Elect Third Year

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Subject Stud
E)*+u*t%o, Sc!e"e Tot*+
L T # I,te$,*+ A--e--"e,t E.te$,*+ A--e--"e,t E.*"
T!eo$ #$*ct%c*+ '$%tte,
T$oub+e S!oot%,1 2
M*%,te,*,ce o3
E4u%/"e,t- 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
S-te"- 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
:*-ed S-te" De-%1, 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
5 D%1%t*+ S-te" De-%1, 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
I,du-t$%*+ T$*%,%,1
Re/o$t #$e-e,t*t%o, - - 0 - 78 - - 088 6 078
Object O$%e,ted
#$o1$*""%,1 u-%,1
C<< 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
Stude,t Ce,te$ed
- - 5 - - - - - - -
98 -
8 978 688 788 - 678 - 0588
** Student centered activities will include: extension lectures, field visits, Soft Skills,
seminars, debates, hobby clubs, library studies, awareness regarding ecology and
environment, conservation of energy (Petroleum products, electricity etc), social service
camps and other cocurricular activities including games! "dvanced planning for each semester
has got to be made
NOTE> - Students to undergo #ndustrial $raining of % weeks duration in reputed organisation
during summer vacation holidays at the end of semester and evaluation will be done in next
semester in the sub&ect #ndustrial $raining Pro&ect Presentation!
Page '(, Syll! )lex! (*+)
(Ne? Sc!e"e 9808)
Subject Stud Sc!e"e
E)*+u*t%o, Sc!e"e Tot*+
L T # I,te$,*+ A--e--"e,t E.te$,*+ A--e--"e,t E.*"
T!eo$ #$*ct%c*+ '$%tte,
0 M*jo$ #$oject - - 5 - 088 - - 088 6 988
M%c$o/$oce--o$ 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
#$o1$*""%,1 %,
@AVA 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
5 E+ect%)e - I 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
M*,*1e"e,t 2
De)e+o/"e,t 5 - - 78 - 088 6 - - 078
E+ect$o,%c- *,d
I,-t$u"e,t*t%o, 5 - 6 78 78 088 6 78 6 978
Stude,t Ce,te$ed
- - 5
98 -
8 978 688 788 - 688 - 0678
** Student centered activities will include: extension lectures, field visits, Soft Skills, seminars, debates, hobby
clubs, library studies, awareness regarding ecology and environment, conservation of energy (Petroleum products,
electricity etc), social service camps and other cocurricular activities including games! "dvanced planning for
each semester has got to be made!
Page '+, Syll! )lex! (*+)
L T #
5 - 6
$he course provides the students with necessary knowledge and competency to
diagnose the faults for trouble shooting and for systematic repair and maintenance of
electronic e,uipment and components!
'! -epair, servicing and .aintenance /oncepts (B H$)
#ntroduction, .odern )lectronic e,uipment, .ean time between failures (.$01),
.ean time to repair (.$-), .aintenance policy, potential problems, preventive
maintenance, corrective maintenance!
(i) Study of basic procedure of service and maintenance
(ii) /ircuit tracing techni,ues
(iii) /oncepts of shielding, grounding and power supply considerations in
2! 1undamental $rouble Shooting Procedure (B H$)
1ault location, 1ault finding aids
Service manuals
$est and measuring instruments
Special tools
$rouble Shooting $echni,ues
1unctional "reas "pproach
Split half method
3ivergent, convergent and feedback path circuit analysis
.easurement techni,ues
*! Passive components (B H$)
$est procedures for checking passive components, resistors, capacitors, inductors,
chokes and transformers!
%! Semiconductor 3evices (1rom $esting Procedure Point of view) (B H$)
3iodes, rectifier and 4ener diodes! 0ipolar transistors! 1ield effect transistors 51)$
and .6S1)$! $hyristors, uni&unction transistors, Photo cells, $ransistor e,uivalents,
3ata books on transistors!
(! $roubleshooting 3igital Systems (5 H$)
$ypical faults in digital circuits! 7se of 8ogic clip, logic probe, logic pulser, #/ tester
+! $ypical )xamples of $rouble Shooting (B H$)
$rouble shooting procedures for the following:
Page '9, Syll! )lex! (*+)
(i) 6scilloscope
(ii) Power supplies
(iii) 3igital multimeters
(iv) Signal generator
(v) P" system
(vi) $ape recorder and
(vii) Stereo amplifier
9! 8og 0ook : ;istory Sheet (9 H$)
#ntroduction, preparation and significance of log book and ;istory sheet!
'! Selection, demonstration and correct use of tools and accessories, nose pliers, wire
cutter, wire stripper, twee4ers, soldering station, desoldering tools, neon tester, screw
driver "ccessories insulating tapes, solders, solder tips, fluxes, desoldering wick,
solder cleaning fluids, sleeves, tags, identifiers!
