The document summarizes regulations regarding requirements for submitting Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOPs) to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) for development projects using non-conventional production or completion technology. It states that a DWOP must be submitted for such projects and describes the two-part process, including what must be included in the Conceptual Plan and DWOP. Key requirements covered are the general design basis and philosophy that must be explained in the Conceptual Plan, and detailed structural, safety, and operational system design information that must be provided in the DWOP.
The document summarizes regulations regarding requirements for submitting Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOPs) to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) for development projects using non-conventional production or completion technology. It states that a DWOP must be submitted for such projects and describes the two-part process, including what must be included in the Conceptual Plan and DWOP. Key requirements covered are the general design basis and philosophy that must be explained in the Conceptual Plan, and detailed structural, safety, and operational system design information that must be provided in the DWOP.
The document summarizes regulations regarding requirements for submitting Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOPs) to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) for development projects using non-conventional production or completion technology. It states that a DWOP must be submitted for such projects and describes the two-part process, including what must be included in the Conceptual Plan and DWOP. Key requirements covered are the general design basis and philosophy that must be explained in the Conceptual Plan, and detailed structural, safety, and operational system design information that must be provided in the DWOP.
The document summarizes regulations regarding requirements for submitting Deepwater Operations Plans (DWOPs) to the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) for development projects using non-conventional production or completion technology. It states that a DWOP must be submitted for such projects and describes the two-part process, including what must be included in the Conceptual Plan and DWOP. Key requirements covered are the general design basis and philosophy that must be explained in the Conceptual Plan, and detailed structural, safety, and operational system design information that must be provided in the DWOP.
(b) Submitting additional information. On a case-by-case basis, the Regional Supervisor may require you to submit additional information if the Regional Supervisor determines that it is nec- essary to evaluate your proposed plan or document. (c) Limiting information. The Regional Director may limit the amount of in- formation or analyses that you other- wise must provide in your proposed plan or document under this subpart when: (1) Sufficient applicable information or analysis is readily available to BSEE; (2) Other coastal or marine resources are not present or affected; (3) Other factors such as techno- logical advances affect information needs; or (4) Information is not necessary or required for a State to determine con- sistency with their CZMA Plan. (d) Referencing. In preparing your proposed plan or document, you may reference information and data dis- cussed in other plans or documents you previously submitted or that are other- wise readily available to BSEE. 250.202250.203 [Reserved] 250.204 How must I protect the rights of the Federal government? (a) To protect the rights of the Fed- eral government, you must either: (1) Drill and produce the wells that the Regional Supervisor determines are necessary to protect the Federal gov- ernment from loss due to production on other leases or units or from adjacent lands under the jurisdiction of other entities (e.g., State and foreign govern- ments); or (2) Pay a sum that the Regional Su- pervisor determines as adequate to compensate the Federal government for your failure to drill and produce any well. (b) Payment under paragraph (a)(2) of this section may constitute production in paying quantities for the purpose of extending the lease term. (c) You must complete and produce any penetrated hydrocarbon-bearing zone that the Regional Supervisor de- termines is necessary to conform to sound conservation practices. 