INCON 19-01-2023 - Intrusion Detection System
INCON 19-01-2023 - Intrusion Detection System
INCON 19-01-2023 - Intrusion Detection System
Cloud Computing
Intrusion Detection System for
Cloud Computing
Providing security in a distributed system requires more than user authentication with
passwords or digital certificates and confidentiality in data transmission. Distributed
model of cloud makes it vulnerable and prone to sophisticated distributed intrusion
attacks like Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS) and Cross Site Scripting (XSS). To
handle large scale network access traffic and administrative control of data and
application in cloud, a new multi-threaded distributed cloud IDS model has been
proposed. Our proposed cloud IDS handles large flow of data packets, analyze them
and generate reports efficiently by integrating knowledge and behavior analysis to
detect intrusions
1. Introduction
The term cloud is analogical to “Internet”. The term cloud computing is based on
cloud drawings used in the past to represent telephone networks & later to depict
Cloud computing is internet based computing where virtual shared servers provide
software, infrastructure, platform, devices and other resources and hosting to
customer as a service on pay-as you-use basis. Figure 1.shows the concept [7]. All
the info that a digitized system has to offer is provided as a service in the cloud
computing model. Users can access these services available on the “internet cloud”
without having any previous know-how on managing the resources involved. Cloud
users do not own the physical infrastructure; rather they rent the usage from a third-
party provider. They consume resources as a service and pay only for resources that
they use. What they only need is a personal computer and internet connection.
Cloud computing has revolutionized the IT world with its services provisioning
infrastructure, less maintenance cost, data & services availability assurance, rapid
accessibility and scalability. Cloud computing has three basic abstraction layers i.e.
system layer (which is a virtual machine abstraction of a server), the platform layer (a
virtualized operating system of a server) and application layer (that includes web
applications) [1]. Hardware layer is not included as it does not directly offer to users.
Cloud computing also has three service models namely Platform as a Service
(PaaS), Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS) models.
PaaS model facilitates users by providing platform on which applications can be
developed and run. IaaS deliver services to users by maintaining large
infrastructures like hosting servers, managing networks and other resources for
clients. SaaS model makes user worry free of installing and running software
services on its own machines. Presently,, Google and Amazon are
the leading cloud service providers who extend their services for storage, application
and computation on pay as per use basis. Data, application and services non-
availability can be imposed through Denial of Service (DOS) or Distributed Denial of
Service (DDOS) attacks and both cloud service provider and users become
handicap to provide or receive cloud services [2]. For such type of attacks Intrusion
Detection System (IDS) can be emplaced as a strong defensive mechanism. IDSs
are host-based, network-based and distributed IDSs. Host based IDS (HIDS)
monitors specific host machines, network-based IDS (NIDS) identifies intrusions on
key network points and distributed IDS (DIDS) operates both on host as well as
network. IDSs produce alerts for the administrators which are based on true
positives or true alarms when actually intrusion takes place and false positive or
false alarms in case of a wrong detection by the system. IDSs can detect intrusion
patterns by critically inspecting the network packets, applying signatures (pre-defined
rules) and generating alarms for system administrators. IDS uses two method of
detection i.e. anomaly detection, that works on user behavior patterns and
suspicious behavior. Other method is misuse detection that can detect through
renowned attack patterns and matching a set of defined rules or attack against
system vulnerabilities through port scanning [3]. Since Cloud infrastructure has
enormous network traffic, the traditional IDSs are not efficient enough to handle such
a large data flow. Most known IDSs are single threaded and due to rich dataset flow,
there is a need of multi-threaded IDS in Cloud computing environment. In a
traditional network, IDS monitors, detects and alert the administrative user for
network traffic by deploying IDS on key network choke points on user site. But in
Cloud network IDS has to be placed at Cloud server site and entirely administered
and managed by the service provider. In this scenario, if an attacker manages to
penetrate and damage or steal user‟s data, the cloud user will not be notified
directly. The intrusion data would only be communicated through the service provider
and user has to rely on him. The cloud service provider may not like to inform the
user about the loss and can hide the information for the sake of his image and
repute. In such a case, a neutral third party monitoring service can ensure adequate
monitoring and alerting for cloud user. In this report, we have proposed an efficient
multi-threaded cloud IDS, administered and monitored by a third party ID monitoring
service, who can provide alert reports to cloud user and expert advice for cloud
service provider. In order to resolve the issues which traditional IDSs can not
resolve, an efficient and reliable distributed Cloud IDS model is proposed.
