CMO Monetization Summary

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(Collateralized Mortgage Obligations)
Approved CMOs (Collateralized Mortgage Obligations), at 1Billion face value,
and up, are again being accepted by Trading Platforms (commonly called Private
Placement Programs or PPP) as collateral for monetization and subsequent trade.
A CMO with a face value of 1 Billion Dollars can be purchased from 600K up to
1.2M depending on the type of CMO, quality or rating of the CMO and the
commissions charged by the Securities and Exchange registered Brokerage Firm
where the CMO is purchased.
When a CMO is purchased, the Owner will receive passive income from the CMO
ranging from 4% to 22% a year, on invested dollar, on a 1 Billion Dollar face value
CMO for up to 15 years. The prospectus on the purchased CMO contains detailed
information relating to these returns. For our purpose, the Owner of a CMO with a
face value of $1B or more can submit his CMO to a Trade Platform for
consideration as collateral for monetization and subsequent entry into a PPP for
Asset Enhancement. Owners and CMOs accepted by a PPP are then entered into a
40-42 week Trade.
Depending on the Owners Brokerage Firm, the CMO may not need to be
transferred from its current location. It will be blocked at the Brokerage House
where it was purchased. If the Owners current Brokerage Firm does not have
blocking capability, or if the Brokerage rm where the CMO currently resides is
not acceptable to the PPP, the Owners CMO will need to be transferred to an
acceptable Securities and Exchange brokerage rm where an appropriate block can
be initiated for the duration of the Trade (40-42 weeks). There are several other
ways in which the PPP could request the CMO to be secured in order for the
monetization process to occur but Blocking is our recommendation. This method
affords the client the highest degree of security as compared to all other methods.
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With the Blocking Method the CMO does not change Ownership during the
Blocking duration.
If a Client needs to acquire an approved CMO, it can be purchased through a
variety of brokerage rms; pricing, as mentioned above, will vary. Approved
CMOs can sometimes be purchased directly from the Traders Brokerage Firm.
Currently owned CMOs can be reviewed for acceptability.
For additional information on CMOs please see the included link. http:// Additionally, I have
included a copy of a simplied explanation of a Collateralized Mortgage
Obligation titled What is a CMO-Basic Description.
Compliance is a process whereby the Client, i.e. CMO Owner, is investigated to
rule out any history of Securities Violations, Funds Transfer Violations, Homeland
Security Violations, etc. Additionally, the CMO itself must pass compliance and be
accepted by the PPP as an instrument of value. The compliance process can be
completed in as little as 3 business days but can take up to 10 business days.
Ultimately, the duration of the compliance process depends on the Clients personal
situation. However, approval of the CMO as a valuable instrument can sometimes
be done verbally, prior to the Clients purchase of the CMO.

The Trade (Denition)
Private placement trading programs usually involves trading with medium term
bank notes (MTNs) or Treasury Bills called T-Bills. PPP refers specically to
private placement trading programs with a high return on the investment associated
with humanitarian project funding programs or Fed programs as compared to
capital enhancement programs.
These programs provide the traders with fresh issues of MTNs or T-Bills that
produce high prot margins. This is known as the rst tier. In the commercial
world this would be called the B2B wholesale market. Now we all know that end
users usually do not have access to the prices offered in the wholesale market, so
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they buy goods in the convenience store and not direct from the producer. Most of
the time these programs require the investors to use a portion of their earnings for
projects of humanitarian, social, or economic development in nature to make sure
that part of these Prots are put back into the economy. Even after deducting the
portion of earnings to be used for projects, the investor is still left with a very
substantial prot for their own investments.
Performing PPP programs are difcult to nd and are not always available. Only a
very restricted number of high-level traders can get access to these types of
programs. Many capable investors have been looking around for PPPs for years
and are unable to nd a performing provider. Often they have wasted large sums of
money by sending MT760s to banks and so called traders that simply cannot
Genuine programs are without risk to the investor whatsoever, as the credit line
raised against the capital is underwritten by the trading group. The (Investor)
therefore is involved for the purpose of audit only, as it is by law that nancial
institutions are not allowed to participate and therefore have to nd a Private entity
either a private person or company. At no time are the investors or better called
Audit Fund Providers funds used for the trade.
