C CH He Es ST TT TR Ra Au Um Ma A Patient
C CH He Es ST TT TR Ra Au Um Ma A Patient
C CH He Es ST TT TR Ra Au Um Ma A Patient
ENROLLMENT FORM OR Nurse 2008, March, Team management of the chest trauma patient
B. Test Answers: Darken one circle for your answer to each question.
a b c d
1. H H H H
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a b c d
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a b c d
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11. H H H H
12. H H H H
a b c d
13. H H H H
14. H H H H
15. H H H H
16. H H H H
C. Course Evaluation*
1. Did this CE activity's learning objectives relate to its general purpose? K Yes K No
2. Was the journal home study format an effective way to present the material? K Yes K No
3. Was the content relevant to your nursing practice? K Yes K No
4. How long did it take you to complete this CE activity?___ hours___minutes
5. Suggestion for future topics __________________________________________________________
*In accordance with the Iowa Board of Nursing administrative rules governing grievances, a copy of your evaluation of the CE offering may be submitted directly to the Iowa Board of Nursing.
Team management of the chest trauma patient
GENERAL PURPOSE: To provide the registered professional nurse with a review of the required care given by the OR team for victims of chest
trauma. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: After reading this article and taking this test, you should be able to 1. Discuss mechanisms, injury patterns, and
diagnostic modalities of chest trauma. 2. Identify various treatments and the roles within the surgical team.
A. Registration Information:
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Registration Deadline: March 31, 2010
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Job title __________________________________ Specialty ______________________________
Type of facility ________________________________ Are you certified? K Yes K No
Certified by _________________________________________________________________________
State of license (1) __________________________ License # _________________________
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