Intermediate Elementary Supply Lists

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Fostoria Intermediate Elementary School


3rd Grade
1 Box Ziplock Bags- Girls: Sandwich or quart size
Boys: Gallon size
1 pkg. of 3 x 5 index cards
1 pkg. of wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper
24 boxed crayons
Pointed scissors
48 #2 yellow pencils
Large pink eraser
3 wide ruled spiral notebooks (1 subject)
l " 3-ring binder (hard cover)
2 - 2 pocket poly plastic folder with prongs
2 boxes family size tissues
1 bottle Elmer's glue
1 Glue stick
4 black Expo dry erase markers
1 sock for use as a dry marker eraser
Small supply box or pouch - all supplies should fit into it
Ear buds or headphones (for use with computers/ipads)

4th Grade
4 2 pocket folders
3 boxes family size tissues
4 wide ruled spiral notebooks (1 subject)
2 pkgs. wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper
I small bottle of glue/2 glue sticks
48 #2 pencils (please replace as needed)
Large pink eraser
2 pkgs. crayons
Girls: 1 pkg. baby wipes
Boys: 1 pkg. Ziplock bags -gallon size
Zippered pencil pouch or supply box
Red pen
4 low odor dry erase makers
1 old sock for use as dry marker eraser
1 pkg. 3 x 5 index cards
1 - 8 pack Crayola washable markers
1 - 2 inch binder (hard cover)

*****General Information for ALL grades
All students need tennis shoes for PE
NO trapper keepers
NO mechanical pencils or gel pens
NO individual pencil sharpeners
NO book bags with wheels

3/4 Multi-age
24 boxed crayons
4 boxes of 12 #2 pencils
4 spiral bound 1 subject notebooks
2" 3 ring binder (hard cover)
2 boxes family size tissues
I bottle Elmer's Glue
4 2-pocket folders
2 low odor dry erase markers 1 large
pink eraser
Small supply box 94 zippered pouch -all supplies should
fit into it

2 pkgs. wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper
colored pencils
4 boxes of 12 #2 pencils
1 pkg. pencil top erasers Scissors
Glue stick
l" 3-ring binder (hard cover)
4 spiral notebooks (l subject/70 sheets) 3 boxes
family size tissues
4 low odor dry erase makers
10 pack markers (Crayola, please)
8 2-pocket folders; 2 each red, blue, green, yellow
Pencil pouch (not a box)

100 #2 pencils
4 pkgs.( I 00 sheets) wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper
1 pkg. of 8 markers
2 pkgs. of 8 colored pencils
2 large glue sticks
24 crayons
8 -2 pocket folders
2 Large erasers
4 boxes family size tissues
4 spiral notebooks - 70 sheets
Pencil box or pouch
Ear buds and case

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