2! 3evelop skill in assembly of components, wiring, soldering and desoldering
*! Selection and use of commonly used passive components and accessory
%! $esting of active and passive components
(! $esting of linear integrated circuits
+! 7se of digital tools for troubleshooting digital components
9! $rouble shooting at least two of the following e,uipments: Single beam oscilloscope,
-egulated power supplies, digital multimeter, ".<1. signal generator, P" system,
$ape recorder and Stereo amplifier!
Page '=, Syll! )lex! (*+)
L T #
5 - 6
0. Aud%o --te"- (09 H$)
(i) .icrophones: /onstruction, working principles and applications of carbon,
moving coil, velocity, crystal, condenser type, cordless microphone!
(ii) 8oudspeakers: 3irect radiating, horn loaded woofer, tweeter, mid range, multi
speaker system, baffles and enclosures!
(iii) Sound -ecording on magnetic tape, its principles, block diagram and tape
transport mechanism, digital sound recording on tape and disc!
9. AM&FM t$*,-"%tte$- (; H$)
(i) /lassification of transmitters on the basis of power : fre,uency!
(ii) /oncept of low level and high level modulation! 0lock diagram of low level
and high level modulation! ". transmitters and working of each stage!
(iii) 0lock diagram and working principles of reactance transistor and "rmstrong
1. transmitter!
6. AM&FM R*d%o Rece%)e$ (08 H$)
(i) Principles of working with block diagram of super heterodyne ". receiver
function of each block and typical waveforms at input and output of each
(ii) Performance characteristics of a radio receiver sensitivity, selectivity, fidelity,
S<> ratio, imagere&ection ratio and their measurement procedure, #S#
standards on radio receivers (brief idea)!
(iii) Selection criteria for intermediate fre,uency(#1) , /oncepts of simple and
delayed "?/
(iv) 0lock diagram of an 1. receiver, function of each block and waveforms at
input and output of different blocks! >eed for limiting and deemphasis in 1.
(v) 0lock diagram of communication receivers, differences with respect to
broadcast receivers!
5. A,te,,*-> (B H$)
(i) )lectromagnetic spectrum and its various ranges: @81, 81, ;1, 7;1,
(ii) Physical concept of radiation of electromagnetic energy from a dipole!
/oncept of Polari4ation of ). waves!
Page 'A, Syll! )lex! (*+)
(iii) 3efinition and physical concepts of the terms used with antennas like point
source, gain, directivity, aperture, effective area, radiation pattern, beam angle,
beam width and radiation resistance!
(iv) $ypes of antennas B brief description, characteristics and typical applications
of dipole, medium wave (mast) antennas, folded dipole, turns tile, loop
antenna, yagi and ferrite rod antenna(used in transistor receivers)!
(v) 0rief description of boardside and end fire arrays, their radiation pattern and
applications (without analysis)C brief idea about -hombic antenna and disc
7. #$o/*1*t%o,-> (B H$)
(i) 0asic idea about different modes of radio wave propagation and typical areas
of applications! ?round wave propagation : its characteristics, summer field
e,uation for field strength!
(ii) Space wave communication D line of sight propagation, standard atmosphere,
concept of effective earth radius, range of space wave propagation in standard
(iii) 3uct propagation: sky wave propagationionosphere : its layers, explanation
of termsvirtual height, critical fre,uency, skip distance maximum usable
fre,uency, multiple hop propagation!
;. F%be$ O/t%c Co""u,%c*t%o,- (B H$)
(i) "dvantages of fiber optic communication
(ii) /onstructional features of optical fiber and fiber optic cables, concepts of
numerical aperture (>"), modes of propagation in an optical fibers, fiber
attenuation and dispersion!
(iii) 8ight sourcesdiode laser, 8)3s and their characteristics
(iv) 8ight detectors and their characteristics
(v) 0asic idea of fiber connection techni,ues
(vi) 0lock diagram of fiber Boptic communication link
C. S*te++%te Co""u,%c*t%o, (9 H$)
(i) 0asic idea, passive and active satellites, meaning of the terms, orbit, apogee,
(ii) ?eostationary satellites and its need, block diagram and explanation of
satellite communication link!
L%-t o3 #$*ct%c*+-
'! $o plot the fre,uency response of microphone!
2! $o plot the fre,uency response of loudspeaker!
*! $o study the tape transport mechanism!
%! $o plot the sensitivity characteristics of a radio receiver!
(! $o plot the selectivity characteristics of a radio receiver!
+! $o plot the fidelity characteristics of a radio receiver!
9! 1amiliari4ation and identification if fiber optic components!
=! $o assemble the fiber optic communication set up and compare the transmitted signal
with the output of the receiver!
