometre; Each set shall contain three control points that are prefera3ly more than :D metres apart and %isi3le from each other; One point shall 3e esta3lished as a 3ench mar$ for le%elling wor$; /ocations for these shall 3e carefully selected so that those are not li$ely to 3e distur3ed and shall 3e su3.ect to appro%al of the EN'INEER; Their co-ordinates and le%el in case of the 3ench mar$, with reference to National Sur%ey 'rid shall 3e shown in the As &uilt (rawings; &.&.& S586 D*+</):2 +)= E):/)((*/): D+1+ All shop drawings, regardless of origin, shall 3e stamped 3earing the appro%al of the ontractor and identified with the name and num3er of this ontract, ontractorEs name, and references to applica3le specification paragraphs and (etailed (esign (rawings; Each .--1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! su3mittal shall indicate the intended use of the item in the wor$; #hen catalogue pages are su3mitted, applica3le items shall 3e clearly identified and printed 3rand name, manufacturer*s name 5 address clearly %isi3le; The current re%ision, issue num3er and8or date shall 3e indicated on all shop drawings and other descripti%e data; The ontractorEs stamp of appro%al will 3e representation to the E!-/OHER and the EN'INEER that the ontractor has assumed full responsi3ility for determining and %erifying all 4uantities, dimensions, field construction criteria, materials, catalogue num3ers, and similar data, and that he has re%iewed or coordinated each su3mittal with the re4uirements of the wor$ and the ontract (ocuments; &.&.3 A2-B./,1 D*+</):2 The ontractor shall maintain a record copy of the specifications at the site; A master e4uipment list, addenda, change orders, and shop drawings shall also 3e a%aila3le; A set of full-si9e ontract drawings must 3e mar$ed to show any de%iations made during construction and $ept at the site; Any 3uried or concealed feature or utility re%ealed during the course of the construction must also 3e shown; Special attention shall 3e gi%en to recording all hori9ontal and %ertical locations; This is important for all 3uried utilities that differ from the locations indicated or that were not indicated on the ontract drawings; These record drawings shall 3e supplemented 3y detailed s$etches, where needed or directed, to indicate fully the wor$ as actually constructed; The ontractor shall prepare complete as-3uilt drawings for each facility and each system; As-3uilt drawings shall co%er the wor$s as completed, incorporating all modifications carried out during manufacture or after testing at the ontractor*s or su3-ontractors* and manufacturers* wor$s and all modifications carried out in the course of the construction, commissioning and testing of the schemes; As 3uilt drawings shall include detailed site plans in large format 0minimum si9e N A<2 layout diagram, in triplicate, for each site showing locations of all 3uried pipes, components and structures together with the locations of any ser%ice access points in relation to the surface features, structures, roads, surface drains and access ways of the site; These should 3e in a simplified format, easily understood 3y persons with a nominal technical 3ac$ground; Schematic diagrams could 3e accepta3le in certain cases in the interest of clarity, su3.ect to the appro%al of the E!-/OHER; As-&uilt drawings shall follow the same pattern as the construction drawings; The ontractor shall prepare As-&uilt drawings against each of the construction drawing, with the e7ception of standard drawings; As-&uilt drawings may 3e produced 3ased on the drawings prepared for construction and8or manufacture or, if needed, may 3e produced separately; They should 3e prepared to correspond to each of the construction drawing; The si9e of the drawings shall 3e A>; In case of yard piping, As-&uilt drawings must 3e prepared to reflect the actual piping details carried out during the construction; The ta3les gi%ing the details of piping materials shall 3e prepared accordingly; In case of As-&uilt drawings of the sewage "orce main, the ontractor shall indicate at least three 0>2 reference measurements for each 3end, tee, gate %al%e, 3utterfly %al%e, couplings, flange adaptors and any other fittings as applica3le facilitating su3se4uent identification of 3uried installations using 'IS; If such locations occur more than <DD m .--# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! apart along the pipeline, tie measurements for additional locations on pipeline shall 3e pro%ided so that the locations with tie measurements are not more than <DD m apart; #here pipelines are laid to cur%ature with deflection at .oints, tie measurements shall 3e indicated at closer inter%als to the appro%al of the EN'INEER; Reference measurements shall 3e ta$en against permanent features that are unli$ely to distur3ed in the near future; They shall 3e drawn to a suita3le scale and placed on the drawing for easy reference; &ridge crossings, cul%ert crossings and railway crossings shall 3e drawn to a larger scale and placed in the /S drawings gi%ing the details of the crossing, any encasement pro%ided for the pipes, pipe position and the location of couplings8.oints for future identification; The details shall consist of the fully la3elled plan %iew and the sectional %iew; #here restrained pipes are used, the drawings shall clearly indicate the e7tent of such pipelines with tie measurements at the 3eginning and the end of the segment; (etailed drawings shall 3e su3mitted for each segment of restrained length gi%ing the complete details of pipes and fittings, in line with the detailed drawings; In As &uilt drawings of 3oth yard piping and pipelines, the ontractor shall indicate the e7isting underground utilities encountered during construction; The ontractor shall prepare the As-&uilt drawings for .unction details to a suita3le scale with all pipes and fittings la3elled and the lengths of pieces indicated; The tie measurements to the fittings shall 3e gi%en so that the entire .unction could 3e set out on ground on a later date; The .unction details shall 3e arranged in a se4uential order and presented on A-> si9e sheets; In case of pumps, the actual pump characteristic cur%es as tested shall 3e superimposed on system cur%es determined from actual site tests during commissioning; In case of the installation drawings of plants and e4uipment, each item of plant, e;g; %al%es, motors, starters, ca3les, etc shall 3e shown on detailed general arrangement drawings clearly mar$ing the position of the component parts; All parts shall 3e pro%ided with a tag num3er and the num3ers gi%en shall correspond to the spare parts list, pamphlets and descripti%e matter; omprehensi%e electrical circuit drawings shall 3e pro%ided showing the relation of one electrical item of e4uipment to another; The drawings shall 3e arranged in sets comprising dyeline positi%e transparencies 0on plastic film2 and prints 3ound in al3ums of appro%ed si9e; #here drawings ha%e 3een produced electronically, one original print and a ( copy shall 3e pro%ided for each drawing in place of transparencies; ( copies shall 3e compati3le with AutoA( latest %ersion; In addition to the foregoing, each item of electrical e4uipment shall 3e pro%ided with schematic drawing and a wiring drawing; The schematic drawing shall show the connections in a schematic form ena3ling the operation to 3e ascertained, while the wiring drawing shall show the indi%idual components appro7imately in their relati%e physical positions, with the electrical connection shown e7actly as wired, to ena3le a particular component or connection to 3e located on the actual e4uipment; .--- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! E%ery connection shall 3e num3ered and the num3er gi%en for a particular connection shall 3e the same on the schematic drawing, on the wiring drawing and as tagged on the actual e4uipment itself; "our sets of the As-&uilt drawings shall 3e handed o%er to the EN'INEER prior to the issue of the Ta$ing - O%er ertificate; In the e%ent of the ontractor ma$ing any modifications to the #or$s after handing o%er the record drawings he shall pro%ide amended drawings in the same num3ers as stated a3o%e; The ontractor shall su3mit to the EN'INEER for one set draft of As-&uilt drawings for each component and 9one; The EN'INEER will assess the suita3ility of the draft manuals and shall within >D days of receipt of the manuals eitherF 0<2 notify the ontractor in writing that the manuals are suita3le, or 0=2 Notify the ontractor in writing any comments or directions for amendment; In the e%ent of the EN'INEER re.ecting all or part of any instruction manual or record drawing su3mitted, the ontractor shall amend them as necessary to meet the EN'INEER*s re4uirements; #ithin =< days of receipt of any such comments or directions the ontractor shall amend and resu3mit the manuals; The ontractor shall su3mit the draft As-&uilt drawings in 3atches as and when the wor$s are completed, according to an agreed schedule of su3mission with the EN'INEER; In the case of pipe laying wor$s for the force main and effluent disposal, the draft As-&uilt drawings shall 3e su3mitted progressi%ely for the completed part of wor$s; ?G of the related progress payment due for of pipe wor$ completed shall 3e withheld 3y the EN'INEER until su3mission of the draft As-&uilt drawings; Su3mission of the draft manuals and draft As-&uilt drawings shall 3e pre-conditions to the issue of a Ta$ing -O%er ertificate "ollowing appro%al to the draft manuals and draft As &uilt drawings, the ontractor shall su3mit si7 copies of the final appro%ed manuals and four copies of As-&uilt drawings to the EN'INEER to 3e distri3uted 3y the E!-/OHER, and to each site; The ontractor should also su3mit two soft copies of 0rele%ant parts of2 the manuals and As-&uilt drawings in (s; &.&.9 O6(*+1/8) +)= M+/)1()+)4( M+).+,2 The operation, maintenance, and repair information for the wastewater treatment plant and pump station shall 3e incorporated into two separate manuals, a System Operating !anual and an E4uipment Operating, !aintenance, and Repair !anual 0EO!5R!2, together with Start Operation !anual 0Start O!2, Emergency Action -rocedure -lan 0EA-2, and System Operation !anual 0System O!2; All operation and maintenance manuals shall 3e only in English /anguage; The ontractor shall conduct a num3er of wor$shops and present the draft final reports of all the Operation and maintenance manuals to the Employer in the presence of other ma.or .--. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! sta$eholders 0,!2 3efore su3mission of final reports to the Engineer; -urpose of the wor$shops to interact opinion at preparation le%el; No section of the wor$s will 3e certified 3y the EN'INEER as complete unless this re4uirement has 3een met; If during -erformance ommissioning -eriod, the EN'INEER finds that the manuals re4uire modification or enlargement as a result of su3se4uent operational and maintenance e7perience in the wor$s, the ontractor shall pro%ide the appro%ed modification for each manual; &.&.9.1 S@21(0 86(*+1/): 0+).+, 2.A0/22/8) The ontractor will pro%ide to the EN'INEER the first draft of the System Operating !anual upon design completion; The final System Operating !anual shall 3e completed and su3mitted to the EN'INEER @D days 3efore the start of commissioning tests; The EN'INEER will deli%er the manual to the E!-/OHER*s construction management section to 3e held until completion of the EO!5R!; The construction ontractor shall complete the manual in accordance with the following instructions; &.&.9.! EOM & RM 2.A0/22/8) EO! 5 R!s will 3e prepared and su3mitted to the EN'INEER >D days 3efore pre- commissioning tests; They shall include all test results and test certificates including all those underta$en at wor$s and on site; &.&.9.C M+).+, 78*0+1 !anuals and other data shall 3e printed on hea%y, first 4uality paper, A: si9e with standard =- hole punching with ring 3inder with a punching inter%al of B cm; (rawings and diagrams shall 3e reduced to A: or A> si9e or where reduction is not practica3le, /arge drawings shall 3e folded and punched to fold out as 3ound or shall 3e inserted into a 3ound pouch; Each drawing pouch shall 3ear suita3le identification on the outside; All written portions of manuals shall 3e pro%ided on (s and shall 3e prepared in a word processing software specified 3y the EN'INEER; All instructions and operating procedures shall 3e written in English, Sinhalese and Tamil; Illustrati%e descripti%e pu3lications may, at the discretion of the EN'INEER, 3e included in the English language only; Each %olume of the manuals shall 3ear the ontract title, ontract num3er, name of the -ac$age and the %olume num3er on the front co%er and the spine; &.&.9.& S@21(0 86(*+1/): 0+).+, 48)1()1 The System Operating !anual shall pro%ide full and detailed information regarding the design criteria and si9ing of facilitiesI standard operating procedures 0SO-s2 for the entire process and system as a wholeI description and operation of unit processesI process trou3leshootingI regulatory re4uirements, including reports and recordsI sampling and la3oratory proceduresI plant staffingI emergency operationsI health and safety and house$eeping procedures; Appendi7 :;= pro%ides an e7ample ta3le of contents from a System Operating !anual; Also included in this manual shall 3e sections descri3ing or e7plaining these elementsF 0<2 -5I diagrams; .--/ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0=2 Single line drawings to showF 0i2 olour-coded piping for all treatment facility process lines indicating flow direction and location of all control %al%es and gates; A complete set of '-ta3 drawings--showing the locations of all site piping, force mains, manholes, oil8water separators, and other uni4ue facilities; 0ii2 A simplified electrical schematic of the control system and electrical e4uipment; 0>2 Operating specifications for all pumping systems; 0:2 (ischarge permit re4uirements, along with appropriate regulations and reporting re4uirements; Information on stream water 4uality standards should also 3e pro%ided for the discharge location; 0?2 The normal operating process of each component, along with an e7planation of its relationship to the other components; -rocess control and monitoring instrumentation should 3e e7plained and control and %al%e status charts for the %arious operating modes should 3e included; The routine operatorEs tas$s should 3e descri3ed; 0@2 ritical operational loading parameters for hydraulic, organic and solids loading for the plant as a whole as well as each unit process; 0A2 -rocess theory and la3oratory control testing and monitoring; 0B2 Safety issues and emergency operating procedures 0in a separate chapter2; Supporting utility systems and alternate power sources should also 3e descri3ed; 0C2 The re4uirements for daily operating logs and maintenance records; 0<D2 !anpower re4uirements, along with .o3 descriptions and training and certification re4uirements; 0<<2 A list of technical references; &.&.9.3 EOM & RM 48)1()1 The ontractor shall prepare instructions 3ased on the information pro%ided 3y the e4uipment %endors in accordance with the construction specifications; The information must include performance sheets and graphs for the installed e4uipment, catalogue cuts showing application information, installation information showing minimum accepta3le re4uirements, O5! re4uirements including operators* chec$lists and procedures for dismantling, chec$ing, aligning, ad.usting and re-assem3ling, descriptions of starting and stopping procedures, repair information, and a parts list; The ontractor shall prepare a design master e4uipment list 0(!E/2 that includes the item name, identification num3er, and construction specification section num3er for all ma.or pieces of e4uipment; The ontractor shall pro%ide the as-3uilt master e4uipment list 3y adding the manufacturerEs name, the address and phone num3er of the local representati%e, and the part8model8serial num3er to the (!E/; Appendi7 :;> includes an e7ample ta3le of contents from an EO!5R!; The chapter dedicated to Au7iliary Systems shall include ser%ice support systems not part of the wastewater treatment process 3ut essential to $eeping the process functioning as intended; This chapter shall address the following topicsF 0<2 -ota3le water 0=2 -ower distri3ution and stand3y 0>2 )entilation and air conditioning .