The document provides information about applying for APICS student membership, including five ways to apply (online, email, fax, mail, or phone) and the benefits of membership such as access to publications and discounts. It also lists the requirements to qualify for student membership and includes a multi-page application form requesting information such as contact details, academic program, and preferred APICS chapter for local involvement opportunities.
The document provides information about applying for APICS student membership, including five ways to apply (online, email, fax, mail, or phone) and the benefits of membership such as access to publications and discounts. It also lists the requirements to qualify for student membership and includes a multi-page application form requesting information such as contact details, academic program, and preferred APICS chapter for local involvement opportunities.
The document provides information about applying for APICS student membership, including five ways to apply (online, email, fax, mail, or phone) and the benefits of membership such as access to publications and discounts. It also lists the requirements to qualify for student membership and includes a multi-page application form requesting information such as contact details, academic program, and preferred APICS chapter for local involvement opportunities.
The document provides information about applying for APICS student membership, including five ways to apply (online, email, fax, mail, or phone) and the benefits of membership such as access to publications and discounts. It also lists the requirements to qualify for student membership and includes a multi-page application form requesting information such as contact details, academic program, and preferred APICS chapter for local involvement opportunities.
ONLINE: Visit E-MAIL: Fill out this application, scan and send to [email protected]. FAX: Send both sides of completed application to + 1 (773) 639-3011 with your credit card payment information. MAIL: Return completed application with your payment to APICS, PO. Box 4050, Carol Stream, IL 60197-4050. PHONE: Call APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or +1 (773) 867-1777, M-F 8:00 a.m.5:00 p.m. CT. Have your credit card ready. APICS Student Membership Benefits: Exclusive access to content on the APICS Web site and publications such as electronic APICS magazine online, electronic APICS Dictionary, electronic APICS OMBOK, newsletters and more. Members-only savings on APICS educational events, certification review courses, testing fees and other training aids. Local affiliation with an APICS Student Chapter. Campaign Code: 10STUDENTWEB APICS Student Membership Requirements: Membership is only available to those enrolled as a full-time student (according to your educational institution's policy) at an accredited college or university. STEP 1: Member Information (Please print or type) PREVIOUS APICS CUSTOMER/MEMBER ID NUMBER (IF KNOWN) Please print your legal name and address as they should appear on a mailing label. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss CPIM CSCP FIRST NAME MIDDLE INITIAL LAST NAME Please check your preferred mailing address. School Housing Home School Housing (Temporary) NAME OF SCHOOL (REQUIRED) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP + 4/POSTAL CODE COUNTRY BUSINESS PHONE BUSINESS FAX SCHOOL PHONE E-MAIL EXPECTED GRADUATION DATE: MONTH YEAR Home (Permanent) ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP + 4/POSTAL CODE COUNTRY HOME PHONE E-MAIL The following information is requested for identification purposes only. Female Male Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) Who may we thank for referring your APICS membership? REFERRING MEMBER'S NAME REFERRING MEMBER'S E-MAIL REFERRING MEMBER'S PHONE REFERRING MEMBER'S APICS ID NUMBER Commercial Third-Party Mailing List Exclusion Policy On occasion, APICS may provide limited contact information to third parties that offer programs, products, and services that our members may nd of interest. The contact information includes name, job title, company, and preferred address, but does not include phone, fax, or e-mail address. Exclude me from commercial third-party mailing lists. Please continue application on the back side. Stock 82003-1, 2/10 Campaign Code: 10STUDENTWEB STEP 3: Member Profile What is your current academic concentration? (Check all that apply.) a. Accounting/Finance d. Production/Operations Management