A! $o plot the radiation pattern of a directional and omni directional antenna!
'E! $o measure the light attenuation of the optic fibres!
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L T #
5 - 6
0. 0lock diagram of microprocessorbased system! 0us structure, selection criteria of
microprocessor for different applications! (5 H$)
9. -eview of =E=( microprocessor, its architecture, programming, model, addressing modes and
instruction set! (5 H$) 'EF
6. .emory #nterfacing: /haracteristics, $iming consideration : "ddress decoding! #nterfacing
of static and dynamic -".s! #nterfacing of -6.s! (5 H$)
5. Peripheral #nterfacing chips: 0lock diagram operation, programming and interfacing
considerations of the following chips: =2((, =2(*, =2(', =2(A", =29A and =2*9! (B H$)
7. #<6 interfacing: interfacing of keyboards, displays, "<3 and 3<" /onverters! (9 H$)
;. System 3esign /onsiderations: Steps for design of .icroprocessor based system! System
specification and design constraints, >oise filtering : signal conditioning, cost effectiveness,
system flow diagram : block diagram! Portioning of hardware : software and their trade
offs! (B H$)
C. Gorking out the ma&or devices : components and software routines construction and testing
of prototype hardware! 3ebugging of the software! #ntegration of hardware and software!
"nalysis of system performance in real time systems! (; H$)
B. 3evelopment $ools: Software $ools and .ethods, )mulator, Simulator, "ssembler,
3ebugger, .3S! (5 H$)
D. #nterfacing Standards: -S2*2/, #))%==, /urrent loop! (9 H$)
08. .icroprocessor $roubleshooting: $ypical faults, instruments for fault finding: 8ogic pulser,
logic probe, 8ogic analy4er, Signature analy4er! (9 H$)
00. 3esign examples and case studies e!g! multi channel 3"S, temperature monitoring and
control system, />/ machine control! (9 H$)
'! #nterface = 8)3s and display the 8)3s alternatively with a delay of ' sec!
2! #nterface = 8)3s and = switches and display the status of switches in the 8)3s!
*! #nterface a common anode type seven segment display and display E to A with delay of ' sec
in between!
%! #nterface = bit 3"/ and display sawtooth wave form and rectangular waveforms under
program control!
(! #nterface a * kg$or,ue steeper motor and vary the speed under program control!
+! #nterface an = bit "3/ (like "3/E=E=) and select different channels and read analog voltage
applied in these channels!
9! #nterface a hexadecimal keyboard and display the keypress in a seven segment display!
=! #nterface an 8)3 matrix and display any alphanumeric character in the display!
A! 3esign a temperature control system! $he system should sense temperature and switch off the
heat source if temperature exceed the set limit! #f the temperature fall below the set limit the
system should turn on the heat source!
Page 2', Syll! )lex! (*+)
'E! $ransfer one byte of data from a memory location of one system to another using serial data
transfer facility! 7se S#3 line to receive data and S63 line to send data! ("synchronous
serial transfer format can be used)
'! 0rey, 0ary 0! .icroprocessor<;ardware #nterfacing : "pplications /0S Publishers :
3istributor, 3elhi!
2! 0otton "! .icroprocessor 0ased Systems 8evel#@, $echnical )ducation /ouncil in
"ssociation with ;utchinson!

Page 22, Syll! )lex! (*+)

L T #
5 - 6
0. Me"o$%e- (5 H$)
(i) 0asic -". cell, >H. bit -"., )xpansion of word length and capacity, static and
dynamic -"., basic idea of -6., P-6., )P-6., ))P-6.!
9. A&D *,d D&A Co,)e$te$- (5 H$)
(i) ?eneral principles of "<3 and 3<" conversion and brief idea of their applications!
(ii) "<3 /onverter : 0inary 8adder
(iii) 3<" /onverter : Simultaneous method, counter type and continuous counter,
successive approximation types of "3/s, integrating type (single slope and dual
6. Co"b%,*t%o,*+ C%$cu%t- (B H$)
(i) 0oolean algebra and minimi4ation techni,ues
(a) -eview of logic variables, 0oolean expression, and minimi4ation of 0oolean
expression using Imap method (up to ( variables) $abular method of
function minimi4ation
(ii) /ombinational circuit design
(b) /omponents of combinational circuits
(c) 3esign procedures and implementation using gates (SS# approach) e!g!, half
and, full adder, half and full sub tractors, multiplexer, demultiplexer
<decoder (.S# approach)-6. < P8" ( 8S# approach)
5. Se4ue,t%*+ C%$cu%t- (09 H$)
(i) )ssential /omponents of a Se,uential /ircuit Synchronous and asynchronous
se,uential circuits /lassification of se,uential circuits ( .ealy and .oore .achines)
(ii) Se,uential /ircuit 3esign Se,uential logic circuit, review of -S,3,5I (including
.aster<slave 5I) and $ flipflops! $heir truth tables, characteristic tables,
characteristic e,uation, exciation tables, conversion of one 1lip 1lop to another!
