This document summarizes Virginia code pertaining to defects in service of process, timely service requirements, and releasing or satisfying memoranda of lis pendens or attachments on property records. It discusses motions to quash or dismiss based on defective process or lack of timely service, what constitutes waiver of objections to jurisdiction or service, requirements for recording memoranda of lis pendens, and duties of the clerk to release memoranda or mark them satisfied when cases are dismissed or debts paid.
This document summarizes Virginia code pertaining to defects in service of process, timely service requirements, and releasing or satisfying memoranda of lis pendens or attachments on property records. It discusses motions to quash or dismiss based on defective process or lack of timely service, what constitutes waiver of objections to jurisdiction or service, requirements for recording memoranda of lis pendens, and duties of the clerk to release memoranda or mark them satisfied when cases are dismissed or debts paid.
This document summarizes Virginia code pertaining to defects in service of process, timely service requirements, and releasing or satisfying memoranda of lis pendens or attachments on property records. It discusses motions to quash or dismiss based on defective process or lack of timely service, what constitutes waiver of objections to jurisdiction or service, requirements for recording memoranda of lis pendens, and duties of the clerk to release memoranda or mark them satisfied when cases are dismissed or debts paid.
This document summarizes Virginia code pertaining to defects in service of process, timely service requirements, and releasing or satisfying memoranda of lis pendens or attachments on property records. It discusses motions to quash or dismiss based on defective process or lack of timely service, what constitutes waiver of objections to jurisdiction or service, requirements for recording memoranda of lis pendens, and duties of the clerk to release memoranda or mark them satisfied when cases are dismissed or debts paid.
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8.01-277. Defective process; motion to quash; untimely service; motion to ismiss.
!. ! person" upon #hom process to ans#er any action has $een serve" may ta%e avanta&e of any efect in the issuance" service or return thereof $y a motion to quash file prior to or simultaneously #ith the filin& of any pleain& to the merits. 'pon sustainin& the motion" the court may stri%e the proof of service or permit amenment of the process or its return as may seem (ust. ). ! person" upon #hom process has not $een serve #ithin one year of commencement of the action a&ainst him" may ma%e a special appearance" #hich oes not constitute a &eneral appearance" to file a motion to ismiss. 'pon finin& that the plaintiff i not exercise ue ili&ence to have timely service an sustainin& the motion to ismiss" the court shall ismiss the action #ith pre(uice. 'pon finin& that the plaintiff i exercise ue ili&ence to have timely service an enyin& the motion to ismiss" the court shall require the person filin& such motion to file a responsive pleain& #ithin 21 ays of such rulin&. *othin& herein shall prevent the plaintiff from filin& a nonsuit uner 8.01-+80 $efore the entry of an orer &rantin& a motion to ismiss pursuant to the provisions of this section. *othin& in this su$section shall pertain to cases involvin& as$estos. ,-oe 1./0" 8-118; 1./0" c. +++; 1.77" c. 117; 1..0" c. +7; 2001" c. 1/1.2 prev | next 8.01-277.1. 3$(ections to personal (urisiction or efective process; #hat constitutes #aiver. !. 4xcept as provie in 8.01-277" a person #aives any o$(ection to personal (urisiction or efective process if he en&a&es in conuct relate to a(uicatin& the merits of the case" incluin&" $ut not limite to5 1. 6ilin& a emurrer" plea in $ar" ans#er" counterclaim" cross-claim" or thir-party claim; 2. -onuctin& iscovery" except as provie in su$section ); +. 7ee%in& a rulin& on the merits of the case; or 0. !ctively participatin& in proceein&s relate to eterminin& the merits of the case. ). ! person oes not #aive any o$(ection to personal (urisiction or efective process if he en&a&es in conuct unrelate to a(uicatin& the merits of the case" incluin&" $ut not limite to5 1. 