g. Marketing b. Business Administration e. Management h. Integrated Supply c. Engineering f. Materials Management Management i. Information Systems What is your current degree objective? (Check one only.) a. AA c. MA/MS e. Doctorate b. BA/BS d. MBA f. Other Why are you joining APICS? (Check all that apply.) a. Networking d. Recommended by professor/ g. APICS publications/magazine b. Career enhancement/ fellow student h. Other professional development e. Certification c. Education f. Leadership opportunities Membership Involvement (Check all that apply.) Please indicate the chapter activity in which you would like to participate. a. Education d. Membership g. Trea sur er b. Publicity e. Em ploy ment h. Sec re tary c. Programs f. Sem i nars i. News let ter STEP 2: Membership Dues STudEnT CHAPTEr AffILIATIon APICS supports operations management education by sponsoring affiliate student chapters on nearly 200 university and college campuses across North America. If your university or college is not listed on the chapter locator page of the application, you may join as a student member at large. Please place me in the Chapter. (See Chapter Locator on the following page.) AnnuAL duES Application will be processed upon full payment. Your dues are for one year of membership. Association dues $ 25.00 PAyMEnT (U.S. dollars only. Purchase orders are not accepted.) Money Order Check Check # Check amount (Checks must be made payable to APICS and drawn on a U.S. bank.) Charge to: MC VISA AmEx Discover ACCOUNT NUMBER EXPIRATION DATE NAME AS IT APPEARS ON CARD SIGNATURE
Student members enjoy the benefits of APICS member- ship (with the exception of voting privileges). Student member is a conditional membership category for individuals currently registered as a full-time student (according to your educational instution's policy) at an accredited college or university. Individuals renewing or applying for student membership must submit a current course curriculum/schedule by including it with your application or have your professor verify your student status. Schedules must be provided by the registrar with name of institution, name of student, and date including the year. In order for a professor to verify your status, they must provide the following information: Signature: Printed name: Contact phone number: Date: In addition to your verfication of student status (course curriculum/schedule or professor's signature) the follow- ing information must be provided: University/College Name (please no abbreviations): Expected Date of Graduation: APICS CHAPTEr LoCATor APICS has a network of nearly 200 chapters across North America. Chapter names are listed below. To join the chapter nearest you, indicate your selection on page 2 of this application. If you are not certain about which chapter to join, please contact APICS Customer Support at (800) 444-2742 or (773) 867-1777 or e-mail [email protected]. (Chapters and chapter locations are subject to change without notice.) Student Chapters Alabama Alabama A&M (S114) Athens State College (S229) Auburn Univ. (S001) University of Alabama (S324) Arkansas Arkansas State Univ. (S074) Henderson State Univ. (S306) Arizona Arizona State Univ. (S033) Devry Inst. of TechPhoenix (S134) Univ. of Arizona (S155) California California (Univ. of)San Bern (S139) California Poly StateSan Luis (S019) California State PolyPomona (S096) California State Univ.Chico (S203) California State Univ.Dom Hill (S016) California State Univ.East Bay (S208) California State Univ.Fresno (S244) California State Univ.Fullerton (S127) California State Univ. - East Bay (S208) California State Univ.Long Bch (S076) California State Univ.Northrdg (S008) California State Univ.Stanislaus (S108) Golden Gate Univ. (S325) Pepperdine Univ. (S247) San Diego State Univ. (S002) San Jose State Univ. (S055) CANADA British Columbia British Columbia Inst. of Tech (S081) Univ. of British Columbia (S252) Montreal Concordia University (S320) Ontario Algonquin College (S090) Centennial College (S103) Conestoga College (S054) Confederation College (S236) Durham College (S091) Humber College (S309) Mohawk College (S162) Seneca College (S307) Sir Sandford Fleming College (S041) St. Clair College (S266) York University (S313) Quebec Ecole Polytechnic (S243) Hautes Etudes Commerciales (S106) Laval Universite (S136) Universite Du Quebec a Trois (S253) Toronto Univ. of Toronto-Rotman (S322) Colorado Colorado State Univ. (S073) Delaware Univ. of Delaware (S029) Florida Central Florida