(iii) 3esign of clocked se,uential circuits: ?eneration of primitive state table<diagram,
minimi4ation of states, state assignment, choice of memory element! 3esign of
%! Synchroni4ation of asynchronous inputs spikes in output and their removal! 3esign
approach to asynchronous circuits, definition of cycles, races and ha4ards! (5 H$)
'! 3esign and implement a code converter for 0inary to ?rey code conversion using decoder!
2! 3esign and implement full adder and full subtractor using multiplexer!
*! Program an )P-6. using )P-6. Programmer!
%! 7sing P-6. < P8" design and implement a combinational circuit!
(! 3esign and implement a .odulo ( synchronous counter using 5I flipflops!
+! 1rom a given problem statement, design and test a typical se,uential circuit!
9! 3esign a % bit se,uence generator using 5I 1lip 1lops!
=! $o /onstruct : test %<= bit 3<" converter using #/!
A! $o /onstruct : test %<= bit "<3 converter using #/!
'E! 3esign a 0/3 adder and implement using combinational logic!
''! 3esign % bit up<down counter using $1lip 1lops!

Page 2*, Syll! )lex! (*+)
L T #
- - 0
#ndustrial training report presentation means for solving live problems faced
electronics industries by applying the knowledge and skills obtained through the diploma
course in electronics! $he institute offering the course will identify live problems pertaining
to )lectronics industries! $he activity of problem identification should begin well in advance
(say in the beginning of fourth semester)! Students should be allotted a problem of interest to
him<her! $he students will execute the work under the guidance of teachers! )ach teacher
would not have more than six students for guiding and supervise!
$he students shall go for industrial training for a period of % to + weeks in the summer
vacation after the examination of #@ semester! $he students will submit a comprehensive
training report (in a presentable manner, preferably typed and bound) for evaluation by the
teacher guide, an expert from the industry and an external examiner!
$he industry for training should be related to )lectronics, .icroprocessor, )lectronic
#nstruments and institution like Scientific 8aboratories, -adio Station, @S>8, -adio : $@
$ransmitters, $elephone )xchange or any other electronics related field!
"ssessment criteria for industrial training will be as under:
(i) "ttendance and Punctuality '(F weightage
(ii) #nitiative in problem solving *EF weightage
(iii) -elationship with people 'EF weightage
(iv) -eportGriting %(F weightage
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L T #
5 - 6
6b&ect orientation is a new approach to understand the complexities of the real world! $his
course offers the model programming language /JJ that shall helped the students to
implement the various concepts of ob&ect orientation practically!
0. I,t$oduct%o, (9 H$)
(i) Problems with procedure oriented Programming techni,ue!
(ii) /oncepts of 66Ps!
(iii) /haracteristics of 66Ps
(iv) "dvantages and application of 66Ps
9. C<< #$o1$*""%,1 :*-%c- (5H$)
(i) 0asic 3ata types
(ii) $ype /ompatibility
(iii) 6perators in /JJ
(iv) Scope resolution operator
(v) /ontrol Structure
6. Fu,ct%o, C<< (5 H$)
(i) 1unction Prototyping
(ii) /all by reference
(iii) #nline function
(iv) 1unction overloading
(v) 8ibrary 1unction
5. C+*-- *,d Object- (; H$)
(i) /omparison of /lass and /Structure
(ii) /reating ob&ects
(iii) "rrays within /lass
(iv) "rrays of ob&ects
(v) 6b&ects as 1unction "rguments
7. Co,-t$ucto$ *,d De-t$ucto$ (5 H$)
(i) /onstructor and its characteristics
(ii) Parameteri4ed /onstructor
(iii) .ultiple /onstructor in a class
(iv) /opy /onstructor
(v) 6verloaded /onstructor
(vi) 3estructor and its characteristics
;. O/e$*to$ O)e$+o*d%,1 (5 H$)
Page 2(, Syll! )lex! (*+)
(i) 6verloading of unary operator
(ii) 6verloading of binary operator
(iii) .anipulation of Strings using operator
(iv) $ype conversion B basic type of class : class to basic type
C. I,!e$%t*,ce (9 H$)
(i) $ype of #nheritance
(ii) >eed of protected members
(iii) "pplication of inheritance
B. V%$tu*+ 2 3$%e,d 3u,ct%o, (5 H$)
(i) Pointers to ob&ects
(ii) $his pointers
(iii) Pointer to derived classes
(iv) @irtual functions
(v) Pure virtual functions
(vi) /oncept of late : early binding
D. M*,*1%,1 Co,-o+e I&O o/e$*t%o, (9 H$)
(i) 7nformatted #<6 operation
(ii) 1ormatted #<6 operation: fill, precision, width
(iii) #<6 streams
08. F%+e O/e$*t%o, (9 H$)
(i) 6pening : closing a file!