250.205 Are there special require- ments if my well affects an adjacent property? For wells that could intersect or drain an adjacent property, the Re- gional Supervisor may require special measures to protect the rights of the Federal government and objecting les- sees or operators of adjacent leases or units. POST-APPROVAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EP, DPP, AND DOCD 250.282 Do I have to conduct post-ap- proval monitoring? The Regional Supervisor may direct you to conduct monitoring programs. You must retain copies of all moni- toring data obtained or derived from your monitoring programs and make them available to BSEE upon request. The Regional Supervisor may require you to: (a) Monitoring plans. Submit moni- toring plans for approval before you begin work; and (b) Monitoring reports. Prepare and submit reports that summarize and analyze data and information obtained or derived from your monitoring pro- grams. The Regional Supervisor will specify requirements for preparing and submitting these reports. DEEPWATER OPERATIONS PLAN (DWOP) 250.286 What is a DWOP? (a) A DWOP is a plan that provides sufficient information for BSEE to re- view a deepwater development project, and any other project that uses non- conventional production or completion technology, from a total system ap- proach. The DWOP does not replace, but supplements other submittals re- quired by the regulations such as BOEM Exploration Plans, Development and Production Plans, and Develop- ment Operations Coordination Docu- ments. BSEE will use the information in your DWOP to determine whether the project will be developed in an ac- ceptable manner, particularly with re- spect to operational safety and envi- ronmental protection issues involved with non-conventional production or completion technology. VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:23 Aug 17, 2012 Jkt 226121 PO 00000 Frm 00096 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226121.XXX 226121 e r o w e
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87 Safety & Environmental Enforcement, Interior 250.292 (b) The DWOP process consists of two parts: a Conceptual Plan and the DWOP. Section 250.289 prescribes what the Conceptual Plan must contain, and 250.292 prescribes what the DWOP must contain. 250.287 For what development projects must I submit a DWOP? You must submit a DWOP for each development project in which you will use non-conventional production or completion technology, regardless of water depth. If you are unsure whether BSEE considers the technology of your project non-conventional, you must contact the Regional Supervisor for guidance. 250.288 When and how must I submit the Conceptual Plan? You must submit four copies, or one hard copy and one electronic version, of the Conceptual Plan to the Regional Director after you have decided on the general concept(s) for development and before you begin engineering design of the well safety control system or subsea production systems to be used after well completion. 250.289 What must the Conceptual Plan contain? In the Conceptual Plan, you must ex- plain the general design basis and phi- losophy that you will use to develop the field. You must include the fol- lowing information: (a) An overview of the development concept(s); (b) A well location plat; (c) The system control type (i.e., di- rect hydraulic or electro-hydraulic); and (d) The distance from each of the wells to the host platform. 250.290 What operations require ap- proval of the Conceptual Plan? You may not complete any produc- tion well or install the subsea wellhead and well safety control system (often called the tree) before BSEE has ap- proved the Conceptual Plan. 250.291 When and how must I submit the DWOP? You must submit four copies, or one hard copy and one electronic version, of the DWOP to the Regional Director after you have substantially completed safety system design and before you begin to procure or fabricate the safety and operational systems (other than the tree), production platforms, pipe- lines, or other parts of the production system. 250.292 What must the DWOP con- tain? You must include the following infor- mation in your DWOP: (a) A description and schematic of the typical wellbore, casing, and com- pletion; (b) Structural design, fabrication, and installation information for each surface system, including host facili- ties; (c) Design, fabrication, and installa- tion information on the mooring sys- tems for each surface system; (d) Information on any active stationkeeping system(s) involving thrusters or other means of propulsion used with a surface system; (e) Information concerning the drill- ing and completion systems; (f) Design and fabrication informa- tion for each riser system (e.g., drill- ing, workover, production, and injec- tion); (g) Pipeline information; (h) Information about the design, fab- rication, and operation of an offtake system for transferring produced hy- drocarbons to a transport vessel; (i) Information about subsea wells and associated systems that constitute all or part of a single project develop- ment covered by the DWOP; (j) Flow schematics and Safety Anal- ysis Function Evaluation (SAFE) charts (API RP 14C, subsection 4.3c, in- corporated by reference in 250.198) of the production system from the Sur- face Controlled Subsurface Safety Valve (SCSSV) downstream to the first item of separation equipment; (k) A description of the surface/ subsea safety system and emergency support systems to include a table that depicts what valves will close, at what times, and for what events or reasons; (l) A general description of the oper- ating procedures, including a table VerDate Mar<15>2010 13:23 Aug 17, 2012 Jkt 226121 PO 00000 Frm 00097 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\226121.XXX 226121 e r o w e