2. Literature Review
2.1 Analysis
In these days a single server handles the multiple requests from the user. Here the
server has to process the all the requests from the users simultaneously, so the
processing time will be high. This may leads to loss of data and packets may be
delayed and corrupted. On doing this the server cannot process the query from the
user in a proper manner. So the processing time gets increased. It may leads to
traffic and congestion. To overcome these problems we are going for the concept
called cloud computing. In this cloud computing we are going to implement the Proxy
server to avoid these problems. But in this system Data Efficiency is improved but
not the data security. Whenever we speak all about data efficiency we should speak
about data security also, because in the cloud computing wedon‟t know from which
cloud the data is coming, so in the existing system there is no system to find the data
security. The system based on the new architecture has better scalability and fault
tolerance. A cluster consists of a single server and multiple proxy servers and is
accessed by multiple clients. Proxy servers stores data on local disks and read or
write data specified by a server. The server maintains the index for all file stored in
different proxies. When a client wants to download some data, it will first send a
request to the Server and the Server then redirect the request to a corresponding
proxy that have the required data and hence the data will be sent to the client. With
the combination of Cloud and Grid computing concepts, the data request can be
efficiently serviced in a timely manner. The major part of the Project is Security, so
above mentioned phase speaks all about Cloud & Grid Technology, but not about
security. The Security implementation is achieved by two phase, namely -Behavioral
Behavior Analysis:
Knowledge Analysis:
Using an expert system, we can describe a malicious behavior with a rule. One
advantage of using this kind of intrusion detection is that we can add new rules
without modifying existing ones. Intrusion detection (ID) is a type of security
management system for computers and networks. An ID system gathers and
analyzes information from various areas within a computer or a network to identify
possible security breaches, which include both intrusions (attacks from outside the
organization) and misuse (attacks from within the organization). ID uses vulnerability
assessment (sometimes referred to as scanning), which is a technology developed
to assess the security of a computer system or network. Intrusion detection functions
Monitoring and analyzing both user and system activities
Analyzing system configurations and vulnerabilities
Assessing system and file integrity
Cloud and Grid computing are the most vulnerable targets for intruder‟s attacks due
to their distributed environment. For such environments, Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) can be used to enhance the security measures by a systematic examination of
logs, configurations and network traffic. Traditional IDSs are not suitable for cloud
environment as network based IDSs (NIDS) cannot detect encrypted node
communication, also host based IDSs (HIDS) are not able to find the hidden attack
trail. Kleber, schulter et al. [5] have proposed an IDS service at cloud middleware
layer, which has an audit system designed to cover attacks that NIDS and HIDS
cannot detect. The architecture of IDS service includes the node, service, event
auditor and storage. The node contains resources that are accessed through
middleware which defines access-control policies. The service facilitates
communication through middleware. The event auditor monitors and captures the
network data, also analyzes which rule / policy is broken. The storage holds
behavior-based (comparison of recent user actions to usual behavior) and
knowledge-based (known trails of previous attacks) databases. The audited data is
sent to IDS service core, which analyzes the data and alarm to be an intrusion. The
authors have tested their IDS prototype with the help of simulation and found its
performance satisfactory for real-time implementation in a cloud environment.
Although they have not discussed the security policies compliance check for cloud
service provider and their reporting procedures to cloud users.
Intrusion detection system plays an important role in the security and perseverance
of active defense system against intruder hostile attacks for any business and IT
organization. IDS implementation in cloud computing requires an efficient, scalable
and virtualization-based approach. In cloud computing, user data and application is
hosted on cloud service provider‟s remote servers and cloud user has a limited
control over its data and resources. In such case, the administration of IDS in cloud
becomes the responsibility of cloud provider. Although the administrator of cloud IDS
should be the user and not the provider of cloud services. In the paper [1], Roschke
and Cheng et al. have proposed an integration solution for central IDS management
that can combine and integrate various renowned IDS sensors output reports on a
single interface. The intrusion detection message exchange format (IDMEF)
standard has been used for communication between different IDS sensors. The
authors have suggested the deployment of IDS sensors on separate cloud layers like
application layer, system layer and platform layer. Alerts generated are sent to
„Event Gatherer‟ program. Event gatherer receives and convert alert messages in
IDMEF standard and stores in event data base repository with the help of Sender,
Receiver and Handler plug-ins. The analysis component analyzes complex attacks
and presents it to user through IDS management system. The authors have
proposed an effective cloud IDS management architecture, which could be
monitored and administered by the cloud user. They have provided a central IDS
management system based on different sensors using IDMEF standard for
communication and monitored by cloud user.
Confidentiality of data over cloud is one of the glaring security concerns. Encryption
of data can be done with the traditional techniques. However, encrypted data can be
secured from a malicious user but the privacy of data even from the administrator of
data at service provider‟s end could not be hidden. Searching and indexing on
encrypted data remains a point of concern in that case. Above mentioned cloud
security issues are a few and dynamicity of cloud architecture are facing new
challenges with rapid implementation of new service paradigm.
Host and network intrusion attacks on remote hypervisors are a major security
concern, as cloud vendors use virtual machine technology. DOS and DDOS attacks
are launched to deny service availability to end users.