8equestin& or a&reein& to an extension of time; 2. !&reein& to a scheulin& orer; +. -onuctin& iscovery authori9e $y the court relate to a(uicatin& the o$(ection; 0. 3$servin& or attenin& proceein&s in the case; /. 6ilin& a motion to transfer venue pursuant to 8.01-210 #hen such motion is file contemporaneously #ith the o$(ection; or 1. 8emovin& the case to feeral court. prev | next 8.01-218. :hen an ho# oc%ete an inexe. !. *o lis penens or attachment shall $in or affect a su$sequent $ona fie purchaser of real or personal estate for valua$le consieration an #ithout actual notice of such lis penens or attachment" until an except from the time a memoranum settin& forth the title of the cause or attachment" the &eneral o$(ect thereof" the court #herein it is penin&" the amount of the claim asserte $y the plaintiff" a escription of the property" the name of the person #hose estate is intene to $e affecte there$y" an in an action to enforce a 9onin& orinance a escription of the alle&e violation" shall $e amitte to recor in the cler%;s office of the circuit court of the county or the city #herein the property is locate; or if it $e in that part of the -ity of 8ichmon lyin& north of the south $an% of the <ames 8iver an incluin& the islans in such river" in the cler%;s office of the -ircuit -ourt" Division =" of such city" or if it $e in the part of the -ity of 8ichmon lyin& south of the south $an% of the <ames 8iver" in the cler%;s office of the -ircuit -ourt" Division ==" of such city. -ler%s of circuit courts are authori9e an irecte to amit to recor memorana of lis penens or attachment for actions penin& in any court of this -ommon#ealth" or in any other state" feeral" or territorial court. >he provisions of this section shall not $e construe to mean that any such memorana heretofore recore are not properly of recor. 7uch memoranum shall not $e eeme to have $een recore unless an until inexe as require $y la#. ! memoranum of lis penens amitte to recor in an action to enforce a 9onin& orinance shall expire after 180 ays. ). *o memoranum of lis penens shall $e file unless the action on #hich the lis penens is $ase see%s to esta$lish an interest $y the filin& party in the real property escri$e in the memoranum" or unless the action on #hich the lis penens is $ase see%s to enforce a 9onin& orinance. ,-oe 1./0" 8-102; 1.7+" c. /00; 1.71" c. 178; 1.77" c. 117; 1.88" c. /0+; 2008" cc. 10" 200.2 prev | next 8.01-21.. Dismissal or satisfaction of same. =f such attachment or lis penens is quashe or ismisse or such cause is ismisse" or (u&ment or final ecree in such attachment or cause is for the efenant or efenants" the court shall irect in its orer ,i2 that the names of all intereste parties thereto" as foun in the recore attachment or lis penens $e liste for the cler%" an ,ii2 that the attachment or lis penens $e release an" the court may" in an appropriate case" impose sanctions as provie in 8.01-271.1. =t shall then $ecome the uty of the cler% in #hose office such attachment or lis penens is recore" to recor the orer an" unless a microfilm recorin& process is use" to enter on the mar&in of the pa&e of the $oo% in #hich the same is recore" such fact" toðer #ith a reference to the orer $oo% an pa&e #here such orer is recore. ?o#ever" in any case in #hich an appeal or #rit of error from such (u&ment or ecree or ismissal #oul lie" the cler% shall not recor the orer or ma%e the entry until after the expiration of the time in #hich such appeal or #rit of error may $e applie for" or if applie for after refusal thereof" or if &rante" after final (u&ment or ecree is entere $y the appellate court. =n any case in #hich the e$t for #hich such attachment is issue" or suit is $rou&ht an notice of lis penens recore is satisfie $y payment" it shall $e the uty of the creitor" #ithin ten ays after payment of same to mar% such notice of lis penens or attachment satisfie on the mar&in of the pa&e of the ee $oo% in #hich the same is recore" unless a microfilm recorin& process is use. ,-oe 1./0" 8-10+; 1.12" c. /8.; 1.77" c. 117; 1.8/" c. +10; 1.81" c. 278; 1.8." c. 0/0.2