--0 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0:2 "ire protection and detection 0?2 Non-pota3le water 0@2 Telephone, intercom and security 0A2 A list of facilities using similar unit processes elsewhere in the region and the world together with the contact details 0phone 8 fa78 email8 we3site8 post2 of the persons 8 institutions responsi3le for their O 5 ! to 3e used as a resource 3ase for on-going e7perience sharing, consultation and resolution of operational issues; 0B2 Software details 0program listing, I8O schedules, register listings etc2; The writing, implementing, program entry, de3ugging and documentation of the software for any -/s forms part of this ontract; The programs shall 3e listed 3oth mnemonically and in ladder diagrams; !anufacturers programming manuals shall 3e pro%ided in the maintenance manuals; The operation and maintenance manuals shall 3e supplemented with wall charts outlining the site-specific standard operational procedures and emergency procedures for display at each site location; Such charts should, as a minimum, 3e pro%ided for the treatment plant, at each unit process 3uilding and at the main pumping station; These charts shall 3e clear and concise, and ma7imi9e the use of easily understood graphics, illustrations and sym3ols; )er3al instructions, where included should 3e in English, with accompanying %ernacular 0Sinhalese and Tamil2 translations; The charts should 3e designed so that they could 3e easily understood 3y typical O 5 ! personnel of the !unicipal ouncil; &.&.D S1+)=+*= O6(*+1/): P*84(=.*(2 &.&.D.1 SOP 2.A0/22/8) The A-E shall pro%ide the EN'INEER a draft of the SO-s at ?D percent construction completion and the final draft of the SO-s >D days prior to construction completion; At the end of the performance period, the A-E shall also pro%ide a site-tested, final SO- for each ma.or component of the treatment plant; &.&.D.! P*84(22(2 *(-./*/): SOP2 The SO-s are part of the system O5! manuals and may re4uire re%ision to reflect actual operating e7perience; SO-s shall 3e prepared for all processes including, 3ut not limited to, those listed 3elowF 0<2 -umping stations 0=2 Screening remo%al and disposal 0>2 'rit remo%al 0:2 O7idation ditch 0?2 Sludge handling system 0@2 Tan$ drainage system 0A2 "uel storage and distri3ution system 0B2 -ota3le water system 0C2 -lant water system 0<D2 -ower distri3ution system 0<<2 Stand3y power system .--1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.&.D.C E,(0()12 87 SOP Each SO- shall contain, at a minimum, the following elementsF 0<2 A component num3ering identification system for each %al%e, control point, and unit process 0=2 (escriptions of normal %al%e settings, flow di%ersions, and operational re4uirements 0>2 (escriptions of routine operating procedures including start up, 3rea$-in, normal operation, regulating, controlling, stopping, shutdown, emergency, special %isual o3ser%ations, and record$eeping 0:2 (escriptions of routine safety procedures and potential danger areas &.&.D.& SOP 78*0+1 One final set of SO-s shall 3e printed on dura3le water resistant A: si9e paper; 'raphics, photos, and illustrations shall 3e used to the greatest practical e7tent; The SO-s shall not 3e more than <D pages in length each, and shall 3e ring-3ound with a plastic protecti%e co%er; All SO-s shall 3e pro%ided to the EN'INEER on (s and shall 3e prepared in a word processing software specified 3y the EN'INEER; &.&.F O6(*+18* P84>(1 G./=( Operator poc$et guide 3oo$s shall 3e prepared in English and translated into Sinhalese8Tamil to assist the operators in achie%ing the goals of a particular unit process or e4uipment operation at the main pumping station and treatment plant; The materials shall 3e condensed from the O5! manual and SO-s to pro%ide a summary of the operating procedures, tas$s to 3e performed for control and performance of the process, response to alarms and trou3leshooting; The poc$et guide shall pro%ide clear references to more detailed information and instructions a%aila3le in the O5! manual; The poc$et guide shall 3e simple to use, graphic, concise and user friendly; 'uide3oo$s shall 3e in &? or &: si9e, and all pages shall 3e laminated in hard plastic; The ontractor shall pro%ide <D poc$et guide 3oo$s for each unit process or e4uipment operation including 3ut not limited to the followingF - Screening - omminutor - 'rit remo%al - !ain pump operations - Septage recei%ing - "low control using gates and stop logs - O7idation ditch operation 03lowers and mi7ers2 - O7idation ditch 0(O control method proposed to create Ano7ic 9one2 - Return and waste0e7cess2 sludge pump operation - Sedimentation tan$ operation - (isinfection - Sludge thic$ening .--2 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! - -olymer mi7ing - Sludge dewatering - Sludge loading - Sludge disposal - Emergency generators 0and fuel storage2 &.&.E [email protected] D+1+ The ontractor shall $eep neat and legi3le notes of measurements and calculations made 3y him in connection with the layout of the wor$; opies of such data shall 3e furnished to the EN'INEER for use in chec$ing the ontractorEs layout as pro%ided under /ines and 'rades; All such data considered of %alue to the E!-/OHER will 3e transmitted to the E!-/OHER 3y the EN'INEER with other records upon completion of the wor$; &.&.1" S1+)=+*=2 +)= S6(4/7/4+1/8)2 The ontractors shall pro%ide the EN'INEER with two sets of each standard and specification referred to in this specification concerning e4uipment, materials and wor$manship in English; &.&.11 S.A0/22/8) 87 M+1(*/+,2 78* T(21/): It shall 3e the ontractor*s responsi3ility to ascertain from the EN'INEER which materials and articles are re4uired for testing, and to ensure that they are su3mitted, sufficiently far in ad%ance as to a%oid delay in the #or$s; &.&.1! S+06,(2 The ontractor shall su3mit to the EN'INEER as he may re4uire samples of all materials and goods, which he proposes to use or employ in or for the #or$s; Such samples, if appro%ed, will 3e retained 3y the EN'INEER and no materials or goods of which samples ha%e 3een su3mitted, shall 3e used in the permanent #or$s unless and until such samples shall ha%e 3een appro%ed in writing 3y the EN'INEER; &.3 C8)1*8, 87 T5( W8*> &.3.1 T5( S/1( The E!-/OHER will gi%e the ontractor possession of the areas of the -ermanent #or$s and such other areas shown on the 3idding document drawings as 3eing a%aila3le for the ontractor*s use; Such possession may not 3e e7clusi%e to the ontractor; The ontractor shall ma$e his own arrangements for any other land re4uired 3y him; The ontractor shall not use the Site for any purpose other than for carrying out the wor$ re4uired under this ontract; &.3.! A44(22 18 15( S/1( The ontractor shall arrange for, construct, maintain and afterwards hand o%er to the E!-/OHER on completion of the ontract 0or, if directed 3y the EN'INEER, remo%e .--3 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! and reinstate2 any temporary access re4uired for and in connection with the e7ecution of the #or$s; Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of the access route to at least the degree of safety, sta3ility and drainage that o3tained 3efore the ontractor entered the Site; #here operations are carried out on securely fenced land 3elonging to the E!-/OHER the ontractor shall ensure that the -urchaser*s current security regulations are maintained; &.3.C L+)= 78* C8)21*.41/8) P.*682(2 &.3.C.1 P.A,/4 6*86(*1@ -ermits or appro%al for wor$ to proceed shall 3e o3tained 3y the ontractor from rele%ant agencies with the assistance of the E!-/OHER; All wor$s performed and all operations of the ontractor, his employees or su3-ontractors, within the limit of the pu3lic property, shall 3e in conformity with the re4uirements and 3e under the control 0through the E!-/OHER2 of such agencies owning or ha%ing .urisdiction o%er and control of the right- of-way in each case; Those rele%ant agencies include 3ut not limited to the followingF - Road (e%elopment Authority - -ro%incial Road (e%elopment Authority - Rele%ant -radeshiya Sa3has and 1r3an ouncils 0/ocal Authorities2 - Sur%ey (epartment - eylon Electricity &oard 0E&2 and8or /an$a Electricity ompany 0/EO2, - Sri /an$a Telecom - Sri /an$a Railway - &oard of In%estment 0&OI2 - Rele%ant (i%isional and (istrict Secretariats - !ahaweli Authority of Sri /an$a - National #ater Supply 5 (rainage &oard and its Regional Support entre; !aterials or e4uipment shall not 3e placed on the property until the rele%ant agency has agreed to the location to 3e used for storage; The locations and e7tents of the areas so used shall 3e within the property line directed 3y rele%ant agencies; The ontractor shall immediately mo%e stored materials or e4uipment at his own cost, if any occasion arises or when re4uested 3y the rele%ant agency as instructed 3y the EN'INEER; 1tilities and other concerned agencies shall 3e contacted and permission shall 3e o3tained prior to cutting or closing roads, streets or other traffic areas or e7ca%ating near underground utilities or a3o%e ground utilities; &.3.C.! P*/B+1( 6*86(*1@ The ontractor shall not enter for any deli%eries or occupy for any other purpose with or without men, tools, e4uipment, construction materials, or with materials e7ca%ated from any trench or pit, any pri%ate property outside the designated way-lea%es without written permission from the owner and8or tenant of the property; #hene%er the way-lea%e is occupied 3y crops or structures which will 3e damaged 3y construction operation, the ONTRATOR shall notify the EN'INEER and owner or .-.$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! tenant sufficient in ad%ance so that where possi3le the crops or structure may 3e remo%ed 3efore e7ca%ation or trenching is started; The ONTRATOR shall 3e responsi3le for all damages due to construction and in%estigation wor$ and shall ma$e satisfactory settlement at his own cost for damages, directly with the property owner and8or tenant in%ol%ed; The ONTRATOR 3efore starting any wor$ in pri%ate property shall prepare condition report of the area li$ely to 3e affected 3y the wor$s to 3e agreed with the owner 8 tenant and the EN'INEER; &.3.C.C A44(22 18 6*/B+1( 6*86(*1@ #hen it is necessary to temporarily interrupt access to owners or tenants to their property, or when any utility ser%ice connection must 3e interrupted, the ontractor shall gi%e written notice as prescri3ed herein or 3y the rele%ant Authority sufficiently in ad%ance to ena3le the affected persons to pro%ide for their needs; Notices will include appropriate information concerning the interruption and instructions on how to limit and 8or to mitigate their incon%enience &.3.& W8*>2 W/15/) A*(+2 87 P*/B+1( +)= P.A,/4 P*86(*1@ The ontractor shall ta$e special care to a%oid unnecessary damage to pri%ate and pu3lic property and he shall pay the compensation for such damage as may in the opinion of the EN'INEER 3e due to the e7ecution of the wor$ in a careless or un-wor$manli$e manner; Should the ontractor re4uire for any purpose additional land 3eyond the corridor widths as depicted in drawings, he shall pro%ide it at his own cost and shall forward to the EN'INEER a copy of the permits from the owner and occupier of such additional land 3efore entering thereon; #here the wor$ in%ol%ing pipelines is carried out through, 3etween or under 3uildings or other structures, the gardens, orchards or cartilage of pri%ate houses and 3usiness premises or in other cases which in the opinion of the EN'INEER render it impractica3le or unreasona3le for a specified width to 3e o3tained for the construction of the wor$s, ontractor shall 3e deemed to ha%e made allowance in his 3id for any e7tra e7pense which may 3e incurred in carrying out the wor$ in the restricted width a%aila3le; The ontractor shall not distur3 any monuments, property corners or sur%ey mar$ers without permission from the EN'INEER, and he shall 3ear the e7pense or resetting any monuments, property corners or sur%ey mar$ers, which may 3e distur3ed; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for all damages to streets, utilities, railways, roads, highways, ditches, em3an$ments, canals, 3ridges, cul%erts or other pu3lic or pri%ate property which may 3e caused 3y transporting e4uipment, materials, or men to or from the wor$; The ontractor shall ma$e satisfactory and accepta3le arrangements with the property owner o%er the damaged property concerning its repair or replacement; Such arrangements shall 3e to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER as well; &.3.3 A0()/1/(2 18 A( P*(2(*B(= The ontractor shall cause the least possi3le interference with e7isting amenities and facilities, whether natural or man-made; No trees shall 3e felled e7cept as authori9ed 3y the EN'INEER and clearance of the Sites shall generally 3e $ept to the minimum necessary for the #or$s and Temporary #or$s; &efore starting wor$ on any sites, the ontractor shall di%ert around the perimeter of the site any minor watercourses crossing the sites, which are necessary for the continuation of agriculture outside the 3oundaries of the site; .-.1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor shall at all times ensure that he does not cause any damage to or pollution of any e7isting installations and he shall ta$e positi%e steps to minimi9e any incon%enience to the inha3itants of local communities; He shall at all time respect local traditions, religious sites and periods and the life style of the people, and shall deal promptly with any complaints 3y owners or occupiers; The ontractor shall ensure that any recorded archaeological and heritage sites are protected; #here distur3ance is una%oida3le, this will proceed in consultation with archaeologists and only after permission has 3een o3tained from the concerned local authority; In the e%ent of disco%ery of pre%iously undetected sites, rele%ant authorities will 3e consulted 3efore further distur3ance; &.3.9 R(,/42 +)= A)1/-./1/(2 ontractor shall gi%e immediate notice to EN'INEER if e%idence of archaeological finds are encountered during construction, and await his written instructions 3efore proceeding with wor$ in this area; Relics and anti4uities and items of historical or scientific interest such as cornerstones and contents, commemorati%e pla4ues, inscri3ed ta3lets, and similar o3.ects found on site or in 3uildings to 3e demolished, shall remain property of E!-/OHER; ontractor shall protect such articles and re4uest directi%es from EN'INEER; &.3.D L(B(,2, S(11/): O.1 +)= S.*B(@2 The ontractor shall chec$ and confirm the sur%eys and topographic data 3efore using them or esta3lish his own 3ench mar$ and 3ase line data; The ontractor shall 3e entirely responsi3le for all le%els and settings used 3y him in the #or$s; &asic hori9ontal and %ertical control points will 3e esta3lished 3y the ontractor from the points designated 3y the EN'INEER on the drawings; These points shall 3e chec$ed 3y the ontractor for accuracy and shall 3e used as datum for the wor$; All additional sur%ey, layout, and measurement wor$ shall 3e performed 3y the ontractor as a part of the wor$ without any additional cost to the E!-/OHER; ontractor shall esta3lish permanent sur%ey control points along all pipe routes for the use during operation and maintenance; (istance 3etween each set of such control points shall 3e not more than < $ilometre; Each set shall contain three control points that are prefera3ly more than :D metres apart and %isi3le from each other; One point shall 3e esta3lished as a 3ench mar$ for le%elling wor$; /ocations for these shall 3e carefully selected so that those are not li$ely to 3e distur3ed and shall 3e su3.ect to appro%al of the EN'INEER; Their coordinates and le%el in case of the 3ench mar$, with reference to National Sur%ey 'rid shall 3e shown in the As &uilt (rawings; The ontractor shall pro%ide 4ualified and e7perienced sur%eyors and instrument men, competent assistants, and such instruments, tools, sta$es, and other materials re4uired to complete the sur%ey, layout and measurement wor$; In addition, the ontractor shall furnish, without charge, competent men from his force and such tools, sta$es, and other materials as the EN'INEER may re4uire in esta3lishing or designating control points, in esta3lishing construction easement 3oundaries, or in chec$ing sur%ey, layout, and measurement wor$ performed 3y the ontractor; The ontractor shall $eep the EN'INEER informed, with a reasona3le time in ad%ance, of the times and places at which he wishes to do wor$, so that hori9ontal and %ertical control .-.# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! points may 3e chec$ed 3y the EN'INEER with minimum incon%enience to him and minimum delay; The ontractor shall remo%e and reconstruct wor$, which is improperly located, at his own cost and to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER; &.3.F C8)21*.41/8) P,+)1 +)= E-./60()1 The ontractor shall furnish construction plant and e4uipment which will 3e appropriate type and capacity to secure a satisfactory 4uality of wor$ and rate of progress to ensure completion of the wor$ within the time stipulated in the ontract; The contractor shall also furnish to the EN'INEER list of all construction plant and e4uipment that he intends to deploy at site 3efore commencement of wor$; All these plants and e4uipments shall 3e e4ui%alent or higher in capacities and num3ers as specified in the ontract document; &.3.E L84+1/8)2 87 W8*> -ipelines and structures will 3e located su3stantially as indicated on the (rawings; The contractor has the right to modify locations to a%oid interference with e7isting structures and underground utilities; &.3.1" W8*>2 18 A( K(61 C,(+* 87 W+1(* The ontractor shall $eep the wor$s well drained until the EN'INEER certifies that the whole of the #or$s is su3stantially complete and shall ensure that so far as is practica3le all wor$ is carried out in the dry; E7ca%ated areas shall 3e $ept well drained and free from standing water; The ontractor shall construct, operate and maintain all temporary dams, watercourses and other wor$s of all $inds, including pumping and well-point dewatering plant that may 3e necessary to e7clude water from the #or$s while construction is in progress; Such temporary wor$s and plant shall not 3e remo%ed without the appro%al of the EN'INEER; Notwithstanding any appro%al 3y the EN'INEER of the ontractor*s arrangements for the e7clusion of water, the ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for the sufficiency thereof and for $eeping the #or$s safe at all times particularly during any floods and for ma$ing good at his own e7pense any damage to the #or$s including any that may 3e attri3uta3le to floods; Any loss of production or additional costs of any $ind that may result from flooding shall 3e at the ontractor*s own ris$; &.3.11 U)48B(*/): W8*> 78* I)26(41/8) & C8**(41/8) 87 D(7(41/B( W8*>2 ontractor shall perform all cutting, remo%al, patching and repairs re4uired for the wor$ as may 3e necessary in connection with unco%ering wor$ for inspection or for the correction of defecti%e wor$s for the installation of improperly timed wor$, to remo%e samples of installed materials for testing, and to pro%ide for alteration of e7isting facilities or the installation of new wor$ in e7isting construction at his own cost; E7cept when the cutting or remo%al of e7isting construction is specified or indicated, the ontractor shall not underta$e any cutting or remo%al, which may affect the structural sta3ility of the #or$ or e7isting facilities without EN'INEEREs concurrence; The ontractor shall pro%ide all shoring, 3racing, supports, and protecti%e de%ices necessary to safeguard all wor$s and e7isting facilities during cutting, remo%al, patching and repair operations; .-.- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! !aterials shall 3e cut and remo%ed to the e7tent indicated on the (rawings or as re4uired to complete the wor$; !aterials shall 3e remo%ed in a careful manner with no damage to ad.acent facilities or materials; !aterials, which are not sal%agea3le, shall 3e remo%ed from the site 3y the ontractor; All wor$s and e7isting facilities affected 3y cutting 5 patching operations shall 3e restored with new materials, or with sal%aged materials accepta3le to EN'INEER, to o3tain a finished installation with the strength, appearance, and functional capacity re4uired; If necessary, entire surfaces shall 3e redone and refinished; &.3.1! P*81(41/8) 87 E?/21/): S1*.41.*(2 +)= U1/,/1/(2 The contractor shall assume full responsi3ility at no additional cost to the E!-/OHER for the protection of all 3uildings, structures, natural em3an$ment and utilities, pu3lic or pri%ate including poles, signs, ser%ices to 3uildings, utilities in the street, water pipes, hydrants, drains and electric and telephone ducts and conduits, whether or not they are shown on the (rawings; The ontractor shall carefully support and protect all such structures and utilities from in.ury of any $ind; The ontractor shall 3ear full responsi3ility for o3taining all locations of underground structures and utilities, and all such ser%ices shall 3e maintained uninterrupted during construction; -rior commencement of wor$ in the %icinity of structures li$ely to 3e affected 3y the wor$s, the contractor shall prepare a condition report of such structures to 3e agreed with owner and the EN'INEER; Some details of e7isting utility ser%ices are a%aila3le and may 3e inspected at the office of the EN'INEER; The E!-/OHER accepts no responsi3ility whatsoe%er for any omissions or for the correct representation on the drawings of these ser%ices; In colla3oration with the EN'INEER, the ontractor shall contact the local officials of each of the Statutory Authorities responsi3le for 3uried ser%ices and shall maintain close liaison with them throughout the construction; 1nder the co-ordination of the EN'INEER the positions of all main ser%ices lia3le to interference 3y the construction shall 3e esta3lished prior to commencement of wor$, trial holes 3eing made at the ontractor*s e7pense where the information cannot 3e deri%ed from records or surface indications; Apart from %erifying positions to a%oid damage, scrutiny is needed to clarify those main ser%ices, which might conflict with the drawings; #here conflicts arise the EN'INEER will consider if an amendment to the design can 3e made or if a di%ersion of the e7isting main ser%ice is needed; Early scrutiny of these ser%ices is essential to ena3le any such di%ersions to 3e made in ad%ance of the construction; In addition to the scrutiny referred to a3o%e the ontractor shall ta$e all reasona3le precautions to pre%ent damage to e7isting 3uried main ser%ices and connections to 3uildings; The EN'INEER may 3e a3le to e7tend assistance 3y writing only to the %arious authorities and re4uesting them to gi%e information to the ontractor; Relocation of ser%ice connections which conflict with the -ermanent #or$s shall 3e re%iewed with the EN'INEER; (rain and sewer di%ersions shall 3e made 3y the ontractor and other di%ersions 3y the Statutory Authority unless prior agreement is .-.. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! o3tained from them for the wor$ to 3e done and will issue detailed instructions for each di%ersion; rossings under ser%ice connections to indi%idual premises or properties, for water ser%ices and for sewerage and drains, shall 3e deemed to 3e included in the ontractor*s rates for e7ca%ation; The ontractor shall in any case pro%ide ade4uate temporary support to all e7isting ser%ices and connections that are e7posed or partially e7posed or otherwise wea$ened 3y the e7ca%ation, and should any damage occur shall immediately notify the EN'INEER and Statutory Authority and afford e%ery facility for the repair of the affected ser%ice; Such repairs shall 3e at the e7pense of the ontractor; In addition to the precautions to 3e ta$en with 3uried ser%ices the ontractor shall ensure that his plant and e4uipment do not damage pipeline or pipe supports a3o%e ground or any o%erhead electricity or telephone ca3les; He shall also ta$e all precautions to pre%ent his plant from operating too closely to o%erhead high tension ca3les, and he shall in con.unction with the EN'INEER and Electricity Authority, esta3lish all necessary precautions for crossings under such ca3les; No mechanical e7ca%ation will 3e permitted within = metres of the esta3lished positions of high %oltage ca3les; If power lines need to 3e di%erted the ontractor will ha%e to initiate such action prior to commencement of wor$ through the agency concerned in liaison with the EN'INEER; &.3.1C U)=(*:*8.)= C+A,(2 +)= S(*B/4(2 &efore commencing any e7ca%ation the ontractor shall ascertain whether any ca3les 0power, telephone, fi3re optic, etc;;2 or other ser%ice pipes ha%e already 3een constructed in such area and shall thereafter carry out the e7ca%ations in such manner and se4uence as the EN'INEER directs; If during the e7ca%ation, the ontractor*s wor$men unco%er any ca3les or ser%ice pipes, wor$ shall 3e stopped immediately, and the matter reported to the EN'INEER and shall not 3e recommenced until the EN'INEER has issued his instructions on the procedures to 3e followed; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for safeguarding 3y means of temporary or permanent supports or other means as may 3e directed or appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER, all pipes, ca3les and other things which would 3e lia3le to suffer damage if such precautionary measures were not ta$en; &.3.1& OA21*.41/8) 87 U1/,/1@ S(*B/4(2 The ontractor shall ensure that all e7isting hydrants, %al%es, or other utility controls shall remain uno3structed and accessi3le during the construction of the wor$; &.3.13 O6(*+1/8) 87 U1/,/1@ S(*B/4(2 The ontractor shall o3tain written appro%al from the Authorities concerned 3efore operating any %al%e, switch, or other control on e7isting utility ser%ices; The ontractor shall 3ear any cost of such operation; All consumers affected 3y such operation shall 3e notified 3y the ontractor, at least > days 3efore the operation of the date, time and pro3a3le length of ser%ice interruption; In case of drin$ing water supplies, the ontractor shall pro%ide alternati%e arrangements to supply water 0such as supply from 3owsers2 to the affected consumers at his own cost; .-./ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.3.19 M+/)1()+)4( 87 F,8< The ontractor shall pro%ide alternati%e arrangement for the flow of drains and water courses interrupted during the progress of the wor$, and shall immediately remo%e all offensi%e matter; The entire procedure of maintaining e7isting flow shall 3e fully discussed with the EN'INEER well in ad%ance of the interference of any flow; &.3.1D P*8B/2/8)2 78* T*+77/4 +)= D(18.*2 The ontractor shall conduct his construction so that interference with the flow of traffic is $ept to a minimum; He shall construct temporary 3ridging across his trenches where necessary for traffic including access to pri%ate property and to pedestrians; Road shall not 3e closed unless permitted 3y the rele%ant road authority; #here detours are permitted the ontractor shall pro%ide all luminous 3arricades, red warning lights, and traffic signs re4uired to di%ert the flow of traffic and shall e7pedite construction operations to minimi9e disruption; The ontractor shall maintain such detour roads ade4uately until detouring is not further re4uired; &.3.1F C8-O6(*+1/8) </15 O15(* C8)1*+418*2 The ontractor shall plan, schedule, and co-ordinate his operations in a manner which will facilitate simultaneous progress of the wor$ of other ontractors of roads, electricity, telecom etc;, implemented 3y other agencies; &.3.1E C,(+)-U6 W8*> 18 A( D8)( The ontractor shall 3ear full responsi3ility for the protection of all finished e7terior and interior surfaces, fi7tures and e4uipment from stains, mar$s, dirt or damage of any $ind, from the time of their construction, finishing, or installation until the time of final handing o%er the fully completed wor$ to the E!-/OHER; &efore re4uesting an inspection of the completed wor$s with the intent of final acceptance, the ontractor shall do all necessary cleaning, ma$ing good, and touching up that may 3e re4uired to lea%e all finished surfaces, fi7tures and e4uipment in accepta3le condition, in accordance with the full intent and meaning of these specifications; The ontractor shall o3ser%e the following particular re4uirements, which shall 3e recogni9ed as setting the standard for the final condition of the wor$; 0<2 &uilding Sites Remo%e all surplus materialI lea%e the site in a clean neat and satisfactory condition to the appro%al of the EN'INEER; 0=2 All E7posed oncrete, !asonry and Sheet !etal Thoroughly clean all e7posed concrete masonry and sheet metal to eliminate mortar droppings and the li$e; 0>2 'lass If necessary repair, wash and thoroughly clean glass on all faces and free it from e7cess gla9ing compound, paint and scratches; Air spaces of dou3le-gla9ed sash shall 3e a3solutely free from sha%ings, sawdust or dirt of any $ind; 0:2 -ainted, Enamelled and )arnished Surfaces lean all such surfaces of all mar$s, stains, scratches, fingerprints and repair all other damages; .-.0 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0?2 "loor Surfaces Remo%e all temporary protecti%e co%erings and shall lea%e all surfaces clean, unmar$ed and free from stains, and where specified, properly wa7ed and polished; 0@2 'la9ed #alls lean all gla9ed wall surfaces of stains or spattered paint; 0A2 "inish Hardware, /ighting "i7tures and Electrical Outlet -lates lean and polish and lea%e free from paint, dirt or dust, particularly all hinges which shall 3e oiled; 0B2 (uct #or$ Remo%e dust and de3ris from all ductwor$; 0C2 Roof Surfaces Ensure that Roof topping, where shown on the drawings, is e%enly spread, intact and free from construction de3ris, nails or any other foreign matter; 0<D2 Electrical E4uipment, Appurtenances Ensure that all e4uipment is properly operating and maintained to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER, is e4uipped with all necessary fittings and controls and that the applica3le operating and maintenance manuals for all e4uipment ha%e 3een furnished to the EN'INEER; 0<<2 -lum3ing and -lum3ing "i7tures "ree all pipes and fittings from dirt and de3ris clean and polish all fi7tures and ensure that facilities are in proper wor$ing order; 0<=2 -ipe #or$ hec$ all piping wor$s for sufficient supports, water tightness, and cleanliness; 0<>2 ontrol and Safety E4uipment Ensure that all such e4uipment is properly operating, cali3rated and maintained for the ser%ice intended and left in a clean condition with operating instructions where re4uired; &.3.!" F,81+1/8) The ontractor shall ta$e all-necessary precautions against the flotation of any structures or pipelines; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for any damage caused 3y flotation and for ma$ing good such damage at his own cost; &.3.!1 P*(B()1/B( M(+2.*(2 78* W+1(* I)1(**.61/8) The ontractor shall also ensure that he has stoc$s of repair fittings and pipes at each pipe laying gang location to 3e a3le to immediately effects repair and minimi9e interruption of supplies in e%ent of accidental pipe damages &.3.!! E?4(22 F/,, M+1(*/+, The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le ma$ing all arrangements for the disposal of all e7cess fill material from any e7ca%ation not considered for use in the grading and other purposes and for handling of this e7cess material o%er whole distance from the point of e7ca%ation .-.1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! to the point of disposal; The ontractor shall get prior appro%al from the EN'INEER for such disposal sites; &.3.!C P.06/): +)= D*+/)+:( The ontractor shall dispose of all groundwater and surface runoff to e7isting water courses with all measures needed to pre%ent e7cessi%e solid materials 3eing discharged, all in a manner appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER; &.3.!& OB(*5(+= C8)21*.41/8) No machinery shall 3e employed which, in the opinion of the EN'INEER, will unduly interfere with wires and other o%erhead construction; &.3.!3 U)7+B8.*+A,( C8)21*.41/8) C8)=/1/8)2 (uring unfa%oura3le weather, wet ground, or other unsuita3le construction conditions, the ontractor shall confine his operations to wor$, which will not 3e affected ad%ersely 3y such conditions; No portion of the wor$ shall 3e constructed under conditions, which would ad%ersely affect the 4uality or efficiency thereof, unless special means or precautions are ta$en 3y the ontractor to perform the wor$ in a proper and satisfactory manner to the appro%al of the EN'INEER; In addition he shall erect notice 3oards indicating his programme of road closures 0whether full or partial2 sufficiently in ad%ance at 3oth ends of points of entry of each road; &.3.!9 P.A,/4 N81/4( 87 S1+*1/): W8*> The ontractor shall pro%ide and distri3ute to all residents in the area which may 3e affected 3y the wor$, a printed notice in Sinhalese, Tamil and English full page si9e with wording similar to that shown in the ne7t page; &.3.!D M+*>(* 6821 +)= 2/:) A8+*=2 +)= 6/418:*+02 The ONTRATOR shall design, furnish and installs all mar$er posts, sign 3oards and pictograms complied with international standard, to facilitate the demarcation or identification of features and facilities either co%ered or e7posed, 3y operation and maintenance wor$ers as well as customers; The structure arrangement and si9e of all type of mar$er post, sign 3oards and pictograms shall 3e appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER; It is mandatory to pro%ide these items at all the permanent structures whether it is 3uried or e7posed; .-.2 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! NOTICE TO THE -EO-/E IN THIS AREA #ithin the ne7t few days, #or$ will 3e started on the construction of new wastewater management facilities; This wor$ may cause some incon%enience 3ut will 3e of permanent 3enefit; #e shall appreciate your co-operation on the following mattersF 0<:2 -lease 3e alert when dri%ing or wal$ing in or near the onstruction area; 0<?2 Tools, materials, and e4uipment are attracti%e to children; "or the safety of the children, please $eep them away; 0<@2 -lease report all incon%enience to the Site EN'INEER or call the office at the num3ers gi%en 3elow; Telephone NoF QQQQQQQQQQ The wor$ is 3eing performed for the National #ater Supply and (rainage &oard, &yF 0Insert "irm Name, Address, and Telephone Num3er of the ontractor in this space2 In case of complaint you may contact us on the a3o%e telephone; #e will endea%our to complete this wor$ as rapidly as possi3le and with a minimum of incon%enience to you; (ate of Notice F Signed F Title F .