(ii) Programming with files
'! Grite a program to read elements of given two matrices of order n*n and perform
matrix multiplication! 7se a separate function for multiplication!
2! Grite a program to read a set of lines from the keyboard, store it in a two dimensional
array and determine the number of characters in the 8ines! (7se cin!get() function to
read lines!
*! Grite a program to read two strings and concatenate them and display it!
%! Grite a program to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division on
complex numbers! /reate a class complex and the above operations must be made as
public functions of the class!
(! Grite a program to find the distance between two points using the pointer to class
+! Grite a program to generate a series of 1ibonacci numbers using a copy constructor!
9! Grite a program to calculate the sum of private data of a class with private data of
another class through the common friend function!
=! Grite a program to display the 6b&ects address using this pointer! "lso access member
data with this pointer and display them!
A! 7sing function overloading find the s,uare of integer data, floating point data and
double precision data!
'E! Grite a program to create a class of ob&ects say ob& ' and ob&2 and assign the contents
of ob& ' to ob& 2 using operator overloading!
''! 3evelop a program to read the following information from the Ieyboard in which the
/lass consist of employee name, code and designation and the desired class containing
the data members like Kears of )xperience and age!
Page 2+, Syll! )lex! (*+)
)mployee >ame
/reate a virtual base class for the item employee name and write code for the same!
'2! Grite a program to prepare the mark sheet of examination assuming the following items
can be read
>ame of student
-oll >o!
Sub&ect /ode
Sub&ect >ame
#nternal .arks
)xternal .arks
/onstruct the data base with suitable member functions for initialing and destroying the
data using constructors and destructors!

Page 29, Syll! )lex! (*+)

Sixth semester syllabus
$his is treated as practical class!
$he students will assemble and test a ma&or electronic working useful pro&ectC model in the
lab classes under the supervision of concerned teacher<lecturer! 1or example pro&ects related
to the following may be taken up:
'! 3igital based pro&ects
2! .icroprocessor based pro&ects
*! Software pro&ects related to electronics field
%! /ommunication based pro&ects
(! "ny other pro&ect relatedC to electronicC industry
)valuation will be based on the presentation of pro&ect developed including @iva! $he marks
are 'EE each internal and external examinations!
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5 - 6
$he complex systems re,uires high throughput that at times is not met with = bit microprocessors
systems! So '+ bit microprocessor based systems become more suitable and economical! $hey
provide better facilities to personal computers and other industrial systems! Presently '+<*2 bit
processor and =<'+ bit microcontrollers are widely used in personal computers and other industrial
0. '+ bit microprocessors: (B H$)
(i) #ntroduction to '+ bit microprocessors!
(ii) =E=+ microprocessor: #nternal architecture, internal registers, logical address,
physical address generation, maximum and minimum modes, clock generator (=2=%),
design of minimum system, comparison between =E=+ and =E==!
9. Programming =E=+: addressing modes, instruction format, instruction templates and hand
assembly, instruction set, data transfer, arithmetic bit manipulation, string instruction,
instruction, program transfer and processor control instructions! (B H$)
6. "ssembler and assembler directives, programming exercises based on the instruction set and
use of assembler! (B H$)

5. .emory and #<6 interface: memory interface block diagram, #<6 interface (direct and
indirect)! (5 H$)
7. #nterrupt interface of =E=+: types of interrupts interrupt masking, software interrupts! (5 H$)
;. #ntroduction to microcontroller: main features, detailed architecture and applications of =E('
family of microcontrollers! (5 H$)
C. Ad)*,ced /$oce--o$- 3e*tu$e-
i) Pipelining
ii) /ache memory
iii) @ector processing
CASE STUDY > Pentium #@ processor 0lock 3iagram, -egister 6rganisation "ddress generation,
.emory and #<6 interfacing!
L%-t o3 #$*ct%c*+-
'! Grite a program to perform multibyte addition!
2! Grite a program to add 'E sixteen bit integers and store the result (choose suitable memory
*! Grite a program to multiply two sixteen bit signed integers and store the result!
%! Grite a program to devide a '+ bit signed number by another '+ bit signed number and store
the result (use sign extension to convert '+ bit data to *2 bit data)
(! Grite a program to sort data in ascending < descending order (use bubble sort techni,ue)
+! Grite a modular program to compute the following expression
y L ax
J bx
$he main program should call one subroutine that compute x
and another subroutine that
compute x
choose appropriate values for a,b,and c!
