Identity Management Issues in Cloud Computing

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International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 9 number 8 Mar 2014

ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 414

Identity Management issues in Cloud Computing
Smita Saini
, Deep Mann
1(Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, Lovely Professional University, India)
2(Dept. of Computer Science Engineering, Lovely Professional University, India)

Abstract Cloud computing is providing a low cost on
demand services to the users, omnipresent network,
large storage capacity due to these features of cloud
computing web applications are moving towards the
cloud and due to this migration of the web application,
cloud computing platform is raised many issues like
privacy, security etc. Privacy issue are major concern
for the cloud computing. Privacy is to preserve the
sensitive information of the cloud consumer and the
major issues to the privacy are unauthorized secondary
usage, lack of user control, unclear responsibility. For
dealing with these privacy issues Identity management
method are used. This paper discusses the privacy issue
and different kind of identity management technique
that are used for preserving the privacy.

Keywords cloud computing: Privacy issues,
Identity management technique- OpenID, Prime,
Microsoft Cardspace.

In 2008 M. Klems said that you can scale your
infrastructure on demand within minutes or even
seconds, instead of days or weeks, thereby avoiding
under-utilization (idle servers) and over-utilization
(blue screen) of in-house resources [1]. Cloud
computing model is categorized into deployment model
and service model. Deployment model: Deployment
model is pointing out the location and management of
the cloud infrastructure. The major task of the
deployment model is deciding which type of the model
is deploying for the service. Deployment model is
categorized into the four clouds: Public Cloud, Private
Cloud, Hybrid Cloud, community model. Service model
is divided into three layer bottomlayer, middle layer
and top layer these layers are- SaaS (service as a
service), PaaS (platform as a service), IaaS
(infrastructure as a service). IaaS is a bottomlayer of
the service oriented architecture (SOA). IaaS is the
bottom layer of the service oriented architecture. IaaS
layer provide the infrastructure for the cloud consumer.
It provide the resource on demand bases, storage space ,
network and computer resource example- Amazon
provides the IaaS, middle layer is PaaS (platformas a
service) in this consumer can directly deploy their
application without expanding the cost on purchase of
the software. Google Apps Engine application is the
example of the PaaS provider. The top layer is SaaS
(Software as a Service), cloud consumer can directly
install application on cloud user are not worry for the
infrastructure, Example of SaaS is[2].
Cloud service provider provides services to the
consumer and for the authentication consumer provides
the sensitive information to service provider and
sometime this information is obtained by the
unauthorized user or it used by the service provider for
the junk advertisement. Such as Identity management
method (IDM) is used for preserve the sensitive
information of the consumer. Identity management
method enable the user to keep track of the sensitive
information that is provided to the service provider
(what personal information reveal to the service
provider, control how the information can be used,
cancel their subscription to the service, and monitor to
verify that a service provider applies required policies).
Identity management method is used for manage the
different digital identity of the consumer and maintain
various username/password that is associated with each

Cloud computing provides the shared infrastructure to
the consumer and due to this, privacy issues is the
major challenge. Privacy is major concern to preserve
the sensitive information (credit card number, identity
information etc) of the consumer and if such
information can be retrieved by the unauthorized user
such following privacy issues can be occur [3].
1. Unauthorized secondary usage- It is major
challenges in the web application like- social
networking site are using a user data for advertisement.
Same as Cloud service provider are using consumer
personal information for the advertisement or junk
advertisement. Some time users do not want to reveal
his/her personal information.
2. Lack of user control- Cloud provides the storage
space to the user; users saved his/her data own cloud
and users data can be tampered by the service provider,
Which mean users loss the control on the data, theft can
be occur or users data can be misused by service
provider. Such that privacy is compromised of the data,
for preserve the privacy we use the privacy protection
3. Unclear responsibility- This is also a major problem
to the privacy, some time users are not aware that which
service provider will responsible for the privacy
policies, mechanismand privacy protection. Users must
be aware who is modifying or accessing his/her data.

Identity management provides the solution for
unauthorized secondary usage and lack of user control.
1. Identity management
Identity is an entity and an entity is a set of
unique characteristics. Entity is used for authentication
with service provider for accessing the resources.
Digital identity is like an Identity card belongs to a
particular person that is use for voting, through this
person can authenticate themselves. Managing digital
identities for human is not an easy task it raises a many
security and privacy issues. For managing the digital
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 9 number 8 Mar 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 415

identity different kinds of identity management
technique are used. Identity management identifying a
particular person on the bases of claims value (name,
email address, credit card number) and prevent the
unauthorized access of the resources. Identity
management model is based on following things.
Service provider- Service provider gives the authority
to access the resource to the authenticated user.
Identity provider- It issues the digital identity for a user
like government issues a pan card.
Entity - For whomuser are claiming.
Relying party- It is used to verify the claims value for
whomparticular user are claim. Service provider send a
request to relying party for verify the claims.
There are several solutions for IDM like isolated IDM
model, centric identity model, decentralized identity
model, federated IDM, in isolated IDM model service
are owned but it is managed by the different service
providers and each provider provides service-specific
identifier and does identity management by themselves.
These are centralized and decentralized approach
centralized approach is more significant method. In user
centric identity management, each user is assigned
several attributes of the identity management. These
attributes are identifying the authorized user.
Centralized is somewhat similar to the federated IDM.
Federated also manage the attributes and credential and
authentication and authorizes for entities in its domain.
The most widely use solution for the Federate are
SAML and Liberty Alliance Standard.