The procedures to enter are simple and fairly standard; however the Audit Fund
Provider will have to adhere to strict compliance and non-disclosure. Many claim
to be next to traders, this is 99.99% not the case. Traders are very busy people and
have no time to sit down and have a chat. Therefore they have a structure in place
where the rst contact is with a compliance ofcer who will go through the
submission papers and sort out the good from the nonsense.
Once the Client and the CMO are approved and the compliance process is
complete, the trader will either monetize the CMO directly, or purchases
transaction insurance (insurance wrap) for the Clients CMO and then monetize the
CMO. The Trader can now draw a line of Credit against the CMO and the
transaction insurance (commonly referred to as a Bond). The line of credit obtained
from the insured CMO has many variables. This Line of Credit can range from 1%
of the face value to a high of 40% of the face value of the CMO. However, this
does not directly determine the Clients returns
Before the Trader will proceed to trade, the Client must agree to the securing of
the instrument in favor of the Trader/Lender. The CMO will remain lodged at the
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agreed upon brokerage rm, in the manner mutually agreed upon by the Trader and
Client. This ensures that the Client does not encumber, sell, or otherwise move the
CMO while the Trader is trading the Line of Credit backed by the CMO. The
Trader must be assured that the instrument stays properly and legally secured for
the duration of the trade.
Although there are many methods in which the CMO can be secured and
monetized we recommend caution in this area. In a perfect scenario the CMO
remains in the name of the Client. There is NO third party ownership of the CMO,
nor is the CMO transferred to an unknown entity third party during the trade
period. However this is not always the approved method. Furthermore, the trade
should not affect the passive interest payments that are generated monthly by the
CMO. These monthly interest payments should continue to be delivered to the
CMO Owner, i.e., the Client, or the CMO, when returned, should have all coupons
At the end of the trade program if the CMO was initially moved to a different
brokerage rm for blocking, the Trader will transfer the Clients CMO, via DTC,
back to whatever brokerage rm the client desires to use. If the CMO was not
moved, the Trader simply removes the block.
Please note: Returns generated for the Owner of the CMO are on a best effort basis
and many variables affect the return. The lowest empirical historical returns
reported to us have been $1M a week for the 42 week Trade, based on a $1B
instrument, but this does not imply a typical return. Furthermore, the only
individual who can provide exact returns to the Client is the Trader or the
Administrator, who will verbally, then contractually, discloses this information
directly to the Client, and only after the Client and the CMO have completed
compliance and are accepted.
1) Client provides or purchases a CMO
2) Client lls out Standard Compliance package.
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3) The Client, CMO, and Brokerage Firm where the CMO is lodged are veried
and approved.
4) Conference call with Program Administrator or Trader takes place to discuss
procedures and returns.
5) A Trade Contract with specic terms is issued to the CMO Owner (Client),
specifying time lines, weekly returns, net prots and commissions.
6) Trade Contract signed by Client and returned to Trader.
7) CMO is blocked by the Client in the acceptable Brokerage account
for the duration of the Trade.
8) Trader obtains monetization of the CMO.
9) Trade program starts and returns are delivered weekly, biweekly or monthly,
as detailed in the contract.
CMOs are considered valuable instruments and can provide passive income to the
Owner. Additionally, the face value of the CMO can also enhance the Owners
portfolio. Several large portfolio owners, including Hedge Funds and Retirement
Accounts, Pension Funds, Mutual Funds, etc, are interested in adding CMOs to
their ledgers, specically for this type of Portfolio Enhancement. A CMO owner
can benet from this by accepting a Non-Recourse Loan from them, using the
CMO as the sole collateral (no other recourse but the CMO).