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9! Grite program that transfer a string from one memory area to another memory area! 7se
"S/## code to represent string characters! "ssume strings end with >788 character!
=! Grite a program that converts gray code to binary code (use H8"$ instruction)
A! Grite a program to determine the numbers of 'Ms in a '+ bit data stored in a particular
memory location!
'E! Grite a program to convert a string of 2E characters from lower case to upper case! (string
may contain blank space and digits)
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5 - 6
0. I,t$oduct%o, to @*)* (B H$)
$he 0asics of 5ava" brief history of 5ava, $he 5ava, "rchitecture, 5ava 1eatures!
#mportance of 5ava to the #nternet! 5ava "pplets and "pplications, 1undamentals of
6b&ect programming, concepts of 66P, 0enefits of 66P, 5ava and /JJ, 5ava
)nvironment, 5ava 3evelopment kit, "pplication programming #nterface ("P#),
?etting started with 53I, 5ava program structure, 7sing 5ava with other $ools!
9. L*,1u*1e :*-%c- (; H$)
5ava tokens, 5ava character set, keywords, #dentifiers, 8iterals, Separators, constants,
@ariables! 3ata types, type /asting, /onstants, @ariables and their Scope, 6perators
and )xpressions, "rithmetic 6perators, -elational : /onditional 6perators, 8ogical
6perators, "ssignment 6perators, #ncrement : 3ecrement, 0itwise 6perators,
Special 6perators, Precedence of 6perators, /ontrol 1low statements#f : #f else
statements, switch Statement, for loop, while do loop, 0ranching!
6. Object- *,d C+*--e- %, @*)* (; H$)
#ntroduction to classes, defining a class! /reating ob&ects, methods, /onstructors and
"ccess Specifies, "pplication of /onstructor, Parameteri4ed constructors,
6verloading .ethods and /onstructors, "ccess control .odifiers: Public! Private,
and protected, Static! 1inal and "bstract .odifiers, #nheritance and .ethod
6verriding! #nheritance basics, .ethod overriding!
5. A$$*-E St$%,1- *,d Vecto$- (5 H$)
"rrays, 6nedimensional array, .ultidimensional array, Strings, String class,
Gorking with Strings, String 0uffer /lass, @ector and wrapper class, @ector
/onstructors, Gorking with vector methods, Grapper /lass!
7. #*c(*1e- *,d I,te$3*ce- (5 H$)
7sing 5ava #nterfaces, 3efining and #nterface, #mplementing and #nterface, )xtending
and #nterface, 7sing 5ava Packages, 3efining a Package, 0rief discussion on
/8"SSP"$;, "ccess Protection, #mporting a package, 5ava "P# Package,
;. E.ce/t%o, !*,d+%,1 (5 H$)
#ntroduction to )xception ;andling, Ghy use )xception ;andling, 1undamentals of
)xception ;andling, )xceptions : their types, /ommon )xceptions, 7sing )xception
;andling, 7sing try and catch, .ultiple /atch Statements, >ested try Statements,
.ethods available to )xceptions, $hrowing your own )xception!
C. A//+et /$o1$*""%,1 (5 H$)
Griting "pplets, $he 0asics of "pplets, 8ife /ycle of an "pplet, Painting the "pplet,
$he "pplet $ag, Security -estrictions when using "pplets, $aking, "dvantage of the
"pplet "P#, 1inding and 8oading 3ata 1iles, 3isplaying short Status Strings!
3isplaying 3ocuments in the 0rowser, Playing Sounds 3efining and 7sing "pplet
B. 'o$(%,1 %, G$*/!%c- (5 H$)
Page *', Syll! )lex! (*+)
$he ?raphic class! &ava!awt!?raphics, 7ses of class&ava!awt!?raphics, /ustom
Painting, 3rawing 8ines, 3rawing 8ines, 3rawing -ectangles! 3rawing )llipses and
/ircles, 3rawing "rcs, 3rawing Polygons!
D. F%+e H*,d+%,1 2 @D:C
1ile handling in 5"@", 530/! #ntroduction, concept of 530/ connection with
08. E)e,t H*,d+%,1
)vent ;andling, types of events, 8ow level events, ;igh level events, )vents listener,
)xamples Ieyboard : .ouse listener!
#$*ct%c*+- >- E.ce$c%-e :*-ed o, *bo)e t!eo$ co,ce/t-.
-eference 0ooks
'! Programming in 5ava 3r! "mita 3ev, #S$) Publication!
2! .astering 5ava 2 5ohn Nukowski
*! Programming in 5ava )! 0alaguruswamy
%! $he /omplete -eference 5ava 2 ;erbert Schildt
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5 - 6
$he study of this sub&ect will help the students to gain the knowledge of functions, working
principles, construction, application : maintenance aspect of 0iomedical e,uipment based
upon H-"K : imaging techni,ues!