-.3 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.3.!F A=B(*1/2(0()1 B8+*= The ontractor shall erect sign3oards at each ma.or wor$site, to display the details of the pro.ect, the E!-/OHER and the ONTRATOR, as specified 3y the EN'INEER; The ontractor shall not, e7cept with the written authority of the EN'INEER, e7hi3it or permit to 3e e7hi3ited on the site any ad%ertisement 3oard; Any such ad%ertisement may also 3e su3.ect to the appro%al of the EN'INEER 3efore it is put up and it shall 3e remo%ed if the EN'INEER so demands; &.9 C8)1*8, 87 M+1(*/+,2 &.9.1 A66*8B+, 87 M+1(*/+,2 +)= E-./60()1 Only new materials and e4uipment shall 3e incorporated in the wor$; All materials and e4uipment furnished 3y the ontractor shall 3e su3.ect to the inspection and appro%al of the EN'INEER; No material shall 3e incorporated into the wor$ without appro%al of the EN'INEER; The ontractor shall su3mit to the EN'INEER data relating to materials and e4uipment proposed to 3e furnished for the wor$; Such data shall 3e of sufficient detail to ena3le the EN'INEER to identify the particular product and to form an opinion as to its conformity to the specifications; "acilities and la3our for the handling and inspection of all materials and e4uipment shall 3e furnished 3y the ontractor; If the EN'INEER re4uires, either prior to 3eginning or during the progress of the wor$, the ontractor shall su3mit samples of materials for such special tests to demonstrate that they conform to the specifications; Such samples shall 3e furnished, stored and tested as directed at the ontractorEs e7pense; The ontractor shall su3mit data and samples sufficiently early 3ut not less than twenty one 0=<2 days prior to the appro%al-re4uired date to permit consideration and appro%al 3efore materials are ordered; Any delay of appro%al resulting from the ontractorEs failure to su3mit samples or data timely shall not 3e used as a 3asis of a claim against the E!-/OHER; In order to demonstrate the proficiency of wor$men or to facilitate the choice among se%eral te7tures, types, finishes, and surfaces the ontractor shall pro%ide such samples of wor$manship of finish as may 3e re4uired 3y the EN'INEER; &.9.! I)26(41/8) +)= T(21/): The ontractors are re4uired to ensure that the goods to 3e supplied under this ontract shall conform to the re4uirements; The supplier shall o3tain the certificates of Inspection for the specific re4uirement of this ontract document carried out 3y one of the following inspection agencies accepta3le to the EN'INEER; <; !8s /loyds Register, /loyds Register Industrial (i%ision, Register House, =C #allesley Road, roydon (RO N =A+, 1;,; .-/$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! =; !8s rown Agents, Muality Assurance 5 Inspection Ser%ice Townend House, #alsall #SI INT 1;,; >; !8s Societe 'eneral de Sur%eillance S;A; <, -hase des Alpes, ase -ostale BCB, H N <=<< 'ene%e <, Suisse; :; &ureau of )eritas ede7 ::, C=DAA -aris /e (efense "rance; No material shall 3e deli%ered to the site without formal inspection ha%ing 3een carried out or wai%ed in writing 3y the EN'INEER and a certificate issued 3y the ontractor, which is endorsed 3y the EN'INEER that the item conforms to the re4uirement of the ontract in all respects; #hen re4uested 3y the EN'INEER, and in his presence, the ontractor shall perform or ma$e arrangements for all tests and analysis of materials, e4uipment, and structures in accordance with the rele%ant clauses of the specifications; All facilities, la3our, and materials re4uired for the satisfactory performance of these tests, analysis, and inspections, whether on the site, at the place of deli%ery, at the manufacturerEs la3oratory, or at an independent testing la3oratory shall 3e supplied 3y the ontractor at his own e7pense; The E!-/OHER and8or EN'INEER may ma$e surprise inspections at any of the manufacturing or shipping points at any time in addition to the schedule pro%ided in this specification at the cost of the E!-/OHER; Howe%er, during such inspection, if it is found that any of the items is not 3eing manufactured or shipped in accordance with the specifications, the ontractor shall 3ear all e7penses including fees incurred 3y the E!-/OHER and8or EN'INEER in respect of such inspections; The EN'INEER may re4uire the ontractor to su3mit the material testing results for his appro%al 3efore the material is used; The testing shall 3e performed at an independent la3oratory appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER; The ontractor shall furnish the re4uired samples together with test results when re4uested at least three 0>2 wee$s 3efore he anticipates ordering them to allow time for the EN'INEER to ma$e a decision; The following inspection and shop tests shall 3e made unless otherwise specified in the !echanical or Electrical specificationsF .-/1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! I1(0 R(-./*(= N.0A(* 87 I)26(41/8) (uctile Iron -ipes and fittings one time 3efore each shipment Steels -ipes and fittings one time 3efore each shipment -) fittings one time 3efore each shipment )al%es 5 "ire Hydrants 5 Other Specials E5! E4uipment #ater Treatment -lant E4uipment one time 3efore each shipment one time 3efore each shipment one time 3efore each shipment Any inspections carried out 3y the EN'INEER shall not relie%e the ontractor of his o3ligations under the ontract; &.9.C E-./B+,()1 M+1(*/+,2 +)= E-./60()1 #hene%er a material is specified 3y using the name of the standard and8or class internationally accepted, the specified item mentioned shall 3e understood as the minimum accepta3le standard; Other material may 3e accepted pro%ided that sufficient information is su3mitted as specified in Section :;@ of this Specification to allow the EN'INEER to determine that the materials proposed are e4ui%alent to or 3etter than those named; Such items shall 3e su3mitted 3efore =< days prior to the e7pected date of appro%al 3y the EN'INEER for re%iew 3y the procedure set forth in Section :;> of this Specification RSu3mittalsR; &.9.& H+)=,/): +)= S18*+:( 87 M+1(*/+,2 All materials and e4uipment to 3e incorporated in the wor$ shall 3e handled and stored 3y the manufacturer, supplier, and the ontractor 3efore, during, and after shipment in a manner to pre%ent warping, twisting, 3ending, 3rea$ing, chipping, rusting, and any in.ury, theft or damage of any $ind whatsoe%er to the material or e4uipment; -ipes and fittings shall 3e stored 5 handled as per the rele%ant lauses in the Section C of the Standard Technical Specifications; ement and lime shall 3e stored, co%ered and off the ground, and shall 3e $ept completely dry at all times; All structural steel, miscellaneous steel, and reinforcing steel shall 3e stored off the ground or otherwise to pre%ent accumulations of dirt or grease, and in a position to pre%ent accumulations of standing water and to minimi9e rusting; &eams shall 3e stored with the we3s %ertical; -re-cast concrete elements shall 3e handled and stored in a manner to pre%ent accumulations of dirt, and stagnation of water, staining, chipping or crac$ing; !asonry products shall 3e handled and stored in a manner to reduce 3rea$age, chipping, crac$ing, and spilling to a minimum; All e4uipment su3.ect to corrosi%e damage 3y the atmosphere if stored outdoors 0e%en though co%ered2 shall 3e stored in a 3uilding to pre%ent damage; The 3uilding may 3e a temporary structure on the site or elsewhere, 3ut it must 3e satisfactory to the EN'INEER; Any materials which, in the opinion of the EN'INEER, ha%e 3ecome so damaged as to 3e unfit for the use intended or specified shall 3e promptly remo%ed from the site of the wor$, and the ontractor shall recei%e no compensation for the replacement of the damaged material or its remo%al; .-/# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! !anufactured materials shall 3e deli%ered and stored in their original containers, plainly mar$ed, with identification of material and manufacturer, pro%ided that original containers are fit for storage under local conditions; &.9.3 M+1(*/+,2 S184> C8)1*8, The ontractor shall store all goods in a methodical and systematic manner, so that he can control his wor$ efficiently and in particular in the case of materials to 3e used in the permanent wor$s, the EN'INEER can physically monitor the amounts in stoc$; Each month or at such other times as may 3e re4uested 3y the EN'INEER the ontractor shall su3mit his up-to-date stoc$ list of materials re4uired for the permanent wor$s; In any case such list must 3e su3mitted with the ontractor*s monthly %aluation; &.9.9 S+,B+:( 87 M+1(*/+,2 +)= E-./60()1 E7isting materials and e4uipment remo%ed, and not reused, as a part of the wor$ shall remain property of the rele%ant agency; The ontractor shall carefully remo%e, in a manner to pre%ent damage, all materials and e4uipment specified or indicated to 3e sal%aged and reused or to remain property of the rele%ant agency; He shall store and protect sal%aged items specified or indicated to 3e reused in the wor$; Sal%aged items not to 3e reused in the wor$, 3ut to remain property of the rele%ant agency, shall 3e transported and deli%ered 3y the ontractor in good condition to the owner as may 3e decided 3y the EN'INEER; Any items damaged in remo%al, storage, handling or transportation through carelessness or improper procedures shall 3e replaced 3y the ontractor in $ind with new items, at his own cost; The ontractor may, at his option and e7pense furnish and install new items accepta3le to the EN'INEER without additional cost in lieu of those specified or indicated to 3e sal%aged and reused, in which case such remo%ed items will 3ecome the ontractorEs property; E7isting materials and e4uipment remo%ed 3y the ontractor shall not 3e reused in the wor$ e7cept where so specified or indicated; &.9.D M+).7+41.*(*I2 F/(,= S(*B/4(2 The e7perienced, competent, and authori9ed representati%es of the manufacturer of e4uipment and8or system shall %isit the site of the wor$ and install, inspect, chec$, ad.ust if necessary, and appro%e the e4uipment installation; In each case, the manufacturerEs representati%e shall 3e present when the e4uipment is placed in operation; The manufacturerEs representati%e shall %isit the .o3 site as often as necessary until all trou3les are corrected and the e4uipment installation and operation are performed to satisfaction of the EN'INEER; Each manufacturerEs representati%e shall furnish to the EN'INEER, through the ontractor, a written report certifying that the e4uipment has 3een properly installed and lu3ricatedI is in accurate alignmentI is free of any undue stress imposed 3y connecting pipe or anchor 3oltsI and has 3een operated under full load conditions and that it operated satisfactorily and it is fit for the intended purpose; .-/- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! All costs for these ser%ices shall 3e 3orne 3y the ONTRATOR; &.D G()(*+, E-./60()1 S1/6.,+1/8)2 &.D.1 S486( All e4uipment furnished and installed under this ontract shall conform to the general stipulations set forth in this Section e7cept as otherwise specified in other sections of the Specifications; &.D.! C8-O*=/)+1/8) The ontractor shall co-ordinate all details of the e4uipment with other related parts of the wor$, including %erification that all structures, piping, wiring, and e4uipment components are compati3le; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for all structural and other alterations in the wor$ re4uired to accommodate e4uipment differing in dimensions or other characteristics from that contemplated in the ontract (rawings or specifications; &.D.C W8*>0+)25/6 +)= M+1(*/+,2 The ontractor shall furnish guarantees from manufacturers for all e4uipment against faulty or inade4uate design, improper assem3ly or erection, defecti%e wor$manship or materials, and lea$age, 3rea$age or other failure for a period of fi%e 0?2 years, unless otherwise specified; 1nder this guarantee the ontractor agrees to replace, correct without delay at any e7pense to the E!-/OHER any such fault including the failure of any e4uipment or any part thereof to successfully perform within the limits of the specifications and further shall ma$e good any damage caused 3y such failure; The EN'INEER will gi%e prompt written notice of o3ser%ed defects to the ontractor; If after notice, the manufacturer fails to proceed promptly to comply with the terms of his guarantee, the ontractor will 3e held lia3le for all e7penses incurred 3y the E!-/OHER in replacing or getting the defects remedied and for all other losses; All e4uipment shall 3e designed, fa3ricated, assem3led, and installed in accordance with the 3est modern Engineering and shop practice; Indi%idual parts shall 3e manufactured to standard si9es and gauges so that spare parts, furnished at any time can 3e installed in the field; /i$e parts of duplicate units shall 3e interchangea3le; E4uipment shall not ha%e 3een in ser%ice at any time prior to deli%ery, e7cept as re4uired 3y tests; &.D.& A)458* B8,12 E4uipment suppliers shall furnish suita3le anchor 3olts with nuts, washers and slee%es of ade4uate design as re4uired for proper anchorage of the 3ases and 3edplates to the concrete 3ase for each item of e4uipment; Anchor 3olts, together with templates and setting drawings, shall 3e deli%ered in a timely manner to permit setting the anchor 3olts when the structural concrete is placed; 1nless otherwise indicated or specified, anchor 3olts for items of e4uipment mounted on 3ase plates shall 3e long enough to permit a minimum :D mm of grout 3eneath the 3ase plate and to pro%ide ade4uate anchorage into structural concrete; Anchor 3olts, nuts, washers and slee%es for use under su3merged or intermittently su3merged condition shall 3e of stainless steel; .-/. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.D.3 E-./60()1 B+2(2 The ontractor shall pro%ide the 3ase for pumps and other e4uipment and unless otherwise specified all e4uipment shall 3e installed on concrete 3ases at least <D cm high; &.D.9 S6(4/+, T88,2 +)= A44(228*/(2 E4uipment re4uiring periodic repair and ad.ustment shall 3e furnished complete with all special tools, instruments, and accessories re4uired for proper maintenance without additional cost to the E!-/OHER; E4uipment re4uiring special de%ices for lifting or handling shall 3e furnished complete with those de%ices also without additional cost to the E!-/OHER; &.D.D S586 P+/)1/): All steel and iron surfaces shall 3e protected 3y suita3le paint or coatings applied in the shop; Surfaces which will 3e inaccessi3le after assem3ly shall 3e protected for the life of the e4uipment; E7posed surfaces shall 3e finished smooth, thoroughly cleaned, and filled as necessary to pro%ide a smooth uniform 3ase for painting; Surfaces to 3e painted after installation shall 3e shop painted with one or more coats of a primer, which will ade4uately protect the e4uipment until finish coats are applied; !achined, polished, and non-ferrous surfaces, which are not to 3e painted, shall 3e coated with rust pre%enti%e compound; &.D.F P*(6+*+1/8) 78* S5/60()1 All e4uipment and materials shall 3e suita3ly pac$aged, sea-worthy where re4uired, to facilitate handling and protect against damage during transit and storage; All e4uipment and material shall 3e 3o7ed, crated, or otherwise completely enclosed and8or protected during shipment, handling, and storage; All e4uipment shall 3e protected from e7posure to the detrimental elements and shall 3e $ept thoroughly dry at all times; -ainted surfaces shall 3e protected against impact, a3rasion, discoloration, and other damage; All painted surfaces, which are damaged prior to acceptance of e4uipment, shall 3e repainted to the satisfaction of EN'INEER; 'rease and lu3ricating oil shall 3e applied to all 3earings and similar items; Each item of e4uipment and material shall 3e tagged or mar$ed as identified in the deli%ery schedule and8or on the shop drawings; omplete pac$ing lists and 3ills of material shall 3e included with each shipment; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for ma$ing all arrangements necessary for the transportation of e4uipment and plant to site, including in%estigation of the route for 3ridge clearances, loading limitations and the li$e; No deli%ery shall 3e made without the prior permission of the EN'INEER, which must 3e sought in writing at least se%en days 3efore the intended deli%ery date; &.D.E S18*+:( (eli%ery shall normally 3e to the designated storage area on site; Howe%er, with the agreement of the EN'INEER deli%ery may 3e direct to the point of erection The ontractor shall, at his own e7pense, pro%ide for storage of all e4uipment supplied under the ontract; .-// Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 1pon deli%ery, all e4uipment and materials shall immediately 3e stored and protected until installed in the wor$; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for reception at the designated storage area, off-loading including all usages of cranes, etc;, %erification that e4uipment deli%ered conforms to deli%ery in%entories, ensuring that stored e4uipment is ade4uately protected against deterioration from any cause and su3se4uent remo%al from the storage area and off-loading at the point of erection including all usages of cranes etc;, and transport; It is the sole responsi3ility of the ontractor to maintain protection of the e4uipment until Ta$ing-O%er ertificate has 3een issued; E4uipment and materials shall not show any pitting, rust, decay, or other deleterious effects of storage when installed in the wor$; &.D.1" I)21+,,+1/8) +)= O6(*+1/8) All e4uipment installed under this ontract shall 3e placed into successful operation according to the written instructions of the manufacturer or the instructions of the manufacturerEs field representati%e; All re4uired ad.ustments, tests, operation chec$s, and other start-up acti%ity shall 3e pro%ided 3y or through the ontractor; &.D.11 R(=.)=+)1 E-./60()1 Redundant e4uipment including items remo%ed during the #or$s 8 demolished items shall remain the property of the E!-/OHER and shall 3e mo%ed 3y the ontractor to a storage area to 3e allocated on the site; The EN'INEER will then consult the E!-/OHER to esta3lish whether any of the redundant e4uipment is to 3e re-utili9ed 3y the E!-/OHER; If the E!-/OHER re4uires any redundant e4uipment the ontractor shall arrange for it to 3e deli%ered to the E!-/OHER*s store; Otherwise he shall ma$e arrangements to dispose of the redundant e4uipment off site; &.F T(068*+*@ W8*>2 &.F.1 G()(*+, The ontractor shall ha%e the responsi3ility to prepare and maintain the land re4uired for the temporary facilities such as ontractor*s office and EN'INEER*s office; #ithin a reasona3le time 0and in any case not less than =< days2 3efore he intends to commence construction of any of the Temporary #or$s the ontractor shall su3mit full particulars, including drawings, of the same for the appro%al of the EN'INEER; The su3mission to and appro%al 3y the EN'INEER of any such particulars shall not relie%e the ontractor of his responsi3ility for the sufficiency of the Temporary #or$s or of his other duties and responsi3ilities under the ontract; The ontractor shall determine the 3est location for the Temporary #or$s at each site with respect to ease of access, safety and to a%oid interference with construction acti%ities; If the site has insufficient space to accommodate Temporary #or$s or if the site must first 3e cleared and graded the ontractor shall ha%e the option of installing the temporary facilities as close as possi3le to the Site, 3ut the cost of ac4uiring and occupying the site shall 3e 3orne 3y the ontractor; .-/0 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor may also choose to relocate the ontractor*s office and EN'INEER*s office within the Administration &uilding once it is completed until such time as it is handed o%er to the E!-/OHER; The ontractor shall ma$e safe and reinstate all areas affected 3y Temporary #or$s when they are remo%ed; &.F.! C8)1*+418*2 F/(,= O77/4( The ontractor shall esta3lish a field office at each .o3 site at the location appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER and it shall 3e maintained in a clean, orderly condition 3y the ontractor for the duration of construction unless earlier remo%al is authori9ed 3y the EN'INEER; The ontractor or his authori9ed representati%e shall 3e present in the office at all times while wor$ is in progress; Instructions recei%ed there from the EN'INEER shall 3e considered as deli%ered to the ontractor; &.F.C T(068*+*@ W8*>2586 +)= D<(,,/):2 78* E06,8@((2 -rior to constructing wor$shop or dwellings at the .o3 site, permission shall 3e o3tained from the EN'INEER; #or$shops shall 3e constructed in such a manner that they will not 3e an o3stacle to the mo%ements of the general pu3lic, shall not cause noise pollution and shall 3e aesthetically accepta3le; The area shall 3e $ept clean at all times; If the ontractor pro%ides li%ing accommodation for those employed 3y him, the dwellings shall 3e maintained in a clean and sanitary condition; Each dwelling unit shall 3e pro%ided with lights, water supply and sanitary facilities and properly furnished; The ontractor shall clear any unauthori9ed s4uatters or unofficial la3our camps or dwellings from the Site; &.F.& S/1( M+1(*/+,2 L+A8*+18*@ The ontractor shall pro%ide, maintain and su3se4uently remo%e a site la3oratory at the treatment plant site for soil and concrete 4uality control; The la3oratory shall 3e e4uipped with apparatus and competent technicians sufficient for carrying out tests re4uired for %erifying the compliance of materials and wor$manship with the Specification; The apparatus and personnel for this la3oratory shall 3e su3.ect to the general appro%al of the EN'INEER; The la3oratory shall 3e e4uipped for routine monitoring of aggregates, site 4uality control, and specimen and sample manufacture and curing; At the completion of the wor$s, the la3oratory and the apparatus shall 3e remo%ed and the Site cleared and reinstated; The la3oratory shall ha%e facilities that include at leastF - one hydraulic powered =DDD $N concrete cu3e crushing machine - a full set of metric fine and coarse aggregate sie%es complete with a matching electric %i3rator - three concrete thermometers - thermostatically controlled drying o%en capa3le of maintaining a temperature of <=D o for drying out aggregates - 3alance weighing up to A$g and accurate to D;D<g complete with a set of weights - scales weighing up to ==D$g and accurate to <g to complete with a set of weights - apparatus 0with consuma3les and spares2 for the measurement of the moisture content of aggregates .-/1 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! - two slump cones with tampers - compaction factor apparatus to &S<BB< - one reinforcement co%er meter - &S<>AA Hea%y ompaction Test e4uipment - apparatus for sand-replacement method of field density determination - li4uid limit de%ice and tools to &S<>AA including polished glass plate =DDmm s4uare 7 <Dmm thic$, : No <:Dmm diameter e%aporating dish and = spatulas - &R dual purpose, field and la3oratory apparatus complete with dial gauges, pro%ing ring and %ehicle mounting 3rac$et - one Schmidt hammer 0digital2 - set of >@, cast steel, <?Dmm concrete cu3e moulds with 3ase plates and = tampers - one set of sie%es for sie%e analysis of aggregate and sand - report forms, etc as directed - concrete cu3e curing tan$s - shel%ed cup3oards and aluminium trays =DDmm 7 ?Dmm deep - ta3les, chairs, wor$tops, sho%els, 3rushes, water and drainage, etc as re4uired; - digital tachometer - %i3ration meter - Earth resistance !egger All la3oratory e4uipment shall 3e su3.ect to the EN'INEER*s appro%al prior to ordering; If The ontractor considers the foregoing minimum facilities are insufficient for the purposes of this ontract, the ontractor shall pro%ide at his own cost, such additional facilities as he considers are necessary to ensure ade4uate 4uality control on the ontract; In particular, the ontractor shall ensure that sufficient items of field testing e4uipment are pro%ided - including, 3ut not limited to, slump cones with tampers, concrete cu3e moulds, concrete thermometers - so that field testing can 3e carried out whene%er re4uired on any site where soil or concrete wor$ is in progress; In addition the ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for transporting samples for la3oratory testing to the la3oratory from sites distant from the la3oratory; The ontractor shall pro%ide an appro%ed technician to wor$ in the la3oratory under the direction of the EN'INEER; These personnel may 3e re4uired to carry out wor$ related to the -ro.ect in addition to that re4uired under this ontract; &.F.3 S/1( O77/4( 78* T5( E):/)((*$2 R(6*(2()1+1/B( The ontractor shall pro%ide, erect, furnish, e4uip, clean, maintain, and su3se4uently remo%e a fully functional, fully e4uipped, temporary office 3uilding for the e7clusi%e use of the Engineer*s Representati%e and his staff; The office shall 3e located at the treatment plant site; The office shall ha%e an ade4uate office space 0minimum =?Dm = 2 for the super%ision staff 0Appro7imately =? personnel2 with ade4uate %ehicle par$ing facilities and shall 3e .-/2 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! completely weatherproof, air conditioned and insulated to $eep the heat out; The roof shall 3e co%ered with clay tile or 3etter; The office shall 3e complete with fully functional washrooms 0male and female2, a separately enclosed wet $itchen including storage cup3oards, a separate lunch room area and a separately enclosed meeting room; A drawing showing the functional space re4uirements is attached as Appendi7 :;:; The ontractor shall supply and maintain the following office e4uipment for the Engineer*s Representati%e*s useF coffee ma$ing machine 0<2, hot water $ettle =;? litre 0<2, full si9e refrigerator 0<2, 3ottled water dispenser 0<2, laser printer A> 0<2, laser printer A: 0<2, document scanner A> 0<2, fa7 machine 0<2, digital plotter AD 0<2, /AN 0=?2 ports, high speed internet connection 0<2, multimedia pro.ector 0<2, digital camera 0<2, digital %ideo camera 0<2, %oice recorder 0<2, des$ top computers 0<B2, note3oo$ computer 0?2, flat screen T) 0minimum :=K N /E(2 0<2, mo3ile telephone 0<?2, intercom phone 0B2 stations; Technical specifications for electronic and computer e4uipment are pro%ided in 'eneral Technical Specifications, Section ?, Appendi7 ?;<; The ontractor shall pro%ide and install the latest release %ersion of the following licensed softwareF !icrosoft #indows and !icrosoft Office orporate 0<?2, !icrosoft -ro.ect 0?2, AutoA( 0?2, Acro3at -rofessional 0=2, Sewer A( 0<2, (rop &o7 su3scription ?D'& B years 0? users2, 'IS applications as specified in section; The ontractor shall pro%ide and install furniture and fittings as followsF I1(02 U)/1 High 4uality des$s with side des$ and hairs 0Alpha N (IR=DDD or e4ual2 < Set High Muality EN'INEEREs /arge (es$ with side ta3le and hair 0Alpha N (IR<BD/ or e4ual2 > Sets EN'INEER /arge (es$ and hair with side ta3le 0Alpha N AE D= or e4ual2 <: Sets (es$s and hairs for lerical Staff 0Alpha AE<6<, AE=6=,T>6= or e4ual2 ? Sets /arge !eeting Ta3le and hairs 0 for <D persons2 0<;?m6>m2 < Set High 4uality Sofa and Ta3le 0 for B persons2 < Set /arge Ta3le for Spreading (rawings 0 <;?m7=;?m2 < Set High Muality : (rawers Steel a3inet0Alpha2 > Sets "illing Rac$s 0(amro N lR& DD<2 > Sets Steel (rawing a3inet 0Appro7; #?<K7(>CK7H:BK N minimum <D drawers2 < set High Muality Standard Steel /oc$er0A=7>@7<B inch2 0Alpha or e4ual2 ? 1nits High Muality Steel /i3rary 0A=7>@7<B inch20Alpha or e4ual2 ? Sets High Muality Safe0Alpha ,,<=? or e4ual2 < 1nit -artition wall 3etween des$s for Engineers /ump #indow urtain for all windows /ump .-/3 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! I1(02 U)/1 up3oard and shel%ing system0 =7TBDD( S =7TH BDD(2 = Sets Steel ,itchen sin$ with hot and cold running water0/arge si9e with = sin$s2 < 1nit /unch Room Ta3le and hairs 0 <;=m7=;?m2 < Set All the offices and the materials, surface fittings and furniture shall 3e new at the start of the ontract; All software shall 3e licensed; The ontractor shall install a telephone8fa7 system in the Engineer*s Representati%e office and Site Offices at the treatment plant sites and ma$e all arrangements including payment for connection to the national telephone networ$; ontractor shall also pro%ide mo3ile phones for the use of the Engineer*s Representati%e office including for site wor$s and shall maintain them including the monthly charges throughout the period of ontract; The offices shall 3e lit 3y electricity; The ontractor shall maintain in all the rooms and clean all rooms, furniture, fittings and #*s daily throughout the period of the ontract; The ontractor shall pro%ide full-time attendant on Site to carry out these duties; &efore placing any orders or deli%ering any materials or fittings for the offices the ontractor shall o3tain the appro%al of the EN'INEER in writing as to the location and type of the structure and the furniture, fittings, and e4uipment to 3e supplied; The office shall 3e a%aila3le within > months right after the ontractor*s contract 3ecomes effecti%e with satisfying re4uired conditions for normal office wor$ operations complete with all necessary furniture and fittings, office e4uipment, licensed software as re4uested; The office and contents shall 3e maintained until the end of the defect lia3ility period after which time they shall 3e remo%ed 3y the ontractor and the Site cleared; All the contents mentioned a3o%e 0furniture, office e4uipment, mo3ile telephones and fittings2 shall 3e handed o%er to the E!-/OHER in whom the ownership shall then 3e %ested; &.F.9 S/1( O77/4( 78* 15( E06,8@(*$2 P*8H(41 M+)+:(0()1 U)/1 The ontractor shall pro%ide, design 0including layout plan2, erect, furnish, e4uip, clean, maintain, and su3se4uently remo%e a fully functional, fully e4uipped, temporary office 3uilding for the e7clusi%e use of the E!-/OHER*s pro.ect management staff; The office shall 3e located at the treatment plant site howe%er if there is insufficient space the office may 3e located elsewhere near3y 0less than <;? $m from the treatment plant site2 such as a rented house or space in commercial 3uilding; The ontractor shall 3e re4uested to 3e appro%ed 3y Engineer prior to ta$ing any action stated a3o%e 0<st and = nd lines2; The office shall ha%e sufficient space ha%ing a minimum of ?DDm = to 3e a3le to accommodate the designated personnel as shown A--EN(I6 :;? and shall 3e completely weatherproof, air conditioned and insulated to $eep the heat out; The office shall 3e complete with fully functional washrooms 0male and female2, a separately enclosed wet $itchen including storage cup3oards, a separate lunch room area and a separately enclosed meeting room; The ontractor shall supply and maintain the following office e4uipment for the E!-/OHER*s useF coffee ma$ing machine 0<2, hot water $ettle =;? litre 0<2, full si9e refrigerator 0<2, 3ottled water dispenser 0<2, laser printer A> 0<2, laser printer A: 0<2, document scanner A> 0<2, fa7 machine 0<2, /AN 0<?2 ports, high speed internet connection .-0$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0<2, digital camera 0<2, digital %ideo camera 0<2, %oice recorder 0<2, des$ top computers 0<?2, Note 3oo$ omputer 0>2, mo3ile telephone 0<=2; Technical specifications for electronic and computer e4uipment are pro%ided in 'eneral Technical Specifications, Section ?, Appendi7 ?;<; The ontractor shall pro%ide and install the latest release %ersion of the following licensed softwareF !icrosoft #indows and !icrosoft Office orporate 0<=2, !icrosoft -ro.ect 0<2, AutoA( 0:2, Acro3at -rofessional 0<2; The ontractor shall pro%ide and install furniture and fittings as followsF I1(02 U)/1 High 4uality des$s with side des$ and hairs 0Alpha N (IR=DDD or e4ual2 < Set High Muality EN'INEEREs /arge (es$ with side ta3le and hair 0Alpha N (IR<BD/ or e4ual2 : Sets Assistant EN'INEER /arge (es$ and hair with side ta3le 0Alpha N AE D= or e4ual2 : Sets (es$s and hairs for lerical Staff 0Alpha AE<6<, AE=6=,T>6= or e4ual2 > Sets /arge !eeting Ta3le and hairs 0 for <D persons2 0<;?m6>m2 < Set /arge Ta3le for Spreading (rawings 0 <;?m7=;?m2 < Set High Muality : (rawers Steel a3inet0Alpha2 > Sets High Muality Standard Steel /oc$er0A=7>@7<B inch2 0Alpha or e4ual2 > 1nits High Muality Steel /i3rary 0A=7>@7<B inch20Alpha or e4ual2 > Sets -artition wall 3etween des$s for Engineers : sets All the offices and the materials, fittings and furniture shall 3e new at the start of the ontract; All software shall 3e licensed; The ontractor shall install a telephone8fa7 system in the E!-/OHER*s office and ma$e all arrangements including payment for connection to the national telephone networ$; ontractor shall also pro%ide mo3ile phones for the use of the E!-/OHER*s office including for site wor$s and shall maintain them including the monthly charges throughout the period of ontract; The offices shall 3e lit 3y electricity; The ontractor shall maintain in all the rooms and clean all rooms, furniture, fittings and #*s daily throughout the period of the ontract; The ontractor shall pro%ide full-time attendant on Site to carry out these duties; &efore placing any orders or deli%ering any materials or fittings for the offices the ontractor shall o3tain the appro%al of the EN'INEER in writing as to the location and type of the structure and the furniture, fittings, and e4uipment to 3e supplied; The office and contents shall 3e maintained until the end of the defect lia3ility period after which time they shall 3e remo%ed 3y the ontractor and the Site cleared; All the contents .