2. Different Identity Management Methods
These methods are PRIME (Privacy and identity
management for Europe), OpenID, Microsoft
2.1 PRIME (privacy and identity management for
PRIME is using a consol that is handling the service
requestors data. Console requires installation and
configuration by using the console service requestor can
manage his/her personal information and manage where
and what data should be disclosed on the service
PRIME provides the authentication by using the
anonymous credentials. Users request for the claims to
the service provider. A major limitation of PRIME is
that it requires user agents and SPs to implement the
PRIME middleware [4].
2.2 OpenID
For access many web application OpenID user need
only one username and one password. Every user has
his/her OpenID for authenticate themand use the token
to authenticate to web application.
OpenID does not need to provide sensitive information
such as user name, credit card information, email
address etc OpenID is a decentralized approach so
service provider is not need to register [4]. An end user
can freely choose the OpenID provider and if they
switch OpenID provider there user no need to provide
the credential information. OpenID is highly at risk of
phishing attacks.

2.3 Microsoft Cardspace
For identifying and verifying Window Cardspace is
used the claims value, Claims are like gender, name
etc These claims are used as digital identities to the
internet users. It is plug-in with Internet explorer 7
browser and windows XP [5]. In Cardspace digital
identity transmitted in form of security token and
security token consists of the user private information
like user name, home address, SSN number and credit
card numbers. These claims are used to prove that it is
belongs to the particular users who are claiming.
In identity management system three parties
are involves first one is Identity provider (IDP); it is
basically issues the digital identity ex- credit card
provider issues the digital identities for enabling the
payment. Second is Relying party, it provides a service
to user for provide the service to user it requires the
digital identities. Third is User or service requester, it
request for the service from the relying parties and for
whom claims are made. In Windows Cardspace,
security token is using in the formof SAML [4]. Major
limitation of the Window Cardspace is relying on single
layer authentication and second is relying on the third
party [5].


1. Xing Wu 2012; author described that centralized
IDM is facing the bottleneck problem and federated
IDM is based on the single sign on decentralized IDM
is also based on the federated IDM but decentralized
IDM using the concept of group it make the group on
the bases of their relationship if services are having a
tight relationship they make one group means they are
communicating frequently and these group are called
TC (trust context). If any incantation occurs between
TCs we create another TC in higher level until we get
TCs that meet our criterion. For creating a group it used
grouping algorithm[2].

2. Bharat Bhargav 2011; authors described about the
Windows Card space identity management technique
and other identity management technique. Windows
card space is based on the federation technique and for
security token it uses a SAML it is in the formof XML
it provide the more security. Existing Cardspace is
having two limitations, trusts on relying party and
single layer authentication. For overcome these
limitation author used the zero based knowledge
technique (ZKP). ZKP integrate with SAML token
containing the value of claim. By using the ZKP in
security token user satisfied the relying party policy but
does not disclose any credential information. But still it
depends on the Relying party and token generation and
saving is also an issue for windows Cardspace [4].

3. Pelin Angin; author described about the entity centric
approach. Entity centric approach is based on the active
bundle and anonymous identification. An active bundle
is kind of container and it consist sensitive data,
metadata, and a virtual machine (VM). Sensitive data is
a data that is protect from unauthorized access. Meta
International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) volume 9 number 8 Mar 2014
ISSN: 2231-2803 Page 416

data described the active bundle and its privacy policies
and virtual machine manage and control the program.
User can decide what and when data will be share or
disclose [6].

4. Walled A. Alrodhan; author described the limitation
of windows card space these limitations are Single layer
authentication to the identity provider and Relying on
the third party and the Proposed solution based on the
Schnorrs knowledge protocol to the Cardspace. It
described some guessing attack that can break the
Second layer authentication by guessing some claims
for this author recommend the Relying party choose the
claims that is hard to guess [7].

V. Conclusion
This paper provide the overview of the privacy in cloud
computing and the various issues of privacy and discuss
the solution for Privacy Preserving. Identity
management (IDM) method is use for deal with Privacy
issues. It gives the overview of different kind of
identity management solution and the limitation of
these methods. Among presented IDMs Microsoft
Cardspace is found to be most popular and adoptive in
industries. Cardspace is much flexible and many
researchers are keen to improve its efficiency but the
major limitation of the identity management solution is
relying on the Third party. The future work is to
improve Microsoft Cardspace and deploy it to the real
time environment.

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