3)$"#8)3 /6>$)>$S
0. F-RAY> *EF
6rigin : nature of xray! 7nits : properties of xray
F-$* c%$cu%t:
(a) 0asic components
(b) 0asic xray machine
(c) .odern xray tubes
(d) $ypes of anode : anode supply
(e) 1ilament supply
(f) $iming devices
(g) #nterlock : safety devices
(h) $ypes of xray machines
(a) Hray image intensifier tube
(b) /!/!$!@<//3 /amera
(c) ;igh voltage supply
(d) 6ptical coupling system
(e) 1luoroscopy
0asic principles of 7ltrasonics! 3oppler principle! 7nits of ultrasound machines and
their operation! 1oetal monitor! Pulse echo techni,ue! Pulse echo instruments :
imaging system! Scanners )chocardiography! /hoencephalography, /omputed
Sonography block diagram : advantages!
Principle of operation! 0lock diagram of /!$! Scanner! 7nits of /!$! scanner! 1eatures
of /!$! Scanners! "dvantages of /$ over conventional Hray!
Principle of .-#!! Superconductivity : .-#! 0lock diagram of .-#! "dvantages of
.-# over /!$!
Principle of operation! /omponents of digital radiography system! 0lock diagram :
operation! "dvantage of digital subtraction "ngiogram over conventional "ngiogram!
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$ypes of -adio active particles! -adiation 3etectors! -adio #sotopes scanners for
medical application! ?amma camera components : working principle! "dvantage :
disadvantage of ?amma scan!
'! 6peration and function of all controls of hospital based Hray machine!
2! #dentification of different block < sub systems circuits in Hray machine!
*! .easurement of );$ in Hray machine
%! H-ay film processing (expose : developing of xray film through manual method :
automatic digital film processor!)
(! Study of 7ltra sound machine : transducer operation!
+! #dentification of different unit of ultra sound machine
9! Study of operating consol : features of ultrasound machine!
=! 3evelopment of ultrasound investigation film!
A! Study of 1luoroscopy with the help digital -adiography System : trouble shooting!
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5 - -
$he knowledge of this sub&ect is re,uired for all engineering technicians, but it
becomes more important for those who intend to choose industry for their career! $his course
is managements, role of worker, foreman and engineer, industrial safety, marketing,
entrepreneurship, inventory control and industrial legislation!
0. I,t$oduct%o, (5 H$)
Pattern of economics i!e! socialistic economy, capitalistic economy and mixed
economy! #ndustrial ?rowth in #ndia!
9. :u-%,e-- O$1*,%-*t%o,- (5 H$)
Salient features of sale proprietary, partnership private and public limited companies,
cooperative societies and public sector!
-ole of public and private sectors in growth of economy and their social obligations
towards societyC monopoly and price restriction!
6. E,t$e/$e,eu$-!%/ (5 H$)
)ntrepreneurial ,ualities, selection of product, estimation of capital expenditure
resources of capital financial agencies, procedural formalities for registrations of firm!
)xposure to sales tax registration import export procedures and pro&ect report
5. F%,*,c%*+ M*,*1e"e,t (5 H$)
0rief idea of money banking, international trade, foreign exchange, various taxes such
as property, wealth company income, excise duty, sales tax, finance forecasting! $ypes
of accounts and account books, trial balance, final accounts and statements!
7. #e$-o,,e+ M*,*1e"e,t (; H$)
3uties and responsibilities of personnel department, manpower planning, sources of
employment, recruitment selection, various methods of testing, training and
development of workers and supervisors! Promotions, retirement, retrenchment!
#ndustrial relations, discipline, industrial fatigue, leadership, attitudes and human
behaviour, morale maintenance, motivation systems, payment of wages, personnel
;. Tec!,%c%*, (9 H$)
-ole of engineer and technician in the industry and in society: duties and
responsibilities of a technician (foreman) towards management, workers and
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C. I,du-t$%*+ S*3et *,d Hou-e Gee/%,1 (5 H$)
.agnitude and cost of accidents, causes of accidents, &ob safety analysis, safety
planning and its implementation safety education instructions and visual aids,
obligatory provisions, first aid, investigation of accidents, fire fighting, 0#S standards,
security watch and ward!
B. M*$(et%,1 (5 H$)
#mportance of marketing, theory of demand and supply forecasting demand and
supply, product pricing, branding and packaging, sales promotions, advertising and
publicity, warranty, after sales service, product improvement and development,
salesmanship, tenders and contracts, installations and commissioning, feedback
invoicing and trade documents!
