1) The story follows Aladdin, a poor street urchin in the fictional city of Agrabah who is recruited by the evil Jafar to retrieve a magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders.
2) Aladdin finds the lamp and meets the Genie, who offers to grant him three wishes. Jafar tricks Aladdin and takes the lamp.
3) Jafar uses his new powers to try to force Princess Jasmine to marry him, but Aladdin allies with Genie and defeats Jafar, imprisoning him in his own lamp. The Sultan changes the law to allow Aladdin to marry Jasmine.
1) The story follows Aladdin, a poor street urchin in the fictional city of Agrabah who is recruited by the evil Jafar to retrieve a magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders.
2) Aladdin finds the lamp and meets the Genie, who offers to grant him three wishes. Jafar tricks Aladdin and takes the lamp.
3) Jafar uses his new powers to try to force Princess Jasmine to marry him, but Aladdin allies with Genie and defeats Jafar, imprisoning him in his own lamp. The Sultan changes the law to allow Aladdin to marry Jasmine.
1) The story follows Aladdin, a poor street urchin in the fictional city of Agrabah who is recruited by the evil Jafar to retrieve a magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders.
2) Aladdin finds the lamp and meets the Genie, who offers to grant him three wishes. Jafar tricks Aladdin and takes the lamp.
3) Jafar uses his new powers to try to force Princess Jasmine to marry him, but Aladdin allies with Genie and defeats Jafar, imprisoning him in his own lamp. The Sultan changes the law to allow Aladdin to marry Jasmine.
1) The story follows Aladdin, a poor street urchin in the fictional city of Agrabah who is recruited by the evil Jafar to retrieve a magic lamp from the Cave of Wonders.
2) Aladdin finds the lamp and meets the Genie, who offers to grant him three wishes. Jafar tricks Aladdin and takes the lamp.
3) Jafar uses his new powers to try to force Princess Jasmine to marry him, but Aladdin allies with Genie and defeats Jafar, imprisoning him in his own lamp. The Sultan changes the law to allow Aladdin to marry Jasmine.
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Aladdin (1992)
The story takes place in the mystical city of Agrabah, which is
based mainly on a medieval city in the Middle ast, the home of the 1!!1 Arabian "ights, and there are some inconsistencies in the time period# The s$ltan (who is never given a name) of Agrabah is secretly being controlled by his grand vi%ier, &afar# &afar, who is also a sorcerer, is wanting to be the s$ltan himself and r$le Agrabah' to f$rther his goals, he has spent years searching for the (ave of )onders, so he can harness the magical mystical power of the genie of the lamp fo$nd within# *owever, &afar discovers that only one person, a metaphorical +,iamond in the -o$gh+, can enter the cave, or anyone accompanied by that person# The +,iamond in the -o$gh+ that &afar is looking for is a street $rchin named Aladdin# Aladdin is a poor boy forced to s$rvive the streets of Agrabah by stealing food from carts with his pet monkey, Ab$# .eca$se of his theft, the citi%ens view him as a p$blic menace, b$t he wants them to look closer into who he is# The s$ltan, meanwhile, is having problems with finding a prince for his da$ghter, /rincess &asmine, to marry# .y mesmeri%ing him with his magical snake staff, &afar convinces the s$ltan that &afar needs the s$ltan0s ring to find &asmine a h$sband# &afar act$ally needs the ring to discover the identity of the +,iamond in the -o$gh#+ &asmine, who does not want to be married off, decides to r$n away disg$ised as a peasant girl# 1n the anarchy of the streets, she is saved by Aladdin, tho$gh she doesn0t learn his name# Meanwhile, &afar discovers that Aladdin is the +,iamond in the -o$gh+, and he sends palace g$ards to +capt$re the street rat#+ )hen &asmine asks what happened to her savior, &afar lies to &asmine by saying he had been e2ec$ted at dawn for +kidnapping the princess#+ 3ater, &afar, disg$ised as an old man, shows Aladdin a hidden passageway o$t of the d$ngeon to free and take him to the (ave of )onders# &afar tells Aladdin that if he brings back the lamp, he will be rewarded# The (ave0s tiger4shaped head allows Aladdin to enter, b$t he can only to$ch the lamp# 1nside the (ave, Aladdin s$ccessf$lly finds the lamp, b$t Ab$, loses control and attempts to take a 5ewel, ca$sing the cave to melt aro$nd them# Aladdin and Ab$ manage to escape with the aid of a flying carpet named (arpet# 6pon his escape, Aladdin hands &afar the lamp, and &afar decides to give him his +eternal reward+, preparing to attack with his dagger# Ab$ saves Aladdin by biting &afar0s arm, and Ab$ and Aladdin fall back into the cave as it closes# Aladdin, Ab$ and (arpet are all trapped inside the (ave of )onders# &afar discovers, to his dismay, that Ab$ got the lamp from him before they disappeared# Aladdin discovers that the lamp is home to an eccentric, f$n4 loving genie (simply named +7enie+), who will grant him any three wishes, e2cl$ding wishes to force a person to fall in love, to kill someone, to bring someone back from the dead, or to give his master e2tra wishes# Aladdin tricks 7enie into getting them o$t of the cave, witho$t technically wishing for him to do so# 8nce o$t of the cave, Aladdin gets to know 7enie, and asks him what he wo$ld wish for if he had the chance' 7enie says he0d wish for freedom, b$t that can only be granted if his master is benevolent eno$gh to free him with a wish# Aladdin promises to set 7enie free with his last wish# Aladdin, who has fallen in love with /rincess &asmine, is disappointed that he can0t wish to make her fall in love with him# *owever, the law states that only a prince can marry a princess, so he wishes to become a prince# Meanwhile, &afar, who is worried that the princess might have him beheaded as p$nishment for s$pposedly having Aladdin e2ec$ted, comes $p with the idea to convince the s$ltan to let him become her h$sband with the help of his parrot, 1ago# *e later tries to mesmeri%e the s$ltan into granting this re9$est with his staff, b$t is interr$pted when the s$ltan is startled by the noise from Aladdin0s approaching consort# As +/rince Ali Ababwa+, Aladdin ret$rns to Agrabah and, altho$gh offending &asmine by appearing as another typical rich and self4important prince, event$ally wins &asmine0s love by taking her on a romantic ride on the flying carpet# Afterwards, the carpet takes them to (hina and &asmine tricks Aladdin into admitting he0s the street $rchin she met in the marketplace# Aladdin nat$rally wishes to impress her, so he deceives her by telling her that he really is a prince and had 5$st pretended be a commoner in order to escape the restrictions of palace life, m$ch like what &asmine did# Aladdin brings &asmine back to palace and the two of them have their first kiss together# &afar, who is afraid that +/rince Abooboo+, as he incorrectly calls him, may win /rincess &asmine over, r$ining his own evil plans to marry her, orders Aladdin o$t of the way# *e orders the g$ards to have Aladdin gagged with a white handkerchief and tied $p in metal manacles (which is not a problem, as -a%o$l, the chief g$ard, is plag$ed with a l$st for killing)# *e tells him that he has +worn o$t his welcome,+ and a g$ard hits Aladdin over the head, knocking him $nconscio$s# The g$ards then drop Aladdin over a cliff into the sea# They have attached to his ankles a large metal ball4and4chain to his ankles, so that he sinks 9$ickly# *e hits the bottom, and his t$rban floats down# The lamp t$mbles o$t and he begins to str$ggle towards it (which is diffic$lt as the ball4and4chain attached to his ankles p$lls him back), b$t passes o$t from the lack of o2ygen before he can reach it# Aladdin, bo$nd and gagged, slides down towards the lamp, and rolls over, ca$sing it to r$b against his fingers# 7enie appears, and saves Aladdin, $sing $p his second wish# Aladdin