Although not as lucrative to the Owner as a Trade (PPP), it can often be a quick
way to gain nancially from the CMO. The offered proceeds are considered a
loan against the CMO. These loans can range from 1% of the Face Value (10
Million) up to 40% of the Face Value (400 Million). Loans against the CMOs are
considered Non-Recourse Loans, but the title to the CMO is transferred to the
Loan Originator as collateral. There are no required monthly payments, but if the
loan is not paid back on the specic due date, the Owner loses the right to Buy
Back the CMO. If the original Owner wishes to recapture title of the CMO, the
loan will need to be paid back, with interest, within a specic period of time. If the
Seller does not wish to recapture the title, or ownership of the CMO, they do
nothing and the CMO remains with the new owner. After the grace period offered
by the loan Originator, usually one year and one day, at which time the previous
owner can no longer claim the right to repay the loan and recapture ownership.
1) CMO and Owner are approved for the Non-Recourse Loan.
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2) Contracts are delivered and reviewed.
3) Client completes due-diligence on Lender.
4) Contracts are signed and returned.
5) The CMO is transferred (DTC free and clear) to Lender as collateral for the non-
recourse loan.
6) The Loan Originator deposits agreed upon loan amount into Clients designated
7) Once funds are veried and available the Client has one year and one day to
Satisfy the loan requirements or lose ownership of the CMO.
All questions will be answered prior to any commitment by the Client. If desired,
the Client can solicit help from our desk to expedite and facilitate both of the above
described processes. The Client is encouraged to ask questions, and gain general
knowledge of the procedure, prior to entering into a Private Placement Program or
Non-Recourse Loan Program. Returns are not negotiable within the Trade
Program, but can usually be negotiated within the Non-Recourse Loan Program.
Client is not committed to enter into the Trade or Loan Program if he/she feels the
returns are not in their best interest. These are general guidelines and in no way are
set procedures. The Trade and Trade Platforms are variable according to
international nancial markets. Only the Trader, Trade Platform and CMO Loan
Originator can provide the contracts with stated returns.
As previously stated, a Client who currently owns a CMO is welcome and
encouraged to request our help in securing entry into a Private Placement Program.
A client who does not own a CMO and wishes to enter into a Private Placement
Program simply needs to purchase one and then solicit our help in securing entry
into a Private Placement Program. However, if a Client does not currently own a
CMO and wishes to use our considerable resources, contacts and associations to
reduce the risk of purchasing the wrong CMO, paying high commissions for the
CMO or having the CMO rejected by the PPP, we can help. We currently have the
ability to have the CMO verbally pre-approved by a trading house prior to the
actual purchase; direct the Client to purchase a CMO at a reduced price from a
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Security and Exchange registered Brokerage House, and then request entry into the
PPP that has already seen the CMO. This process reduces the uncertainty of not
having the correct instrument, greatly reduces the commissions charged by some
brokerage rms and eliminates the uncertainty of not having an instrument that
cannot be monetized by the PPP. This service can be arranged by contacting us
directly and we will be happy to provide all the details.
This information is proprietary and is provided only for informational purposes to those who have interest
in learning about CMO Trade Opportunities. This Document is a Business Plan and does not constitute an
offer to sell or a solicitation to purchase. This Business Plan is condential and contains proprietary
information including trade secrets. Neither the Plan nor any of the information contained in the plan may
be reproduced or disclosed to any person under any circumstances without the express written
permission of Investment Dynamics. This business plan contains forward looking statements including
statements regarding anticipated performance, markets and the timing of completion. All such statements
involve risks and uncertainties. Such statements are only predictions and actual events or results may
differ materially. Sender is NOT a United States Securities Dealer, Broker or a U.S. Investment advisor.
Sender is a Consultant / Intermediary and makes no warranties or representations to the Buyer, Seller or
Transaction. All due diligence is the sole responsibility of the Buyer and Seller. This letter and the
attached related documents are never to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or
content. Upon receipt of these documents, the Recipient hereby acknowledges this Disclaimer. If
acknowledgement is not accepted, Recipient must return any and all documents in their original receipted
condition to Sender. This electronic communication is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy
Act of 1986, Codied at 18 U.S.C 1367, 2510-2521, 2701-2710, 3121-3126. Also see:
privacy/glbact/glbsub1.htm Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act 15 USC, Subchapter1,
Sec. 6801-6809
Make a real investment in your future
Harvest Time Group
Direct Afliate of Investment Dynamics
Contact your local Representative, Carlton E. Dasher
(877) 726-7608
Avondale, AZ 85392

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