D. I,du-t$%*+ Le1%-+*t%o, (5 H$)
#mportant provisions of the following acts: 1actory "ct, )S#, ?P1, 0onus,
$rade 7nion, #ndustrial 3ispute, Shop, .inimum Gages, /ompensation,
"pprenticeship, Payment of Gages a/t and /ommercial )stablishment "ct!
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L T #
5 - 6
)lectronics adapted to industrial plant, in terms of timings, action switching and action or
parameter control, is called O#ndustrial )lectronicsM! 6ther common areas of application
where electronics is increasing its interface with other branches of engineering include
temperature control, welding control, speed regulation of motor and soldering! $he student
should study this sub&ect with a view to understand the use of electronics to bring about faster
and more accurate responses in industrial plants!
'! $hyristor ratings and gate rating! $urn on methods B 3c gate, "/ ?ate, and Pulse
?ate $riggering and -/ trigger circuits! $urn off methods B >ature and 1orced turn
off methods! (5 H$)
2! #nternal power dissipation and need for ;eat sinks in thyristors! 3efinition of
following terms and their relationship with the power dissipation of the device (no
derivation)! (5 H$)
(i) ;eat sink efficiency
(ii) ;eat Sink transfer coefficient
(iii) ;eat dissipating area of a ;eat Sink! /oncept of thermal resistance of ;eat
Sinks! @arious types of ;eat sinks and techni,ues of mounting device on heat
*! Principles of operation and working of the following switching circuits, using S/-s
and $riacs (5 H$)
(i) "utomatic 0attery charger
(ii) @oltage regulator
(iii) )mergency light
(iv) "larm circuit
(v) $ime delay relay /ircuit
(vi) /ircuits for over voltage and over current protection
%! )xplanation of the working of a single phase and *phase controlled bridge rectifiers
with the help of waveforms, using S/-Ms with resistive and inductive loads
mathematical expression (>o derivations)! (9 H$)
(! Principles of working of "/ phase control circuit using triac and its
applications! (5 H$)
(i) #llumination control
(ii) 1an speed control
(iii) $emperature /ontrol
(iv) Speed control of 3/ and small "/ motors
+! Principles of operation of 0asic inverter circuits! 0asic series and parallel
commutated inverters (5 H$)
9! Principles of induction and dielectric heating and their typical applications
(9 H$)
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=! #ntroduction to instrumentations: (9 H$)
0asic .easurement System functions of its elements namely the transducer, signal
conditioner, display or readout and power supply!
A! $ransducers: (09 H$)
a) 3istinguish between active and passive transducers with examples!
0asic re,uirements of a transducer
b) Principle of operation of the following transducers and their applications in
measuring the physical ,uantities listed against each one of them!
c) $ransducer
V*$%*b+e Re-%-t*,ce T/e #!-%c*+ Au*,t%t%e-
Potentiometeric 3isplacement and force
Strain gauge $or,ue and displacement
$hermister $emperature
-esistance ;ydrometer ;umidity
@ariable capacitance $ype
Pressure gauge 3isplacement and pressure
3ielectric gauge 8i,uid 8evel and thickness

@ariable #nductance $ype
8@3$ Pressure, force, displacement and position
6ther $ypes
Solid State Sensor $emperature
$hermocouple $emperature
Pie4oelectric device 1orce
Photoelectric devices 8ight
Proximity probes r!p!m
3igital transducer displacement
'E! Security : Surveillance devices: (; H$)
0lock diagram, application : use of the following:
;and held metal detector and door frame
"nalog : #P //$@ including 3@ -ecorder : >@- (>etwork @ideo
-ecorder) with video analysis
"ccess /ontrol System (0iometric)
"ttendance -ecording System
'2! 6utput 3evices and 3isplays (5 H$)
0asic principles of operation, constructional features and application of the
(i) ?raphic -ecorder
(ii) HK -ecorder
'! 6bservation of waveshape and measurement of voltage relevant points of an S/-
based single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit using resistive (in phase gate
triggering circuit)
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2! 6bservation of waveshapes and measurement of voltages at relevant point of an S/-
based single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit using -/ phase shift gate
triggering circuit
*! 6bservation of waveshapes and measurement of voltages at relevant points of an S/-
based single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit using 75$ relaxation
oscillator for gate griggering
%! 6bservation of waveshapes and measurement of voltage at relevant points of an S/-
based single phase controlled bridge rectifier circuit
(! 6bservation of waveshapes and measurement of voltage at relevant points in a triac
based "/ phase control circuit used for lamp intensity and <or "/ fan speed control!
+! 6bserve the waveforms and measure voltages at various points of a circuit for over
voltage protection using S/-
9! Study of various transducers like Strain guage, thermistor, photodiode,
phototransistor, etc!
=! Study of security : Surveillance devices!
A! Study an HK recorder and graphic recorder!
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