-01 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! mentioned a3o%e 0furniture, office e4uipment, mo3ile telephones and fittings2 shall 3e handed o%er to the E!-/OHER in whom the ownership shall then 3e %ested; &.F.D A22/21+)4( 18 15( E):/)((* R(6*(2()1+1/B( +)= E06,8@(* The ontractor shall pro%ide e%ery assistance to the E!-/OHER, Engineer*s Representati%e and his staff in carrying out their duties and shall pro%ide a sufficient supply of measuring tapes, hammers, ranging rods, sur%ey 3oo$s, pegs, poles, paint, lines, tools, instruments, spirit le%els and other materials, instruments, meters, gauges and small tools for testing and chec$ing and setting out tolerances of the #or$s and the erection testing commissioning and maintenance of the Treatment -lant; The ontractor shall also pro%ide for the Engineer*s Representati%e and his staff such waterproof clothing, safety helmets, ru33er 3oots, torches and the li$e as may reasona3ly 3e re4uired 3y them; These articles shall remain the property of the ontractor, and they shall 3e re4uired or replaced 3y him to the e7tent necessitated 3y fair wear and tear; All the instruments, which are pro%ided for the testing and chec$ing purposes shall 3e modern and latest ma$es with sufficient degree of accuracy for the intended purpose; The ontractor shall also pro%ide the following facilities to the Engineer*s Representati%e staff, in connection with the #or$sF - !eals, tea, and refreshments during the night wor$, wor$ on Sundays and pu3lic holidays - Reim3ursement to the E!-/OHER any o%ertime and holiday pay which the E!-/OHER is 3ound to pay to the Engineer*s Representati%e staff due to the night wor$, wor$ on Sundays or holidays; &.F.F T(068*+*@ T*+)268*1 F+4/,/1/(2 78* 15( E06,8@(* The ontractor shall pro%ide transport facilities of his own cost for the E!-/OHER*s e7clusi%e useF two Sedan cars and one dou3le ca3 pic$ up, truc$ with : wheel dri%e and = %ans with seating capacity for @; )ehicles shall 3e replaced so they are ne%er more than > years old at any time during the contract period; )ehicles shall 3e air conditioned (uring the period of the ontract, the ontractor shall maintain all a3o%e %ehicles in good wor$ing order, and shall include dri%ers, fuel, ser%icing, repairs, payment of insurance and other statutory dues for A days a wee$ unlimited mileage and use; &.F.E P81+A,( W+1(* All pota3le water re4uired 3y the ontractor and his staff and for the Engineer*s Representati%e office shall 3e furnished 3y the ontractor at his own e7pense; The responsi3ility shall 3e upon the ontractor to install and maintain necessary supply connections and piping for pota3le water, 3ut only at such locations and in such a manner as may 3e appro%ed 3y the Engineer*s Representati%e; &efore final acceptance, temporary connections and piping, installed 3y the ontractor, shall 3e remo%ed to the satisfaction of the Engineer*s Representati%e, unless re4uested 3y the Engineer*s Representati%e to 3e left, upon agreement on price; &.F.1" E,(41*/4/1@ All electrical power re4uired 3y the ontractor and for the use of EN'INEER and his staff shall 3e furnished 3y the ontractor at his own e7pense; All temporary connections for .-0# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! electricity shall 3e su3.ect to the appro%al of the Engineer*s Representati%e; All temporary lines shall 3e furnished, installed, connected and maintained 3y the ontractor in a wor$manli$e manner and in accordance to the accepta3le safety standards and to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER, and shall 3e remo%ed 3y the ontractor in li$e manner, at his e7pense, prior to final acceptance of the wor$s, unless re4uested 3y the Engineer*s Representati%e ; The fi7ed electrical installations within all site offices and other facilities pro%ided 3y the ontractor shall conform to the re4uirements of eylon Electricity &oard, - the authority for pro%iding electricity from the national grid N where the electricity supply is o3tained from the national grid; In other locations, it shall 3e tested 3y a competent person accepta3le to the Engineer*s Representati%e, prior to connecting it to the source of electricity; #here such site offices remain on site for twel%e months or more, similar inspection and re-testing shall 3e carried out 3y the ontractor at twel%e month inter%als; -orta3le electrical appliances pro%ided 3y the ontractor for use within site offices shall 3e tested and la3elled prior to deli%ery to site; Inspection and re-testing shall 3e carried out 3y the ontractor at si7 month inter%als; Records of maintenance, including test results, shall 3e $ept 3y the ontractor in a proper manner, and the records and test results shall 3e a%aila3le for inspection at site; &.F.11 S+)/1+*@ A**+):(0()12 The ontractor shall pro%ide and maintain temporary sanitary facilities such as pour flush latrines and septic tan$s on the sites for the use of all persons connected with the wor$; This shall include shower and 3athing facilities as well as pro%iding ade4uate supplies of towels, soap and the li$e; The ontractor shall set up, maintain and clean daily toilet and washing facilities for use 3y his employees; The ontractor shall $eep the site in a clean and sanitary condition, and shall post notices and ta$e such precautions as may 3e necessary to $eep the site clean; The ontractor shall carry out any cleaning whatsoe%er as may 3e directed 3y the Engineer*s Representati%e to maintain such sanitary conditions; &.F.1! F/*21 A/= The ontractor shall pro%ide all necessary first aid facilities, attendants and supplies for his la3our force, all su3-ontractors and suppliers, and the staff of the E!-/OHER and the EN'INEER in accordance with all go%ernment rules and regulations and all other statutory re4uirements and8or to the satisfaction of the appropriate go%ernment departments, the E!-/OHER and the EN'INEER; "irst aid 3o7es with ade4uate supplies shall 3e maintained at the Engineer*s Representati%e field offices and su3 pro.ect offices; &.F.1C B+**/4+=(2 +)= L/:512 All streets, roads, highways, and other pu3lic thoroughfares, which are allowed 3y the authorities to 3e closed to traffic, shall 3e protected 3y effecti%e 3arricades on which light and accepta3le warning signs shall 3e placed; &arricades shall 3e located at the nearest intersecting pu3lic highway or street on each side of the 3loc$ed section; All open trenches and other e7ca%ations shall ha%e suita3le 3arricades, warning signs, and lights to pro%ide ade4uate protection to the pu3lic; O3structions such as material piles and e4uipment shall 3e pro%ided with similar warning signs and lights; .-0- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! All 3arricades and o3structions shall 3e illuminated with warning lights from sunset to sunrise; !aterial storage and conduct of the wor$ on or alongside pu3lic streets and highways shall cause the minimum o3struction and incon%enience to the tra%elling pu3lic; All 3arricades, traffic cones, warning tapes, signs, lights and other protecti%e de%ices shall 3e installed and maintained in conformity with applica3le statutory re4uirements and, where within railroad and highway right-of-way, as re4uired 3y the agency ha%ing .urisdiction thereupon; Sufficient security arrangements shall 3e made a%aila3le to protect all e4uipment placed at these sites from theft or sa3otage etc; and to maintain safety re4uirements at ade4uate le%els uninterruptedly; &.F.1& F()4(2 #hen the ontractor enters into a site other than that of a road he shall properly fence the site 3oundaries unless it is already properly fenced; He shall ta$e suita3le action in case of entry of unauthori9ed personnel into the site; In case the ontractor continues the wor$ without attending to fencing as aforesaid the ontractor shall 3e fully responsi3le for and 3ear costs on conse4uences due to su3se4uent encroachments or trespassing and such similar actions 3y unauthori9ed parties; Such conse4uences shall include possi3le delays of wor$ due to actions of such parties; All e7isting fences affected 3y the wor$ shall 3e maintained 3y the ontractor until completion of the wor$ at his own e7pense; "ences which interfere with construction operations shall not 3e relocated or dismantled until written permission is o3tained from the owner of the fence, and the period the fence may 3e left relocated or dismantled has 3een agreed upon; #here fences must 3e maintained across the construction easement, ade4uate gates shall 3e installed; 'ates shall 3e $ept closed and loc$ed at all times when not in use; On completion of the wor$ across any tract of land, the ontractor shall restore all fences to their original or to a 3etter condition and at their original location, at the ontractor*s e7pense; &.F.13 P*81(41/8) 87 P.A,/4 +)= P*/B+1( P*86(*1@ The ontractor shall protect, shore, 3race, support, and maintain all structures, underground pipes, conduits, drains, and other underground constructions unco%ered or otherwise affected 3y his construction operations; All pa%ement, surfacing, dri%eways, cur3s, wal$s, 3uildings, utility poles, guy wires, fences, and other surface structures affected 3y construction operations, together with all sod and shru3s in yards and par$ing, shall 3e restored to their original condition, whether within or outside the easement; All replacements shall 3e made with new materials; The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for all damage to structures, streets, roads, highways, shoulders, ditches, em3an$ments, cul%erts, 3ridges, and other pu3lic or pri%ate property, regardless of location or character, which may 3e caused 3y transporting e4uipment, materials, or men to or from the wor$ or any part or site thereof, whether 3y him or his su3-ontractors; The ontractor shall ma$e satisfactory and accepta3le arrangements with the owner of, or the agency or authority ha%ing .urisdiction thereupon, the damaged property concerning its repair or replacement or payment of costs incurred in connection with the damage; Such arrangements shall 3e to the satisfaction of the EN'INEER as well; .-0. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! All fire hydrants and water control %al%es shall 3e $ept free from o3struction and a%aila3le for use at all times; The ontractor shall minimi9e the cutting and remo%al of trees and other %egetation; All cutting and remo%al shall 3e with the appro%al of the EN'INEER, and if necessary with the appro%al of the rele%ant 'o%ernment Authority; &.F.19 S(4.*/1@ The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for protection of the site, and all wor$s, materials, e4uipment, and e7isting facilities thereof, against %andals and other unauthori9ed persons; No claim shall 3e made against the E!-/OHER 3y reason of any act of an employee or trespasser, and the ontractor shall ma$e good all damage to the property of the owner resulting from his failure to pro%ide security measures as specified; Security measures shall 3e at least e4ual to those usually pro%ided 3y the N#S(& to protect the similar e7isting facilities during normal operation, 3ut shall also include any additional security fencing, 3arricades, lighting, watchman ser%ices, or other measures as re4uired to protect the site; &.F.1D A44(22 R8+=2 The ontractor shall arrange with property owners to esta3lish and maintain temporary access roads to %arious parts of his site as re4uired to complete the -ro.ect at his cost; Such roads shall 3e a%aila3le for the use of all others performing wor$ or furnishing ser%ices in connection with the -ro.ect; E7isting pu3lic access roads used 3y the ontractor in connection with the e7ecution of the ontract shall also 3e maintained 3y the ontractor during the period of construction acti%ities notwithstanding it is used 3y other parties; The e7isting road8path that runs through the site allocated to the ##T- shall not 3e closed to through traffic until the ontractor has constructed the realignment proposed along the north 3oundary of ##T- site; The ontractor shall identify this as a milestone in his construction acti%ity schedule; &.F.1F P+*>/): The ontractor shall pro%ide and maintain suita3le and ade4uate par$ing areas for the use of all construction wor$ers and others performing wor$ or furnishing ser%ices in connection with the ontract at the site, as re4uired to a%oid par$ing personal %ehicles where they may interfere with pu3lic traffic, property ownerEs operations, or construction acti%ities; &.E E)B/*8)0()1+, &.E.1 E)B/*8)0()1+, I06+41 A22(220()1 R(68*1 The pro.ect has recei%ed appro%al for the entral En%ironmental Authority su3.ect to a num3er of conditions; A copy of the letter of appro%al is a%aila3le from the E!-/OHER; In addition the E!-/OHER has prepared an En%ironmental !anagement -lan 0E!-2, a copy of which is also a%aila3le from the E!-/OHER; .-0/ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor shall satisfy the re4uirements of the En%ironment Impact Assessment 0EIA2 and those stated in the report on En%ironment !anagement -lan as pro%ided in Su3-lause :;<B on -rotection of the En%ironment of Special onditions of ontract; In general, the design of the facilities and all construction acti%ities shall conform to the re4uirements of the EIA; Specific countermeasures to 3e adopted during construction shall 3e in accordance with the measures identified in the E!-; The ONTRATOR shall ma$e pro%isions in his 3id to conduct rele%ant en%ironmental tests as re4uired 3y the EA and the EN'INEER, to assess the pollution le%el and other en%ironmental re4uirements at any of the wor$ sites due to construction acti%ities; &.E.! D/245+*:( 87 W+1(* I)18 E?/21/): S1*(+02 The ontractor shall ma$e pro%ision for the discharge or disposal from the #or$s and Temporary #or$s of all water and waste products howe%er arising; The methods of disposal shall 3e appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER; It shall also 3e to the satisfaction or appro%al of any authority or person ha%ing an interest in any land or watercourse o%er or in which water and waste products may 3e so discharged; The re4uirements of this lause shall not limit any of the ontractor*s o3ligations or lia3ilities; &.E.C T(068*+*@ D*+/)+:( The ontractor shall pro%ide for the drainage of storm water and such water as may 3e applied or discharged on the site in performance of the wor$; (rainage facilities shall 3e ade4uate to pre%ent damage to the wor$, the site, and ad.acent property; E7isting drainage channels and conduits shall 3e cleaned, enlarged or supplemented as necessary to carry all increased runoff attri3uta3le to the ontractorEs operations; (i$es shall 3e constructed as necessary to di%ert increased runoff from entering ad.acent property 0e7cept in natural channels2, to protect property ownerEs facilities and the wor$ and to direct water to drainage channels or conduits; Stilling -ools shall 3e pro%ided as necessary to pre%ent downstream flooding &.E.& E*82/8) +)= S(=/0()1 C8)1*8, The ontractor will underta$e the following erosion and sedimentation control measures during the construction phase of the pro.ect; (e%elopment of (rains and (i$esF catch and di%ersion drains shall 3e laid to ensure runoff from the construction wor$s is directed into e7isting watercourses; All drains constructed will ha%e a para3olic or trape9oidal cross-section; Interceptor di$es made of compacted material will 3e laid to con%ey water to sta3le outlets at non-erosi%e %elocities; (i$es will ha%e minimum ridge height of D;?m, minimum top width of D;Bm and ma7imum side slopes =F< 0hori9ontal to %ertical2; (e%elopment of &an$sF Sedimentation 3asins shall 3e constructed off-stream to remo%e sediment-laden runoff; The 3asins shall 3e located at points where the terrain pro%ides ma7imum storage 3enefits; (e-silting will 3e done when the capacity of the 3asin has 3een reduced 3y >DG; Effluent tur3idity shall not e7ceed =DDppm; Remo%al of %egetation and topsoilF learing shall 3e restricted to only those areas where the commencement of wor$ is imminent; learing of areas not immediately re4uired for .