Cloud auditing is a difficult task to check compliance of all the security policies by the
vendor. Cloud service provider has the control of sensitive user data and processes,
so an automated or third party auditing mechanism for data integrity check and
forensic analysis is needed. Privacy of data from third party auditor is another
concern of cloud security
It results into cloud user data lock-in state. If a cloud user wants to shift to other
service provider due to certain reasons it would not be able to do so, as cloud user‟s
data and application may not be compatible with other vendor‟s data storage format
or platform. Security and confidentiality of data would be in the hands of cloud
service provider and cloud user would be dependent on a single service provider.
3. Proposed Model:
3.1 Work
Cloud computing provides application and storage services on remote servers. The
clients do not have to worry about its maintenance and software or hardware up-
gradations. Cloud model works on the „concept of virtualization‟ of resources, where
a hypervisor server in cloud data center hosts a number of clients on one physical
machine. Deploying HIDS in hyper visor or host machine would allow the
administrator to monitor on that hypervisor. But with the rapid flow of high volume of
data as in cloud model, there would be issues of performance like overloading of VM
hosting IDS and dropping of data packets. Also if host is compromised by an
offending attack the HIDS employed on that host would be neutralized. In such a
scenario, a network based IDS would be more suitable for deployment in cloud like
infrastructure. NIDS would be placed outside the VM servers on bottle neck of
network points such as switch, router or gateway for network traffic monitoring to
have a global view of the system. Such NIDS would still be facing the issue of large
amount of data through network access rate in cloud environment. To handle a large
number of data packets flow in such an environment a multi-threaded IDS approach
has been proposed in this paper. The multi-threaded IDS would be able to process
large amount of data and could reduce the packet loss. After an efficient processing
the proposed IDS would pass the monitored alerts to a third party monitoring service,
who would in turn directly inform the cloud user about their system under attack. The
third party monitoring service would also provide expert advice to cloud service
provider for mis-configurations and intrusion loop holes in the system. Figure 2,
shows the proposed IDS model [6]. The cloud user accesses its data on remote
servers at service provider‟s site over the cloud network. User requests and actions
are monitored and logged through a multi-threaded NIDS. The alert logs are readily
communicated to cloud user with an expert advice for cloud service provider.
The analysis and process module receives data packets from the shared queue and
Each process in a shared queue can have multiple threads which work in a
collaborative fashion to improve the system performance. The main process will
receive TCP, IP, UDP and ICMP packets and multiple threads would concurrently
process and match those packets against pre-defined set of rules.
Through an efficient matching and analysis the bad packets would be identified and
alerts generated.
Reporting module would read the alerts from shared queue and prepares alert
reports. The third party monitoring and advisory service having experience and
resources would immediately generate a report for cloud user‟s information and
sends a comprehensive expert advisory report for cloud service provider. Figure 3
depicts the flow chart of proposed mufti-threaded Cloud IDS .
Figure 3. Flow Chart of Multi-Threaded Cloud IDS Model
1.High volume of data in cloud environment could be handled by a single node IDS
through a multi-threaded approach.
3. In a host based IDS (HIDS) scenario, if host becomes the victim of offending
attacker and controlled by the intruder, HIDS on that host would be compromised. In
such a case the attacker would not allow HIDS to send alerts to administrator and
could play havoc with the data and applications. For better visibility and resistance,
network IDS (NIDS) has been proposed for cloud infrastructure.
4. A third party monitoring and advisory service has been proposed, who has both
experience and resources to observe/ handle intrusion data and generate reports for
cloud user as well as advisory reports for cloud service provider.
5. Being at a central point, proposed Cloud IDS would be capable to carry out
concurrent processing of data analysis, which is an efficient approach.
For Cloud computing, enormous network access rate, relinquishing the control of
data & applications to service provider and distributed attacks vulnerability, an
efficient, reliable and information transparent IDS is required. In this report, a multi-
threaded cloud IDS model is proposed which can be administered by a third party
monitoring service for a better optimized efficiency and transparency for the cloud
The making of the paper needed co-operation and guidance of a number of people.
We therefore consider it our prime duty to thank all those who had helped us for
making it successful. It is our immense pleasure to express our gratitude to Dr. A. D.
Gawande (head of department- Computer Science and Engineering) as a guide who
provided us constructive and positive feedback during the preparation of this paper.
Last but not least, We are thankful to our friends and library staff members whose
encouragement and suggestion helped us to complete our seminar. We are also
thankful to our parents.
[2] Chi-Chun Lo, Chun-Chieh Huang, Joy Ku, “A Cooperative Intrusion Detection
System Framework for Cloud Computing Networks", 39th International Conference
on Parallel Processing Workshops, 2010.
[4] Richard Chow, Philippe Golle, Markus Jakobsson, “Controlling Data in the Cloud:
Outsourcing Computation without Outsourcing Control”, ACM Computer and
Communications Security Workshop, CCSW 09, November 13, 2009.
[5] Kleber, schulter, “Intrusion Detection for Grid and Cloud Computing”, IEEE
Journal: IT Professional, 19 July 2010.