and 7enie ret$rn to the palace and Aladdin confronts &afar over having him almost killed# &afar $ses his staff to try to convince the s$ltan that Aladdin is lying, b$t Aladdin, seeing what he is doing, grabs the staff and shatters it# *e then shows the s$ltan that &afar has been controlling him and plotting against him# The :$ltan calls for the g$ards to arrest &afar, b$t &afar manages to escape, and, before doing so, sees the lamp in Aladdin0s possession# The :$ltan is convinced that his tro$bles are over as &asmine has finally chosen a s$itor# All seems well, b$t the f$t$re responsibilities of being begin to distress Aladdin# *e begins to consider going back on his promise to free 7enie so he can keep a wish in reserve# The 7enie angrily goes back inside the lamp, pointing o$t how m$ch Aladdin has lied to get where he is# (hastened, Aladdin decides to tell &asmine the whole tr$th of the matter# 6nfort$nately, Aladdin leaves the lamp in his chamber and &afar sends 1ago to steal it# )ith the lamp in hand, &afar becomes 7enie0s ne2t master, giving him three wishes# *is ;irst wish was to become s$ltan# )hen the former :$ltan and &asmine ref$se to bow to him, he wishes to be the most powerf$l sorcerer in the world# )ith his new powers, &afar forces them to bow to him# &afar then $ses his magic to reveal that +/rince Ali+ is merely the street $rchin Aladdin, and after &afar slaps Aladdin in the face, he banishes him to +the ends of the earth+, in one of the palace towers# +The ends of the earth+ appear to be Antarctica, the mo$ntains of A$stria, the Arctic or possibly the *imalayas# 3$ckily, Ab$ and (arpet were banished with him, and Aladdin is able to fly back to Agrabah, with the intent of reclaiming the lamp# Meanwhile &afar, who is angry that &asmine does not wish to become his 9$een, makes a wish for 7enie to ca$se her to fall in love with him so he canmake her his 9$een# 7enie tries to tell him that he cannot grant that wish, b$t &afar does not listen, telling him that he has to do what he tells him to do# &asmine, who sees Aladdin sneaking into the palace, pretends that the wish has been granted, m$ch to 7enie0s s$rprise, in order to distract &afar# :he even goes so far as to kiss him, ca$sing Aladdin, Ab$, the 7enie and even 1ago to nearly vomit in disg$st# At first it seems to be working' &afar, however, sees Aladdin0s reflection in &asmine0s crown (made from her shackles via a performance of sorcery) and confronts him before he can reach the lamp# &afar $ses magic to imprison or transfig$re all the good characters other than Aladdin himself so they cannot steal the lamp back# &afar event$ally t$rns himself into a giant cobra and fights Aladdin# )hen Aladdin appears to be defeated, &afar tells Aladdin he was a fool for thinking he co$ld defeat +the most powerf$l being on earth#+ Aladdin reminds &afar he is not the most powerf$l being on earth and that that honor belongs to 7enie, since he gave &afar his power in the first place# &afar decides to $se his final wish to become the most powerf$l genie in the world# &afar is at first convinced that his new powers will allow him to r$le the $niverse, b$t he reali%es too late that Aladdin tricked him, since as a genie, &afar is no longer free# &afar is imprisoned in his own lamp along with 1ago# 7enie sends them to the (ave of )onders# 8f co$rse, since Aladdin is now no longer a prince he is not eligible to marry &asmine# 7enie however insists that Aladdin $se his final wish to make himself a prince again, b$t nevertheless, he keeps his promise and wishes for 7enie0s freedom# )hen all seems lost for Aladdin and &asmine, the s$ltan decides that, between his loyalty to 7enie and his co$rage in defeating &afar, Aladdin has proven his worth' the s$ltan therefore changes the law so that +the princess shall marry anyone she deems worthy+ meaning Aladdin and &asmine can be married# 7enie flies away to see the world while the happy co$ple begin their new life together#