-00 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! the wor$s shall 3e carried out at a later time to suit the re4uirements of the construction program; Stoc$pile construction and maintenanceF Smooth and free draining stoc$piles of remo%ed topsoil shall 3e constructed with 3atter slopes not e7ceeding <;?F<, and height limited to two metres; ompaction of the stoc$pile will 3e done 3y e4uipment necessary for the hauling, placing and spreading of the topsoil material; All topsoil stoc$piles will 3e ripped to ensure the retention of moisture and the promotion of re-growth; ResurfacingF a distur3ed area that will 3e left e7posed more than >D days and not su3.ect to any construction will recei%e temporary seeding; "ollowing initial distur3ance or rough grading, all critical areas su3.ect to erosion 0for e7ample steep slopes2 will recei%e temporary seeding in com3ination with straw or another suita3le material; &.E.3 R/B(* C+))(, B+)> +)= B(= P*81(41/8) The ontractor shall underta$e ade4uate protection measures to maintain the e7isting configuration and 3ed profile of all e7isting waterways 3eing utili9ed for any 3eneficial purposes including flood control and na%igation; These measures will include pa%ing ri%er3an$s and other sta3ili9ation measures as re4uired to minimi9e distur3ance to the natural 3ed configuration; &.E.9 D.21 C8)1*8, +)= M82-./18(2 C8)1*8, The ontractor shall ta$e ade4uate measures to control dust from his acti%ities to satisfy e7isting regulations, En%ironmental and li$ewise; Earth surfaces causing the emission of dust shall 3e $ept moist with water or 3y application of a chemical dust suppressant; (usty materials in piles or in transit shall 3e co%ered as practica3le as possi3le to pre%ent 3lowing; &uildings or operating facilities, which may 3e affected ad%ersely 3y dust, shall 3e ade4uately protected from dust; E7isting or new machinery, motors, instrument panels or similar e4uipment, shall 3e protected 3y suita3le dust screens; -roper %entilation shall 3e pro%ided with dust screens; No open receptacles capa3le of collecting water and forming 3reeding places for mos4uitoes are to 3e left in the open and the ontractor is responsi3le during the course of the wor$ for all measures necessary to pre%ent the 3reeding of mos4uitoes on the site; &.E.D N8/2( +)= V/A*+1/8) C8)1*8, The ontractor shall a%oid the use of hea%y noise and %i3ration ma$ing construction e4uipment; The ontractor shall ensure that engine noise control de%ices on construction e4uipment will 3e ade4uately maintained; The ontractor will pro%ide all the construction wor$ers with ade4uate hearing protection such as ear plugs or ear muffs in areas with noise le%els e7ceeding BD d&A; The ontractor will underta$e ade4uate measures to minimi9e or eliminate odour, noise, %i3ration, dust and smo$e to le%els that do not cause any nuisance, trou3le, and damage or health pro3lems in the near3y community; In accordance with the En%ironmental Appro%al o3tained for the pro.ect noise le%els at the 3oundaries of the site during construction shall not e7ceedF .-01 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! - A? d& 0A2 from D@DD hrs to =<DD hrs and - ?D d& 0A2 from =<DD hrs to D@DD hrs As per the National En%ironmental 0noise control2 Regulations of <CC@ or latest re4uirements which are in force at the time of the pro.ect; E7treme care should 3e ta$en at the ##T- site on noise and %i3ration controls specially ta$ing into consideration the possi3le conse4uences to the e7isting 3uilding 3elonging to the (epartment of Agriculture 0(OA2; The ontractor shall either construct an effecti%e noise 3arrier or pro%ide some other effecti%e means and arrangements accepta3le to the EN'INEER to control the noise during and after construction phase; &.E.F V/2.+, +(215(1/42 The ontractor shall pro%ide a %isually pleasing screen around the site during the construction period to minimi9e distur3ance to ad.acent (OA 3uildings; The ontractor*s proposal shall 3e su3mitted to the EN'INEER for appro%al; &.E.E A/* P8,,.1/8) C8)1*8, The ontractor shall minimise the generation of smo$e, dust, %apours and no7ious fumes from construction and other e4uipment 3y only using e4uipment which is in good condition and well maintained at all times during wor$ under the ontract; Suita3le %entilation shall 3e pro%ided for any underground construction site; &urning of !aterials - The ontractor shall not underta$e any large scale 3urning of materials that result in production of to7ic and no7ious gases and fumes or other emissions, which pose health ha9ard and nuisance to wor$ers on the construction site and neigh3ouring community; "ugiti%e dust emission from %ehicular traffic shall 3e controlled 3y limiting the speed of haul truc$s and application of water to haul roads; Regular maintenance of all %entilators and air contaminant control e4uipment, respiratory de%ices and monitoring instruments shall 3e carried out; The ontractor shall pro%ide for the use of protecti%e respiratory de%ices when the air 4uality e7ceeds local or international standards, or the following threshold limit %alues 0T/)s2F - ar3on !ono7ide L =C mg8m > - Nitrogen (io7ide L @ mg8m > - -articulate 0Inert or Nuisance (ust L <D mg8m > 2 - Sulphur (io7ide L ? mg8m > &.E.1" H+;+*=8.2 +)= S8,/= W+21( M+)+:(0()1 The ontractor shall pro%ide ru33ish collection 3ins at the site to a%oid the proliferation of litter and construction waste and the potential for the escape of material off site; #aste shall 3e separated into different 3ins for recycling and disposal; The ontractor shall ensure safe disposal of all construction waste and gar3age from all sections of the construction site in accordance with local regulations; .-02 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! The ontractor shall ensure that all chemicals are stored in appropriate chemical storage facilities such as storage tan$s for 3ul$ chemical and fuels and deli%ery containers for other chemicals; Suita3le materials and coatings will 3e used for storage tan$ construction, 3ased on the properties of each su3stance 3eing stored; All chemical storage and chemical feed areas will 3e surrounded 3y $er3ing to contain any lea$s and spills that do occur; The $er3ed areas will 3e si9ed to hold the full contents of the largest single tan$ with the pro%ision of a sump to allow pump out of any contained li4uid; &.1" S+7(1@ &.1".1 S+7(1@ R(268)2/A/,/1@ The ontractor shall 3e solely responsi3le for the safe conduct of the #or$s; He shall deploy separate ade4uate 4ualified staff to e7ecute his safety plan at the sites and inform the EN'INEER the names of such staff and their responsi3ilities and get appro%al 3efore commencing the wor$s; He shall ensure that all operations are carried out safely and that any person he ma$es responsi3le for the safe conduct of any part of the operations carries out his duties in a proper manner; He shall arrange ade4uate security to safeguard all safety e4uipment including 3ut not limited to those re4uired for illumination, 3arricading, warning signs, traffic cones etc; placed at sites and those to 3e continuously a%aila3le throughout the entire construction period of the site; &.1".! C8)21*.41/8) S+7(1@ S1+)=+*=2 The ontractor shall carry out all construction installation and commissioning acti%ities in accordance with good safe wor$ing practice; In particular the ontractor shall comply with the re4uirements of hapter <A of the &uilding ode of Sri /an$a and the rele%ant Sri /an$an Standards; &.1".C C8)1*+418*$2 S+7(1@ P*84(=.*(2 &efore commencing wor$ on any site, the ontractor shall prepare a site safety plan for that site for appro%al 3y the EN'INEER; The ontractor and any other persons engaged on wor$ for this ontract shall 3e re4uired to comply with the safety plan; A copy of the safety plan shall 3e supplied to the ontractor*s Representati%e at that site and it shall 3e the ontractor*s Representati%e*s responsi3ility to ensure that all persons under his control read and follow the safety plan; The ontractor shall also institute a safety training program on site upon commencing wor$ to train all the wor$ers and super%isory staff in en%ironmental, health and safety matters, including accident pre%ention, safe chemical and e4uipment handling practices and their maintenance and up$eep; (etailed procedures and plans of action shall 3e laid out to com3at emergency situations, including the location and proper use of the emergency e4uipment, procedures for raising alarm and proper response actions for each foreseea3le emergency situation; The ontractor shall institute safety procedures for wor$ in confined spaces as followsF - chec$ing all confined spaces 0e;g; tan$s, sumps, %essels, sewers, e7ca%ations2 for to7ic, flamma3le or e7plosi%e gases, or lac$ of o7ygen, and %entilation of these spaces as re4uired 3efore entry and during occupancy; - use of ade4uate %entilation systems or air - supplied respirators for wor$ in underground and confined wor$ areas; .-03 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! - stationing of o3ser%ers or assistants outside of confined spaces to watch o%er the safety of personnel wor$ing inside these areas; &.1".& O6() T*()45 S+7(1@ The length of open trench will 3e controlled 3y the particular surrounding conditions, 3ut shall always 3e confined to the limits prescri3ed 3y the EN'INEER, which may include o%ernight closure; &.1".3 F/*( H+;+*= #N+>(= L/:512% No na$ed light shall 3e used 3y the ontractor on or a3out the Site otherwise than in the open air without the permission in writing of the EN'INEER; If in the EN'INEER*s opinion the use of na$ed lights may cause a fire ha9ard, the ontractor shall at no e7tra cost to the E!-/OHER ta$e such additional precautions and pro%ide such additional fire fighting e4uipment 0including 3reathing apparatus2 as the EN'INEER considers necessary; The term Jna$ed lightK shall 3e deemed to include electric arcs and o7y- acetylene or other flames used in welding or cutting metals; &.1".9 W8*> /) 15( V/4/)/1@ 87 E,(41*/4+, E-./60()1 Any permanent fencing or other safeguards re4uired to 3e erected around electrical e4uipment shall 3e completed as far as practica3le 3efore connection is made to the electricity supply, 3ut where this is not practica3le the EN'INEER may permit the use of temporary fencing or other safeguards; If wor$ in the %icinity of electrical e4uipment is to 3e carried out after connection has 3een made to the electricity supply the ontractor shall put into operation a J-ermit to #or$K system to the appro%al of the EN'INEER; &.1".9.1 P8*1+A,( (,(41*/4+, (-./60()1 &efore any new porta3le electric tool is put into ser%ice, it must 3e e7amined, tested and certified safe for use 3y an authorised person; This includes any e4uipment that may 3e hired 3y the ontractor from a specialised tool hire company; #here porta3le electric tools remain on site for an e7tended period, they must 3e inspected on each occasion 3efore use, and they must 3e tested and mar$ed accordingly at no more than three monthly inter%als; Only 4ualified electricians shall install temporary generators for supplying fi7ed or temporary installations; &.1".9.! E,(41*/4+,ICA 1(21 (-./60()1 All test e4uipment used 3y the ontractor at the ontract #or$s Site to test the electrical8IA wor$ shall 3e such that the use of the e4uipment will not endanger the life of those using the e4uipment, and the test e4uipment shall 3e pro%ided with clear instructions for the safe usage of such test e4uipment on or near to electrical systems, e4uipment and conductors; &.1".9.C C5,8*/)( #here the ontractor re4uires the handling or use of chlorine, or the wor$ carried out on, or immediately ad.acent to, any e7isting or proposed chlorine installation, the ontractor shall comply with the rele%ant pro%isions of the chlorine supplier*s recommendations on the safe handling of chlorine; .-1$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! &.1".D A44/=()1 R(68*1/): All accidents shall 3e notified to the EN'INEER as soon as possi3le after their occurrence; &.1".F S/1( 18 A( K(61 T/=@ Throughout the progress of his wor$ the ontractor shall $eep the Sites and all wor$ing areas in a tidy and wor$manli$e condition and free from ru33ish and waste materials; Any Temporary #or$s, onstructional -lant, materials or other things which for the time 3eing are not re4uired for use 3y the ontractor may with the consent of the EN'INEER 3e remo%ed from the site 3ut otherwise shall 3e $ept in the Site in an orderly fashion and shall 3e properly and securely stored thereon; &.1".E P(*0/1 18 W8*> S@21(0 The E!-/OHER shall operate a J-ermit to #or$K system, which the ontractor shall comply with throughout the ontract; Any part of the site that is designated 3y the EN'INEER as a JRestricted #or$ing AreaK may not 3e entered without a J-ermit to #or$K; All places occupied 3y mechanical, electrical or chemical e4uipment, sewer manholes, pump sumps, confined spaces and all points of interface with operational wor$s will usually 3e so designated; The ontractor shall not allow any of his employees or su3-ontractors to enter such an area until a permit has 3een issued; #hen the ontractor re4uires such a permit he shall gi%e se%en days notice to the EN'INEER, who will as$ his assistant or one of his staff to issue one; #hen the ontractor recei%es such a permit he shall comply with any precautionary re4uirements that may 3e specified in it and shall hold the permit until the end of the period co%ered and then return it to the Issuing Officer; ompliance with the re4uirements of the permit shall not a3sol%e the ontractor from any responsi3ilities under this ontract; #here the e4uipment in the restricted area can 3e put entirely out of use, or the flow can 3e stopped, one permit will usually co%er the whole continuous period that the ontractor re4uires, 3ut otherwise a new permit will 3e re4uired each day; -rior to carrying out any e7ca%ation wor$ the ontractor shall ad%ise the proposed location of the e7ca%ation and shall confirm that the positions of all $nown ser%ices affecting the proposed e7ca%ation ha%e 3een noted; In addition the ontractor shall carry out a sweep with an appro%ed detector and shall mar$ all $nown ser%ices on the ground; E7ca%ation shall not commence without a J-ermit to E7ca%ateK issued 3y the EN'INEER; .-11 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! APPENDIG &.1 RDA SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ROAD RESINSTATEMENT /isted 3elow are the special re4uirements to 3e o3ser%ed and adopted for roads 3elong to Road (e%elopment Authority 0R(A2; 0In case of any am3iguity or discrepancy 3etween these re4uirements and 'eneral Re4uirements stated in su3-clause :;>;<= herein, Special Re4uirements shall pre%ail2; 0<2 The ontractor shall hand o%er the possession of road sections 3ac$ to the road authority when permanent road reinstatements in such road sections are completed 0NoteF This hand o%er of the possession does not mean Ta$ing O%er of wor$ as specified in lause <D of the 'eneral onditions2; Once any section is handed o%er 3ac$ to R(A the ontractor is not entitled to enter into that section and carry out wor$ again without either ta$ing of re-possession of site or permission from R(A to enter into the site and attend to such wor$s; 0=2 The ontractor shall maintain the final pa%ement for a period of one year following the Ta$e O%er date; In general, depressions in the final pa%ement in e7cess of <? mm 3elow the normal road grade shall 3e corrected; orrections in the pa%ement shall 3e made within se%en 0A2 days after the ontractor has 3een notified of the need for correcti%e action; In the e%ent of the failure or refusal of the ontractor to ma$e such corrections, the E!-/OHER reser%es the right to ha%e the necessary wor$ performed and to charge the cost to the ontractor under the -erformance &ond; 0>2 The ontractor shall carry out permanent reinstatement of all e7ca%ated sections as per (rawing No; ,#!-8S88'8D>; The wor$ shall conform to R(A specifications and shall 3e to the entire satisfaction of the R(A; This shall include disposal of e7cess e7ca%ated materials and ta$ing responsi3ility for any damages caused to the ad.oining properties, road structures etc; The length of handing o%er sections and the dates will 3e decided 3y mutual agreement 3etween the -ro%incial (irector 0entral -ro%ince2, R(A, the EN'INEER and the ontractor; 0:2 The ontractor shall su3mit a comprehensi%e wor$ programme to the EN'INEER 3efore starting the trenching; The program has to 3e appro%ed 3y the -ro%incial (irector 0entral -ro%ince2, R(A 3efore staring any wor$; An amended wor$ programme shall 3e su3mitted if there is any de%iation of <?G or more from the original programme and the amount paid to R(A for super%ision of reinstatement will 3e ad.usted accordingly; 0?2 The ontractor shall su3mit a wee$ly program as well as a daily wor$ programme along with the pre%ious day*s progress to the -ro.ect EN'INEER, R(A through the EN'INEER indicating the locations, time period, machines utili9ed, etc; prior to commencing the wor$; In addition, the ontractor shall su3mit a method statement for e7ecution and reinstatement wor$; 0@2 #idth and depth of the trench shall 3e in accordance with drawings su3mitted 3y the ontractor and appro%ed 3y the EN'INEER; 0A2 &itumen road surfaces shall 3e cut using an asphalt concrete rotary cutter where%er the A o%erlay sections are met along the trench; 0B2 Trenching across the road will 3e allowed only after getting the consent of the -ro.ect EN'INEER, R(A; The -ro.ect EN'INEER, R(A shall inform the respecti%e E7ecuti%e EN'INEER, R(A with regard to this; .-1# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0C2 Trench reinstatement for 3ituminous carriageways shall 3e in accordance with (etail < on (rawing ,#!