Univ. (S014) Univ. of South Florida (S015) Georgia DeVry Institute of TechDecatur (S133) Georgia Tech (S216) Gwinnett Technical Institute (S202) Univ. of Georgia (S024) Idaho Boise State Univ. (S223) Brigham Young Univ. (S321) Illinois DeVry Inst of TechAshland (S168) Governors State Univ. (S220) Illinois (Univ. of) (S095) Northeastern Illinois Univ. (S191) Northern Illinois Univ. (S017) Southern Illinois Univ. (S020) Indiana Ball State Univ. (S152) Indiana State Univ. (S312) Indiana Univ.Bloomington (S129) Purdue Univ. (S150) Southern Indiana (Univ.) (S169) Univ. of Indianapolis (S329) Iowa Iowa State Univ. (S164) Univ. of Iowa (S069) Kansas Wichita State Univ. (S232) Kentucky Eastern Kentucky Univ. (S143) Kentucky (Univ. of) (S112) Maryland Frostburg State College (S089) Towson State Univ. (S038) Massachusetts Assumption College (S071) Boston Univ. (S059) Lowell Univ. (S060) MIT Sloan School (S176) Massachusetts (Univ.) (S064) Merrimack College (S021) Salem State College (S197) Western New England College (S092) MEXICO TESMCampus Queretaro (S205) ITESMCEM Mexico City (S248) ITESMCampus Morelia (S316) ITESMSan Luis Potosi (S251) Inst. Tecnologico de Chihuahua (S319) Inst. Tecnologico de Juarez (S246) Inst. Tecnologico de Queretaro (S323) Tec de Monterrey Chihuahua (S262) Tec de MonterreyJuarez (S263) Universidad Auto de Cd. Juarez (S245) Universidad de Guadalajara (S311) Universidad Delas Americas (S250) Universidad La Salle (S185) UnitecUniver Tech de Mexico (S249) Michigan Central Michigan Univ. (S032) Davenport Univ. (S300) Eastern Michigan Univ. (S039) Ferris State Univ. (S151) Grand Valley State Univ. (S254) ITT Tech. Inst.Grand Rapids (S328) Lawrence Inst. of Tech (S037) Oakland Univ. (S122) Wayne State Univ. (S031) Western Michigan Univ. (S141) Minnesota St. Cloud State Univ. (S200) Univ. of St Thomas (S221) Mississippi Jackson State Univ. (S125) Missouri Southeast Missouri State Univ. (S237) Missouri State Univ. (S124) New Hampshire Univ. of New Hampshire (S182) New Jersey Rutgers Univ. (S210) New Mexico New Mexico State Univ. (S131) New York Canisius College (S187) Clarkson University (S330) St. Johns Univ. (S212) State Univ. NYBuffalo (S186) State Univ. NYFarmingdale (S222) State Univ. NYGeneseo (S231) Syracuse Univ. (S137) North Carolina Appalachian State Univ. (S331) Duke Univ. (S084) Lenoir-Rhyne College (S264) NC State Univ.Raleigh (S241) Univ. NCChapel Hill (S063) Univ. NCCharlotte (S083) Univ. NCGreensboro (S046) Univ. NCWilmington (S209) Wake Forest Univ. (S080) Ohio Ashland Univ. (S218) Bowling Green State (S018) Case Western Reserve Univ. (S301) Cleveland State Univ. (S183) Kent State Univ. (S116) Miami Univ. (Ohio) (S012) Ohio State Univ. (S006) Univ. of Akron (S023) Univ. of Cincinnati (S109) Univ. of Dayton (S138) University of Findlay (S302) Univ. of Toledo (S171) Wright State Univ. (S204) Oklahoma Univ. of Central Oklahoma (S153) Oregon Oregon State Univ. (S149) Portland State Univ. (S120) Southern Oregon State (S167) Pennsylvania Drexel Univ. (S193) Duquesne Univ. (S305) Messiah College (S199) Penn State Univ. Park (S326) Robert Morris Univ. (S009) Shippensburg Univ. (S225) Slippery Rock State Univ. (S238) Univ. of Pittsburgh (S226) Univ. of Scranton (S079) Villanova Univ. (S110) Widener Univ. (S105) Puerto Rico Bayamon Tech. Univ. (S194) BUAP (S317) Univ. Popular Autonoma (S314) Univ. of Puerto RicoMayaguez (S075) Univ. of Puerto RicoRio Piedras (S154) Univ. of Turabo (S219) Rhode Island Bryant College (S117) Johnson & Wales Univ. (S310) South Carolina Clemson Univ. (S051) Lander College (S163) Univ. of South Carolina (S147) Tennessee East Tennessee State Univ. (S085) Memphis State Univ. (S179) Tennessee Tech Univ. (S174) Univ. of Tenn (S265) Univ. of TennMartin (S211) Texas DeVry Univ. (S315) Texas A&M Univ. (S048) Univ. of Houston (S030) Univ. of North Texas (S010) Univ. of TexasArlington (S065) Univ. of TexasAustin (S142) Univ. of TexasDallas (S308) Univ. of TexasEl Paso (S228) Univ. of TexasSan Antonio (S214) Utah Utah State Univ. (S128) Virginia James Madison Univ. (S157) Norfolk State Univ. (S233) VPI & State Univ. (S062) Washington Seattle Univ. (S234) Western Washington Univ. (S184) Wisconsin Carroll College (S318) Gateway Technical In (S027) Lakeshore Technical (S036) Marquette Univ. (S068) N.E. Wisconsin Tech College (S261) Univ. of WisconsinEau Claire (S107) Univ. of WisconsinMadison (S035) Univ. of WisconsinMilwaukee (S242) Univ. of WisconsinOshkosh (S003) Univ. of WisconsinStout (S113) Univ. of WisconsinWhitewater (S011)