-8'88TS8<=; The trench shall 3e temporarily reinstated and left for a minimum period of two wee$s to allow for additional compaction and settlement in the trench; "or temporary reinstatement the =DD mm 3itumen 3ase and ?D mm asphalt wearing course shall 3e replaced 3y =?D mm of compacted A& sealed with a prime coat; The ontractor shall maintain the primed surface until asphalting is underta$en; "or permanent reinstatement the temporary A& layer shall 3e remo%ed; The >DD mm A& 3ase course shall 3e compacted again and %erified the degree of compaction shall not 3e less than <DDG; Then the =DD mm 3itumen 3ound 3ase, tac$ coat and ?Dmm asphalt wearing course shall 3e applied; !aterials shall comply with the following description in accordance with the Standard R(A Specifications 0SS!2; 0i2 A265+,1 - 1sed as wearing course shall 3e as type N <, Ta3le ?D@ N < The ma7imum compacted thic$ness of an asphalt layer shall 3e A?mm and it shall 3e laid and compacted with an additional layer if the compacted thic$ness of the layer increases more than A?mm depending on the thic$ness of the asphalt layer of the e7isting road; The temperature of the asphalt shall 3e maintained in accordance with the SS!; The ontractor shall su3mit the mi7 design 0once2 for the appro%al of EN'INEER for the asphalt used; 0777%2 ABC N Ta3le <AD< N ? 0>A;?mm2 0<D2 Trench reinstatement in unpa%ed shoulders shall 3e in accordance with (etail = and > on (rawing No ,#!-8S88'8D>; &ac$filling of earth shoulders using appro%ed soil 0type I 5 II 2 shall 3e accomplished in accordance with R(A specification 0&R shall not 3e less than =DG 5 degree of compaction shall not 3e less than <DDG standard compaction2; Trenches located within <?DD mm of the edge of the 3ituminous carriageway shall 3e 3ac$filled with compacted A& to a thic$ness of =DDmm and finished with a A? mm asphalt wearing course to the le%el of the e7isting road le%el 0<<2 The ontractor shall carry out compaction tests as per the R(A specification 0SS!2 3y a la3oratory appro%ed 3y R(A for each layer of 3ac$filling in >?m inter%als and su3mit the test reports to R(A for appro%al; In addition, the ontractor shall su3mit a report for asphalt compaction test in accordance with the ?D@ SS! for underta$ing the asphalting on each instance; The R(A shall carry out random chec$s to ascertain the consistency of 3ac$filling process and shall monitor the wor$ from the commencement to completion of the wor$; 0<=2 Trenching deeper than <;?m shall 3e e7ecuted 3y shoring either side of the trenching for protecting the road from collapsing; The ontractor shall forward to R(A, with a copy to the EN'INEER, the methodology statement of such trenching and duly inform the -ro.ect EN'INEER, R(A 3efore commencing the wor$; #here%er necessary shoring shall 3e e7ecuted in trenches that are li$ely to collapse e%en when depths are 3elow <;?m; 0<>2 E7ca%ated material shall 3e disposed without causing o3struction to the traffic and pedestrians; On completion of wor$, all e7cess material, de3ris shall 3e remo%ed from the road platform 0i;e; carriageway, shoulder, drains, etc;2 to the entire satisfaction of the -ro.ect EN'INEER, R(A; &ac$filling material shall not 3e stoc$ piled along the roadway; .-1- Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0<:2 Selection and testing of 3ac$filling material shall 3e according to specification of R(A 5 testing of sample materials is to 3e carried out through Research and (e%elopment /a3oratory, R(A; The details of the 3orrow pits, metal 4uarries8 crushers etc; should 3e forwarded to R(A and prior appro%al has to 3e o3tained from the -ro.ect EN'INEER8!aterial EN'INEER, R(A for use of the 3ac$filling material; Appro%ed 3ac$filling materials shall 3e transported to designated stoc$piling yard0s2; The material is to 3e issued to the wor$ sites only from these appro%ed stoc$piles; The ontractor shall use all means necessary to protect the materials 3efore installation; #ee$ly report containing the details of the material stoc$piles shall 3e su3mitted to -ro.ect EN'INEER8!aterial EN'INEER, R(A; The -ro.ect EN'INEER8!aterial EN'INEER, R(A, shall inspect the stoc$piles to ensure the 4uality of the 3ac$filling material; 0<?2 onstruction of Su3 &ase and &ase shall 3e carried out as per the specifications of R(A where%er re4uired; 0<@2 Any material dumped on the road surface 0without causing incon%eniences to the pu3lic2 due to trenching should 3e remo%ed and the road thoroughly cleaned immediately after the completing of the wor$; 0<A2 The ontractor shall use all means necessary to protect e7isting utilities and facilities; The ontractor shall relocate 3uried utilities at its own cost to the suita3le location shown 3y the R(A within the Right of #ay of the R(A if specially re4uired 3y the R(A when such a situation arises; 0<B2 &efore starting wor$ the ontractor shall mar$ the wor$ area stated in the method statement on the ground surface of the road 3y using luminous tape stic$ers; No wor$ or material or e4uipment shall 3e placed outside the area demarcated as aforesaid; The ontractor shall remo%e such tapes once the wor$ is o%er; 0<C2 The ontractor shall 3e lia3le to compensate8pay or rectify all the defects which may arise due to trenching including 3ut not limited to settlement ad.acent to the trench, crac$s and damages caused to the road surface and also 3rea$ing of other ser%ice lines and any damage to ad.oining properties such as 3oundary walls, drains, any structures etc;2 to the satisfaction of R(A and the affected parties; The ontractor shall indemnity the EN'INEER and the E!-/OHER on such defects and lia3ilities arising out of these; 0=D2 The ontractor shall ta$e safety precautions and pro%ide 3arricades while trenching and till completion of the reinstatement; This shall 3e done as per the !AN1A/ ON TRA""I ONTRO/ (E)IES -ART < 5 -ART =, Second Edition, August =DDA, pu3lished 3y !inistry of Highways 5 Road (e%elopment and Road (e%elopment Authority; 0=<2 -roper illumination8reflecti%e signs 0Engineering 'rade or higher grade2 shall 3e erected to identify the trenches at night time; The ontractor shall arrange ade4uate security at each site to protect and safeguard the safety e4uipment and arrangements; 0==2 Side drains on 3oth sides of the road shoulder not to 3e 3loc$ed for any reasons during and after completion of the wor$; 0=>2 -ipes should 3e 3uried in general at a minimum depth of <;D m 3elow the road surface 0i;e; <;D m 3elow the road surface to top of the pipe crest2; !inimum soil co%er can 3e @DDmm at specified locations under una%oida3le circumstances, and in places where the minimum co%er cannot 3e maintained, the pipe shall 3e encased in concrete and a minimum co%er of =DD mm from encasement to road surface and a minimum co%er of <DD mm from encasement to cul%ert crest shall 3e maintained; .-1. Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! Howe%er, this shall 3e %iewed case 3y case and prior appro%al is to 3e o3tained from the -ro%incial (irector 0entral -ro%ince2 R(A; #here drawings are pro%ided 3y the EN'INEER or R(A, these should always 3e followed; 0=:2 Appro%al for the &ridge rossing shall 3e o3tained separately from the (irector Engineering Ser%ices, R(A through the -ro%incial (irector 0;-;2, R(A 3y su3mitting the re4uired method of crossing details; 0=?2 The local -olice Station in the area of wor$ shall 3e informed at least < day 3efore commencing the wor$ whether the wor$ will 3e underta$en in the day or night; If necessary, their appro%al shall 3e o3tained prior to commencement; Arrangements shall also 3e made with -olice to ensure the free flow of traffic during the e7ecution of the trenching wor$; 0=@2 -rior appro%al shall 3e o3tained from the respecti%e E7ecuti%e EN'INEER, R(A if re4uired for utili9ation of hea%y machinery which may damage the road surface for any wor$ other than trenching wor$ 0i;e; loading of e7ca%ated material, clearing etc; after the reinstatement2 0=A2 The respecti%e e7ecuti%e EN'INEER R(A shall 3e informed 3efore starting any repair wor$ to appurtenances and facilities damaged 3y trenching acti%ities or flow of traffic around the e7ca%ation site; 0=B2 The ontractor shall 3e responsi3le for repairing the damages caused to any property or assets as a result of trenching; (amages caused to R(A assets shall 3e repaired 3y the ontractor to the satisfaction of the R(A; 0=C2 #or$ing area at a stretch shall 3e limited to =?Dm where the roads is straight and shall 3e restricted to <?Dm where the road is not straight; 0>D2 !anholes shall 3e located to pre%ent o3structing the side drains; The top surface of the manholes should 3e made to the same le%el of the e7isting road surface; 0><2 If the ontractor opts to award Su3-contract whether it is la3our8material contract for road reinstatement e7cept e7ecuted 3y the !ain ontractor, then the details of su3-ontractors shall 3e forwarded 3y the ontractor through the EN'INEER to -ro%incial (irector 0entral -ro%ince2, R(A for his appro%al 3efore awarding the Su3-ontract; 0>=2 The ontractor shall conform to the specification issued 3y the R(A for permanent reinstatement of the trenches; 0>>2 The entire road section along the road shall 3e ta$en o%er 3y the ontractor from the respecti%e E7ecuti%e EN'INEER, R(A through the EN'INEER 3efore underta$ing the trenching wor$; The ontractor shall 3e fully responsi3le for maintaining the ta$en o%er road section until handing o%er possession to R(A; The ontractor shall 3e lia3le for any loss, damage, death or 3odily in.ury that may arise as a result of trenching operations and shall carry sufficient third party lia3ility insurance for any claims; The R(A, the EN'INEER and the E!-/OHER shall in no way carry any lia3ility; This procedure shall 3e in effect until the possession of completed road section is handed o%er 3ac$ to the respecti%e E7ecuti%e EN'INEER, R(A; 0>:2 The R(A will ha%e the sole authority to suspend and or cancel the wor$ if so considered as non-compliant to the aforementioned clauses 3y the ontractor; In case of such non-compliance and conse4uent suspension and or cancellation 3y the R(A, the EN'INEER shall in turn suspend or cancel the wor$; The ontractor shall ha%e no entitlement of cost or time e7tension claims due to such circumstances; 0>?2 The ontractor shall su3mit detailed draft JAs-&uiltK drawings immediately after the completion of a road; Su3se4uently, 3efore Ta$ing-O%er of wor$ as per clause <D of 'eneral onditions, the ontractor shall su3mit final set of As-&uilt drawings; .-1/ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! 0>@2 The ontractor shall pay R(A an amount e4ui%alent to D?G of the total estimated cost prepared 3y the R(A for permanent reinstatement of trenches as a super%ision charge; This payment shall 3e ta$en from the corresponding pro%isional sum prior to granting appro%al of the -ro.ect 0>A2 The ontractor shall maintain the final pa%ement for a period of one year following the Ta$e O%er date; In general, depressions in the final pa%ement in e7cess of <? mm 3elow the normal road grade shall 3e corrected; orrections in the pa%ement shall 3e made within fifteen 0A2 days after the ontractor has 3een notified of the need for correcti%e action; In the e%ent of the failure or refusal of the ontractor to ma$e such corrections, the E!-/OHER reser%es the right to ha%e the necessary wor$ performed and to charge the cost to the ontractor under the -erformance &ond; .-10 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! APPENDIG &.! SYSTEM OPERATING MANUAL SAMPLE TABLE OF CONTENTS F*8)1 M+11(* #arning -age for -otential (angers Title -age "oreword Ta3le of ontents /ist of Ta3les /ist of "igures /ist Appendices A33re%iations and Acronyms C5+61(* 1 - I)1*8=.41/8) !anual ontents and 1sers* 'uide Treatment -lant (esign Intent O%erall System (esign (ata "igures Site -lan #astewater System -rocess (iagram0s2 Sludge System -rocess (iagram0s2 Ta3les System (esign (ata !aster Inde7 of Su3.ect !atter 0all manuals2 C5+61(* ! - S1+)=+*= O6(*+1/): P*84(=.*(2 Standard Operating -rocedures for all -rocesses (aily -rocess !onitoring and (ata ollection Sheets for all -rocesses C5+61(* C - P*84(22 T*8.A,(25881/): P*84(=.*(2 Trou3leshooting -rocedures for all -rocesses C5+61(* & - U)/1 P*84(22 D(24*/61/8) +)= O6(*+1/8) #T@6/4+, 78* (+45 6*84(22% "unctional (escription of -rocess -rocess (esign E7pectations Relation to Other -rocesses -rocess Theory E4uipment Operation ontrols, Interloc$s and Instrumentation Routine Operation and Operating -rocedures Emergency, Alternate and !anual Operation -rocess !onitoring, /a3oratory Testing and (ata ollection Start up, Normal Shutdown, and Emergency Shutdown -rocedures E4uipment !onitoring, Start up, Shutdown, and Isolation -rocess Trou3leshooting Safety and House$eeping 0Specific -rocedures for this -rocess2 "igures -rocess "low (iagram with E7pected )alues -iping Schematic (iagram 0olour oded2 -rocess and E4uipment /ayout, ontrol /ocation .-11 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! Other -lan and Ele%ation )iews as Needed Ta3les -rocess apa3ilities and /imitation (esign (ata for E4uipment /ayout, ontrol /ocation ontrol and Instrument Settings 0as appropriate2 Trou3leshooting (ata ollection and !onitoring "orms )al%e -osition for )arious Operating !odes C5+61(* 3 - D/245+*:( R(-./*(0()12 +)= E77,.()1 M8)/18*/): Summary of (ischarge Re4uirements !onitoring -rogram to )erify ompliance Ta3les (ischarge Re4uirements !onitoring and Testing Schedule C5+61(* 9 - S+06,/): +)= L+A8*+18*@ P*84(=.*(2 Sampling -rocedures Significance of #astewater Testing /a3oratory Testing Ta3le Appro%ed Analytical -rocedures C5+61(* D - S1+77/): Staffing Re4uirements +o3 (escription Summary Training and ertification Ta3le Staff Title and Num3er C5+61(* F - S+7(1@ +)= H8.2(>((6/): 'eneral Safety -rocedures House$eeping -rocedures C5+61(* E - E0(*:()4@ O6(*+1/8) 'eneral -rocedure for Emergencies Stand3y -ower and Alternate 1tility Sources Ta3le 'eneral Emergency Response -rocedures Appendi7 A (ischarge Re4uirements and Stream Standards & +o3 (escriptions #astewater Analytical -rocedures ( -rocess and Instrumentation (iagrams E -rocess and E4uipment (esign (ata .-12 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! APPENDIG &.C EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR MANUAL SAMPLE TABLE OF CONTENTS F*8)1 0+11(* Title -age "oreword Ta3le of ontents 0listing %endors* literature 3y manual section num3er2 C5+61(* 1 - I)1*8=.41/8) -urpose ontents 1ser*s 'uide C5+61(* ! - M+21(* E-./60()1 L/21 #MEL% E4uipment Name Identification Num3er, Tag or ode onstruction Specification Section Num3er !anufacturer Address and Telephone /ocal Representati%e Name, Address and Telephone !anual Section Num3er C5+61(* C - M+/)1()+)4( M+)+:(0()1 S@21(0 P.*682( !aintenance -rogram Elements Responsi3ilities -re%enti%e and orrecti%e !aintenance !aintenance !aterials Record$eeping Sample Record$eeping "orms C5+61(* & - A.?/,/+*@ S@21(02 "unctional (escription (esign Intent and -erformance apa3ilities Relation to Other Systems System and E4uipment Operation ontrols, Interloc$s and Instrumentation Routine Operating -rocedures Emergency, Alternate and !anual Operation Start up and Shutdown -rocedures Trou3leshooting Safety and House$eeping "igures Schematic (iagrams System and E4uipment /ayout, ontrol /ocation Ta3les (esign (ata ontrol and Instrument Settings Trou3leshooting )al%e Schedule and "unction .-13 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! C5+61(* 3 - V()=8* L/1(*+1.*( #8)( 2(41/8) 6(* (-./60()1 /1(0 ,/21(= 8) 15( MEL% "unction Operating haracteristics /imiting onditions Start up and Shutdown Normal and Emergency Operation ontrols Safety during Operation and !aintenance -re%enti%e !aintenance and Schedule orrecti%e !aintenance Trou3leshooting /u3rication and Alternate /u3ricants Re4uired Tools Recommended Spare -arts Electrical and ontrol Schematics #arranty Test (ata and Appro%ed Shop (rawings .-2$ Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! APPENDIG &.& ENGINEER$S SITE OFFICE .-21 Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! A--EN(I6 :;? SA!-/E O" THE REM1IRE( IN"OR!ATION APPENDIX 4.6 FUNCTIONAL SPACE REQUIREMENTS FOR PMU STAFF SITE .-2# Kandy City Wastewater Management Project Bid Package No.1/ Contract No. RSC-C/TP/!C"/KCWMP/#$1$/$1% Bidding &oc'ment (o)'me !! OFFICE (WWTP SITE) Functions Main Net Area (m 2) Unit Min Net Area (m 2 ) Remarks The Engineer/PD 35 1 35 DPD 25 1 25 WWTP Chief Engineers 20 1 20 WWTP Engineers 15 3 45 Assist Engineers 10 3 30 Others 10 1 10 Data Technician, Assistance, etc. 100 1 75 Share Office Clerical Staff 65 1 65 Reception Area 30 1 30 Conference Room-1 50 1 50 Conference Room-2 cum Dining Room 50 1 50 Pantry/Kitchen 20 1 20 Toilets(Male/Femal e 20 1 20 Others 30 Total 505 Note: Function layout plan (with a minimum area of 500m 2 ) shall be designed and approved by ENGINEER before implementation. .-2-